Volunteering at the Haunted Treat Trail /M

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Nightly Binds
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Volunteering at the Haunted Treat Trail /M

Post by Nightly Binds »

Greeting all, It's that time of the year, Halloween is around the corner. with that said, what I have here is a little Halloween story that feature a Premise I always liked. so with that enjoy this Halloween tale of bondage !

" Volunteering at the Haunted Treat Trail "

Dexter arrived as early as He could to the old Norris property, He was rather curious about how this night would go, he had eagerly been awaiting to see just what sort of things the Norris family would have in store this year, he had to admit to himself he was pretty excited, for Tonight was Halloween and tonight was that Night The Norris Family always did something special and big for the Holiday. they usually had big Halloween parties, Haunted houses for people to go through, all the fun scary stuff like that. The family really loved Halloween and where always try to improve things each year ! this year they had decided to set up a sort of Haunted house slash Treat station, basically people had to walk up through many creepy scenes and stuff along a little trail to get to the place the Norris family would be giving away many treats to the Trick or treaters.

Now the family was always trying to get volunteers to come and help out with things. mainly be scare actors in their haunted houses they did And Dexter was going to be one of those people for the nigh And he was very excited to see what sort of things the Morris's had in store this year. he remembered one year when he was simply going through one of their Haunted houses that was set up inside a old warehouse, they really went all out with the scares and scenes, they had zombies, Mummies and Mental patients running about !

Dexter parked his car off to the side of the road, he was parked a little down the road from where the event would be taking place, but only because he saw many cares parked there from all the people who must be volunteering here as well. he checked his Phone to make sure he was not late, it was only 7:30 and the event didn't start until 8:00 so he knew he was not late at least.

He made his way down the sidewalk that lead to the Norris property, the event this year was taking place near old storage unit the family uses which was really just a small old cabin like house, so Dexter figured the Treat trail would be outside mostly.

When he actually got to the place he could see a lot of things already going on and a lot of things that had been set up and by the looks of it, the family really went out again, no Surprise. First to enter the property, you had to pass under a metal archway that was set up, and hanging above it was a massive fake spider web with a large spider in center of it. Dexter walked under it and into the main section, he could see all sorts of sets and props scattered about the property, Coffins, dummies of Monsters, a Tree had a skeleton hanging from it, and a bunch of other things. he also saw many people scurrying about seeming to check things and getting into costume, somewhere already dressed up. he saw some people wearing ghostly face paint, ripped clothes and others dressed as witches.

" Hello, may I help you ? " Dexter heard a voice speak to him, he turned his head to his left to see A young women standing there, she was dressed in a long black dress and had her long black hair tattered up and looking ruffled. her eyes had dark eyeshadow and mascara.

" Oh, Uhm I'm uh, Here to help out, I volunteered ." Dexter replied to the girl.

" Oh that's just brilliant, wonderful! My name is Kalie, Kalie Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norris, But tonight I'm The Wondering soul of Debbie blood, a vampire hungry for the very thing " she chuckled , Welcome to the Norris Haunted candy trail, we have a lot of things in store for trick or treaters, we are actually almost all set up with things, just making sure there is a last few things are set up. but we have a few positions for volunteers. " she explained

so, we have three paths for peple to take, each one has many different spooks and scares along them, and two of those are the Witch lair and I think the Evil cultist scene that need an actor, sense your a guy, maybe being in the Evil cult could work ?

" Oh. uh, yeah.. I'll take it " Dexter smiled with a nod

" Oh goodie, I'm busy with some things, so I'll have Jeremy our assistant for the night help you get into place " she said as she then called over a guy who was on his Phone. she had to shout his name a few times before he looked up and came over to them.

" Jeremy, Take Dexter hear to the cult section and help him get into character. I got to see that the coffins are popping up the way we want. " she said as Jeremy just shrugged.

Sure what ever " he said and then looked over at Dexter " fallow me " he said as he walked off. to which Dexter fallowed.

Jeremy led Dexter away and through the many scenes that were all set up along the property. explaining each scene and set up, which included a Pumpkin patch of creepy jack-o-Lanterns and in the center there was a Actor who had a easy set and easy release harnessed to a scare crow pole dressed as one, he was already getting to character as he waited for the two to pass and then let out a loud scream, then waved as they moved on and passed through a section where a couple of actors were dressed as werewolves who were just chilling and leaning on some trees, clearly not getting into character quite yet. one even had their head mask off and was smoking a cigarette. Jeremy said nothing to them as he just explained how they'll pop out from behind the trees to scare people.

After going through a few more scenes. they finally came to the bit were dexter would be stationed at. it was a bit further back from the other scenes making it feel Isolated, The scene itself was rather interesting. and certainly, looked creepy.

The scene indeed was that of a sort of cult like sacrifice ritual, three Hooded dark robed figures were standing around a Circle, two were on each side one was holding a book in holding in, a very creepy looking book that have dark spells in it, the other figure was holding a wooden bowl up as if he was going to be collecting something into it. and the final figure was standing near the back of the circle, they had their hands raised up and in their hand was a sharp looking dagger.

The circle that was drawn on the ground was with some red paint it seemed, there were four fake glowing candles around the circle and in the center of the circle where four wooden stakes with short length ropes tied to each one and a white bandana simply placed near them.. the scene had a eerie glow to it from the candles.

" Ok, this is where you'll be, you just need to be pretty much laying down in that circle and you know, act all scared and stuff, because you're the sacrifice victim, you got it ? " Jeremy stated

" Uh yeah, so, just lay down here and act scared. "

" Yeah, well you know, struggle and stuff, shout or plead, what ever works for you, the Dummies' surrounding you don't move but there will be audio coming from them, chants and stuff, so you'll have to do most of the work to make it look convincing . " he explained

" oh okay " Dexter said observing the circle he'd be laying in. the four pegs with short rope. " uh, what about costume ? shouldn't I get like dressed into something ? " he asked noting how ever else was in quite elaborate costumes.

" I don't think so, no time to really look for one to match you, and besides, I think your causal wear will do, you'll look like a person who just got snatched while out and about by the cultists, a normal person fallen victim to their deadly ritual or whatever " Jermy said looking at his phone seeming a bit more concerned with other things.

" okay sounds good, so, uh, just lay down then ? "

" Yep, just lay down in the center " Jeremy said not looking away from his phone.

" alright, Dexter said as she got into position and laid down in the center of the red circle.. he stared up for a moment and then looked about, " ok, so, now what ? "

" huh ? oh, right, just uh, we need to get your hands tied to the pegs and feet too. " Jeremy said finally putting his phone away for the moment. he then proceed to take one of tie each of the short ropes very loosely to Dexter's Limbs, allowing a lot of slack and easy able to slip his wrists and feet out of he wanted. Dexter examined them and began to flail about a little to practice, however he found the loose look of the ropes and the fact they'd slop off him with ease when he really began to struggle didn't sit well with him, the effect it would have didn't seem very convincing.

" uh, hey, you think maybe, you could actually tie these a bit tighter, ? " Dexter asked as Jeremy was back on his phone

" what ? tighter why ? " he asked not looking away from his phone.

" well I really want to struggle here and make this look real ! but the ropes are too loose, I'll pull myself right out without barley trying, I want people to get really freaked seeing me struggle, just a little tighter that's all. " Dexter suggested.

" Oh, uh, sure yeah whatever " Jeremy said putting his phone away again, he then proceeded to tighten each of Dexter's ropes around his limbs pulling rather tightly, a bit more then Dexter expected, but he was not bothered, he just wanted to give a really convincing performance. once his hands and feet were tied more tightly, Dexter feel himself now pulled more stretched out in a spread eagle fashion. he tested his bonds and felt them hold securely.

" Wow, that's pretty good, now I can really give them all a show with my struggles and shouting " Dexter said.

" Oh yeah that reminds me, you'll need this too " Jemery said grabbing the cloth bandana that was next to Dexter. I think the Norris's had planned to have the sacrifice victim to be gagged "

" gagged ? " Dexter said

" yeah, they want everyone to hear the chanting, I don't know, so here let me just-" Jeremy said as he quickly tied the bandana around Dexter's head making him bite into the cloth, he secured it rather tightly behind him. as his phone was beginning to ring. " oh, dang, let me get that. " he said standing back up now to answer the device.

" Mmmphh ? " Dexter tested his gag, to find he really couldn't make a sound . " Mmmpph ! " he tried again, he was actually gagged now, both Tied up and gagged. he was not expecting the gag, but he thought about it and it did make sense if he was going to give a convincing performance he might as well go all the wa, not that he had much a choice now.

" Yeah yeah, I know, alright fine. " Jeremy said speaking on his phone some more, he then looked down at Dexter " well, I got to go, you have things situated here the right ? "

" MMH HMM " Dexter nodded

" great, see ya " Jeremy said as he proceeded to speak back into his phone as he walked off. leaving Dexter now alone in his set up. bound and gagged, staked out to the ground in a set up that was made to look like a sacrifice was going on.

He looked around waiting and wondering when things would start, how would he know ? so far things where quiet , no music or sound effects, he decided in the meantime to start testing out his performance. he began by struggling as hard as he could with a scared look and began shouting into his Gag. he did this for at least give minutes before suddenly he heard voices coming from down the path, he wondered if things had started now ? but when the sources of those voice appeared in front of him. he saw who it was. it was Kalie . and two older people and man and a woman. Dexter then new them to be Mr. and Mrs. Norris. he had seen them before in the newspaper for their haunted houses and stuff.

" Ooh, hey, Dexter is it ? " Kalie now spoke up when she spotted him. " Look at you ! all tied up and about to be sacrificed ! " she said gleefully

" Mmphh " Dexter replied.

" These are my parents. you probably know them though or at least seen them before " Kalie stated. " we are just making sure personally everyone is in place and ready. " she informed.

" well, you make this scene look quite real, how good are you at making yourself seem scared ? " Mr. Norris then spoke up.

Dexter chuckled and then began to start thrashing and shouting into his gag for them to show how much of a performance he plans to give. they watched him for a moment and seemed rather impressed with it.

" Wow, well done. you really make that look convincing " Mrs. Norris spoke " truly a good actor " she giggled.

" Yeah, it's almost like your actually tied up and gagged " Kalie laughed as Dexter gave a chuckle. he found it amusing they apparently did not know he was actually tied up, unless Jeremy told them, which he was sure he would have or will, for now he was making things look real as he could.

" well, we were just making sure everyone is in place and ready, seems you got this " Kalie said

" Yeah, it'll be showtime in a few minutes, we need to be off to overlook things at the entrance and candy station, have fun. " Mr. Norris said as he and his wife Headed off off.

Kalie stayed behind for a minute " yeah, things will be turning on, the soundscape and all, so just a heads up, when you hear it, just remain alert to be be in character, people could be coming down your way at any time " she said with a wink " good luck . "

With that she headed off too now and disappeared once again leaving Dexter all alone. but this time it was only a couple of minutes before he then heard some spooky music appear out of some speakers that were placed all along the trail way. he also heard some eerie evil sounding chanting coming from around him near the Cult dummies that surrounded him. it was officially Show time !


For the next few hours Dexter spent his time putting on quite a show for people, the first group that walked by seemed to be really impressed when they saw his set up, they took pictures as he struggled and screamed into his gag giving them quite the show, they'd then move on allowing him to rest for a moment before he'd possibly hear more screams form down the path as more groups would pass by. every single one stopping to watch the scene of him struggling and shouting before moving on. he got moments of one group after another or moments of no one walking by for some time before he was warned with another scream of people who were walking down the trail, he was on from those werewolves jumping out at them.

He usually struggled and thrashed when people were approaching the scene, but would sometimes remain still as people walked up and then he'd start screaming and thrashing which would cause some of them to scream then laugh before taking off. Dexter felt proud of what he was doing, he was giving them all a Halloween to remember, ! and that's how it went for the time the Treat trail stayed opened. cause shortly after the first few hour's things began to die down and the crowds became less and less.

* Meanwhile at the Candy station. *

" Damn ! okay fine I'll get over there " Jeremy said on his phone and rolled his eyes, he then approached the Norris's. who were standing on the porch of their cabin giving out candy to those who wondered through their trails.

" Uh, so I like got to head out, My girl is having a really not having an easy time apparently some trick or treaters are having fun with the old Toilet paper and eggs routine at our place. be okay if I step out for the rest of the night. " He said keeping his eyes on his phone.

" well, alright then, things are getting quiet here anyway, it's nearing 11:00 , thanks for your assistance tonight " Mr. Norris said. as Jeremy Nodded.

" Thanks great show, gotta go " he said as he made his way down and out not taking his eyes off his phone.

" That boy is not living in the world " Mrs. Norris said shaking her head.

" Well he did what we asked. plus things are almost over, so no better time I guess " Mr. Norris added with a chuckle.

Back at the Sacrifice scene Dexter was still laying there bound as he was looking up at the sky, it had been pretty slow now, it seemed that most people who took the trails picked the middle main one so he was not getting too many " visitors " down his way, so he took the time to just rest as he listened to the Spooky music and chants around him, he had to admit though, being bound like this he was getting a bit tired and itchy, he was now beginning to look forward to being released so he could be more comfy and get something to eat And drink, all the yelling has made him a little dry in the throat. luckily it was not very cold where he lived so he was not worried about catching a cold from being outside so long. but he was wondering when things would finally come to it's end.

Well after about a half hour, things finally seemed to be done now. no more people were coming through and the candy was almost gone. The Norris's thought it'd be a good time to finally shut her down for the year, with that Mr. Norris flipped a switch which shut off all the music in the area now, this caught Dexter's attention now, he figured it meant it'd be time for home.

" Hello, attention all Norris Volunteer's. " Mr. nori's voice came out over the speakers now, " We are now shutting thing's down, you may now leave your posts and return any costumes or props you have barrowed to the Cabin, there'll be Hot cider and Pumpkin bread at our main house on Segway street if you wish to stop by for refreshments and a thank you from us. Happy Halloween " with that the intercom shut off. all was quiet again.

Dexter laid there and sighed, it was over now he had put on quite the show, but was ready to go home and take a nice shower, well after stopping by the Norris's place for some of that sweet Hot cider.

but, he realized he could not get himself untied ? or ungagged, he needed some assistance with that, Jeremy had Tied him pretty tight, even though he asked for it, but he needed him or someone to come and do that. and he was sure, someone would come along...

" Okay, I think that's the last " Mr. Norris said as the final volunteer gave him their prop they had been using. Mr. Norris stashed it inside the cabin and locked the door.

" you sure that's all ? " Mrs. Norris said.

" yeah I'm pretty sure, anyone else who had not borrowed a costume or prop from us would have no reason to stick around they either went home or are at our place ready to have some Hot cider and Pumpkin bread " he said with a wink.

" very true, I guess we can shut this place down then ? Mrs. Norris said.

" yeah, I'm Hungry, but this was probably the best Halloween we had yet " Kalie said proudly. " I scared like so many people tonight, specially when I was jumping out of the Coffin. "

both her parents chuckled " well, we'll all talk about it on the way home, come one lets go " her father said as he then hit a switch and all the lights along the trail were shut off now. leaving the place in almost total darkness. they then made their way down the now empty and quiet trail.

Dexter looked around in confusion. he had been here for what felt like 20 minutes or more ! yet no one had come to release him from his bonds, and now the trails have gone dark ! leaving only the Glowing fake candles around him to give any light !

Yet no one who seemed to be coming. he began to feel a bit more worried by the second, he had heard so many cars drive away. why had no one come for him ? suddenly in the far distance. just barley he was able to make out a flash light moving away from where he was, that must have been the Norris's, they were leaving ! they were forgetting him !

He began to shout and scream into his gag now, only this time for real, he actually fought his restraints and wanted to be heard but he was actually tied up and gagged and not going anywhere, there was no way he could get out, at least not easily !

" Mmmpphhh !!! gghhhhhh !!! " he shouted at them.

But the Norris family only walked further and further away now until he could not make them out any longer their flashlight having gone dim.

" Nnnhggghh ! "

but once the family reached the entry way they placed a small rope in front of it with a sign saying, " Closed, see you next Halloween "

with that the family got into their car and drove off. disappearing down the road, Dexter had been Forgotten and left behind.

Dexter just laid there as it was all he could do, he was terrified now, he had been left bound and gagged out here still stuck in the display for the cult scene ! how could this have happened why had Jeremy not told them or come get him or anyone !? he was left trapped here, he shook his head in disbelief he pulled at his restraints to try and make them give, but they would not they held firm keeping him he trapped ! why were these pegs to deep into the ground !?

Dexter stared up at the sky again, seeing the clear sky above him the stars and the branches and leaves of the trees around him, he'd think it'd look peaceful it it wasn't for the circumstance he was in, he needed to get out of here, he began to frantically shake his head back and forth hoping to somehow dislodge the gag, but he could not get it loose, no matter what he did, he just looked like an actual desperate victim trapped by some crazed cultist. and trapped he was !

He sighed and moaned as he couldn't believe his luck. His Halloween went from quite fun to now being the worst lucky one he had, here he was now trapped spread eagled, gagged in the center of a red drawn circle on the ground with three Evil looking cultist Dummies standing around him looking ready to sacrifice him for whatever purpose...how long can he be here for ?

2 Hours later.

Dexter shivered a bit, despite it not being very cold there was still a coolness in the air and a rather spooky feeling he was getting now. being trapped and exposed like this in the spooky haunted trail alone was getting rather creepy, the only sounds he could hear right now was the wind blowing through the leaves, and some owls hooting in the distance. he felt so alone and helpless, he pretty much gave up trying to struggle and knew shouting would do know good, so he figured all he could do was just, wait and hope for the best He had to think to himself about this, the Norri's family would have to be back sometime tomorrow, he'd think, to better inspect and check their things. to make sure all outside props were not stolen or damaged over the night.

But to make matters worse now, he still itched and was still a bit thirsty. and a bit hungry. ! but how bad is that going to be ? they'd have to remember him at some point, maybe someone saw his car still there maybe Kalie will think about him and wonder if he made it home sense he " didn't say goodbye ? " it was all Dexter could do right now and just hope it all worked out in that matter or he'd be spending the night here indefinably.

* Meanwhile at the Norris Home *

People were laughing and having a good time, most of the people working at the candy station showed up for some Hot cider and pumpkin bread. .
Halloween tunes where playing on the speakers set up. everyone was enjoying themselves to the food and drink provided by the Norris family, who where quite happy for another successful year ! Neither of them knowing that one of their volunteers was still at the Haunted trails stuck as ever !
so Poor Dexter was going to spend the rest of his Halloween Outside and restrained in that spooky display. Hoping the weather remains nice as he thinks some spooky looking clouds might be rolling in !!!

Hope the rest of you end up having a Happier....

Last edited by Nightly Binds 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Killua »

It's a nice story. I really like the plot of it. But you need to rework it over time. There are many smaller mistakes. You nearly didn't use any capital letters at the beginning of a sentence at all. Instead, you used some capital letters randomly on words in the middle of the sentence. There are many typing errors, like wrong or missing letters. Sometimes there is no and sometimes way too much punctuation.

You're story is really nice, and it looked like you put lots of thought into that. But the spelling is really poor. It's like you just wrote it on your phone without double checking it at all. If you would use MS Word, the spellchecking isn't great but better than no spellchecking at all. If you would use grammarly as an extension, it would improve your writing a lot. If you don't want that, you could also ask someone else to proof-read your story.

So, all in all, it's a great Halloween story. I love the setting REALLY much. And there is still some potential to improve your story by checking it again or asking someone to help you finding the typing errors and such.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Agreed that this could use some proofreading but I really liked the light-hearted, low-stakes setting and the inadvertent all-night bondage Dexter stuck in due to his helpfulness. Great story that makes you get into that Halloween mood!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Killua wrote: 1 year ago It's a nice story. I really like the plot of it. But you need to rework it over time. There are many smaller mistakes. You nearly didn't use any capital letters at the beginning of a sentence at all. Instead, you used some capital letters randomly on words in the middle of the sentence. There are many typing errors, like wrong or missing letters. Sometimes there is no and sometimes way too much punctuation.

You're story is really nice, and it looked like you put lots of thought into that. But the spelling is really poor. It's like you just wrote it on your phone without double checking it at all. If you would use MS Word, the spellchecking isn't great but better than no spellchecking at all. If you would use grammarly as an extension, it would improve your writing a lot. If you don't want that, you could also ask someone else to proof-read your story.

So, all in all, it's a great Halloween story. I love the setting REALLY much. And there is still some potential to improve your story by checking it again or asking someone to help you finding the typing errors and such.
Thanks for your thoughts and yeah I know its a bit sloppy with the spelling , I did try to proofed read but missed some sitll. ( I kinda rushed it a bit to have it posted heh heh ) but so far I have gone back and spell checked and fixed anymore mistakes I could find, will keep looking. but yes thanks again for your thoughts, glad you enjoyed :)
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 1 year ago Agreed that this could use some proofreading but I really liked the light-hearted, low-stakes setting and the inadvertent all-night bondage Dexter stuck in due to his helpfulness. Great story that makes you get into that Halloween mood!
Thanks a ton ! I just went back and proofed read it and fixed some mistakes, will be going back for more XD ! And thanks I thought it'd be funny to have a the character be left behind by mistake ! specially when he sort of is the cause for it asking to be tied up for real :lol: glad you enjoyed and helped set the Mood for Halloween ;)
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