Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

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Post by volatiledesire »

I know it's been a while.

I hope you enjoy the next installment.

Let me know what you think, good or bad.

All the best.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 57 - April Has Some Fun

I heard the words. I could see April's chest swell with the euphoria at the idea of having me alone. I strained again at the cocooning plastic and made as little progress as before. "Please Polly."

Polly looked at me obviously still irritated by my attempt to withhold the information that would save her weekend from Ollie's Sherlock-like skills. "Now Jack, she just wants to doll you up a bit."

April smiled widely over Polly's shoulder. I felt the blood drain from my face and Polly turned around only to see the shrug of the innocent seeming April.

I tried a different tactic. "Remember what happened to me with Selena? What if that happens again?"

Polly shook her head. "It was your first time, but that reminds me." Polly turned to look at April. "He is very good at escaping, don't lose him."

April nodded. "Yes, I know. I'll be careful."

"If he escapes..." Polly began.

April held up her hands. "He won't, I promise."

"I'll only be gone for an hour or two." Polly continued.

"Polly," I said with an obvious whine in my voice. I almost said, "If you love me...," but caught myself just in time, she did not respond well to that particular tactic, so I tried something else. "Polly she's going to do terrible things, you're the only one I trust."

Polly turned toward me and cocked her head. "She'll have to answer to me, and she knows that."

"You forget yourself, Polly." I said suddenly angry as each of my arguments were shot down. "April is in her thirties, and you're just a teenager."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Polly said responding in kind to my anger.

"She has no respect for you, you're too young."

"Not true." April interrupted. "I have great respect for Polly, the only teenager I respect more than her is you Jack."

Silence. My anger drained with each slowing heartbeat. I had not expected such a complement while helplessly wrapped in plastic. "What?" I stuttered.

Polly stepped closer to April and gave her a sidelong hug. "The only person in this room confused by that is Jack?"

"We're always the worst judge of our own character." April responded.

Polly glanced at her phone. "Oh, I got to go."

"Take the red car." April said. "It has tinted windows, just in case Ollie is sitting out there watching."

"Good idea." Polly said and ran towards the kitchen which led to the garage. "Have fun."

April took a step closer and whispered in my ear. "Oh we will."

I heard the door close to and hopped over to the couch falling onto the soft upholstery "What are you going to do to me?"

"Whatever I want." April smiled sitting on the edge of the couch and letting her hands slide over my plastic covered hip.

"I'm not going to cooperate." I answered.

"I would be disappointed if you did." April smiled and then stood up and left the room.

She returned moments later and entered the dining room which was open to the kitchen. In the corner near the wide glass doors leading to the backyard was a plant hanging from a hook on the ceiling. She stood on one of the kitchen chairs and removed the plant from the hook and set it on the kitchen counter. She then met my eyes and crooked her finger. "Come here."

I shook my head.

"Are you going to play like Tigger and bounce away?" Groaning at April's attempt to lighten the mood, I shifted my body to stand but with my arms pinned against my trapped legs I barely managed to sit forward before April leapt onto the couch and straddled me between her legs. "I must admit there is something truly awesome having the amazing Jack trapped between my thighs." April's smile seemed that of a predator as she stared down at me. I bucked my hips but this only seemed to delight the woman. "Whoa there, I was enjoying the ride enough as it was."

I felt the heat rise from my neck as the thick innuendo penetrated my thoughts. I even tried to turn away. April noticed this and slid down bringing her face within inches of my own. "You are too young for me, but there is something nearly irresistible."

I let my eyes slip closed and prayed she would get bored and slither elsewhere taking her forked tongue with her.

"If I kissed you Polly would know, but I wonder if it would be worth it." April whispered into my ear her hot breath accelerating my embarrassment. She then sighed deeply and I felt her weight leave my body. She produced a length of thin cord, folded it in half, and tucked the loop beneath Polly's crystal necklace kept locked about my throat. April slid the two ends of the cord through the loop creating a impromptu leash. "Probably not worth it, Polly has more adventures and I would hate to miss out just for the pleasure of a single kiss."

"Adventures?" I asked.

April tugged on the leash and I rose from my prone position on the couch, she continued to pull until I was standing precariously on my wrapped legs. "Can you imagine your wedding? I hope to be invited. What about your honeymoon?"

The question slapped me like a wave of cold water. Imagine my wedding? Of course not, I was not even out of high school. Just as quickly though, the images of such an event filled my imagination. For the first time the word 'husband' filled my thoughts and microseconds later the idea of 'Polly's husband'. These thoughts were not unpleasant. The jerking of the leash stole my reverie. "Come along Jack. My time is slipping away."

I was forced to hop toward the dining room where she attached the leash to the now vacant hook in the ceiling leaving me hanging from my neck by the indestructible necklace. "Hey you can't leave my like this I'll choke."

"Perhaps, if I leave you there too long. Obviously though, if you couldn't breath you wouldn't be able to talk to me, but I would recommend you do as I say." April produced a pair of scissors and a roll of white medical tape from a nearby shelf. Using the scissors she carefully opened the plastic near my right hand until my fingers were visible leaving my thumb trapped within the plastic. Picking up the tape she wrapped my four finger together.

"Good grief, you really think I could escape with just my fingers?" I had hoped she would be a bit more careless.

"I'm not taking any chances." With my fingers wrapped she cut back the plastic further exposing the remainder of my hand which she also encased in the tape. She repeated the same process with my left hand before returning her attentions to my right side cutting the arm free of the plastic and tying one end of a cotton cord around my wrist and pulling over the hook in the ceiling.

"This is ridiculous." I said looking up at my hand still inches away from the hook in the ceiling. Even if I could reach the knot holding the cord keeping my neck attached to the hook I could not free it with my wrapped fingers. I twisted my other arm hoping the cutting of the plastic would have created some slack to get my left arm free but the wrap adhered to itself and with my arms wrapped individually my struggles were still barely noticeable. "I give up."

April cocked her head to one side at my comment. "Give up? What does that mean?"

"You win, I can't get free."

"Oh, so I'm supposed to go easier on you then?" April said while patting my cheek with one hand.

"Yes." I answered without any hope of her actually doing that.

"Sorry, not going to happen." She then repeated the process of raising my left arm above my head and tying both cords in an intricate knot beyond the reach of my useless fingers. She then unwound the cord that threatened to choke me should I lose my footing. "There now, no more fretting. Let's get all that hot plastic off of you, I want a better look."

The scissors made short work of my plastic cocoon and I was soon shivering from the sweat evaporating from my skin. April stood back with her eyes moving up and down my body. "I don't know if it's those panties, you helplessly tied to my ceiling, or perhaps just your body." April took a step closer and I lashed out at her with one foot which she deftly caught with her hands. "And your legs are so soft with this downy hair sprouting all over. Did someone wax you?"

I clamped my mouth shut not eager to reveal my past encounters with women so very much like the woman standing before me. How was it possible that those short months ago I just happened to knock on April's door when I needed to escape from Polly's friends? It could not just be a coincidence, sure she was the only person staying late that fateful evening but why did she have to be part of this exclusive club of women that seemed to delight in my humiliation. The logical part of my mind insisted on pointing out that if she had not been interested she would likely have called security rather than let me escape through her window, but it still seemed too much of a coincidence. "So it's your choice, what will it be?" April finished saying though I knew it had followed a series of words I had heard but not processed due to being lossed in my own thoughts.

"Huh? What did you say?"

April frowned and placed her hands on her hips in a posture of obvious frustration. "Daydreaming of the day your legs were waxed?"

"What? No. I was just remembering the day we met."

April's face brightened. "Yeah, that was a good day, but since you weren't listening I will choose what you wear."

"No, April please." I begged hoping I could choose something to keep the remaining fraction of my dignity. I pulled at the ropes holding my wrists going so far that my legs rose from the floor but the hook nor ropes broke from the attempt.

"Sorry, you snooze, you lose." April disappeared into her bedroom returning moments later holding a length of rolled material in her hand. It was shiny red and seemed stiff in her hand. As she unrolled it long black laces fell from the interior dangling the floor. "Do you know what this is?"

I saw the molded cups and stiff ridges supporting the material. "A corset, like women wore in Victorian England."

"Oh it's not just any old garment like that, many a bride has warn one of these beneath her flowing white dress, though doubtless she'd not choose this color, though later on...perhaps." April approached ready to wrap it around my torso but hesitated. "This will make you look so sweet, are you going to kick me?"

"I don't want to look sweet." I answered ignoring the question.

"If you kick me my highest stiletto heels will decorate your toes before the day is out." April threatened.

I stared at April and the stiff red corset. She toyed with the laces letting them slide through her fingers. "I will not."

"Good." April tossed the garment onto the nearby table and again left the room returning with a familiar white box. "Now for the pièce de résistance." She removed the lid to reveal two nipples sitting atop a dome of flesh looking as natural as if removed from an actual woman. Sliding her fingers between the two mounds she extracted a glass bottle and removed the lid. Picking up one the breasts she used the roll-on top to apply a thin coating of liquid to the back of the fleshy globe before approaching me. I jerked at the bonds again and tried to turn away. "Stay still or the leash goes back on until I'm finished, and tighter than before."

"I hate this."

"I know, Jack. But you look awesome, so helpless, so..." April hesitated while she used the roll-on adhesive causing my body to shudder from the chill. "...sexy. Take some comfort in knowing you will be the subject of my fantasies for months to come."

"That is so wrong." I whispered.

April held the flesh tone breast against my chest and shook her head. "Wrong? Why? Have you not looked at porn? Do you not fantasize about women?"

"It's different." I started.

"Why?" April interrupted. "Porn objectifies women, and now that you will be objectified suddenly it’s offensive?"

"I. Am. A. Male." I said slowly and deliberately but softly so as not to make her angry.

"Ease up on the sexism. So it's fine if a woman gets breast implants and lathers on makeup for the fantasies of men, but if a woman wants that suddenly it's wrong?" April picked up the other breast and began to apply the adhesive.

"If Polly were bound to this hook would you still be so excited?" I asked.

April shook her head. "No, of course not. There is something about you, Jack."

I sighed heavily as she removed her hand from my new bosom. I looked down and marveled at their realism though it was marred by the slight difference in skin tones. "What? What is it about me?"

"Surely Polly has told you?" April answered and picked another bottle from the box which once held the breasts. Using her finger she used the fluid to blend the edges of the breast with my skin erasing the obvious line where my skin stopped and the faux breasts started.

"In weird metaphors, something like having a dragon on a leash." I answered. “Or maybe it was Nora who said that…”

April nodded. "That's good. Yes that does explain it quite well."

"Well I don't get it. I've thought about it a lot, and I just don't get it. Why the boobs, why the girl stuff. I don't mind being tied up, I quite like it when Polly does it, which explains the leash in the dragon metaphor, but not this." I said looking down at the now natural looking breasts.

April wrapped the red satin corset around my waist which was lined with a soft material that contrasted with the stiffened bones running vertically down the length. "I think it's the culture Jack." April began to pull on the laces and as the tightness increased the expanse of my new breasts bulged around the cups. Where once there were two jiggling bags of flesh now pillows pressed out from the confines of the corset.

"It's too small," I gasped..

April tied off the laces and walked around front. "Oh my, that is quite the display." She began to adjust my new breasts within the cups of the corset until they looked less like a shelf made of flesh and more a shocking display of cleavage. She returned to the laces and I felt the lower part of the corset compress. "There is that too uncomfortable, can you still breathe?" Corset Image

"It's better." It was tight but I could get a full breath into my lungs.

"Show off." April said swatting me on the rump.


"When I wore this thing I could barely breath and the laces weren't nearly as tight as they are now." April said. "I'm jealous."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll trade."

"Nice try, the stockings are next."

"Goodie." I said. "What were you saying about culture?"

April picked up two thin strips of black nylon and knelt down towards my feet. "If I stripped you naked would you feel embarrassed and vulnerable?"

"Sure." I answered

"Compare that to how you feel right now." April finished.

Of course I'd rather be naked than wearing a corset and stockings. "Ok I get it, this stuff is supposed to make me feel vulnerable."

"More so than ropes and chains ever could. And consider also there is not really an equivalent for women, other than the fact that we are the weaker sex." April pulled a silky black stocking up one leg and then attached it to the corset with two elastic garters. "It's just the clothes we wear don't really change anything. Put us in man's clothes and we don't suddenly become vulnerable, quite the opposite in fact. That's the culture in which we live."

These were deep truths and I considered her words despite the constant distraction of her sliding silky garments across my skin. "Nudity.” I stated suddenly. “Women feel more vulnerable than men when nude." I remembered the locker rooms where guys walked around without towels with little concern. Furthermore Polly felt very strongly about me seeing her without clothes.

"That's not a perfect equivalent.” April answered. “Consider a woman wearing a man's speedo, even with her chest bare, versus a man in a woman's bikini?"

I conceded the point. "The man would feel worse." I said as April finished attaching the stockings to the garters. "So that's it then, the clothes are the ultimate way to make me helpless."

"Can you think of anything I could do you'd hate more?" April asked stepping back and looking me over from head to toe.

"Torture I suppose, bamboo shoots under the fingernails." I answered.

"Too messy. Besides I have no interest in seeing you in pain. I want to see you squirm." April picked up her phone and began to take pictures.

"If those end up on the internet..." I warned.

"Don't worry, see." April turned her phone around and showed me the photo. It was a picture of a buxom young girl wearing a corset and stocking from the neck down. My face was not in the photo.

"Oh god, that's not my body." I said in a whisper.

"I'm afraid it is, well mostly anyway. Every girl needs some help up top on occasion."

I again tugged at the ropes, this was too much and I could feel the panic begin to rise. "This is insane."

"You need to learn how to take a compliment." April said shaking her head. "You look amazing, I have the perfect wrapping paper too."

"Wrapping paper? What?" I said not understanding the reference.

"Your sexy underwear is the gift and the dress is the pretty wrapping." April smiled and dashed out of the room.

She returned carrying a hangar that held a bright red dress that sparkled in the light, it seemed like a prom or party dress and I struggled to decide if it would be worse than my current decorations. In her opposite hand dangled a pair of shoes that caught my attention. "Hey you said I wouldn't have to wear heels if I didn’t kick you."

"Jack, Jack, Jack." April said shaking her head. "I said you would wear my highest stiletto heels if you kicked me. These are not my highest heels."

I looked at the long red spikes at the end shiny red heels and shook my head. "You tricked me."

"Go ahead and kick me and find out." April said taking the dress from the hangar.

"Don't tempt me." I answered with a scowl.

April laughed and lowered the zipper on the back of the dress. Kneeling down she guided my stockinged legs into the dress and pulled it up my body. This dress was strapless and covered the corset only by the barest amount. The skirt flared from my waist and fell to just above my knees. When I looked down at my body I could see nothing but a ridiculous amount of cleavage and a sea of shiny red satin beyond. "I hate how this dress hides your lovely ass, but we do have to worry about the surprise in front." Red Dress Image

"My arms are aching." This was barely true, my arms were a bit sore. I just wanted her to hurry.

"Alright, raise a foot and we'll get the heels on." April said.

"I don't need shoes." I answered.

April placed her hands on her hips dangling the ankle straps of the shoes through one finger. "I can't have you running away Jack."

"Tie my feet together." I answered.

April shrugged and dropped the shoes to the floor. "As you wish." Using the thin cord which was used earlier as a leash she knelt down and bound my feet finishing with a firm cinch between my ankles. Then in one smooth motion she pulled my bound feet from the ground leaving me dangling from my wrists and quickly proceeded to slip the heels onto my feet.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Putting the heels on, obviously."

I grunted through the mounting strain as she pulled the second heel onto my foot before setting my legs down so I could ease the tension from my arms. "Instead of the heels, tie my ankles instead of the heels." I protested though thankful to be standing a bit taller which eased the strain from my shoulders.

April began to buckle the strap across my instep and smiled. "I never said that. It was easier to get the heels on you this way." I could hear the smile in her voice though her face was blocked by the satin dress as she worked on my feet. She stood up and placed her hand on my corset-narrowed waist. "I haven't had this much fun since my husband was around."

"Did you do this to him?" I said looking down over my body allowing a healthy dose of annoyance to enter my voice. I felt like screaming but squashed the desire.

April shook her head and sighed. "I wish, perhaps we'd still be together."

"Uh...what?" The response made no sense to me.

"Long story, Jack. Not one I wish to share with you, at least not yet." April pulled a chair over and began to loosen the knots holding me to the plant hook. "Now I'm going to let you down but if you try to remove the tape on your hands you'll be gagged"

"I'll topple over if you don't untie my ankles." I said.

April rubbed her chin for a moment. "I suppose it is hard enough to stand in heels without the added difficulty. If you try to run off though...." April let the threat hang in the air.

She released my ankles and then my hands leaving me standing in the dining room with more freedom since before being wrapped in plastic. Not actually freedom since my strongest desire was to rid myself of the dress and feminine underwear. I held up my trapped hands and fought the urge to peel away the tape with my teeth. April watched me with her eyebrows raised. "Do you like gags? I have a nice big red one, it will go perfectly with that dress."

I lowered my hands.

April pulled out a chair from the dining room table. "Have a seat. I expected Polly back by now but since we have time I'm going to apply a bit of makeup."

"No!" I said and leapt from the chair nearly pitching forward onto my face from the added height of the heels.

"What? You've worn makeup before, Polly told me. She said you looked good."

I shook my head.

April placed her hands on her hips. "Too bad, I'm in charge and I want to see how you look."

I looked around like a cornered rabbit. "Please April."

"What's the big deal, you're already wearing a sexy dress and heels." April said with her brow furrowed in confusion.

I shook my head. "I won't be still, there is nothing you can do to get me to hold my head still."

April cocked her head and smiled. "Oh really, let's test that theory." She picked up her phone from the table and dialed a number holding the phone to her ear. "Hey Polly, are you close?"

She nodded to the response and answered. "Good and he looks great but I don't want to spoil it."

April listened briefly and then laughed. "Yes that's true, could you do me a favor? He says he won't stay still for a makeover, would you mind talking to him." She paused to listen. "Great, here's Jack." She placed the phone next to my ear.

"Hello," Polly said.

I considered saying nothing but figured petulance would only make me seem childish. "I'm here."

"Having fun?"

"No. She's awful." I answered.

"I'll make it worth your while if you just sit still for her." Polly said.

"I'll make it worth your while if you don't make me." I answered right back.

Polly laughed. "Oh really, what would you do?"

"April is standing right here, I don't want to give her any ideas."

April held a hand to her mouth in unsuppressed mirth.

"Oh wow, must be something good. But wait till you hear my offer. I was at home briefly today and stumbled across this French Maid's costume, I'm sure you remember the one. Well if you cooperate with April I'll be your maid for an evening. And if you don't, I really want to see how you will look in it. I've only seen pictures."

"No deal Polly, what I'm wearing now is just as bad."

"Oh really! Now I'm super excited to see you."

"Yes, I'm sure you'll be delighted." I answered in my most sarcastic tone.

"Ok hand me back to April."

I nodded my head toward April and she took back the phone. A look of irritation crossed her face as she listened. "Alright, see you soon." She set the phone down.

April sat down across the table and placed her hands under her chin and stared at me. I could tell she was thinking of someway to get me to sit still. The empty box which contained the breast forms was on the table and April pulled it toward her. She removed a small square of paper and her eyes began to dart across the paper. "This is interesting, listen: Please be aware, prolonged wear of the forms, beyond 7 days, can irritate the skin. The adhesive will be effective until the natural regeneration of the wearers skin makes it ineffective. For this reason a bottle of adhesive remover has been included in the box. The adhesive is water and sweat proof and thus the only way to remove the forms without damage is to use the enclosed remover."

I listened intently and felt a chill slide up my spine.

April continued. "If you need additional adhesive or remover please contact us and allow 3 to 5 business days for delivery."

"So..." April looked at me with a look of triumph.

"I'll sit still." I said and hung my head in defeat. "Why do I even bother, I can't resist Polly, and she gave me to you?" My anger flared to life in a sudden spike, a dam holding back my emotions suddenly gave way. "Fuck it, and fuck you for doing this to me."

April's eyes flashed in anger at my words though I cared little. She stood up and moved to the couch and retrieved the remaining plastic wrap. "I'm not Polly, I don't have to be nice to you."

I rolled my eyes at her and pointedly looked away. In a sudden rush April spooled the plastic from the roll and yanked it around my body and chair. I was in no mood to be compliant so I raised my arms to block her progress but she continued wrapping pinning my arms to my body just beneath my chin. Dozens of circuits welded me to the chair continuing upward crossing over my chin. April did not stop and as the plastic passed over my nose, mouth, and eyes I yelled and bucked wildly. With my eyelids forced closed I could not see anything when the plastic finally stopped its progress. My chest started to burn from lack of oxygen and I wondered if my angry curses had cost my life when suddenly the plastic pulled away. I greedily sucked in a deep breath but at that same moment a large plastic ball pressed hard against my teeth cutting off the relief from the fresh air. The ball was so large I doubt the strap April buckled behind my neck was even necessary.

The plastic around my face was cut free moments later and I looked into the angry visage of April standing before me with her hands on her hips. The intensity of the struggle and the spikes of fear overwhelmed my anger and I coughed into the gag while tears of unspent rage and humiliation pooled in the corners of my eyes. April, seeing this, knelt down her face softening. "Why do you resist this so much?"

I looked away unable to answer the question even without my mouth propped open by the huge ball.

"Now I'm going to fix your face and you will remain still, right?" April said.

I nodded.

"Good, Polly should be here any minute."

April set a small box of bottles and brushes next to her on the table and began to apply creams and powders to my face while drool spilled from the corners of my mouth and dripped onto the plastic wraps still encasing my body. "Pity I won't be able to work on your lips but that gag just won't allow it. I can't say it doesn't look good. I wonder what Polly will think of the line of drool sliding into your cleavage?"

Several minutes later April stood back and smiled. "Good enough." She then applied some kind of gel to my hair before sliding a brush across my scalp. "Too bad you don't have longer hair. That's the best I can do, would you like to see?"

I shook my head and April laughed while using scissors to cut away the remaining plastic. I was glad to be free of the stuff since it had forced my arms to press against my large chest constantly reminding me of the new additions. At that moment a beep came from the panel against the wall and April smiled. "Looks like Polly's back."
Last edited by volatiledesire 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Been ages since I've caught up with this story and it's as fantastic as ever! So glad you're still writing it, hopefully you won't get bored any time soon
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Post by Londit »

Really nice ! I'm glad you keep writting on this story ! I just love to read every new chapter :)
Deleted User 2408

Post by Deleted User 2408 »

Excuse me I’ve been writing a bit myself and I can’t figure out how to do those green text links to images how do you do them. Great story by the way.
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Post by volatiledesire »

stevmn wrote: 5 years ago Excuse me I’ve been writing a bit myself and I can’t figure out how to do those green text links to images how do you do them. Great story by the way.
Happy to help.

I upload the image I want to display to an image site like imgur.com (that's what I use there are other options). Find the link and then put the code in your story like this: [url= Image[/ url] (Remove the space between the last "/" and url. I had to do that to keep the site from simply putting the link text in.) Also if you press the button above this text editor that looks like a chain it will put the correct code format into your post.

Also if you click the word that says BBCode on the right it will help you with some good tips.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 58. Escape

I stood in the living room with April next to me. Her hand pressed into my back ensuring I would not run off. Polly's voice echoed from near the kitchen door, "Just keep to the left. Hurry, I want to see him." I tried to swallow but April had not removed the ball gag and a steady line of drool leaked from the corners of my mouth. I hoped it would somehow ruin the image April had so carefully created.

Kristy's face was the first to appear and when our eyes met her body froze halfway around the corner of the cabinet. She wore casual clothes appropriate for the season, a dark blue tunic top with a pair of black leggings. "Move Kristy, I want to see." Polly's voice said from somewhere behind but Kristy made no effort to step aside she did not even blink. Polly finally pushed passed her transfixed friend stumbling fully into the dining area. Then as if I were the mythical Gorgon she too froze as her gaze fell upon my predicament.

Silence fell like a blanket on the room. Blood rose into my neck and I'm sure my face was as red as the strapless dress I had been forced to wear. I wanted to break the group trance but the gag made sure I would not be speaking. April cleared her throat and in response Polly's arm shot out silencing her before any words could pass her lips.

Polly's eyes were so green they seemed to glow from within. I watched her closely and could see surprise fade to anger and then just as suddenly turn to sorrow. "Kris..." Polly's voice broke and she cleared her throat. "Kristy would you please fill April in on the plan." Polly walked forward and grabbed my wrapped hand pulling me through the living room toward the master bedroom.

Stumbling to keep pace in the precarious footwear, I did my best to keep up. April's bedroom appeared as it had when I had first been released from the suitcase though somewhat less tidy. Polly pushed the door closed and slid down onto the floor with her face in her hands. Her red curls covered her shoulders and I wondered if she were crying. I started to step forward but before I could actually move Polly leapt from the ground running past me to dive onto the bed. She began to punch the pillow with her hands over and over. "I'm so stupid." Punch. "I'm so stupid." Punch. "I'm so stupid." By the last punch she was yelling loud enough for anyone in or near the house to hear.

Redheads have a reputation for wild mood swings and Polly was no exception but this was a bit beyond my experience. I wanted to say something, to hold her, to touch her but I could do nothing. Finally Polly rolled over and when she looked at me I cocked my head in confusion. Her eyes roamed my body and sparkled with unshed tears. "I should get that gag off you, I'm just so afraid of what you'll say."

I cocked my head the other way still not understanding.

"I know, I know. I did it again, another woman in the long line of women. My Mom, then Selena, then Nora, and now April." I thought through the list of women and each one sparked a memory of myself dressed in something feminine and quite helpless. Nora's presence on the list was a bit odd since Polly had nothing to do with that one, it was just bad luck.

"I somehow always do this to you, I'm so sorry." She looked at me and bit one corner of her lip, it was the most gorgeous thing I had seen her do. Apologies made her look so adorable.

"My god, Jack, you are gorgeous." Polly said and her hand slid across my waist. "I don't know if April is an exceptional artist or if this..." She waved her hands up and down my body. "...was always hidden beneath. I mean, I saw the pictures of you in the French Maid's uniform but I thought it was a photoshop thing, same thing with the pictures of you from Nora." Her face suddenly darkened. "You see what I mean, it's always somebody else, never me." She flopped back onto the bed and held her hands over her face.

My thoughts immediately went to the many times she had put me in similar situations but I doubted that the swimsuits, leotards, tights, and dresses I kept in my closet put there by her own actions would lift her mood at this point. Finally she stood back up and began to work at the buckle holding the gag. "You have every right to be mad. I overreacted, you were just trying to protect Ollie. I should never have left you with her."

I winced as the too-large ball popped free of my mouth. My jaw ached despite the relatively short period of time. Polly darted into the bathroom and returned with a small cup of water. I drank greedily while Polly held the cup. Up to this point I had not really considered what I would say, but I figured something unexpected would be just the thing to keep her a bit off balance. I let the silence hang for many long heartbeats. "So, what do you think our wedding will be like?"

Polly went stiff and I knew if she had spent a million years guessing at my first words she would never have picked those. "Wh...What?"

"It's something April said, and it got me thinking." I said with a small shrug of my bare shoulders.

"What?" Polly repeated, obviously still trying to grapple with the words.

"We're too young but..." I stopped and shrugged again.

Polly looked at me and studied my face intently, her mouth open trying to find words to respond.

"You're cute, especially when confused." I smiled at her attempted mimicry of a goldfish.

"Wedding? I... What?" Polly said again.

"April said she would not kiss me because she wanted an invite to our wedding and it just got me thinking, that's all" I smiled as Polly's balance continued to falter. "We're too young, but that can't stop me from wondering."

Polly sat down but missed the bed and ended up sliding to the floor. I knelt down carefully resting my bottom on my ankles, the dress flared around me covering my legs completely. "Our wedding?" Polly said again in a whisper.

"Just so we're clear, I'm not wearing the dress." I said.

Polly began to laugh, all her fear of my anger bubbling forth in a hysterical fit. Tears soon streamed down her face as the laughter continued spaced with moments of silence when she just rocked back and forth trying to reclaim her breath. "Our wedding? Is this a proposal?"

I shook my head. "Oh heck no, I want to do that right, down on one knee and the whole works."

Polly laughed again. "You're on your knees now. And you're dressed so nicely."

Warning claxons exploded in my mind as Polly’s smile grew larger and larger. "Oh no, no, no, no." I shook my head in time with each word. "Please don't Polly, I don't want this to be the moment."

Polly nodded her head and smiled still laughing without the slightest bit of control.

I sighed and slid to the side sitting on the floor just as dazed and confused as Polly had been moments earlier. "I suppose no matter what happens you'll remember this as the moment when..."

"We got engaged." Polly finished with more laughter.

"No Polly, I don't have a ring." I argued.

Polly shrugged. "Don't care."

I shook my head. "This is so unfair, how do you do this to me?"

"You started it, you were supposed to be mad." Polly said.

"Yeah, about that. You've had me in dresses before. What's the big deal? I mean why were you so upset?" I asked.

"Have you seen yourself?" Polly asked.

"Well, sort of, I can see the dress." I looked down over my body trying to ignore the deep cleavage.

Polly jumped to her feet and helped me to stand. She pulled me into the bathroom which had several large mirrors. I saw Polly next to a woman with dark eyes and high cheekbones, her short hair style created a playful look that was somewhat ruined by the impressions along each cheeks created by a gag strap she had recently been wearing. "Oh no."

"See, you look amazing, so sexy." Polly’s hand slid down my waist. "How is your waist so thin?"

"Corset." I answered.

"Oh, I'm getting you one of those then." Polly lifted the hem of the dress and ran her hand up my nylon-covered leg. "Oh and stockings, I've got to see this." Polly slid down the zipper of the dress and let it fall to the floor revealing the red satin corset. "Wow, just wow, garters even."

"This is so embarrassing. I look like a girl." I said turning away from the mirror.

Polly caught my chin. "Better than a girl, at least most girls."

I held my red wrapped hands up to Polly's face. "So you were angry because someone else did this instead of you?"

Polly shrugged. "I suppose, I don't know why I have never realized how good you look."

"It's because you actually care about how I feel. Everyone else does it to humiliate."

Polly shook her head. "I don't think that's true, but I need to stop tying you up and leaving you with other women."

"Yes, you need to stop doing that." I nodded emphatically.

Polly placed her hands on her hips struggling to be annoyed with the statement but finally gave up and nodded. She opened several drawers obviously looking for something until she pulled out a tube of lipstick. "Hold still."

"Polly this is too much." I protested holding my useless hands in front of my face while she tried to pull them down.

She grabbed my chin and held it. "Yell at me then, threaten to break up with me if I don't stop."

"I don't want to break up with you." I answered immediately.

"Then hold still." Polly slid the red lipstick across my lips and then had me face the mirror. Now my lips looked larger and matched the color of the corset almost exactly.

"Wonderful, I'm beautiful. Sometimes I wonder if you like me as a boy." I said with a large helping of sarcasm.

Polly put her hands on her hips. "Would you rather see me in jeans and a T-shirt or tights and a leotard?"

I narrowed my eyes in confusion wondering what this had to do with anything. "What? What does..."

"Answer the question, Jack." Polly interrupted.

"Leotard and tights, you know that." I answered.

"So when I wear jeans and T-shirts you don't like me?"

"No, I love you it has nothing to do with what you are wearing..." I dropped my head. "Oh, I get it."

"Good, now we better put your dress back on since you seem to be turning yourself on." Polly laughed and slid her hand across my crotch. I jumped back from the touch and Polly laughed.

"It's you." I answered back

"Are you sure? Take another look in the mirror."

I shook my head and focused on Polly's beautiful freckled face.

Polly zipped the dress back into place and began to walk out of the bathroom. As she passed the open closet she stopped. "What's all this?" In the middle of the closet floor the locked chest I had noticed upon waking the day before stood open with several objects scattered around. Polly picked up two ring gags and looked at me obviously remembering when we had worn those. Long lengths of satin ribbon in various colors were strewn about and there were many metal and leather cuffs. Polly laughed at various plastic and rubber toys even holding up a rather large purple phallus that seemed impossibly long. "This seems excessive."

I shook my head. "Put that back."

Polly did so with a stifled giggle but continued rifling around the chest finally lifting out a long metal object. It was quite long with three holes, two smaller ones on the ends of a rigid bar with a larger one in the middle. The bar was split along its length with a hinge on one end. "This looks interesting." Metal Stocks

I immediately recognized the purpose of the object. "Polly. I don't think we should mess with April's things."

"Oh I don't think she'll mind." Polly answered.

I shook my head knowing April was probably more afraid she had done something wrong given Polly's reaction to the current situation. She levered open one end of the contraption and held it up. "Ok put your hand there." She pointed to the circle of metal closest to the hinge."

"Polly, I don't..."

"You have been kidnapped, just because you are dressed like a tart doesn't mean you get to walk around like the rest of us. I know what lurks inside that tight corset."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, aching ribs." I placed my wrist in the metal loop and Polly positioned it so it slowly closed around my wrist and neck ending with my second wrist held at the same level. "Can you please unwrap my fingers, it's not like I can use my hands for anything?"

Polly actually gave me a suspicious look when I said that. "I don't know."

"Polly I can't reach the latch, and my fingers are starting to ache a bit." I watched as she turned a key in the lock and returned it to the chest.

Polly tapped one finger against her lips. "I suppose so." She quickly pulled the wrap off my hand allowing me to stretch my fingers.

"Thank you, my feet hurt too, must I wear these heels?"

"You look good in them, but maybe if you are good I will let you sit down." Polly smiled.

"If I'm good?"

"Prisoners get privileges for good behavior."

"I'm your prisoner then?" I asked with my head cocked in confusion.

"Oh yes, you are..." Polly stepped forward and I could feel the weight of her gaze as she slid her fingers along my chin and into my hair. "...all mine." Polly stepped back and moved toward the door. "Come along, I'm sure April and Kristy are getting worried."

Polly threw open the door but I hesitated not wanting to suffer the stares of the other women now that I was even more helpless than before. Polly turned back to me and gave me a pointed stare stepping over to the bed where the oversize ballgag had been discarded. She buckled the gag around cross bar of the metal stocks. "I don't have to leave it there."

Fully understanding the threat I followed her toward the door, how quickly her mood had changed. As we rounded the corner Kristy and April who had been quietly talking on the couch stood immediately and turned toward us. "Polly, I'm..." April began but stopped when I stepped from behind the archway the words dying in her throat.

I tried to keep my eyes on the floor but the silence lingered for so long I had to look up. Kristy and April were both staring at me with wide, unblinking stares. I started to squirm beneath the intensity and I looked toward Polly who also watched me with a small smile on her lips. I eventually looked down but was distracted by the view of my own considerable cleavage which made me fidget even more. Polly finally broke the collective trance. "I overreacted. I'm sorry. I'm not angry."

April sighed. "I was so scared I had done something wrong."

Polly stepped over and gave her a quick hug. "I wish I had your talent. Maybe you could show me what you did?"

April nodded returning the hug.

"Now what about our plans for Ollie, he will likely show up a few hours after dark, but it's best to be ready." Polly turned toward Kristy as she said this but Kristy was still staring at me while I tried to look anywhere else.

Polly and April smiled at each other as Polly stepped between Kristy and I. "Hey there, are you OK?"

Kristy shook herself and focused on Polly. "Did he..." Kristy again looked passed Polly at me and lost the thread of her words.

Polly moved to the side again blocking her line of sight. "Did he what?"

Kristy focused again on Polly. "I mean, how is that Jack?"

"April seems to be a wizard." Polly laughed sending a smile toward April.

Kristy stepped around Polly and walked closer to me. I could do nothing as her fingers slid along my chest and over the faux breasts. "So beautiful." I felt redness flare anew in my cheeks. "He let you do this?"

April sniffed. "Hardly, he couldn't stop me."

A groan escaped Kristy's lips. "Polly, what would he do if we took off that metal bar thing?"

Polly looked at me and smiled. "Sadly he would run away."

I nodded in agreement not mentioning I'd shuck the heels first to make my escape more likely.

Kristy rounded on Polly. "We have to get Ollie."

I sighed heavily knowing what Ollie was about to experience. Polly laughed, "Sure thing girlfriend. Let’s chat about that."

April approached. "Now that you took the wrap off his hands his fingernails are a mess. Do you think he would let me fix them?"

Polly snorted and shook her head. "Not likely, we'd have to tie each of fingers to a board like some kind of torture device."

April looked at me and cocked her head to one side with each of her hands against the waistline of the gray cotton shorts I had the pleasure of wearing yesterday. Sure they were girls shorts but compared to my current wardrobe they were the height of masculinity. I looked at Kristy who somewhat matched Polly with a pair of dark hued leggings and a tunic style top. These too, though undeniably feminine, would be a welcome wardrobe change.

"So what do you think, Jack?"

I looked back to April in confusion not having heard the last few words instead lost in my desire to wear anything other than my current attire. "I'm sorry what?"

"Gloves, would you be willing to wear the matching satin gloves I have stashed somewhere?"

I started to shake my head but my quick mind realized they would have to remove the metal stocks in order to get them on my hands if they were long enough? "You mean the long ones girls wear with fancy dresses?"

"Yes fancy dresses like that one." April smiled pointing at the strapless red dress I was wearing.

"Not really." I decided not to be too obvious or someone would get suspicious, especially Polly.

"Come on, please." April said.

"Ugh, fine, just be quick about it."

April clapped her hands and ran into the room coming with two flimsy tubes of red satin fabric and a silver key that I had seen Polly use earlier to lock the stocks around my throat and wrists. "Ladies, would you mind helping me?"

Polly and Kristy were immersed in a conversation, likely concerning Ollie, and turned toward April. "What's up?"

"Jack agreed to wear these," she held up the long opera-length gloves. "But I want you to help keep him from dashing off when I take the stocks off."

Polly walked over with an odd look on her face. "You agreed?"

I shrugged as much as the metal device would allow. "It will give me a few moments to stretch my arms, and she asked over and over."

"I don't know April, he may be planning something." Polly answered.

"Which is why I called you over." April inserted the key into the lock. "Grab his arms."

Polly held my left wrist and Kristy grabbed my right. The device opened along the hinge freeing first my left wrists, then my neck, and finally my right wrist allowing April to set the device on the floor behind a ducking Kristy. "I'm flattered you think I could escape this." I looked at Kristy who had a death grip on my wrist using both hands.

April picked up one of the gloves and approached Polly's side who pulled my hand out straight allowing April to slide the slick satin up my hands and work each of my digits into their appropriate place in the gloves before smoothing out the wrinkles. My arm looked to have been dipped in red ink from the middle of my bicep to the tips of my fingers.

"Let me do the other one." Polly said.

April nodded and took Polly's place holding my left wrist. I was beginning to wonder if I would get any opportunity to escape. Polly slid the the other glove up my right arm with a little help from Kristy and then retreated to the left to retrieve the metal stocks. I had to do it now, or I would lose my chance. We were standing in the living room a pace away from the back of the couch and when Polly stepped away I lurched forward pulling both April and Kristy with me. I jerked both arms and the slick gloves I wore defeated their grips and they both hit their butts on the back of the couch. With just a little effort I pressed forward and both of their feet came off the floor as they toppled over the back of the couch onto the soft cushions with their feet waving in the air like inverted turtles.

They yelped in surprise and when I turned toward Polly she was already coming toward me in a rush. I grabbed her in a hug which pinned her arms to her sides and kissed her on the neck, not trusting she would accept one on the lips. "I love you Polly, with all my heart." Then I pushed her over the back of the couch tangling the duo of girls even further with the addition of another body. I then ran as fast as the heels would allow to the door leading onto the back deck.

The French doors opened with a pair of lever handles. Once outside I grabbed a length of garden hose from near the water spigot and quickly wrapped it around both handles to prevent them from being opened from the inside, at least not quickly. There were several other rear exits from the monstrous house so I knew every second was precious. I spent a few of those seconds sliding down the strap holding the torturous heels securely to my feet and then quickly wiggled them free flinging them across the decking. I dashed toward the stairs leading to the wide lawn where April had a pair of plastic garden clogs which I quickly forced onto my feet before fleeing across the yard toward the woods.

I figured pursuit could not be more than a few seconds behind and the purpling light of dusk was already making it hard to see the rocky path leading through the woods toward the old barn but I risked the extra speed knowing the bright red dress would be easy to spot unless I was well ahead. My mind worked furiously at what I should do knowing I could not approach the perimeter of April's property due to the security cameras and I had no desire to dash to the nearest neighbor and explain my situation knowing that one, they would think me a young woman, and two they would call the police on my kidnapper who happened to be my beloved Polly. So I ran for the barn.

The fall air was chilly and would continue to grow colder. I needed a place to hide but had to have a blanket or tarp to shield the wind or this would be a relatively short stint of freedom. The barn was quiet and smelling of dust as I began to strip off the long red gloves but stopped short remembering the temperature issue. The gloves were not meant for shoveling snow, but they were far better than nothing.

The barn was dark, the last glow of twilight through the dirty windows cast everything in shades of gray separated by dark shadows. The stalls lining each side of the wide central space were all empty of anything useful but ladders led to large spaces above littered with boxes and other discarded junk. I climbed the left ladder and quickly sorted through the boxes and shelves lining the walls. It was mostly old books, newspapers, random metal tools, and old broken machines. One box held a blanket wrapped around some old glassware which was additionally protected by newspaper. I quickly pulled the blanket free, shook it out, and descended the ladder.

The blanket, though old and dirty, would be heavy enough to provide some warmth. As I walked toward the barn exit I realized the limited knowledge I had of the remaining wood and worried of drawing too close to the perimeter and triggering a motion sensor. Turning away from the door I quickly scaled the ladder to the other loft. Some large crates filled the back corner and I hoped to find some concealment. The light was fading fast when I neared the eight wooden crates after climbing around several other boxes and a couple of stacked chairs. The crates were stacked four on top and four on bottom but not evenly, the crates on the bottom were smaller allowing for a gap between the lower crate and the exterior wall. Dust and owl pellets covered the area but the small gap was sheltered from the splatter of mouse carcasses and owl dung.

I carefully knelt down and squeezed my body into the narrow opening avoiding the worst of the detritus. The corset was a significant hindrance, so much so I worried I would not be able to reverse my course, but the smooth satin of the dress seemed to help, though it was surely destroyed by stains. Once fully hidden I used part of the blanket to plug the hole so my feet would not be visible with a cursory glance. I laid on my back and could see nothing not even my hand waving in front of my face, which I could not easily do since the space was so small

I was free, sort of, if you consider being crammed into a small hole inside a deserted barn to be freedom. I was there by my own will though, and that was something.
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Post by ohBoyNice »

Great story, can't wait to see how this develops
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Post by volatiledesire »

ohBoyNice wrote: 5 years ago Great story, can't wait to see how this develops
Thank you,

It's good to know there are a few folks who make it this far.

All the best...
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Post by harveygasson »

Still going strong and nice to see Jack get a bit of an advantage for once....even if I doubt it'll last that long, especially once Ollie gets involved. Excellent work as always! Looking forward to the next part
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Post by Lorddunmore »

Do please keep it up. I am still very much enjoying the story.
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Post by volatiledesire »

harveygasson wrote: 5 years ago Still going strong and nice to see Jack get a bit of an advantage for once....even if I doubt it'll last that long, especially once Ollie gets involved. Excellent work as always! Looking forward to the next part
Lorddunmore wrote: 5 years ago Do please keep it up. I am still very much enjoying the story.
Thanks, I have an ending I'm driving toward but it's several chapters away.

I also have less time to write these days, but these occasional nudges help a lot.

All the best.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I realise I'm a little late to the party, but wanted to stop by nonetheless.

Congratulations on jumping past the 100-post mark!

"Jack's Story" is one of the forum's busiest and most-followed story threads.
Keep it up!

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Post by NoOne »

Last edited by NoOne 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ohBoyNice »

Yeah me to!
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Post by volatiledesire »

Thank you for all the encouraging words and replies. I do apologize for the long wait on this next chapter. I got a bit of writer's block and had to flush some other stories out of my noggin.

But you have waited long enough.

Here's the next chapter.

All the best...
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Chapter 59 - Ollie Caught

Bright red colors swirled before my eyes as awareness filtered back into my mind followed by the sound of laughter and raised voices. "How could I possible know where he is?" The familiar voice said though in my half- conscious state, the speaker's identity was not immediately recognizable. My eyes snapped open but I only knew this from the position of my eyelids not actual vision. I was still squeezed into the narrow opening surrounded by stifling blackness. Coming fully awake I realized I had heard Ollie’s voice.

"You found Jack here at April's house despite my careful attempt to steal him away without anyone knowing. I only ask you to perform that particular bit of magic again." Polly said.

They were definitely in the barn. "I spent hours studying the message board looking for clues and you want me to find him when I only just arrived. You lost him, why is it my fault?" Ollie's voice echoed off the bare rafters.

"Kristy, let me show you something." Polly said.

Voices dropped to a whisper for a few minutes. "Ollie come over here."

April's chuckles were audible despite the distance. "You're in for it now. No use in struggling."

There was some scuffling sounds until Kristy's voice echoed above the noise. "Ollie, stop it and come over here."

"Kristy, stop this, let's go home. Give me back my shirt." Ollie's voice said breaking into a louder and obviously alarmed tenor.

That got my attention. Was Ollie naked, or worse? I shifted slightly and felt pins and needles in my left arm which was pressed against the wall. I carefully knocked the blanket away from my feet to better hear the voices.

"You did this to yourself, no one asked you to come here. You're just trying to ruin Polly's time with Jack."

"I'm trying to protect him." Ollie argued.

"Well now you're going to replace him." Kristy said. "And besides, Jack doesn't need protecting."

"That's it Kristy," April said. "Now slide that top board down over his head."

I realized with those words they had forced him into the makeshift stocks April had created between the walls of the two stalls on the opposite side of the barn. "I would tie his hands to these ring bolts. Polly and I will be on this side so you can have your fun in private."

"Oh god, what are you going to do?" Ollie said his voice strained with obvious fear.

"I'm just going to ask you a few questions." Polly answered. "Kristy will find something on that side of the wall to entertain her, I'm sure."

I realized the girls must have searched the barn while I slept. Perhaps the dung and owl pellets had scared the searcher away, or perhaps Ollie's arrival had kept them from being thorough. Whichever the case they were obviously desperate to find me and Ollie, the super sleuth, was going to help them, or else.

"How could I possibly know where Jack is? I don't know anything about this place." Ollie whined to some muffled question.

"Do you want us to gag him, Kristy." Polly's raised voice asked.

"You can if he gets too noisy."

In truth, Ollie would likely enjoy the next few minutes, if not for the audience of the two additional women. The fear evident in his voice even from this distance was largely born of embarrassment rather in than any concern for his personal safety. Unfortunately, I would not be able to let my silence cause any grief to a friend no matter how much he may secretly enjoy it. With a heavy sigh, I slowly inched my way out of the hiding place. I made little progress before Ollie's voice rang through my efforts. "Kristy what is that? It's too tight."

As I moved out from the enclosing crates the voices were clearer. "Sounds interesting." Polly said. "You want to tell us what she's doing."

Ollie growled. "Not here, not in front of other people. Kristy please."

A soft laugh came from Kristy. "You should have thought of that before showing up here."

"I had no idea you were here." Ollie answered. "Oh shit, please Kristy stop."

I tried to move more quickly as Ollie's protestations increased in volume covering the small scraping noises I made. The corset made everything more difficult, and the dress began to rise upward as I moved lower. A long low growl rose from Ollie's side of the barn that was partially masked by April and Polly's sudden laughter.

"He's in a building." Ollie said in a half snarl.

"I don't think so." April's softer voice said. "He can't be in the house or I would have been notified by the security system when he opened a door. The storm shelter is so small no one could hide in there, and I checked it. That leaves this barn, which we also searched."

My efforts finally allowed me to see the orange glow of the lanterns the girls brought with them as my head and shoulders slipped free of the narrow gap. I stood up and looked down from the loft toward the voices. Polly and April sat on chairs in one stall and Kristy stood in another with Ollie's body from the waist down covered in some kind of tight shiny material while she ran her hands all over him. I could not see Ollie's face.

I stood up and cleared my throat. "I guess you didn't look hard enough."

All talk ceased and Polly stood up. "Jack!" Flashlight beams angled toward me stealing my night vision. I raised a hand to cover my eyes.

"You told me you searched the barn." Polly said.

"I did, I looked up there." April said.

I began to walk toward the ladder stepping past the stacked chairs and toppled shelf. In moments I was standing on the ground in the middle of the barn surrounded by Polly and April, Kristy had not left Ollie's side.

"Ok you found him, let me go. Get this thing off me." Ollie said.

Kristy laughed. "After all the work to get you, no way."

"Geez, you wrecked my dress." April stepped forward and began to brush the dirt off the satin fabric.

"You should be more careful who you loan your clothes to." I answered while not looking away from Polly whose eyes were fixed on mine.

"I think it can be cleaned, though the stockings are a total loss." April finished.

Polly had yet to speak to me. April finally noticed this and fell silent, going so far as to step back from us. When April was several paces away Polly stepped closer. "Feel better?"

I wondered at the emotions stirring behind her eyes. Not anger, she could never hide the green fire of anger. I shrugged and said nothing.

Polly smiled and stepped closer flicking dust from the red gloves I still wore. "Are you nervous?"

I nodded. I knew she would not let my little escape attempt go unpunished. "I am hoping for leniency."

Polly tucked some loose hair behind her ear as if to make sure she heard me correctly. "Leniency? Really? Why would you expect that?"

Ollie groaned again and yelled out. "Kristy, please."

Polly looked over her shoulder at April. "Can you gag him, he's a bit distracting."

April's eyes lit up and her face cracked into a huge smile. "Absolutely." She darted away toward the stall with Ollie's head pinned in the wall."

"Well, I was just trying to help Ollie." I tried to glance over Polly's shoulder but she shifted to block my view. "But I guess that's not working out."

Polly chuckled and shook her head. "You were trying to help Ollie. Ollie was trying to help you. It's almost as if you two don't actually enjoy being the captives of your adoring girlfriend's."

I looked down at my chest and then back at Polly but did not say anything.

"No, go on say it." Polly took a few steps closer. "Tell me how much you hate everything I've done to you."

"I..." I started to respond but could not finish the words. I really enjoyed being the center of Polly's attention. Even during my time in hiding I loved the idea that she was out looking for me. I tried again to form the words that would tell her how much I hated the dress and the breasts "I do not..."

"Please finish that sentence." Polly said again.

My tongue would not obey, my hind brain was fully in control and even my logical parts were thinking that disappointing her was too much to bare.

"Nothing? No complaints to offer?" Polly prodded.

I lowered my head and looked at her legs enjoying the outline of her muscles beneath the tight leggings she wore. "Look at me Jack." Polly said. I ended my silent examination of her lower torso and slowly gazed into Polly's gold-flecked green eyes. "I want you to do something for me." Polly was so close I felt the warmth of her breath.

I waited not responding. "I want you to show me how sorry you are for running away." She took a short step back and then extended her right foot. I looked down, she was wearing black flats that surrounded the sides of her foot leaving the ankle and most of the top of her foot bare below her leggings. I looked back to her face and Polly's cocked an eyebrow waiting for my response. I looked back and forth between her face and foot twice more before realizing what she wanted.

A combination of fear and arousal surged through me and my legs quavered as breath shuddered from between my lips. I glanced toward the stall where April now stood staring. Kristy too had stepped around Ollie's body to watch the exchange. I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes as my breath continued to rattle and shudders coursed through my body. I closed my eyes, knelt slowly to the dirt floor, and placed my lips against the top of her foot. Her skin was cold and I did not move with my lips pressed against her flesh.

A sharp intake of breath and a low moan came from April's direction.. Polly waited for many thundering heartbeats before sliding her foot back and pulling me to my feet. I did not meet her eyes as I stood. "Good. Stay right here, I am going to get something."

I nodded and Polly returned to the stall where Kristy stood with Ollie's body. April was sitting on the ground with her back against the dividing wall between the two stalls. Her eyes were wide and her hands were folded across her stomach. Kristy stood with her mouth agape switching her stunned gaze between Polly and I. I could not bare the intensity of their looks preferring the sight of my new cleavage and the shine of the red skirts to their naked shock.

Polly returned in seconds holding coils of white rope. "Turn around Jack. I'll not take any more chances." Rope was added around my elbows forcing my shoulders back and chest out. The strain increased as she attempted to draw my elbows closer. "Tsk, tsk. You still have an inch or or two to go."

"I don't think that's going to happen." I whispered. She finished with quick coils around my wrists though it was hardly necessary.

"Maybe, I guess we'll find out." She took a final rope and looped it through the indestructible crystal necklace around my throat and pulled me toward the barn door like a dog on a leash. "Ladies, I'm going to clean up my little pet. I'll meet you back at the house."

Polly held the flashlight low as we walked toward the house but I still stumbled over the uneven ground and was shivering from the cold autumn air. "So are you nervous?" Polly asked.

I did not answer so Polly stopped and looked back toward me.

"About what's going to happen to you?" Polly clarified.

"Worse than this?" I answered.

Polly shrugged. "Probably, since I like how you like it when you are helplessly dressed up." Polly suddenly giggled and gave the rope lead a little tug prompting me to continue along the trail. "Did you see April after you kissed my foot?" Polly laughed some more. "She was trying to keep from tearing her panties off."

I thought about this remembering April sitting on the ground with her hands across her stomach as if she were trying to keep from vomiting. "Really?"

Polly laughed again. "I'm starting to wonder if her husband left because of her desire to see him..." Polly rolled one wrist in the air towards me. "... you know."

"She wanted him to kiss her feet?" I asked hardly believing.

"Metaphorically, yes." Polly stopped and kissed me full on the lips. "I know I shouldn't like April being jealous, but I do. Thank you for that."

We finally reached the space of green lawn between the house and the wooded area. Polly picked up the pace and I was soon pulled into the upstairs bathroom where she relieved me of the red dress, corset, and stockings. She slid her fingers across my chest between the faux breasts and slowly moved them across my stomach toward the panties that barely contained my arousal. "I'm going to release your arms now, and you're going to take a shower."

I looked down at the breasts and looked curiously toward Polly. She knew what I meant and shook her head. "But Ollie is here." I said hoping she would understand my wish to be rid of them.

Polly pulled the ropes away from my body and smiled. "Exactly," She turned toward the bathroom door.

With a heavy sigh I did my best to ignore the jiggling devices. "This is so embarrassing."

Polly turned around. "It is just glue, take them off if you hate them so much."

"You'll be ok with that." I answered with an undeniable edge of hope filling my voice.

"No." Polly said simply.

I lowered my head knowing I could deny her nothing. I could not even summon the will power to imagine denying her. Freckled arms suddenly wrapped around my neck as a corona of red hair enveloped my head and soft lips found my own forcing them apart in a heated kiss. I fell into the wall as Polly pressed closer with a fierce passion. My thoughts splintered in a wave of desire buried within the aroma of vanilla and roses. I have no idea how long I stood there holding her but when Polly fell back her eyes were wild and she was out of breath. "Can't...want to... but can't."

I barely heard her words, and slipped to the floor.

"Thank God you stink like the barn, if not..." Polly leaned over placing her hands on her knees like a sprinter who just finished a race. "When you kissed my feet in the barn, I almost lost my mind. I wanted you right then and there. I still do..."

I too was out of breath. "I can't resist you."

Polly straightened up and smiled. "It's good thing you'll be tied up for the next few days." She left the bathroom with me sitting on the floor.

It took several minutes before I managed to get in the shower and I decided immediately that cold water would solve my most pressing problems. The chill water prompted a quick shower. I washed my body and hair with the same strawberry scented shampoo and was shivering next to the the shower curtain when Polly returned.

Whether the goose flesh on my arms or that lack of steam on the mirror, she knew immediately what I had done. She smiled at the small towel wrapped around my waist and pulled out two lengths of nylon from a small sack she carried. "Sit down on the toilet seat, I'm going to put these on you."

I opened my mouth to protest when I recognized the lace-topped stockings but closed it again when Polly looked at me with a single raised eyebrow. With a shiver, I sat down and lifted a leg. The stockings had a pattern of leaves covering their surface ending in a wide lace band at least four inches wide that gripped the top of my thighs. "Such nice legs." Polly smiled as she reached into her bag pulling out another garment made of similar black nylon. "April has this in her closet where she keeps all her fun clothing." She held out a sheer nylon leotard with a pattern of irregular petal-like shapes across the surface, it had long sleeves and a high neck. "You put it on like a shirt." Bodysuit

"Uhh..." I said looking down at the towel covering my waist. "Underwear?"

"Oh no, silly man." Polly laughed. "Underwear would show right through this material."

"Polly..." I started knowing that everything would show through sheer material.

"You'll be wearing a skirt too, though you are still being quite the tart with your nipples showing." Polly smiled. "Does that bother you?" I shook my head and took the bodysuit from her hands. The material was soft with a high neck tight enough that my necklace reseted outside the material. I pulled it down over my chest. "Now just snap it between your legs." Polly reached into her bag and pulled out a shiny black skirt. "And then pull this up your legs."

Once finished I quickly took the skirt since the bodysuit truly covered nothing. It was made of a spandex material that had a high waist and flared out around my thighs barely covering the tops of the stockings. "Oh my, you look good enough to eat."

"I feel ridiculous." I said.

"And we haven't even gotten to your punishment yet." Polly said. "Follow me please."

I stepped out of the bathroom behind Polly and cautiously looked around. No one else was about so I quickly followed her down the stairs into the main part of the house. Polly continued toward the kitchen and then opened the door out into the garage. It was a vast space, room enough for four cars with only two spaces occupied. Polly walked toward the far wall where several shelves were laid out in a grid pattern. Fluorescent light filled the area along with the slight smell of gasoline and lawn clippings.

She wound her way passed the shelves and approached a large iron-bound wooden chest resting on a small square of carpet. She smiled and opened chest which creaked on black iron hinges. "Take a look."

I approached her starting to feel nervous. I looked inside an empty chest. "I don't see anything."

"Exactly, hop in." Polly stated simply.

"What? You're going to lock me in a box?"

"Yes." Polly said with an unwavering smile. "No more running off."

"I'll suffocate." I argued.

In answer to my concern, Polly grabbed a nearby flashlight and turned it on dropping it into the chest. It bounced on a foam pad filling the bottom. She closed the lid and walked over to the wall and switched off the lights in the garage. Darkness filled the windowless garage except for light spreading out from the bottom of the chest. I knelt down and saw a mesh of holes encircling the entire bottom of the chest between the iron bands of the chest. "See," said Polly. "You will not suffocate." The lights blinked back to life.

"But..." I started to protest.

"No buts, into the box. Look at the bright side, you won't have to worry about anyone seeing you in your pretty outfit." Polly opened the lid and removed the flashlight.

With a sigh I lifted a leg over the edge, it was definitely large, more than large enough for me to fit. "Lie down on your back." Polly ordered. Lowering myself slowly down, my feet rested on the floor of the box with my arms at my sides. I could likely roll over onto my side if I needed to. "Ok, scoot down so you head is flat against the floor and then raise your arms toward me."

There was little point in fighting with her at this point. She produced a pair of wide leather cuffs which she wrapped around my wrists. "Really? Are these necessary?"

"Yes." Polly answered flatly and proceeded to place my wrists at my sides hooking the cuffs to something fastened to the side of the box preventing me from raising my hands. "I don't want you banging on the sides of the box and making a ruckus."

With a shake of my head I prepared for a much more uncomfortable stay within the box. Polly closed the lid plunging my world into darkness with only a little light leaking in through the mesh work along the bottom of the box, this light too vanished when the garage lights were switched off.

I had slept a bit in the barn so the time passed slowly. Every little creak and moan of the garage caught my attention and I worried the little scratching sounds were mice or rats that might find their way inside the box. My sudden spike of fear was eased by the return of the lights and the sound of approaching feet. The lid rose and Polly's smiling face appeared above me, she leaned down and stroked my cheek. "Alright now open up." Unmoving, I looked at Polly's hand which held a wad of shiny material whose color I could not discern in the dim light. "Huh, uh." I shook my head my mouth firmly closed.

Polly pressed the material over my lips and then I felt fingers between my legs stroking sensitive flesh. I gasped in surprise and her fingers pressed the silky material into my mouth. It was not a large amount but it would be going nowhere as she wrapped the lower half of my face in self adhering bandage.

Polly then stood up and disappeared from my line of sight only to be replaced by a figure that looked odd in the white light. Ollie's head sat atop a body that looked to have been covered in oil or tart. It took a few blinks of my eyes to realize he was wearing some sort of black, latex suit. He too was gagged and stared down at me with a look of confusion and fear. His gaze flicked to my chest and legs and then back to my face and I realized he was trying to reconcile the feminine body with the gagged face of his friend. Manicured hands gripped his shiny black shoulders pushing him toward the box. "Step into the box babe," Kristy's voice said. "Put your feet right next to Jack's head."

My own eyes mirrored Ollie's look of shock as he realized what was intended. I saw his muscles flex and he momentarily disappeared from my view. I jerked my arms against the cuffs that held my arms to the bottom of the box trying to free myself but my efforts were fruitless. Ollie's body returned to my field of vision and this time three pairs of arms were holding him. One pair lifted a leg and soon I was staring at the black rubber-covered legs of my friend who bucked and twisted his body in an effort to escape. I realized then why he was having so much difficulty resisting his captors, black rubber sleeves held his arms against his body like those of a straight-jacket. He had no leverage against the press of the three women who half-pushed, half-carried him forward.

"Kneel down, there is room so your knees will not crush Jack's arms." Kristy said as Ollie shook his head violently.

April entered my field of vision and I watched as she looped a rope loosely around Ollie's neck. She then reached into the box near my feet. Standing, she pulled up on the rope and as she did, the slack in the rope between Ollie's neck and the bottom of the box disappeared. More hands found his shoulders and as he succumbed to the added weight, Ollie's head was inexorably pulled downward and into the box. Eventually his knees collapsed and Polly and Kristy guided him into position so that his rubber-covered body was pressed on top of mine and I could feel his breath on the sides of my thighs.

Polly's smiling face appeared above me through the triangle of space created by Ollie's buttocks and the side of the box. She kissed her fingertips and blew across her hand with a laugh. I closed my eyes trying to escape from the smell of latex filling my nostrils and the feel of Ollie's warm breath on my thighs. Ollie grunted and whined but made no intelligible sounds. As the lid of the box was lowered the pressure increased as Ollie was pressed even harder against my body. I could tell he was trying to create as much space between us as possible, but I also knew that gravity would win that fight.

"Have fun boys." Kristy said with the sound of a click as if a lock had just been closed. The dim fluorescent light vanished moments later.

My prediction was correct, Ollie's weight settled down on top of mine. Every twitch my fingers brushed against Ollie's knee. Every twitch of his feet brushed against my face. Every sigh sent warm air swirling around my crotch and legs. I tried to imagine what he saw when he looked down at me in the box for the first time. A young girl in a short flirty skirt bunched around her waist revealing black stockings and a bodysuit that showed her nipples. I groaned at the thought and tried to shift which cause Ollie to slip even lower bringing out an answering groan from low between my legs.

Time passed in a mind numbing crawl, and I soon felt the regular pressure of Ollie's breathing against my chest and between my legs, he had likely fallen asleep. Dressed in rubber as he was I doubt he could feel my breath but I would not trade outfits with him, there was nothing but a thin spandex skirt and a strip of nylon between his face and my privates.

Would the girls leave us in here all night? How much night was even left. I did not deserve this, what had I done? Sure I tried to escape but Polly was supposed to tie me to the bed, or hogtie me in the closet, not this. What had Ollie done, only tried to rescue me from a fate he thought worse the anything short of death?

I tried to be angry with Polly. I tried to imagine standing before Polly after being released from the torture box and laying into her, yelling and screaming. Even as the scene blossomed in my imagination my rational mind was laughing. I could no more yell at Polly as get out of this damn box. Ollie shifted and his body pressed harder into mine, I started counting the seconds, praying for sleep to take me. I thankfully did not have to wait long.
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Post by ohBoyNice »

Thanks for keeping this up
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Post by Lorddunmore »

Poor Ollie, Poor Jack. These ladies have some kind of great imagination :)
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Post by Windrunner »

I guess I'm a lucky one, I had never come across this story before, so I got to read the whole thing in, well, a couple of sittings.

[mention]volatiledesire[/mention] , you are talented, dedicated, and creative. It's hard to find good, well-written erotic fiction with interesting, complex characters, and plot lines that mesh together in a way that indicates a lot of thought and, well, professionalism.

Doubly hard to find fiction that clicks almost every checkbox I look for. It's *really* hard to make forced-fem fiction that can sustain a story. I think that keeping jack and polly in a constant "look-but-don't touch" dance, you really did great.

I have no idea if you intend to keep going with the story (but I will happily sacrifice a chicken or burn a computer to appease whatever gods compel you to keep going!) - but it's been a terrific read so far, and my only question is, do you have any other stories that I've missed??
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Post by volatiledesire »

Windrunner wrote: 5 years ago I guess I'm a lucky one, I had never come across this story before, so I got to read the whole thing in, well, a couple of sittings.

@volatiledesire , you are talented, dedicated, and creative. It's hard to find good, well-written erotic fiction with interesting, complex characters, and plot lines that mesh together in a way that indicates a lot of thought and, well, professionalism.

Doubly hard to find fiction that clicks almost every checkbox I look for. It's *really* hard to make forced-fem fiction that can sustain a story. I think that keeping jack and polly in a constant "look-but-don't touch" dance, you really did great.

I have no idea if you intend to keep going with the story (but I will happily sacrifice a chicken or burn a computer to appease whatever gods compel you to keep going!) - but it's been a terrific read so far, and my only question is, do you have any other stories that I've missed??
Thank you for the kind words. I have been busy with Real Life™. And it's good to know that there are new readers.

Since you were so nice to comment I'll crack open the "book" and pen down a few more paragraphs on the next chapter.

Thanks again
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Post by volatiledesire »

Windrunner wrote: 5 years ago do you have any other stories that I've missed??
Forgot to answer this question.

On this site I have a couple: Mark and Nancy is a story I wrote more than 10 years ago and am slowly adding back here with edits.

And a short story: Wrong House Right Time

There are other stories I have written for other sites under this same pen name, all with the same general themes.
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Post by Windrunner »

Thank you for the links! You really are a talented writer, and look forward to reading the one new story I hadn't found yet, and for more additions to this one!
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Hey volatile, happy new year and hope you’re doing well.

Just wanted to put jack back at the top for a while to let some newbies discover my favourite tale.

Big love to you and the rest of us fans :)

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