Beauty and The Best - Home Lessons

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KP Presents
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Beauty and The Best - Home Lessons

Post by KP Presents »

“Well, that settles it,” Tom said as he looked across the Table at Barbara, “we are going to need a boost to our resources in the next few days.”

“I knew paying for that holiday was going to be an issue…”

“Hey,” Tom said as he looked over, “given what the utility company just did, we would have to do so soon anyway. The one thing is, of the targets we have reviewed, I think there is only one we can go into that quickly.”

“Mrs Harrison?”

Tom nodded. When he and Barbara had first come to the home they met in, the school they had to go to was run by a kindly woman called Mrs Elaine Harrison – and she was still the headmistress there. In fact, she had a member of her family as a teacher under her – Anna Kendrick, her daughter.

The main thing was, her husband had a very successful logistics business, and they lived in a very nice house on the outskirts of town – Mrs Nora Kendrick had lost her husband some years ago, and she lived there with her daughters, fifteen year old Kate and eight year old Sharon. There was also a live-in housekeeper called Agnetha.

“I thought her grandchildren did home schooling?”

“They do – so we have to move this Friday afternoon, but it’s our best bet. So – ready?”

Barbara nodded as she stood up. “Good thing I have that afternoon off, isn’t it?”

Agnetha glanced at the clock as she heard the footsteps on the stairs, and went back to her food preparation. The girls has obviously finished their classes for the day, as it was 2 on a Friday afternoon, so she was happy to keep going with preparing supper.

The young Scandinavian had her brown hair pulled back and hanging down her back in a ponytail against her tight brown sweater. Grey jeans and a pair of short grey felt boots completed her outfit. Stirring the meat in the pot, she added some tomatoes and then turned the heat down – as there was a knock on the front door.

“Now who could that be,” she said as she made her way down the corridor, and opened the door, saying “yes, can I help you?”

“You can indeed – walk backwards, slowly, and raise your hands in the air.”

Agnetha swallowed as she walked back, raising her hands into the air as the two young people walked in. The man was wearing a black jumper, pants and shoes, as well as black leather gloves on his hands – one of which was pointing a gun at Agnetha. The woman closed the door behind her, and smiled – she was wearing a tight fitting black jumper, and leggings tucked into over the knee black fabric boots as well as gloves. Both also had black woollen hats on their heads – and black eye masks that covered their faces, although Agnetha could see the eyeshadow under the masks.

“Is this some sort of prank that Mrs Harrison has arranged,” she said with a smile.

“Oh no,” the young man said, “this is a very real robbery. We are going to take you and anyone else here hostage, and wait for Mrs Harrison to come home so that we may rob her. Do as we say, nobody gets hurt – understand?”

“Oh god,” Agnetha whispered as she slowly nodded.

“Good – Beauty, cover me while I secure her wrists behind her back.”

“Of course, Best,” the masked woman said as she pointed her gun at Agnetha, the man taking from his pocket a length of white cord before he walked behind the housekeeper and pulled her hands down behind her back. She could feel the rope rubbing on her wrists as they were forced together, before a young woman called out “who was at the door, Agnetha?”

“Shall we?”

The masked man opened the door as Beauty made Agnetha walk in, the two girls turning to look at them. Kate was wearing a black jumper, her long black hair falling over the shoulders, green and blue tartan pants with a belt round her waist, and black ankle boots. Sharon had chestnut brown hair, and was wearing a denim blouse with the sleeves rolled up, a denim skirt and white socks.

“Girls,” Agnetha said quietly, “we are being robbed…”

“Robbed? But they’re not much older than me,” Kate called out – and then she saw the gun in the masked man’s hand as he said “well, we are robbing this house.”

“Kate, what’s going on,” Sharon said as she looked at her sister. “who are they, and why are they wearing masks?”

“I need you to be brave, Sharon,” Kate said quietly, “you see…”

“It’s all right to be a little scared, Sharon,” the masked woman said as she came and sat next to her. “My name is Beauty, and my friend here is called The Best. Now, we are robbers, and we are here to steal things from your mother and grandmother – but I promise you, we’re not going to hurt you so long as you do as we say.”

“You promise?”

“I promise – we are going to tie you up, and gag you, but you can watch television – and when your mother and grandmother come home, they will be made just like you before you eat.” She put down a bag she was carrying, and took out a length of rope, handing it to Sharon and saying “Tell me how that feels.”

“While she does that,” Best said to Kate, “give me your mobile phone and your sister’s if she has one.”

“Just do as he says,” Agnetha whispered as Kate opened her handbag and handed her iPhone over, then took a small one out of another bag and handed it to the masked man.

“It feels nice…”

“Good, so I want you to stand up, and put your hands behind your back – because I am going to use this rope to tie your wrists together there, just like Agnetha here.”

“How do you know my name?”

“We know a lot about you,” Beauty said as she took the rope between Sharon’s arms and tied the ends off. “Like Sharon here likes to be a princess, and Kate is worried about the boy at school – he really does like you by the way.”

Kate stared at her, unaware of Beast as he took her hands behind her back and secured her wrists there with rope as well.

“This – is nice. You’re not scary, not like the people on television.”

“Good – now, we need to use some longer ropes to make sure your arms stay by your sides. Ready?”

“Hey – when did you do this,” Kate said as she looked behind herself.

“When you were ready,” Best said as he wound a longer rope round her and pulled it tight under her chest, forcing her arms against her sides. She watched as Beauty did the same thing to her little sister, who seemed not to be that afraid anymore.

“Wow – this is tight,” the young girl said as Beauty tied the ropes off, and smiled. “Good – sit down with your sister. Beauty, be a dear and take care of Agnetha – I need to make sure things are turned off in the kitchen. We don’t want supper to be burnt, do we?”

“Are you girls all right,” Agnetha said as Best wound the rope round her own body.

“Yeah – how old are you really anyway? Eighteen? Nineteen?”

“Close,” Best said as he pulled the ropes tight round the housekeeper. “Why?”

“So why do this? Why tie us up, I presume tie my mother and grandmother up, sand then rob us?”

“To survive,” Best said as he let Agnetha sit in an armchair, and then knelt down to secure her ankles together with rope. Once he had that tied off, he went over and secured Kate’s ankles, and then Sharon’s.

“There – everything is off, I will help you finish it later,” Beauty said as she came in, and took from the bag a white scarf, rolling it up as she looked at the housekeeper. “Now, open wide…”

“Why, whatwreuuhhdhhnwhftht,” Agnetha mumbled as the rolled up scarf was pulled between her lips, then tied tightly round her head to muffle her voice. Kate and Sharon looked at each other, before Sharon said one word.


“I am so glad today is over,” Elaine Harrison said as she pulled up outside the house. She was in her early sixties, wearing a grey pant suit with a white blouse under the jacket, and her greying hair cut short. Nora, her daughter, was wearing a blue V-necked sweater over a lighter blue roll neck one, and black pants tucked into short black leather boots.

“Tell me about it,” she said as they both got out, “I’m going to take my bag up to the bedroom – I’ll be down to see the girls in a few minutes.”

Elaine nodded as Nora walked quickly into the house, and up the stairs, walking into her bedroom and putting her bag down. As she looked round, she got the feeling something was not quite right – it was too quiet.

“Hello. Slowly, put your hands up where I can see them.”

She felt the pressure on her back as she heard the young man, and slowly raised her hands…


As Elaine put her car keys in the bowl, she sensed something was wrong. The television was on, true, but there was no smell of food cooking, and no lively chatter. No talking at all, in fact. Slowly, she walked down to the door to the main room and opened it.

“Kate? Sharon?”


As she walked in, she stopped as she saw her granddaughters on the couch, and her housekeeper in a chair. All three had band of rope round their arms and chest, their legs secured, and white scarves pulled between their lips. She could see the grey at the corners of the mouth, as she walked quickly in and pulled the scarf out of Sharon’s mouth.

“Are you all right? Were we robbed?”

“I’m all right, Granny,” Sharon said with a smile, “and we are being robbed.”

“We are…”

“Hello Mrs Harrison,” she heard a young woman say as she felt a pressure at her back. “Slowly, stand up and turn round with your hands in the air.”

“This is Beauty,” Sharon said, Kate nodding as Elaine turned and looked at the masked young woman.

“My god – you’re barely older than some of the kids at my school.

“Oh no – Mum…”

“And he’s The Best,” Sharon said as Nora walked in, her hands in the air as a masked man followed her.

“Teenagers? We’re been robbed by teenagers?”

“Teenagers who are forced to do this to survive, to pay our bills,” Best said quietly, “so please, do as we say, then nobody needs to get hurt.”

Agnetha and Kate both nodded as Elaine looked at them. “Very well,” she said quietly, “what are we to do?”

“First,” Beauty said, “give me your handbags and your mobile phones.” As they handed them over, Best said “now, watches, rings, jewellery – in this bag please.”

“Do as he says,” Elaine whispered, Nora nodding as she put her jewellery into the bag. She handed it to Elaine, who did the same before Beauty took the bag.

“Thank you now, both of you, put your hands behind your back.”

As they did so, the others watched Beauty and the Best secure their wrists together, before Best passed rope around Nora’s arms to make sure they stayed against her sides.

“Please, Mrs Harrison, come with me,” he then said, Elaine nodding as Beauty sat her daughter in another armchair and started to bind her legs.

“Can you gag me again please, Mister Best,” Sharon said, “I want to be like everyone else.”

“Of course, Sharon,” Best said with a smile as he placed the cloth back between her teeth, re-tying the gag so it sat safely in there.

“Hmshhrrhehehmmhhmmm,” Agnetha said as she looked over.

“Not your fault – you say you have to do this to survive,” Nora said as Beauty secured the rope holding her legs together below her knees.

“It sounds stupid,” the masked woman said quietly, “but it is true. If we did not do this, we would not be able to live the simple life we do live. We don’t splash out or spend lavishly – what we take literally pays the bills and busy food for us.”

Sharon and Kate looked at her as their mother said “what is our society coming to when you have to take extreme measures like this?”

“Be assured, we do this with great regret, and only those who can afford it – on which note, it is time for you to be quiet. Please, open your mouth…”

“So this is not rob the rich to feed your own wealth,” Elaine said as she sat on Nora’s bed, watching as Best emptied the contents of her jewellery boxes into the bag.

“No, Mrs Harrison – this is robbing the rich to make sure we can live,” he said as he replaced the last box, and closed the drawer. “You must see what it is like for some families in your school, after all.”

“I do see some things,” Elaine said quietly as she twisted round, “and I do admit, you have treated my family well and not hurt them. I just find it difficult to grasp this is what people are reduced to in today’s society.”

“We reap the rewards of or past leaders, Mrs Harrison,” Best said as he helped her to stand up, and walked her to her own bedroom. “Now, save any mess, and tell me where to look.”

“Start with the top drawer,” Elaine said quietly. “So if you are telling the truth, what is whatever you take from here going to go towards?”

“Our electricity bill, rent, food – not flash cars or jewellery, just the basic things in life.”

Elaine slowly nodded as she watched him empty the first box. “Well, it is all insured – I only ask some things do not go, they have some sentimental value.”

“Does that include you and your daughter’s wedding rings?”

“No – well, not hers. That bas… man left her and the children with nothing when he left, we had to take them in.”

“So you know what it is like to help those who really need the help?”

Elaine nodded as she said “please, not that one – it was given to me by my mother, and I wish to pass it down.”

“Of course – the combination to the safe please?”

As Elaine gave a sequence of numbers, Best knelt down and managed to open the door, reaching in and placing various items in the bag as well.

“Well, it is time to re-join your family,” he said as he stood up.

“Bound and gagged?”

“Bound and gagged. Then Beauty can help your housekeeper to prepare some food for you all – you must be hungry…”


“Hlllthrr,” Elaine said as he came in, her arms now secured to her sides and a thick white scarf tied between her lips. As she sat next to her granddaughters, Best knelt down and secured her ankles and legs, while Beauty untied Agnetha’s legs and helped her to stand up.

“Hllhkhhkkk – hsshfghms.”

“We’ll bring you through in a while,” Beauty said as she walked Agnetha back into the kitchen, untying her arms and wrists and then removing the gag from her mouth.

“Thank you for not hurting them…”

“They are very well behaved children. Now, how can I help you…”

“I must say, Agnetha, Beauty, this looks amazing.”

“Thank you, Kate,” the housekeeper said as she sat at the table, the others all sat round as Elaine served the food and then passed the plates round.

“Do what are you going to do after we eat, miss Beauty,” Sharon asked.

“Well we are going to make sure you are all kept so that you cannot raise the alarm, and then we’ll go once it is safe to do so.”

“So we’ll be tied up and gagged again?”

“In a different way, but yes – and I have to say, you make a very pretty hostage young Sharon.”

“She did – and she was quiet,” Kate said with a laugh.

“Well, I think you were all very brave,” Elaine said, “I know it must have been scary at first, it was the first time for me…”

“The first time, Mum?”

Elaine looked at Nora and nodded as she swallowed some meat. “It was – oh, nearly fifty years ago now, when I lived here with my mother and father. I remember it was a hot summer day, because I always remember my mother was wearing a purple and white checked top, purple shorts, like the hot pants you wear sometimes Kate, sheer tights and white sandals.

“As for me – well, it was the seventies, so I was wearing a white crochet top with long sleeves and matching shorts, and a pair of white leather boots that came up to my knees. They had a black sole, and a buckle on the side. I would have been about your age then, Sharon.”

Kate looked at her grandmother, before she said “you? In hot pants?”

“It did happen, dear. Anyway, this one hot day, I was coming out f my room when someone grabbed me from behind, and clamped a leather gloved hand over my mouth as he carried me down the stairs. Oh I struggled, I kicked out, but it was no use – and then I saw my mother. She was kneeling in front of our wicker seat, and a second man was tying her wrists together behind her back with thin cords.

“She looked at me, and said not to be scared a is was made to kneel down next to her, and whoever had grabbed me took my hands behind my back. The thin cords hurt a little as they were pulled tightly round my wrists - not like the rope these two have used. By the way, I thank you again for not hurting any of us.”

The others nodded as both Beauty and the Best smiled.

“anyway – they then used more of that cord to tie my ankles together, and I still remember that squeaking sound a sit rubbed on my boots. But I looked over and saw they were doing the same thing to my mother, and I figured at least my ankles were covered by more than tights.

“We were then sat back to back, as one of the men – I now saw they were men, wearing boiler suits and with black masks over their heads – as they tied me and my mother together back to back. Oh, I was scared, but I felt my mother holding my hand in hers, and suddenly I knew we would be all right.”

“Who were they, Granny,” Katy asked.

“They were part of a gang that were planning to rob the bank your great-grandfather was the manager of,” Elaine said quietly. “Once they had us tied up and had gagged me with sticking plaster, they brought the telephone over and made my mother talk to him. She then went very quiet, and I figured they had stuck something over her mouth as well – but she squeezed my hand, so we both sat quietly as the two men watched us.”

“You were scared still?”

“Not as much as I had been – after all I had my mother with me – which is why I am so proud of all of you for coping with what is happening here. I know Beauty and the Best have kept their word – so when they tie us up after diner, let’s make sure we all help each other, all right?”

She looked round the table as they all nodded, and then she looked at Sharon.

“Miss Beauty?”

“Yes, Sharon?”

“Will you tie me and Granny together like she was with her mother? I’d like her to hold my hand.”

Elaine nodded as she said “of course she will – won’t you?”

“It would be my honour,” Beauty said with a smile. “now eat up – and then your grandmother will take you to the toilet first…”


“Yes, thank you Mister Best,” Sharon said as she came in holding Elaine’s hand. She could see the other three sitting on the couch, their hands on their laps as Beauty said “I will take care of you, Sharon, and Best will take care of your grandmother. Now both of you, stand in front of the rest of your family, and put your hands behind your back.”

“Here we go,” Elaine said as she moved her hands behind her back, Sharon nodding as they felt their wrists being crossed and then the rope bringing them tightly together. Sharon let out a little giggle, and then she saw the rope going round her body.

“Do you have to do that as well? She’s only a little girl,” Nora said as she looked on.

“Mum, I don’t think we have a choice,” Kate said quietly, “and besides – it doesn’t hurt.”


“We’ll talk about it later, all right?”

Nora slowly nodded as the rope pulled Sharon’s arms against her sides, Beauty forming two bands around her stomach and her upper arms, and then tied the ropes behind her before she took the rope under one arm, up and around the back of her neck, and then under her other arm.

“There - that makes you a very special and beautiful captive,” Beauty said as she looked at the young girl.

“Do I really look that good, granny?”

“I think you do,” Elaine said with a smile as Best secured her ropes as well, and then they were both helped to sit back to back. Elaine and Sharon both watched as their ankles were secured tightly together with ropes, and then their legs below their knees, before Best wrapped more rope round both of them, holding Sharon’s bound upper arms and body to Elaine as the rope went round under those framing her grandmother’s chest.

Beauty then bent Sharon’s legs, before tying a length of rope between the one below her knees and her chest ropes. She heard Elaine saying “we are going to stay here” and then felt her hand being squeezed by her grandmother’s.

“I’m happy, Granny,” she whispered as she heard soft, squishy peeling sound, and then heard Beauty say “look at me, Sharon, and purse your lips.” She looked up as Beauty brushed her hair away from her head, and then pressed a length of white tape down over her mouth. It felt very comfortable as it was pressed down, but as she tried to speak, it very effectively muffled everything she said.

“I can see your mouth,” Kate said as Sharon smiled, and then Beauty and Best walked behind the couch all three of them were sitting on.

“Your turn,” Best said quietly, “hands behind your back please.”

“Can w talk about this later,” Agnetha said as she felt the rope forcing her wrists together.

“We can all talk about this when this is over,” Nora said quietly, Elaine nodding as she and Sharon turned their heads to watch the rest of their family have their wrists secured together behind their backs, and then bands of rope forcing their arms against their sides, above and below their chests.

“We’re going to have to sit very still,” Mora said as she felt the ropes tightening round her chest.

“Oh trust us,” Best said with a smile, “you are not going to be able to move.”

“Why does you saying that not terrify me?”

“Because I think we can trust them,” Agnetha said quietly, Nora nodding in agreement as Beauty and the Best came in front of them, ropes in their hands as they started bind the ankles of the three women together.


“Hdfmfhhnnghrnnee,” Sharon said as she squeezed her grandmother’s hand in response, watching as her sister, her mother and Agnetha had their ankles secured, as well as their legs below their knees.

Beauty then peeled from a roll another length of the white tap e that covered Elaine’s mouth, pressing gently down over Nora’s mouth and then over Kate’s mouth. As she did this, Best took two cushions and laid them on the floor, next to each other and near where Elaine and Sharon were sitting.

“Let us help you,” Beauty then said as they helped Kate and Nora to hop over to the cushions, then helped them to lei on their stomachs with their heads supported. The others watched as the two intruders pulled their ankles back and then secured them to their chest rope, before Beauty went over and helped Agnetha to lie face down on the couch. She then hogtied her as well before Agnetha rolled onto her side, watching the others as the television continued to play. Beauty went out of the room, Best watching them and glancing out of the closed curtains occasionally.

When some time had passed, he said “it’s time – thank you for your hospitality and your generosity, Mrs Harrison.”

“And all of you for being so cooperative,” Best said, Elaine nodding as she said “Fhkkuh…”

“Yhss, fhnnkuhhh…”

“Ghhdbbymssbhtee, mhstrbhst,” Sharon said as the masked intruders left the room…

“Hey – is everyone still up?”

Elaine looked at the door as her husband walked in, seeing all of them as he said “my god… What happened?”

“Whhffbhnnn… We’ve been robbed,” Elaine said as he came over and peeled the tape away from her mouth. “Sharon?”

“Asleep – are you hurt?”

“no – the intruders took very good care of us,” Elaine said as she felt Sharon shift, and then say “hllhhghrhdndhd.”

“Untie us, Bob – and then we can talk…”
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Always great home invasion stories.
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Post by emca753 »

Tiengag5 wrote: 1 year ago Always great home invasion stories.
love home invasions as well
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