Tales from the Ravenverse's Lib' I : "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" (MF/FM)

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Chloe Badelaine
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Tales from the Ravenverse's Lib' I : "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" (MF/FM)

Post by Chloe Badelaine »

Hello les amis !
New story coming up here, this time it's not entirely my creation, it comes frop a nice rp with a nice member of the board. He'll introduce himself by himself i hope. I call him M'sieur Cody.

This one presents an alternate Chloé, from an Alternate Universe we decided to call the Ravenverse. It has a Super Heroes flavour in wich we tried to mix our different interests, hope you'll like it.
As always comments welcome, do not hesitate to bring out any typo or english mistakes you'll spot and i will edit.

Des bisous and "En avant la lecture !" Or as Chloé from the Ravenverse would say speaking of M'sieur Cody : "Send in the Clown !"

Another day at Raven's new hideout, it had been sometime since she had moved out of the Titans tower to do some work of her own before heading back. In the mean time she offered a placement for two young people, me, Cody a young spark character who possess the same power as raven but no where near the same level and Chloe, a youg french ibrarian that has sometimes been of some help has some very limited magic abilities and can learn very quickly.

Raven had gone out for the time being to go meet up with one of her Titans friends and left both of her protégés alone. Cody had managed his way down the stairs from the meditating room and opened he door to the library
-"hey Chloe, what's up ?" he asked as he began to tred boot into the library

A slightly french accented quiet voice came back from the Lib's core
-" Bonjour m'sieur Cody, nothing really new, just working on some stuff i've been asked by mister Gray... Heuu some stuff i've been asked to research on ..."
As Cody entered the soft lighted library, he smiled as he heard the music playing softly and as he smelt the permanent hot chocolate and cookies perfume that permeated the room since Chloé moved in. Raven was quite annoyed, always saying that a mystic library is better if mystic incense is to burn, but Chloé did not care cause mystinc incense often stinked and she thwarted all of Raven's tries to have it her way. But to show some respect to her mentor/friend, she managed to have chocolate and cookies perpetual mystic incense made, even if she never told how, so both of them were pleased and she nestled down. Cody loved that smell, and was somehow quite fond of the new tenant of the Lib' as she called it, and he was now strangely compelled to come and visit the library that was once a little bit gloomy. Chloé has had Rraven replace all the candles with led ones after lecturing her on how flames and old parchments did not get along that well. She even added some comics and movie posters and turned the place into her Queendom as she even called it sometimes, often when Cody was messing around or Raven trying to impose something, she never seemed to leave it, in fact Cody could not remember a time where he found the Lib' empty.
As he came in he saw the librarian, sitting cross legged on the couch she ordered Raven to install and that serves as her desk, and bed, and lunch table... Even if, the Lib' being bigger in the inside than in the oustside, had some sort of bedroom installed for her somewhere.

Cody got round to the couch and stood in front the librarian. Pausing for a while to look at her. She was typing on her laptop, as often she was dressed in a high collared long sleeved black t shirt, this one said Machiavelli, in Metallica's fonts, she wore it tuked into short red denim shorts showing all of her thick black opaque tights covered legs. She had on thigh high red woollen socks the ones with some coloured rings on top, one was neatly pulled up almost to her shorts and the other slouched loosely about knee high. On her lap rested her doll plushie that she called Miss CoRa. As usualhe was wearing no shoes as, she even made that into a rule « NO SHOES IN THE LIBRARY ». Raven and Cody always complained about that rule but she was unflexible. Even when one's pointed that she allowed eating and loud talking and even sometimes touching to the books, scrolls, parchments or tablets that were laying around. Raven and Cody finally gave up and let her do what she wanted.

-"Yeah that sounds cool, oh and Raven managed to teach me this" said he as he started to channel his energy and began to float just enough for his boots to come off the library floor "what do you think ?"
She smiled without looking up from her laptop's screen...
-"With great power... It's neat ! Maybe the useful trick she ever taught you, all set up to get along toe to toe with M'sieur Constantine and Miss Zatanna ! Bravo" she said with a wink, before adding
-"So, may i be of any help ?"
-"Yeah I knowriigghaa" the power begins to lose its cool as Cody began to lose control of his emotions by getting to excited, he fell to the ground and scuffed the floor with his boots
-"Oow.. Okay I need to be more careful wjth my emotions and mind.. Raven does it so easily"
he said lookin' up at the librarian. she lifted her head from her laptop and with a soft and concerned smile asked "Are you okay ?
In a serious tone added
-"Yeah maybe you should stick working on that Cookie Conjuring Spell besides, as much as i love Rara, it's good to have someone around who can express it's... Heeu his feelings"

He got back up and stood in his own black boots, black over the knee socks, purple blue cargo shorts and its latex long sleeved t-hirt with a shimmer of blue, like Raven's. The latex sleeves reached the palm of his hands and looped around the thumb making sure not to cover his hands entirely.
-"Yeah I'm fine and oh.. You meant this one" he said as he spawned a cookie from his magic matter and pushed it into Chloé's mouth, almost as if heI was trying to silence her cheekily. "Anyways, about this new rule for the library, is there a reason why your not wearing the uniformed boots?" he asked looking at her wriggling red socked toes
-"My Queendom, My rules" shei said after swallowing the cookie. "Hey that one was delicious, bravo ! You used my recipe didn't you ? And more seriously i think that we are more connected with the magic energy if it had not to pass through soles, and frankly i find them super ugly, but please don't tell Rara and stick to the mystical explaination. Do you think you can conjure us a nice mug of hot chocolate ? Pleeeeaaaase ?"
-"Uuughh fine, comme vous voudrez, and fine also to the hot chocolate as well" he said while practicing materiialisation of the he mug while pulling off the boots Raven gave them, his black socked feet were pulled out of them and he placed them aside.

-"You got any new books with unique spells in them for me?" he asked as he jumped onto the couch and gave the Mystical Mug of Perfect Temperature to the red haired librarian. 
-"Merci Monseigneur "says her, grabbing the mug and making some room so he could sit comfortably
-"Are you looking for something special ?" shegrabed a piece of paper, "Let's see, i got some conjuring, some protective spells, this one allows you to tell the colour of Batman's undies, uurgh some necromantic seals... Please yourself !" and she handed him the paper.
He sat on his knees having his feet behind him and he looked through the list hoping to find something new
-"Hmm as much as I want to know what Batman wears, I kinda like this one" he showed Chloé the spell as he could not read the scripting "I 'm not quite sure, but it looks like extra appendages and something to do with mystical ribbons and knots ?" he asked.
-"Hmmm, looks like a confinment or restraining spell, but i cannot tell for who or what it is designed, the trucuture is odd, the language in a mix of latin, enochian and lesser demonic... Weird. If your're gonna try it do it outside please."
-"Whaaat!? No no no Im not going to do anything crazy, I just want to know how to cast it and then I can use it to keep bad guys in place once we are done beating them up » he said as he leaned over at the librarian whie still kneeling on the couch.
-"Hmmm well okay, i should try a translation and an adaptation to make it easier for you to cast... Wonder what Rara would say about it...
He stood up in front of Chloé and did an impression of Raven
-"*Sigh* You shouldn't do that or I'll take you to the darkness regions of the blah blah blah... "Okay your translated it yet ?"

-"Nope was to busy looking at you clowning, lemme see... nyah nyah... This and that... Okay that should work, looks like "The Blue Ribbon of Immovability ». There, transcripted all for you, check the printer"

-"Huh blue ribbon... Almost like Ravens outfit" he said as he grabed the new spell
-« Raven's outfit ? Really ? Looks like someone has a crush here ! » she said gleefully, but Cody was ignoring her and more, he was ignoring the rule of going outside and ended up casting it in here "subdii enice entrunce tiguh" he muttered as the librarian looked ahead to see ribbons and Cody's Raven's like aura appear around him.

Last edited by Chloe Badelaine 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Oooh...Raven’s in trouble...
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Chloe Badelaine »

Only Trigon and time will tell...
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
Deleted User 316

Post by Deleted User 316 »

Oooh I wonder how raven will play into this. I'm liking this so far, I guess in the next part there will be some action :) :) can't wait, keep up the good work
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Post by Xtc »

[mention]Chloe Badelaine[/mention] Good luck with the new colab. I like the humour in your writing.

Please tag the story asap. Thanks,
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Post by Chloe Badelaine »

La suite

- "Hey ! Nononononono ! Merde Cody !" Yelled the librarian as she started drawing a protective circle aroud her as quick as she could.
- "Fichtre Cody..."
- "Wow wow relax... I have control of it... The paper even says this is a level 0 spell, no need to be fully in control of my emotions" he said as he walked over and tried to move the ribbon tentacles around, making them grab books and what not.

- "Hey its fine no need to be hiding in a bubble... In fact I have an idea" he said excitedly.

- "I don't like having you as a freaky ribbon legged spider floating around my books get out ! Go wreck Cyborg's lab" she yelled at him from the inside of her protetive bubble.

- "I'd have to travel too far to go wreck Cyborg's lab... Look okay they are going away" Cody said as he managed to retract the ribbons and aura back into his back
- "Okay we good now" he said as he sat on the floor and put his boots back on

- "I could open a teleportation gate for you i even designed an app fot this, now don't go moving books like that again ! Now out you go ! »Chloé said waving to the door.

- "Look I have an idea... Your have a lot and I mean aaaaaa lot of knowledge of Raven and I. What if someone captures you, you got to be ready to get out of any situation... It's something Raven would be proud of" he said with an impish grin, knowing that in the end, this argument might get Chloé to agree with it.
She frowned and said "Well okay but you perfectly know that, to get me, one's have to get through the magical defenses Rara an i set up here, in the house and in the Lib'... Sooo what exactely is your point ?"

- "Okay but what if you once are out in the streets, or running an errand and someone gets you, we both need to learn, I need to learn how to restrain bad guys properly and you need to learn how to escape restraints if you'd ever get captured or kidnapped" he said proposing his plan.

- « Well, maybe you noticed that i seldom leave the Lib' but let's pretend i'm ok with your plan, what do you have in mind ? » she asked

- "I'll try and tie you up with the spell and do my best to make sure you can't get out and you have to find a way to get out... And if Raven sees us, well, we can just say it's a training, after all it is training" he told Chloé with confidence

- "That's mostly look like you are tryings to trick me into some of your little bondage session... But... I kinda like it in fact » she said softly and blushing, « And... All right if it's for your training's sake"

- "Little bondage sessions... I've never done such a thing" he replied. I wait for you to explain when I've done it before and to remove the protective bubble ! »
Chloe smiled and blushed even more typing on her laptop « I've access to all your internet browsing you know... Rara asked me to monitor your show off social networking... Well i'll realease the protection spell how do you want me ? »
- "Hey... You shouldn't be looking at that... Also I haven't done anything to you to trick you... Also when you release the spell just be lying on your front okay"

Chloé dispelled the protective bubble and laid flat on the couch
- "I'm ready... kinda..."

"- Good hehe" Cody giggled as the extra arms appeared out of his back quickly, what you didn't know was I never disarmed the spell », he said grabing her by her socked ankles and then begining to tie them tightly with the ribbon, he did the same with her arms now pulled behind herr back. Next her thick nylon thighs and knees were bound together with the ribbons, the aura goes of to another room to find some more material. Meanwhile her arms behind are back are fully boud with the blue ribbon

He looked at her in this position and it looks tight and hot., he continued binding her arms to her ankles pulling Chloé into a strict hogtie
-"Okay... I lied, I just wanted to tie you up... And this is for having the silly rule about the boots" he said excitedly.

- "Hey Cody what are you doing... Don't you dare putting your slimy tentacles into my room ! Hoo you are so much in trouble when i'll tell RavHMMMMPHMMMPH ! "
But suddenly a pair of her worn socks were shoved into her mouth and layers of ribbon wraped around her mouth and head, leaving only hereyes and bits of her hair sticking out


Cody giggled, he couldn't believe it, he managed to finally get the librarian fully tied up and gagged and almost hooded with this spell "Hehe okay well I now how to restrain but you won't know how to get out. This is almost impossible" he said as he get twoof his bandages to wrap around her socked sole feet and begin to drag her off of the couch as he walked away Chloé following behind him, being dragged along.
She struggled as much as she could moaning loudly in her gag...

The only things left in the Library were the books and the mugs of cocoa. Cody has dragged Chloé all the way to her room and he placed her on her bed.
-"Okay well now that you are fully restrained time to find out what you like" He said as he then sat next to her and picked up her diary, which had a lock on untill he used a spell to break it

- "Aahh let's see..."

TBC / A suivre...
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

Another good part.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Indeed! Nice Idea and well written!
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Chloe Badelaine
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Post by Chloe Badelaine »

The next Chapter

Cody smiled as he read through the pages of Chloé's diary
- "Oh... You impliedd I was a perv... You have more fetishes in here than my history.. Or not... Either way" he said as I as he opened Chloé's drawers with his aura and brought a pile of tights and long socks to him and next to his captive.
- "Alrighty, this is going to be fun" He then began to pull more long socks over her yet socked feet, just after untying her hogtie. Chloé thrashed and squirmed but the ribbons held her tight
- "What do ou think you are doing Cody ! " but it only came out as a soft hmmmmphmmmmm

He looked at her angry eyes as she struggled in her bonds, enjoying every moment of her legs being slowly encased in these nice long thick socks. He then looked at her body, appreciating how nice and snug the ribbons looked on her as she was all trussed up "Wonder what torture and teases do you like while tied up ? But okay then.. This will do nicely... You were so easy to trick though Chloe, you need to be on the guard more otherwise Raven's stuff will be lost to any bad guys" he said as the long socks finally stop just at her thighs.
- "I think we need more" he said as more of the aura pulled another long sock and started encasing both of her bound arms together

Chloé twisted and shaked and squirmed in anger yelling things that he could not understand thanks to her being gagged, she watched in horror as he rummaged through her impressive collection of tights and socks
- "Aww these are so cute, I can see why Raven also brought you along, your are incredibly smart talented and cute"

It is then once the last sock covered her arms up to her shoulders that he pulled out another one and placed it near Chloé's head "Want a scented hood?" he asked teasingly as he came closer and caressed her nylon bound thighs.
Chloé tried to kill him with a stare but all she could do was buck defiantly at her bonds looking straight to his wicked soul...

- "Hooo no not that stare today" he said as the sock caressed her face and was pulled down, down and down over her head leaving a lovely outline of her face inside as it now covered her head.

He sat closer to his prisoner and rubbed his face on her sock encased feet and legs "Mmm this does feel nice" he spoke in a whisper, as all she managed to do, was to rub her feet against his face as she was trying to kick him as she felt him playing with her legs

Oh mon dieu, i have to think... Think Chloé ma fille.
An then it hit her... « Mais bien sur i should have thought of that before. »
She closed her eyes under the sock covering her face, trying to focus and forget the shamefully lovely sensation she almost drowned into, breathing slowly relaxing her body but sharpening her mind into a sharp spirit blade... « Ha ha ! Mind swap he'll never see THAT coming ! »
She focused and pushed her mind easily infiltrting Cody's defences cause he was too much focused on tormenting her, and with a last mental push... she entered his mind gaining control of his body while she trapped him in hers...Et voila ! (This trick does not violated the mind it just allow to control the other's's body functions and give access only to superficial neural fonctions like revoking spell, but maybe he'd be able to feel the anger mixed with the fear and the pleasure that ovverrided her as his unwilling captive)

- "Hee this is so mhphm.... HMHMHHPHMUM" He was so happy with the spells he have learnt and the secrets that he stole from Chloé's diary that he didn't realise she could be trying a trick of he own. What he didn't expect next was to feel all the ribbons on him and the socks and tights... But wait Chloé didn't escape... he was now trapped in Chloé's body "MHMHPHMHMHMH ! "
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
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"Ok let's see now what a mess in there, should come back once and explore a bit... Ha here is the spell, let's reverse it..."
In a pinch Chloé pronounced the dispell formula through Cody's mouth and rushed back into her own body leaving a little surprise for him...
Fichtre hope he did not notice the wetspot between my thighs... Though
A violent psychic blast and all is back to normal... Almost.
The ribbon realeased Chloé but not the socks Cody has encased her in. "Merde i forgot that when i planted the superficial compulsion to recast the spell on himself when he'll be back in his own body... Fichtre should have put a delay on that...
I'll be stuck in socks and he'll be tied up in his own ribbons...
Bad move Chloé..."

"Mhph h.... Wah... Oh back I'm miiiehehe" He was then pushed hard by his own ribbons and then suddenly realised that he was tightly wrapped into a hogtie on the floor
-"What the hell... What's going on... Chloé.... Are you still stuck ?" he asked as he wriggled in his ribbon bonds on the floor unable to see Chloé up on her bed

The socks in the librarian's mouth and the one covering her face prevented her for answering him, all he got was a grunt and some infuriated hmphing as she struggled in her socky bondage...

- "Chloé... Is the socks still binding you... Of course they are... Well I guess we might be stuff untill you either do whatever it was you did to put us into this or we wait for Raven to come back" Cody said struggling against his ribboned bindings

Of course they are, i found a spell to magically reinforce them... They will not give and i can't rip them... Cody when will you start listening ? I told you, but nooo Mister knows it all better than Chloé the stupid bookworm with no flashing powers !
With a sigh she stopped struggling, they were stuck as long as someone discovers us... And that someone would be Raven... They were not done hearing about that...

Soon enough they heard a door creak open... It was the main door
- "Oh no oh... Wait is there anything we can do, the ribbons stop my casting anymore spells and you stuck in your own socky encasement... Raven will kill us if she sees us" Cody said to Chloé. She let out an angry and desperated Hmmmmphmm and shrugged in her bonds, waiting for the worse to come.

The bedroom door opened and the two captives could see the saggy purple dark blue boot enter as Raven leaned in "Chloé, Cody are you guys in here ?.... Oh... There you are..." Her voice dropped and went groany as she saw her apprentices bound in the spell and the enchanted socks...
Oops, voice groanier than ever now she is mad.
Chloé whimpered into her gag and shivered in her bonds.

Raven walked into the room and put her hand into her face and then pullled her face down while pinching between her eyes "Well... I guess I need to sort the both of you out" she then used her aura and picked us both the captives up and ttook them out of the room.

- "Hey... Raven, it's fine don't worry, this isn't as bad as you think okay" Cody tried and see if he could get them out of trouble by talking to her
Once again,Chloé shivered into her socky prison and moaned softly through the gag.
"Mon dieu, she's going to ban us into the hellish dimension and feed our souls to Trigon. Cody i hate you !"

Raven ignored him the entire trip and as they entered her room, she placed her packages on the carpet and casted a spell around them
- "Raven please, look we learned our lesson okay please don't do anything to harsh".

She then chanted her words
Azarath Metrion Zinthos !

TBC / Bientôt la suite...
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
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Post by Chloe Badelaine »

What happeneds next, Chloé and Cody didn't expect. They were lifted and hovered within the invocative circle and then their bonds were removed.
"Ouf ! Merci Rara." said Chloé, moving her aching jaw and trying to regain some dignity and to show a brave face.

- "Oh... What.. You thought I was done with the pair of you... Cody you used magic that... I told you not to touch... And chloe, you told him how to do it" she smirked at first as she tricked them a little, thinking they were getting off free. Her voice got groanier and then she started to move her hands again "I know you two ended up fighting otherwise you both wouldn't have been tied up.. So now to make sure you too get along better" she said getting ready to do something.

- "What ?"  Chloé said, eyes growing wide. « Wait Miss Raven... Please, what are you going to do ? We've been punished enough, i promise i'll never again thread with unathorized magic. Please ! Cody did not think doing wrong he said it was for my training and i guess he was right... Somehow... »
She looked at him silently begging for help with that...

- "Yeah like she said it was for training"

- "Silence the pair of you !" she scowled as her hair stood on ends and her eyes went black for that one second.

Soon enough a flash of light filled the room and Chloé and Cody bost lost consciousness. When Cody came back to consciousness he tried to move his arms. He was unable to, Ihe even tried to ask for Chloé or Raven "chlmhp... Mmpahvon" He realised his mouth was muffled as well. he could also feel another body against him, one that felt familiar in softness...
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
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Post by Chloe Badelaine »

And then, the lightness became a little bit more bareable, Cody's arms were at Chloé's waist and vice versa,as were his his legs.
Their wrists and hands have been encased in socks and ribboned together. Along with their feet and legs as well. They tried to move away from each other but their waists were ribboned together as well.
Cody tried to talk again but it seemed like something tasting really sweat was caught in his mouth, he then tried to lick it and felt a sock texture as Chloé's red socks were in his mouth and his were in hers. Their mouths have been ribboned shut as well

« Ho mon dieu ! This is so embrassing ! She tied us up and we are stuck together. Fichtre i can't even move my fingers, what di she do ? She encased our arms in socks ? Lovely... Geez is this Cody's thigh i feel rubbing against my crotch ? Merde, mine must be rubbig against him too. Quelle Peste ! She really was wicked on us this time...
OMG ! Hope my tights will keep Cody feeling that wetness i feel. I hate this situation but in the same time i feel that... Exciting. Geez hope he will not notice. » Chloé thought.

Cody too was trying to hide some embrassement from her and he looked around trying to find out where raven had gone, they were still in her room and still on her rug.

They heared a door open and she came back in, wearing the same outfit, she had justs removed her boots "Well I see you two are now comfortable" she said in a nicer tone.
"Now then, this is your punishment, and you will be left like this untill I feel as if you are both ready to be freed, in the mean time I have both your diaries and know enough about the pair of you to make wish you had never casted those spells." she said as she sat in her bed and started to read the diaries, lying face down on the bed swinging her grey nylon legs back and forth

Chloé tried to struggle and to get free as Raven started reading her diary... « Merde all that stuff i wrote about having her in tights, socks, ropes and gags... She must not read that... » she thought
« Maybe if i tried the mind trick i used on Cody... Focus Chloé focus... « 
Raven continued to read without a care in the world and as her two trussed up captives kept on rubbing and struggling against each other Chloé realised she could not invade Raven's mind... After all she taught her that trick.

Once she finished Chloé's she looked at her and raised one eye brow and smirked, she then picked up Cody's one and begian to read it. He tried to use the fact that she was absorbed and distracted into the diaries to push his luck and try to posess her into freeing them, like Chloé just before, the mental effort made him shiver and shake in the bonds making his thigh rub out of control against Chloé's groin... She saw his eyes revulsing and his teeth clenching on the gag, but soon he realised it was useless. Raven taught him all he knew. She did not taught him all she knew...

Raven then put the book down and lookeds at Cody "Mhph.." she then rose both of her eyebrows "Wow... I'm actually surprised this didn't happen sooner" she said as she got off of the bed and came over to her prisoners.
She sat next to their bound bodies and then looked at the both of them "I'm glad I have two apprentices that are just as kinky as me" she said "Tell anyone else and I will throw you into the void" she giggleed as she got up to head to the kitchen.

"What did she just say ?"
He started struggling and moaning in his gag pleading to be released as he couldn't believe his ears about how she liked how they were both kinky and she was happy to have 'em this way, but he was now terrified if he ever accidently said anything to anyone but chloe about it.
He then rubbed his body against hers as he tried to struggle free some more. Useless, the ribbons were nicely tight and the socks were compacting his limbs together.

Cody's desperate plead for freedom seemed to have no effect, and then Chloé remembered that RAven said that they'd be free when they'd get along.
Closing myher eyes she started rubbig her thighs against his crotch and pushing hers against his thighs, she started moaning softly into her gag as her breath shortened and waves of guilty pleasures started flashing over her mind and body as she enjoyed the bonds and Cody's warm body against hers...
Cody felt Chloe getting all up on his groin and waist as his shorts thighs and her nylon thighs rubbed together. He could feel her wetness, at first his eyes were and he couldn't believe what was happening as they struggled agaisnt each other in their bindings, their bodies rubbing while theirr sock and ribbon binds kept them restrained.
What they didn't notice was Raven, sitting there on the bed, recording the entire thing. While she was watching and having a little fun of her own

Lost in the moment Chloé did not realize that the bonds were slowly reallesing their grip on them.
They kept on rubbing against each other and Raven lovedwhat she was watching. The ribbons started to loosen on the captives and the socks start ed to become floppy as their wet areas rubbed agaisnt each other, their eyes rolled back a little bit "Mmhhphm" Chloé muffled into the socks that were in hery mouth.
Cody moaned softly into his gag too as he felt the ribbon loosening but he kept his arms around Chloé's body as they kept cuddling in delight at their situation, totally oblivious atto Raven's presence.

The socks that kept their hands bound together fell off revealing their hands and feet that had random socks on normal. Soon as they both had their fun Chloé took her gag off with her socked hands and shakily stood back, noticing that Raven was watching.
"Fichtre Madame Raven... Why did you do that ? "

"Now you both have gotten it through your system" she said grinning, move her nylon foot close to Cody's "That and it will teach the pair of you for using my favorite spells without me being there" she said, again grinning wider.

Cody then removed his gag and spat out the socks "So... Urm... Was that our punishment ?... Because... I feel as if I wasn't punished enough" he said as he kinda bite his lip looking at Chloé's nylon legs and wet patch

"What ? I asure you Madame Raven I was punished enough now if you'd excuse me" Said Chloé. Blushing she ran out of Raven's room on her socked feet and slammed and locked the door of her own room.

"Oh well... Maybe another time" Cody said as he went to head out but then Raven grabbed him by his shoulder. "where do you think your going, you said you weren't punished enough" He turned around and treid to object but a sock was stuffed into his mouth and one wents over his head "Wait Ravmgphmg"

Raven's door slowly closed as only crashes and muffles were to be heard from the outside

La Fin
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

Great ending. Will Cody regret what he said? Or plead for it the more?
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Chloe Badelaine
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Post by Chloe Badelaine »

I think he'll beg for more.
I believe now is the time that you tie me up ? But i think that you are going to need much much more rope mon cher...
Deleted User 189

Post by Deleted User 189 »

Don't worry Cody did just fine... Well he was definitely played a lot with by raven after the doors were closed
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Post by Canuck100 »

“La fin”? This can’t be the end! The story has to continue! :D. I want to find out what happened to Cody next! And maybe Chloe will have a change of heart and come back in the room too.

So many possibilities...
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