Janie, the Pack Animal (FF/F)

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Janie, the Pack Animal (FF/F)

Post by AlexUSA3 »

I initially wrote this as an installment of CGC Short Stories, but after it grew so large I started wondering if it should be a standalone story. Then an exchange with @superduperwaveydavey and @tiedinbluetights convinced me to publish this a standalone so that others could see a good example of one of my "Stories for Everyone" that involves an all/mostly adult cast. :)


Janie, the Pack Animal (FF/F)

Eva Rondell loved the image of being a soldier. She dressed in a lovely array of what she considered to be military colors. A sage green jumper, a milk chocolate kerchief bandana and knee socks, and a camouflage t-shirt underneath the jumper made a nice outfit, in her opinion. Her dark blonde hair was in a long braid.

In her hand was D.B. Cooper II, the disabled hunting rifle that she had restored and now used as a toy, including for fictional hold-ups during games. Across her body was a satchel full of TUG toys, and next to her, wielding D.B. Cooper III, was her younger brother Tyler.

They stood in the RV where their brother and his wife, Janie, were temporarily living on the family property. In the shower was Janie, the target, and they patiently waited for her to emerge. Kidnapping Janie was the game plan, but they needed Janie to be able to kidnap… Janie!

“Kenny, where's my shirt?” she called out.
“Here she comes! Pretend to be Ken,” Eva whispered.
“All right,” Tyler cleared his throat, “Trying ‘Here on the bed, Jane.’”
“Well, dang it! I’ll come get it,” Janie responded and opened the door.
“OMG Turn around Tyler!” Eva shrieked.
“She's naked!” Tyler dove under the bed.
“Reach for the sky!” the kidnapper remembered her mission.
“Don't shoot,” Janie instantly played along.
“Girl, it's a PG-13 story. Put your clothes on. Slowly. Get moving.”

Janie rolled her eyes and did what was expected of her. She slowly put on her briefs and a purple sports bra. With a gaze at the increasingly impatient Eva, Janie put on her pink sweatpants and tied a pink kerchief bandana onto her head. Then, she slowly combed out her long hair to loosen the tangle ends. The long hair was an integral part of Janie's self-esteem and wonderfully accented her dark skin tone.

There was a smile on Janie's face that she almost always had when the younger of the Rondell sisters was around. It was a slight smile, an oasis in the sea of humdrum and struggles brought by daily life. Time with Eva was like being a teenager hanging out with her best friend.

Eva stood with a confident grin on her face. She wasn't worried about Janie escaping or fighting them. Eva had spent enough time to know that Janie only would fight if she were in a bad mood or had a legitimate reason not to be captured. If anything, she was looking forward to this particular captivity; that was what Eva surmised from her big sister-in-law’s face.

Hearing aids didn't hamper Eva’s abilities as a kidnapper. She could hear now that she had humbled herself enough to accept her condition and receive care. A disadvantage she had no longer existed, and she enjoyed the world better now that she could again properly appreciate the little things, like chirping birds and whirring engines.

Tyler pointed D.B. Cooper III at Janie to continue the kidnapping routine so Eva could have the honor of binding the captive. Eva happily grabbed a piece of rougher brown rope and started tying Janie's wrists together behind her back. Janie squeaked a little at her own excitement.

“What's the motive? Why are you kidnapping me?” Janie interrupted Eva.
“I have reasons; it's winter. A blizzard is coming this evening. I can use a punk like you.”
“Punk?! Says the girl who just committed a home invasion!” Janie watched Eva remove her socks, “What relevance does a blizzard have?”
“Remember who's in control,” Eva approached Janie with a knee sock.
“No! Mmmm!” into her mouth went the sock, and a camouflage bandana followed.
“I am going to be using you as my personal pack animal for some jobs.”

Janie groaned while her face was crushed under a series of layers of clear packing tape. Eva was careful not to grab Janie’s hair in the tape, much to the strong girl’s appreciation. It was a lot of the material, though, since Eva never went cheap when tape was the right tool for the job. In all bondage applications, Eva always sided with overkill. Overkill was proven by Eva tying her other sock over Janie’s nose.

That’s what metal pipe was for, after all! You cut notches in the pipe, and then untie the captive so that you can zip tie their arms to the pipe in 7 places along each arm. A breast harness seems to add nothing, but in reality when it’s worked into the pipe it helps add the pectorals to the work in carrying the load attached to the pipe. Pack animals were not new to the Rondell’s at all. Just as she was, Janie was sent out the door into the yard. Once outside, Janie had a thirty pound weight lock chained to each ankle.

“Mmmmm!” Janie couldn’t believe the measures to which Eva went.
“Janie, you’ve been my sister-in-law for over a year; like I can surprise you!”
“Ngh!” Janie dragged the weights along behind her.
“Let’s go! Into the forest!” Eva spanked her, “Good news for you! Caleigh is coming too!”
“Noooooo!” Janie shook her head.
“Yes, Gangsta Jock! It’ll be so much fun having her spank you into obedience!”

That was the last thing she needed. Caleigh was the sibling with the spanking kink. There’d be much pain coming to Janie’s butt, and possibly to her hair as well, if Caleigh was along for the ride. Just a week before, Caleigh had tied Janie into a position where it was possible to dangle a barbell from her braid. The elder Rondell sister just fed on Janie’s shrieking from the pain; Janie had enjoyed the painful game too albeit in her own way.

“Move it, slave!” Eva shoved Janie, “Cay will be here soon, and God help you!”
“Guh!” Janie groaned and grimaced at the taste of Eva’s sock.
“I know I’m scrumptious in the leg, but what awaits you is much tastier!”
“Mmm ngg mmm!”
“Shhhhh! You may yell all you want, but here comes Caleigh!”
“Hi, girls!” a bright voice filled the air.

Caleigh was a little shorter than Eva and characterized by a smooth muscle tone over her entire body. Black leggings, a bright blue long-sleeve t-shirt, white ankle socks, and pink running shoes were her outfit. Blonde hair and blue-green eyes, like all of the siblings had, were obvious. The hair stretched halfway down her back.

Janie and Caleigh had been college softball teammates, and it was through that friendship that Janie had met, and married, the eldest of the four siblings. You marry your spouse’s family, too, and Janie was now but another victim of the Rondell rope games that so often befell the sisters. It was Janie’s turn to be the pack animal, the slave.

“Get on it, you tool!” Caleigh gently kicked Janie.
“Mmmm!” the captive sucked on Eva’s nasty sock.
“You tied her really well,” the elder sister complimented the younger, “I’m proud of you!”
“Thank you!” the younger stood up tall, “I love our sister-in-law. Mwah!”
“Mmmm!” Janie blushed at the kiss she received, “Mmm mm mmmmm!”
“Did you use enough zip ties?” Caleigh rhetorically asked her sister.
“No, but that’s OK,” Eva didn’t miss a beat.

Janie felt like a tool from the drawer. Her arms were outstretched and secure, and the gag had no hope of remaining anywhere but on her face. She was spanked, kicked, and verbally abused by her sisters-in-law. Weights were dragging her legs down. It was an interesting way to spend an afternoon with some of her favorite people.

Caleigh prepared for this day indeed and pulled a wide, maybe 2 inches, dog collar from the bag at her side. It was a solid blue color, and she clasped it on Janie’s neck. A lead rope was already attached to it, and she handed the end to Eva. Now, Janie really felt like a humiliated slave.

Five minutes of walking with the weights tired Janie like 50 minutes of regular walking. The weights were a brutal treatment, but she loved that Eva was testing her as an athlete first and foremost. The gag restricted her ability to get oxygen but not dangerously so. It was all kindly filtered through the smell of Eva’s feet, a smell with which Janie had grown familiar over years of growing closer to the family.

Humiliation and degradation were Caleigh’s favorite things. Spanking and verbal abuse were the two preferred methods by which she dished these things out, but human pack animal games were always welcome as well. A favorite was to crush a girl against the wheelchair that Eva had used when she suffered a massive double-knee injury in school and use her as an end table.

Janie trudged along between the two and endured the playful abuse the sisters gave her. Eva was good at it, but Caleigh was amazing. What made Caleigh’s treatment special to Janie was that it was so unlike Caleigh. Eva was a rough girl, always with an insult at the ready; Caleigh was the considerate and kind one, always trying to be an uplifting spirit.

“Hold on! This one’s dead,” Eva pointed to a tall brown one, “We’ll take it for the firewood.”
“I’ll make sure the slave goes nowhere,” Caleigh took the lead rope from Eva.
“Mmmmmmm!” Janie wailed and looked at Caleigh.
“Hold still. This will be wonderful to upload to the Facebook group.”
“Mmmm mmmmm!”
“I know smelling my feet would make you happier, but I’m not doing that!” Caleigh taunted her.
“It'll be a while. Tie her over there,” Eva pointed, “while I take care of this.”
“GMPH!” Janie was pulled away by Caleigh.

A rope wrapped Janie’s waist around a tree three times before Caleigh tightly cinched it between Janie’s torso and the tree’s trunk. This girl wasn’t going anywhere, and she watched as best as she could while Eva took her ax out of the box and started hacking at the base of the dead oak. She had never seen this process performed by Eva although she’d seen the boys do it and even helped before.

Down the tree went, and then Eva surprised Janie by handling the chainsaw to chop it into pieces that were small enough to carry. Then Janie’s eyes grew wide. That’s what she was about to do. She was going to have those pieces of chopped wood tied to her arms to carry back to the house on a series of repeated trips.

“NnnnnHG!” she struggled against the tree.
“Calm down, you donkey. The fun hasn’t started yet!” Caleigh taunted her.
“Mmmmm!” Janie squirmed as much as the tree and pipe would permit.
“Do you want me to pretzel tie you like this?” Caleigh sternly asked her now.
“No! Mmmm mmm mmmmmmmmm!” Janie couldn't be understood.
“That does it, Janie, time to really punish you!”

Janie was detached from the tree and forced to the ground. Being 6’1” and your alma mater’s all time home run leader in softball was useless when your arms were zipped to a pipe like Janie's were. She didn't realize how bendy she was until her ankles were on the other side of the pipe with her knees in her chest. Ropes secured her ankles to the pipe so that she was immobilized.

SMACK! SMACK! each cheek was spanked by Caleigh.
“Gmph!” Janie groaned in pain.
“Ah, the resonance of a spank in a forest!”
“If a girl is spanked in a forest, and nobody but her and her captors hear her, did she make a sound?”
“You're a terrible slave! You like it when your slave drivers beat you!”
“Caleigh, watch it!” Eva cautioned, “We need her to be able to work!”
“All right… that's it for now!” Caleigh warned the big girl.
“Mmmmmmmm!” Janie yelled at her.
“I'm gonna be ready for her soon!” Eva shouted.

The giant captive continued to taste and smell her sister-in-law Eva. Eva Rondell was in her comfort zone out here in the forest on a cool day. Like an elf or a lumberjack, a oneness with the forest was about her; she smiled and enjoyed the trees, squirrels, and birds that surrounded them. The flowers on her jumper accompanied the smells of the woodland natives.

Janie's legs were freed from the painful pretzel tie and reattached to the heavy weights that restricted her movement. She groaned when Caleigh pushed her against the same tree to which she'd been previously tied and again secured her waist. It was tiring, but it was fun, humiliating, and degrading.

She took a deep breath and shook her head at the stench. Caleigh laughed at her, but she looked up to see a mockingbird in the tree above her. He was happy and free and, in her playful mind, living up to his name by mocking her. She was just a captive of a crazy girl and that girl’s crazier sister.

“Here we go!” Eva tied the first two pieces to Janie’s wrists.
“Mmmm mmmm!” Janie cursed into her gag.
“Oh, I’ll get more for you! I promise!” the younger sister taunted her some more.
“Remember! PG-13! No swearing, and no turning this into a sex game!”
“Hee hee!” Caleigh loved the banter between the two.

Each piece of wood had a hole drilled into the corner so that Eva could tie it to Janie's arms that were secured against the pipe. In little time, dangling pieces of wood hung from Janie’s arms, and she was detached from the tree. It was time to begin her little march. Or not.

Janie trudged along with the weights dragging her down and Caleigh holding the lead rope. She was like a horse, except she was really gagged instead of having a bit in her mouth. All she smelled and tasted was Eva. Then there was the problem of Caleigh.

“Unnnnnnnnnnnnnn!” Janie wailed.
“Move faster!” Caleigh ordered her, “Man, you're useless!”
“Mmm mmm a mmmm mmmm ih aa mmm mmmmm mmmmmm!” Janie protested.
“You'll get tied up so well when this is done!” the slavedriver shook her head.
“MMMMMMMMM!” cried Janie.

How fast was she supposed to move? She had 30 pound weights tied to each ankle to make it hard to walk! Now she was trudging through the forest with firewood tied to her arms. A Gangsta Jock was supposed to be loved and cherished. If this was what Rondell’s did with loved ones, then what did they do with enemies?


Caleigh periodically pushed, kicked, spanked, and verbally abused Janie throughout the walk back to the house. She enjoyed being in this position more than any other, especially the whole angle of abuse and degradation. Of all the kinks, those were the elder sister’s favorites. She might have been blonde and happy, but she was complex and bizarre.

“Keep going, you lazy piece of crap!”
“You're quitting on me, you good-for-nothing jackwagon!”
“You’d be more efficient if you weren't enjoying the spanking!”
“You're an animal and a useless one at that!”
“This is nothing compared to the beating you’ll get afterwards!”
“Slaves only get breaks when I say so!”
“Move it, Gangsta, before I blindfold you with your bandana and really make it hard!”

By the time the second load was attached to Janie's arms, she figured she had received at least 30 spanks just in the marches to and from the site nevermind the ones she got walking out her the first time and while waiting for the first load. Now, Janie had a beautiful braid about her hair, handcrafted by the artistic Caleigh. It started at her neck, so the hair above it was still free and under the guidance of the bandana she wore.

Then Caleigh sat down to do what she did best: draw. She opened a drawing pad, sat down for a moment while Eva took care of things, and made a sketch of her sister-in-law. Once she had the basic sketch down, she could relive the rest in her mind and finish it as if she’d done it live. This was one of the greatest talents any of them had, greater than the talents of nearly anyone else any of them knew!

Load #2 was just as nasty of an adventure of spanking and dragging weights behind her while carrying the logs from her arms. Janie groaned a lot while getting spanked, and she felt herself losing her grip on the time-space continuum of reality. The insults that flew off Caleigh’s tongue were colorful and creative; the irregularly interspersed kicks and spanks and jerks of the lead rope were always a surprise; the random photo shoots and films were humiliating. This was perfection.

“I’m going to change your gag so you can have a drink,” Caleigh said.
“Mmmmmmmmm!” Janie groaned as she was bullied back into the RV.
“Oh, let's see, where did I put that… Oh, right, in my bag!” Caleigh pulled out a big pink ball gag.
“Huh?!” Janie groaned while Caleigh unwrapped the tape.
“Meet ‘Queen Pink,’ the latest member of the family! Three inches of fun!”
“Three inches?! Are you out of your mind?!” Janie gasped.
“Drink up! You're 6’1” and bendy as all get out! You’ll be the new gag’s debut.”
“Look, Caleigh, I love you, but…,” Janie squirmed, “That's big.”
“Janie, look at me! Would I force you to do it if it hurt?” she asked seriously.
“No. You let your ADHD take over sometimes and forget though.”
“Let's just try and see what happens.”
“Gunk!” Janie was surprised to fit the gag in her mouth without any problem.
“Move it!”

Janie found herself reliving the slave march. She shuddered at the thought of herself trying to avoid subspace at treatments that some of her ancestors may have suffered in a much less congenial setting: slavery. She was basically her sisters-in-law’s slave, an animal for work, a pack animal, really. She was being physically and verbally abused while bound and gagged. She didn't understand why it excited her so much despite all her seemingly angry protests.

A tired Janie received a third and final load of wood to carry back. She was drooling enough to spawn a thunderstorm, and she was ready to transition to anything, freedom or more time tied up, as long as she wasn't standing, stretched on a pipe, or being used as a pack animal. The trip back saw her getting spanked, kicked, and abused by both of the sisters.

“Why’d you insist this be PG-13?” Caleigh asked, “I could have so much more fun if I could swear and play dirty!”
“Because it wasn't necessary!” Eva responded, “I wanted it just like when Ken would do it to me when I was in high school.”
“Well, all right. You had a reason. I guess cursing and exposure aren't required for us to all have fun together.”
“Mmmm hmmm!” Janie nodded and drooled.
“Don't worry!” Eva more kindly put a hand on Janie's shoulder, “The pipe will go away soon.”
“Mmmmmm!” Janie kept drooling, but then one last round of abuse was coming

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! they tandem spanked her cheeks
“You’re useless! Get a move on!” the younger sister snarled.
“Aw, are those ankle weights heavy? Shouldn’t have been a running risk!” then the other.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!, or alternated on the cheeks near them.
“Why are you so freaking slow?!”
“Can’t handle a few little chunks of wood?!”
“Some pack animal you are! You’re pathetic!”
“Caleigh might be mentally able to handle this better than you!”

Then it ended. They had arrived. The zips were cut, but as soon as they were cut the tired girl’s arms were pulled behind her back and secured in cinch straps. The competitive fire hadn’t died, which meant the sisters were free to press Janie some more. The best thing about Janie was that she’d tell you when she was at her limit. They crushed her legs and arms and in the cinches and then pinned her arms to her torso using more straps. Queen Pink was replaced with the slightly smaller but similarly familiar Big Yellow, the 2.5 inch ball gag. It was a step down, but to a gag which Janie could enjoy as long as she wanted thanks to her immense size. A glug of Gatorade was administered between gags.

As it turned out, though, the phase of Janie the pack animal had come to an end. The magic that came from cinch straps was that, for Janie, they were quite escapable when applied only to her bare skin. This was why they’d been used. Janie was left outside, on the ground, while her dear sisters-in-law loaded the wood box with the collected material. It was a little slice of paradise in her eyes. Escaping was the ultimate way to express her gratitude at what had been an absolutely incredible experience. She was tightly bound, but the sweat that flooded her body could not hold them for long.

“UNK!” Janie began struggling.
“You suffered what? Like 120 spanks or something? And you could take more?” Caleigh asked.
“No!” the captive groaned.
“All right,” Caleigh sat down to finish her drawing, “You enjoy yourself.”
“Mmmmmm!” the squirming intensified.
“She’s such a good girl!” Eva stepped back.

Ignoring the compliment, Janie groaned and watched a drool blob pour off her gag and onto the concrete patio on which she was currently lying. She took some deep, exhausted breaths before she pushed onward. They could have cut into her skin a lot more if they’d wanted, but they had not done so. With little effort, the straps either loosened and started sliding off the spots where they’d been applied.

More wiggling brought Janie the great reward of freedom. She sat up and felt her fingers grab enough of the strap on her wrists to pull it off. After so much time as her in-laws’ slave, she’d won her freedom. They simply sat in their chairs, drinking their own Gatorades and enjoying the show. Janie unbuckled the big yellow ball gag.

“That was fun,” she quietly accepted her own Gatorade from Eva.
“You’re fun!” Eva grinned, “Playing with you is so awesome. I’ve been the coerced pack animal many times!”
“Next time, though, we’ll arm wrestle to decide who’s the pack animal,” Janie smiled back.
“No! Next time, I’ll be the pack animal to even the score between us, then we’ll wrestle!”
“That’s a deal,” the eyes brightened in the happy softball player.
“How does it feel, Janie?” Caleigh asked while working on her drawing.
“Awesome! I love you two so much! Just remember I love your big brother more!”

It had indeed been an unforgettable time for all of them.

CGC Short Stories (F+f+/F+f+): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20527
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Post by hafnermg »

Great story!! I always love more Janie and Caleigh!!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Very good stand-alone story! Thanks for posting and sharing!
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

@AlexUSA3 Intense and interesting story. I enjoyed that - thanks for posting. The following line made me laugh!

“If a girl is spanked in a forest, and nobody but her and her captors hear her, did she make a sound?”
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

hafnermg wrote: 1 month ago Great story!! I always love more Janie and Caleigh!!
You always do!
tiedinbluetights wrote: 1 month ago Very good stand-alone story! Thanks for posting and sharing!
My pleasure. This is the general flavor of any story I write involving either Janie or Eva.
superduperwaveydavey wrote: 1 month ago Intense and interesting story. I enjoyed that - thanks for posting. The following line made me laugh!

“If a girl is spanked in a forest, and nobody but her and her captors hear her, did she make a sound?”
I don't know if that line is original, but it looked funny when I wrote it. :lol:
CGC Short Stories (F+f+/F+f+): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20527
Find my other CGC Stories in the same link above!

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