Big Cousin Lizzie(F/F)

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Big Cousin Lizzie(F/F)

Post by PhantomThief »

Part 1 of 3

Lacy Bourne looks up the high rise apartment building. Her boyfriend, Matt, pulls up in the parking lot. She looked out to make sure he didn't accidentally park in a handicapped spot again. He was a sweet guy, but had a bad habit of overlooking little details like that.

"You're sure this is the place?" he asks.

"Yeah, this is it. Thank you so much." she says.

She reaches up and kisses his cheek.

"Don't you want help with your luggage?" he asks as Lacy gets out of the car.

"Nah, it's just one bag."

She gets her one suitcase out of the car, dragging it along on wheels. After exchanging another kiss and good bye, Matt promises to pick her up after her stay and drives away. A cool breeze passes by her, rattling some leaves.
Lacy Bourne is nineteen years of age, and if she seems to have a favorite color, it's black. It's the color of her long, flowing hair, of her t-shirt and socks, broken up with her blue jean shorts. She takes a deep breath. It's been a little while since she had last seen her older cousin, Lizzie. It wasn't the original part of her plan, she was going to stay at the dorms. However Lizzie offered her place to help save a little money.

Lacy drags the suitcase up, excited to see her again.

Lacy was eleven years old when her parents took Lizzie in. She had been an only child until then. Her uncle passed away, and her aunt simply didn't want the responsibility of raising a child, so Lacy's parents took the girl in.
She always loved Lizzie. When the family got together, lacy clung to her. She was so excited when Lizzie came to stay. Lizzie was fifteen at the time, a red head with long, sprawling hair. At the same, Lacy's hair was really short. In fact everything about the way Lacy dressed, she could almost pass for a boy.
Lizzie was always biting at the chomp to help. She would volunteer to wash the dishes, or help clean the house. Lacy thinks she was going through a lot of emotional turmoil at the time. Every now and then she caught her looking sad or troubled, but whenever her, or her parents looked at her, she smiled in return.
Lizzie really eased her parents burden by her willingness to babysit Lacy whenever they were out. This was when she really got to know Lizzie.

Her parents had just went out. She could hear Lizzie vaccuming downstairs still. She was big on keeping the house clean. She would take her shoes off and even make Lacy start doing the same, even though her parents never did. Lacy found that aspect of her a little annoying, especially cause she was really lookin forward to hanging out with her, yet there she was cleaning the floors.

Lacy got her home work done, cause Lizzie might get on her for it, but even then Lizzie was still vaccuming. With a sigh, she went into her cousin's room. Of course it was so neat and clean. It was such a small room, but Lizzie never complained. Not about anything.

She went under Lizzie's bed and started going through her things. School books, a photo album, some note diary. That dissapointed her, but she saw something else at the bottom of the bag. She pulled it out: a pair of handcuffs.


Lacy whipped around and hid the cuffs behind her back. She wasn't paying any attention, or she would have heard the vaccume being turned off. Lizzie crossed her arms, with a smirk on her face.

"Hey, Lizzie..."

"You finding everything all right?" she asks, walking over.


Lizzie reached around and took the handcuffs away. With a smirk, she took lacy's wrists and cuffed them behind her back. Lacy can imagined how bu eyed she must have looked. She was taken completely by surprise.
She gently shoved her onto the bed. Lacy tugged and pulled. These were sturdy handcuffs!

"Lizzie, uh, what are you doing?" Lacy asks.

Lizzie pulls out some black electrical tape, taking Lacy's feet and wrapping tape around her ankles. Thankfully she was wearing socks, a layer between her skin and the tape. Lacy gulped. She wasn't that nervous, per se, as Lizzie's mellow mood was still there. She was, she didn't know, excited?

Lizzie took a single sock, making a "boop!" sound as she pushed it into Lacy's mouth with a single finger, and covering it with a few strips of tape.

"All right, up, up, up." she says, taking Lacy up to her feet by her shoulders.

Lacy giggled incesstantly.

"Hop like a bunny, Lacy. Hop, hop, hop." she teased, Lacy laughing so hard under her gag.
Lizzie kept a firm grip of her shoulders as she helped her down the stairs. Lacy accidentally hopped on Lizzie's also socked feet a couple of times, but Lizzie only kinda cringed. Lacy mumbled a sorry when they got to the bottom of the stairs.

Lizzie pulled her in for a hug.

"You're so sweet." she said, before helping her over to the couch.

Lacy lay down.

"You having fun?"

Lacy nodded.

"You ever been tied up before?"

She shook her head.

"You want me to untie you right now?"

She shook her head.

Lizzie sat next to her.

"I need you to promise me, that you won't tell your mom and dad about the cuffs, and that you won't try to use them without me. If you don't know what you're doing, you could get yourself in big trouble. Can ya promise me?"
Lacy nodded, Lizzie giggling.

'Good girl." she said, giving her feet a slight tickle.

She squealed and pulled back.

"I'm gonna make us a pizza. I'll let you go when it's done."

Lacy nodded.

Lizzie patted her cheek and went to the kitchen, where Lacy was still in easy view. Lacy would call out to her from under the tape. At first Lizzie would turn her head and stick her tongue out, but after a bit she ignored her, pretending not to notice, but Lacy would sit up enough to notice the smirk on her face.

When the pizza was about to finish, Lizzie knelt on the floor beside her.

"Would you like me to tie you up more often?"

Lacy nodded immidiately.

"Okay, but you have to make a few more promises. First, you have to keep out of trouble, and keep your grades good. Second, ONLY when your parents are out, and only when I'm here. Also, try not to tell anyone else. If people hear your cousin is tying you up, they're gonna ge the wrong idea. I wouldn't want anyone thinking I'm an evil mastermind."

Lacy giggled and nodded.

"Good, good girl." she said, ruffling her hair.

She then ripped the tape off her face and pulled the sock from her mouth.

"If the tape stings, I can use a cloth or something." Lizzie says.

She ran to get a kitchen knife and cut the tape from her ankles. At last she uncuffed her hands.

"Do you use those on yourself?" Lacy asked.

Lizzie paused before answering.

"Yeah. It relaxes me, but I always keep the key in my hands. Plus I have experience. I don't want you messing around with this. You could get hurt and both of us-

Lacy put a hand over her mouth.

"I know, I know."

Lizzie giggled and pried her hand off.

"All right, brat, food's almost ready." she says with a giggle.

Nineteen year old Lacy knocks on the door. A moment later it opens up, Lacy dropping her bag and throwing her arms around her older cousin.

"Easy! Don't tackle me!" Lizzie laughs, hugging her back.

Without being prompted, Lacy takes off her shoes and pulls her bag inside. It's a small little apartment, and Lacy felt kinda bad for taking up even more space. Lizzie took her bag from her. She was in her waitress outfit. Lacy gave a mock cat call.

"Looking good, cuz." she teased.

"You joke...anyway, we'll be sharing a room. I wish I had more time to talk, but I've got work in twenty minutes."

"No problem." Lacy said, sitting on he couch.

Lizzie's hand suddenly clamped on her mouth.

"Try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone, all right?" she teased, taking it off.

Lacy stuck her tongue out.

"We'll catch up tonight, or tomorrow, all right?"


Lacy spent the better part of her night lounging around and watching television. She didn't want to go raiding Lizzie's fridge on her. She used to let her when she was a kid, to a degree, but now it's her food and drinks. There were a few days before she had to go to classes, and she was all ready partially fatigued from the long drive up.
She messaged her parents, letting them know she arrived safely. She didn't really have the energy to start scrolling through twitter or facebook. She set the phone down beside her on the floor and stares up at the ceiling. if she's this bad, Lizzie's going to be exhausted when she gets back home.

She lets out a stuttered breath. It's a little scary, actually. Not living with her parents. Matt isn't a two minute drive away. If she weren't living with Lizzie, this might be hitting her a little bit worse. She's not going to get to spend a ton of time with her, not as much as the old days, but she could sleep a good wink or two in general comfort.

Her eyelids grow heavy as the television continues on in he background. She sits up for a second, but her body might as well be made of concrete. Before Lacy knew it, she was fast asleep.

Her eyes snap open and she lets out a scream. it comes out muffled as her mouth is covered with a hand, Lizzie putting a finger to her lips. She pushes her hand off.

"Lizzie, you scared the day lights out of me!"

"You feeling all right?" she asks, feeling her head.

"I was just tired. Sorry about that."

"You should know you can help yourself to my fridge. Here." Lizzie says, bringing her a soda.

"Then you wouldn't have a fridge left." Lacy jokes.

"Oh really? Should I leave you tied up when I'm gone?" Lizzie asks.

Lacy nearly spits her soda out. if she were still eleven she would be chomping at the bit to play, but she can't believe she's having this conversation now.

"I don't think my teachers would approve."

"Imagine how they would react if you showed up to class bound and gagged."

'Don't even joke about that. I'm nervous enough." Lacy says.

"Take it from me, college is nothing like highschool. There's a lot more space. People won't give you crap."
"They will if I showed up like that."

Lizzie snorts.

"it's true!"

"yeah, yeah, I know." she said, sitting beside her and putting an arm around her shoulder. "I have missed you, ya know."

"Yeah, me too." she says softly.

"By the way, I'm not so hard ass about the shoes thins here. This is my place."

"Oh, NOW you tell me, after hard wiring it in my brain."

Lizzie scoots closer.

"So tell me about this boyfriend of yours."

"Nope." she says, standing up, but Lizzie takes her by the arms and sits her down.

"Oh no you don't. You're telling me or else."

"Or what, you'll throw me out?" lacy asks with a snort.

"Oh, just the opposite." she says, pulling Lacy's wrists behind her.

"You kidding me? I'm not a kid anymore!" Lacy exclaims, yet despite her words, with a single arm, Lizzie keeps her arms together.

"Yeah, you may be older, but I can still hand you your butt on a platter." she said, dragging her to the bedroom.

Lacy tried to get out, but wow, Lizzie's grip was iron strong. Pretty effortlessly, her cousin got some rope out from the closet, shoved her onto the bed, pounced and had her wrists tied together. Lizzie pretty effortlessly caught her ankles, tied them up, and held them together using a half foot length of rope in a loose hogtie.
Lizzie dusted her hands and pushed Lacy onto her side.

"H-hey, I'm not a kid!" she complained, immidiately trying to bust loose.

Except Lizzie had not lost a step! She really couldn't get out!

Lizzie left the room for a moment, while lacy fought with all she had.

"Isn't it a little late for this?"

Lizzie came back in, looking through her phone. Lacy's phone.


"Awwwe, is that him?" she asked, showing a picture of the two of them.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Lacy asked with a blush.

Lizzie sat beside her.

"So, are you going to tell me about him?" lizzie asks as Lacy thrashes and kicks about "Or should I send him a picture of you like this?"

"Oh god, FINE!" Lacy snaps, making Lizzie chuckle.

So Lacy told her about Matt. There wasn't that much to it, they had been dating for about a year or so after knowing each other through a similar circle of friends.

"Does he know you're a little damsel?"

"Don't even start that."

"What? He'd love to rescue his little princess." she cooed, squeezing her right cheek.

"Okay, okay, I told you."

"After too much prompting." Lizzie said, suddenly shoving a sock in her mouth.


"Shush." Lizzie says, sealing it with silver ductape.


"and just a little more." she said, putting on more layers.


"He does sound sweet." Lizzie whispered, giving her head a pat.


"I'm not that cruel. I'm just having a bit of fun with my favorite girl."

Lacy blushed a bit.

"Welll, my second favorite girl." Lizzie said, sitting next to her and taking out her own phone.

It showed a picture of her and another girl, one who was a bit nerdier looking in some kind of cosplay outfit. Some sort of knight?

"My girlfriend. Her name's Carol. Maybe you'll meet her some day."

Lacy was one of the few who knew, although she found out mostly by pure luck. She happened to spot her twelve year old cousin sharing a kiss with another girl. She begged Lacy not to tell and seemed so genuinely scared of anyone finding out, Lacy swore not to say anything. It probably doesn't matter so much to lizzie now that she's on her own, but for years she had been keeping that secret.

Specifically, from her parents. Lizzie didn't seem to care if anyone else knew, but at the time she feared ruining her good will with them, though Lacy doubted either of them would care that much.

"I'll give you a few minutes to enjoy yourself, all right?"

"mmm!" she whimpered.

Lizzie giggled and patted her feet before leaving the room. As she lay there, she wondered what Matt WOULD think if she knew she had this sort of thing. Would it weird him out, or would he play along with it?

Probably better to veer on the side of caution.

Lizzie came in a couple of moments later and completely untied her. As lazy ripped the tape off her own mouth, Lizzie was putting some on her face. She then locked herself in her own handcuffs and lay down.

"Getting tired?" Lacy asked.

Lizzie nodded. She found this sort of thing helped relax her before bed.

Lacy gave her a hug.

"Night, Lizzie."


This was another thing she found out through pure accident.
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is a fun story. Please continue.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Cute and Fun Story. Adorable at same time.
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by PhantomThief »

Part 2 of 3

Lizzie was pretty confident the time was right.

Her aunt and uncle are out, while Lacy is downstairs watching a movie. She closes her door. What a long day. School, cleaning, cooking, and entertaining Lacy. She needed her mental massage. Reaching beneath her bed, she took out a small box with tape and handcuffs.

She ripped off a strip and plastered it on her mouth. Making sure to keep the key in her palm, she cuffed her own hands behind her and lay on her side. She closes her eyes as her head hits the pillow. She tries to keep mindful not to fall asleep, but this does feel nice. If only she could explain it, it's simply relaxing.

Her eyes open up. Lacy stood in the open door way, at first looking confused, but then she grinned. She must've nodded off!

Lizzie scrambles to uncuff herself, but Lacy dives like a panther and snatches the keys.


Lacy stuck her tongue out and put them in her pocket. These weren't plastic cuffs either! Lizzie can't just break them!


Lacy giggled and shoved lizzie carefully onto her bed and then mounted her. Lizzie glared and thrashed, throwing herself back and yanking at the cuffs for dear life, but that only made Lacy giggle more.


"Boop!" Lacy said, poking her nose.


"If you want me to let you out, you'll have to play nice." lacy said.

Lizzie whimpered. This was so embarassing! At the mercy of her younger cousin cause she forgot to lock the door! and worse, lizzie is at least mindful to keep track of time. If Lacy forgets to let her out, they'll get caught!
"Mmm, mmmm, mmm!" Lizzie protests, trying to work her gag off, but Lacy just puts on more pieces of tape.


"Play, nice."

Lizzie sighs.


"Good girl." she said, patting her cheek.

Lizzie glared. She's the older one here, not her!

"Stand up." lacy said, helping her to her feet and walking her downstairs.

In the living room, Lacy forced her to her knees. Lizzie kept trying to warn her about keeping tack of time, but Lacy would just squeeze her cheeks, poke her head or try to tickle her. Lizzie did not have any ticklish spots. Not even when Lacy took her socks off and tried for her feet.


Lacy stuck her tongue out again and went raiding the cupboards for snacks. Her angry protests turned to whimpers and pleads, complete with making sad, puppy dog eyes. As time ticked by, Lizzie feared the worst. Lacy was all ready upstairs and she had the keys in her pocket. She was becoming legit afraid. Her aunt and uncle might dismiss this as some stupid game, but inevitably the question of where the handcuffs came from would be brought up, and she couldn't think of a good answer.

Lacy came plopping down the stairs.

"Macy, meese." lizzie whimpered.

"I know, you don't want mom and dad to find you like this. is that right?"

Lizzie nodded, knowing some black mail was coming but she didn't care. lacy gave her a hug.

"Did you have fun?"

She lied and nodded. She was too fearful of being discovered to enjoy herself, and her cold feet didn't help.

Lacy tightened her hug.

"You're the best, Lizzie."

"Manks." she said, feeling her heart flutter a little at that.

She really did love Lacy like a little sister.

"Okay, I'll let you out. I know you thought I'd forget. I'm not stupid. We have to keep this a secret, or else mom and dad will stuck BOTH of us with a babysitter."

Lizzie giggled incesstantly at the thought.

She unlocked the cuffs, Lizzie ripping the tape off her mouth and putting her socks back on.

"Am I gonna get tied now?" Lacy asked, somewhat hesitantly.

"I owe ya one." Lizzie said, winking.

She lightly slapped her back.

"I'll make us some popcorn. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good." Lacy said as Lizzie began cooking up some breakfast for them.

"It's the least I can do. I feel so bad leaving ya here. Until college starts, you won't have much to do. Maybe this was a bad idea."

"Don't say that. I love getting to see you again, and this place is sweet." Lacy said.

"But you have so little to do. maybe I should leave ya hogtied." Lizzie teased.

"I'll be fine, really." Lacy said with a laugh.

"You have full access to my food and whatever here you need. There might be some places to go in walking distance."

"Thanks, really."

Lacy takes a sip of her drink.

"By the way, does your girlfriend know, well, you know..."

"Kind of. She knows I like to cuff myself at night. She's actually cool with it. She doesn't even think it's weird."
"You're lucky." Lacy said.

"Have you been trying it since I was gone?"

"No." Lacy said.

"Let me guess, you prefer it being more of a social thing, right?"

"Yeah." Lacy said, looking aside.

Lizzie smiled warmly and gave her a hug.

"Anything bothering you?"

"Not really."

"Awwwe, come on, you can tell me."

Lacy paused.

"A little jealous, I guess, you can be open about it with someone. About anything. I'm too scared."

"College is a great place for that. No gossiping network. But hey, just do what you're comfortable with."

She nodded and helped Lizzie clean up. or tried to.

"Nope, you sit on down." Lizzie said.

"But you have work."

"You're the guest here." Lizzie said.


"You're getting all of my bad habits." Lizzie teased.

She got changed into her work outfit, and after a hug, took off.

Young Lacy was not exactly subtle, she knew, but as far as she was concerned, she was keeping up her end. Her grades were good, she wasn't causin any sort of trouble, had not revealed any secrets, and now they were home alone. Lizzie observed her standing there with an anticipatory look.

"Hmm, I don' know. You stayed out of trouble so I have no reason to put you in time out." she teased.
Lacy gave her a pouty look.

"All right, all right, fair is fair. Wait right here." Lizzie said.

Lacy sat with excitement as she waited for Lizzie to come back down. Her older cousin kept things simple, using rope to tie her wrists behind her and her ankles together. She dusted off her hands when she was done, and the first thing Lacy did was get to her feet and start hopping around.

"Whoa, careful there." Lizzie said, catching her by the shoulder.

Lacy held up Lizzie's handcuffs, staring at them contemplatively. She was almost bored enough to give them a try, although Lizzie's idea was probably the right one: it wasn't the same for her unless someone was there to share it. Lacy's never been a good private person. She can't have a secret unless at least one person knows it.
Lizzie helped Lacy back onto the couch.

"For your own safety." Lizzie said, actually serious this time, she put her in a hog tie.

"Cause I was bouncing around?!"

"Yeah. it's kinda funny I'm tying you up further for your own protection." Lizzie said, ruffling her hair.

"I guess."

"Don't get pouty, or I'll put you outside where everyone can see you."

"You wouldn't!" Lacy exclaimed, prompting Lizzie to slap a hand on her mouth.


"Ssshhh. You should know better, of course I'm not serious." Lizzie said, using her free hand to tickle her feet.


"Wow, I have to keep that one in mind."


"Coochi coochi coochi! Don't get mad at me, you were the one who wanted to get tied up...coochi coochi!"

"NMMMMMM!" she shrieked into the hand, flailing and thrashing with little to no control.

"Poor Lacy, you're so ticklish. How bad would it be if I took your socks off?"


"Yeah, you're right. The way you're reacting now, you'd probably die."

Lacy glared poutily.

"Poor wittle cuz has the tickle genes, don't ya? Don't ya?" she asked, ticklin her feet again.


Lizzie let go, allowing Lacy to catch her breath.

Lacy drops the cuffs. No way is she going to share this with anyone else. She's likely to meet someone who will take advantae or even embarass her with it. Lizzie she can trust with anything. On top of that, how would Matt feel if he found ou she was playing games like that with other people?

and she wasn't going to seek out that stuff online either. Lacy doesn't want that traced back to her.

Her eyes are drawn back to the handcuffs.

Lizzie sat in front of Lacy.

"You about ready to be set loose?"

She nodded.

"All right, just give me a moment." she said, undoing the hogtie first.

Lizzie moved down to get her ankles next.

"Would you mind stashing the rope away when you're out?"

Lacy nodded.

"Thanks. Now for your hands...I could make you put the rope back like this." she teased.

Lacy rolled her eyes.

"You're no fun." Lizzie said as she finished undoing the last knot.

After putting the rope away, Lacy ran up to meet Lizzie outside her room.

"Lacy? What is it?"

"Mind if I help you relax?"

Lizzie was about to ask what, but it looked like it dawned on her.

"You have to swear to me you aren't just going to take the key and leave me like that."

"Never." Lacy promised.

"Well, all right. Might not hurt to have a little help."

Lacy excitedly grabbed the handcuffs. Lizzie put her hands behind her obediently, and Lacy cuffed them. She placed the key in her palm and went through Lizzie's sock drawer, pulling out a lone sock she stuffed in her mouth. She ripped off the tape, estaticly, putting one piece over her mouth at a time. Finally, she took her by the shoulders and lay her on the bed.


Lizzie nodded. Lacy sat beside her and patted her back. With her head against the pillow, Lizzie went out like a light. Lacy gave her a quick hug, making sure the key was still within reach, and left the room.

Snapping on the second cuff, Lacy lay down. The keys were firmly gripped in her right hand. She lay for a moment, trying to soak in the moment. She gave her cuffs a quick tug or two. After another minute or so, she almost forgets she is cuffed. It really isn't the same without Lizzie, or maybe at least someone else there.
She uncuffs herself and goes to watch some television.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]PhantomThief[/mention]. I very much enjoy this story and how it is presented. That being said, I have noticed at times it is hard to distinguish between what happened in the past and what is currently happening, at least for me. I wonder if there is a way that you could better distinguish when you are switching between the two? Overall though, I can't wait to read the next part of this story and see where these characters go in potential future stories.
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