Bound in the Bedroom (M/Ffm)

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KP Presents
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Bound in the Bedroom (M/Ffm)

Post by KP Presents »

It was my father who told me these stories, when I was in training for the profession I followed him into – that of a burglar. He mainly operated round our hometown in the fifties, and was very lucky – in that the police never caught him. He tended to only go out once or twice a month, both in my town and the surrounding ones, and was very careful – but it was his stories of the people he met that really fascinated me.

For example, he told me of the time he broke into a suburban home after he had watched the kids and the man of the house head out, his wife waving them off from the door as she wore a blue dressing gown. She had dark hair cut in a bob, and was a small woman – not a problem for him, but he knew he would have to make sure she could not raise the alarm.

So he waited a few minutes, and then he got out of his car and made his way round to the side door of the house. He usually paid his visits casually dressed – a checked shirt and pants, but with a stocking pulled down over his head as a mask. I did sometimes wonder how Mom noticed her stockings going missing…

Anyway, the side door was unlocked, so he let himself in and looked round the kitchen, before he walked to the bedroom – and as he walked in, he heard a noise behind another door -and a moment later, she came out. Her dressing gown off to reveal a white Baby Doll nightie and fluffy slippers. She took one look at my father – and fainted to the floor.

He walked over and picked her up, laying her on the bed before he took a ball of twine from his bag and used it to secure her wrists together. He then played the twine out and secured her ankles together, then he tied them to the foot of the bed before he cut the twine with a penknife.

He then searched in a drawer and drew out a small white chiffon scarf, which he folded and then pushed into her mouth as she started to stir. As she opened her eyes, she saw him put a finger to his lips, and then she watched as he searched for any valuable sin the house, too scared according to him to do anything else…

As any professional will tell you, research is key, and you have to face the possibility you have to tie a family up and make sure they cannot call for help. My father was no different, and he told me if that was a possibility he always took enough materials to make sure he could do what needed to be done. I asked him what he meant by that, and he told me this tale…

It was the winter break, and the home was a two-storey townhouse. The man of the house was a local bank manager, and as he went in the front door he could hear a female voice reading in the front room.

When he looked in, he saw the mother and the two sons. She was in her early forties, and was wearing a patterned tabard over a red and blue checked dress with short sleeves, nude hose on her legs. Her older son was nine, and had a striped jumper and brown pants on with socks, while his six-year-old brother was wearing a blue jumper and grey shorts with red moccasin socks.

Naturally, they were shocked to see him, and the mother ordered him to get out – which was when he showed them his handgun, and told all three of them to be very very quiet. She had been reading a book to them, but now she just sat with her hands on her lap as he put his bag down, and told the boys to stand in front of their mother.

When they did this, he took two lengths of thin cord from his bag, and tied the wrists of each boy tightly together behind their backs, before he ordered their mother to stand up, and he did the same to her.

HE then marched them a gunpoint into the hallway, and pulled the telephone wire out of the wall, before he forced them to go upstairs and into the master bedroom. There was another telephone there, which he pulled free of the wall before he ordered the mother to lie face down on the bed, and the boys to sit back-to-back on the floor.

He then put the bag down and took a longer rope out, which he used to tie the two boys together round their waists, and then he used two more lengths of rope to tie their ankles together. They then turned and watched as he went to the bed and crossed their mother’s ankles, tying them tightly together with more rope and then her legs below her knees, and then he rolled her onto her back.

Looking in the wardrobe, he took out two red bandanas and rolled them into bands, which he used to gag the two boys, and then he used a floral headscarf to keep their mother quiet, her red lips closing over the material as he tied it tightly round her head. They then watched as he emptied the drawers and took what he could, before leaving them there and searching the rest of the house.

I asked him if he felt any guilt about tying up children, and he told me he didn’t – and then he told me another tale, which I will come to in a few minutes.

Frist though, he told me about a slumber party he interrupted one evening. He had watched the parents leave, the man in his dinner jacket and the wife wearing a long fur, so he figures the house was going to be empty when he visited.

The first lesson from this tale, he told me, was never ever make assumptions like that – because when he got into the kitchen, he heard footsteps, and he stood in the shadows as a seventeen-year-old girl came in. she was wearing a yellow sleeveless top, and black shorts, and he watched her go into the icebox and take out some bottles of Coca Cola.

He allowed her to close the door before he came behind her, and pressed his gun against her back, asking her who else was in the house. She stuttered that two of her friends were there, so he told her to very slowly take him to where they were.

That turned out to be her bedroom, her two friends looking shocked as he came in with hr. The girl he had met had dark hair, while her two friends were blonde. One of them was wearing a cream vest top and brown shorts, while the other one was wearing a candy stripe sleeveless top, and tan shorts.

Now, because he wasn’t expecting anyone, he thought he had a problem – and then he felt a roll of white medical tape in his pocket, so the told the girls not to make a sound, and to lie across the large bed, side by side, with their hands behind their backs.

Well, they did as he had ordered them to, and he put the gun down on the bedside table before one by one he took their wrists behind their backs and taped them tightly together, then taped together their ankles as they lay there. They were all crying and pleading with him not to hurt them – as he put it, he had really scared them into thinking he was going to do something he would never, ever do.

He did have to keep them quiet, however, so he took three long tube socks from a drawer and used then as cleave gags on each of the girls, before putting strips of the tape across their lips in a X to reinforce the fact they should stay quiet.

As he put it, searching the house for valuables was a pleasure after that…

Now, he did tell me another tale of how he had to bind and gag a family so he could be about his work – and this was an early morning one. What made it more exciting for him was it was the home of an Army officer – one he had known during the war, and who he had little or no respect for.

It would have been about seven in the morning when he opened the door of the house and walked into the kitchen – to see his wife sitting at the kitchen table, drinking from a cup and reading the paper. She had brown hair held in place by hairspray, and was wearing a pair of glasses – as well as a white nightdress which came down to her knees, a square neckline and no sleeves.

Oh – and a shocked expression as she saw my father standing there, a gun in one hand and a canvas bag in the other. He told her not to say a word as he put the bag down, and drew a length of thin cord out, which he then used to bind her wrists together behind her back as he asked her who else was in the house. She didn’t want to say anything, but my father could be – persuasive when he needed to be so she eventually confirmed her two daughters were still in bed.

He then made her stand up and walk in front of him, the gun at her back as they walked up the stairs and they stopped outside a doorway. He opened it quietly and they walked in, to see an eighteen-year-old girl on the covers. She was wearing a long light pink nightdress, again with no sleeves, but with a rose lined neckline – and as he closed the door, she opened her eyes and asked her mother what was going on.

So he told her – and once she realize di was telling the truth, she rolled over when he asked her and put her hands behind her back allowing me to secure them tightly together with more cord. he then made her stand up – and we heard footsteps outside. he looked out to see a door close, and so he made the two captives walk in front of me as we waited for the other daughter to come out.

When she did so, he saw she was about fourteen, and was wearing a short sleeveless white nightie with a round neck – and a shocked expression as he told her to turn round and put her hands behind her back. The others had to watch as he bound them together, and then told their mother to lead the way to her bedroom.

When we went in, he told them all to lie face down on the bed, side by side. he then put the bag down and one by one crossed and bound their ankles tightly together, then bent their legs and secured their ankles to their wrists. Going to his bag, he took out the strips of sticking plaster and removed the backing paper, before he pressed them firmly down over the mouths of each of them to make sure they stayed quiet while he searched for valuables.

Their mother did try to talk to them and comfort them, but it was just a low mumble, so he checked they were still secure and quiet and left them for their housekeeper to find…

Now, I don’t want to give you the impression my father was a cruel man. Sometimes, he could be surprisingly compassionate, and even get someone he visited out of a bad situation.

Sometimes – very rarely – he would go into the city and do a lightning visit by climbing up a fire escape and getting in that way. This particular time, he got into a kitchen and saw this woman in her early twenties sitting there, holding a cup and crying. She had dark hair, and was wearing a blue housecoat with short sleeves and a starburst pattern on it – but her eyes were red, and when she saw him standing there she just said to go away.

He sat down and asked her what had happened – turned out her husband was not the nicest of men, and had demanded the rent money so that he could “lose it on those damn nags” as he said she said. He could see there was very little in the apartment – and he could also see the redness of her eyes, and the marks on her wrists.

So he asked her if she wanted rid of him – and she nodded, but also said she did not know how it could be done. Well, my father said he might know a way – but she would have to play along as well. She just wanted rid of him, was my feeling – so she agreed to whatever he wanted to do.

He asked her if she had any wool, and she took him to the front room where there was a knitting basket. Picking a roll of blue wool, he told her to lie on the couch, and to put her wrists together as if she was praying. She watched as he tied her wrists together, and then took them down to her lap while he unwound the wool and tied her ankles together as well.

He then asked her to tell the police, who he would call, that her husband had tied her up and stolen the money – and to show them the bruises as well. She nodded as he took a handkerchief and pushed it into her mouth, and then wound the wool round her head and between her lips to make it look as if her husband had done this to her.

She nodded as he left her there, and then he called the police a short while later…

The last tale he told me, however, just showed there really is nothing new under the sun. This was the home of a young executive and his beautiful wife, who had chestnut red hair as she stood in the doorway with a dressing gown round her body.

As he drove off, another car came round the corner and then not the driveway. A woman the same age as his wife got out, with dark hair styled back, and wearing a blue sundress. She kissed the wife on the cheek and then they went back in – as my father checked he had enough supplies for two, and then got out of his car.

He opened the back door and let himself in, and he could hear giggling and laughing coming from a nearby room, so he walked in and took a peek inside. The wife was standing here, wearing a sleeveless white blouse and a black skirt, but her guest was wearing what was obviously one of her husband’s shirts with the sleeves rolled up – and they were most certainly making the most of each other’s company.

~It was the wife who saw him first, and she let out a yelp, her friend turning and then raising her hands as she saw his gun. He told me he smiled, and apologized for interrupting their quiet time, but he had to make sure they stayed together.

He had recently been toying with using the sort of tape he used for home repairs in his work, nd so he produced from his bag a roll of the silver tape, and told the wife’s friend to lie face down on the bed, and put her hands behind her back. The wife asked if he was going to tie her friend up, but he shook his head – and then told her she was going to tie her up.

Well, she was not pleased at that idea, but then he reasonably pointed out he had the gun, and tossed the roll at her. She said she was sorry as she tore the end of the roll free, and then taped her friend’s wrists together, tearing the tape free and patting it down before he ordered her to tape her ankles together as well.

Once she had done this, he told her to tear a strip off and press it over her friend’s mouth, but he also told her if she wanted, she could kiss her before she did this. He watched as she rolled onto her back and they exchanged a gentle kiss, before she smoothed the ape down – and then lay next to her, crossing her wrists behind her back.

He picked up the roll and made sure she was secured and gagged in the same way, watching as they rolled onto their sides and looked at each other. He wasted no time in finding her valuables and claiming them, before he said he would let someone know their predicament – just in case her husband found out…
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Post by Dpsiic »

A good selection of tales.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Always great family in bondage stories.
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