Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - Final Chapter to Part 1 Released 19/09

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Post by alkaid_ »


you left me waiting for more!!!

whats gonna do oliver???

how could oliver gonnq escape from his fate???


Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Thanks to everyone who’s reading and commenting! The story’s about halfway through now and things are really going to take off in the next couple of chapters, so I thought it was only right to call this next chapter “the calm before the storm.” Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 7 - The Calm Before the Storm

Oliver continued to look around his captors bedroom. He was starting to regret being so compliant with them. How the hell did they expect him to clean all this shit up?!, he furiously thought to himself. But then he suddenly remembered about the “punishment” that awaited him if he failed to complete the job in time. He reluctantly pulled himself together and looked around the room to see what he could do first. However, he was distracted by the very obvious window at the end of the room with light streaming in from outside. It was the first time he had seen daylight since he left for the gym the previous day. He quickly hurried over to the window as fast as his hobbled ankles would allow him, which wasn’t very fast at all, and looked out through the glass.

He was stunned at what he saw. He was quite high up on the second floor and he could see, a good few metres away, was a tall, cavernous forest. He could also see a long dirt road that bended round the trees a little way from where the house was and a field that he could get a little glimpse of from the side of the window where he stood. He stood on his tip toes to try and see if he could catch a glimpse of even the slightest bit of life, but the only things he could see around and in front of him were endless forests, hills and the never ending rural land. His captors really weren’t lying when they told him he was a long way from home.

Oliver stupidly tried to open the window but, as expected, it was firmly locked, not that he was able to get down without killing himself anyway. The teenager started to panic. If his parents or the police ever did try to look for him, they would never be able to find him all the way out here. And Daniel and Noah certainly seemed like the type of people to make sure their plans were thoroughly thought out in advance, meaning they probably went to a great deal to make sure the kidnapping couldn’t be traced back to them. All Oliver could do for now, was hope that they soon saw sense and let him go because there was no way anyone would be able to find him and rescue him all the way out here.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver turned back around to face the very messy bedroom he was standing in. He noticed several picture frames hung upon the wall around the room with pictures inside of half naked women, tied up and gagged in all sorts of crazy positions. On top of the set of drawers beside him, he could see a range of magazines with different covers on the front. Big red capital letters at the top of the page very clearly read “BDSM LIFE” and each cover had a different photo, one being a 20 year old something woman that Oliver found incredibly attractive with a large pink ball gag in her mouth and a red heart shaped plush toy in her hand, and another one being of a strange looking piece of furniture that was shaped like a cross with leather straps firmly attached to each end.

Oliver looked on in horror, beginning to realise how serious his captors were about BDSM. He suddenly had a terrifying vision form in his head of being strapped to the weird looking device while Daniel and Noah did all sorts of things to him as he struggled to get free. Was this the sort of thing they had planned as his punishment if he didn’t complete the job?!, Oliver horrifically thought to himself. Determined to not end up in a position like that, he quickly began to pursue his jobs and moved over to the double bed on the far left of the room.

First, he picked up the thick, beige duvet that half lay on the floor and brought it back up on the bed. He found it difficult neatly arranging it on top of the bed as his handcuffs restricted him from moving his wrists any more than an inch apart from each other, however he eventually managed to do it and, lastly, placed the pillows on top to give the bed a nice and tidy finish. Next, Oliver took out a bin that sat underneath the beside table and, with the back of his hand, pushed the mountain of piled tissues off the table and into the bin beneath, grimacing at the thought of what could be on the material. After, he picked up the plates that had a few leftover pieces of bread and bacon on top and tipped the remains into the bin before neatly stacking the plates on top of each other. He brushed off the crumbs, that had been scattered across the table surface, into the trash and then placed the bin back from where it came.

When this was done, he swiftly moved over to the double bed that stood at the other side of the room and neatly tidied and arranged it in a similar way he had done to the other bed. He thoroughly cleaned up the table beside it too and then turned round to face the explosion of clothes on the carpet floor. He swore quietly to himself in frustration, before bending down and scooping up a large heap of clothing into his arms. He spread them across the carpet beneath him and neatly folded them as best as he could. He hardly had much practise in folding and tidying up clothes as usually he left it to his cleaner to do that their parents hired to clean their house every Monday. However, there was no cleaner here and unless he quickly adapted and learnt how to neatly and efficiently tidy the clothes, his captors would have a nasty surprise waiting for him. Fortunately, he got the hang of it pretty quick and, despite being handcuffed, he had the clothes neatly folded and put away in their cupboards in a reasonable amount of time. However, he knew that his 45 minutes was very quickly beginning to run out. He firmly shut the cupboard doors and looked around the room.

The chest of drawers that sat on the other side of the room still had a lot of clutter on top. Knowing he was nearly out of time, he grabbed the bin underneath one of the tables and hurried over to the drawers. He threw some empty bottles of protein shakes into the rubbish and arranged the magazines into a neat pile. There were also some dumbbells that the two men clearly used to workout with, and he carefully pushed them to the back of the drawers where they then leant against the wall. Lastly, he threw the empty wrappers of energy bars into the trash and put the bin back underneath the bedside table. Knowing his two captors would be back any second now, he quickly scooped up the leftover crumbs on the carpet with his hands and emptied them into the bin.

He gave the finishing touches to the beds to make them look even neater and then hurried over to the wall to re plaster a poster that had been hanging off from its sides. The poster had a black and white drawing of a pair of tightly bound wrists and in large black capital letters above was a title that read, “YOU’RE MINE NOW.” Oliver stared at the picture with a shudder. He was afraid that his two captors might share the same mentality that the poster did and feel like they owned him all the time he was securely kept in their house. However, before he was able to properly dwell on this thought, he suddenly heard a familiar clicking noise on the other side of the bedroom door and watched as Daniel and Noah entered the room, dominantly, and closed the door behind them. The two men looked around the room, Daniel showing a clear look of impression on his face. Oliver stood by the beds and nervously awaited his captors thoughts.

“Wow, you’ve done a good job Olly” Daniel commented with a surprisingly genuine tone to his voice as he walked around the room, carefully looking around him. Daniel wasn’t faking his impressed look. He was genuinely taken aback by how well Oliver had performed his first job for them. Sure it wasn’t perfect, there were still some things that could have looked a bit neater, but for his first day on the job, Daniel was very impressed with how the room looked. This further cemented how much of a perfect choice Oliver was to Daniel and was the exact moment he knew he would never let his captive walk free again. He then turned to face Noah with a smirk across his face, which immediately signalled to the younger man that it was finally time to tell Oliver what their true plans really were for him.
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Post by blackbound »

I've been wracking my brain about their real plan - do they want a house slave that they can also practice BDSM on? Certainly seems like it. Looking forward to the reveal!

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Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

blackbound wrote: 1 year ago I've been wracking my brain about their real plan - do they want a house slave that they can also practice BDSM on? Certainly seems like it. Looking forward to the reveal!
Their plan was vaguely touched upon in the first chapter but the next chapter will go into more detail on what they really have planned for him. Seeming as this was a very short chapter and was more of a set up of what’s to come next, I plan to post Chapter 8 in the next 36-48 hours so you won’t be waiting too long…
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Post by Red86 »

blackbound wrote: 1 year ago I've been wracking my brain about their real plan - do they want a house slave that they can also practice BDSM on? Certainly seems like it. Looking forward to the reveal!
I'm definitely stumped, my brain is almost on overload 🤣. We are missing a couple of pieces of the puzzle at the moment. After this chapter, Dan clearly has no plans of letting Oliver go home but the little teaser that [mention]Radio_Ralph23[/mention] gave us a couple of chapters ago "Plus, very soon, Oliver is going to receive shocking news from home that will change everything" is also throwing me for a loop.

Quite the mystery at the moment and I also look forward to the reveal!!
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Post by Windrunner »

I find myself hoping that Oliver becomes a willing-if-reluctant servant/maid/plaything.... but hope his captors will keep up their practice of ensuring he's restrained securely but in ways that he can find tolerable (and inescapable!)

Looking forward to updates!
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Post by harveygasson »

Brilliant story so far!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Thanks to [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Windrunner[/mention] and [mention]harveygasson[/mention] for the reviews. So glad you’re all enjoying the story and I hope these final few chapters coming up soon won’t disappoint :)

Chapter 8 - The Captor’s Plans

“Hey Noah” Daniel said, pointing to a wooden chair in the corner of the room, “Get the kid secured to that chair over there.” Oliver quietly groaned to himself as he knew what was coming. Noah, being the boisterous young man that he was, roughly grabbed the boy and hauled him over to the other side of the room where he forced him down onto the chair and unlocked his right cuff. Similarly to how he was tied down in the kitchen earlier by Daniel, his arms were brought round to the back of the chair and his wrist was reconnected to the cuffs before being very tightly tied to the backpost of the wooden seat with a tough coil of rope Noah grabbed from behind him. His hobbled ankles were also tied to the bottom of the chair and then Noah went to the extra effort to loop some more rope around Oliver’s torso which kept him from moving even the slightest centimetre forwards or upwards. He found that his wrists and ankles were more tightly tied down than they had been earlier at breakfast and he felt more restrained from his stomach being firmly fastened to the chair. Noah looked down at the helpless captive with a satisfactory grin and nodded to Daniel who then proceeded to pull up another chair from across the room and sit himself upon it in front of Oliver, whilst Noah stood silently behind the boy.

“Well done for completing your first job for us, Olly. It certainly seems you’re a natural when it comes to these things” Daniel said in a smug tone.
Oliver merely gazed on, wondering where this was conversation was going.
“You know, when I first saw you coming out of the gym that Thursday evening earlier in the year, I just knew at that moment you belonged with us.”
Oliver tensed up a bit. What did they mean, he belonged with them?
“The fact is, we didn’t bring you here because we didn’t want you being alone for the next month like we had told you before” Daniel said, beginning to sound more intimidating, “That is simply not true. We’ve been after you for a long time, Oliver. We’ve been watching you, researching you, we’ve been planning for months to finally get you here, and now we’ve finally got you, we’re not gonna let you go.”
The younger boy began to feel dizzy. He didn’t know how to react. He simply just sat and stared into Daniel’s eyes.
“From now on, you’re gonna do exactly what we tell you to. You won’t ever see your home again and you’ll never go back and live the life you once lived before all of this” Daniel continued, “You can forget ever seeing your friends and family again. Especially that cute girlfriend of yours. Me and Noah will be the only people you’ll ever need in your life from now on. You’ll be under the control of us every minute of every day and, from this point forward, you will become our full time, permanent slave. This means we’ll own every part of you and we’ll make you do whatever we want you to, which you will never be able to question or object to, do you understand?”

Oliver simply just sat there, speechless and feeling faint. He felt like a massive truck had ploughed into him. A million thoughts and feelings swirled around inside of him as he struggled to process everything that he had just been told.
Annoyed that he wasn’t getting a response from the younger boy, Daniel nodded to Noah, who stood behind Oliver, and gave him a sharp slap to the head. Oliver’s head spun at the impact of the slap and it suddenly broke him out of his trance and brought him back into the room.
“I said do you understand?” Daniel snapped with a sharp glare. Oliver looked up to face the older man with a mix of disbelief and shock in his eyes.
“No” he said quietly yet loud enough to be heard by his two captors.
Daniel leant forward in his chair and stared into Oliver’s eyes with a cold expression.
“What was that?” he asked in a threatening tone.
“I SAID NO!” Oliver yelled, no longer in his shocked state and now filled with rage and anger, “You think I’m just gonna hand my life over to you like that and let you own me from now on?! No fucking way!!”
He tried to get himself free from his bonds but, no matter his efforts, he still remained securely tied down to the chair without even a centimetre of movement.
“Hey” Daniel snapped, “If you want to spare yourself from some very severe punishment, I suggest you stop struggling right now and look at me.”
But the eighteen year old boy ignored him and continued his worthless efforts to try and free himself from the chair. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Daniel made a notion with his hands to Noah who then nodded back at his older accomplice and walked over to the chest of drawers that stood beside them. He opened the top drawer, reached into it and pulled out a large, red ball gag, similar to the one Oliver had been gagged with the previous night, and a long black rod known as a riding crop. It had a sturdy grip at the bottom with a loop that attached itself to it, and a piece of strong leather that was connected to the top of the rod.

Unaware to Oliver, who was still attempting, with evidently no luck, to get himself free, Noah began to walk back towards him, firmly holding the crop in his right hand whilst carrying the gag in his left hand. He put the crop down on the carpet before spreading out the straps of the gag in both his hands.
The gag entered the teenager’s mouth and forced his jaws apart, causing him to make some very inaudible noises. Noah then wrapped the straps of the gag around Oliver’s head and unnecessarily tightened them further with a very rough tug.
“HRRRUGHHHHH” Oliver yelled into his gag, continuing to try and fight his bonds. Noah bent down, picked up the crop, put his wrist through the loop to ensure it didn’t slip out of his hand and looked up to face Daniel who then gave him the clear signal to proceed. Noah lifted the rod high up into the air and brought the hard leather down upon Oliver’s exposed body. The pain shot through him like a bullet and the impact caused him to immediately suffice his attempts to struggle and sit back in the chair in agony. He felt all the fight he had in him disappear into thin air. Noah smacked the teenager hard with the crop several times, making sure he brought it down upon his chest as violently and as painfully as he could.

After Daniel was satisfied with Noah’s work, he held his hand out in the air which immediately signalled for his younger accomplice to stop. Daniel then moved forward in his chair and looked straight into Oliver’s eyes.
“Do you see what happens now when you try and resist?” Daniel spoke in a far less friendlier tone than he had been using earlier. “Now unless you want some far more severe torture, you better look and listen to me right now.”
Oliver’s chest painfully stung from the beatings and the gag was causing his mouth to spasm. The straps that went round his head to keep the gag in place were so tight that he felt like it was gonna squeeze his head to a pulp. He had never been in so much agony and discomfort before. However, deep down, he knew this kind of pain was only scraping the surface of what the two men were really capable of doing to him. Feeling like he had no choice, he reluctantly looked up to face Daniel.
“Good boy. Now listen carefully. Whether you like it or not, we own you now. We’ve owned you ever since you got into the van with us and, from now on, your life belongs to me and Noah. No one will ever come looking for you out here and the more you try and fight us, the worse things are gonna get for you.”

A menacing grin spread across Daniel’s face as he watched the fear and helplessness spread across the boy’s gagged face. He loved the thrill of controlling and degrading another person. Especially a younger, prettier kid like Oliver. Daniel’s intentions weren’t super sinister, but were still sadistic enough to ensure Oliver’s life would always be a misery. Although he never planned to ever force sexual acts upon the kid or inflict enough pain that would cause him to have life threatening injuries, he still planned to treat him as if he were merely a toy that he could control and do whatever he wanted with. Yes, making him clean and cook and cater after him and Noah was gonna make their lives so much easier and they’d never have to lift a finger to do house chores again. However, this was no more than a sweet bonus to Daniel. His ultimate intentions were to use Oliver as a thing he could force into bondage whenever he wanted. In the past, Daniel would play around with Noah and strap to him all sorts of frames and racks in their dungeon, whilst teasing and tormenting him as he did so. Noah would sometimes do the same back to Daniel. However, it was clear as day that they both enjoyed the thrill of being tied up and restrained by each other so it was never any more than a bit of harmless fun between them both which is why Daniel started to become bored and uninterested over time and began looking for someone else to force into BDSM. Someone young and cute who wouldn’t necessarily enjoy what they had planned. Someone exactly like Oliver.

Noah’s intentions were similar to Daniel’s. He, too, loved the idea of having their own personal slave in the house to control and force into bondage whenever they wanted. It was just as much a dream to Noah as it was to his older friend. However, he was also motivated by his jealousy towards the younger boy. Oliver had everything Noah wished he had when he was his age: good looks, parents who cared about him, friends he could meet up with whenever he wanted, a girlfriend, a stable, wealthy neighbourhood to grow up in and a solid career path for the future. Noah had none of these things growing up and every time he looked at Oliver, he was filled with envy at what he wished he had growing up. He felt by kidnapping him and belittling him into nothing more than a worthless slave boy, it would make himself feel better as he’d be taking away everything good in Oliver’s life and could finally force him to live the lonely, miserable life Noah had to live growing up.

Meanwhile, the teenager felt completely powerless against the two older men. He struggled to process everything that he had been told in the last five minutes. Questions and thoughts began to float around in his mind. Did they really mean to keep him here as their slave?! What kind of things did they plan on forcing him to do?! He knew even if he wasn’t gagged, nothing he could say or do was ever gonna change their minds of letting him go. Even if he tried to lie later on and told them he had a condition like diabetes, he knew that Daniel was smart enough to have made sure he was completely healthy first before they kidnapped him and it wouldn’t be very difficult for them to find out whether he was making it up or not. There was truly no way out for Oliver.

Daniel then stood up from his chair and walked over to where his helpless, immobilised captive sat.
“Let’s go for a little walk, shall we?” he said with an intimidating smirk.
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Red86 »

Poor Oliver, been in denial the whole time. Finally puts up a bit of resistance, only to have that taken from him.

Daniel and Noah may not have sinister plans but they definitely have no problems inflicting pain to get what they want.

Well let's see how Oliver adjusts to his new role now. Not like he's got much choice at the moment though.

Looking forward to the next chapter!!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Poor Oliver, been in denial the whole time. Finally puts up a bit of resistance, only to have that taken from him.

Daniel and Noah may not have sinister plans but they definitely have no problems inflicting pain to get what they want.

Well let's see how Oliver adjusts to his new role now. Not like he's got much choice at the moment though.

Looking forward to the next chapter!!
Thanks for the feedback as always! I don’t think you’re gonna be left disappointed by the events that take place in the coming chapters ;)
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Post by Gino »

Love Your story :-)
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Post by alkaid_ »

i relly love the way what the story going...

wow, oliver just know why that dudes wanna with him. and whats going to be his fate...

im intrigued and excited to know whats gonna happen with lil oliver... does anybody could found him???

does he could have any chance to escape???

wow... im impressed about noah motives!!!

:o :o :o :o

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Gino wrote: 1 year ago Love Your story :-)
Glad you’re enjoying it :)

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

alkaid_ wrote: 1 year ago i relly love the way what the story going...

wow, oliver just know why that dudes wanna with him. and whats going to be his fate...

im intrigued and excited to know whats gonna happen with lil oliver... does anybody could found him???

does he could have any chance to escape???

wow... im impressed about noah motives!!!

:o :o :o :o
Thanks for the review, glad you’re liking the story so far!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Chapter 9 - The Dungeon

The two men untied Oliver from the chair and lifted him up onto his feet. Unlike before where they had kept his wrists cuffed in front of him, they left them as they were behind his back which physically and psychologically made him feel more vulnerable.

Oliver was terrified at what they both planned to do with him next. Where were they taking him? Were they gonna put him through some kind of intense torture?! Grabbing an arm each, the two hunks marched him out of the room, back down the stairs, across the hallway on the bottom floor and back to where the door leading down to the basement ominously stood. Daniel then unlocked the door the same way he had done before and Oliver was swiftly hauled down the basement stairs. When he reached the bottom, he expected to be moved over towards the door to the room he had slept in earlier. However, he was marched forwards instead by his captors towards the mysterious purple coloured door in front that he had wondered what was behind earlier. Though now he wasn’t so sure if he wanted to find out after all.

Daniel pulled out a large golden key from his pocket, that had some some sort of peculiar engravings on the side, and inserted into the keyhole. Oliver’s heart began to race as he anxiously awaited to find out what was on the other side of the door. Daniel switched on the light switch to the side of the door before twisting the key round in the hole and then pressing down on the golden handle. The door slowly opened and the room was finally revealed to Oliver. His captors hauled him inside and Daniel shut the door carefully behind them. He then walked up beside Oliver and stared down at him as the younger boy, firmly held by Noah, looked around the room he was in with frightened eyes. It was a huge room, bigger than any of the rooms Oliver had seen so far, and had dark red and purple coloured walls around the sides. The room was filled with all kinds of different, intimidating furniture he had never even knew existed up until now. Frames, chairs, racks, benches and so much more surrounded him, all having one thing in common - strong, tough restraints designed to hold and secure an unwilling captive like Oliver. There were metal hooks on the walls that held up crazy looking devices, some Oliver even recognised from what had been used on him already, like the gag and the leather rod he had been painfully beaten with earlier and so much more intimidating equipment surrounded him. The boy had no idea what anything he could see around him were called, but he had no doubt some BDSM freaks like Daniel and Noah knew the names and purpose of every single little thing in the room… and how exactly they planned to use them on him.

“Welcome to our dungeon, Oliver” Daniel exclaimed, “I understand this all must be a bit intimidating for you right now so we’ll leave you here on your own for a bit to take it all in and so you can process everything we have told you so far.”
And with that, he was marched over to the side of the room where he was shoved inside a tall, black steel cage that Daniel had opened. The men then reached for two hooks that had been built into the back of the cage and attached them both to Oliver’s handcuffs and hobbles, so that he wasn’t able to turn, sit or move inside the already, very restricted, cage. It was just about tall enough for him to stand upright without his head touching the top, and wide enough to not be squished between the front and the back of the steel box, however, even if his wrists and ankles weren’t tightly restrained behind him, it was not possible for him or anyone to take even the smallest step forwards or backwards inside. Once the two men had finished getting Oliver secured inside the cage, they stepped out and Daniel firmly shut the door before attaching a padlock to where the entrance of the cage opened, locking his captive inside with no ways to escape. The cage had long steel bars around the front, back and sides, allowing Oliver to still see clearly outside his little prison.

“We’ll be back very soon, Oliver” Daniel explained through the tall bars, “And when we return, it will finally be time to make your new position here… official.”
The two men then turned and walked out of the dungeon, locking the door firmly behind them. Oliver was left all alone, tied up, gagged and locked inside the small, steel cage. He stared out of the bars that trapped and surrounded him and looked around the dungeon with terrified eyes, continuing to stare at all the different intimidating devices and furniture that looked ready to restrain the poor boy and put him through hell. He was still in pain from his beatings and in shock from finding out what his two captors plans had really been for him all along.

After he started to finally get his head round everything Daniel had told him, he began to feel tears forming in his eyes. He thought about all the things he had taken for granted back at home. Listening to his favourite songs in his room, nights out with his best friends, playing football every Wednesday night with the boys, making his girlfriend laugh every time he met up with her, watching his favourite shows with his mum and dad in the evenings.

Tears began to stream down his face as he remembered all the amazing memories he had made over the years. Did Daniel really mean all those things he had said?, Oliver thought to himself. Did he genuinely mean it when he told him he’d never see his family or friends or home ever again? Was he never gonna end up going to the university he had worked so hard to get into the past few years? Was this really gonna be his new life from now on? Tied up, gagged, tormented and forced to become a slave to two older men for the rest of his life? He thought about all the chilling cases he had seen on the news over the years of people going missing and never being found again. Not once did he ever think he was going to end up as one of those people. Daniel and Noah had truly ripped Oliver’s life away from him in the worst kind of way possible.

But, despite the rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions he was currently going through, he also slowly began to feel something rise up inside of him. A feeling he had never felt before. It felt like rage, only not an angry rage, but more of a determined rage, something that made him feel like he had to fight. Then, all the fun and happy memories of his life returned to him again but instead of feeling sad and sorrowful over them, this time it gave him hope and made him feel like he had to fight for those memories and return to the life and the people he loved. There was no way he was just going to roll over and become a slave to these two men. How the hell did they think they could just tell him to give up his life to them and expect him to just accept it like it was nothing? He was prepared to do anything to go back to the people he cared about and return home to carry on living the life that he loved.

However, he knew that resisting his captors was not gonna be easy, as they had clearly demonstrated earlier. He knew that they were probably prepared for this sort of defiance from the boy and were gonna do everything they could to him to force him to comply. But what choice did he have? There was no way he was going to willingly become their slave. Oliver’s whole body trembled as he anxiously awaited Daniel and Noah’s return. He could fight this one out, couldn’t he? Couldn’t he?…
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Red86 »

I'm torn between the 2 choices. On one hand, giving in now would save Oliver the trouble of the torture that he could endure. But what's the chance that won't happen anyway? Dan and Noah have already proven they aren't above dishing out punishments.

On the other hand, if he fights, it's almost certain the punishments will be worse then what he's already had to endure.

You would think once someone realizes Oliver has gone missing, they would start looking. Yes Dan and Noah seem to of been smart about the kidnapping but if this is set in today's time, it's almost impossible not be seen by someone or a security camera. So it's a possibility they screwed up somewhere and will be found.

Don't get me wrong, I still wanna see what Dan and Noah are capable of as long as they stick to their non sinister plans and don't really harm him. But, Oliver seems to much like a good kid. Not one of these entitled people that think they are better then the rest of society. So ultimately, I think he should fight back but in a smart way!!

Still just as curious to see where this goes!!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago I'm torn between the 2 choices. On one hand, giving in now would save Oliver the trouble of the torture that he could endure. But what's the chance that won't happen anyway? Dan and Noah have already proven they aren't above dishing out punishments.

On the other hand, if he fights, it's almost certain the punishments will be worse then what he's already had to endure.

You would think once someone realizes Oliver has gone missing, they would start looking. Yes Dan and Noah seem to of been smart about the kidnapping but if this is set in today's time, it's almost impossible not be seen by someone or a security camera. So it's a possibility they screwed up somewhere and will be found.

Don't get me wrong, I still wanna see what Dan and Noah are capable of as long as they stick to their non sinister plans and don't really harm him. But, Oliver seems to much like a good kid. Not one of these entitled people that think they are better then the rest of society. So ultimately, I think he should fight back but in a smart way!!

Still just as curious to see where this goes!!
You bring up a good point about what happens when people start to realise Oliver is missing. I don’t want to give anything away but all I’ll say is this matter will he addressed later on in the story ;)
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Post by alkaid_ »


lil oli is living his 1st experience in his new role... and all around him looks creepy, scary and painful...

but at leats looks like oli have a plan and he know he must be patient for wair for his chance... im intrigued about oli react when daniel and noah come back for play with his slave....

and yeap, [mention]Red86[/mention] say something true... oli is not alone, he has family, friends and girlfriend... they gonna look for him!!!

im so excited to knwo how this story will be

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Thanks [mention]Red86[/mention] and [mention]alkaid_[/mention] for the recent feedback. Hope all readers enjoy chapter 10!

Chapter 10 - Oliver’s Ordeal

After what had felt like forever, Oliver finally began to hear footsteps outside the door. His heart raced as he heard a clicking noise coming from the keyhole and watched as the door was slowly pushed open. Daniel and Noah both marched in, and after shutting and locking the door behind them, they began to walk up towards the cage their captive was locked inside. Oliver was in shock at their new appearance. Whilst earlier, they had both worn their casual loungewear, now they were completely shirtless, showing off their huge, muscle-bound bodies. Both men wore shiny, leather jeans with a leather belt going around the waist and each had a set of large black shoes on their feet. They also had a set of leather bracelets on either wrists with sharp, silver spikes menacingly protruding out of them. Their new look was clearly designed to intimidate and frighten their younger captive and reaffirm to him how small and insignificant he really was compared to his two powerful and dominant captors. And it was definitely working.

Oliver nervously watched as they walked up to the cage and stared at him from outside with menacing looks on their faces.
“So” Daniel spoke with a slight edge to his voice, “You finally ready to be initiated into your new role?”
Oliver was terrified. He was so ready to just give in to the two older men. Of course he didn’t want to but the fear of what they could do to him if he decided to resist made him feel more frightened than he had ever done before. But the memories of his life and the people he loved was brought back to his mind and made him realise how much he was willing to fight to get back home to where he belonged. He nervously looked up into Daniel’s eyes and shook his head vigorously from side to side. Daniel didn’t even appear angry at this. He seemed more like he was expecting this sort of response from the younger boy. With a sigh, he took out a small key from one of his leather jeans pockets and used it to unlock the padlock that held the door to the cage firmly sealed. After removing the padlock, he swung open the barred door and unclipped the hook from Oliver’s handcuffs that kept his wrists firmly secured together behind him to the back of the cage. Noah did the same to the hook that held Oliver’s hobbles and, together, the two men forcefully grabbed him and hauled him over to a large piece of furniture that stood towards the back of the dungeon. It had the shape of a cross and had several thick leather straps ominously dangling from the frame, which Oliver immediately recognised from the photo on the magazine he had seen in their bedroom earlier.

Oliver’s heart continued to race as Daniel and Noah unlocked his handcuffs and hobbles from his wrists and ankles and began to secure him to the cross. Two straps were simultaneously wrapped round and tightened over his wrists, his biceps, his thighs and his ankles. His body was tightly stretched out like an eagle across the frame, causing him a lot of discomfort and, apart from the black shorts he wore that had been given to him the previous night, his entire bare body was completely exposed, making him feel very vulnerable and helpless. He looked at his captors with terrified eyes. Even with the large red ball filling his mouth, his frightened expressions could still be clearly made out by the two men.

Daniel then moved closer to Oliver and bent down slightly so that their faces were only centimetres away from each other. He looked straight into the teenager’s eyes with a cold hard stare.
“I’m going to give you one last chance” he told his captive in a calm yet threatening tone, “Nod your head now if you’re finally ready to give yourself up.”
But Oliver once again shook his head firmly. Yes, he was terrified at what they were going to do to him, but the thought of becoming their slave and never seeing his home again was even more terrifying.

Daniel let out a quiet sigh and stood up.
“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way then” he uttered quietly under his breath.
Immediately after, he tightly clenched his fist and punched Oliver painfully in the stomach. He had to stop himself from going too extreme on him, however. Had Daniel unleashed his full force on the poor boy, he probably would have broken his rib cage. And what use would Oliver be to Daniel if he had multiple broken bones inside of him. However, Oliver felt as if he did, in fact, have all his bones in his body broken, as the impact from the singular punch alone caused him to nearly pass out. He struggled to catch his breath again as the agonising pain from the punch had severely winded him. Daniel looked down at the tormented teenager with a grin across his face, secretly enjoying every second of what his helpless captive was being put through. Him and Noah then walked over to the side of the dungeon where they both stood in front of a large display of all sorts of different devices.

Oliver anxiously watched as they each pulled a long black device off of the wall and began walking back towards him with it held firmly in their hands. He saw that the devices were made of strong leather and looked like the sort of things used to whip animals with. It was about 50 inches in length and loosely swayed in the men’s grips. They both positioned themselves in front of their captive whilst Oliver fearfully awaited his inevitable fate. They then lifted the whips high up into the air and violently lashed it against the younger boy’s body. Oliver shrieked into his gag as the hard leather was thrashed against his arms, legs and chest, bringing him even more agony then the punch did. He tried to squirm out of his restraints but the straps kept his eagle spread body completely immobile against the cross. The two men continued to painfully whip him for a good few minutes before they finally ceased and put the whips down on the floor. Oliver’s entire body agonisingly stung all over. There were now marks across his arms, legs and chest from where the hard leather had been painfully lashed against him. The pain was like nothing he had ever felt before.

Daniel then walked over to the exhausted teenager, who’s face was now looking down at the floor in anguish and eyes were starting to droop, looking like he was going to pass out any second. He gently grasped Oliver by the chin and lifted his head up slightly so that he was now looking into the eyes of his older captor. The sharp, silver spikes sticking out from Daniel’s bracelet came intimidatingly close to Oliver’s chest.
“You know, all you have to do is just nod your head once and this will all be over for you” he calmly said to the boy. Oliver was now genuinely tempted to do as the older man told him. He wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to last with this unbearable torture. He was very nearly about to nod his head when he realised everything he’d be leaving behind if he did. Once they had officially turned him into their slave, he knew there’d no going back. He knew nobody would be able to find him all the way out here. He knew his captors would never let him walk free again and they’d make sure he was never given even the slightest window of an opportunity to escape. Even though it took everything in him to do it, he once again shook his head firmly at his captor. Daniel’s calm but unnerving expression stayed the same as he made a signal to Noah with his hands. The younger accomplice immediately walked over to the display of devices on the wall and picked out a silver chain that had two metal clips on either side. Oliver’s eyes bulged at the horrifying sight of the device. He struggled to understand what the device was designed to do, but had no doubt he would be finding out very soon.

Noah swiftly walked back towards the boy with the chain in his hand and a menacing smile across his face whilst Daniel took a step back to allow his younger accomplice space to move closer to their captive. Noah then brought the chain up against Oliver’s chest and clamped the sturdy metal clips onto his nipples. Oliver yelled into his gag as the intense pain penetrated through his chest. The clamps held a firm grip onto both his nipples and made Oliver feel as if they were on fire. As if this were not enough, Noah then went back to the display of devices and took two small oval shaped implements off of the wall. He brought them towards the tortured teenager and attached them to the metal clamps. The weights were small but were also substantially heavy. They forced even more pressure onto the clamps which just further intensified the excruciating pain to Oliver’s nipples. The poor boy continued to yell into the ball gag, causing drool to drip out of his mouth, whilst the two men simply just watched on and laughed. Tears streamed down his eyes as he thrashed around, trying his best to get free, but the leather straps continued to keep his entire body firmly secured to the cross. Daniel and Noah then picked up their whips again and carried on lashing their captive violently like he was an animal. Neither man seemed to show any sympathy or remorse towards what they were doing, they just continued to painfully torture the younger boy with huge grins on their faces like he was no more than a cheap little plaything.

A short while had passed before the men finally put down the whips again. Oliver wasn’t sure how long the beatings had lasted for. The pain and agony had forced him to dip in and out of consciousness during the ordeal. His entire body was numb and his vision was now blurry. His half opened eyes watched as a large figure walked over to the side of the room again and pulled a threatening looking device off of the wall. His eyesight became slightly clearer as he watched the figure, who he now recognised to be Daniel, hold the intimidating device out towards him. It was about 20cm long and had two silver prods sticking out from the front.
“Do you know what this is, kid?” he asked Oliver with a slight tone of excitement in his voice. Oliver stared at the device, feeling too weak to even shake his head.
“This is called a cattle prod” Daniel continued, “It’s supposed to be used on defiant little slaves like you who think they can get away with rebelling against their masters. It will send out a strong electric current through your entire body the second it touches your skin. Now I really don’t want to use this on you, but you’re not really giving me much of a choice, are you?”

Oliver’s frightened eyes watched as Daniel twisted a clog on the side of the device as far as it would go.
“It’s on the maximum setting now. Not even me and Noah have used it this high before. Still, at least we’ll finally get to find out how strong this thing really is.”
He turned on a button on the back of the device which caused it to make an intimidating high pitched noise.
Oliver desperately tried to get through to his older captor to beg him to stop but the gag prevented any audible words from leaving his mouth. He then began to feel the will to fight slowly disappear from him. He realised he wasn’t as strong as he had hoped to have been and the agonising torture he had been forced to endure, aswell as the terrifying prospect of being brutally shocked by the prod, had evidently killed any last remaining hope he had of fighting his way out.

Daniel began to steadily bring the cattle prod closer and closer towards Oliver’s chest, however, just before it was about to make contact with his skin, the teenager gathered the strength to slowly nod his head back at the older man. Daniel then immediately stopped bringing it closer but still held it close enough to Oliver’s body to continue making him feel threatened.
“What was that? Are you trying to say you’re finally ready now to give yourself up to your new owners?” Daniel ridiculed in a smug tone.
Oliver couldn’t believe what he was doing. But the unbearable pain from his ordeal had taken it’s toll on the younger boy and he was no longer willing to endure any further, more intense methods of torture. He nodded again at Daniel.

With a delighted grin, he proceeded to put down the cattle prod and detach the steel clamps from Oliver’s extremely sore nipples. He looked into the teenager’s eyes with a look of satisfaction upon his face.
“I knew you’d see sense in the end, my little slave” Daniel taunted, lightly stroking the boy’s cheek to further emphasise how in control he was of him. Oliver didn’t even have the energy or will to feel threatened or intimidated by his captor. He was in too much pain and shock to even comprehend everything that had just happened to him. Instead, he simply just quietly awaited whatever horrors were inevitably gonna come his way next.
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by blackbound »

Well, that escalated quickly. I admire Oliver's spirit, but the outcome was unfortunately clear from the start.

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Post by harveygasson »

I'm surprised Oliver held out for that long
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Post by alkaid_ »

oh my god!!!

i know oliver gonna be defeat by daniel and noah...he couldnt endure a long and painful torture... if a most trained soldiers have a break point, a 18 YO kid going to give in at some point and very easy...

any way, now we just wait how lil oli gonna endure his new role and he need wait a lil chance for escape...or be pacient for his rescue
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Post by Red86 »

Well, Oliver may have ultimately given in but I'll give him credit for sticking out as long as he did. I suspect many people, if put in his position, would have given in sooner. I do wonder if they would have really went that far or if it was more of a scare tactic. They had said privately they didn't want to cause permanent damage to Oliver and yet to me, that would indeed probably cause that with the prod on the highest setting.

I'm curious to know what Dan and Noah will be up to now that Oliver has given in. Though ultimately by the end of the story, I'm routing for Oliver being able to escape or a rescue party finds them.

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Thanks so much for the feedback [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]alkaid_[/mention] and [mention]Red86[/mention]. It’s really encouraging to see all the positive reactions :)

I’ll try to post a new chapter in the next few days ya’ll!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Chapter 11 - The Initiation

Daniel and Noah both released Oliver’s eagle-spread body from the leather straps that had kept him securely restrained to the cross and he fell onto the floor in a heap. His entire body ached and stung all over and he continued to lie lifelessly on the floor, too weak to even think about getting back on his feet. His older captors allowed him some time to recover until Daniel eventually put his foot down.
“Alright” he snapped, “On your feet, Oliver.”
But the younger boy couldn’t get up. His body was still too frail to move, in fact, parts of his body were in so much pain, that he found he couldn’t even feel anything at all. He quietly groaned into his gag before Daniel proceeded to crouch down beside him.
“I just gave you an order, Oliver” the older man continued, sharply, “If you don’t get up right now, things are gonna get a whole lot harder for you then they’ve already been, trust me.”

Oliver couldn’t even begin to understand how things could get any harder than they were already. But there was no way he was prepared to find out. Using the very little energy he had left in him, he slowly forced himself to push his aching body up from the floor. It felt like a million weights were being pushed down on him as he, very steadily, began to force himself to rise up onto his feet until he was standing fully upright. He looked and felt like he was going to collapse at any minute. Daniel then stood up himself and towered over his captive, looking down into his very exhausted eyes.

“Good boy” he said with a not so friendly smile, “Now that you’ve finally stopped being such a rebellious little teenager, we can finally have you initiated into your new position here. I’m going to read out something and you are going to listen carefully to every single word I say, do you understand?”
Oliver slowly but reluctantly nodded his head, too defeated to even think about resisting any more.
“Good. Now get down on one knee and keep your eyes looking at the floor until I say otherwise” Daniel snapped, pointing his finger downwards. Oliver timidly did as he was told and got down on the floor, resting his painful right arm on his beaten right knee. He struggled to stay in the position he was in as he still felt the agonising pain in his stomach from where Daniel had violently punched him. He stared down at the hard floor and nervously awaited what his older captors had planned for him. He heard what sounded like a sheet of paper being fumbled about with from across the room and footsteps walking back towards his knelt position before hearing Daniel assertively clear his throat.

“You, Oliver, are now the property of your new owners, Daniel and Noah. From now on, your new life will be here with us as our slave and you will do whatever we tell you to, whenever we tell you to do it. If you resist or defy any of our orders in any way, you will face far greater consequences than you could ever imagine. However, if you are good and respond well to orders, you may eventually be given a little reward, like some time to yourself in your room. Bondage will now be a significant part in your new life and you should expect to always be under some form of restraints from now on, even when you’re carrying out a simple job. You will forget about your old life from this moment on and everyone you once knew. Those people are now long gone for you and you won’t ever see or hear from them ever again. You will address us either by “Master” or “Sir” from now on when speaking to us, failure to do this will result in significant punishment for you. You now belong to us and you will forever be under the control of your new owners at all times, no matter what. Your new life begins now and I think, in time, you will start to accept this and realise how lucky you are that we found you. An exciting future awaits you now, Oliver, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you bring to your new role here as our slave.”

There was another sound of paper being crinkled as Daniel put down the sheet he had been reading off of and looked down at his belittled captive, who still gazed downwards at the floor in silence.

Oliver found it hard to breathe. Everything he had just been told was a million times more painful than any kind of torture that existed in the world. He didn’t even know who he was anymore other than that he was now the property of somebody else’s. ‘Please just let this all be a bad dream’ he thought to himself. ‘Please just let none of this be real.’
“Look up” he heard Daniel say to him in an aggressive tone. Oliver tilted his head up so that his gagged face was now looking up into the older man’s hypnotic eyes.

“Nod your head if you understand everything I’ve just said and you’re finally prepared to make the transition to becoming our slave official.”
Oliver knew he didn’t have a choice. If he resisted again, who knew what kind of torture he’d be subjected to? Certainly a lot worse than what he had already been forced to endure. With the last remaining spark of hope inside him now disappearing, he slowly nodded his head before looking back down at the floor again.

Daniel sinisterly grinned. He knew that either way his young captive was now their slave. He knew he didn’t need neither his permission or his approval, however he thought that if Oliver could willingly accept his new position and hand over his life to them himself, it would psychologically force him to accept the fact that he was now truly under their complete control. Daniel was a genius when it came to psychological manipulation, which he knew would come in handy when turning a young, naive teenage boy into a permanent slave.
“Good” Daniel said, with the same big grin spread across his face, “Now it’s time to make you look the part.”

Oliver watched as Daniel marched over to a cupboard on the left side of the dungeon and opened it whilst Noah continued to stand dominantly in front of the boy. Daniel pulled out two strange looking items out of the cupboard and walked back towards his slave.
“Up on your feet, slave” he snapped.
Oliver got up as quickly as his injured body would allow him to and stood firmly on his feet.
“Get this on” Daniel said, handing him a very small pair of leather shorts. Oliver took the shorts from the man and looked down at it in his hands.
“This is what you’ll be wearing from now on” Daniel continued, “Now take off those shorts you’re wearing now and put these on instead, quickly, or I’ll get it done for you.”

Oliver realised that the two older men weren’t going to give him any privacy like they had done before. He was really going to have to change right in front of their eyes. Feeling embarrassed and humiliated, he quickly removed the loose shorts, stepped into the new leather ones and pulled them up to his pelvis. They were incredibly tight and much shorter than the shorts he had just been wearing, covering no further than just below his private area. He felt practically naked.

“Keep still” Daniel ordered as he moved over to Oliver and placed a leather collar around his neck before giving it a rough tug at the back to tighten it. When this was done, the 24 year old stood back to where Noah stood and both stared at their now very exposed and humiliated slave.

Oliver then watched Daniel whisper to Noah before briskly walking over to the cupboards again and pulling out what looked like a large, black piece of clothing whilst Noah roughly grabbed the teenager from behind and held him tightly by his arms. When Daniel returned, he spread out the black garment in his hands, which revealed to his slave that it was a very intimidating leather straightjacket. Oliver knew that these types of things were commonly used on crazy people in mental hospitals and asylums. Did they seriously mean to put HIM into one aswell?! He anxiously tried to take a step back but Noah continued to hold him tightly from behind.
“Don’t even think about it, little guy” he whispered into Oliver’s ear before further tightening his grip on the teenager’s arms.

Noah then lifted Oliver’s arms up in front of him whilst Daniel pulled the jacket sleeves through them and brought the garment over his shoulders. A stinging sensation spread across his body as the hard leather pressed down onto all the areas where he had been painfully whipped and nipple clamped. In a matter of seconds, Oliver found his arms firmly crossed and secured in front of him and the jacket fully covering his entire torso with many tight leather straps at the back keeping it firmly fastened to his body.
“One of our newer purchases” Daniel taunted in a smug tone, “We’ve been saving this one especially for you, Oliver, and boy does it look good on you.”
The two men both chuckled, leaving a very humiliated Oliver standing in silence, still praying that the entire ordeal he had been forced to endure the past few hours was all simply just a bad dream. However, deep down, he knew that all of this was really happening to him and there was no chance of it ending any time soon… or ever for that matter.

Once Daniel was satisfied with Oliver’s straightjacket, they both grabbed their young slave and marched him over to another area of the dungeon where a very frightening looking chair was displayed. The chair was made of leather rather than wood and had many thick straps attached to it from the bottom all the way to the very top. The leather chair was bolted down to the floor, meaning it couldn’t be moved or repositioned in any way, and there were no armrests but there was a very tall backpost, reaching all the way up to where the occupant’s head would inevitably be positioned. As expected, his two older captors forced him down onto the chair and immediately began securing him to it. There were strong leather straps designed to restrain and hold both ankles, both calves and both upper and lower thighs and these were all used by the two men to keep the powerless Oliver from moving even the slightest inch. There were three, large built in straps to immobilise Oliver’s lower, middle and upper torso which were also used on him, keeping his straightjacketed upper body firmly secured to the chair.

The ring on the back of Oliver’s collar was also connected through a hook at the back of the chair keeping his neck tightly fastened to it and, lastly, another large strap was brought around and tightened over his forehead, now making it impossible for his head to move up, down, or in any other direction. When both men had finished strapping their captive down, they stood back and proudly admired their work. Oliver felt like a dangerous criminal in a mental asylum the way he was so securely restrained. No part of his body could be moved in any sort of possible way, including his jaw, which still had the ball gag uncomfortably positioned inside his mouth. He simply just sat and stared up at his two captors, which was the only thing he was able to physically do anyway.

“Me and Noah are gonna go out for a bit” Daniel announced, “While we’re gone, I want you to sit here like a good boy and think about everything I just told you. I know all this might seem a bit scary and intimidating right now but if you don’t adapt quickly and you continue to resist your slavery when we’re back, then well… we both know how that’s gonna end up for you.”
He gave Oliver a cold hard stare which sent shivers down his spine. Immediately after, the two men both turned and walked out of the dungeon, locking the door firmly behind them.

As soon as Oliver heard that familiar, dreaded clicking noise of the lock, it finally hit him that he really wasn’t going anywhere. And he didn’t mean for now, he meant he really wasn’t going anywhere ever again. Many different thoughts swirled around in his head like a blizzard. He was now officially a slave to two men he had never known before and this was his life from now on. If he tried to fight back like he had done before, he would always just end up in the same position he was in right now, but in an even more painful state. He was in the middle of nowhere, miles and miles away from a home that he’d never see again.

There was no CCTV or witnesses back at the gym where he had been kidnapped. The gym car park backed onto a very quiet street where the bus stop was and he knew for a fact that cameras weren’t installed around that area. He was the last person out of the gym and he knew nobody was around that late at night to have witnessed anything. Everyone will always wonder what happened to that “missing boy” who just disappeared one night and never returned and the only people who would ever know the real truth as to what happened would be him and his captors. He was too in shock to even feel anything. There was no anger, no sadness, no anxiousness. There was simply just an emotionless soul living inside the body of a teenage boy. From now on he knew that the only way forward was to simply do whatever his masters told him to and act the part of a submissive until hopefully there’d be an opportunity in the future to escape.

However he knew that the longer he stayed, the more Daniel would try to get inside his head. If he had already gone from a normal, everyday kid to agreeing to a life of slavery to two complete strangers in the space of less than a day, it was clearly only a matter of time before he’d lose himself completely to this life. He had to be careful, or else it was very possible that he’d never be the same person ever again…
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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