Couple In The Bag (FF/FM)

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Couple In The Bag (FF/FM)

Post by mrjones2009 »

Couple In The Bag

“Turn the heater up,” Clare instructed her friend and business partner Jenny.

“Turn the heater up,” Jenny muttered under her breath.

“What was that?” Clare asked.

“Nothing,” Jenny said as she pulled the zip on her purple Nuptse North Face jacket. It was cold outside and the van had definitely chilled down a lot whilst they had been in hardware store stocking up on supplies. Their last job had almost cleaned them out. Luckily there hadn’t been any orders since they had made delivery of their previous package. Although they didn’t have an order at the moment, they had decided that better to have supplies and not need them than need supplies and not have them. The custom bags had arrived by courier this morning and were currently sitting in the rear of the van. They were expensive but their last job paid well and it was sort of their trademark in the community.

“Sorry, thought that you said something.” Jenny shook her head. Despite this being a partnership Clare always thought that she was in charge. They sat in silence as the warm air blasting out from the heaters started to clear the thin fog from the inside of the windscreen. Gradually the windscreen cleared from the bottom up. Jenny was still sulking slightly and looking out the small patch of clear window on her side door when she felt Clare nudge her in the ribs.

“What?” Jenny asked without looking at her partner. Another nudge. “What?”

“Are you sulking?” Clare asked. Jenny sighed and turned to look at Clare. “Look at this.” Clare was pointing out of the windscreen at something. Jenny followed the line form the tip of Clare’s finger. “Cute. What do you think?” Jenny thought hard. She didn’t like having stock without a buyer. Sometimes it was hard to shift merchandise. Then again when an opportunity presented itself.
Olivia exited the health food store carrying her purchases and flicking the hood of her Superdry full length black hooded Maxi Puffer Coat. It was very cold and Olivia was glad that she had invested in the warm and cosy purchase. The lithe and athletic brunette had just finished yoga class and had decided to pop into some local shops and pick up some things on the way home. Now, she wished that she had accepted the lift that her friend Ashley had offered. The temperature seemed to have dropped lower in the last twenty minutes or so. The hood and lack of vision that it caused was the main reason that she bumped into someone. “Sorry!” Olivia said automatically taking a step back. The person wore white trainers, “totally my fault,” blue jeans, “wasn’t looking where I was going,” and a light brown Canadian Goose Crofton puffer. “I really should pay more….” God. It was that idiot Josh from work. What were the chances?

“If it isn’t the Little Princess. Fancy bumping into you here,” Josh said with a broad smile. Olivia and Josh had, how could she put it, issues at work. They were on the same team but were like oil and water, chalk and cheese. They hated each other. Especially after Josh had beaten her with his idea to lead a project for their firm’s largest client. Olivia thought Josh was an arrogant, smartarse who absolutely loved himself. Josh thought Olivia was a pampered, spoiled daddy’s girl. “What brings you out in this weather Mrs Tight Pants?” Olivia looked down at her patterned yoga pants.

“Just going home from a class and picking up some shopping.”

“Bit of a trek,” Josh commented. He knew roughly where Olivia stayed.

“Yeah….well….” Olivia didn’t want to admit to Josh that she had made an error in judgement.

“Can I give you a lift?” Josh pointed to a blue five door hatchback sitting in the parking lot. “That’s my car over there.” Olivia turned and looked at the car and then off in the other direction toward where she stayed. As much as she didn’t want to take any help from Josh it was be silly not to accept the lift in a nice warm car. She nodded.

“I need to pick up something from the next store,” Olivia said. “Meet you back at the car?”

“I will get her warmed up.” Josh stepped around Olivia and headed toward his car. Olivia shook her head. He even walked with a swagger. Then she entered the store to pick up her last item of shopping.
“That was handy,” Clare commented. The windscreen was now clear and they could both see what was going on. The body language was obvious. The two women exchanged a glance and slipped out of the doors of the van. Clare was tall with an athletic build. Short brown hair and matching eyes. She had always liked sport and been very competitive. Ended up concentrating on rowing at college, her coach calling her the perfect physical specimen for the sport. Was on the verge of Olympic selection if it hadn’t been for the ‘incident’. College was where she had met Jenny. Almost the exact physical opposite of Clare, Jenny had shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes behind thin rimmed spectacles. They had actually “met” on a chatroom board on their college intranet. The chatroom had been about kinks and they had both posted about their love of bondage. It was supposed to be anonymous but Clare had posted something and Jenny had worked out who she was and approached her at a party. The friendship had blossomed from there. “Now look where we are?” Clare said.

“What was that?” Jenny asked.

“Nothing,” Clare reached out and put an arm around Jenny and pull her in close for a hug. “Shall we get to it.” Jenny pushed her friend away but smiled.
After getting in the car Josh put the key in the ignition. Before he started the engine, he heard his mum’s voice in his head. “Put your belt on.” He did and then started the car. All of the windows were fogged so he adjusted the heaters and sat back. With the windows fogged up, Josh couldn’t see out and nobody could see in. So, it was a shock when the passenger side door opened and a brunette woman jumped in. Josh turned to stare at the woman in shock. He didn’t recognise the woman at all. The rear door opened and someone else got in. Josh looked in the rear-view mirror. It was another woman that he didn’t know. The door closed and Josh got a waft of a strange smell on the air that was blown forward from the motion of the door closing. “Eh! Can I help you ladies?”

“Just relax and this will go easier for you,” the brunette woman said with a broad smile on her face. She leaned down and lifted the lever that held the seat in place. Josh’s weight moved the seat back. Then the brunette wrapped her long arms around Josh and the seat, pinning him in place. “What are you doing?” Josh squirmed around in the seat.

“Would you let me ooommmhhh…” A flash of motion and the woman behind him had stuffed something soft into his mouth. “ooott…mmaarr…mmpphh…” That was quickly followed up by a soft, thick pad being clamped over his nose and mouth. This was all very confusing. Who were these women? What were they doing? What did they want? Josh’s brain was asking all sorts of question as he struggled and squirmed to get free. He tried to reach out with his hands and remove the cloth but the brunette had his arms pinned so that he could only raise them so far. Then Josh tried to reach the steering wheel and the car's horn, but with the seat moved back that was impossible. His hands flailed uselessly trying to reach the steering wheel. He looked glanced over and saw the brunette with a big smile and relaxed look on her face as if she was enjoying this. Like this was something that happened all of the time. Josh squirmed and thrashed around trying to get free but his attackers held both the numerical and tactical advantage. The women were easily keeping him in place and helpless. All that seemed to take minutes but was probably only five or ten seconds. Josh had assumed that the purpose of the stuffing and cloth were to silence him it wasn’t until he inhaled that the sickly-sweet chemical odour caught at the back of his throat and he felt the wetness of the cloth. “mmmoohh…uummoohhh…” Josh screamed into the cloth that was held in a vice like grip over the lower half of his face. Josh intensified his struggles but he couldn’t break free. Time seemed to drag on until after thirty or so seconds he felt strange, his legs and arms felt heavy, his actions uncoordinated, his thoughts confused and his vision started to blur. Whatever was on the cloth was obviously doing this to him, some sort of sedative. As he spiralled further down towards unconsciousness the brunette spoke to him again,

"That’s it. No point in struggling any longer, It’s over. Breathe deeply close those eyes and go to sleep for me," the feminine voice whispered. “The chloroform will put you to sleep anyway and we will take good care of you." Josh moaned into the cloth but the fight was over. He could hardly move. His vision started fading in and out as he fought to keep her eyes open. Josh lost his battle with the chloroform as his eyes fluttered and closed and his body relaxed. The cloth was kept in place to make sure that he was under and would stay that way for a while.

“He out,” Jenny asked. Clare removed the bear hug, picked up Josh’s right arm and let it drop.

“I would say so.” Jenny removed the cloth and put it back in her pocket and picked the now damp handkerchief from their victim’s mouth. “I will go and get the van.” After Jenny had slipped out Clare inspected their new acquisition. Strong jaw, brown hair, a good catch. Whilst Jenny retrieved the van Clare patted down Josh and put his wallet, mobile and everything else in his pockets into the glove compartment before shutting off the engine. Not wanting the windows to clear. Jenny pulled the van up close to the driver’s door, got out and slide open the side door. Clare got out of the car and looked around. The weather had obviously kept folk in as the lot was almost empty. No sign of yoga pants yet. Between the two women they hauled Josh from the driver’s seat up and into the rear of the van. Jenny jumped in with Josh and closed the door of the van and Clare got behind the wheel of the car and closed the door. Now all they had to do was wait.
Olivia stopped for a second and then found Josh’s car. There was a van sitting next to it that wasn’t there before which threw her slightly. As she approached the car Olivia did think that it was strange that someone would park right next to another vehicle when there were so may empty spaces. There couldn’t have been more than seven or eight cars in the entire lot. It was too cold to think about that now so Olivia hurried over to the car, opened the rear door and sat her bags on the seat. Then she quickly got in the passenger seat. He first thing that she noticed was the lack of hot air, Oliva had hoped the Josh would have the heaters on full blast. Then she looked across at the driver’s seat and found a tall, brunette woman sitting in the seat. Had she got the wrong car? No. This was the right car. She was certain.

“Where is Josh?” The young woman was prettier up close Clare thought. This was proving to be a good spur of the moment decision.

“Is that his name,” Clare stated. “And you are?”

“Olivia,” she replied without thinking. “Where is Josh?” she asked again.

“My colleague is with your friend in the van there,” Clare pointed over her shoulder. “We are robbers. All that we want is you cash and phone.”

“Sorry!” Olivia exclaimed suddenly totally bemused by the situation. Clare read the look on the young woman’s face. Confusion was good. It meant the brain wasn’t working clearly.

“You don’t want your friend to get hurt, do you?” Clare asked.

“We are not friends!” Olivia stated with certainty. Despite that Olivia didn’t want Josh to get hurt.

“My friend will hurt Josh. Nasty piece of work my friend. All we want is some of your stuff and we will leave you alone.” Olivia bit her lip and then nodded. “Good girl.” Clare removed two balled-up handkerchiefs from her pocket, balled them up and then moved them toward Olivia’s mouth.
“What are you doing? What are they for?” Olivia said, suddenly startled and shuffled away as far as the door.

“I need to gag you to keep you from screaming for help,” Clare smiled her easiest, more reassuring smile. “A smart girl like you should understand that.” Flattery sometimes helped Clare had found. She could see Olivia and thinking things through in her head. Just give her time Clare thought as she edged the mass of fabric closer. Suddenly Olivia nodded and opened her mouth. Before Olivia could change her mind Clare rammed the fabric into her mouth and followed that up by pressing a pre-cut piece of white micro-foam tape over Olivia’s lips. The young brunette coughed and moaned a little. “Now, give me your purse and phone.” Olivia meekly complied. Delving into the deep pockets of her coat and handing them over.
“Thank you.”

“oott…mmeeooww…” Olivia mumbled.

“Now lean forward and put clasp your hands behind your back.” Olivia hesitated for a second before complying. Clare smiled as she was able to secure Olivia’s wrists together with a heavy-duty cable tie.

“ooohh…aaarrr…” Olivia complained as the cable tie was tightly secure.

“Sorry, it has to be that tight to be effective,” Clare explained with the hint of an apology. Not really, Clare just enjoyed seeing her captives squirm a little. “Now just sit nice tight.” The driver side door opened and a blast of cold air enter the car, Olivia shivered. It could have been the cold air or her current predicament or a combination of the two. Closing the door Clare hustled round and helped Olivia out of the car and started to push and pull her toward the van. Olivia shrugged and bucked to throw Clare off. “Just taking you to see Josh then we will leave you alone.” That seemed to placate the young woman and she allowed herself to be led to the van. Clare knocked on the side door and it opened. After helping Olivia into rear of the van, Clare locked the car and then tossed the key into the shrubs at the edge of the lot. A last look around to make sure that nobody was paying them any undue attention then Clare stepped into the rear of the van and closed slid the door closed.
Once in the van Clare relaxed a little. The most dangerous part was now over. The interior on the van was soundproofed to a degree and nobody could see in. A glance told her the Jenny had already zip-tied Olivia’s ankles and was in the process of removing the brunette’s sneakers and socks. They had found that this discouraged captives from trying to escape. Plus, socks always came in handy for other things. “That went well,” Clare commented to Jenny.

“mmuurr…uummpphh…” Olivia moaned. The panic was starting to rise now. She had seen Josh lying unconscious on some sheets in the back of the van. Then the other woman had secured her ankles and removed her sneakers and socks, leaving her feet bare. What was that all about? Olivia then realised then that the woman had left her purse and phone in the car. She then knew that something was very wrong with this situation.
“Shall we get to work,” Jenny suggested. Clare nodded.

“Don’t you go anywhere Olivia,” Clare suggested. “We will be with you some enough.” Clare and Jenny moved across the van to where Josh lay unconscious on the floor of the van. Jenny opened a box that was sitting in the way and started to pull out rope. Lots of rope. Olivia watched on intently. It seemed like an awful lot of rope. Clare picked up a length of rope as Jenny rolled Josh onto his back and brought his arms together behind his back. Clare held Josh’s wrists as Jenny wrapped the rope around them tightly on five occasions before cinching and knotting the rope. They then undertook the same process at Josh’s elbows pulling the closely together. The ropes tight enough that they bit deep into the arms of his puffy jacket. A rope chest harness followed to pin his arms to his back. The two women worked efficiently and in silence as if they had done this on numerous occasions. Once they were satisfied that Josh’s upper body was secured then moved onto his legs. Further ropes were applied to Josh’s legs at the ankles, just above his bare feet, below and above the knees and then around the thighs. All the same number of wraps and knots. All very neat and tidy.

“Grab the tape and we will take care of those prying fingers.” Clare reached into another box and came out with a roll of silver duct tape. Jenny took another pair of socks and placed them in the palm of Josh’s left hand. She then pressed the fingers of his left hand around the socks. Clare started to wrapped the hand in tape at all angles, turning the hand into a useless ball of silver. Then they undertook the same process with Josh’s right hand. “Keep him quiet time.” Jenny picked up a bag and delved inside, coming out with a pile of material. Was that underwear? Olivia continued to look on, mesmerised by the entire process. “Yours or mine?” Jenny asked.

“Mine I think,” Clare replied. Jenny selected a pair of socks and then wrapped two pairs of silk panties around them. Clare held Josh’s head and pinch his cheeks to prop his mouth open. This allowed Jenny to cram the socks and panties into Josh’s mouth. “I think there is some more room in there.” Jenny laughed at that comment and picked up Olivia’s socks and crammed them into Josh’s mouth. The man’s oral cavity was truly at capacity. Jenny grabbed a roll of silver duct tape and began slowly peeling it off the roll. Jenny smoothed some tape over Josh’s right cheek then began wrapping it around his lower face. Taking her time, making sure each pass of tape was as tight as possible. Four, five, a dozen wraps. As the passes of tape continued Josh’s cheeks bulged up over the growing gag as it squeezed them, the parts of his face not covered in shiny silver were growing red from the crushing strain of the gag. “I think that should do.” Jenny stopped wrapping and tore the tape. The two women then checked their handiwork and seemingly satisfied turned to look at Olivia. The brunette gave a sad moan, terrified to find out what exactly the two women planned on doing to her next. She tried to crawl away but Clare gabbed her ankles and dragged her across the floor of the van beside Josh.
“Where do you think you were going?”

“Gag first?” Jenny asked.

“Yeah,” Clare replied. “Always best with the conscious ones.” As Clare wrestled Olivia into a sitting position Jenny delved back into the bag and brought out a pair of socks and wrapped them in a pair of pink silk panties. Olivia wondered if they were clean. “That is bad Jen. You had them on at the gym yesterday.”

“MMMOOOHHH…AAAYYY…” Olivia shook her head. She was not letting them stuff those in her mouth. Her two captors sniggered. Then Clare tore off the micro-foam tape and pulled out the handkerchiefs. “No way are mmmooo…” Clare had her in a vicious hand-gag and then pinched her thumb and index finger.

“Why are you making us do this Olivia?” Olivia couldn’t breathe. She struggled and squirmed in a vain attempt to get access to fresh air for over a minute. It was only a matter of time until she blacked out. As the supply of air in her lungs ran out Olivia stared to buck and thrash around. “I think our little captive needs to breathe Jenny.”

“I think that you are right,” Jenny observed as she held up the mass of socks and panties. Clare flicked her hand up so that Olivia’s mouth was no longer covered but kept her thumb and index finger in place to pinch her nostrils closed. Olivia opened her mouth to gulp in air which was just the opportunity that Jenny required to stuff her mouth full of fabric. Instantly Olivia wretched at both the amount of fabric in her mouth but also the fact that they were not clean. Olivia continued to groan as she heard the tell-tale sound of tape being ripped from the roll. The end was pressed on her cheek and then around her head, Clare held her hair out of the way as Jenny wrapped the tape around on a dozen occasions. Each wrap was tighter and more brutal than the last and Olivia moaned. “Think we will call you Mumbles.” Jenny finished the wrap and tore the tape. “Keep quiet or we will have to improve that gag.” Olivia’s eyebrows shot up. “You think this is bad. You have no idea Mumbles.” Olivia swallowed before she found herself pushed onto her stomach. There was a snip and Olivia felt her ankles free. To dissuade her from resisting Clare pressed off of her weight on her chest as Jenny tied Olivia’s legs in exactly the same manner as Josh’s were. The ropes were painfully tight. She had no experience of bondage but Olivia guessed that the ropes wouldn’t be slackening at any point. She knew that she and Josh were in serious trouble. Another snip and her wrists were free, relief was short lived as they quickly resecured with rope. Then Clare forced Olivia’s elbows together and Jenny wrapped rope around then, each circle of the rope forcing them closer together.

“oohh..mmooaahh…” Olivia had guessed this would be painful and first-hand experience had proved her correct. After her arms had been tied Clare pulled her back upright.

“Let’s see what’s under that puffy jacket.” Olivia wondered what that meant. Question answered when Jenny made multiple passes above and below her breasts with rope and then began to wrap the rope between Olivia’s breasts and over her shoulders. Once Jenny, her upper body felt extremely tight in the clutch of the bondage, her breathing felt slightly restricted by how tightly the ropes were squeezing her chest. At least it took her mind of the vile taste in her mouth. “Nice.” After being pushed face down on the floor of the van again Olivia’s hands were wrapped into silver balls and then she was left alone to explore her bonds. She squirmed and tried to get free but there seemed to be no defect in her bondage. A glance at Josh confirmed that he would be of no assistance in getting free. He was still unconscious. There were sounds from the back of the van. It sounded like the swishing of nylon.

“Let’s bag her first.” Bag? What could they mean?

“Worth the costs of the extra stuffing,” Olivia heard Clare comment. There was more movement and Then Olivia was rolled onto her back. That cause a shooting pain in her shoulders. “Don’t worry the bag will help with that.” Olivia looked and then her eyes went wide as she made the connection. Jenny was carrying two absolutely monstrous blue mummy sleeping bags. The bags were puffier than any bag that Olivia had seen before. The two bags were tossed on the floor of the van on either side of Olivia and Josh. The bound brunette gazed at them in horror. These bags would be unbearably warm.

“mmoohh…eeassee…mmoohh…” Olivia moaned and shook her head. Jenny and Clare both loomed over her and smiled. Clare and Jenny unzipped the massively puffy bags, leaving the cavernous bags laying awaiting their victims. Working together, they picked up the squirming Olivia and laid her on one of the bags, quickly zipping her within its puffy confines. The bag was so thick that it tightly pressed Olivia all over, leaving the bound brunette woman barely able to move. At least it did ease the discomfort of having her bound arms behind her as the thickness of the bag relieved the strain. The bag had a double zip and Clare locked them together with a small travel padlock. There would be no escape. Olivia squirmed and moaned but her captors were still not finished with her. Six ratchet straps were applied to the outside of the extreme puffy prison, tightening them to such a brutal degree they would almost crushed poor Olivia inside. In a cruel twist of fate, the only saving grace was the massive down that prevent the strap at her shoulders, stomach, hips, thighs, calves and ankles from biting even more. They soon repeated the same process with Josh and the other bag, leaving both captives cocooned in massive boiling prisons. The down ruffled as Olivia squired about, she could already feel the heat rising.

“I wouldn’t squirm too much Olivia,” Clare suggested. “Only make you sweat even more!” If Olivia thought that her captors were finished then she was cruelly mistaken. Another swish of fabric and Olivia managed to raise her head enough to see another massive bad being moved into position. Her eyes went wide at the thought of being put inside another massive bag. This one was a little different and it took Olivia a couple of seconds to work out what it was. It was a twin or dual sleeping bag. There were two conjoined sections. The bag was placed at the foot of the two cocooned captives and then opened. Olivia tried to squirm away but Clare and Jenny dragged her down and into one of the two open compartments. Olivia could feel herself sink into the thickness of the second bag as the top was closed over. “Just lie still and give us a hand here.” Due to the thickness of the bags, it took both Clare and Jenny to close the zip up. “That was hard work.” The know double encased down cocooned captive groaned. The heat intensity and feeling of compression had just doubled. This was overkill! Where was she going to go? There were grunts and groans as the two captors hauled the down cocoon with Josh inside into the second compartment and get it closed over. They finished off by slipping padded sleep masks over both of their captive’s eyes.

“Get those other straps.” Olivia heard that and started to squirm and complain. “Will you stop that. Where is it getting you?” The removal of her vision had made Olivia even more nervous. All that she could now go by were the unnerving noises that her captors were making. She heard scraped and grunts and then felt hands on edge of the bag and herself being tilted so that she was pivoting and she was on her right-hand side. She was held in place like that. What was going on?

Jenny strained to hold Olivia in place as Clare hefted Josh up so that there two captives were now touching each other chest to chest. It took a lot of effort but they managed to hold them in place like that until they had managed to get several large straps around the massive down cocoon to hold the two captives in place like that. In order to prevent the massive down cocoon from tumbling over and rolling around the back of the van Jenny had designed and installed bumpers that could be pulled up from the floor of the van. Once the bumpers were in place and the hoods of the bags pulled up and draw closed Clare and Jenny hopped into the front cab of the van. They exchanged a high-five before Jenny started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.
Clare enjoyed the sound of very whimpered moans and rustling nylon as the captives became accustomed to their bondage. Josh had obviously come round and was exploring his situation. He would quickly discover there was no escape. The sounds were almost better than the visuals. As they made the journey back to base Clare ran through what they would do with their captives. Leave them stewing overnight before letting them out of the bags for some photographs in the morning. Then get sheets made up and sent to Rusty so that she could log them for the next auction. Hopefully they were sold as a couple, Clare thought that would be nice but that wasn’t her problem.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Many thanks to Mr Fahrenheit for the inspiration for this one.

Hope that you enjoy it.
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Post by jone123 »

kidnapped by two female captors are one of my favorites scenarios, thank you for writting the story.

looking forward to what will happen after the olivia and josh understand what is going on.
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Great story. Love the sock and panty gags.
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Post by JulieG »

Funny. I’ve often had a fantasy of being tied up tightly like that , blindfolded and gagged in a sleeping bag with a partner, (male or female). Difference is we’d be naked when tied face to face, then bagged together.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

jone123 wrote: 1 year ago kidnapped by two female captors are one of my favorites scenarios, thank you for writting the story.

looking forward to what will happen after the olivia and josh understand what is going on.
Thanks for the positive feedback. Always appreciated.

I have a feeling Clare and Jenny may have further adventures at some point!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

beeblebrox883 wrote: 1 year ago Great story. Love the sock and panty gags.
Thanks for the comment. Always appreciated.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

JulieG wrote: 1 year ago Funny. I’ve often had a fantasy of being tied up tightly like that , blindfolded and gagged in a sleeping bag with a partner, (male or female). Difference is we’d be naked when tied face to face, then bagged together.
Thanks for the comment.

Well, you never know what could happen in the future....
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Post by JulieG »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago
JulieG wrote: 1 year ago Funny. I’ve often had a fantasy of being tied up tightly like that , blindfolded and gagged in a sleeping bag with a partner, (male or female). Difference is we’d be naked when tied face to face, then bagged together.
Thanks for the comment.

Well, you never know what could happen in the future....
I just need another member of the group (m or f) to join me in the bag, and a willing bagger to tie us both up.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

JulieG wrote: 1 year ago
mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago
JulieG wrote: 1 year ago Funny. I’ve often had a fantasy of being tied up tightly like that , blindfolded and gagged in a sleeping bag with a partner, (male or female). Difference is we’d be naked when tied face to face, then bagged together.
Thanks for the comment.

Well, you never know what could happen in the future....
I just need another member of the group (m or f) to join me in the bag, and a willing bagger to tie us both up.
[mention]JulieG[/mention] - I am sure that there would be plenty of volunteers for both of those roles!
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Post by bg23 »

JulieG wrote: 1 year ago
mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago
JulieG wrote: 1 year ago Funny. I’ve often had a fantasy of being tied up tightly like that , blindfolded and gagged in a sleeping bag with a partner, (male or female). Difference is we’d be naked when tied face to face, then bagged together.
Thanks for the comment.

Well, you never know what could happen in the future....
I just need another member of the group (m or f) to join me in the bag, and a willing bagger to tie us both up.
I volunteer as tribute
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great couples bondage.
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Post by emca753 »

JulieG wrote: 1 year ago Funny. I’ve often had a fantasy of being tied up tightly like that , blindfolded and gagged in a sleeping bag with a partner, (male or female). Difference is we’d be naked when tied face to face, then bagged together.
I could imagine kidnapping you and your husband and placing you in either sleeping bags or suitcases
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Post by JulieG »

emca753 wrote: 1 year ago
JulieG wrote: 1 year ago Funny. I’ve often had a fantasy of being tied up tightly like that , blindfolded and gagged in a sleeping bag with a partner, (male or female). Difference is we’d be naked when tied face to face, then bagged together.
I could imagine kidnapping you and your husband and placing you in either sleeping bags or suitcases
The problem is my first husband didn't and my second husband wouldn't! :evil:
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Post by emca753 »

You could always use your imagination; If it was you as a couple I would need a young, fit henchwoman to take care of you, while I take care of your husband, of course if it was merely you being kidnapped then Julie, my muscle would be dispatched to collect you
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Post by mrjones2009 »

emca753 wrote: 1 year ago You could always use your imagination; If it was you as a couple I would need a young, fit henchwoman to take care of you, while I take care of your husband, of course if it was merely you being kidnapped then Julie, my muscle would be dispatched to collect you
Thanks for the comment. Always nice to find another sleeping bag enthusiast.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Maybe if this one gets to 5,000 views I will consider another story with Jenny & Clare.
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Post by emca753 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago
emca753 wrote: 1 year ago You could always use your imagination; If it was you as a couple I would need a young, fit henchwoman to take care of you, while I take care of your husband, of course if it was merely you being kidnapped then Julie, my muscle would be dispatched to collect you
Thanks for the comment. Always nice to find another sleeping bag enthusiast.
I do have 2 multi women kidnappings by 2 young women, who transport their captives bound and gagged and zipped in sleeping bags , stacked in the back of a van carl :mrgreen:
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Post by emca753 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago
emca753 wrote: 1 year ago You could always use your imagination; If it was you as a couple I would need a young, fit henchwoman to take care of you, while I take care of your husband, of course if it was merely you being kidnapped then Julie, my muscle would be dispatched to collect you
Thanks for the comment. Always nice to find another sleeping bag enthusiast.
I have 2 story scenarios from the past, multi women kidnappings by 2 young female entrepreneurs, bound/ggged and zipped in sleeping bags transported in the back of a white van carl
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Looks like I will have to write that follow up after all....
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