The Cabin M/F

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The Cabin M/F

Post by angim350 »

Hi all

So, I wrote this story over ten years ago (!) for the old site and until today I thought it had been lost forever! However, thanks to some computer wizzardy, I've gotten it back and thought I'd share it again, as it was pretty well received last time. Hope you enjoy!!

Editor's note - it was my intention to share this in full but it's quite long, so if people like I'll put the rest on :)

The Man
The wind rustled around the tiny building, like whispering spirits judging him. Every noise outside could have been the snapping of twigs; the tell tale signs of someone approaching. And yet, he knew that was impossible. He had been too careful. Far, far too careful.

After all. He'd done this before.

He straightened up in his seat, trying to make his mind focus on other things than his imagined enemies. His mind started to retreat into a subconscious he usually kept well hidden. Things long forgotten sprung up in his mind... things best left in the past. His eyes snapped back to the present, instead choosing to focus on what was in front of him.

"Please..." said a voice.

Now fully aware, the man sat up. He tried not to look at her, but automatically he ended up doing so anyway.

"It hurts. Could you just untie me for a little bit? I'm not exactly going to get away from you, am I?"

The man showed no sign of hearing her, but hear her he did. The voice came from a young girl of 19, tied tightly to a chair in the middle of the room. Her hands were wrapped behind her, while rope encased her middle, legs and feet. She was dressed in casual jeans and a t-shirt; when the man had first picked her up she'd been at home. Her dazzling blue eyes, flecked with tears, peaked out at him from underneath long, brunette locks. She truly was a pretty thing. If the man noticed that kind of thing.

He sighed. He'd heard this plea before.

"Come on!" she said, the despair clear in her voice as she strained against her bonds. "I promise! Just let me loose for a little bit. I can't feel my fingers."

The man continued to stay silent, simply shaking his head once. The girl began to sob softly, looking anywhere but at him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she whispered.

He said nothing, but stood up suddenly. She winced slightly, yet he walked away from her, prancing out of the door of the tiny cabin without a backwards glance. It helped if he didn't speak to them. It made it easier.

He's going to kill me
That thought had raced through the young girls mind continuously, ever since she had woken up in this tiny cabin in the middle of nowhere. Her captor, elusive and silent, had simply stared at her over the last day, as though unsure what to do. Annabel was no psychologist, but this didn't sound good.

With him out of the place, wandering off to God knows where, Annabel finally thought she'd caught a break. He had been there almost continuously since she'd woken up, staring calmly at her as she screamed, begged, then demanded to know what was going on. And all the while he'd left her tied like she was. Wrist ground on wrist, ankle on ankle, completely attached to that wooden chair. It had been uncomfortable when she first awoke. Now, it was nearing agony.

Gritting her teeth, Annabel tried moving her wrists, seeing if she could find any slack at all. Her hands were tied palm to palm, the knot entirely out of reach of her probing fingers. No matter how much she tried, she simply couldn't move her hands at all. Feeling growing despair, with a cry she applied force, trying to pry them apart through sheer strength. The rope held firm, her bonds held fast. This guy, whoever he was, was a pro. There would be no escape.

Crying, she suddenly launched herself into furious struggles. She would not give up! She'd find some slack, any slack...

Five minutes later she slumped as much as her ropes would allow, completely bound and helpless. Tears slid down her slightly freckled face. She was going to die. Alone, in the middle of the woods. Nobody would hear her. Nobody would come. 19 years old. Barely any time to make a mark upon the world...

I will not give up!

Her prying eyes cast about the room, looking for anything that might be sharp enough to cut the rope. But the room was empty. Only a small wooden structure, with 2 chairs facing each other, one of which she'd been stuck in for hours. There was nothing that could help her here. Nothing at all.

It was some time later the man returned. He stared at her once, then sat back down in his seat, continuing his relentless silence.

The Man
She'd been trying to escape, that much was obvious. Her hair flecked across her face, her eyes were red and blotchy. It seemed that she had cried all she could. Now she was regarding him curiously, studying him like she hadn't before. It seemed she was thinking hard.

"I need to go to the bathroom," she said.

The man kept himself quiet, absently studying his nails.

"Didn't you hear me?" she pressed. "I need to go. I haven't been all day. Will you please just let me..."

"Go ahead," he spoke for the first time. "I'm not stopping you."

She seemed shocked to hear his voice and for a minute seemingly couldn't reply. The man appreciated the silence, even if it threatened to return worrying thoughts.

"So you can speak," she said. She squirmed slightly in her ropes. "What's your name?"

The man said nothing once again.

"Come on! Can you at least tell me something? What's going on? Why are you doing this? Why won't you just let. me. go!"

She emphasized the last three words, thrashing about in the chair. He watched calmly, admiring her courage. Some of her predecessors had offered him anything if he'd just untie them and let them go. It seemed this one was a bit of a fighter.

"You're going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that, you know," he said.

He stood up, walking towards her. She suddenly looked very scared.

"Let's get one thing out of the way. I don't want to be here. You don't want to be here. I'm not in charge and neither are you. What I am is a man with a very particular set of skills. If you fight me, I can make your stay here extremely unpleasant. But don't beg me, don't proposition me, in fact you can be silent as the grave, or I will put you in one. Your words fall on deaf ears, Annabel."

He walked behind her.

"I'm going to untie your hands. You're staying in the chair, so I'll hear no more."

He began working on her knots, unravelling the cords as quick as he could. He heard her sigh in soft relief, bringing them before her eyes. There were deep red lines there, and several bruises. She tried rubbing them softly, wincing.

"Thankyou," she replied. "Thankyou."
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Post by Smythdean »

Great story.
Wondering will there be a gag though
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Post by GreyLord »

More please!
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Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by angim350 »

Part 2

Feeling was slowly starting to return to her wrists as she carefully massaged them. Taking deep breaths, she looked over at the man once again, continuing to stroke her hands.

"Do you have any food?"

He stared back at her with those dark, melancholy eyes.

"I will give you the opportunity to use the toilet and eat presently. We have been here longer than I thought we would. I have only let your hands free because it is not my intention to cause you unnecessary... damage."

Annabel nodded. It was clearly pointless trying to reason with him. One thing seemed to be abundantly clear. He had not kidnapped her to satisfy any desires that he himself may have had, which she realized with a great feeling of relief. He had done it because he was working for someone. Who it could be was anybody's guess. Her family were not rich. They were not powerful, nor did they have any influence. They were just an average group of people.

Suddenly, a noise cut through the silence. The man pulled a vibrating phone out of his pocket and pressed it to his ear.

"Yes? Aha. Okay. Fine."

He hung up quickly, gazing at her once again as she cradled her throbbing hands. It almost looked like he felt a little sorry for her.

"My employer wished to make sure you were comfortable. Things are going slower than they expected."

Annabel didn't know what to say. She was desperate for answers yet scared to ask. Weary of how he would react. Even terrified, in a small way, of knowing why he'd brought her there. In the end, she felt she had to say something.

"Look. I know you don't want to be doing this to me. I can see it's all kind of out of your hands. So please. Just tell me what's going on."

The Man
He had to admit, he admired her courage. She was petrified, that much was obvious, yet there was something about her he couldn't quite place. A certain defiance to her situation he couldn't help but admire.

"You're cold," he said, noticing she was shivering. She nodded slightly, wincing as she continued to massage her hands.

"Damn," she winced. "Why did you have to make it so tight?"

"So you couldn't escape," he replied. "You are not the first girl I've taken. But they, I mean the people, they are usually..."


He shut up, concious of the fact he had already told her too much. Taking off his coat, he approached her chair. She pulled back slightly, watching him with curious eyes as he draped it around her. He then sighed.

"Hey, erm, do you think you could maybe untie me so I could use the bathroom now? I promise you, I won't try anything."

He wanted to believe her, but there was something about her calm demeanour that made him weary. He really didn't want to risk hurting her if she fought him.


He considered her a moment more, then nodded.

"Do not try anything," he warned her. "I do not want to hurt you. But I will."

True to his word, her strange captor gave her a good long time to wash up. At first her feet had hurt almost as much as her hands but at last she was regaining proper feeling in them. The small bathroom had no windows and only one door, offering no chance of escape. She quickly gazed at herself in the tiny mirror on the wall, seeing her white face framed by her dishevelled hair. Her fear was obvious. She had to try and remain calm. Maybe she could reason with him. He didn't want to hurt her but she was under no illusion that he wasn't capable of killing her. To die far from her family out here in the middle of nowhere... the thought was unbearable. Her hands started to shake uncontrollably and she softly repressed a sob. She couldn't stay here forever. She would have to go back out there and talk with him.

He was waiting patiently for her when she walked back out, holding a long piece of rope in his hands. It seemed he had been busy while she'd been in the bathroom. A few sheets had been laid out on the floor, along with a pillow. He motioned towards it softly.

"I thought this would be more comfortable for you. Please, come and sit down."

She remained where she was standing.


"I have to go away for a bit. I'm going to have to restrain you."

Suddenly, all the fear that Annabel had been trying to repress jolted up in her stomach.

"No! Please, please no! Don't tie me up and leave me here. Please."

"I'm sorry, I need to. Now come here."


She began frantically looking for something, anything to defend herself with. The thought of being left in this small, dark cabin tied up filled her with absolute despair. She was not going to let him do it to her.

"I will not be long, I promise you."

"And what if something happens to you and I'm left here? Just, I don't know, take me with you or something."

"This is not up for discussion! Get over here now or I will make you."

"Never!" With one swift movement she made a grab for the chair, meaning to smash it over his head. But as quick as she moved, he was quicker. She felt a strong arm grab her around her waste, lifting her completely off the floor. She found herself going hysterical but no matter how hard she thrashed, it did not seem to phase him. Soon she was on the floor with him sitting on top of her, pulling her wrists behind her back. Once again harsh rope was snaked round her wrists, clinched off very tightly. Tears fell down her cheeks as she submitted, feeling more cord tied around her feet before being linked to her hands, clenched into fists.

The man straightened up, satisfied with his work.

"Try not to move around too much," he said. "You will only hurt yourself."

With that, he turned around and left, leaving the cold and terrified girl softly crying into the floor.
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Post by slackywacky »

Very nice. Hope there will be more.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by latin-self-bound »

Very good story!! I love the brief dialogues between both of them, and the thoughts of each other. I'll wait the next parts.
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Post by angim350 »

Thanks for the feedback guys :)

Part 3
She did not know how long he'd been gone. Minutes, hours... days. No. Not days. Days would mean she would be starving, or desperate for a drink. Strangely but remarkably she felt no hunger or thirst. Just an overwhelming feeling of helplessness that she could not suppress.

At first she had struggled against her new bonds, ignoring the pain from the bruises already on her wrists and ankles. Her hands gripped into fists as she twisted them, trying to find any slack in the lopes. If she could just get free, she could break the window... try to find a road nearby for help. But it was fruitless. Eventually, with a massive cry of frustration, she had given up, now and again breaking the silence with a few pathetic wiggles. The pain her situation was causing her was only starting to be matched by how cold she was becoming. Her struggles had thrown the sheets off, which she was starting to bitterly regret.

Then, she had started screaming for help. It did not take long before her voice became hoarse, her throat scratchy. Maybe she did feel the need for a drink now. But mostly, she just needed to be free.

"Argh!" She willed herself not to start crying again. It would accomplish nothing, and in all honesty she had to be level headed. Once again she started moving her hands up and down, at the same time casting her eyes around the room. The man was a pro, true enough, but this cabin was obviously not occupied much. She doubted if he owned it. Maybe there was something in here he had missed that could help her.

"Annabel," said a voice.

She almost jumped out of her skin. Squirming round, she glanced in every direction of the little cabin, trying to locate the source of the voice.

"Who's there?" she called out. "Anyone? Please!"

Nothing. Maybe she had imagined it. After all, she was feeling pretty hysterical.

"Annabel," the voice said again. It was a boy's. Young. Once again, she looked everywhere but could not locate him.

"Where are you? Please! I need help! I'm begging you..."

The door to the cabin slowly opened. She gazed at it, wide eyed with fear. A boy stood there, no older than 12. He was short and stumpy for his age, freckles lining his face. His eyes, pure blue, stared down at her, surrounded by his white face. He looked very scared.

Annabel squirmed.

"Thank God! Please, you have to help me! Untie me!"

He didn't move. Annabel felt growing desperation. She fought furiously against her bonds, rising slightly before falling back in frustration.

"Please. I can't get out of this. Help me. Just get these ropes off me." She paused. "Hang on. Don't I know you?"

A memory came to her. Her new neighbours, who had moved in only very recently. Both she and her mother had gone round to the house to introduce themselves, to be met by a rather rude middle aged woman who seemed to be in a big hurry. Annabel had caught a glimpse of the little boy sitting on a chair behind her, looking absently at the door. He had looked very unhappy.

"You live next to me, don't you? What are you doing here?"

"I... this is my family's old cabin. Mum says we've not used it in years."

"W... what do you mean?"

"I mean this cabin belongs to us. I come here a lot to... mess about." He moved closer. "I'm Henry, by the way." Although he looked very scared, his voice remained calm.

"Henry. Look, you need to help me. This man. He's kidnapped me for some reason. He's gone now, but he'll be back soon. Please. Help me get out of here."

The boy stood very still, then slowly shook his head. Annabel felt like her insides had suddenly turned cold.

"If you've been brought here, it means Mum arranged it. And I'm not going against what she wants."

"What?! What do you mean?"

"She does things," Henry explained. "She knows people. Has contacts. I can't help you, I'm sorry. I'll pay dearly if I do."

Annabel felt tears coming out of her eyes. Why would this woman who she didn't know do this to her? What was going on?

"Henry, please, please listen to me. This is very serious. If your Mum is behind this, she is in a lot of trouble. The police will arrest her and she will go to prison for a very long time. Just help me now and I'll make sure she doesn't hurt you. We'll go to the police together. I can't help either of us like this. Oh God Henry, please! Just... untie me!"

She was close to hysterics now. Her hands desperately moved, hoping to feel any looseness in the rope. There was none.

Henry stayed stood up.

"You would put my Mum in a prison forever!" He suddenly sounded very angry. "I don't think so! You evil..."

He turned away. Annabel saw her only hope was leaving.

"No! Don't leave me here! Henry, I'm sorry. We can work something out. He's going to kill me if you leave me!"

He did not turn round.

"Probably. He's done it before."

The Man
"She's trussed up, safe and sound. You need have no fear. There is a reason you hired me, remember."

"Indeed," replied the woman. She turned towards the window, where police cars were clearly visible parked outside the house opposite.

"It was risky of you to come here," she said.

"Yes, well, I had to know what was happening. This is taking much longer than I both expected and have been paid for."

"Sorry about that. Circumstances have been difficult. My client is messing around. I knew it was too risky kidnapping a mark that lived next door to me. It was only his... ridiculous offer that even made me consider it."

"And... what does he want with her?"

"Excuse me?" She turned quickly, her hard features frowning. "What is that information to you?"

"I'm just curious. I've never taken someone so young for you before."

His employer's face suddenly looked hard, but he did not flinch. He did not fear her, though many others did.

"Her father wants with her whatever he damn well chooses. His reasons for what he does are his own. Now. Get back to that cabin and keep her under lock and key. When he contacts me, I will inform you of the next stage.

"And what if he doesn't contact you? Do I... kill her?"

His employer sighed once. "Only if necessary. I do not wish to harm a young girl if avoidable. But be prepared to do what is necessary. Above all... we must protect the Group."

"Yes, ma'mm. I understand."
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Post by angim350 »

Part 4 (in quite a writing frame at the moment)

The Man
He was troubled as he journeyed back to the little cabin, so generously donated by his employer. The coldness that she had exhibited had never bothered him before; in truth, he was quite familiar with it within his own dark heart. But despite that, something was wrong. The situation did not feel right. This Annabel was different.

He could not have explained why. Maybe it was her youth. After all, most of the people he took for his employer were older. People who were morally abhorrent; who had attempted to challenge her, or simply gotten themselves into a huge amount of debt. Never had they been young, scarcely more than a girl. Innocent. Why his employer wished to take part in such a thing, he did not know. He simply obeyed, no questions asked. That was his duty. That was his payment.

The girl was just how he had left her. Wrists and ankles tied together, lying on the floor. She had knocked the blankets off herself in her struggles and was shivering slightly. Her tired eyes met his as he walked in. Unlike before, they were dry. It was as though hope had left them. The sight bothered him.

"I'm back," he said, bending down. Wordlessly, he loosened her bonds, ignoring her winces in pain as she slowly stretched her aching limbs.

"Thankyou," she whispered.

He nodded, reaching into his bag and pulling out a wrapped up sandwich and bottle of water. The girl was sighing as she massaged her wrists, yet new strength seemed to return to her as he handed her the food, ripping it apart in her hunger. He pulled over a chair and watched in silence, not knowing what to say. Thinking it was best to remain quiet.

At last she'd eaten her fill. She moved slowly, as though it pained her, standing up and facing him. He did not flinch.

"You were gone hours. I thought you weren't coming back."

"I told you I would. I needed to know why things were delayed."

"And did you find out?"

There was a hardness to her voice that wasn't there before now. It surprised him.

"When you need to know something, you will know it. Now, sit down."

She flinched slightly.

"I'm not going to tie you up again, don't worry. You do not look very well, and I don't want you to faint."

"Yeah, like you care about me." Never the less, she sat down.

"Of course I..." he stopped himself.

"Yeah, sure. You're just in this for the money. You smack me about, leave me tied up for hours on end thinking you're going to kill me, you..."

"Nobody's killing you, OK?"

She looked surprised.

"How can I believe that?"

"Just trust me. That's not why you're here."

She had almost descended into a breakdown when Henry had left her. The kid had frightened her more than her kidnapper. His cold reaction to her pleas for help. His in difference towards her situation. The boy was clearly not all that right in the head, probably made so by his mother, whoever she was. The same woman who had ordered her kidnapping. She might have gone completely crazy, except from the fact that the cold was now starting to overwhelm her. It was only when it crossed her mind that she might freeze to death that he had returned.

And now, it seemed, he was different. For the first time, she properly looked at him. He scarcely looked older than 30, yet his eyes seemed like they had seen much. His clothes were tattered and dirty, yet his posture gave away his strength and speed. He may have been army at some point, or security of a kind. She supposed it would explain his skills. Just not why he'd kidnapped her.

Both of them said nothing for some time, during which Annabel continued to exercise her throbbing limbs. Finally, he broke the silence.

"You're wondering who I am, arn't you?" he asked.

She nodded, cautious of upsetting him. The rope lay on the floor not far from her chair and she did not want to give him an excuse to tie her up again.

"This was... not my first choice of profession, you know. I never wanted to be this. I just..."

"You don't need to tell me."

"I just need you to understand..."

"I said stop. The less I know, the less chance there is you'll suddenly realize I..."

"Know too much?"

She nodded.

He uttered a cry of frustration.

"What do I have to do to make you trust me?"

"Tell me who wants me. Tell me who you work for."

She was taking a gamble, she knew, but hours being stuck in this tiny room had left her tired, desperate for answers. She could be very stubborn, her mother was always telling her, perhaps too stubborn. Maybe it was time to put this to use.

"I can't tell you who I work for, but I can tell you who our client is. But you are not going to like this."

Nerves racked through her.

"I'm ready."

The man nodded. "It is your father, I believe."

Silence penetrated the little cabin. Annabel swayed slightly where she sat, feeling very sick suddenly.

"No. It can't be."

"I assure you, it is."

"No, you don't understand, it can't be!"

"Why not?"

She stood up again, very suddenly. He followed suit.

"My father is dead!"
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Post by angim350 »

Part 5
The Woman
As before, the voice was muffled, almost electronic. She forcefully reminded herself of why she had agreed to undertake what he had asked for. The envelope he'd sent in the post was still visible on the desk before her. It had contained 20 thousand reasons why she had said yes. 20 thousand reasons to contact her go to guy, the Man who got things done, and have him break into the house next door to kidnap a girl.

"You have her?"

"Yes. Now, if you want to see her, I'll be having the other 20 thousand you promised me."

A pause on the line.

"We agreed you'd get that when I have her with me!"

"Things have changed, Mr. Jones. This job has caused me much inconvenience. I want the money and I want it now."

She was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Henry!" she called out. "Answer the door!"

"You are being unreasonable!" Jones started to sound frantic. The knocking on the door increased.

"HENRY! Mr. Jones, I am afraid that is my stance. Or she will be dead by dawn."

Silence on the other end.

"Might I suggest another way? We meet in a specified location. You give me the girl. I give you the money. Deal?"

Another voice cut through her ear drums. This one from outside the door.

"Ms. Calzone! Police. Could you open the door please!"

She suddenly stood stock still. For the first time, she noticed blue sirens outside the door.

"Henry!" she cried. "Get your little arse down here now or I will beat you bloody. Mr. Jones. I agree to your terms." She gave him a date and time to meet, then quickly hung up. The police were knocking all the louder and needed dealing with. She quickly checked herself in the mirror, making sure her face did not betray any of her thoughts. Satisfied, she slowly opened the door.

"Good evening, Ms. Calzone. Can we have a word? It involves your neighbour, Annabel Jones.

"You must be mistaken."

"No!" cried Annabel. "I'm not."

Real fear was gripping her now, more so than ever before. She felt physically sick.

"My employer assures me it is indeed your father who ordered the kidnapping. Called and said he was tired of not being able to see you. Paid a substantial sum to see it happen."

"That's not possible! He's dead! 3 years dead! A car crash... he didn't stand a chance. I saw his body. I buried him. He's gone."

Her breathing was becoming erratic. The Man seemed to look concerned.

"Please sit down, girl. You need to calm yourself."

"Who are you?" she yelled. "Why are you doing this to me?"

She couldn't seem to stop inhaling, feeling the room begin to spin. She forced herself to remain upright.

"Sit down!" hissed the Man. "Do it now!"

"No! I won't! I..."

"Sit your arse down or I will tie you up again, and this time you will be tied up until we part ways."

His eyes flashed menacingly. Petrified of being restrained again, Annabel nodded. Slowly, they both sat, careful not to take their eyes off the other. Annabel felt her heart beating against her chest.

"If you are certain your father is not the one behind this," said the Man. "Then the question remains who is?"

And that was the scary part. Annabel had no idea. It was common knowledge her father was dead, at least to those who knew her family. Whoever had kidnapped her seemed to not know much about her at all. Either that, or they had deliberately pretended to be her father.

"Please," she said, forcing herself to look into the eyes of the man who'd brought her here. "Please. Let me go. You are not reuniting a father and daughter. Someone out there wants me to themselves. They can't mean me well. Please. You don't need to do this. I know you're not a bad person, not really. Please."

The Man
Her little voice was reaching him. How small she looked, how helpless, white faced and gazing at him from the floor. In truth, he himself was unnerved by the latest development.

"I'm not a bad person am I?" he replied. "Let me tell you something, girl. I've killed 6 people in your position, all on the orders of my employer, and I did it without a second thought. What where they to me? A few extra pounds in my pocket. I didn't care for them, and I don't care for you."

"I don't believe that! You're not..."

"I'm a killer!" he found himself shouting. "Scum! Good for nothing! I do what my skills allow and go home happy. Before too long I'll be able to retire. Swan off into the sunset with all the money I've gotten from this, and I won't feel a thing. They were criminals in their own right, each and every one. Thieves, murderers... they'd do anything to get what they wanted! If you ask me, I did the world a favour!"

He could scarcely believe what he was saying. He had never lost control like this before.

"And me? What have I done to deserve this?"

Whatever he was going to answer was cut short by the sound of vibrations coming from his pocket. He quickly answered it, eager for their conversation to be over.


His employer's voice sounded strained.

"We have a meeting place. 3 hours from now. An old warehouse near the factory on the outskirts of town. Bring the girl. This time tomorrow, we will both be very rich."

He frowned.

"Is that sirens I hear?"

"Yes. The police are all over the house next door. They've just been to talk to me, see if I know anything."

"The heat is very severe. We must end this, now."

"I agree. Do your job. I will see you at the meeting place."

He considered asking her about the client, but then thought better of it. What was any of this to him? He hung up, carefully putting his phone away.

"We have a meet. It's time to go."

She looked down at the floor, as though unable to meet his eyes.

"Stand up."

He bent down, picking up the discarded rope. She saw his movement and for a second looked as though she would resist, before realizing it would be futile. She rose to her feet, a single tear running down her face.

He grabbed her wrists and bound them together in front of her, trying to be gentle but firm. She made little sounds of discomfort but said nothing. Once he'd clinched off the knot, he looped the rope extension around his own hand, forming a lead. He then took a little cloth out of his pocket and approached her.

"I'm going to have to gag you, I'm sorry. Can't risk you screaming while we walk. We have quite a way to travel."

She nodded, not resisting. It bothered him more than her continuous questions. Still, she was nothing. He would collect his money and never see her again. The person who wanted her, father or not, was welcome to her. It meant little.

"Well then, Annabel. Follow me. Your future awaits you."
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Post by angim350 »

Hey all! So I am going on a trip and I wanted to get the rest of the story on here before I do, so apologies for the long post! Hope you enjoy.

Part 6
Her feet were starting to ache as they tracked through the seemingly endless wood. Far off in her mind, she wondered why she wasn't bundled into some sort of car, like the one he had used to presumably bring her here. However, ultimately she simply did not care. Clearly he was being careful. Which meant he intended to go through with his charge. Her delivery to the person claiming to be her father.

Another thought struck her, this one more severely. She had no idea who this person could be. A man who would go through the trouble of getting Henry's mother, some sort of professional criminal, to hire this guy to nab her. Why her? What could he possibly want?

And then there was Henry. No point in hoping for him to come to the rescue. The kid was clearly deranged in some manor. A dangerous one, at that.

It must have been half an hour before they stopped. The Man seemed restless, constantly looking around them. Annabel herself was out of breath. She lifted her bound hands up to her mouth, only to get a sharp tug on the rope. It burned into her already bruised wrists, causing tears to form in her eyes.

"I did not say you could take that off."

"Pleh. I cann brat."

He hissed in frustration and took the gag out.

"I'm trusting you here, kid. Don't make any mistakes now we've gotten this far."

Her mouth was very dry. She slowly opened and closed it.

"How much further do we need to go?"

"About another mile. It's in a secluded spot. I hand you over to your... to whoever has hired me, and then I'm done."

Annabel instinctively pulled slightly at her ropes, something that did not go unnoticed.

"Now then. I thought we reached an agreement on 'stupid things.'"

"I know. We did. I'm sorry."

There was silence for a minute, broken only by the sounds of the woods around them.

"Tell me something," said Annabel. "Do you have any family?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Family. Friends. I dunno. I just can't picture you actually caring about anyone who isn't yourself."

He frowned at her.

"You really don't know anything about me."

"I guess not. I have something called a conscience. As you don't have one, I guess I'll never understand you."

She looked up at him then, and made a decision.

"Why do you think this person wants me? It can't be anything good. Just please. Just let me go. You can tell them I got away. You know this isn't right. I'm not some criminal or debtor. I'm just... I'm just me! You know you can't let this happen! I promise you. I..."

He held up his hand.

"If I did let you go," he said. "If I did, there would be certain, things we'd have to discuss. For example. You know what I look like."

"I won't tell them anything! I..."

"Furthermore." He bent down, reaching out towards her hands. His fingers touched the knot, slowly loosening it. Annabel felt the fibres "I'd need your help to disappear. For good. Money, or something like it. I... well, I'm as good as dead if I do this. Do I do this? I just... I don't..."

At that moment, something strange happened. He suddenly bent over forwards, falling to the floor. Annabel studied his form, seeing a small red dart poking out of his neck. He breathed slowly, completely out.

The elation that had flowed through her when it looked like he was going to release her was replaced with pure fear. She pulled vigorously at her bonds. They were less tight now than before, but still too tight for her to slip loose. She cried out, pulling as hard as she could, trying to slip a loop over her right hand. They burned bright red, but remained tied up.

"Damn it!"

She bent over, studying the unconscious man's form to see if he had anything sharp on him. It was then she noticed that she wasn't alone. Standing over her kidnapper, holding a dart gun in his hand, was Henry.

She froze.

"Can't believe he was going to let you go. Thought he was the best. Mother always says..."

He surveyed her, his eyes dark and cold.

"Oh well. Not perfect, but will have to do."

He approached her. She flinched, unable to move away.

"W-what are you doing? Why do you have that?"

She pointed at the gun. Henry looked at it and laughed.

"Stole it a while back. Used to shoot animals with it. It's fun! Not as fun as a real one would be, but mother is always so careful. Can't get one. It's so fricking boring!" He laughed. "And lonely. But now, I won't be alone again! I have you."

He reached forward. She recalled back in horror. Tied and exhausted as she was, and Henry having that gun, she knew she was no match for the kid, despite him being smaller than her. He was broad, and what was worse was the hungry expression on his face.

"Sorry if he hurt you," continued Henry. "Had to get his help. Could never have got you by myself. But now... I have you! Was going to wait until we got to the meeting point, but then the damn idiot screwed it all up. Oh well."

Annabel screamed. She opened her mouth wide, crying out to the open sky for help. Henry rushed forward, striking her across the cheek. He quickly stuffed the gag back into her mouth, his fingers rough and coarse.

"No! Shut up!"

He hit her again. The pain was unexpected. She fell back, her cries hampered by the gag.

"Listen to me you little bitch." The boy pointed the gun at her. "Do that again I'm going to shoot you with one of these things, tie you up and leave you here. Maybe you'll get eaten by some bear, or maybe you'll just starve to death. Either way. Now, you can die here or you can come with me. You're mine now. We are going to be friends."

Annabel cradled her bruised cheek with her hands. She silently nodded.

"That's it."

The Woman
They were back, and this time they meant business. Clearly her little performance earlier had not been enough to staunch them. Three uniformed officers at her door, bashing into it like a Judge onto gravel. It could only mean one thing. They had cross checked her history and, somehow, seen through her cover. She was blown.

The backdoor was within her line of vision. Without thinking, she raced towards it, not caring for the shouts that followed from outside. Suddenly, that entrance burst open too, and in flew yet more cops. Before she could react, they had her on the floor, handcuffs cutting deep into her skin. She winced softly, anger coursing through her.

The lead officer stood above her, looking down at her with contempt in his eyes.

"Well, Ms Calzone. Turns out you have quite the reputation. Now, there is a procedure for things like this, but time is short. I've got a young girl out there and a pretty likely reason to suspect you know where she is. Now you're going to tell me, right now. Or it will end badly for you."

"What girl?" she spat. "I know nothing about any girl. Get these damn cuffs off me. You have no right to barge in here...!"

"I have every right! You have a list of previous longer than my arm, and we have a witness claiming to have seen you making arrangements for her kidnapping."

"What witness?" She felt genuine confusion. Nothing the officer said was making any sense.

"Confidential! Now. Where is she?"

A slight temptation to come clean occurred to her, but she quickly washed it away. She had not gotten this far by cracking at the first sign of trouble.

"Screw you."

"Oh, I see. Well then, Ms Calzone. I'm arresting you on the suspicion of the kidnapping of Annabel Jones. You do not have to say anything etc etc. Just get this bit of filth to the station. She will talk, or I will make sure she doesn't see daylight for the rest of her life."

Part 7
She walked slightly in front of the boy, her eyes looking round her frantically. Now and again she felt an impatient prod by his dart gun in her back, reminding her how close he actually was. She knew if she tried to run he'd dart her instantly. Then he'd leave her here, alone in the woods. Or worse.

Carefully, she slowly was twisting her hands, trying to slacken the rope in any way she could. Her original kidnapper had been a pro, both in taking her and keeping her. There was no slack, no hint of any loosening. She knew she'd never get it off without help. And with her hands like that, she wasn't about to risk tackling the boy behind her.

The original shock of discovering Henry had been behind her kidnapping still coursed through her. A kid! A 12 year old kid! It both terrified and intrigued her how he'd put all this together. He must have watched her for ages, thinking up his plan, using his mother's contacts and equipment. It was what he had planned for her next that scared her. She must not hesitate. If she got any chance, she was going to take him down.

"Glad to see you're being good," Henry said behind her. "I'd have to punish you if you weren't. Punish you severely."

He placed his hand on her shoulder, indicating she stop.

"I want to talk to you properly," he stated. "So you can take that gag out. Any loud noises and I'm going to dart you. Then... you know what happens."

Annabel nodded, reaching up and removing the material. Her mouth instantly felt better for it, though even dryer than before. She continued her slow walk, relieved to be free of it.

"Erm... Henry?" she dared to ask. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"I told you! We are going to be friends. I'm sick of not having any. Of always being the outcast. First they bullied me, then Mum stopped them. Now, they stay away. They are scared of me, scared of my family. Dad used to talk to me, then he left, and Mum... blamed me. Thought I was going crazy! Then I saw you."

He was talking very fast, a slight edge to his voice. Annabel twisted her wrists again.

"You looked lonely too. You looked at me like you'd get me. I knew you'd be too scared to talk to me, so I... I stole some of Mum's stuff. Rung her up. Pretended to be a client. Sent her money taken from her own safe. She fell for it! I'm so clever, ain't I. And now, you don't have to be scared! Now we can be friends!"

"But I am scared." Annabel turned around, holding up her bound hands. They were turning blue.

"Look at me. I'm tied up! I've been a prisoner for hours. I'm hungry, thirsty and I just want to go home! Friends don't do this to each other, Henry. Leave them tied up on the floor of a cabin for hours, or at the mercy of a nutcase! This is wrong, why can't you see that?"

The boy held up his gun. "I didn't tell you to stop!"

Annabel pressed her advantage.

"Please, Henry! Listen to me. This is very dangerous. What you've done is so serious. You need to let me go. We can't be friends like this."

"Yes we can! We are going to be..."

"Henry! I'm a 19 year old girl! What are you going to do? Keep me tied up in these woods forever? What exactly is your plan? We can't stay here like this."

"Arrrgghh! Shut up! Just shut up!"

He lunged forward and pushed her with all his strength. She was unprepared for it and felt her back slam against the bark of a thin tree. The boy produced excess rope he'd taken from the Man and started to wrap it round her, securing her to the plant roughly. Once sure she was bound securely, he stepped back and surveyed her.

"Nobody will find us. I called the police and told them Mum arranged your kidnapping, so she won't know. The Man will be asleep for hours, if he wakes up at all. It's just you and me. I'm going to fetch some wood for a fire. You can just stay here and think about what you said."

A fire? Was he serious?! Annabel started to vigorously struggle against her bonds.

"No! Don't go! Look, I'm sorry, okay. I'm sorry! I didn't think! Look, maybe we can work something out. But don't just leave me here! What if you get lost or fall. Please! I'm your friend."

"No, you're not yet. But you will be."

The Man
His head felt like it was splitting open. His eyes were like lead as he forced them to open. His body was a stiff as a board and every muscle ached with every movement. But he had to fight it. A darkness threatened to swallow him once again and he was not about to let it win. He tried to fuel his body with anger, to better effect. He found himself able to fully open his eyes and try to move proper, to discover something else was stopping him.

Someone had bound his wrists behind his back along with his feet. With his own rope no less. He figured whoever had knocked him out from behind had done the honours. He hissed in anger. Very few people had made a fool of him in his past. If he ever found the person who had done this, he'd make them pay. Most severely.

Slowly first, then quickly, he started to move his limbs, looking for slack in the rope. At first it was very tight, but it didn't look very well tied and after around 10 minutes he felt it slackening. Gritting his teeth, he applied more force, finally slipping one hand out. Within seconds he'd untied himself proper, and unsteadily rose to his feet. The effects of the drug were slowly beginning to wear off, but he was not fully recovered. Leaning against a tree, he accessed the situation.

Someone had taken the girl, that much was obvious. What was worse, they had knocked him out to do it. The girl could be anywhere now, beyond his help. His last second decision of mercy had counted for nothing. All that was left for him now was to leave. He could not return to Ms. Calzone to tell her he'd lost the girl. He'd have to disappear. Go somewhere else. First, though, he needed to get out of the forest while it was still day.

It was then he realized the time. He couldn't have been out for more than two hours. The girl could still be close by, provided her kidnapper walked. Still within distance for him to help. He could turn and walk away, or he could follow her. He knew the option he wanted to take. So why was he walking forwards, not backwards, in the direction of broken twigs that signalled a trail to follow?

"I've done you enough harm," he whispered. "Time to set this right."

Part 8
It would be dark soon. She could see the shadows lengthening, feel a breeze offering the sign of lowering temperatures. It would be night time. Henry would not be able to find her in these woods again if he went too far. He'd leave her there, and she would freeze.

The rope was very tightly wrapped around her middle, her bound hands in front of it. The bark dug into her back, making her extremely uncomfortable. There was not a lot of rope, but enough to hold her for now. And she couldn't even begin to think about twisting her way out of it with her hands tied the way they were.

Her wrists felt rubbed raw and she could see them turning bright red. She continuously turned them, hoping against hope that the coils would finally slacken. The way she was attached to the tree meant she couldn't even try and bite them. Once again, she was completely stuck, and helpless.

It seemed that this nightmare was never going to end. Or maybe it was. Maybe there was only one way it could...

Footsteps in the trees nearby. She froze, not daring to move. It was extremely unlikely anyone was just going to wander across her path. Whoever was out there was most likely not there to help her. She'd given up on help coming from anyone.

"Annabel?" called out a voice. The girl felt chills ascending up her spine. It was her original kidnapper. The Man.

Should she call out to him? He was going to let her go. But he had been very unsure. What if he'd changed his mind?

"Annabel!" he said again. "If you are nearby, make some noise. I'm here to help you. I need to set this right. Annabel!"

A cold wind ripped across her body, making her shiver. This, alone, decided it for her. Even if he wasn't here to help her, he would at least be taking her somewhere warm. Or, he would make it quick.

"Here!" she shouted. "I'm over here!"

More rustling, hurried footsteps and he emerged, white faced. She could see him swaying slightly where he stood.

"Help me!"

He made to move forward, then paused.

"Who did this to you? Where are they?"

"A psycho little kid! Think his mum is the one who hired you. He's wandered off looking for firewood. He could come back any second! He has a dart gun!"

"Little swine," muttered the Man. "Outsmarted by a kid. Disgusting. I'd have never have heard the end of it back in the regiment..."

He snapped back to attention, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a penknife.

"Here." He quickly moved forward and shoved it, end first, into her hand, before darting back to the cover of the trees.

"I better not be such an easy target again. Cut yourself free, then climb that tree. He'll have a harder time hitting you up there. I'm going to find him."

He turned to go.

"Wait! What are you going to do to him? He's only a kid!"

He paused.

"After what he did to you, you would have me spare him?"

"Yes! Don't you see. You don't have to do this. You don't have to hurt people anymore! He needs help! Don't kill him. Especially not for me."

Her heart was beating. She clutched the knife hard with her right hand, trying to move it round quickly and find some rope to cut. He saw her frantic movements, and seemed to make a decision. Walking back over to her, he took the knife out of her hand and quickly sawed at her ropes. After a few seconds, they finally fell away, instant relief flowing into her wrists. She sighed, stifling a sob, as he cut the rest of her bindings. It was as though a massive weight had been lifted off her. She unsteadily walked forward, falling slightly. He held her up with a strong grip, seemingly ignoring his own weakness.

"I can't leave you here alone," he said. "The boy will keep. We must get you out of here. Get you home."

She nodded slightly, looking into the eyes of her kidnapper and rescuer.

"You know," she whispered. "You never did tell me your name."

"Jason," he replied without hesitation. "My name was Jason. Now... I don't even know."

She nodded. It was then she saw it.

Bright lights suddenly surrounding them, carried by men appearing out of nowhere. Guns all aimed at the man. Barking dogs growling and looking ready to attack.

"FREEZE!" called out one of the men. "This is the Police. You are under arrest! Step away from the girl and slowly raise your hands!"

His eyes still bored into hers. She saw a glint in them that suggested what he was planning.

"Don't do it," she whispered. "You can fix this. Please. Do what they say."

His face remained expressionless for a second, then it slowly split into a smile.

"I am sorry, Annabel. For everything."

Ms. Calzone, the ex wife of former ganglord Bill Crebbs, had told the Police where she was. It had taken 2 hours of an intense interrogation before she admitted to the crime. Her lawyer had tried to claim the police had been too hard on her, meaning her confession might have been inadmissible. Maybe she would have gotten away with it, if not for the fact that her main employer, Jason Stone, had confessed to the kidnapping and murders of six people, all on her orders.

Jason had sung like a canary, seemingly wanting to get everything off his chest. When asked why he was so keen to confess, he merely claimed that he'd seen the error of his ways. He was tired of hurting people and wanted to atone. It had taken a scared 19 year old girl to make him realize that.

Henry Crebbs had vanished. The police could not pick up his trail in the woods, nor had he shown up anywhere else. Officers up and down the country were alerted to be on the look out for him. There was no question the kid was dangerous. And that he was in desperate need of help.

Annabel listened as her mother explained to her everything that had happened since the Police had finally let her come home. They had been very kind to her, offering her anything to make her feel comfortable as they took her statement. She'd been happy to give it straight away; she wanted it over with. She wanted it all over with. Now she sat in her living room, icing her very sore wrists and ankles. The rope had cut deep into her limbs, the doctor who had examined her hinting there may be scarring. However, she didn't mind. Scarred wrists were a small price to pay, considering the alternative.

"I just can't believe... any of it!" exclaimed her mother. "And with that little nutcase still out there. We need to move away from here! He knows where we live!"

"He won't come back, Mum."

"We can't take that chance! You could have..."

Her voice trailed off. She looked very tired. Annabel sat up, wincing slightly, and put her hand in her mothers.

"I'm fine. I'm here. They'll catch Henry. He's not as smart as he thinks he is. He'll screw up somewhere along the line."

"I suppose. At least they have that nutcase who took you in the first place!"

"Yes." Annabel couldn't say anything else. In truth, she completely did not know how to feel about Jason. He was a killer, but he'd saved her. In the end, he'd done the right thing. And now he was going to prison, probably forever.

"Well, Mum. I think I could do with some sleep. Been a hard few days."

She was lying, of course. She doubted she would ever be able to sleep again. The horror of the last few days weighed heavy on her mind. But, she consoled herself, at least it was over. She would never have to go through anything like that again.

Or so she thought.

And thus concludes my little effort. Maybe a bit dark in places, so if I write something else, it'll be a bit more light hearted! Seems that some people did enjoy it, so thanks for the support. Maybe I'll revisit Annabel's story at some point.
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Post by latin-self-bound »

Awesome conclusion! I like how she ends met, and the destiny of the girl wasn't so dark. I hope you write more stories in the future.
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Post by GreyLord »

Very well done, @angim350. You neatly tied up the ending. I hope you will write more.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by angim350 »

Thanks for good responses guys :)
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