You Only Sleep Twice (part 8 added 1/13/19) (F/F)

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You Only Sleep Twice (part 8 added 1/13/19) (F/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

(Inspired by the "Nothing Personal" series by [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] . Hope u enjoy!)

Yasmine Brionne was walking home from her job as an accountant. At least that’s the occupation she tells her family, boyfriend and cat about.

In reality, she was a spy for White Night, a spy group that helped the US government improve ways of sleeping. It payed really well and it made Ariana feel happy that she was able to do good in the world.

But that wasn’t always the case. In the past, she worked for Day Sun. They were...quite unoriginal. They were the Flintheart Glomgold to White Night’s Scrooge McDuck; they didn’t have an original bone in their body and even their name sucked (Day Sun? Redundant much?). She couldn’t stand them anymore. She had to quit and work for the real deal. But Day Sun was...aggressive, to say the least. To escape their grasp, she faked her death (pretended to perish in a boat crash off the coast of San Juan), and moved to the other side of the country.

(Oh, and her real name wasn’t Yasmine Brionne. It was Ariana Clark.)

Her life was going great! Nothing could ruin it.

Until she walked in the door.

There was a woman standing in the room holding a stun gun. She had long black hair, a white blouse, black jeans, black high heels and a red neckerchief. Ariana gulped. This was a face she knew all too well.

“Ms. Clark, we meet again.”

”Oh crap! It’s Bianca Myers!”

Bianca Myers (known in some circles as Lady Slumber) was second in command to Day Sun’s espionage chief: Celestia Solita. When Ariana worked for Day Sun, she worked alongside Bianca, testing sleeping medicine on willing subjects. While Bianca seemed pleasant on the outside, there were murmurs that those who crossed her were never heard from again. She always thought that they were just tales, but that stun gun was telling a different story.

“Ms. Clark, did you honestly think that you could hide from us forever?”
“How did you find me?!”
“That doesn’t matter. But here’s what matters: I have a stun gun and I’m very unafraid to use it on your pretty face. Now, get on your knees and place your hands on that big head of yours.”

“What do you want from me?” Ariana asked as she did so.
“You’ll find out in due time,” Bianca replied as she took out of her pocket a syringe. “This will make all of this less painful,” she told Ariana as she injected her.

Ariana started yawning. Whatever she was injected with, it was some sort of anesthesia. As she continued to kneel down and yawn, Bianca was texting someone.

In the blink of an eye, several masked figures entered the room. They swiftly placed a pair of padded mittens over her hands, strapping each of them to her wrist. A belt was tied over her waist. A pair of padded cuffs were placed over her wrists and then clipped to the waist belt. A moistened balled-up cloth was shoved into her mouth and a white scarf was tied over her mouth.

A gurney was wheeled in. Ariana was utterly helpless at this point to stop them from lifting her up on it. After her bound body was covered up with a blanket, several straps were utilized to tie Ariana down to the gurney. She was then loaded up into a waiting ambulance and driven off.

Even though her mind was coming and going at this point due to the chemicals in her, she could still kind of make out another figure in the ambulance standing over her. That figure placed a cloth over her nose, finally sending Ariana into a total state of unconsciousness.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Promising first Chapter! :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 2:

Ariana slowly came to, slowly remembering what had happened to her. She couldn't see anything and she couldn't move her arms and her legs. And when she tried yelling, she felt that something was in her mouth, and she couldn't spit it out.

A minute later, she heard a door open. Suddenly, light flooded her eyes. Bianca had removed the sleep mask over her eyes, allowing Ariana to learn of her situation: she was in a white padded room, trapped in a white straitjacket and her legs were trapped in a matching legbinder. A white cloth was tied over her mouth.

Bianca knelt down to her. "I'm gonna untie that scarf now. I'm sure you have some questions, which I will do my best to answer. Just don't get hostile, or else things will get worse for you. Do you understand?" When Ariana nodded, Bianca removed the scarf over Ariana's mouth and removed the cloth that was stuffed in her mouth.

"Where are we, Bianca?"
"While I can't let you know the exact location, I will let you know that we 're in a secure building. And you're quite far away from home, in case you're already planning on escaping."
"Why am I in a straitjacket?"
"This is just standard procedure. It keeps the person calm while we explain to them the situation, not to mention that it lets the person know that they won't be escaping from our grasp."
Ariana gulped. "What do you want from me?"
"Well, without going into too much detail, let's just say that Ms. Solita wants to see you."
"Ok, fine. Take me to her."
Bianca shook her head. "Sadly, Ms. Solita is away. Don't worry, she'll be back within a few days. While she's away, you will be kept here under tight watch."

Suddenly, the door opened. A young Asian woman wearing a white t-shirt, black sweatpants, long white socks, black sneakers and a white headband holding back her long black hair entered, holding a pile of clothing.

"This is Li, Ariana. She'll be in charge of your attire during your time here."
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Clark," Li greeted.
"Hi," Ariana meekly responded.
"Now, I'm gonna remove your restraints now. You have five minutes to change into that clothing. Oh, and before you get any bright ideas after you're free, I'd like to inform you that this room is heavily monitored. If you try to escape, even a little, there will be a slew of people that will come in, sedate you and make your life far worse off. Am I clear?" Ariana gulped and nodded.

As soon as Ariana was freed, Bianca left the room, reminding Ariana of the time limit and locked the door behind her. Ariana sorted through the pile and was surprised (and a wee bit disturbed) to find a diaper in the pile.

A voice suddenly boomed through the room's speakers. "Yes, you will be wearing a diaper during your time here."
"Must I wear one?"
"Well, you won't be given any potty breaks while here. So, either the diaper, or…"
"Okay, I get it!"

Swallowing her dignity, she stripped her panties off and placed the diaper on. She quickly placed the black wool sweatpants on to cover up the diaper. She took off her boots and slid on the long white slipper socks that she was given. Next was the shirt, which was a black sweatshirt that had black woolen mittens sewed on. She tried to moved her fingers around in the mittens, but found that the mittens (which were lined with wool on the inside) gave her fingers no room to move at all.

The door opened, letting Bianca in. She was carrying a balled up cloth in her hands, which was promptly shoved in Ariana's mouth. Several strips of medical tape were placed over her mouth, keeping the cloth in.

Bianca whistled, signaling two women to enter. One of the women had candy red hair and was wearing a red tartan skirt, grey blouse, red tights and red Nikes. The other woman (who was wheeling in a gurney) had the exact same outfit and hairstyle, but all was red on the first girl was blue on her. Without a word, the two women got to work. Ariana's wrists were secured with the padded cuffs just like before with the cuffs being secured to her waist. Ariana was shoved onto the gurney and straps were used to tie her down. A large blanket was used to cover her body as well as her face preventing her from seeing her surroundings.

"Take her to her room,"she heard Bianca order.

She felt herself being wheeled into an elevator that went down. After a bit more wheeling, the blanket was removed, revealing their location to be in front of a white door in a long white hallway.

"Welcome to your new home," Bianca said as she opened the door.

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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I like the story very much wait read what cam next. "Nothing Personal" series by [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]
I know from old forum and like it.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 3:

The door opened and Ariana was wheeled in. The room was rather small; the size of an average hospital room. The room was white and had no windows. In the corner of the room was a bed (queen-sized) with two bags on top of it.

The two girls got to work and unbuckled the gurney straps. When they were off, the two grabbed Ariana's arms and forced her onto the bed.

"Please insert your legs into the bag," the blue-haired girl ordered.

When Ariana did so, she was zipped into the first bag, which was a skintight sleeping bag which was lined with wool. Next, straps were tightened around her ankles. The second bag, which was a much bigger sleeping bag, was zipped up around the first bag. Finally, a padlock was placed around the zipper, preventing the bag from being opened.

Bianca walked in and inspected the two girls' work. "Ariana, I want you to try escaping." Ariana looked at her confused. "This is not a trick. I want you to test out your situation."

Ariana nodded and started struggling. But the restraints were too good: her hands were anchored down to her waist. Her fingers were trapped by the mittens. And the two bags very heavily restricted any movement. Ariana stopped struggling and sagged her head.

"You're stuck, aren't you?" Bianca asked. Ariana nodded. "Good. I wanted to let you try to escape so that you can see that we don't mess around here when it comes to keeping people in our grasp. Now, let me introduce you to the two ladies who will be in charge of your restraints." Bianca pointed to the red-haired girl. "This is Ruby." And then to the blue-haired girl. "And this is Sapphire."
"Hi, please to meet you," Ruby greeted.
"Hello. We'll make your stay here as comfy as possible," Sapphire said.

"Now, it's getting late, so you are gonna go to sleep. You'll find the bag that you're trapped in is quite comfy, so you won't have to worry about that. Tomorrow, I'll let you in on what we want from you. Ladies, please tend to Ms. Clark," Bianca ordered.

After Bianca left, Ruby removed the scarf over Ariana's mouth and fished out the cloth in her mouth. "You will be gagged while you sleep, Ms. Clark. Please open your mouth," Ruby ordered, holding up a blue ballgag. When Ariana opened her mouth, Ruby placed the ball between her teeth (to Ariana's surprise, the ball was made of a plush-like material, making it quite easy on the jaw) and buckled it in the back. Sapphire then took a bottle and cloth out of her pocket and poured the liquid in the bottle onto the cloth.

"It's time to go to sleep now. I'm gonna use some chloroform on you to get you to sleep quickly. Just take a few deep breaths and you'll be asleep before you know it," Sapphire informed her before placing the cloth over Ariana's nose.

Ariana struggled for a few seconds before realizing that struggling was futile. She took a few deep breaths before she felt herself go unconscious.

After watching her eyes close, Sapphire held the cloth over Ariana's nose for a few more seconds to ensure that Ariana would be asleep for a while. Ruby slipped a black sleep mask over Ariana's eyes before both left the room.

"Why didn't you tell her what you want from her?" Ruby asked Bianca.
"We just kidnapped the girl. I figured that she needs a breather before we start extracting information from her," Bianca explained. "Now, it's late. I'm heading to bed now." Bianca turned to leave but stopped. "Oh, and girls..."
"You're responsible for keeping her here. If you fail..."
"Well, let's just not fail, got it?"

Both women, knowing Bianca's reputation, gulped. "Yes ma'am," both answered in unison.

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Post by mrjones2009 »

Nice story. Can't wait for further installments!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 4:

Ariana slowly woke up. After realizing that what happened yesterday was not a nightmare, she struggled to escape the bag. Sadly for her, the bag was just as effective at holding her as it was yesterday. After what felt like a few minutes, she heard the door open. Bianca entered and removed the sleep mask.
"Good morning, Miss Clark. Did you sleep well?" Ariana answered by rolling her eyes and mumbling something. "I'm gonna take the ballgag out now. No funny business, got it?" When Ariana nodded, Bianca unbuckled the ballgag and wiped away the drool on Ariana's mouth.

"So, are you gonna tell me what you want from me yet?"
"Not yet, dear."
"So what am I to do until you tell me?"
"Simple. You stay in the bag and just lay there."

The door opened. Li entered and placed a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Now, I'm gonna release you from your bonds, Miss Clark. Like yesterday, you'll have five minutes to change. And like yesterday, I want to remind you that the room is heavily monitored. So, I'd advise not trying anything. Got it?"

When Ariana nodded, Bianca started freeing her from her bonds. Afterwards, Bianca and Li left the room and locked the door behind them. Ariana replaced her diaper with a new one and changed into her new outfit: a black t-shirt, a blue down ski jacket and matching ski pants. Moving around, she found that the sleeves of the jacket and pants seemed heavy. The last two things in a pile was a balled-up cloth and a white scarf.

A voice from the speaker in the room. "That's right. I want you to gag yourself. Miss Clark."
"Because I said so. Now do it or else..."

Sighing, Ariana placed the cloth (which was moistened) inside of her mouth and tied the scarf over her mouth.

Seconds later, the door opened and Li came in. She threw Ariana onto the bed. Ruby and Sapphire came in and soon, she was restrained the exact way as before.

“In case your wondering why your hands and legs feel so heavy, the sleeves and the pants legs are lined with weights. We wouldn’t want you trying to run away,” Li explained as Ruby zipped up the bags. After the bags were zipped up, the three ladies exited as Bianca came back.

“Now that you’re all tied up, I’ll tell you what we want from you. You see, before you left, we heard that you actually came up with some pretty good ideas for some sleep technology. We’ve checked your laptop and we found that the blueprints for your ideas are locked behind a password. Now, are you gonna give us the password now, or do you want to do this the hard way?”

Ariana thought for a minute. If she told them the password now, they might let her go. But then again, she worked so hard to develop that technology! No way would she give it up to these people! She shook her head.

Bianca shook her head. “Alright. I tried asking you politely. Now we’ll have to do this the hard way.” She left the room and returned with an oxygen tank. She placed the mask that was connected the tank over Ariana’s nose and strapped it in place. The mask forced Ariana to breathe in a gas that made her very lightheaded and disoriented.

“Alright. We’ll check back on you later to see if you change your mind. But for now, i think that I’ll punish you by taking away your senses.”

A pair of ear plugs were placed inside Ariana’s ears and then a pair of thick ear muffs were placed over the ear plugs, completely drowning out any sound. A pair of wool pads were placed over her eyes and a sleep mask was used to hold them in place. Now, there was absolutely no light.

The next few hours were a blur due to the gas being shot into her nose. Every once in a while, she felt her gag being taken out, was given some food and had a new moistened cloth shoved in her mouth and secured with a cloth over her mouth. After an unknown amount of time, the gas stopped. She was unzipped the bags (but she was kept in her other restraints) The ear plugs came off and light flooded her eyes. She was now staring at Ruby.

“Hello, Miss Clark. I’m gonna get some info out of you. Are you ready?” Ruby asked with her fingers dangerously close to her feet. “Cootchie cootchie-“

Suddenly the door slammed open. “Ruby! What do you think you’re doing?!”

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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice cliffhanger at the end of chapter 4! :) I think, Ruby is in proverbial doghouse. Can't wait for the next part. Good work!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 5:

“Ruby! What do you think you’re doing?!” Bianca demanded.
“Miss Meyers! I was just taking some initiative and getting the information out of Miss Clark,” Ruby meekly answered.
“Without my permission?!” Bianca roared.
“Well, I was gonna-“

Bianca whistled, signaling two women to enter the room. “Liv, Rachel, please take Miss Ruby to the punishment cell.”

Before Ruby could react, the two women, both wearing blue shirts and black dress pants, grabbed Ruby by the arm and dragged Ruby to the “punishment cell”, all while Ruby struggled and begged for forgiveness.

After Ruby was gone, Bianca turned to Ariana, unhooked the gag and said, “I’d like to apologize for my underling’s behavior. It was completely uncalled for and she will be dealt with accordingly.”
“How will she be ‘dealt with’?” Ariana meekly asked.
Bianca shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. But for now, I want you to go back to your rest. I’ll return for you after Ruby is dealt with.” With that, Bianca restored Ariana to her position before Ruby entered the room and left.

Bianca entered the punishment cell. It was a grey room, similar to the room that Ariana was placed in. But rather than a bed in the corner, there was a chair in the middle. In front of the chair was a stockade that was elevated to the height of the chair.

Ruby had her bare feet locked inside the stockade. She was currently wearing an innovation made by Day Sun. It looked like a regular black down jacket but there was a twist: the sleeves were sewn so that the ends of the sleeves were inside the pockets. A pair of straps were tightened around the biceps to prevent the wearer from pulling their arms out, forcing their hands into the wool-lined pockets. When testing it out, Bianca herself wore one and determined that there was no escape. Yet, it was very comfortable.

“Miss Meyers! I’m so so sorry! Please don’t do this!” Ruby begged upon seeing her boss.
“I’m sorry, Ruby. But you need to learn that you have to ask permission before you do stuff with prisoners around here,” Bianca told her as she took a syringe out of her pocket and injected both of Ruby’s feet.

This was another innovation at Day Sun. What Ruby was injected with was some chemicals that enhanced the nerves. And since the nerves were enhanced in her feet, they were now very sensitive and veeeeeery ticklish.

“Liv, Rachel, you know what to do. Half hour of non-stop tickling intervals with 5 minute breaks.”

Liv and Rachel had the most ticklish fingers in Day Sun. They were trained to tickle until the prisoner confessed or cried. And there would be lots of tears from Ruby tonight.

“Pleasant night, Ruby,” Bianca said to Ruby as if she didn’t just leave her to be tortured. She walked out the door as she listened to the sound of laughter and begging echo throughout the hall.

Bianca entered Ariana and freed Ariana’s head. “So, Miss Clark, I’m going to give you another chance to confess the password to us peacefully.”
“No way, Bianca. You’re not getting it out of me.”
Bianca shrugged. “Okay. It’s clear that you need some motivation.”

Before Ariana could ask what “motivation” meant, Bianca jabbed Ariana in the neck with a needle. As Ariana faded into unconsciousness, she felt herself being unzipped from the bags and lifted up onto a stretcher.

Ariana slowly woke up and found herself in the padded cell that she was in when she came here. (At least that’s what she figured. Knowing this building, it was very possible that she was in a different room. And unsurprisingly, she was in a straitjacket (though surprisingly no gag). And there was someone else in the cell with her!

”Wait, is can’t be!”


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Post by Caesar73 »

You are the Master of Cliffhangers! Well done! :D
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo I wish to read more I like it till now. I would only take plush or fur pads instad wool pads. :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago You are the Master of Cliffhangers! Well done! :D
Thank u so much!!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

iliketights wrote: 5 years ago Oh, yes! Looking forward to part 6!
Part 6 is coming soon!
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Post by brashieel »

Great story so far!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 6:

“Alex? Is that you?”
“Ariana! Ohmygod!”

Alexandra Thomas was a co-worker of Ariana at White Night. She helped Ariana with coffee runs and massages whenever Ariana got too tense from work. The day she was captured, Ariana hadn’t seen Alex. She figured that Alex was sick or something, but not this!

“Alex! What are you doing here?!”
“They captured me Ariana! The other night, there was a knock on my door. This lady in a suit said that there was a gas leak on the block and that I should go into the ambulance she had so I could be checked out. But when I got in, I got jumped and knocked out!”
“What happened next?”
“When I came to, I was in this padded room and told that they wanted some info on you! I told them that I wasn’t gonna say anything! But they forced me to!”
“What did they do to you?”
“They placed my feet in stockades, injected my feet with these chemicals that made them twenty times as ticklish than usual. Then, these two girls tickled my feet!”
“And you told them?”
“I tried to hold off as long as I could, but I just cracked! I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay,” Ariana assured her friend. “It’s not your fault. It’s theirs.”

The door opened. Bianca, Sapphire, Li and two other women wearing blue skintight jumpsuits entered, carrying in a gurney. The two women grabbed Ariana and forced her to watch as Li shoved a cloth into Alex’s mouth and tied another over her mouth. Li and Sapphire then grabbed Alex’s arms and lifted her up to the gurney.

“What are you doing?!” Ariana demanded.
“You’re being very difficult, Ariana. So, we have an ultimatum for you,” Bianca explained while her two minions strapped Alex to the gurney. “Either you give us the password or...”
“Or what?!”
“Nothing really. We’ll just experiment on her.”
“You’ll what?!”
“We have some drugs that we’ve been meaning to try out. We’ll just test it out on your friend. I mean, it has some side effects...”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Oh? We’ll just prove how serious we are by testing one right now,” Bianca said as she took out a syringe and placed it inches away from Alex’s neck.

Ariana’s eyes widened in terror. Sure the technology was important to her, but it wasn’t worth what could happen to her friend. “Ok! Ok! I’ll tell you. The password is ‘trptphn’!”

Bianca texted the password to someone to see if it would work. Seconds later, Bianca looked up and smiled. “Thank you. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
“Let Alex go!” Ariana demanded.

Bianca shook her head and turned to Sapphire and Li. “Take her back to her room and put her in her bag.” The two nodded. Li took her headband off and placed it over Alex’s eyes before wheeling her away.

“You have the password, Bianca. Now let us go!”
“What?! Why?!”
“Well, Celestia wants to meet with you. And it’d be rude if you just went and left us. Oh and before you go, I want to say that you’re an idiot.”
“For what? Trying to protect my friend from monsters like you?”
“No, for believing the story!” She held up the syringe and pressed down on it, revealing that there wasn’t any liquid at all!

“You tricked me!”
“I know, and I apologize. But I really wanted that password! But I can’t believe you thought I’d inject her with drugs!”
“You little-ow!”

Ariana looked up and saw that one of the women holding her had injected her with a needle.

“But I’ll inject you with drugs...sedatives, to be exact,” Bianca said while cackling.

Ariana felt herself being lifted up onto a wheeled-in gurney and wheeled back to her room as she faded into unconsciousness.

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 7:

Ariana woke up some time later. Surprisingly, she wasn’t restained whatsoever. Even though she knew it was a bad idea, she quickly got up and rushed to the door. Unfortunately for her, it was not only locked, but a beeping noise went off when she tried turning the knob. Startled, she ran back and sat on her bed. A minute later, Bianca, Li and Sapphire arrived, carrying mittens, belts and the two sleeping bags. Bianca shook her head.

“You know, Miss Clark, that was a test. We wanted to see if we could leave you unrestrained. It appears we cannot. So, Miss Clark, we advise you to just give up your efforts and let us restrain you.”

Ariana sighed and held out her hands, allowing them to place the finger-control mittens on her hands. Soon, she was zippered up in her bag restraint. Sapphire took a chloroform-soaked cloth and held it up to her nose.

“It’s time to go to bed now. Just take a few deep breaths and you’ll be dreaming soon. Just so you know, when you awaken, you’ll be blindfolded and gagged.”

As she slowly faded into unconsciousness, she thought about how they were teasing her with the possibility of escape. Then again, she probably wouldn’t have made it around the corner without being tackled by a dozen guards. But still, what teases...

A few hours later, Ariana woke up. She couldn’t see anything, but she could tell that she had the plush ballgag in her mouth and by moving around, she could tell that she was unrestrained! She moved her hands up to remove the blindfold and gag, but stopped herself. ”This is obviously another test” Ariana thought to herself. Wanting to pass this one, she just lied down on her bed, waiting for her captors.

A few minutes later, the door opened. Bianca entered and smiled at Ariana’s condition. “Ah, it appears that you’re learning, Ariana. You can take off your blindfold and gag now.”

Ariana lifted up the sleep mask up and saw that an apologetic (and exhausted) Ruby standing with Bianca. As she unbuckled the ballgag, Bianca nudged Ruby, who started talking.

“Miss Clark, I’d like to apologize for my actions yesterday. It was immature and irresponsible of me to interrogate you without the permission of my superiors.” Bianca smiled and then looked at Ariana expectedly.

Ariana sighed. “It’s alright. At least you didn’t get the chance to tickle me.” (She noticed that Ruby tensed up upon hearing the word “tickle”)

Bianca smiled. “Thank you, Ruby. You may go now.” Ruby left the room and had her presence quickly replaced by Li, who was holding a pile of clothes. The pile of clothes was placed on the bed before Ariana was told that she had five minutes to change.

Ariana placed a new diaper on and changed into a pink down suit (which had weighted sleeves and pant cuffs). After she was done, the door opened. Sapphire and Li arrived wheeling in a wheelchair with numerous straps on it. Sapphire grabbed Ariana’s wrist and threw her onto the chair. Straps were tightened over her wrists, ankles, knees and waist. A knotted scarf was tied between her teeth and a black hood was placed over her head.

“Wheel her to the dining cell,” Bianca ordered.

Ariana fedlt herself being wheeled out of the rooom and through a long hall. After a few more turns and a trip up an elevator, she heard a door open. She was wheeled in.

Her hood was taken off. She was inside a small white room with a table that had 2 plates with pre-cut waffles on them. And happily, she wouldn’t be dining alone; Alex was there too!

“As a reward for giving us the password last night, we will allow you to have breakfast with your friend,” Bianca told Ariana as she was unbuckled. “You will have a half hour to do so. This should go without saying, but this room is heavily monitored, so no funny business. Have a lovely breakfast, girls. With that, Bianca and her minions left the room, locking the door behind her.

Ariana gave a huge hug to Alex. “Alex, are you okay?”
“Yea. After you confessed, they wheeled me to my room, they zipped me up in the bags and knocked me out. When I woke up, they made me dress,” Alex said she pointed to her outfit (a purple down suit), “and they wheeled me to this place.”
“Oh Ari, I’m so sorry! If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be here and they wouldn’t have the password!”
“Don’t apologize! You only told them after they tortured you. I should be apologizing, really. I should’ve known that they would trick me into revealing the password.”
“No, you were only protecting me!”

The two girls sat down and started eating. “Hey, look on the bright side,” Ariana said.
“At least they didn’t take our friendship bracelets,” Ariana answered, pointing to the gold bracelet around her wrist, then to Alex’s.

The matching bracelets were given to the two by the head of White Night, Isabel Stark. She gave the bracelets to the two as a reward for being “the bestest of friends”. They were told to never take the bracelets off, as it “signifies how strong their friendship is”. While Ariana and Alex thought that was pretty sappy, they still wore them all the time.

“Right! I’m surprised Bianca or one of her minions didn’t swipe them. One of those girls who were tickling me, Liv I think her name was, seemed to eye it a few times.”

As soon as they were done, the door opened. Ruby and Sapphire grabbed Ariana’s wrists and had her watch as Li tied Alex’s wrists behind her with a zip tie. Bianca came in, holding a cloth that she placed in Ariana’s hand.

“I would like you to place the cloth over your friend’s nose until she passes out,” Bianca stated.
“Well, I figured that it’d be better if you did it to your friend than us have do it. Of course, if you don’t want to do it, we have no problem doing it...”

When Ariana still hesitated, Alex said, “Don’t worry about me, Ari. Just be gentle, okay?”
Ariana sighed. “Okay.”

Ariana walked behind Alex and covered Alex’s nose with the cloth. Alex, wanting this to be done with, took several deep breaths until she felt herself black out.

While Sapphire loaded Alex onto a gurney to be taken back to her room, Ariana glared at Bianca. “You like watching me suffer, don’t you?”
Bianca smiled. “You’re lucky you told us the password. If you hadn’t, we would’ve had you restrain her and then chloro her. Oh, and good news.”
“What? You’re gonna let us go now?”
Bianca laughed. “Nope! Celestia will be here tonight to talk to you.”
“Great. Then I can go?”
“That’s up to Celestia. But for right now, it’s time to take you back to your room.”

As Ariana was being strapped back into her wheelchair, she (along with her captors) didn’t notice that on the inside of her (and Alex’s) braclet, a tiny red light blinked on.
(White Night Headquarters)

Elena Sylvia, one of the top agents of White Night’s espionage department, gasped with excitement upon seeing her efforts to connect to the bracelets were a success.

“Isabel! I found them!”

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Post by ZetaRESP »

Oh, my... wonder if they'll get there on time...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good next part! :D
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I wait if a next part is coming.:) The story seamed not finished.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

(AN: ok, forgot I wrote this, lol. Let’s see here...)

With a little more monitoring, Elena found that there was a truck leaving the same location the two girls were being held. And as luck would have it, the truck was heading to a nearby medical supplies store. She told Isabel, her boss, about this progression.

“Well, at least we found her,” Isabel mused.
“What are we gonna do,” Elena asked. “Should we call the FBI.”
“Nah. I’m sure they have some type of security measures if they saw the FBI coming. If they knew, they might do something to Alex and Ari.”
“Well, we gotta do something!”
“Yea, but...hmm...”
“What? What-oh no...”
“Yes, Elena. I want you to-“
“Infiltrate that place and get the girls outta there?!”
“Hey, you read my mind!”
“Isabel, I-“
“Miss Sylvia, you are the most qualified person in this department. It can only be you. It HAS to be you.”
“What if I fail? What if they capture me? Torture me? Take me away and make me disappear?!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out.”
“Wait, you don’t even know what you’ll do?!”

After a very spirited discussion (and a promise of a pay raise), Elena (reluctantly) agreed to do the mission. She was given some tools (a bottle of chloroform, some cloths, a roll of duct tape and medical tape and a taser) and the coordinates of the supplies store. She was then wished luck and sent on her way.

As Elena approached the store, she looked down at her outfit: a plain white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, blue leather pants, a black bandana around her neck, black sunglasses and black combat boots. She’d probably have to shed this outfit in order to gain entrance into the building.

Elena got out of the car and walked to the back of the building where she saw a young blonde lady, wearing a brown long-sleeved blouse, blue jeans and black Nike’s, loading boxes into the truck that she’d been tracking.

Seizing the opportunity, Elena pulled her bandana up over her nose to disguise herself, pulled out her taser, crept up behind the girl and held the taser up to the back of her neck.

“Dont make a sound,” Elena ordered. The girl squeaked and threw her hands over her mouth. “Get in the back of the truck.”

Elena followed her as the scared girl climbed into the back of the truck, mostly closing the door behind her. “What’s your name?” Elena asked.
“Audrey,” the girl replied.
“What are you doing, Audrey?”
“Loading these boxes into the truck.”
“What’s in the boxes?”
“Medical stuff. Bandages, blankets, restraints, anesthesia-“
“And why are you loading this stuff in here?”
“I don’t know, ok! Look, I’m just an intern! I was told to pick up this stuff at this building. I don’t know anything about the company if that’s what you’re asking!” Audrey exclaimed, nearly in tears.

Elena believed her. “I see. I’m sorry, but it appears that you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“What’s that mean?”
“I’m gonna need your truck. And your outfit.”
“Oh. And what are you gonna do with me?”
“You are gonna take a nap,” Elena explained, pulling out the chloroform bottle and a cloth. After pouring some of the chemical out, Elena told Audrey, “Now, just take some deep breaths of this. Someone will rescue you soon.”

Before Audrey could react, Elena placed the cloth over her nose. Audrey struggled for a moment before submitting to the chemical and fell asleep. After making sure Audrey would be out for a while, Elena stripped Audrey down to her bra and panties and replaced her own clothes with these new threads. After she was done with that, she set about restraining Audrey. She wrapped her ankles, knees, wrists and elbows with several layers of tape. To gag her, Elena shoved a balled-up cloth into her mouth and wrapped it in there with a few layers of the medical tape. She finished it off by tying another cloth around her eyes.

Elena peeked inside the building’s back door. As luck would have it, there was a nearby storage closet. No one saw the spy carry Audrey into the room and close the door, trapping her inside

Elena grabbed her original clothes and threw them into her car. She climbed into the truck and found Audrey ID card and the GPS with the coordinates. With a deep breath, she started the truck up and started to drive to where Ariana and Alex were being held.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice nee addition! ;)
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