Better than Hawaii (FF/M) Chapters 1-4

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Better than Hawaii (FF/M) Chapters 1-4

Post by Thatsuperdood »

Hey everyone! I've been reading your stories for years now and thought I'd finally write my own. Please leave as much feedback, and anything you would like to see happen in the future. I'm planning on making this a pretty long-term project, but we'll see how it goes. The beginning has a lot of wrestling because the main character has to get tied up somehow, but later chapters will include mainly bondage.
Current themes are: smothering, wrestling, face sitting, sock gag, feet, handcuffs, cage
Future plans include: more gags, mummification, foot smelling/worship, and a bunch of more way of being tied up.
The pictures I included do not depict how the characters look, just the position that they were in.
Enjoy :)

Chapter 1: Introduction

“Just one hour, pleassee?” Kelly asked me for what seemed to be the 20th time that night.

“I’m sorry honey, I’m just really mentally drained right now and want to watch TV. I’ll make it up to you though, promise” I countered.

Kelly and I have been happily married for a year now, but have been dating since college. I opened up to her about my interests in bondage one drunken night when we were dating, and we began experimenting with each other ever since. We quickly discovered that I was better as a submissive and she loved being the one in charge. We progressed from scarves and cheap handcuffs to tape, and even some leather restraints. Over the years, we collected quite a lot of gear, but ever since my promotion I haven’t really been in the mood due to exhaustion. It obviously doesn’t take much brain power to sit there and be tied up, but Kelly really enjoys making my life miserable when she gets into that mood. The more uncomfortable I am, the more turned on she gets. She said she doesn’t know why, but it just happens. Anyways, lately I’ve just wanted time to chill, comfortably, whenever I get home, which leads to our current conversation.

“But you’ve been saying that for months now!” she protested. I just sighed and looked at her with my tired eyes, which seemed to do the trick.

“Sorry for being pushy, I know you’ve been stressed since the promotion, I’ll reign myself back in” she said as her expression softened.

“Haha gotcha!” I exclaimed, pulling out a sheet of paper, handing it to her. “I booked us a little surprise getaway trip to Hawaii!”

“2 weeks?” Kelly asked. “I thought you’ve been swamped with work? Are you sure it’ll be okay to take that long of a break?”

“Yeah, I checked with everyone, and I also have around a month of built up vacation days so I should be fine. Also I know I should’ve checked with you but I figured since you work remotely, your schedule should be pretty flexible”

“Aww, thanks babe” she kissed me. “I can’t wait!”

She seemed satisfied by this revelation, and after a quick hug we went to do our own nighttime routines.

Chapter 2: The Trap

“Hey honey, I’m back! We have 4 hours before we need to leave for the airport!” I shouted into the house as I set my keys down. “Kelly?” I shouted again after not hearing a response.

“Hey Brian, sorry I’m just doing some yoga upstairs! Can’t let vacation get in the way of my daily routine!” she shouted back.

“Umm, I think the whole point of vacation is to disrupt daily routines” I joked as I walked up the stairs. I found Kelly In the spare room upstairs on her purple yoga mat, doing the pigeon pose. She was wearing a purple bra and black leggings which hugged her athletic body perfectly.

“Seriously though, we should start packing and getting ready to leave” I told her.

“Okay, I’m almost done!” She breathed as she changed poses. “I actually wanna try this couple yoga pose if you don’t mind! It’s supposed to be really good for my lower back. Mind helping me out?”

“Yeah okay, but after this you’re showering, and then we’re leaving okay?” I told her.

“Yeah of course!” she excitedly said after I agreed. “Okay it's called the supported bow pose, and pretty much you’re gonna lay on your back and hold me up. I’ll be facing the ceiling, grabbing my ankles while your legs hold me up in the small of my back. Like this!” She showed me a picture on her phone.

“Okay, seems easy enough,” I said as I laid on the yoga mat. I was pretty confident this would be quick since I’m in pretty good shape and knew holding her up wasn’t going to be a problem.

Once I was in position, she walked over and stood over me, feet on either side of my chest.

“Hey, I’m no expert but I think you’re supposed to face the other way,” I suggested.

“Oh, yeah I think this will be easier for me to lift myself up, trust me,” she assured.

Suddenly she dropped down onto my chest, full weight. The sudden impact knocked the air out of me as I instinctively pulled my hands into my chest. She quickly grabbed each of my wrists and quickly pulled my arms out to the sides of my head. She scooped her left leg out, around my arm, and stuffed my arm in between her thigh and calf, before sitting down. She did the same on the other side, and before I knew it, she was sitting on my chest with both my arms securely trapped. My arms started tingling due to the lack of blood flow, as my bicep was crushed between her thigh and calf, and my wrists were securely locked the same way, right behind her knees. This all happened within a couple seconds, shorter than it took for me to regain my breath.

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“Ow, fuck Kelly, that really hurt,” I gasped.

“Yeah, that was the point babe, I needed the distraction to get you like this!” she smiled while looking down at me. “Obviously I can’t wrestle you down without tricking you. In fact, you could probably get out of this with pure strength, which is why I called for backup. EMMA!” She shouted.

“Coming!” I heard a voice say as footsteps ran up the stairs. Emma appeared in the doorway, wearing purple leggings and a matching bra. They must’ve been doing yoga together before they heard my car pull into the driveway.
“Wow that worked out just like you said it would!” Emma walked over to where we were and stood over me, right behind where Kelly was sitting.

“Emma?,” I managed to say as my breath fully returned to me. “I don’t know how much Kelly has told you but we have a trip soon and we need to seriously start getting ready to leave. We haven’t even packed yet!”

“Oh you didn’t tell him yet huh?” Emma asked.

“How could I forget!” Kelly said sarcastically as she put her hand to her chin in a fake forgetful pose. “I sold the plane tickets and hotel to some couple off craigslist! Don’t worry though, we only lost a net couple of hundred dollars, but that’s pretty good all things considered.”

“You WHAT?!?” I shouted. “Why would you do that! That was our only vacation this year! I took off 2 weeks of work for that.”
At this point I was really annoyed with her and used my strength to sit up. Since my hands were completely pinned, I was pretty much doing a situp. Kelly was around 5’7 and 130 pounds, so not too heavy but enough to make it difficult. She tried to swing her arms forward to counter my motion, but I began to lift her off the ground. Suddenly Kelly seemed to gain over 100 pounds and my upper body was pinned back to the floor.

“Thanks Emma!” Kelly said gratefully as I realized why Emma was there. Emma had her hands on my wife’s shoulder’s adding her weight to help keep me down.
“Haha, I knew I made the right decision in calling you!” Kelly beamed. She then looked down at me with a mocking sympathetic face.

“No no no, here’s what’s gonna happen” she waved her finger at me. She then began to scoot up towards my face. Once her crotch was firmly against my chin, holding my head still, she resumed talking.

“I’ve wanted to tie you up for months now! You’re always too tired though, no matter how many times I ask. I’ve literally begged you and you still say no!”

“Yeah my job is super draining! I’ve told you this a million timeeemphhh!” I argued back until she scooted forward so that she was sitting on my mouth. Because of where my arms were though, I could still sneak breaths very easily through my nose, although the air was humid and infused with her crotch.

“Shut the fuck up!” she glared down at me. “Do you have any idea how much anticipation I’ve built up for this moment? Months of rejection, it does something to a woman.”

The look in her eyes was something I hadn’t seen in a while. During some of our longer play sessions, towards the end as she got really into her role, she would get the same crazy, evil look in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I tried to say but it came out as an “Mmph Mphhmphh.”

“I know you are, but it’s too late for that now,” she shook her head. “Emma, can you help me readjust him?” I had totally forgotten about Emma as I couldn’t see her.

“Of course!” she said from behind Kelly, as she stepped over my stomach and walked around towards my head.

Kelly grabbed my wrist and looked me dead in the eye. “If you resist, you might get free, which I’m sure you would love. If you fail though, I will make the next month of your life so miserable you’ll wish you agreed to let me tie you up every time I’ve asked for the past 4 months” she snarled. She then shifted her weight to the other side and opened up the clamp that was her thigh and calf. Immediately blood flow began to recirculate, and my mouth was finally freed from her crotch, which both felt amazing. I knew what she was trying to do, as she loved this position for me. She wanted to pin both my arms straight above my head, and sit on my face. She absolutely loved smothering as she knew I hated the smell, and the inability to breathe.

“Please honey, you can tie me up just please don’t smomphhhfph!” I pleaded before a hand was placed firmly over my mouth.

“Sorry, I just figured you didn’t want him to talk,” Emma said from her kneeling position over my head. I tried to glare at her but she was leaning over my head, so naturally I was staring at her breasts. By now my right arm was firmly pinned between her legs and my head. Unfortunately, since I could no longer talk, I knew that I couldn’t plead my way out of this. I wasn’t sure if it would've worked anyways. Kelly seemed pretty determined in her mission. Begging was also a 50/50 with her. Sometimes she would feel sympathy and let me out, but other times, the begging just reinforced the idea that I was suffering, and turned her on even more. My wife could be a cruel woman when she was in one of these moods.

That left me two options: physically try to get myself free, or accept the smothering. Normally I wouldn’t have minded but I was really not in the mood to be smothered, since I was mentally invested in the relaxing vacation. I also had a feeling that this would be my best chance to escape, since I knew Kelly would eventually put some restraints on me and keep me for a day or so, which was our longest play session to date.

Since Kelly was clearly holding all of this in for months, I knew that if I gave up she would still smother me brutally for a long long time. I figured that if I tried to escape, she would punish me by smothering me longer, but I rationalized that either way, it would be such a long time that one isn’t better than the other. I determined that the risk was worth the reward, and decided to try to escape.

Kelly grabbed my other wrist, and leaned the other way to release my arm from her death grip. She didn’t squeeze my wrist as hard this time since I showed no intention to struggle the last arm. At this point I began to buck like crazy. I managed to lift her up a bit and pulled my right arm back close to my chest, so I could use it to bench press her off.

“Oh you son of a bitch” she exclaimed, but she didn’t look pissed off which confused me. She instead seemed happy that she had a challenge, and could punish me later if I failed to escape. Emma quickly reached for my wrists however, and pulled them forcefully up straight by my head. She wasn’t crazy strong or anything, I was just completely focused on getting Kelly off of my neck. Kelly quickly scooted up and squeezed her thighs around my arms, pinning them to my head.

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“Whew that was close, thanks for the help Emma! That’s twice I owe you now” my wife smiled as she set her hands on her hips.

“No problem! I wasn’t sure what to do but I’m glad it worked out!” Emma replied as she stood up. She then walked over to where my hands were, and stood on them. Because of all the struggling, we were all starting to sweat. I felt the dampness of her black socks and she stood on my hands, further keeping me pinned.

“Wrong choice babe,” Kelly smiled down at me as she inched forward, until she was hovering above my face. “Any last words?”

“Mphhhh!” I tried to apologize but she immediately sat her full weight down. This was by far her favorite smothering position when I wasn’t bound. She had told me before that it was the most effective way to cut off my air.

“Oops! Sorry I didn’t catch that” she mocked. She tightened her grip with her thighs around my head, further squeezing my arms. By this point, I could barely hear anything due to my arms blocking my own ears. I became aware of her talking quietly to Emma, but I couldn’t make out any words. Speaking of Emma, why was she helping my wife? What could she possibly have to gain from this? My lungs started to burn at this point, and I began struggling, which was received by Kelly’s giggling. The way she giggled was so cute but also terrifying, depending on the situation. I was terrified. I felt her butt muscles tighten as she prepared to lift herself up to let me breathe, which I was so desperate for. I felt her muscles relax again however.

“Haha, you thought!” she said from above me. That I could hear. Finally she raised herself up about a centimeter, but only for a second.

“Take a niceeee deep whiff,” she said before resealing my nose and mouth.

Thankfully, she didn’t smell at all. She must’ve been pretending to do yoga because she smelled completely clean, which was a small victory, but that’s all I could ask for. I knew that overtime though, she would only get more and more sweaty, which did not bode well for me. She pushed me to the point where I thought my lungs would explode, then let me inhale her scent about another 15 times before I felt Emma’s feet move off my hands. I guess at this point, Kelly figured that the exhaustion from asphyxiation would make me weak enough for her to keep me pinned on her own.

“Okay listen up now slave” Kelly said loud enough so I could hear. “This is what’s gonna happen”

“Slave?” I thought. She only ever called me that when she was feeling extra cruel. I should’ve known already, but this just confirmed it. I was in for a very very long day.

Chapter 3: Bondage Begins

“Kelly, sorry I couldn’t find them. I promise I looked everywhere!” Emma said as she walked back into the “yoga” room.

“Ohhh, I forgot we must’ve hidden them for when we had that work dinner party last quarter,” Kelly replied, still completely smothering me. “See how long it's been since you let me tie you up?” By this point it had been at least 45 minutes and I was feeling pretty dizzy and was pretty much not resisting at all. It took all my energy to force air out my lungs and inhale as much as I could in just one second. The worst part is I know she was doing this intentionally. During previous times when she had me helpless with my face exposed, she would test out different ways to smother me and would time it to see what made me want to give up faster. I was always in the mood during these tests however, and would help her by holding out as long as possible. Looking back now, I definitely regret it.

“Here, switch places with me and I’ll go get them,” Kelly offered.

“Uhh, I don’t really feel comfortable doing that to your husband,” Emma hesitated. “I also don’t really know how to keep him there. What if he escapes?”

“He’s so tired, it’ll be easy!” Kelly promised. “Plus, he’s not going to try anything again, because he doesn’t want to double his punishment, right?” She taunted as she sat back to look me in the eyes.

I was too tired to even respond, so she responded for me by shifting her hips so that my head was forced to shake with them.

“See? He’s not going to try to escape again”

“Ummmm, okay” Emma said. “Just tell me what to do”

“Okay, sit behind me, and as I move up his body, follow me until you replace my position,” Kelly instructed.

Kelly began sliding up, which freed my mouth and nose from her crotch; however, it was quickly replaced with Emma’s crotch pushed against my chin.

“I don’t really feel comfortable smothering him like you did,” Emma thankfully said, which gave me hope.

“Well you need to keep him from talking and keep him weak,” Kelly thought out loud. “Grab his wrists and pin them down.” Kelly suggested. Emma leaned over, pinning my already immobilized hands to the mat.

The steady flow of oxygen was relieving, and I started to feel my strength return. I don’t know how, but Kelly somehow saw it in my eyes, because she quickly decided to change my position.

“Emma, turn him onto his stomach,” Kelly ordered. I still wasn’t sure why Emma was here, since she didn’t really know what she was doing and it seemed like she had never done anything kinky like this before. I knew Emma as one of my wife’s coworkers, but had only met her a handful of times, one of them being that dinner party months ago.

“And you,” Kelly glared down at me. “Don’t try to escape or I swear you’ll regret it.”

Emma and Kelly began to slowly rotate my body, with Emma hovering over my upper body, ready to apply pressure at any point. I decided that in my weakened state, and previous failure, it wasn’t worth it. I was also hoping that if I cooperated, Kelly wouldn’t get the resistance and struggling from me which I know she secretly wanted. I turned over to my stomach, hand still above my head, thanks to Kelly holding my wrists above me.

“Okay, now sit your butt on his lower back, and slide your legs up next to his head” Kelly instructed.

Emma did so, and once her feet were next to my head Kelly pulled my arms behind me, over Emma’s knees so that I was in a classic Lotus hold.

“Fuck, my back,” I winced as my head and chest were forced off the ground.

“Okay, now slide your feet directly in front of his face like you’re sitting cross-legged” Kelly ignored me.

Emma did as ordered, and soon her soles were pointing towards me.

“Now listen up slave,” my wife said. “If you say a word, Emma here is gonna cup your face with her feet to shut you up, do you understand? Not. A. Word.”

I nodded my head from its hanging position, which felt super awkward.

“Good boy,” my wife teased as she stood up to leave.
“Be quick please!” Emma called after her.

“Hey Emma, look I don’t know why you’re helping her, but please let me go,” I whispered.

“You’re not supposed to talk idiot,” Emma said, but she didn’t adjust her position, so I decided to keep talking.

“Please, I’ll pay you to stop. How much do you want? I really am not in the mood for this right now. My shoulders and back are already killing me and youmpmphhh!” I begged before being cut off.

Emma shoved her socked feet together, and then pushed my head down into them so that her soles were cupping my nose. She definitely was working out or just had naturally smelly feet, because they were bad. They weren’t crazy nasty, but the smell was definitely unpleasant, and the air around my nose was already very humid.

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“Brummh ymhh fmphh ammhh mmphemhphyy” I tried to complain. I could sort of speak through the arches of her feet but obviously they weren’t very intelligible.

“Kelly said you’re not allowed to talk,” Emma said. “Keep trying though, I like the way your mouth tickles my feet”

I immediately stopped trying to talk, but Emma didn’t seem to care.

“Found them!” I heard Kelly say as her footsteps entered the room.

Something cold wrapped around my right wrist, before I heard the all too familiar “Click!” of the handcuffs.

“Okay, let his arms down, and sit higher up on his back,” my wife told Emma.

Emma slid her legs out from under my arms, and her feet finally left my face. I took a deep breath of fresh air after, but unfortunately my arms were completely numb so they just fell onto the floor. She helped guide my arms down behind my back, and then sat on them, holding them in place. I felt the other cuff wrap around my left wrist, and then the “Click” locking them in place.

“Okay, just keep sitting there while I finish up” Kelly told Emma.

“Do you need help with anything?” Emma offered

“Nah, I’ll be fine. I’ve done this quite a few times right babe?” she joked as she slapped my ass, causing me to groan. Kelly did have a lot of experience tying me up, but she never did it to me against my will, so this was a first.

“Actually, on second thought, keep his mouth shut in case he tries to talk”

Emma moved up to my upper back, and sat cross legged again with her feet in my face.

“On it!” Emma happily said as her feet created a seal around my face.

I felt ankle cuffs being locked around both my ankles, and immediately tried to wiggle to see how long the chain was. Unfortunately, it was the one that was only a couple chain lengths long. I then felt something slide over my hands. I knew from experience that my wife was attaching leather mitts to my hands, rendering them useless. I felt her tighten the belt strap around my wrist, and locked it in place with a small padlock. The next hand was done just as quickly, leaving me completely helpless.

“Okay you can get off him now,” Kelly said as Emma reluctantly removed her feet from my face and stood up.

“Roll over,” Kelly ordered as she nudged my side with her foot.

I rolled onto my back, and made eye contact with her.

“Look, I’m sorry honey okay? I just wanmphhhhh!” I was cut off by Emma’s foot stepping on my mouth. I thought about trying to free my face by squirming, which would’ve worked, but she would’ve just kept re-stepping on my mouth. I figured it wasn’t worth the effort and gave up.

“Can I gag him with my socks?” Emma asked.

“Mphmm Mphh!” I grunted through her foot while shaking my head, pleading with my eyes. I absolutely hated being gagged and my wife knew it, which meant that I was usually gagged whenever we played.

“Oh, yeah. I was gonna start easy and just use this ball gag,” my wife said, swinging the gag around her finger.

“Mphh Mphh!” I nodded. I hated gags but the ball gag would be cleaner.

“Hmm, okay then, socks it is” Kelly smiled at me.

Emma quickly took off her socks and scrunched them into a ball of black despair.

“Open wide!” she said, almost too enthusiastically. I knew that resisting at this point was useless so I opened my mouth. At this point, my only hope was to cooperate, and eventually they would get bored and release me in a few hours. Emma crammed her socks into my mouth, before Kelly leaned down and wrapped some duct tape around my face keeping them in. After about 3 rounds she bit it off and smoothed it along my face, before giving me a couple light slaps.

“There. We. Go.” She said on each slap. She then took a piece of tape and gently placed them over my eyes.

“Alright, stand up slave,” Kelly ordered.

It was difficult to do while blindfolded and with my hands and feet cuffed, but I managed to wiggle myself upright.

“Alright, we’re gonna go to the basement now. Emma and I will make sure you don’t fall, but take it slow okay?” Kelly said in a surprisingly loving tone.

“Mphhh Mphhh,” I nodded in the affirmative.

As they led me down the two flights of stairs and through the hallways, I could only think about my predicament. We had a pretty nice basement, with a hallway and multiple rooms. One of these rooms was where we stored most of our larger bondage gear, especially when guests came over. As I felt the last step on the last flight of stairs, I knew we were close.

“Lay down on the ground,” my wife ordered.

I shuffled to my knees and then managed to lay flat on the floor. I felt a cold piece of metal clamp shut around my neck, and then felt a sharp tug as my neck was pulled back. My legs were then pulled up, and attached to my handcuffs. I was now hogcuffed with an extra chain connecting the handcuffs to my metal collar. I knew from experience that there was nothing I could do but rock from side to side. The chain connecting my neck to my hands made it impossible to maneuver myself onto my knees, so I was helplessly bound on the ground. Suddenly the tape was ripped off my eyes and light flooded back in.

“Alright now that you’re secured, I’ll explain everything to you.” Kelly announced.
“I’ve wanted to tie you up for months now, and everytime I ask you, you refuse. Even when I offer just a short 30 mins you still say no, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I know you have around a month of vacation days, and I intend to keep you as my prisoner the entire time”

“Mphhmppphh?” I tried to ask. 36 days was way too long to be kept tied up like this! The longest we ever did was around a day, and that was when we had a long weekend. I wanted to believe that she was exaggerating, but the look in her eyes told me otherwise.

“How many vacation days do you have? And you better not lie to me” Kelly demanded.


I shook my head

“Blink once for higher and twice for lower.”

I blinked once.


I blinked twice




I nodded my head.

“Good boy,” she patted my head. I grunted and shook my head in annoyance, looking at Emma trying to get my wife to also look. Normally this was just part of our play, but with Emma standing in the corner watching the entire event, I felt so humiliated. We were decently close friends with her and her husband, and I really didn’t like her seeing this side of Kelly and I’s marriage.

“Oh right! Emma’s role in all this. Emma wanna explain? I’m gonna go email Brian’s boss”

“Sure!” Emma said coming out of the corner. “Ummm, okay, this is gonna sound weird, but I guess this whole situation is already at max weirdness so I’ll just come out and say it.”

I was surprised that Emma was so shy considering the fact that she had gladly shoved her feet in my face, and her worn socks were currently in my mouth.

“So I have a major foot fetish,” Emma explained. “But not like other people. I really like when my feet are worshiped, or just given attention. I think it's the feeling of power but also the way it physically feels. Anyways, Henry hates feet, and won’t even give me a foot massage no matter what. Anyways Kelly and I were talking and she offered to bring me in on her plan since she needed another to help just in case you resisted, which you did. Anytime she’s not playing with you, she’ll give me a call and I can come tort- I mean play with you instead!”

“Mphmphhh,” I quietly complained, as reality set in. They had obviously planned this out, and I realized that 36 days was not an exaggeration.

“Okay prisoner! I emailed your boss and he was surprised at the request, but in the end, okayed your request to use all your remaining vacation days!” Kelly said as she came back into the room. Emma left shortly after, but returned within a few seconds holding one of her shoes.

“We’re gonna go upstairs now, but we can’t leave you so comfortable since you did try to escape earlier,” Kelly joked.

“Get in the cage.”

We had a small rectangular cage with thick iron bars in our storage room. We almost rarely used it since it meant that Kelly couldn’t really do much to me. The bars offered protection as much as it did restraint. Kelly insisted that we get it though, since we never know what kind of mood we’ll find ourselves in.

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She lifted the cage door and I had no choice but to roll myself in.

“Wait wait wait,” Emma said as she approached me with the shoe. She took some tape and held the opening of the shoe up to my nose.

“Mmphhhh,” I complained, and tried to thrash around. They smelled horrible. I guess before when her socks didn’t smell that bad, she must’ve not been working out. That scared me, because if her natural “clean” feet smelled that bad, I was in for a world of trouble. The cheesy, vinegary smell filled my nostrils and went straight to my brain, causing me to gag into my sock gag.

“Mmmmm, smells soooo good huh?” Emma said as she wrapped tape around the shoe and my head, holding it in place. After about 20 wraps she finally bit it off.

“Nice touch,” my wife smiled. “Now get in the cage.”

I couldn’t focus on anything but the shoe at the moment, which I tried to get off my rubbing my face on the floor. I suddenly felt a sharp jab of pain in my ribcage.

“I don’t repeat myself,” my wife towered over me.

“Mphhmp” I groaned in acceptance, and in pain from the kick. I rolled into the cage, and ended up on my left side. The cage door was shut, and locked with a thick padlock.
“There we go, nice and confined!” My wife exclaimed, smiling genuinely for the first time all day. “We’re gonna go finalize some plans and talk, so just hang tight and don’t go anywhere!”

They left the room, and turned off the lights. I heard the door lock click, and then footsteps leaving the basement.

“Mpmhhhh,” I groaned to myself and to them. I knew that there was a camera and microphone in the room set up for safety reasons, and my wife would be watching me. This was both a blessing and a curse, because it meant I wasn’t going to die, but I also would not be able to improve my position at all. If I somehow got the shoe off my face, they would see it and come reattach it, with some punishment added too. Speaking of the shoe, the smell was not getting better. I had initially hoped that I would get used to it, but the smell never relented. I tried to focus on the fabric and rubber smell, to avoid thinking about the nasty foot smell, but it was hard to concentrate. This was going to be a long 36 days.

Chapter 4: Dinner

It had been probably two and a half hours since my wife and her coworker left me, and by now I was getting hungry. I was guessing it was 7pm now, so definitely time for dinner.

“Click!” The door unlocked, and in walked my wife.

“Heyyy prisoner!!” she teased. “You hungry?”

“Mphmpp!!! Mphhphhh!” I nodded.

“Okay okay, calm down” she knelt by the cage. She reached through the cage bars and cut through the duct tape with some scissors, letting the shoe drop.

“Mphhhh Ymphhh,” I thanked her as I took a deep breath of fresh air. Well, basement-fresh.

“Hey,” her expression became very serious, but caring. “If this is too much let me know okay?” I know it’s weird bringing someone else into it but I think you’ll really come to enjoy it.”

“Mphmmm!” I nodded frantically. After all that begging, I guess I finally reached her sympathetic side.

Her expression slowly changed and turned into a cruel smile.

“Ohhh, you poor baby,” she grabbed me by the chin. “You really thought after all this work I would just let you go? You’re thinking like my husband right now, but for the next foreseeable future you are my prisoner and slave, understand?” she emphasized by shaking my head. “There is no hope of escape for you. I’ve waited way too long for this. The sooner you accept that the better.”

“Mphmm?” I pleaded with my eyes. All I saw in hers was that same cruel look that terrified me to my core.

“Mmmm Hmmm” she mocked.

“Now I know you’re hungry so I brought some tasty food!” she said as she stood up and grabbed a loaf of bread she set by the door.

She walked over until she was standing directly over me and stared down at me.

“Beg for it”

Beg for it!? I thought. I was still in emotional shambles after what she just did. I was so ready to finally be released, since it had been so long and she seemed so genuine. I felt my face become red as my blood began to boil.

“Mphmm mphmph smphmm bmnth!” I screamed into the gag. How dare she keep me like this for so long, and make me beg for some plain bread!

“Tsk Tsk Tsk, well I guess you haven’t accepted your role yet. I’ll be back to give you another chance later. I think you need some time to calm down.”

She turned around and left the room, shutting and locking the door behind her. The entire time I was still glaring at her, but she didn’t even look. I started to turn in my cage, looking for the camera, but the cage was too small, and in the hogcuffed position I couldn’t even reorient my body. Instead, I tried to fall asleep since Kelly forgot to put the shoe back on my face.

I woke to the sound of the door opening, and Kelly walked in.

“You gonna beg for food or be a dumbass?” she asked.

“Mphmphhh mphhhh mphhh,” I moaned into my gag in submission.

“Good boy, now beg me for this bread.” she ordered.

I started to mmphhh into my gag, and pleaded with my eyes.

“Oh, silly me. You still have Emma’s socks in your mouth!” she teased. Thankfully she ripped the tape off my mouth, and let me spit out the socks.

“Be VERY careful about the next words that come out of your mouth” she growled as soon as the socks left my mouth.

“Please Goddess Kelly,” I reluctantly begged. “Please give me some bread, I’m starving.”

She continued to look down at me, my sign to keep going.

“Goddess please bless me with some food, I’ll do anything, please.”

I saw a slight smile appear on her lips as she loved when I called her a Goddess, but the smile quickly disappeared as she put back on a stern face.

“I’m starving Goddess Kelly, I am completely at your mercy,” I continued to beg. “As your loyal slave and prisoner, I beg of you for some bread. Please find it within yourself to give me some food.”

By this point I was really begging hard, as I could not go another couple hours on an empty stomach. I also was really starting to go crazy from being confined for so long and knew she would have to release my restraints to let me eat.

“Ughh, fineeee.” She rolled her eyes, but clearly enjoying herself. “I guess I can give you some bread since you asked so nicely.”

“Heyyy I’m back!!” I heard a voice upstairs call out. Emma. She came down the stairs to the basement door and I saw that she was visibly red.

“What did I miss?” she said.

“Well our little prisoner here just finished begging me for some bread, but now that you’re here I guess he can beg for it again can’t he?” she taunted.

I was too terrified to say anything so I just remained silent.

“Wow he’s so tame now, I guess 3 hours locked in a cage does that to someone huh?”

3 hours. I thought it had been at least 5! I looked up at Kelly and Emma, who was taking off her socks. She was wearing a running outfit, with a black bra and black shorts.

“If you don’t start begging soon, these freshly sweaty running socks are going in your mouth!” Emma threatened.

I looked to my wife to see if she would let that happen, but she kept the same face so I reluctantly began to beg again.

“Please Emma, please feed me some bread. I’m so hungry I haven’t eaten since this morning and I’m very sorry for anything I’ve done.”

“Okay! Some slices of bread coming right up!” She giggled.

Thankfully she wasn’t experienced in being dominant so that amount of begging seemed to do the trick. Unfortunately, my wife was in the room.

“That wasn’t a very submissive beg from you, slave,” she said. “As your punishment, here’s what's going to happen. First, when I let you out of your cage you are going to thank me and kiss my feet to show gratitude. Then, you will wiggle over to me and I will tear off a piece of bread. You are going to hold it in your mouth and wiggle all the way across the room to Emma, and drop it at her feet. If you eat it early, you won’t get any more food the rest of the night. Understood?”

“Yes Goddess, thank you Goddess,” I said.

She unlocked the padlock, and lifted the cage door open. I rolled out into the center of the room, finally able to move.

“Thank you Goddess,” I said as I wiggled over to my wife’s socked feet and kissed them.

“You know, if you would’ve begged the first time I asked you to, I would’ve just fed you normally. Emma also would’ve still been on her run, but now you get to deal with both of us. I would’ve thought you’d learn to listen to my orders the first time by now, but I guess you just need some more training.” she said.

I ignored her, and instead waited for her to rip off a piece of bread. She ripped off about a quarter of a slice, and dropped in by her foot. I eagerly picked it up with my teeth, and began rolling over to Emma. I had to adjust my direction a couple times since it was hard to predict where I was going to roll while hogcuffed, but I made it.

The smell of Emma’s feet instantly hit my nose. I dropped the bread by her foot, and looked at my wife expectantly.

“Well, kiss her foot!” she said across the room as if it were obvious.

Emma’s feet were visibly sweaty, and smelled worse than her shoe. I shut my eyes and gently placed a quick kiss on each foot.

“Haha that feels nice!” She exclaimed. “Go get another piece,” she said as she stepped on the piece I had dropped on her, hiding it from view.

I was extremely confused, but knew better than to question her. I rolled back to my wife and after a kiss on each foot, was rewarded another slice. By the time I rolled back to Emma and dropped off the new bread slice, the other one was completely soaked and smashed paper thin under her foot. She stepped on the new slice and picked up the smushed slice between her toes.

“Eat it.”

I saw this coming but actually putting it in my mouth was another story. I opened my mouth but the thought completely repulsed me and I physically couldn’t do it.

“Please guys,” I said, my voice breaking. “I can’t. I really can’t do this. Safeword, or whatever, I just want out. Please,” I started to cry.

Emma looked shocked by my sudden change in attitude, but my wife just looked annoyed.

“I’ll be nice since you seem really troubled right now,” my wife said. “I’ll give you one more chance to do as you're told, before we gag you for the night.”

I couldn’t believe it. She really had zero sympathy for me. Seeing as I had no other choice, I reluctantly opened my mouth and grabbed the sweaty bread from between Emma’s toes. I pulled it free, and began to chew. It tasted like it smelt, and it was nasty. As my lips touched her toes, Emma seemed to forget about my outburst and started enjoying herself again. She really did have a foot fetish. I saw how shocked and unsure she was, but now she was completely fine. I continued doing this for about 40 minutes, which was equivalent to around 4 slices of plain bread. I wasn’t exactly full by the end of it, but I wasn’t hungry either.

“Well, that was fun but I really do need to head home now,” Emma said. “Let me know whenever I can swing by!”

“Of course, you did well today! I’ll see you when I see you,” my wife responded as Emma left the room and went up the stairs. Once we heard the front door shut my wife turned back to look at me.

“Do you need to use the bathroom?” Kelly suddenly asked.

“Yes Goddess” I responded. Usually during play, she would just untie me and after I had done my business she would rebind me. I got the feeling that this wouldn’t happen today though.

“Okay, stand up,” she ordered after she disconnected the chains from my neck and feet to my hands. My ankles and hands were still bound, but I was no longer hogcuffed. I obeyed her instructions and stood up.

“Actually, get on your knees.”

I immediately got back down on my knees.


I crawled after her, and she led me to the basement bathroom.

“Lay down on the floor”

I slid my legs back and my stomach hit the ground.

She took a single handcuff and locked it around my left wrist. She then took off her socks and shoved them into my mouth. They didn’t taste that bad since she didn’t work out today, so I didn’t complain much. She then taped them in, and got out a pair of nose clamps.

“I’m going to put this on your nose, and then unlock your handcuffs. I’m going to attach your left wrist to your collar, but leave your right wrist alone. Once I am done, I will remove the nose clamp so you can breathe again. The faster I get this done, the sooner you get to breath, do you understand?”

“Mphmm Mphhh” I said, forgetting I was gagged.

“Good, now take a deep breath”

She placed the clamp on my nose, and I closed my eyes and concentrated on holding my breath. She did exactly as she said, and removed the handcuffs. She then moved my left wrist to my collar, and used a padlock to lock it to the single cuff on my wrist. Then she took off the nose clamp, and removed the tape and gag.

“Good boy!” She patted my head. She then removed my leather mitts, letting me wriggle my fingers for the first time in hours. I was now the most free I had been since we started this. The only restraints I had on were my ankle cuffs, which offered little to no wiggle room, and my left wrist was chained to my neck.

“You have 20 minutes to shower, do whatever you need to do, before I come back in here for you. When I come in, I expect you to be kneeling with your forehead on the floor, do you understand?” she explained

“Yes Goddess”

“Your time starts now.” she said, starting a stopwatch on her phone.

I immediately hopped into the bathroom, and relieved my bladder. I then hopped into the shower, and took a long hot shower. Washing and drying myself was difficult, but not impossible with the restraints. I even had time to brush my teeth, then knelt on the floor as directed.

The 20 minutes passed and Kelly came and stood in front of me.

“Good boy, I’m glad you’ve accepted that escape is impossible” she beamed. She put the leather mittens back onto my hands, and then cuffed them behind my back, after removing my left wrist from the collar. She must’ve felt confident in my submission to let my arms free, even if for only a brief moment. I did have on leather mittens though, so it’s not like I could run very far before I encountered a door. I also could only hop so there was that.

“This is going to be the routine from now on.” She explained. “Once when I wake you up, once after lunch, and once before bed.”

Damn, she really thought this through.

“Now follow me,” she ordered.

Surprisingly, she started to walk up the stairs and then the other flight back to our bedroom. I hopped after her, and finally made it to the room.

“Open your mouth,” she demanded.

I opened wide, as she inserted a black ball gag into my mouth. She tightened the strap, and added a padlock in the back to lock it in. “I don’t want you suffocating because you have a stuffy nose, so I’ll be nice and use a ball gag.” she explained. “Now get in bed.”

We had never done bondage overnight, so I was curious what her plan was. I guess it was to sleep as usual, but with me bound.

“You may be my prisoner but I still want to sleep with you,” she said after seeing my confused expression. After being treated as a slave and locked away for so many hours, I didn’t think I’d be sleeping on my bed tonight. I hopped into bed, and she hopped in next to me.

“This is gonna be such a fun month” she whispered into my ear, before falling asleep.
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Post by milagros317 »

Excellent beginning! Looking forward to lots of worshiping Emma's feet.

I was intrigued by this line:
Off Topic
“Kelly said you’re not allowed to talk,” Emma said. “Keep trying though, I like the way your mouth tickles my feet”
Emma could make him do more of that and then announce that she should get to tickle him to be fair. With him stretched out fully in bondage, Emma can explore his rib cage and armpits for ticklish spots.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Scottstud94 »

This is already one of my favorites on the site. Really interesting
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Post by lanadelgagged »

Definitely better than Hawaii... really enjoying this one so far! <3
Bondage writer and graphic designer.
Put a sock in it!
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Post by geelcarl »

Great story so far!!! Eagerly anticipating the next part
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Post by Simo »

Loving it! Keep it up especially more sweaty sock gags and torment!
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Post by dillonmichael080 »

I love the wrestling moves adding to the humiliation. Can't wait to see what happens next!
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Post by esfok »

Absolutely love the themes of this story. I really hope you continue it some day!
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