A punishment gone too far… (M/M)

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A punishment gone too far… (M/M)

Post by 123 »


I have to get this off my chest. I thought this would be the best place to post this after reading some of these other stories. I should introduce myself…My name is Cody I’m 37 years old and I’m a single father to a 19 year old man-child named Thomas but everyone just calls him Tommy, but lately I just call him lazy. That’s right somehow even though my son has watched me work so hard for us, for him. He is the laziest guy his age, he fell a year behind in school and he’s best friends with guys who are going to be graduating on time and have jobs already. He doesnt seem to be very motivated by his friends passing him up. I started to think maybe I just didn’t discipline him well enough and that’s when I was pushed to my wits end. Let me begin at the beginning…


I woke up at 5am exhausted from last nights 14 hour shift. I had grown tired of my job in manual labor, but that isn’t important right now, I had a much more frustrating problem headed my way early this morning. I walked into the kitchen to start my coffee and saw the mail from the week stacked up. I hadn’t gotten to any of it I was so exhausted from the long shifts at work. I started flipping through and saw what I recognized as my son’s report card.

“He better be passing his classes” I thought to myself.

Wishful thinking. He was failing and failing badly. Tommy really pissed me off this time. I have been working my ass off putting extra money away for him to have a head start for college and he’s pissing around and wasting his life away. I was furious. He was still asleep and I wanted to try to cool down anyway.

I went in my room to get dressed, I didn’t bother to shower I was so tired and I’ll be soaked in sweat by the time I get off anyway. I know, I know…it’s kinda gross.I just don’t feel like bothering with it during the week. I grabbed a pair of socks off the floor and while we are being honest this would be my third day wearing them at work. I hadn’t made time to do laundry in awhile. I’m not sure any of the clothes I put on were exactly clean, but I always put on fresh underwear at the very least. Doesn’t do a lot of good considering how much sweat pours off of me at work.

That’s when I started to get an idea at first I thought I was just too angry to think straight. An hour later I was just as sure of what I wanted to do to fix my son’s bad attitude. If he wouldn’t listen to my reasonable requests, I would be unreasonable with him. I was going to humiliate the defiance out of this brat and I knew just how to do it.

Chapter 2

I heard Tommy getting ready for school and knew I had to act fast if I wanted to get the jump on him. I quickly went to the garage and grabbed a roll of gorilla tape out of my tool box. I was breathing heavy, I felt a lot of emotions about what I was going to do, but I felt I had to something drastic if I was going to help turn my boy’s life around.

“Dad, I’m outta here, don’t wait up.” Tommy said with an irritating amount of confidence.

Everything about him was pissing me off right now. He didn’t care about anything or anyone and I was so tired of it. In hindsight I probably should have waited longer before I made my choice. It was too late now. It was time to begin my plan for my son to fix his act.

“You forgot something, son.”

He began to turn around to respond, but I was quick. He wasn’t able to turn around before I knocked him to the ground he landed flat on his stomach.

“Dad what-MMMMM!!!”

I put my knees on either side of his torso and pinned his arms to his side as I quickly placed a piece of tape across his mouth. It was so satisfying to hear him moaning through the tape unable to back talk to me for once. I I taped his arms to his sides and taped his legs together. I had him laying on his back now he was looking at me and he looked pretty scared. I’m gonna be honest, I loved it…but I didn’t want him to know that. Easy solution for that…I taped his eyes shut. Finally I taped his wrists together in front of him. I wanted him to still be able to use his hands while being bound securely enough for there to be no chance of escape. Why leave his hands partially free? He was going to learn how to use his hands and do some work for someone besides himself for once. I had to get to work, but I didn’t want to leave him out in the middle of the floor so I stuffed him under my computer chair. It was weirdly funny to me how he was stuck in between the legs of the chair squirming around and moaning into his gag. I didn’t want to leave for work, but I wasn’t gonna let him have the satisfaction of me missing work when I’m trying to make a point.

“Be a good boy, Tommy. All will be explained when I get home from work.” The sounds of muffled screams followed me out the door as I pulled it shut and locked it behind me.

Chapter 3

I walked in the door after my half day at work (hey I’m still his father 6 hours in solitary is long enough) feeling worried that Tommy somehow could have gotten free. I was very pleased when I heard Tommy’s gagged moans coming from my bedroom. He was sweaty and flustered looking like he definitely had been trying (very unsuccessfully) to escape. Despite his efforts he’d only managed to move himself and the chair he was stuck under a few inches. I laughed at him and he gave me some angry moans.

“Shut up, Tommy. You had this coming. Your grades were the final
Straw, but you’ve been lazing around and disrespecting me for long enough.”

Tommy began trying to plead through his gag as he realized the severity of my tone. His eyes were covered by the tape, but I imagine they would be filled with terror if I could see them. Now it was time to begin this brat’s punishment.

“Son, I was at a loss of how to get you to respect me. When I realized maybe striking some fear into you and even humiliating you a bit would be the easiest way.” He moaned and a huge smile spread across my face. There was no turning back now.

I sat in the chair at my computer that my son was under and began to play one of my games. He was moaning and struggling beneath me. I decided to get comfortable and make him uncomfortable. I kicked my shoes off and he immediately began coughing and shaking around. It was my socks and feet and I didn’t blame him. They did stink. Almost a week of no shower and the third day in the same socks. It had been about 30 hours of work in my smelly shoes with those socks. I felt a little bad because I could smell them from where I was sitting and he was much closer to my feet. Not close enough for the discomfort I wanted to inflict on him though. He was going crazy and screaming into his gag and acting like a fool at this point. I was done with his whining.

“Tommy if you don’t stop your crying I’m going to stuff my dirty sock in your mouth and leave you hogtied in the closet until tomorrow.” With a few more small, pathetic moans he went silent.

With Tommy scared into silence I was ready to continue with his punishment. Remember how I left his hands able to be moved a bit earlier? Now you’ll understand why. I placed my sweaty, socked foot in between his hands.

“You’re going to massage my left foot first. I do so much for you and don’t do even the minimum that you are supposed to so now you’re going to be forced into submission. I have one more surprise and remember my promise if you get loud again.” With that I placed my right foot over his face with my toes directly under his nose.

He tried shaking his head away, but didn’t dare make a sound. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all I thought to myself as I opened up a beer and began to relax.

“Start rubbing my foot or else, Tommy.”

With that he let out a soft moan and began rubbing my left foot as he silently sniffed my right foot. Yeah, this was a great idea. I started my game back up and got ready for a relaxing, but somewhat eventful night with my new foot slave son.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]123[/mention] It's always a special thrill when a long-time silent reader decides to join up and participate. Welcome to the league of TUG writers, buddy! An excellently written story that promises to please sockgag fans and readers of dad/son stories alike 8-)

[mention]squirrel[/mention], [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] and [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] are for sure going to enjoy this one a lot.

Hope to see you posting regularly from now on. Can't wait to see what lies in store for our bound man-child.
Looking forward to seeing your comments on those stories you've enjoyed reading over the years.
Again, welcome aboard!

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Post by Xtc »

Welcoem aboard properly, [mention]123[/mention] . Always good to see a new writer.
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Post by 123 »


Thank you! Your works are among my favorite. I’m a very shy person and even over internet it shows. I’ve wanted to write something or even comment for awhile. I finally just decided to make myself go for it. Glad I did!
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Post by 123 »

Chapter 4

I have to give him credit, Tommy silently massaged and sniffed both of my feet silently. It wasn’t until he was done massaging my right foot and I placed both feet over his face he started to get unruly.

“MMMMM” he grunted loudly

“I’ve had it with your moaning, Tommy. I gave you several chances and you keep disappointing me over and over.”

Tommy went quiet, it was likely he remembered my threat from earlier. However, I was having way too much fun to keep him tied up in the closet. I was getting really tired of his outbursts, though. He was much too loud and had a lot of nerve STILL trying to run his mouth.

“Looks like you need more work still, buddy. I have just the thing for you.”

I reached down and removed the tape from his eyes so he could watch what I was about to do to him. I wanted him to know what was coming and I wanted him to be terrified.

“You can’t keep quiet on your own so I need to reinforce your gag. The smell of my socks hasn’t fixed your attitude the way I’d hoped, but maybe the taste will.” I said with a grin spreading across my face.

He got the picture. He started begging through his gag. It sounded like he was apologizing, but I couldn’t go back on my threat now. Not following through is how we ended up in this situation.

“I know you’re sorry, son.” I said as I pulled my sweaty sock from my foot.


He was begging like a punk and it only made me want to shove my nasty sock in his mouth even more.I reached down and grabbed a hold of the tape.

“Make this easy for me and I’ll make it easier for you, my boy”

I ripped the tape off his mouth and he just couldn’t listen of course. He sealed his lips and held them tight. I didn’t have any patience left. I simply reached down and squeezed his jaw hard. He started to let out a cry and I stuffed my smelly sock right in his mouth.

“Eat my sock, kid.”

He was gagging and choking as I ripped a new piece of tape off and placed it over his mouth. I removed my other sock and dropped it nearby just in case he needed both my damp socks in his mouth to finally shut up.

“Good boy, Tommy!” My son had gone completely silent and was pinching his eyes shut like he was hoping he’d wake up from a bad dream.

“Now be a good footrest and stay quiet from now on if you know what’s good for you.” I said as I placed both of my bare feet over his face.

He began sniffing loudly and without any prompting. I felt an unusual sense of pride in him for submitting so easily once my sock was in his mouth. I’d be scared too if I had to suck on my own dad’s dirty, sweaty sock. I mean, how embarrassing right?

I gamed for 20 more minutes without a sound from Tommy when I realized I was in the mood to watch some TV. Of course I wasn’t going to watch TV without my boy.

“Hey, buddy. You’ve been good, I have decided to let you watch tv with your papa.”

“Mmm?” Tommy was confused why I wasn’t untying him.

“Oh I’m not untying you, son. I’m just moving you to the coffee table. I guess you won’t exactly be watching the tv so much as you’ll be watching my soles.”

Tommy began thrashing around and I gave him a warning that made him go white.

“You can either watch them or you can lick them. Your choice, Tommy.”

He simply looked at me and I reached down to get him out from under the chair. He didn’t fight me at all. He was becoming scared to even move when I didn’t tell him to. My plan was working out perfectly. Just to test my limits when he was out from under the chair. I placed my toes around his nose.

“Sniff right in between my toes, son.” He inhaled deeply and right before he exhaled I pinched his nose shut with my toes.

I loved watching him panic as he struggled to breathe. I know I was starting to take this a little too far, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I didn’t ever want him to disrespect me again. I released his nostrils and he began gasping for air.

“Come on, son. My favorite show should be on.”

He moaned very softly as he looked into my eyes. He knew he was in for a long night.
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Post by squirrel »

Very good story! I am glad to see that Cody foudn a perfect punishment for Tommy. But I kind of hope that it won't work too soon, so the punishment would have to be repeated... :twisted:

Great job, [mention]123[/mention] !

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Post by 123 »

Chapter 5

What a night, I’m feeling so relaxed. It’s been really nice not dealing with my son’s constant whining and complaining. He wasn’t exactly thrilled with his position, though. He was now hogtied in front of me on the coffee table. His wrists and ankles were secured together with gorilla tape. I feel like he needs a new gag to complete his new unfortunate predicament. I also feel because of his little outburst earlier I need to really make a statement.

“I’ll be back in a minute, don’t go anywhere.” I chucked at my own cruel words.

I went into the bedroom already aware of what I planned to do to him next. I grabbed my gym bag from my bedroom floor and fished around until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a rag I use to wipe the sweat from under my arms, on my chest, my forehead, well everywhere really when I work out at the gym. I didn’t bother ever washing it because it’s just going to be used to clean up sweat. I wanted to give my son some fresh sweat to deal with, but I wanted to make sure he got to see exactly what he’d be tasting. With that I walked back out to where my son was struggling and sat down. He looked confused as I held the rag up and then I began wiping my sweaty feet off with the rag and he clearly knew where this was headed as he began to panic and get really noisy on me.

“I’m really disappointed that you couldn’t stay quiet. I’ll have to reinforce your punishment now, Tommy.”

I took the rag to my underarms and wiped the sweat from both of them thoroughly. I didn’t wear deodorant today and I’m so glad I didn’t. I want this brat to suffer. Of course, I had to do something really gross to punish him for his bad behavior.

“Now for the bonus because of your back talk.”

I stuck the rag down the front of my pants and wiped the sweat off my crotch. He was going crazy now. I must admit this was definitely harsher than I ever intended to be, but I can’t believe he still has fight left in him and I am determined to make sure he is too afraid to ever disrespect me again. I ripped the tape off his mouth and as he was spitting my filthy sock out I was already jamming the sweat soaked rag in his mouth. I took my shirt off I had been wearing at work all day and tied it around his mouth. The rag was large and he was unable to make very much sound at all not that he tried much knowing how serious I was willing to be. He’s learning his lesson slowly, but surely.

I sat down to flip through the channels and force my son to sniff my feet while I drank my beer. I noticed he was inhaling loudly as he took in the smell of my feet. I definitely enjoyed it to an extent. It felt like the perfect way to get at him for how disrespectful he’d been towards me all these years. He was very still and silent as he moved to sniff my other foot. He was trying to get free from the hogtie early on good behavior and I decided now would be a good time to break his spirits.

“I think we should do this more often, son. I’ll come home from work, stuff my sock in your mouth, tie you up, and make you sniff my toes and if you do well for a few weeks I may let you have some more freedoms. What do you think?”

“Mmmmppphgggmmm” He responded, pathetically.

“You’re right, I’ll let you lick my feet sometimes too. Hey, if you’re good at it maybe I’ll let you lick all my buddies feet too. Would you like that? You want to be a foot boy for the rest of your life instead of making something of yourself?”

I knew the beer was starting to do some of the talking as I was getting more and more aggressive and careless with my treatment of my son. I would never seriously harm him, of course. I really did want to humiliate him though. As I began to think about what to do next I covered my son’s eyes with one of my feet and placed the other one directly under his nose. He stayed like that for a good half an hour and I was pretty happy with him. I guess maybe I really should let him go. After all he seemed pretty terrified by this point.

“Alright, son. Let’s get you out of that hogtie.”
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Post by 123 »


I’m sitting at my computer typing this out and I wonder if that was too much punishment? Did I go too far? What do you all think?
Ugh, gotta go Tommy is getting really noisy under my feet and my work pals will be here soon. Ha, you didn’t think I’d let him go just yet did you? Can’t wait to hear from you guys what to do next. Should I just let him go? Let my friends have some fun with him? I promise I’ll update everyone with what I decide to do with him some day. For now, I’ll say goodbye from me and Tommy.

The end…sort of.
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Post by Footsub123 »

Wow. I'm really loving this story, hope to see more of it in the future, I love stuff that mixes bondage with feet. Your writing style is so hot too, reminds of the easy prey stuff. I wonder how the dad's feet smell like? For some reason, I imagine a really strong smell like a sour vinegary smell thats musky in places. Poor Tommy haha
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I just imagine them smelling like my own dad’s. Hahaha.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]123[/mention] Really glad to see some more chapters of this. I'll be catching up on the latest updates this week, and your latest new story as well. Seeing as how what your writing could actually be quite popular on here, I'd very strongly recommend you take a look at this guide: How To: Get More Reads & Reviews

Very much looking forward to seeing you make a name for yourself on here!
I think you'll make a great addition to this community ;)

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Post by squirrel »

The punishment was severe and cruel, but I think that Tommy deserved it! Now he will be more respectful to his Dad :lol:

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Post by 123 »

bondagefreak wrote: 1 year ago @123 Really glad to see some more chapters of this. I'll be catching up on the latest updates this week, and your latest new story as well. Seeing as how what your writing could actually be quite popular on here, I'd very strongly recommend you take a look at this guide: How To: Get More Reads & Reviews

Very much looking forward to seeing you make a name for yourself on here!
I think you'll make a great addition to this community ;)
Thank you very much, sir.
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Post by Bradboi »

Awesome story!
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Post by harveygasson »

A great story and a great punishment
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]123[/mention] That was such a fun story . I wish that was my punishment . But I wish I got to lick the dads pits and nutsack clean also .
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]123[/mention] will we get anymore stories ?
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Post by noarmgr »

how can we read the other stories?
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Post by dbavr »

One of my favourites on this site, would love to read more!!
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