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I can't help wondering what fate will befall Jonah: he doesn't seem quite as innocent as he originally presented.
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As the author of ths tale, I would like to apologise for being late up with this episode.
Several unfortunate things came to a head and have left me little time for writing particularly over the past moth.

Moral of the story:
Don't start posting a story that you haven't finished writing!

And now - the next part of the tale:
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Part 24

Jonah Gives the Orders

It was still warm enough not to need to wear any more clothing than had been adopted in the daytime other than to protect any sleepers from visiting insects, but day clothes needed rinsing out and left to dry so, by the time the party had been called in for the night, Koff was still in his undies, keeping his crudely laundered swimmers for the morning. Dave was in his inevitable black ‘Adidas’ running shorts and Roy back in his favoured red boxer-briefs style swimmers – but without the braces that his brother had ‘borrowed’ from him.

The ‘worms’ knelt. Jonah started his explanation. “There are three of you so you’re going to have to take turns. Don’t worry, I shall be happy to assist. Koff, you get to help me tie the other two up, then I’ll tie you. After a couple of hours, everyone will move round one place. Understand?” They certainly did not understand but thought it was unwise to admit as much. “OK, Carpet-‘Ed, go and get me some of that gaffer tape that I saw in stores.” Jonah turned to Rob and said, “You won’t mind me using it, will you?” Rob pretended that he would not dare to deny Jonah anything until he had made up his mind about whether to complain to their parents or not. Koff departed for the stores and returned with what looked like three virgin rolls of grey gaffer tape.

Roy and Dave were told to stand and even ‘allowed’ to blindfold themselves to make them easier to handle. They tied well-worn fabric strips round their eyes and spread them out conscientiously. Jonah checked their efficacy by the traditional method of pretending to poke the supposedly blindfolded Pirates in the eyes. Neither flinched. “Well done, Worms, now we’ll just make sure they won’t ‘accidentally’,” both boys picked up on the sarcastic tone, “Start working themselves adrift.” Jonah thought a further explanation was necessary, “Moving now would very likely make me upset. Understand?” Roy nodded resentfully but Dave thought he would not dignify that threat with a reply. This time it was Koff’s turn to ‘look and learn’.

Jonah, immediately copied by Koff, wrapped a layer of tape round the middle of the fabric covering the victims’ eyes followed by another that overlapped it and which came roughly to the bottom of the fabric. The next layer coincided with the top of the cloth and the next overlapped both that and the victims’ foreheads. Not satisfied with that, Jonah wrapped another layer round the middle again and a final one that overlapped the bottom of the fabric and the blindfolded boys’ heads. The result was a pair of very effective blindfolds that were going to hurt like fuck when they were ripped off.

Jonah had picked up the vibes about the Pirates not liking to gag sleeping prisoners but he was in the driving seat, so . . .

Those monkey’s fist gags were still available and, although they were unpleasant to wear, they didn’t exactly silence the wearers. Jonah didn’t tie Roy’s gag especially tightly but Koff either didn’t pick up on the situation or, more likely, took the opportunity to be as nasty to his good friend as possible - as only a good mate would. When Jonah warned that, if anyone managed to expel his gag, it had better be an emergency, “If you know what I mean,” the prisoners could hear the classic clicking/zipping sound of tape being pulled from the roll. Roy got the message but Dave assumed that Jonah was being sarcastic because, even when he tried, he wasn’t able to expel the knot.

Dave and Roy had to present their arms behind them where they were efficiently taped from their wrists almost up to their elbows with no tape between their arms but Jonah insisted that a further layer of tape was applied by winding it back down their forearms, ending at their wrists. A few extra final turns provided further security. Jonah inspected both his own work and that of Koff carefully. Koff had certainly not let Dave off easily; his broad shoulders must have made getting his elbows that close together very uncomfortable to say the least.

“Kev mate, you haven’t exactly taken it easy on your friend, have you?” Koff shrugged – and grinned. “Oh well, we’d better add some further security just to take some of the strain off the tape.” Dave sounded as though he didn’t exactly appreciate that relieving the strain on the tape seemed to be more important to Jonah than relieving the strain on his shoulders. Koff and Jonah wasted little time securing their subjects’ arms to their torsos by wrapping five layers of tape round them. Both binders took care to make sure that the torn ends of the tape were pressed down seamlessly before it was Jonah’s and Koff’s turn to high-five. Alright, Koff might have had a preference for being the one who got tied up but he also enjoyed being on the other side of the tape for once, especially as he still had the promise of a tie-up of his own to come.

After that, the binding of the prisoners’ legs was quite straight forward. (If you don’t count the staggering.) Koff held onto Dave’s shoulders while Jonah wrapped his ankles, calves and upper legs in several none too tight layers of gaffer tape. Once Jonah had finished, Koff announced, “Timberrr!” and let go after administering just a little shove to his bound friend. Jonah caught him. Yup, that rope gag didn’t exactly silence its wearer. Jonah laid Dave gently on the ground, but he did remind him that, if necessary, his gag could be, “Reinforced with a bit of that shiny grey stuff.” The noise settled to less of a roar and more of a low-level grumbling sound. Jonah thought he’d settle for that in spite of Koff’s enquiry, “Aren’t you going to anything about those names he’s calling me?”

“Reckon you asked for that; in any case, which of those names are wrong?”

Both tiers giggled. Koff was enjoying himself. I think he knew that the Pirates were safe from being turned in to their parents. In any case, he could always claim that he was innocent on account of being tied up at the time. It might just have worked as long as not too many questions were asked.

Roy was treated in the same way as his friend and fellow sufferer and ended up laid on the ground also. Jonah pulled him round by the legs until his head was alongside Dave’s feet. Jonah once again invited Koff to follow his example. Initially, he was somewhat worried about doing so but he soon got into the swing of things and, by the time Jonah and he had finished, he wondered why none of the pirates had thought of that before, after all, it wasn’t that dangerous really.

The procedure was somewhat fiddly and Dave needed reminding that, if he insisted on a further explanation of how to behave, he would have to sleep in wet shorts following a protracted ticking session from both his torturers. He did his best to cooperate from then on. So did Roy.

Neither of the working rolls of tape was anywhere near being exhausted, and Koff was almost pleased to note that there would be plenty left for use on him on the third roll unless Jonah’s ideas were going to be really extravagant. The youngest boys were flipped onto their sides to face each other and Dave’s ankles were positioned to be a bit more than a foot away from Roy’s neck. That brought his unwashed feet rather closer to Dave’s nose than made him happy. Koff helped Jonah to link said ankles to said neck using four or five layers of tape applied as accurately as possible in order to avoid the links spreading. Koff didn’t see how that could be secure.

“What makes you think we’ve finished? Watch.” Jonah took his reel of tape and, starting half way between Dave’s neck and Roy’s ankles, commenced drawing the opposing layers of tape towards each other, forming a sort of cable between the two captives. Once the tape ran out, Dave’s nose was even more capable of savouring the smell of Roy’s feet but there was no danger of his strangling nor of his being able to withdraw his head from the resultant loop. Koff approved and asked if he could replicate the tie between Dave’s ankles and Roy’s neck. Jonah generously said that he would reciprocate Koff’s recent kind assistance while he did so.

The two victims lay like sardines in a tin when Jonah remembered something that neither he nor Koff had taken into consideration. Oh well, never mind, surely it wouldn’t be too difficult to lay out two sleeping bags and to drag the bound boys onto them. Koff was dispatched to get Dave’s and Roy’s sleeping bags which he arranged, unopened, side by side and top to tail. I don’t think the words that either of the captives were using included, “Thanks,” or, “That’s most kind,” as they were dragged towards the bedding. It soon became obvious that help was needed if the sleeping bags weren’t simply to be dragged out of position and no one suggested that the combined creature could try rolling. Shame, really, that might have been entertaining. Stewart and Rob came to the tiers’ assistance and Dave and Roy were clumsily carried to where Koff had re-positioned their sleeping bags.

Stewart took his sleeping bag over to the hammocks and Koff, on instructions from Jonah, went to the stores to collect two large metal stakes while Jonah retrieved the maul. The two hefty stakes were driven vertically into the ground, (Jonah trusted Koff not to miss with the maul as he held onto the stakes.) one just above the ‘cable’ between Dave’s neck and Roy’s ankles and the other at the opposite end of the ‘construction. Nobody thought to explain the procedure to the ‘sardines’; they were merely left to draw conclusions from the unstructured interplay between Koff and Jonah. Koff located two quite short ropes and threw one to Jonah. It came unravelled in flight and landed on the captives causing the inevitable, barely distorted obscenities.

The “Oops, sorry,” from Jonah sounded rather less than sincere as he dragged it from the wriggling captives. Jonah explained that he wouldn’t want his subjects to roll off their sleeping bags and be uncomfortable. Koff congratulated his colleague on delivering bullshit that was worthy of Roy. Jonah bowed slightly; Roy snorted. Jonah explained what they were about to do and Koff and he tied links between the ‘cables’ and the stakes. One of these days, the Lennoxes and the MacGregors might notice that a number of their marquee stakes were missing. Until then, they were doing a fine job of keeping two unappreciative Pirates stretched out but not particularly strictly.

All that remained to do before declaring their subjects to have been suitably accommodated for beddie-byes was to reposition Jonah’s canoe and the tarp to shelter them, not that there was any sign of rain. Indeed, anyone who remembers Britain in 1976 will know that a drought was declared and a Government minister appointed to deal with it. The well on Longholme, however, although the bucket had to be sent a long way down, held out valiantly in spite of the prolonged predations of the Pirates during the Summer Holidays.

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Post by Gino »

nice story :D
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you.
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Post by blackbound »

Sounds like a "comfortable" night's sleep! Koff next?

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I do hope so. So does he in his own way.
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Part 25

Jonah Takes First Watch

Jonah told the older Pirates that he would take first watch and swap Koff for one of the others after a couple of hours. He said it loudly enough and clearly enough for Roy and Dave to hear him explain that he would release the best-behaved prisoner first. Dave’s sarcastic reply of, “Oh, that’s big of you, Thanks, Oh Generous Master,” was clearly understandable and probably completely ill-advised. Two bound, gagged and blindfolded captives struggled to find a posture that was even remotely comfortable even after Rob has given each of them one of those inflatable camping pillows. The language, as each one blamed the other for causing his discomfort by moving, certainly did not moderate to any appreciable extent. What a good job it was still quite early.

Jonah seemed quite satisfied with his work and headed for the folding chairs to where he was followed by Koff who threw the unused roll of gaffer tape onto his lap. “Oh sorry, Carpet-‘Ed, forgot about you there.”

“Yeah, roigh’.” Koff pouted his already prominent lips, nodded and knelt with his back towards Jonah and his wrists crossed behind him.

“Oh well, seeing as you asked so nicely. Go and get some gagging and blindfolding stuff and I’ll get you ready to replace one of those losers later.” Koff stood scouted, the site and returned with enough kit to incapacitate a rhino. He dropped it at Jonah’s feet, said, “OK, Grockle Boy, don’t say you weren’t spoilt for choice,” knelt and this time put his hands on his head. He didn’t believe in subtlety.

“Bit rude there just now, weren’t you, Koff?” Rob thought he would make sure that Jonah registered his mate’s indiscretion.

Jonah soon had an unresisting Koff taped just like Dave and Roy had been before being tied together except that he didn’t tape Koff’s forearms, merely taping his wrists. Koff would have been unlikely to complain if he had done but, with his broad shoulders, Jonah did not want to cause too much distress to someone whom he was starting to consider to be a potential friend.

So, Koff was bound at his wrists, arms, ankles, calves and his thighs and was blindfolded with a cloth and even more tape that overlapped the cloth. There was only so much mercy Jonah cold extend without the older boys noticing. Nobody bothered trying to support Koff who soon obligingly fell down but without denting anything other than his dignity. Rob and Stewart started chi-iklng and Koff told them what he thought of them.

“Oh sorry, boys, nearly forgot. Need to gag him.” With there being no monkey’s fists left, Jonah thought he would demonstrate his versatility as Koff struggled more for form than for any other reason. Every time he was in any danger of rolling into the fire, someone would drag him away from it while Jonah selected a shortish nylon rope into which he seemed to be tying a hangman’s noose not all that near either end.

“Tha’ looks loike a Bridpor’ Dagger.”

“Wha’ yer gunner do; ‘ang un?”

“Just wait and see.” Of course, both Rob and Stewart knew exactly what Jonah intended but the lads had a certain sick pride in the fame of the West-Country factory that provided the hangman’s rope before that particular barbarity was abolished.

Jonah’s skilful hands soon fashioned a noose wrapped with the traditional thirteen rounds of rope.

“Bit big, even for Koff’s girt fat gob, i’nit?”

“Might not hurt so much if it sticks out either side.”

“’S ‘e your boyfriend?”


“Yeah, you’re spoiling that kid.”

A few well-chosen words were cut off as Jonah shoved the knot between Koff’s teeth. A token resistance preceded Koff allowing Jonah to adjust the gag until it was positioned symmetrically and pushed further back against the sides of his mouth. Jonah threaded one of the strands poking out from the wrapping through the loop at the other end, tightened the loop around it before pulling it as far through as possible. Just a slight, “Nghh,” betrayed Koff’s opinion that it was possibly tight enough now. Jonah secured the gag with a reef knot that gave very little when he had completed it.

“Say, ‘Thank you,’ Koff”.

Koff’s reaction to Stewart’s sarky instruction was completely indecipherable but did have a passing resemblance to, “Wanker,” but I suppose it could have been, “Thank you”.

Jonah asked Koff if he wanted to be helped into the mozzie net. He nodded and Jonah dragged him into place on his sleeping bag liner but without the li-lo that remained outside where Koff had used it as a cushion earlier. Jonah gave it not a single thought (I think) and, for some reason, Koff said nothing about it.

Three Pirates had been accommodated for the night and the others sat by the fire until Rob and Stewart retired to the hammocks leaving Jonah to watch the prisoners. Jonah made Koff promise, by a nod of the head, that he would react if Joanah asked if he was alright, and Stewart said he would help with the swap over and take the next watch when Jonah called him. Other than the spasmodic mutual abuse between Dave and Roy, things became surprisingly quiet and Jonah sat contentedly by the fire contemplating what had been, so far, the best Summer Holiday he had ever had.

Jonah Waves the Rules

Over the next couple of hours, Jonah started planning which aspects of his adventures he might not need to mention his parents, taking into account that his mother was sure to want to know all the ins and outs of a jackdaw’s arse once he got home. He thought he could get away with it if he said that he spent his time with the local lads in the photos, kicking a football around, swimming and sunbathing. Well, it would be the truth, wouldn’t it? – Just not the whole truth.

Jonah poked the fire, banked it up and even put more wood on it, not that it was needed, but it would do no harm all the wile there was someone to watch it and it would be back to cooking fire spec by the morning. He was being sufficiently entertained by the sound of the nocturnal wildlife and the antics of Roy and Dave to keep him happy. His only duty was to offer the prisoners the chance to beg for release every half-hour or so and to deplete some of the less healthy food items from the stores. He was a happy boy.

The time came for all good things . . . Well, at least it would be advisable to give Dave and Roy relief from the worst of their torments. Jonah did, however, think that Koff would feel robbed if he didn’t get his turn. Well, too bad. Jonah had come to a decision in the light of what he had observed. Koff’s rather scanty yellow briefs did their best to contain his contentment while he slept but every so often that contentment was only too obvious. Who the hell could get to sleep with a gag like that parting his teeth in any case?

Koff’s clasp knife was about to be pressed into action again so Jonah dislodged it from the log into which it had been stuck and approached Dave’s ear. He spoke very quietly and Dave nodded. When the same offer had been put to Roy, two lads were very much relived.

Jonah had decided to free the conjoined boys from each other and to release them from some of their bindings. He would think what to do about Koff later. He also promised Roy and Dave that, if either of them did anything to make him upset, then Koff would get his turn after all. That was clearly understood so Jonah explained that the sharp knife was about to come into play and that any untoward movement would be most ill-advised. That was also clearly understood.

Jonah slit the loop of tape round Dave’s neck and clamped his hand over his mouth in an ‘avisory’ capacity. Dave nodded. Roy was soon in the same situation and Jonah did not bother to remove the remains of the tape tether from their ankles, merely slipping free the ropes attaching them to the stakes. Dave even managed a quiet but heartfelt, “Thanks, Mush,” as Jonah slit the tape securing his forearms almost all the way to his wrists, which remained secure as did Roy’s under similar conditions. Once more Jonah didn’t bother to remove the loose tape.

The tapes securing the prisoners’ calves and thighs were slit and, leaving Roy and Dave with a few words to the wise about what Stewart might do to them if he were to give him the call, Jonah lied, “Sorry I can’t remove your gags, I think you might need a reminder about being quiet.” Dave tried to point out that his gag was really quite painful. Checking with his torch, Jonah had to agree, he undid Koff’s work and re-tied it rather more loosely as he had done Roy’s originally. Once more Jonah heard an only slightly distorted, “Thanks, Grockle Boy.” Then he left his prisoners and returned to Koff. Even if they could afford to escape, neither Dave nor Roy could do much all the while he was blindfolded.

On his way back, Jonah met Stewart, who said he was reporting for duty to help with the change-over and was a bit confused about what he saw. Jonah explained his change of plan and said that he realised that his original intent was too extreme and that he thought that Dave and Roy would be good boys all the while they thought that Stewart would help him reinstate the situation with Koff and whoever was unwise enough to upset Jonah. Stewart realised that he wouldn’t have to take his turn on guard and made remarks concerning sticks of dynamite and Rob’s arse. Now they wouldn’t have to try waking him to take his turn. Stopping to remind the newly relieved prisoners that they had better remember to express their gratitude to Jonah in a very acceptable manner once their gas were removed, Stewart scratched his balls and returned to his hammock.

That left Koff to receive the disappointing news that he would not have to be staked out with one of the others.


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Post by Gino »

your stories are just awesome :D
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Thanks, [mention]Gino[/mention], your support is valued each time.
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Post by Veracity »

Jonah has really taken to this like a duck to water, but I’d kind of like to see him get a little back. His brief bondage earlier was not nearly enough for my tastes.
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But surely he is the injured party? :twisted:
Let's hope that Dave and Roy don't find out that they are, in reality, off the hook.
I'm sure Jonah would suffer then.
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I apologise to the readers of this story; it is still stalled but my next post should be the next chapter.
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Part 26

Jonah Puts it to Koff

Jonah stripped off his yellow swimming costume, donned his old shorts, rinsed out his day-wear, and hung it from a handy branch. He slipped into his mosquito net and zipped it closed, waking Koff in the process. Once he had remembered his situation, Koff was expecting to be tied to either Dave or Roy. Jonah thought he had better explain that there had been a change of plan. His explanation concluded with, “Let’s face it: look at you,” that was, of course, something Koff could literally not do, “You’re as happy as a pig in shit as long as you’re tied up.” Even by the light of his torch Jonah could see not only the evidence for what he was saying but also that Koff had the decency to blush. Then he nodded, only slightly but repeatedly; there was no point denying it.

“Right, now face the other way, I don’t want to keep seeing it by the light of the fire.”

Koff managed to turn himself over and, if only he wasn’t gagged so comprehensively, those pouty lips would have been twisted into a wry smile. “Wa’ wa’ Fo’wah.”

“Night-night, Koff.

Interlude – Stewart Is an Early Bird

Stewart woke before either Jonah or Rob (No surprise there, then.) and was somewhat taken aback by what he saw as he left his hammock. Not the fact that Dave and Roy were no longer sheltered by the wreckage of the basha but by seeing Koff, still comprehensively taped, blindfolded, and gagged but sitting against a tree on the far side of the clearing with ropes preventing him from leaving it. He went on his tour of inspection.

The previous inhabitants of the canoe-supported tarp were no longer safely anchored and so had obviously been wriggling and rolling around until they had dislodged the tarp and were no longer under it. That was understandable so Stewart left them, having first checked that they were unlikely to be able to go anywhere fast. He knew that they would probably need re-tying in a different way soon, and saw no need to do work twice.

As he approached the tree that was supporting Koff, Stewart noticed that he was, apparently, asleep. It wasn’t exactly much of a surprise. He inspected the ropework that was supporting his younger friend. It was certainly quite impressive. Koff had been tied to the tree in such a way that he was tied round the waist and under the armpits without having anything round his neck. Stewart thought that he would have added some ropes from the waist ‘belt’ and under his bum to stop him ‘accidentally’ slipping. A further check behind the tree, however easily explained the lack of a need for such restraints. The branch to which the long rope had been tied off supported Koff efficiently without even needing to be too tight – unless his struggling were to make it so. Stewart thought that the grockle might be able to teach the Pirates a thing or two. Pity he was going home later in the day.

Koff woke up and Stewart offered him the chance to utter his safe word. Koff’s blindfold prevented him from giving Stewart as near a pitying look as his bleary eyes would allow. He had to settle for shaking his head emphatically. Stewart returned to the fire and prepared it for cooking. Then he washed, (sort of) changed into his black swim-briefs and those disgusting old plimsoles, and sat waiting for Jonah to surface.

Jonah Wakes Refreshed

Jonah, when he rose, was greeted by Stewart and a large saucepan of hot chocolate. He took a mug, made no better an attempt at washing than Stewart had, and changed into his yellow swimmers for at least the first part of the day. He resented that he would have to get into some ‘proper’ clothing for his journey home later; it was much too hot for that. Jonah returned to the folding chairs and Stewart wondered why Koff was tied to the tree instead of still being in Jonah’s inner tent.

“He kept groaning in his sleep.”

“Yeah, perhaps we should have warned you about that.”

“He’s gross.”

“Yeah.” Both boys grinned.

The two boys sat chewing the fat until Stewart thought that it was, “Time for one of the worms to get our breakfast.” Now it was merely a question of who. The following philosophical considerations ran deep. I shall include only carefully selected contributions.

“Dave deserves to stay tied up for the way he spoke to me last evening.”

“Yeah, my brother’s a crap head.”

“Looks like the shrimp gets to do it.” I think that explains concisely the arguments that decided the outcome.

Stewart located Koff’s overworked clasp knife and Jonah rounded up some gear that he thought might be useful. They approached Roy, the nearer of the candidates for chef duties and dragged him the short distance to where Dave was favouring the world with the benefit of his opinion.

“Alright, Worms, shut-up and listen.” There was no appreciable moderation of the barely impeded imprecations. Both Dave and Roy seemed to be making up for lost time.

“Sorry, Stewart, looks like I have to rat on the little diddle-o’s after all.” There was a sudden cessation of the garbled noises from the bound boys.

It was at times like this that Rob was really needed: Stewart was not the greatest orator among the pirates – unless pure menace was the desired effect. Nevertheless, he seemed to get his point over. He put it to Roy that, if he agreed to cooperate, not only would he would be free in two shakes of a lamb’s tail, but he would also be less likely to make too close an encounter with Koff’s knife. Even though he was still blindfolded, Roy took the point. Stewart suggested further that, if Roy kept his gag in place while he removed his blindfold, his language might be less likely to upset Jonah. Roy thought that the immediate application of some of the remaining tape in three layers round his existing gag was somewhat unreasonable but he could hardly say so.

Stewart freed Roy from the tape securing his wrists and said that he could do the rest himself. “Oh, and if you DARE to remove your gag without permission, I’m sure Jonah will be VERY upset.”

“’Fraid so, Shrimp.”

“And if we lose access to this place because of you and my brother, . . .” Stewart needed to say no more. He abandoned Roy to get on with freeing himself while he turned his attention to his little brother. Jonah was quite sorry that his attention had been diverted from Roy’s efforts because they promised to be quite diverting. However, duty called.

Stewart explained why Dave had been nominated to remain bound. Dave couldn’t quite see why one of the reasons was that Koff would be upset if he didn’t get the chance to be bound to someone else. Out of duty to his mate, Koff tried shaking his head and reassuring Stewart that it was not so. Neither Stewart nor Jonah seemed to take any notice.

By that stage, Dave’s nominal gag was about as effective as any gag in a cowboy film and Jonah was pleased to inform Stuart that, due to the merciful way in which he had bound Koff’s arms, of course there was enough tape left to wrap several times round Dave’s over-active mouth. The noise abated considerably following that characteristic zipping noise.

“Right, hold still, Little Brother. Knife.” Dave understood that; it was exactly the sort of warning that the Pirates gave each other in their normal games. Dave allowed himself to be rolled onto his front and Stewart cut all the loose tape from his arms leaving his wrists still firmly secured. He also removed what was left of the tape that once secured his calves and thighs. Dave’s now considerable leg hair below his knees was less abundant following Stewart’s ministrations. Jonah opined that it was fortunate that he had left enough tape on the roll for Stewart to gag him. It was then that Roy had obviously chosen to remove the tape securing his blindfold but the muffled, nasal squealing was soon over.

“Good one, Shorty, now get on with the breakfast. Eggs, bangers and bacon. Don’t bother with the health food. Oh, and leave that gag in place, won’t you?”

I don’t know what Roy’s reply was, but it certainly consisted of more than one syllable.

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Post by blackbound »

Still leaning on the "we'll lose access" thing, huh? At some point they WILL overplay their hand.

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it would probably be time for a nice tickle torture again... maybe for Dave ??? :D :D
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[mention]blackbound[/mention], I suppose it will be a question if Jonah can escape before Dave and Roy can 'educate' him or whther he might enjoy the protection of Rob and Stewart.

[mention]Gino[/mention], we'll just have to wait and see. Jonah doesn't have long before he has to ring home.
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Part 27

Jonah Gets into Gear

Stewart suggested that Jonah, as the one who had tied him there, release Koff from the tree while he reasoned with his brother. That reasoning can’t have been too extreme because there wasn’t all that much muffled yelping before Dave was obviously determined to be as compliant as possible. Don’t get me wrong: Stewart loved his little brother (sort of) but, in tie-up-games, almost anything that didn’t involve permanent injury and that left no marks that their parents (or, even worse, their teachers) might notice went, and there were always contingency plans to make sure that even gagged prisoners could give the equivalent of their safe words.

Jonah released Koff from the tree and explained that Stewart and he had decided that he deserved a version of the tie-up that he was expecting even if it wasn’t going to last very long. Koff didn’t seem to object. So, what were Stuart and Jonah going to do to bring their prisoners together? They didn’t want them to be too far from the fire but neither did they want to remove any of their current restraints. Obviously, both Koff and Dave needed to be moved. No problem; Stewart was on hand and he wouldn’t want to see his brother or his larger little mate dragged all that way, (actually, only a few yards) would he? Koff thought things were looking up.

Stewart lifted Dave effortlessly to his feet and carried him like a groom carrying a bride over the threshold across to the folding chairs where he dumped him on the ground and raised him to his knees followed by dire threats about what would happen if he decided to sit, lie down, or even breathe too heavily. Such melodramatics would obviously be ignored in a normal recreational tie-up game but Dave, believing that he was still in danger of losing the Pirates their privileged access to Longholme, (and the retribution that would inevitably follow) determined to follow orders as well as he could. He didn’t even enjoy the facility to tell his brother what he thought of him – not that he didn’t already know.

Having put the fear of God, or so he hoped, into his little brother, Stewart approached Koff and lifted him to his feet. “OK, Koff mate, you get to look after my little brother for a while.” Koff didn’t really get that but he felt something being rammed into his midriff before his feet left the ground. Now that was something like it: Stewart jogged across the site with Koff over his shoulder until he could decant him to kneel on the ground behind Dave. Jonah collected the long rope that he had used to accommodate Koff during most of the night and tidied it up ready for use once more as he followed on.

Stewart repeated his redundant threats, this time to Koff, as he manoeuvred him to be back-to-back with Dave. “OK, over to you, Grockle Boy,” Jonah was starting to consider that to be a term of endearment, “Make them comfortable. I’ll help.”

Two narrow-waisted and cooperative youngsters seated back-to-back invited Jonah’s initial decision. He asked Stewart if he would be so kind as to strip the adhesive tape from their arms before he started. Koff heard the warning, “Knife,” as his own clasp knife was slipped between his chest and his left armpit. Stewart worked carefully but, once the flat, sturdy blade was in place, quickly as he sliced through the bindings that had prevented Koff’s arms from moving overnight. “Good job you’re not very hairy yet, Koff mate.” That was enough warning of what was to come as Stewart’s powerful left hand took a grip on one split end and eased enough of the tape free from Koff’s chest to allow him to get a better grip on it. “Ready?” Koff nodded. Stewart yanked the tape free from his chest. It left quite a spectacular red mark. “Better wear a shirt before Uncle George gets to see you.” Koff hardly even yelped. Stewart took the end of the tape in both hands and, without warning this time, lifted it as swiftly as possible. He was left with the wad of tape in his fists and Koff was completely free of it.

Jonah located the middle of the rope as Stewart worked. Stewart was intrigued, “OK, I’ve done it, but why?”

“Wait and see. Gunna do Dave too, please?” Dave got no warnings at all and he did not refrain from getting his money’s worth as he yelled, somewhat too dramatically, into his gag. Both Koff and Dave took the first opportunity they’d had for some time to flex their arms to the limited extent available to them.

Stewart grabbed one neck in each oversized hand and shoved the prisoners’ heads together. “Behave?” Two boys did their best to nod. “Want me to get ‘em to stand up?”

“Nah, I’ll get down and do it.” Jonah knelt and wrapped the doubled rope three times around his prisoners’ waists and then threaded the free ends through the bight. “Breathe in!” They didn’t need to because, knowing that they wouldn’t have to stay like that for too long, Jonah pulled the rope tighter than was really advisable. Tying the knot proved to be a bit of a problem because of the tightness even though he was working at the side of his subjects, and it gave somewhat as Jonah pushed the free ends in counter directions between the rope and the gap between Dave and Roy. Jonah secured the rope belt with a reef knot and Dave and Koff tried wriggling. They were not going to find a comfortable position.

Jonah would certainly not need to cinch the ropes by passing them between his two subjects but there was still a lot of unused rope without having to go for any more. As Jonah continued his work, Stewart saw why he had been asked to cut the tape from round the boys’ arms. Jonah tied a simple overhand knot in both ropes not far above the reef knot. He then tied Koff’s left arm to Dave’s right none too tightly and passed the free ends between his prisoners’ backs after which he tied their other arms together. Again, the link wasn’t too tight but, unless either boy could free his hands, it would be inescapable. There was still a lot of rope left. Jonah though he would ignore it.

“OK, diddle-o’s, Jonah’s being kind. There’s lots of rope left and, if you two worms even try to sit down, I’ll tie your ankles to one another. Get it?” Dave nodded that he certainly got it and Koff went along with it for the sake for his mate.

Stewart and Jonah retired to their chairs and watched Roy who was busy at work on the large frying pan. He was now somewhat resentful and tried to indicate by gesture that he was getting spattered with fat and that he could do with a t-shirt. The dumb-show was certainly entertaining, too entertaining for Stewart to allow such attire. Before getting back to his work, Roy said something that might have been, “You guys suck” or it might have been something ruder.

“Remind me to stuff that little potty-mouth nice and full before I gag him again after breakfast, will you, please, Jonah?” Roy gave a further demonstration of the need for Stewart to do so before getting on with breakfast.

Jonah and Stewart passed time in conversation until Roy tried to attract their attention. Once he had been noticed, he was expected to serve bacon butties, sausage butties and even runny fried egg butties to the older boys. At least they were made with baps and not sliced white bread (known as plastifoam). Roy served the gourmet treats, all of which were slathered in tomato ketchup, on large plastic plates and Stewart suggested that Roy go and wake his brother. Roy looked alarmed. Stewart explained that Rob could sleep through a thunder storm and that he would not be pleased with whoever disturbed him from his beauty sleep. Roy tried kneeling, shrugging his shoulders, and desperately raising his hands in prayer. Stewart was not impressed and told Roy simply to tip him out of his hammock and run like hell.

Roy had no escape: he was going to get it from either Stewart or Robb but at least he would get a certain pleasure from annoying his brother and surely he would let him live for at least long enough to serve him his breakfast? He went across to the trees and gave the occupied hammock a hefty pull. Rob fell out with an enraged yell and Roy skidaddled to where he thought he would be safely out of range of a hopefully still lethargic Rob. Rob picked himself up, gathered what there was of his thoughts and simply couldn’t be arsed to chase his little brother. Let’s face it, he was getting used to being woken up in unceremonial manners. He settled for shouting some completely unfeasible threats as he headed for the latrine.

Roy thought he would keep out of range until Rob had joined the older Pirates. Normally, he would at least get the chance to call, “Sqibbs” but, once more, it was the Devil and the deep, blue sea: he could risk not asking Rob for safe conduct or he could risk Stewart’s wrath by removing his gag. He sneaked back until he was close enough to the others to overhear anything hey were saying but still far enough away to do a runner if it looked as if Rob was going to embark on a worm-hunt.

“Come on in, Shrimp, he won’t hurt you – not until he’s had his breakfast in any case.” Roy considered his situation and decided that Stewart was probably right but that, if he refused to serve breakfast, he would probably be staked out and covered in jam for at least a part of the morning. He took the precaution of kneeling as he presented a taciturn Rob with his breakfast. That seemed to satisfy him.

“Chocolate!” Yes, Roy seemed to have been forgiven as long as he was subservient enough. He dipped a mug into the hot, brown liquid and knelt once more as he held it out, waiting for it to be taken from his hand. Eventually, Rob drank and placed the mug on the ground. Roy risked a slight sigh of relief.

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Part 28

Jonah Packs to Go

“OK, Shorty, feed the prisoners. Koff first and then my brother. Then you can get your own scran.” Roy made off for the frying pan and set to work. “And don’t forget to remind me to gag you again once you’ve eaten.” Roy’s reply was, perhaps fortunately, completely indecipherable.

Roy placed three gourmet breakfast baps on a large plastic tray (a charger that the Pirates had ‘liberated’ from the campsite’s catering equipment) and sat sort-of astride Koff’s knees with the tray balanced carefully on their legs. It was only then that he recognised the problem and set the charger to one side. He then stood and untied the rope gag that must have been tormenting Koff for hours, not that he would have been likely to admit it. In his own quiet way, though, he wouldn’t have minded if he didn’t see it again for at least a couple of hours.

Roy adopted the serving posture again and lodged the tray in position. The pirates were used to being fed their food by hand even while they were blindfolded and, in some weird way, all of them sort-of enjoyed it. It gave the diner a justified opportunity to describe the server as all sorts of useless and the server the opportunity to ‘accidentally’ adorn his ‘client’s’ body or, in more autumnal conditions, his clothing in all sorts of edible substances that were likely to either stain or to attract the unwanted attentions of predatory insects. Do I need to say that ripping mouthfuls of bap-enclosed offerings with only the assistance of one’s teeth is not exactly easy and is certainly more than liable to lead to considerable extrusions of ‘Heinz’s’ finest. It took a good fifteen minutes before Roy gave both Koff’s chest and legs and his own a completely ineffective wipe over with his hand. I suspect that Roy enjoyed that somewhat less than Koff obviously did.

Roy made no attempt to replace the noose-gag into Koff’s mouth before returning to the frying pan where Stewart, “Just to be useful,” had made up the baps for Dave’s breakfast. All important criteria had been met: crispy bacon, runny egg and no pink left in the sausages. Oh yes, and plenty of tomato ketchup. With Roy unable to speak clearly and Dave still being unable to see, the barely coordinated efforts of the pair soon had the desired decorative effect, especially when Dave discovered the mustard that Stewart had concealed in the sausage bap. Following the repast, Roy did make a cursory attempt to wipe Dave’s chest and legs but he backed off quite quickly when he remembered why it was never a good idea to get ones’ hands anywhere near the insides of Dave’s powerful but ridiculously sensitive thighs. The morning’s entertainment was well underway.

With Roy having been given Stewart’s permission to remove the three strips of tape from round his head and to get his own breakfast, Jonah announced that it was time he got ready to go and started packing what little kit he had unpacked after locating the shorts he had worn for the outward journey and a white t-shirt just for the return train journey even though he had given no thought to that on his way to Longholme. The mosquito net and its associated tent pegs was packed and it was time for another photo to indicate that Jonah was still on Longholme having camped there over two nights, thus meeting his dad’s challenge.

While Roy was busy eating with the monkey’s fist gag still hanging round his neck, and Jonah was packing and getting Rob and Stewart to pose for photos, the weekend’s adventures appeared to be coming to a conclusion.

Jonah Asks a Favour

Jonah pulled on his shorts and old bush-hat but delayed putting on his t-shirt until he thought he really had to. He merely strapped it to the top of his rucksack after he had unloaded any unused food which he donated to the Pirates’ stores while Stewart obviated the need for Jonah to remind him about gagging Roy. At least he used a new fabric strip, which he rolled onto a ball before inserting it into the appropriate orifice. He was making the best of things all the while the little guy could not afford to resist.

“OK, choice time: either that stuff stays in place or a little, blonde diddle-o gets staked out near that wood-ants’ nest for an hour or two. Alright by you?” Roy gave him a glare. “Good. Now go and get me some packing tape.”

I strongly suspect that, “Ooweurh woo, Mwaungg” did not translate as “Love you too.” Stewart let that go as Roy departed for the stores. It took very little time – or skill – to secure the stuffing in Roy’s mouth with a couple of layers of tape, even though the fabric still showed above and below the shiny brown stuff.

While Stewart was happily at work, Rob untied the rope that hung round his brother’s neck and released the pebble from the monkey’s fist. Just as Roy was thanking his lucky stars that, at least, he had seen the end of that torment, Rob said, “Just to keep you out of trouble,” and pulled his wrists behind him. Roy seemed to be wishing Rob the same as he had just wished Stewart as he bound them simply with a couple of turns of the rope and a single frapping turn. It wouldn’t hold for more than about half an hour against a determined escape attempt but, in the circumstances, Rob thought it was likely to survive and that it would certainly be annoying. Roy was invited to go and kneel next to Dave and Koff with his ankles crossed. The rope that had recently gagged Dave was then used to make sure that Roy would not be able to uncross them for at least a few minutes and that, even once he could, it would still take some time (and a pair of hands) to dislodge completely.

Once Roy had been accommodated and it was obvious that Jonah was about to leave, Dave had something to say. He worded it very carefully: “Please, Jonah, can I ask you something?”

“Ask away.”

“Are you going to turn us in to our parents?”

“Nah, I was very pissed of at first bit it was no worse than what we do to one another in the Scout Troop as soon as Skip’s left for the day.” Three youngsters sighed.

“When did you make up your mind?”

“Oh, quite some time ago, wasn’t it, guys?” Jonah turned to look at Stewart and Rob.

“What!!?” Dave was outraged, “You bastards knew?” Roy was also outraged but his immediate reaction of trying to stand up proved embarrassingly ineffective.

“Yeah, we knew.”

“We just asked Jonah not to tell you.”

“I don’t suppose you want to tell me how grateful you are for not ratting on you now, do you?” Jonah’s smug grin was not unanimously appreciated. Dave’s, and presumably Roy’s, reaction did not seem to take into account that it was still not too late for Jonah to change his mind.

“Sorry about that, Jonah, my brother’s just about as potty-mouthed as Rob’s.” Dave continued to demonstrate the truth of Stewart’s assertion.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing that can’t be dealt with. Mind if I borrow your shorts, Koff?” Rob didn’t wait for an answer before grabbing the afore-mentioned garment, turning it inside-out and forming it into a tight roll. “Y’ know, you really ought to thank Carpet-‘Ed: there’s no draw-string to pack away for safety. Open wide.” I don’t think Dave was calling the name of his companion in bondage when he replied but it sounded rather like it as he answered through clenched teeth. “Oh dear, so sad. Stewart, if you please.”

Being still bound to Koff, there was no way Dave could withdraw as his brother sat with his legs either side of his own. His fate was inevitable. In spite of his best efforts, he couldn’t resist Stewart’s well-practised tickle assault higher up his inner thighs than he was happy with. Having said which, it was surprising how much movement the two bound mates were forced into making.

“H – h-h- ssss.” Dave was determined to keep is teeth clenched but, however brave he was, such inhuman torment was irresistible. “’Righ’ a’righ’ I give, just stop it.” Stewart continued. “Pleeeease!”

“Pretty please?” Stewart had learned long ago just how far he could push his little brother until he couldn’t help wetting himself, and when to get himself out of range. He was obviously close.

“Oh, come on, huh – h - huh - pretty please, anything, just huh – h - huh stop – huh - PLEEEASE!” Dave opened wide and Rob forced Koff’s old shorts into the gasping kid’s mouth. They were soon secured safely in place.

Then Koff spoke for the first time: “Seriously, Jonah mate, thanks. I reckon we owe you one.” Jonah simply grinned and nodded. Koff was actually sincere, but I don’t think Jonah spotted the ambiguity in what he said.

Jonah said that it was time for him to go and said that he had a favour to ask. To be honest, as long as they could be sure that their access to Longholme was secure, Stewart and Rob would have probably granted anything in their power. “Keep those two tied up until I get on the train.” Further muffled outrage continued.

“What about Carpet-‘Ed?”

“Nah, I reckon he’s safe.”

“Yeah, made a change from getting tied up by any of you four. I’m OK.” In the circumstances, Roy and Dave were feeling somewhat let down. What happened to the Pirates’ Code of Honour? Had Koff just bailed out?”

The next negotiations didn’t take long: Koff agreed to be untied and left to guard the two youngest Pirates whom he vowed not to untie until Jonah was safely on his way; Stewart and Rob would see off Jonah (who, just to annoy their little brothers, they referred to as, “Their new friend”) and liberate some more supplies before returning. That seemed to cover all bases so all that was left was to free Koff and check to see that Dave and Roy were, “Made comfortable”.

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Post by blackbound »

The sheer amount of TUGs these kids can put into a day seems to require more than 24 hours. Jonah better beware the retribution, too...

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Yes, I suppose retribution would be justified but should the older lads not suffer as well?
Looks like he's going to get away with it, though.
Do you trust Koff?
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Part 29

Jonah Bids Farewell

So, that was Dave to be left as he was (more or less), Roy to be tied up more securely, and Koff to be released. Jonah could paddle the canoe back to the mainland and Stewart could go with him while Rob, as the best sailor, could sail the Topper and return to the island in the canoe or whatever craft Koff’s dad could spare. It was just a question of allocating the jobs.

Jonah was the obvious choice to separate Koff and Dave, and Rob nobly volunteered to make his little brother more secure. What a good job there was still quite a lot of packing tape stowed in the gun emplacement even if the currently available roll ran out. Jonah set to the rather fiddly job of undoing his hard work and didn’t take more than about five minutes before Dave and Koff were sitting separately on the ground. Dave immediately took the opportunity to shift his legs out in front of him. It wasn’t the first time he had needed to do that and he didn’t even fall over. Koff’s knife was pressed into service as Jonah carefully slit the tape securing its owner’s wrists. He then returned the tool to its owner so that he could free his own legs. Having done so, Koff wasted no time collecting his ubiquitous pale blue hi-leg swim- briefs and departing for the latrines.

Rob couldn’t be arsed to do too much work so early in the morning (after all, it was still before mid-day) so he simply reinforced the temporary rope bindings that were subduing his brother with far too much hastily applied shiny tape. Roy had hoped that he would be allowed to stop sucking Koff’s shorts but, predictably, Rob couldn’t be bothered to arrange that for him. He snorted.

“OK, boys, cheerio. It’s been a pleasure.” And, for Jonah, other than the first hour or so, it had been. Jonah shouldered his pack; Rob took another carefully posed photo and slipped the instamatic into a side pocket of Jonah’ pack while Stewart departed for the gun emplacement to get a paddle. (Of course, there were several old paddles; they were so useful.) With a few well-chosen, final, sarcastic parting remarks, Rob departed for the creek and Stewart and Jonah grabbed a painter each and ported the canoe across the dunes and down to the beach.

Rob made very short work of the homeward journey in the little topper and thought it would be wise if he returned it clean(ish) and properly prepared for the next customer. “Alright, Boy, whad ‘r you aafter?” How could Koff’s dad be so suspicious?

“Oh, nothing, Mr. K., just returning the Topper Stewart borrowed.”

“And? . . . “

“Oh, nothing really. - - - You know that mushtie that hired the canoe? The one with all the braces and the yellow swimmers?


“Well, he’s going home this morning and Stewar’anmewouldloiketoborrowit. - - - Please.”

“You mean, ‘hire it,’ don’t you?” The nonsense continued. Rob knew they wouldn’t be charged and the owner of Koffin’s Boat Hire knew that his son’s mates would happily help him stow the assorted craft at night whenever he needed their help. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement.

“Thanks, Mr. K., just going to raid the campsite shop.” George smiled and shook his head and the painfully red-looking ginger kid waved and ran towards the next-door campsite. He would never learn to wear a t-shirt; well, not until the daytime temperatures returned to be below the seventies in any case. (Remember: 1976 – temperatures were still given in Fahrenheit.)

It took Stewart and Jonah rather more time to row to the mainland in spite of a favourable tide and the canoe having a very powerful engine who kept in synch. with Jonah as best he could. It was a good opportunity to exchange the normal desultory conversation during which Jonah learned more of the history of the Pirates and Stewart managed to convince himself that Jonah could be trusted not to dob-in his little brother and his mates. He was beginning to get the impression that Jonah wouldn’t mind returning sometime.

The canoe was drawn up to the beach near the campsite and Roy met the crew and gave them the news.

Interlude – Koff Takes Care of Things

Koff returned from the lats sporting his usual attire plus a pair of flip-flops and slathering himself with sun-block before the others departed. Both Dave and Roy expected to be released as soon as their older brothers had departed. The only problem with that was that Koff had certain situations that he enjoyed: one, being tied up, and two, being in a position to practice complete hypocrisy while he had other people tied up.

It must have been obvious what the bound Pirates were demanding but Koff embarked upon one of his, “Sorry, can’t understand you,” routines, “Oh yes, you want to be taken into the shade.” Yes, they did, indeed, need taking out of the sun, so Koff dragged first Dave and then Roy over to the trees. Even he was not so irresponsible as to leave his mates to burn but he thought he could still make the best of the situation. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” His girly giggle in response to their frustrated responses riled them even more.

Next, Koff went into his, “Let’s analyse this situation,” mode. It was predictable and not entirely unjustified. “Now, do I remember someone being forced to entertain visiting campers by streaking from the showers when a certain person nicked his clothes the other day?” That was probably unfair because Dave had already paid for that particular stunt, but who was counting? “I think I ought to return the compliment, don’t you?”

From his reaction it didn’t seem as though Dave considered that to be appropriate. Nevertheless, Koff continued undaunted. “OK, since you ask so nicely, I’ll just help you not to accidentally manoeuvre yourselves into the Sun. It might happen so easily all the while you’re blindfolded like that.” Koff’s parentage, his anatomical resemblances and even his species identity were questioned at great length and in considerable but totally incmprehensible detail. It was just like a normal weekend on Longholme, really.

Dave was assisted to sit against a holly sapling that had, rather like the one that had been pressed into service earlier, been stripped of its side branches by agency of fallow deer and Pirate action from ground level to well above the grazing line but this one was somewhat smaller, having a diameter of no more than about eight inches where it mattered. Dave could have resisted Koff as he demanded that he kneel with one foot on each side of the tree but the threat of a prolonged tickling attack that he had no way of avoiding made him think better of it.

“Now, now, you know my mummy doesn’t like me hearing that sort of language.” Koff didn’t actually sound too distressed about it as he manoeuvred his mate so that his knees were in line with the tree trunk and Dave collapsed to be face down. Dave knew what was about to happen; he only hoped that Koff would not carry out his threats with the use of a scrubbing brush if he cooperated. He knew that, tied as he was about to be, even his sensitive thighs would be totally vulnerable and that his tormentor would not need artificial aids. There was no need for the binder to do anything too elaborate all the while Dave’s hands could not reach his ankles (I suggest you try it sometime.) once he was tied up sufficiently.

Koff’s pioneering skills came in handy as he bound Dave’s ankles to the tree with a simple, fairly skimpy tripod lashing. With his legs bound to opposite sides of the tree, Dave was left face down with his shins vertical and his poor feet raised ready for whatever torment Koff had in mind for him.

“OK, Muscle Monkey?” I don’t know what Dave replied but it sounded vaguely Russian and certainly wasn’t the safe word that he had just been subtly invited to use. “In that case . . .”

“Unnnghhh!” Dave spasmed spectacularly as Koff roughly ran his thumbnails, such as they were, simultaneously from both of Dave’s heels to his toes.

“Just testing. Sorry, can’t stay, Shorty the Shrimp will get jealous.” Roy’s attempt to disabuse him of that allegation fell on deaf ears.

Upon examining his blonde prisoner. Koff had a decision to make concerning the amount effort it was worth putting into tormenting him. After all, nothing is too good for his friend – so he chose to do as near to nothing as he could. Poor Roy was already to all intents and purposes nearly hogtied once he had managed to regain his knees. All Koff would have to do was to connect the two mounds of packing tape with some convenient cordage - and there was plenty of that!

Koff carefully selected a suitable rope, actually a well-worked skipping rope from which he had previously removed the handles and whipped the ends. Roy’s ankles were brought to meet his fingers with the mechanical assistance of the rope and were simply secured with a lark’s head round his wrists and something resembling another one round his ankles. He was not stupid enough to try to resist as Koff pulled the final knot tight. There was just about enough rope left on the free ends to enable Koff to tie them off just below Roy’s elbow to keep them out of the way of any interfering fingers.

Koff, more usually the willing victim, simply couldn’t resist lifting the much lighter Roy like a piece of luggage and dropping him safely in the shade.

“OK, boys, now all we have to do is to wait for the grockle to be safely on his way.” Koff smugged his way to the folding chairs with the intention of doing lots of nothing for the next couple of hours.

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Sounds like Koff is as good at dishing out as he's at taking when push comes to shove.

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He likes to share!

OK, one more post to come.
Thank you, [mention]blackbound[/mention] for staying with me on this marathon.
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OK, last section of "Jonah's Journey" coming up.

Will this be the last tale in the "Longholme Island" thread?
I wonder.
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