The Cool Girls' Club (mostly F*/F*) - Farewell

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1403
Joined: 2 years ago

Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 276: Life after the Cool Girls' Club

Now we take some time out of the tale to recount something special.

The story originally known as Season's of Love began on the old tieupgames website with several separate stories and well over 100 chapters of story; most of this story was lost/destroyed when the old side vanished as most of my stories weren't archived. I now, in hindsight, wish I had saved those to a private drive when I had the chance to do so.

This, however, doesn't change the fact that I began this tale with the adventures of Joy Fredericks, Jenny Kristensen, and Nichole Blakely. Along the way, we added Bridget Sjaastad and Joyce Verdi and focused on them for a year of school. Following that, we combined the worlds of these five with that of Janie and Lauren Patterson, and we had three years of continuous adventure and love. Along the way, we introduced new characters as would possibly occur quite naturally. But, college is only four years, and sadly those four years have come to an end.

In early May 2018, we had an assemblage of characters all with unique perspectives with TUGs and all pursuing new opportunities in life. This means that the core girls at the heart of The Cool Girls' Club are no longer together in the way we know and enjoy, although theirs is an undying friendship.

You see, the story doesn't really end. By introducing their friends Leah, Liz, Sammy, Anna, and Carrie to TUGs, they planted seeds to continue the fun. Even now that those girls have themselves graduated, if you visit the fictional Minnesota Tech and look long enough, you'll find a mixture of girls from the rowing, softball, and track teams all sharing apartments and dorms with non-athletes, and those girls all get together in various groups and times to play TUGs.

Let's see where the girls are today in 2022 before we step back to 2018 and recount some new stories that show how they got to be where they are.

Jenny Kristensen

Jenny ended up doing exactly what she said she wouldn't do: blink and have a baby. Well, not exactly. But, after Jenny moved to New Jersey, it didn't take too long for Giovanni Randaccio to ask the magic question of Jenny as he asked her on the anniversary of their first date. April 27th, 2019, saw them tie the knot, and almost exactly 9 months later, on Jenny's 24th birthday to be exact, the pain began.

"Gianni, I don't feel too good," she groaned in pain at 1AM as she shook her husband awake.
"Happy birthday, sweetie. What's wrong?"
"I wet myself, and I'm all crampy."
"Hold on," he turned on the light, "That's not urine."
"What is it?"
"It's amniotic fluid."
"It's the baby! It's coming!" Jenny panicked.
"Just get yourself dressed, honey."

Jenny was clueless as to what labor was like and just did what Gianni told her to do. At 2:14 PM, in the hospital, Jenny and Giovanni welcomed Lorenzo Benedetto Sebastiano Nicola Randaccio into the world with Serafina and Teresa Randaccio coaching her through the delivery. Lorenzo is the Italian equivalent of Lars, Jenny's father; Benedetto is Giovanni's father; Sebastiano is the saint on January 20th; and Nicola was for Jenny's best friend, Nichole.

On the work side, Jenny was living the dream. From her position at the Randaccio fabrication shop, she and Gianni got to fulfill their respective ambitions: working for race teams. Janie had a full-time position at a shop in Indianapolis, and Giovanni was a traveling crew member, both for Dallara.

Nichole Petersen

Nichole and Chris's tragedy in 2018 was unfortunately not the only one. The couple remained another three years for Nichole to continue on the path of her own master's degree.

Nichole and Chris had moved out their apartment into a different one so that they could take in Hannah Larsson, and then they took in Sammy Raanta. The couple saw the similarity between her life and Nichole's and felt a need to help her. The results were amazing and will be described in Sammy's section.

October 2019 and July 2021 brought more sadness as Nichole suffered a second and third miscarriage that again led to spells of depression and agony, and once again friends Hannah Larsson and Lauren Krzycynski were by her side while she mourned, and Sammy helped in any way she could.

"Jesus, why?! I've lost two yet Jenny gets pregnant on her marriage night and it sticks. It's not fair!" she wailed.
"Nichole, I'm so, so sorry," a tearful and sad Lauren said while hugging Nichole.
"We love you, girl, and are here for you," Sammy said.
"It'll happen in due time; don't force the issue, Gangsta Queen," Hannah encouraged her.
"Chris is hurting too; he just hides it," Nichole said, "Chris, come out of there. I need you more than anyone else."
"We're still young, Nichole; we still have plenty of time."
"God will provide... I just keep telling myself that... and I won't give up."
"Neither will I.

Around early January 2022, a game of marital bondage sex led to unexpected success... Nichole wasn't going to lose this one!

Lauren Kryzczynski

In early July of 2018, Lauren and Zack welcomed little Andrew Vincent Kryzczynski into the world with Janie still there with her move planned to happened after the baby was born. It was an extremely happy time for all of Lauren and Zack's friends and family, and Jenny got the honor of being the godmother at the baptism.

Not to be dissuaded and to ensure at least one sibling was there to keep Andrew company, September 8, 2020, saw the birth of Jennifer Nichole, a.k.a Jenny. With that, Lauren and Zack went on record as saying "they'll take anymore they get, but they ain't trying so hard at the moment." Lauren knew the angst of her sister's life, and she would welcome any more that God gave her and Zack.

Lauren and Zack are still nearby as Zack's life had opened doors for him to potentially get his own PhD, much like Joyce. Lauren had opportunity for local work while also juggling two bundles of love. Nothing brought her the happiness of these two, although her siblings love was incomparable.

No surprise, really, to say that Lauren was the only one of the girls to accumulate bondage equipment. Specifically, she had added an armbinder and a variety of gags to her stock. She and Zack certainly had the dirtiest adventures, but likewise theirs were also only restricted to the bedroom.

Bridget Sjaastad

Bridget's life went as expected. After some time, she became a full-time TV meteorologist in Madison, and two years later she got a promotion. During this time, she continued seeing Roberto Randaccio, and they maintained celibacy in spite of moments of temptation. Bridget's patience was finally rewarded around her 23rd birthday.

"Bridget, I love you more than any other person in the world. Do you love me the same?"
"Roberto! Yes, yes, I do!"
"Then, Brigida, will you," Roberto stopped and collected his emotions, "Will you marry me?"
"Roberto, I never knew for certain when you would ask me this, but I have had my answer ready for a long time."
"Yes, Roberto, I do love you. And I will marry you."

After Roberto graduated, and with much effort, a wedding took place in Madison, Wisconsin, in early July 2020. Bridget and Roberto were husband and wife, and with that Bridget and Roberto moved into an apartment of their own, in the same building even, while Joy got new roommates: Liz and Leah Ralston.

As of 2022, Roberto and Bridget are still in Madison; Roberto works for a Milwaukee Brewers minor-league baseball team as a manager, coach, and even an injury substitute at times while Bridget cheers him on whenever she can.

Life for them hasn't been easy, as Bridget suffered a broken arm during a fall in the shower. It was minor, but it greatly affected Bridget's confidence as she was used to being the strong one during other's physical ailments. Thankfully, her friends Joy and Sammy and Liz helped her out during this 8 week period. Shortly after, Bridget was again hurt, a broken leg, in a car accident when she was rear-end while sitting at a red light. Again, her friends took care of her, and Bridget was blessed to again escape without any lasting harm.

Roberto and Bridget's, however, is a true love story. He buys her a rose and a carnation every month on her "birth date" in addition to the usual days like Christmas and Valentine's, and he frequently surprises her at other times with shows of affection whether it be a surprise gift, a kiss, or a TUG.

Serafina Randaccio

Serafina and Peter's romantic dance continued until the place where it all began. On Serafina's 24th birthday, in the same church where Peter had first asked Sera to date him two years before, Peter LaRosa asked Serafina Randaccio to marry him.

"Serafina, I love you."
"I love you, too, but, do you love Benny, too?"
"Yes, I do."
"Then are asking me what I think you are asking me?"
"Yes, I am. Serafina, will you marry me? And let me become the father your little boy never had?"
"I accept, Peter," she said and kissed him on the cheek.

For Sera, marriage's beauty was lost already, and in a private ceremony on the afternoon of August 8th, 2020, with just some family and friends present, Sera and Peter LaRosa were married. Among those present, though, included the very special Randaccio-Sjaastad and Randaccio-Kristensen couples, which meant sneaking away from work for the latter!

From there, the romance continued to grow. For their honeymoon, Sera's siblings and family spilled for her to finally, after 7 years, visit Italy once again. There, Sera got to show Peter her old home, the old church, and, most of all, the old people: her grandparents. Sera left Benny with her cousins for two days while she and Peter enjoyed the pleasures of marriage. The first night alone was special as it was the first time Sera had "known" a man since the day she conceived Benny, and the second was special thanks to a roll of duct tape that led to similar fun.

For the first time in 10 years, Serafina was in Sicily visiting her mother's parents, who were now extremely old, and Nonna was frail. They got to finally meet their great-grandson, too. It was worth it because Nonna Randaccio passed away just a month after that visit. Serafina's sister Giulia was among the most affected grandchildren as it was after she that Giulia was primarily named; they also had two cousins named Giulia.

The lucky strikes continued from that because, on June 29th, 2021, Domenic Paul Emilio LaRosa was born with his Zio Emilio and Zia Giorgia as his godparents. Benny, now almost 10 years old, was a very happy big brother.

Hannah Larsson
Hannah is the only one still in Mudville although not the only one still in Minnesota. Her dream was to help the troubled youth in her area, and that has become her life. After a year in North Carolina, she knew Minnesota was where she was needed, and she moved in with her aging grandmother.

On May 25th, 2022, Landon Ralston, after 4 years of maturation and growth in a distance relationship that included a sabbatical during which they both dated others, Hannah Larsson was the one to say it.

"Landon, we dated for 9 months... then I left and we spent a while... but we never forgot."
"No, we didn't. There was something to our friendship... our companionship... we were..."
"A couple."
"We really were."
"I don't want to be separated from you again... I... I love you Landon. I want to be with you. When I'm not with you, I think about you. When you're late and the phone doesn't ring at 7PM every Tuesday night, I worry about you and fear that your sisters will reach me with bad news," Hannah was crying quite heavily, "I've never felt this way about anyone."
"Hannah, are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Yes, I am... I'm stealing the romantic fun of a bended knee moonlight moment... I am asking you... will you marry me?"
"Hannah, it's easy to say 'yes' to that question."
"Oh, perfect!" she kissed him and began drying her tears.

Landon is really special. Hannah can be alone with him and not worry about any kind of advances coming, even when she's tied up. At first, Hannah was afraid to be alone, but then she realized his heart was full of kindness; he even resisted the one time she made advance on him. If you asked Hannah, she'd tell you that God had turned into a source of hope to others, and that's the major part of her mission: giving kids hope.

Joyce Verdi

Joyce's worst nightmare had come true. Her body was destroyed. Like Nichole, Joyce, while going through graduate school, suffered five miscarriages in a string in May 2019, December 2019, June 2020, January 2021, and March 2022. The violence of her assault had seemed to leave her body unable to maintain a pregnancy. Joyce's mother had also had several, which is part of why there were no siblings for her, but the absence of Joyce's parents just made the emotional trauma worse.

"Ryan, is it too much to want a baby?"
"Joyce, we accepted this possibility when we got married."
"But five in a row like this?! If anything ever happens to you, I'll have no one else left!"
"Joyce, are we united on this? I feel like I'm the only one that prays about this issue. Ask God to bless this."
"You're right Ryan. I need to pray more."
"Let's pray together."
"Where's Janie when I need her? Oh, Ryan, I miss my friends so much and regret coming back down here."
"Why do you say that?"
"I could have gone to Madison, or Minneapolis, or New Jersey... I got an offer from like 9 different schools... I came back here to be with your family and with Janie. Your parents blame me for being a r*pe victim, and Janie left."
"I'm sorry, Joyce... maybe something will change soon."

God heard Ryan and Joyce's prayers, though, and in June 2022 Joyce's advisor announced that he was accepting a job at the University of Iowa. It took Joyce and Ryan less than 10 minutes to accept the opportunity when asked if they wanted to move to Iowa with him.

"Ryan, we can do this. With God's help, we can."
"I am willing to start again even without a job to help you."
"This is why I love you."
"Joyce, we've made plenty of new friends down here, why haven't you turned to them in any of these hard times?"
"They're not the friends who know my soul like Janie and Sera and Bridget and Joy do, OK? Those friends are a part of who I am!"
"Maybe you need to take a week this summer and visit Serafina."

Janie Patterson-Rondell

Janie had to try really hard to not have her first child during so quickly, although she always had wanted to have a houseful. First, though, she wanted to finish her fourth and final year of on-field softball activity and build something out her new school. That, however, was preceded by the fulfillment of her hopes and dreams.

The first order of business was trying to win a softball title, but those dreams seemed to be crushed when Minnesota Tech left the Division II Women's College World Series with only 3rd place. Janie was highly disheartened by it, but she then focused on her upcoming softball camp. At camp, she was chosen to represent the United States at the world championship. That August, Janie Patterson played backup-shortstop on the gold medal winning team and finally had accomplished the goal of her life: she had won an international softball competition as a member of the United States team.

A year at Florida Tech bore no fruit as the team was severely outclassed by the competition, but she at least got to play alongside her long-time friend Ashley once again. At the bare minimum, Janie got tons of TUGs out of the season with Joyce, Amanda, and Ashley all nearby and Ken as her husband. Janie's last season of college softball was over, but she had her entire life ahead of her. By the end of summer, Janie had her master's degree.

January 2020 saw the fulfillment of another of Janie's dreams, though, as she and Ken bought a home in the quiet woods in a place somewhat familiar yet new to both of them: Minnesota, west of Minneapolis. It was all they wanted... small and quiet, reasonably close to a major airport, and had a second house on the premises. It needed a lot of work, hence the reasonable price, but Janie's dream was being fulfilled yet again.

March 19th, that year, Janie and Ken welcomed Joseph Michael Rondell into their home. The next phase in Janie's life had begun: motherhood.

Caleigh Rondell

Realizing the reality of the situation, Caleigh took some maternal love of her own upon herself and moved out of Lauren's house. While she loved Lauren, she realized Lauren and Zack and baby needed to be together with no one else. Caleigh moved back onto campus for her final year.

It was easy for Caleigh to pull some strings (she has friends in every part of the school) and find herself as roommates with Anna, Allie, and Carrie in... the same dorm. That's right... the same dorm was now once again home to the Cool Girls' Club. With Nichole/Sammy and Lauren (post-baby) living nearby and the twins and their family nearby, plenty of adventures were sure to continue happening.

Caleigh's dreams were fulfilled in part too. She was soon living in that second house and loving getting to play with her new nephew. She was close to her family and her best friends still, and she had even dated a couple different men in the meanwhile. Her patience was bearing great rewards.

For a roommate, in the meanwhile, Caleigh had a roommate in her sister Eva, who was working as a paramedic like she wanted to be. Eva and Caleigh loved walking the 200 feet down the path to their brother's house and either torturing husband and wife or adoring the nephew.

Caleigh's own career goals seemed to be coming together as she finished her master's in theology in spring 2022 while working as a teacher at a church school. Caleigh hated teaching itself, but her eagerness for the material made her a popular teacher among her students.

Joy Fredericks

Joy's tale was the one that took perhaps the most unexpected. One day during her first spring semester, January 2019, as a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, she took a different path to her office. As she was walking, she ran into a person she knew albeit not too well: Michael Sjaastad.

"Oh, hi," Joy smiled.
"Hi. Hey, Joy... I've been meaning to ask you something for a couple months now."
"Months? A little long to ask how I like living with Bridgie."
"That's not it. Would you like to go out with me on Friday night?"
"Mike, you want to go on a date with me of people? Really?"
"Ummm... yeah...," the normally confident Mike was suddenly very shy.
"OK! Yes, I will go out with you."

With that began a journey that lasted another 20 months. During this time, Joy finished her master's degree and found herself remaining at the school as a technician for the time being. On Christmas Day, 2020, Joy was shocked to answer the door of her parents' house, expecting her grandparents, to find Michael Sjaastad outside her door, on his knees, and holding a ring in his hand.

"What a surprise! Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas to you as well, Joy Fredericks, but... will you marry me?"
"Yes, Michael! I will!"

On June 12, 2021, Joy's 25th birthday, that happened. Joy Fredericks and Michael Sjaastad became husband and wife, and the apartment that had been the Fredricks-Sjaastads's and then the Fredericks-Ralston now became the Ralston-Raanta apartment as Liz and Leah invited Sammy to fill the void while Joy and Michael moved into a house in a nearby neighborhood. Then, on Michael's 29th birthday, May 20th, 2022, Joy presented Michael with a special birthday present: a sonogram of their first child, due December 2022.

Joy's dream of having friends nearby had actually come true.

Samantha Raanta + Leah & Liz Ralston

In Fall 2018, Sammy Raanta was a sophomore, and Leah & Liz Ralston were juniors. As was described, Sammy lived with Nichole until she graduated and was genuinely grateful to the couple who were willing to give her a cheaper living price than the school. She and Nichole made ideal roommates, it turned out, as Sammy always knew when to give Nichole and Chris space, when they wanted alone time, and when they needed the help a third person resident could bring. TUGs were just a bonus in the friendship.

Leah and Liz tried everything they could to get Sammy together with their younger brother or cousin. Sammy resisted, though, in a very deep-seated fear that the TUGs would lead to her being assaulted and never being believed. Finally, though, late in her junior year, Sammy relented and went on one date each with Loyal and Chase Ralston and decided she did like the older Chase, who had dated others even whilst his cousins and sisters tried to push him and Sammy together. Sometime after that, Sammy took a risk and played a private game with Chase while Nichole and Chris were visiting Jenny.

As of June 2022, Sammy and Chase are still dating even with distance between them in the relationship, and they're enjoying it very much. Sammy loves having the twins as her roommates. When the Ralston twins were near graduation, Joy and Bridget used their connections to help them get in the door in Madison; Leah was continuing her soccer with coaching, and Liz was an off-camera employee at Bridget's station. Then Sammy got a job at the TV station when Bridget got her promotion.

The love the rowers had for each other just couldn't be broken.

Zoe Fredericks

You'd be correct to wonder what happened to Zoe Fredericks. After all, she moved into an apartment that she shared with her sister Joy and Bridget Sjaastad. When Bridget and Roberto tie the knot, the Ralstons fill the void left by Bridget and Zoe. But where was Zoe?

Zoe one day went with Joy to visit Sammy at home. It was June 2018, and once again the Cool Girls' Club did its magic of bringing friends together via other relations. It took just one glance for Sammy's older cousin Michael to look at Zoe and whisper to Sammy.

"She's beautiful."

In 9 months, they were engaged; another 6 months later, Zoe finished her conversion to being Orthodox, and in early December 2019, with the few family members they had nearby, Zoe and Michael Lagunov were married.

"Joy, God moved you and Bridget together in life so that you and I could find these men," Zoe said to Joy at the latter's wedding.

Make that four residences, all within about 1 mile, all in Madison, Wisconsin, and all home to the Cool Girls' Club.

Casey Clark

Casey Clark, too, stayed nearby as she couldn't bear to be away from her parents. Besides, she had to finish getting trained in physical therapy, as she was looking to quite the specialist by working with youth who had lost their ability to move. Mudville was a small place, and she had no idea that Alexander Sorensen was one of Jenny's many cousins (a fifth of Mudville is probably related to the girl) until they had been dating for 6 months. Alex and Casey attended the same church, and it was a "match made in heaven". Shortly after, Casey revealed TUGs to him, and for Casey they would stay that way as she had no interest in anything but playing games from it.

It was early summer of 2020 when Alex popped the question, and the following June the couple was married in their church. Yet again, the Cool Girls' were together and related to each other in an amazing way. Just as she promised, it was Mr. Clark who gave away the bride, and the maid of honor was one Hannah Larsson.

Casey has a wonderful husband, a wonderful job, a wonderful church, wonderful friends, wonderful parents, and wonderful extended family. It's a wonderful life for Casey Sorensen.

Caroline Saint-Denis

Upon graduation, Caroline found herself back in her native Québec. There, she harnessed her collegiate adventures and went to work as a softball coach. Her work as a personal coach eventually landed her a job, though... as assistant coach of the Minn Tech Lady Eagles at just 23 years old while her younger brother was a student at the school. To say Carrie took advantage is an understatement... she began crafting a culture of TUGs in the softball program.

Alyssa Brzylewski

Allie had the biggest jump of all: upon graduation, she landed herself a job at an engineering firm in California. Of the girls, though, she was the one who found herself completely alone and with no boyfriend, friend, or husband. She battled depression until she could make new friendships, and she found a way to keep the TUGs alive: self-bondage.

Allie is quite the expert at it and enjoys challenging herself in safe, but difficult, escapes, always with a reliable backup in case something goes awry.

Anna Redding

Anna's story was perhaps the simplest of them all. Upon graduation, she returned home to Texas and found herself in a quandary that happens to maybe of Minnesota Tech's non-engineering students: she couldn't find work.

Finding herself so much happier in Texas, Anna pushed and pushed until she finally did find work. She's not in her home northeast of San Antonio anymore, but she is happy with her new position as an EPA worker in the Corpus Christi area.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 8 times in total.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1403
Joined: 2 years ago

Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 277: Much Adieu About Nothing
Thursday, May 10, 2018

"Steve, it's been a while."
"It sure has been."
"I'm ready to do it though. I see here that the only thing that has changed is that you're giving me... wow! $125 an hour?"
"I've had too many requests for you... But, I am never forcing you to work if you don't want to."
"I'm ready to do this!"
"Choose something skimpy... garter and bra, and let's do this!"
"All right!"


"I see cousins and siblings driving up!" Janie said with happiness.

That meant Caleigh and Olivia and Tyler and Carl and Eva. Yellow Gangsta Jock, in yellow trainers, a green high-school t-shirt, and a yellow kerchief bandana, was ready for this. Ropes boxtied her arms with a breast harness and crotch rope and bound her ankles, knees, and thighs.

"OK. Let's do this."
"MMMMM!" Jenny got the head harness secured around her head.
"I'll enjoy their reaction half as much as you will since this was your idea, but maybe we'll spend some time tied together."


"Casey, what the heck happened?!" Joy asked.
"I got a hair cut! Duh! Nah, this Cool Girl is all cool. Just had half a foot taken off."
"I was taking about your arm!"
"I was riding my bicycle and fell. It's nasty burger; want to see?"
"No! Arm length burger?! That's gross!"
"Never had a stomach Joy!"
"Hey, Jenny was the one who took a picture of Nichole when she was dying in an ambulance."
"I don't want to ever see that if it still exists somewhere!"
"Nah, she deleted it without ever sending it to anyone."
"Wanna see my head scar?"
"Noooo!!!" Joy shrieked.
"Hah hahaha! I love you, girl. Where's Gangsta Princess?"
"Ah, OK. Can we skip the TUGs until later? I want to actually talk to my friends for once."
"Of course. Let's go window shopping."


"Bridgie, I'm bored," Sammy whined.
"And I'm tired."
"I'm Serafina."
"Oh, stick it, Serafina!"
"What'll it be? A rubber ball, a ball gag, a sock?"
"In whose mouth?"
"Mine, Allie's, Sammy's, or even yours!"
"That gives me an idea! We need Nichole!"
"Ummm... OK!"


Hannah stared at herself. Was that really her? She looked so sexy and helpless, but had she really done this for money? She stuck to her guns and didn't allow her breasts to be exposed. She loved being tied up, yet somehow it felt like a different world from her TUGs.

"What have I done?" she asked herself, and just then her phone rang, "Hello?"
"Hey, Hannah," Joyce was on the other end.
"What's up?"
"You tell me. Hannah, I did it once, too... for Steve as well... me and two frat girls, last year."
"That's who that trio was?!"
"Hannah, please stop. Please! Don't trivialize your body... please!"
"Joyce... Let's do lunch. Please?"


"Helloooooo!" Olivia knocked on the door.
"Mmmmm!" Janie kicked it open.
"Oh, hello, new cousin! Look at you!"
"You two have had a very kinky marriage, haven't you?"
"Don't worry; we've got your back. You're a Rondell, now, and as much one of the Rondell girls as I am!" Eva said.

Janie smiled to see that her new family just instantly loved her as if she were their own flesh and blood.

"Kenneth Rondell, come out here!" Caleigh ordered her brother.
"Where is he?" Tyler asked.
"Mmmm mm mmmmmm!" Janie plead the fifth.
"We'll flush him out!" Eva insisted, "Carl, get the weaponry."
"Hmm?!" Janie didn't realize that she had been the scapegoat to start a game, and she was the hostage.


"Hi, Case!" Jenny got into the backseat of Joy's car, "What's up!"
"I really wanted to talk to you about something."
"Me? Why would you want to talk to sweet, adorable, kind-hearted, little ol' me?"
"She's good with the adjective strings," Joy dead-panned.
"Oh! You!" Jenny kneed the back of the driver's seat.
"Joy, I think I'm dating your cousin."
"My cousin? Which one?"
"He looks a lot like your poor brother, Daniel... his name is Alex Sorensen."
"I do have a cousin Alex Sorensen... and he does look like... Daniel."
"I was afraid to ask if he had a cousin Jenny."
"How cute! Casey's in love," Jenny squeezed her cheek.
"Stop it," Casey laughed.
"I'm driving here!" Joy got indignant at the violence happening in her car.
"Oh, stop it!"


"Thanks for coming over, friend! Where's Hannah Bandana?" Bridget welcomed Nichole.
"Hannah's dealing with business stuff."
"Too bad. The four rowers... are being kidnapped!"
"And you aren't going to do it yourselves, right?"
"Let's do this! Sera and Sammy, I brought a present for each of you, but you can't see it until you're tied up."
"All right! Who wants what?" Bridget tried to control the moment.
"Well of course I like being duct taped best," said Sera.
"I think we all like being taped, but we need variety."
"I brought the straitjacket too!"
"That's an option for me!"
"Ever done scarf tying on a girl?" Sammy asked.
"Me and Sera could be taped together?" Allie suggested.
"One at a time... I'm in charge now! I'll go in alpha order by last name."
"Fair enough!" Sera agreed to this, and no one objected.

Nichole studied her victims-to-be. Sera had her all black sneakers, socks, trainers, t-shirt, and kerchief bandana, the solid bandana specifically. Allie had pink jean shorts and a t-shirt in a conflicting shade of pink. Sammy had black jeans and a long-sleeve black button-up shirt. Lastly, Bridget had bright blue leggings and a red t-shirt.


"Hannah, why did you go there?"
"How did you know?"
"Nichole suspected it, and she asked me to help."
"I went for the money. OK? I know it was wrong, but I don't understand why!"
"You're selling your body for sexual entertainment. You're saying to everyone who sees it 'J*rk off to pictures and videos of me in bondage' plain and simple!"
"You do and don't understand... It's not much ado about nothing, but it's not major."
"Don't trivialize, but don't beat yourself up, please."
"Joyce, if you go on websites, you'll find more than just pirated videos I made with Steve. If you search the right terms, you'll find me! That monster filmed me and Stacy. I was 17!"
"Hannah, don't go there."
"No, I'm getting this all off, right now! I have to air it out, start to finish, to someone I trust if I am to ever regain my conscience on these kinds of issues... figure out where some part of me was buried that is just waiting to come back to the light..."
"All right..."
"Stop me at any time... I'm answering all questions you ask."


"Who's going in as the bait?" asked Carl.
"Make it Eva. Worst thing that happens is she gets caught; oh, well, she's gone the longest since she was tied up anyway," Eva talked of herself.
"Haha! Go ahead," Olivia was dead serious and always about business.
"Suicidal maniac just wants to get tied up. I could do that to her myself!"
"MMMMMMMMM!" Janie yelled at them.
"Go!" Tyler shoved Eva indoors.
"You and me and a Nerf, honey."
"Ken, where are you! There are too damn many compartments in this sucker. He could beemph!"
"Go gang!" the rest invaded and saw Ken holding Eva hostage.
"Mine!" Ken shut the door to the small bedroom.
"Guard the outside window!" Eva warned them.
"Carl, you and I will guard that," Caleigh said, "Tyler, make sure he doesn't come through the hatch."


"Isn't that beautiful?" Casey looked at a sun dress on a mannequin.
"Yeah," Joy said in agreement.
"Not my size. More you girls," Jenny teased.
"It'd be great on you as well, just closer to the ground."
"You're right... I'm going to try one on!"
"Gangsta Princess just has to Gangsta."
"Sure does," Joy agreed, "Let's see how she looks."

After a couple minutes, Jenny stepped out.

"If Gianni sees you in that, you're going to have a hard time keeping him off you," Joy said.
"Thank you!"
"If Gianni sees you in that, he'll ask you to marry him!" Casey added.
"Sorry, Joy, Casey's my second best now."
"Oh, stop it!"


"There, there, Allie! You were alphabetically first!" Nichole patted her cheek.
"You and Sera make a cute pair."
"Mmmmmm!" came from Sera as well.

Both girls were Randaccio-style taped at wrists-waist, elbows-breasts, ankles-to-knees, and thighs-waist. Sera's elbows, however, could touch. Both had their own socks stuffed in their mouth and sealed under a black bandana and 8 layers of tape. They were fasted together at their waist and above-and-below their breasts and seated on the floor.

"Nichole, you do know how to spell my name?" interrupted Sammy.
"Ohhhhhhh... Oops! Oh, well! Look at you, you Russian scarf girl!"
"There aren't that many, really! My cousins have tons that they don't use for TUGs believe me!"
"Sit down and get bound like the beautiful Russian you are!"
"Use these!" Bridget tossed a bunch of red bandanas at Nichole.
"Thanks... Oh, give me a second... I have a photo for this!"

Sammy soon returned with her phone and a bright blue bandana headband and with her hair in a bun.


"Is that it?"
"Stand up..."
"Just do it... please?"
"I love you, Hannah," Joyce hugged her, "I really do. I'm sorry your life's been so rough... That you've been hurt by so many people... That you've had to resort to such desperate measures just to survive."
"I'm just empty from it all. I now see that's why I market my body like I do... It gives me control of myself. It's my poor choice."
"That seems logical to me. Please, Hannah, try to stop it... regain control of every part of your life."
"I'm trying... I'm trying! You see why it's so hard though? At least there are people, some who need to be punched, and some who genuinely think I'm pretty at the very least."
"But, Hannah... they don't... it's still a sick fantasy."
"Joyce, stop trying to love me and start trying to help me."
"I'm trying! I've been there before, Hannah! Don't you see? You've picked up so much about God except one thing."
"What's that?"
"That He died for you and for me! And that our old lives can be left behind."
"Leave it behind...," Hannah repeated, and Joyce could see the gears turning.


Eva was glad she wore blue jeans and a pink-and-purple plaid short sleeve button-up shirt with her blue jeans, as this cowgirl was hogtied and glad to have the padding against the ropes that bound her wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs. A sock and a blue bandana gagged her.

"MMMMM!" Eva groaned.
"MMMMM!" Janie agreed.
"Oh, stop it, Janie, we want our brother, not your husband!" chided Tyler.
"I surrender," Ken stepped out of the room with Eva left hogtied on the bed.
"Mmm uhow ime!" Janie scolded her husband.
"Time for husband and wife to spend some time together!"
"Mmm mmm mmm hmmmm!" Janie was happy at that thought.

Ropes bound Ken just the same way he had bound Eva. Ken and Janie were then put on the bed together along with Eva. Janie was in the middle with her new sister-in-law on one side and Ken on the other.


Jenny and Joy and Casey rode back in happy chatter. It was the sort of chatter only girls could have. Never once were TUGs mentioned, actually. But that didn't matter.

Jenny talked about Giovanni, and Casey about Alex. Joy talked about how excited she was to be sharing an apartment with her sister and with Bridget. Casey shared her plans for the future, Jenny described her dreams, and Joy explained her motives.

The girls went to Joy's first, and there they relaxed and played video games. Then Casey went home and promised to go to Jenny's the next day. Then Jenny, too, went home.

It was a perfect day for the three.


Red bandanas bound Sammy's feet, ankles, thighs, wrists, and elbows. An orange bandana hogtied her. Double sided tape and a red bandana OTM gag silenced her, and her bandana headband was now her blindfold. Sammy was a happy girl.

"Wheeeeeee!" she said in her ebullience.
"You're such a happy girl!" Nichole said as she photographed and filmed the girl.
"Mmm hmmm!"

Why shouldn't she be? She was safe and with people she trusted and loved.

"Bridge, it's your turn! I was just in this baby the other night."
"Sounds marital!" Bridget laughed as she finished a knot, having bound her own ankles, knees, and thighs.
"Kind of... yeah, it really was even if nothing dirty happened."
"What's up, Nichole? You're forcing yourself to smile and frowning most of the time."
"I...," she looked at her friends and thought for a second, "It's a problem that happens to real people all the time, and no one talks about it enough."
"What's that?" Bridget asked as Nichole began securing the various straps.
"Chris and I lo--... I... It..."
"What? Nichole, you're in deep, deep pain."
"I suffered a miscarriage last weekend. My... our... our baby died."
"No! Nichole... really?!"
"Yeah... Friday morning... while Jenny was there."
"I... I don't want to be gagged... I want to keep talking."
"I understand..."
"Poor thing...
"It's all right... I'll forever though have at least a taste of maternity."
"Look at Serafina... She's crying... She has a baby, too... You should go comfort her."
"You can imagine how I feel."
"Mm hmm."
"I love you rowers something special."
"We love you as well, Nichole. We really do."
"Now, let me show you the presents... that can never match the present of your friendship."
"Oh, Nichole, those are pretty!"
"Aren't they?" Nichole showed the bandanas she had picked out for Sera and Sammy, "They were bogo, and I saw some interesting patterns among them."
"I'm sure Sera can't wait to wear them!"
"Mmmm hmmm!"


In different places, the Cool Girls' Club was still working to bring people closer together.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 278: Benny's Story
Thursday, May 10, 2018

"Serafina, what are you contemplating?" Samantha asked her summer roommate.
"Benny... my sweet little boy... Oh, how I miss him... College would have been so much easier if he were here with me. Hardly an hour goes by where I don't miss him."
"How has motherhood been?"
"It's... incredible... It wasn't... great for me though... It all started with Zio Nunzio. He was my first taste of bondage."
"Your uncle?!"
"Yes... he thought I was perfect to be a model... so he forced me to watch bondage films and such stuff one day... It was traumatizing..."


After that day, things went downhill for the 13 year-old me. I got interested in p0rn0gr@phy and watched a lot of bad things... but nothing violent. Once my curiosity was satisfied, I decided to experiment. I had sleepovers and study sessions at friend's houses... sometimes though I'd visit a boy along the way. I went through many, many boys... Then there was Kevin.

Kevin seemed different, the Irish b@$+@rd. He was so much fun to neck with, to be blunt. He and I started going steady, much to Gianni's alarm. Gianni hated Kevin's guts with a passion like nothing else. So did Giulia. Giulia threatened to tell if I didn't stop it because she'd heard from a friend of a friend, who happened to be Kevin's sister, about us. I did stop for a month. Then came one night... we made Benny. We weren't trying... we were just high school freshmen, but we made a baby. I only slept with him one more time after that... then came the big day that I woke up with morning sickness... I didn't tell anyone though because I was scared and didn't want to miss class... but then I got sick in class and nearly vomited and left to go the nurse; I asked Kevin to meet me. She did a quick test and told me I was pregnant; you know, Kevin said to abort or else; I refused; I never spoke to Kevin again. I don't even know what happened to him after that.

Then came the hard part: I had to go home and tell my parents. I have never been so scared before or since. Pure terror seized my body. I had no choice though; either I told them, or my body told them!

"[Mama, can I talk to you and Papa? Alone?]" I asked with a huge lump in my throat; it's hard in a house with 8 children, 7 of whom were at home, and a few under 10.
"[Serafina, what is wrong?]"
"[It's very important; it's related to school stuff.]"
"[OK. Benedetto! Can you come here?]"
"[Yes, Teresa! What do you need?]"
"[Sera needs us. Just us.]"
"[I understand.] Vittoria, Tommaso, I need you to go with Roberto to Steven Aggarwal's house and get something for my work."
"Yes, Papa!" they understood.
"What is it, Sera?"
"I've done something terrible. I'm sorry... I'm a horribly bad girl... None of your children have done anything so bad."
"What is it?"
"I got very sick at school this morning; I went to the nurse; I'm... Kevin and I...," Sera couldn't talk because she was crying so hard.
"Serafina, you're our child. No matter what you've done, we will continue to love you," her mother offered kind words of encouragement.
"I'm pregnant... I'm the school tramp, and I'm so sorry for the shame I've brought on you!"
"Pregnant, are you sure?"
"Mmm hmm... I haven't had my monthly."
"Oh, no..."
"I can't kill my baby, Mama! Kevin said to choose the baby or him, and I want the baby more."
"Calm down, Sera, we'll help you in any way we can."
"I'm a disgrace. I don't deserve to be loved by you anymore. I can't handle a baby."
"We still love you, dear."
"I've ruined everything. Mama, I'm only 14!"
"This is a fantastic opportunity for you, Serafina!" Papa said to me.
"To be a good person."


That was when depression set in. It was bad enough to see a murder in New York City or to wake up during my tonsillectomy... I already had to blindfold myself for sleep as it was... now I was depressed. Guilt destroyed me worse than the hormone shift did. I hated my life.

It was about the start of the second trimester that I just lost it all. I mean I really lost it. I made so many suicide threats, and then as time went by I started going more and more into a shell. I abandoned all my friends, who were good and supportive people. I became unsociable to everyone except Giulia, Giovanni, and Mother, and that was worsened by the bitter feelings Giovanni and I developed because of the embarrassment of my pregnancy. I closed the world off and wouldn't even speak in English because part of me blamed American hook-up culture for some of it.

"Sometimes I wish I'd die," was a frequent expression along with, "It wasn't for the baby, I'd kill myself."
"Maybe I'll die having the baby," got the sharpest reactions from my mother.
"Poor baby will have no parents," drew the most concern though.

You try to enjoy your 15th birthday when you're 8 months pregnant. Heck, back then I was only 5 foot 0.


Emilio and Giulia made such a difference. Really they did. Giulia was a constant source of help during this time. She and I talked and talked and talked... and Emilio never backed down... he bought so many of the things I needed. He bought the crib, and the changing table, and some of my maternity clothes. Giulia just... she loved me... which made her comments a few months ago hurt so much. My big siblings made it easier for everyone.

"[Mama!" I groaned one night around 10PM, "I think I wet myself or something. Maybe I have food poisoning.]"
"Uh oh! [Benedetto, get the things.]"
"[What is it? Oh, no, Mama! Is it... is it the baby?!]"
"[Definitely! It's time to welcome your new blessing into our home.]"
"[I'll get my bag...,]" I said.
"[No! Roberto will get it.]"

I really just wanted to look at the perfectly prepared bedroom. I had been moved into a bedroom all by myself, which meant jamming the boys into fewer rooms so that Benny and I could have our own room. Soon, there'd be baby, and stinky diapers, and gross burpies... and happy memories.

I'll never forget Mama coaching me through the breaths and pushing. She wasn't 15 though when she had Emilio; she was 27 and had 7 of us naturally! I'll never forget taking those deep, deep breaths because man did those cramps hurt like hell! Oh, my goodness did they hurt! It was terrible! Soon, however... shortly after 11AM, 11:18 exactly, on July 16th, 2011, I heard the doctor say those words.

"He's here!"
"[Mama! I did it! I did it! Oh my goodness! Mama, I'm a mama now too!]"
"You did it, Serafina! Benedetto, we're... grandparents now!"
"My little Benny! Benedetto Francesco Carmelo... Mama, I want him to be Benedetto Francesco Carmelo; it's Our Lady of Mount Carmel's day! He has to be named for Our Lady like that! Oh, Papa, look at him!" I said in English as I was handed my baby, "Look at little Benny."
"Girls, Emilio just texted me... Giorgia is in labor too!"
"Ha, I finally beat Emilio at something! Oh, look at you. My little boy. Welcome Benny."


"Everyone! Look!" I said when I came home with my baby some two days.
"May I hold him? May I see? Is he cute?" was the stream of questions, especially since Teresita was born the same day but 7 hours later!

But a few days after Benny was born, post-partum depression was real and brutal. I was so depressed that I did nothing but shriek at people. I only showed affection for Benny, and I only remember breast-feeding him and rocking him to sleep. I couldn't talk to my siblings much because I wouldn't speak in English. But the depression didn't go away afterwards, although everything else did slowly. I saw a psychiatrist and got anti-depressants.

That first pill left me a mess. I screamed and cried. I was sick with diarrhea. I couldn't remember anything to the extent that I couldn't remember a video game mission objective or even the little tasks Mama asked me to do. I threatened to kill myself. I was confirmed at some point during this time, but I don't remember it. A change of pills fixed it all.


Now my focus could be placed on Benny. It was hard being a high school sophomore, a coxswain, and a bakery helper all while raising a baby! I did it all though, and I don't know how.

Benny was the precious thing that brought meaning to my life. I managed to remember his baptism... but not my confirmation. Oh, he was so adorable, but I still remember how much he hurt my nipples. He was a strong little boy.

Oh, what it was like raising him. How happy him saying "Donnie" trying to say "Gianni" made me and when he first said "Mama" and his Christmases and his birthdays and... I love him so much... He even learned to read when he was just 4 thanks to me and Giulia trying so hard.

I wanted to be an engineer like Dad though. I suffered so much over that. I was invited to try out for Team Italy rowing, and I could have made if I'd tried a little harder. Benny was the focus, but how to follow Dad and raise Benny. That's why I came to Minn Tech: Gianni was here. I could be an engineer, and they had rowing. It cost my parents almost nothing. Benny went to live with Giulia since she has only boys.

My first summer was difficult because I missed Benny so, so badly. Being reunited with him was so fantastic. I love my Benny to the moon and back. Well, you saw firsthand when I went home to be with him and left rowing behind.


"You love your little boy," Sammy smiled.
"I do love him so so much!"
"You know what you need?"
"To be tied up... either taped or with hankies!"
"I like hankies!"
"OK! Sera, thanks for telling me all about Benny... he sounds like a bundle of joy."
"He is! I... He's mine... all mine! Haha! Oh, what a lovable little boy."
"I have hankies. You ready?"
"Yes, Sammy, I'm ready!"
"Punishment time, Italian Gangsta Chick!"

Italian Gangsta Chick was accurate as Sera wore her jean shorts, her Italian soccer polo, and her Italian flag bandana as a kerchief. Handkerchiefs bound her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, and elbows. She was gagged with a knotted handkerchief and blindfolded with another.

"Sammy, what have you two been up to?" Bridget asked when she entered the room.
"Just... being friends... you'll love being her sister."

Allie, Bridget, Sera, and Sammy were having too much fun being roommates.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 279: Sammy's Story
Thursday, May 10, 2018

"That b@$+@rd piece of $#!+, I wish I could mutilate his g€n!+@|$!!" Sammy said later that afternoon.
"Samantha Raanta, what on earth?!" Sera was shocked.
"My father didn't meet his alimony deadline. AGAIN! AGAIN! I'm so sick of him trying to starve and/or freeze out me and my mother! I'm so sick of it! I love him and hate him at the same time. You don't know it!!! UGH!"
"Sammy, sit down. You don't know that he does it on purpose. SIT NOW," Bridget was firm.
"Now, let it all out, but calmly. It's time Sera and I heard this all."
"Well... OK... here goes."


Dad was always trouble. Before he and Momma met, he had already had a family in Estonia and possibly one in his native Finland. I was born in Russia before they came here because my uncle found jobs willing to acknowledge his and Momma's Soviet-era educations.

Momma says life was good considering all the harm the atheistic government had previously done to the churches, but it was never a truly happy place. Our family still there is happier now, but in the late 1990s it was very ugly.


I was just four years old. That's small. Some part of daddy did love his little girl... cut out paper dolls from the newspaper... hugs... play with her... but that d@mn booze. Him and the booze. He had been sober from when my mother knew him, but then something changed. He began drinking again. Heavy booze. Whiskey, vodka, gin, scotch. When he'd get drunk, oh... Oh, what hell on earth that was. I once bothered him while he was drunk, and he struck me... I never have told Momma that.

It was awful... he started beating Momma while drunk. Punch her; kick her; all that stuff. She'd cry, and it'd make him angrier. It became a problem for everyone when he became verbally abusive even when not drunk. I can still remember Momma crying and how her face looked.

One night, there was a thunderstorm, and I was scared. I was really scared. It was windy; I think there was hail from it in some parts. I was terrified and went to Momma in fright. That made Daddy mad because he was drunk. He yelled and swore and stuff and told me to get out. When I said I was too scared to go back to bed, he made me leave.

I shrieked when he grabbed me. "Daddy, no!" I wailed as he put a hand under each armpit and threw me out of the room. He didn't just throw me... he threw me into the wall. I remember how it hurt my little body and everything. I started crying and crying and crying and screaming and wailing as I crawled back to bed.

Uncle next door called the police. I'll never forget that kind police officer's face and his smile as he helped me. He was so encouraging and really just a good man... He took Daddy away from me. It took a long time for me to understand what Uncle and Momma meant about "pressing charges." I wanted to know what charges were! Daddy pressed his pants and shirts, but he didn't wear charges! Auntie explained what they meant in little kid terms. At that age, I didn't want to lose my daddy, but I didn't want to be hurt ever again.

I never have seen him again, but he's been hurting me ever since. Oh, sure, he sent me birthday cards and letters, but I didn't want those things. I hated him.


"[Momma, what's wrong?]"
"[Your father... didn't pay alimony.]"
"[What do we lose this time?]"
"[We will have to go without heat.]"
"[Heat? But, Momma...]"
"[It's supposed to be in the negatives tonight!]"
"[We have blankets and things to keep us warm.]"
"[We'll make it.]"
"[But Momma!]"
"[You're 13, Sammy... don't worry.]"
"[Yes, Momma.]"

We did that winter have to go without heat much of the time, but we kept warm in other ways because it was a very small house. We were so poor that we had to visit Uncle's to watch TV. That summer was a special one though because we went to Uncle's house nearly every day to watch the Olympic games from London.

"Momma, that looks fun!" I said as I watched the rowers, "They're so strong and... efficient... and they have their back to the track!"

I was hooked. For weeks I watched rowing online, and I discovered out about high school rowing programs that were local. Sadly, I didn't end up on the same team as Bridgie, but our paths did cross in the local scene. When I heard she went to Minn Tech to be a weather girl, I looked into it too.

As soon as I turned 14, I began riding a bicycle to the nearest McDonald's to earn more money. It was a necessity, really. Soon came good news.


"Samantha!" Mother called to me.
"Yes, Momma?"
"Good news and bad."
"Good?! Really?!"
"Yes, I finished off our mortgage today!"
"Oh, Momma, that's wonderful!"
"The bad news is that it drained our money... what little we had left... and Papa has again defaulted on his alimony... it never came."
"You mean we have no money for food... or anything?"
"I'm sorry, Sammy... we'll make it somehow for the next two weeks until I get paid."

A week later, things reached a peak when, for two days straight, we didn't eat even though I worked a full shift and had done a workout for rowing. We were out of food and still had two days left. That night, I did something I never did before: I defied Momma. After she was asleep, I sneaked out the front door and went to Uncle's house and knocked on his door.

"Sammy? Whats' wrong?! You're crying."
"Auntie, please, help us! I know Momma will never ask, but we're starving to death... literally! I haven't eaten since Monday!"

We were used to Orthodox fasts, but this was different. I was in pain from the hunger and had been tempted to eat a customer's rejected order... but rules said I couldn't eat it.

"Come in here, Samantha. Your mother's stubbornness will kill you. Tell us what happened."
"Daddy didn't pay us...," I then said, in Russian, my first swear word, "Momma paid off the mortgage, but Daddy didn't pay up so we're out of money and have nothing to eat. The only food left is a package of Jiffy Corn Muffin and some minced garlic."
"It's OK, Sammy."
"Auntie, help us!" I begged her.
"We will... we will!"

The next day, Momma was very upset with me and proud of me. She was disappointed I had disobeyed her, but she was impressed that I cared enough to get help. Thankfully, without the mortgage payment to worry about, we wouldn't find ourselves in that position anymore.

Off and on, through the years, Daddy defaulted again and such. He's had two wives since, and he's had children with the latter one. I think he's hell-bent on my mother, and I do all I can to protect her. Thankfully, Minn Tech made me an incredible offer.


Auntie taught me after my first week of first grade. I came home crying because several children bullied me because of my Russian accdent. Thankfully, one of my cousins at home is the same age as me, and she homeschooled them. She heard and decided to have me join them. So, from 1st grade until the end of high school, I went to Auntie for school every day; that's love to pay all that money for someone else's child. She used difficult texts and was strict as though she didn't know me, but she was gracious and would eliminate assignments she thought were silly.

Somehow, I was like lightning. I could fly through it all by the end of the lunch hour; that gave me time for rowing and working. I just steamrolled it all with incredible ease, to the annoyance of a couple of my cousins. Over time, though, they grew to appreciate it.


My only escape is church. Our church has many Russians although we're not the majority, so our services are mainly in English with Russian as the primary secondary language. It was my home away from home.

My mother is dating to finally remarry after all these years. He's a widower, and our church allows divorcées in situations like hers to remarry. But it's just not the same. Momma has always been very independent... but... I always regretted that her stubbornness meant I was an only child of sorts.

Anyway... I was baptized and stuff in Russia. In America, I merely was raised as any other native Orthodox girl. We wear dresses, often times with ornate floral patterns, and headscarves, even as little girls. I could tie a scarf when I was 3 or 4 and knew how to greet the priest at the services even.

My godmother, Auntie Natalya, eternal be her memory; she came to America too. She took care of my needs. Every year, on my Name Day, that is, the feast of the saint I was named after, Evangelina, the Annunciation, was like a second birthday. She'd buy me a present and always made me a small treat that kept the Lenten fast rules. When I was 10 on, she'd get me a present and take me out to lunch. She was the grandmother I never had; Daddy's parents died before I was born... that's why I think he began drinking... and Momma's parents are still in Russia. That ended when I was 16... a stroke took Aunt Natalya away from me, and my godmother was dead.

We have a large youth as our church is large... 300 people maybe. There were always youth camps, activities, friends, and such. I may have been malnourished and cold, but I never lacked friendship.


"Momma?" Sammy answered the phone that interrupted her story, "[What?! Thank you... for telling me... Yes, yes, I understand. No... I'll be... all right... Yes, I... I understand.]"
"What's wrong, Sammy?" Sera asked her.
"There's a good reason this time for Daddy to not pay... He's been trying to reach me because he wants to make amends... In case a donor isn't found in time and he dies from liver failure caused by his drinking. Bridgie, why?!"
"I'm sorry, Sammy... I wish I could help. Maybe you've been wrong about him all these years."
"He's been so rotten, but I don't want him to die!" Sammy was understandably upset.
"You go through so much, but you can't judge your dad so harshly when you don't know what actually is happening."
"There is one way you can help me."
"Finish your story first," Allie suggested, "So we understand your viewpoint."


Life for me... has always been hard. I never imagined myself going to college, really. I always imagined myself continuing to live in poverty with my mother. I had lots of nightmares in which my mother died from starvation or from setting the thermostat too low. Our church friends never knew; we made communion bread; we attended many services; we helped with functions; I sang in the choir from when I was 12. My older male cousin was an altar server and is actually studying to become a priest. We just... lived two lives of sorts.

Me? I go to college and the first guy I date? A basketball player... and what did George do? Used me as a sex toy and beat me... just like Daddy did to Momma. How could he do that to me? Just how? I still don't understand how or why... or why I stayed with him so long even when Allie begged me to leave him... I'm glad he's graduated and left the school.

I heard so much about Bridget Sjaastad, the pride of Madison-area rowing, that I just had to visit Minnesota Tech. Before I visited, Momma got me my first cell phone, a one month temp phone. All that time we Facebook chatted leading up to me coming here? That was on the one computer Momma and I shared. I only got a real phone and my own computer to come here, but I was so happy to meet Bridgie Sjaastad. I knew after talking to her that I really did want to become a weather girl.

Then came that night that Penny was high and Allie and I were watching that movie. Allie joked that she could duct tape us better than that. Next thing I knew, I was taped and couldn't talk and having so, so much fun with the prank. That was great... but then I became too interested.

I started studying too much... too many things... dangerous things... I had never seen people nude except for George before that, and as soon as I saw pictures of naked people I begged my cousins to help me... but Instagram was still open to me, but without naked people. On there, there was this one person, and when she had a Q&A I knew it was Liz. How many collegiate rowers named Liz have a twin named Leah? I knew one!

I'm actually content with my life now, but the wounds from Daddy left permanent damage that'll ache until I die.


"Bridgie... Daddy lives in Kansas City now... I can't go down there alone... but he's Daddy... maybe... just maybe... I'm the one he needs for the transplant... I can't let him die."
"Sammy, I don't know if I can... I mean... I've got so much here, but you need to give him a chance."
"Please! Bridget, I need someone there with me. I can't bring Momma or a cousin."
"Sammy... OK, OK..."
"I actually went there once for a church thing... It's like 8 hours straight down I-35 from here."
"OK, Sammy... OK... I'll go with you."
"I understand how you and Joyce feel now."
"Sammy, let it out," Sera encouraged her.
"I at least want him to get right with God before he dies."
"You do love him... the good part of him."'
"I... I do... for some reason...," Sammy let go of her friends and threw herself on the sofa and started crying, "Jesus, please help Daddy... to finally know and to love you!"
"Girls," Sera interrupted, "I'm going to check on Joyce... she's been AWOL."
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Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 280: The Story That Never Really Ends
Thursday, May 10, 2018

"Poise, Janie... poise," Janie muttered to herself.

Here the Gangsta Jock found herself at war with her new family already... a Nerf war that is. Janie was in all blue: socks, sneakers, trainers, tank top, scrunchie for her braid, and bandana headband. She, Eva, and Olivia were the blue girl team; they were opposed by the red boy team of Ken, Carl and Tyler.

After a morning of fishing and a wonderful lunch together, this had been the idea for a fun afternoon... of course, the losers were tied up. Caleigh wanted no part and sat by the RV working on drawings though she was in part working on a surprise for Janie and Ken.

Olivia and Eva still had their "Indian princess" dresses from youth with blue bandanas on their head and cowboy boots on their feet... Olivia had a kerchief, and Eva had a headscarf. However, on Olivia, the dress, in spite of adjustments made over time, was a short skirt now, and Eva's was a mini-skirt.

What a game!


Sera impatiently waited for the phone to ring and let out some Italian curses at the device's slow reactions. Then, she got an answer.

"Joyce, where are you?"
"Home alone."
"What are you doing?"
"Home Alone."
"Not where. What."
"Home Alone."
"That's a Christmas movie; let's go get an ice cream together, OK?"
"Uh... Sure! Doing anything with you is better than doing anything alone!"
"AWWWWWW! [You're such a sweet girl!]"
"[Thank you!]"


"Always the nicest home, Jenny!" Casey said as she walked into the house.
"Thank you!"
"It's just so... homey!"
"It really is... someday my children will visit their grandparents and sleep in the same room."
"And Nichole's won't?"
"They will too."
"I love your perpetually happy state."
"Oh, I'm not perpetually happy! Just I know where my joy comes from."
"I've got that joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart!"
"YEAH! Down in my heart! YEAH! Down in... my heart to stay!"

Bible songs passed the time quite nicely. The Red Gangsta Girl and the Black Gangsta Friend got along so well. The former had lime green trainers, a brown tank top, and a red bandana headband with her braid held by a brown scrunchie. The latter had black trainers, a black t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana.


Hannah had been silent since she got home, and her eyes proved her sadness. She sat in the kitchen and fidgeted a lot while working on her cheap high school laptop. Something was terribly wrong, and finally after some time Hannah quietly stood up and walked over to the sofa where Nichole sat playing a video game. Hannah sat next to her friend and put an arm around her.

"Thank you, Nichole."
"Hannah Bandana," Nichole paused the game, "You're welcome."
"I had no idea you all cared that much."
"Now you know!"
"I just wish I felt guilt for what I had done... as opposed to doing something I know upset people I love."
"Hannah, we don't want you to get hurt. I'm not saying you can't do it; I want you to know it's dangerous."
"I just imagine some crazed person walking over to me and saying 'Aren't you Karina from that bondage company?' and ruining my life by stalking me or hurting me or blabbing on me."
"I doubt that'll happen."
"I hope it doesn't."
"What's the solution?"
"Cut off my only current source of income or grow a spine. I can't not pay my part, Nichole! I *need* that money. Like, I can't even afford to live anymore without it!"
"Sounds to me like you know what to do. Don't sweat it. He won't hurt you at least; it's you who hurts you in this game."
"OK, Nichole... I understand. Thanks for being you!"
"Thanks for being you, too," Nichole embraced her current roommate.


"Boom! Take that, Ken!" Janie said with a successful blast.
"Now it's my turn to be the one in control of you!"
"That's one down!" Eva said to her sister-in-law.
"Girls, we got this!"
"Not if I'm going to keep having near misses!"
"Get me down from here!" Olivia shouted as she found herself in a movie-style rope ankle trap and hoisted in the air.
"Boom!" Tyler and Carl both fired at her.
"OK, cease fire!" Eva shouted, "Now, give us time to tie up Ken, and you tie up Olivia."
"OK. And we'll agree to when to resume, correct?"

Ken got tied at his crossed wrists, chest, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. As revenge, Janie used the head harness on him and blindfolded him with a red bandana. Lastly, she hogtied him from ankles to thighs.

Olivia was seated on a low-hanging branch and boxtied with a breast harness to hold it. Her ankles were tied on the opposite side of the branch. A second harness was worked around the tree to pin her torso against the natural wood and bark, and her gag was a sock with a knotted green bandana.



"Joyce!" Sera greeted her friend with a kiss.
"Serafina! Thanks for calling me! What would you like to do?"
"Let's just get an ice cream I spent the morning tied up anyway! Long story!"
"Oh, all right... let's just make plans for having fun tomorrow!"
"Sounds good to me! So, Serafina, I talked to Ryan today too!"
"Ohhhhh... and?"
"He's just... the best. Sera, it's so trite to say I love him, but I do!"
"You, me, and Bridgie all talking to men younger than ourselves."
"Oh, stop it! What flavor ice cream are you getting?"
"Probably pistachio. You?"
"They don't exactly have much for diabetic friendly ice cream! That's why I get a bowl usually!"
"That's rough. So young and unable to enjoy so much of life."
"I can; I just have to really watch my portions. That's why I mostly snack on carrots and hummus, cashews, almonds."
"Jordan almonds!"
"Serafina, you want me to get a sugar coma?"
"Of course not, but I might kidnap you instead."
"Of course."
"Here we are! Choose your flavor!"
"Hi, Danny, could I please get a double waffle cone of pistachio?"
"Sure thing, Serafina!" answered the old man, "And you, Joyce?"
"A double-bowl sundae of the BS chocolate."
"Coming right up."
"Danny, how is it running such a shop on a college campus?"
"You know the old movies? The real old ones. Kids gather around and chat, and some of them will sometimes talk to you about their hopes and dreams?"
"It's almost just like that, except they use debit cards or dollar bills instead of coins, and the hopes and dreams are sometimes sadder."
"How long have you been here?"
"37 years now. My uncle opened a place like this after he was done slaving Uncle Sam in Viet-nam. God rest his soul; he died too young and didn't know his kids would keep it running, although it's a diner on the south side of Minneapolis now."
"Is it 'Uncle Johnny's House' in Mudville by any chance?"
"Actually it is!"
"We're meeting friends there next week!"
"Well, girls, I'll take a dollar off today's treat for that; you tell Joey that cousin Danny said hello for me."
"Of course!"
"And, someday, it looks like my grandson will take over this place. I'm a lucky man to have a grandson who puts people before things."
"We do too... that's why we're friends!"
"You're silent, Serafina."
"The ice cream's so good! I'm enjoying just listening to you."


"So let's all praise the Lord! Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, chin up, turn around, sit down," Jenny sang.
"Mmmmmmmm!" Casey moaned into a gag.
"I did do all that, didn't I?"
"Mmmm hmmm!"

Casey sat backwards on a wooden chair. Her knees were fastened where the back met the seat, and her ankles were tied to the underframe. Her wrists and elbow and shoulders were tied to the chair back itself. Jenny made a braid in Casey's hair, put in a black scrunchie, and ran rope from it to the underframe of the tray. This was the "chin up" part of the song, and the rest had been met as well. A blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief gagged the girl.

"Casey is pretty is a picture! I'm blessed this girl is dating my cousin!"
"Grmm! thlee ihnapped ee!"


Hannah did what she often did while depressed, scared, sad, or anxious: she napped. This nap gave Nichole an opportunity though.

"Hey, sis! How are you? I'm doing great! Yeah, I never got a chance to thank you for coming to my graduation... It meant so much to me. Now, Claire, don't be silly! Jenny's good too. Yeah, in fact, I talked to her the other day, and she sounds so much better! You wouldn't believe it. I understand you're not ready yet; it was hard for me too; but, she's genuine. Oh, you don't know the half of if. That man, he'd beat the living hell out of me; maybe that's why I'm good now! Haha! He busted more of Mom's good things on me! Wooden spoon cracked on my butt; broke dishes using them to beat me (I have gnarly scars from that one); broke a chair when he threw me into it. I'm a tough cookie sis! Naw, you were always my hero, and in a sense still are because you became a success as best you could. It was better you never came back, or he'd have beaten you too. I got started at a younger age, so I was used to it. I'm actually wearing the same baby blue trainers and bandana you wore back then right now; they are the only originals I still have because every time I wear them I think of you. You know I love you too. Um... I'll check with Chris, but I'm up to the trip really! Yeah, we don't have classwork to worry about, though our roommate will be lonely that week! Oh, it's Hannah, one of my high school friends. She doesn't know half as much as my other friends do, but she gets stories here and there. I hear children arising from nap time! I love you, too, Claire. Bye sis."

"You're such a sweetheart," a sleepy Hannah said as she stood in the doorway.
"Nothing else to hear at the moment."
"I have cool people in my life, including you, and I don't mean Cool Girls'."
"So do I now. How about I tie you up?"
"Why not? It's story time anyway."


Janie dodged a shot and watched as Eva turned and hit her brother square in the chest. Janie then quickly fired at Eva's cousin and got him at the same time he got Janie.

"You just made my day. Now, let's pick up these foam bullets lest they become an environmental hazard. Then we'll tie up people."
"Roger!" Janie responded to her new sister.
"Boys, it's time to be tied up!"

Carl and Tyler were tied up in the same way that Ken was, but their gags were stuffed socks with black bandana cleave gags and a strip of microfoam tape. Janie had just nearly forgotten when Eva spoke again.

"I saw that bullet hit you, sis."
"You did, did you?"
"Yes, you're dead."
"So I am. Do you accept payment in hugs?"
"Come here! I'm so freaking happy to be a Rondell."
"Haha! We're all happy to have you. We all liked you from the minutes we met you, but the day Ken sent you those flowers... we all knew this going to happen. Ken dated so many girls in high school and never once sent any of them flowers."
"Awwwww... all right... I'm to be tied up."


Serafina and Joyce said little on the way back to the latter's residence. The company alone was special, and these two had a special affinity for each other that couldn't be described in words.

"Joyce, what do you want to do now?" Sera asked her as they entered the dorm.
"How about a big girl TUG, the way you, me, and Bridgie play?"
"I can do that for you! With a smile on my face too."
"All right!" Joyce threw off her shirt, kicked off her shoes and, removed her shorts to reveal a white bra and black underwear.
"Eager beaver."
"Maybe it's because I'm with my bestie!"
"Maybe! Lie down on the bed."

Ropes bound Joyce's wrists, elbows, breasts, wasit/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs, and her own ball gag silenced her.

"Just think... this time next year... you're going to be married and living the married life in happiness!"
"Mmm hmmm!"
"Now, we take a nap!" Sera blindfolded her with a black bandana.


"Gangsta Friend!!" Joy incidentally proclaimed a new club nickname when she saw Casey's predicament.
"Jenny Danielle Kristensen... Gangsta Princess, how could you?!"
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah, it's so. Watcha gonna do 'bout it? I'm a bad Gangsta Princess, and I'm gonna take ya' out too!"

Unsurprisingly, Jenny failed in this venture as well and found herself in some serious trouble. Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, feet, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs, and she was hogtied from ankles to elbows and hair tied from her braid to her feet. A sock, a red bandana, and 9 layers of tape gagged her, and a pink bandana blindfolded her. First came selfies and photos.

"mmmm mmmmmmmmmm!" Jenny squeaked quietly as Joy filmed her.
"There there... The bad Gangsta Princess has been taken prisoner!"
"Look what she did to our beloved Gangsta Friend Casey!"
"Look, girls, if you want Casey free, make an angry reaction to show you're upset Jenny tied her up. If you want Jenny free, give me a like to show you approve of her tying up Casey. Just be aware... if you free Jenny, I get tied up next!"


Hannah stayed simplistic in a sense and bound Nichole's ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts. The girl's shoes were removed, and she was placed on the couch on her tummy. Hannah knelt on the floor next to her.

"Talk, Nichole... I heard enough."
"All right... my dad is... awful. He's genuinely evil, really. Like... oh my gosh... where do I start?"
"When did it begin?"
"When $#!+ went down with Claire... that day onward, he hated me. He knew Claire was my hero and that I was distraught she was so bad. She really was awful, Hannah... in the sense that your life was bad. She did drugs; she was in real gangs that committed some pretty diabolical crimes; she later was a prostitute for a spell; she had a bender and came out of it married to a piece of work. It was terrible... and I'm grateful she got out of it all... found a new husband... and is now married to a nice guy and has her own family."
"But you, Nichole."
"Once she was out, about a week later, Dad called into the living room. He beat me with his belt and told me that was my warning not to be my sister; how could he do that to a 10 year old?!. After that, I could do no right anymore. My brothers would kick and punch me until I was black and blue; if so much as shoved them, I'd get beaten. Wooded spoons, belts, punching, kicking, slapping, breast squeezing... once I was forced to stand in a cold shower for 10 minutes... they broke me. They finally broke me. I couldn't take it anymore, and once I left it I disintegrated. I have slices all over my body from cutting myself. I can still one time after one slicing episode... as Joy bandaged me up... Jenny was curled up on the couch, her face buried in her hands, crying her eyes out. I was irritable, I was selfish, I hated myself... I wasn't me. When Claire re-entered my life, it was a boost... but it wasn't until I met her in person that I realized I had something to live for. She hadn't forgotten me all those years, so I knew Jenny would never forget either."
"What changed it all?"
"Many things did... Jenny, Chris, Joy... my friends, all of them. My sister. My new parents. My loved ones... All of them changed it."
"How did they change it?"
"It was when I became convinced that I didn't need blood family to be happy that I was able to see the true love and happiness."


Janie groaned from the ground next to Ken. Ropes destroyed her: wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms, feet, ankles, lower and upper shins, shins, knees, lower, middle, and upper thighs, breasts, and waist. Her gag was a blue ball gag with black straps, and her blindfold was a blue bandana.

"HMPH!" Ken groaned.
"Heh heh!"
"That's disgusting! Janie!"
"Ha ha!"
"NAUGHTY! How dare you do that when you know we're around!"
"Eethe yy uth-hin!"
"Keep the X-rated stuff in the bedroom. Now his clothes are wet!"
"Ha ha ha ha!"
"Come on, sis, help me remove the gags and blindfolds on these... Oh, gross... Kenny!"
"She did it to me!"
"So I did! And I had fun too!"
"Stop, stop, stop... You two, side-by-side!" Caleigh forced Janie to sit next to Ken.
"OK... OK! What is it?"
"I have been working on something for days now... a drawing... never has a piece of art taken me more than two days... I used a mixture of colored pencils and then even broke my pastels and the brush for a real striking effect."
"Sounds fancy," Ken said.
"It is... here you go."
"Oh, my God, CALEIGH! It's beautiful! Oh, Ken... look at it."
"It's us... the other day... sort of. We never posed like that..."
"It looks like you took a photograph and modified it in Adobe. Caleigh... is that for us?" Janie asked her.
"It's your wedding portrait... to my brother and my new sister... husband wife... my best friend and her groom... my brother and his bride... from the bottom of my heart. I love you two so much."
"Thank you so much... Caleigh, this past year... you did something much more than became a close friend and TUG buddy... you matured into an incredibly good person. We love you too."
"Thanks Cay... It's almost perfect... How did you do it?"
"My imagination. I imagined you two standing there... in those same clothes."
"You got the shadows... the way my hair lies... the ruffles in the skirt.... the shirt... Ken's smile... the spot where he really needed to iron that shirt... the height difference... the emotions... you got it all just right!"
"You're welcome you two."


"Bridget? Are you OK?" Allie asked her friend while Sammy showered.
"I'm fine, but saddened. Why is Sammy suffering so much?"
"Girl, beats me, but, let me tell you, you're the best thing that ever happened to her. I thought I knew her well, but this week has been all new to me."
"Me too."
"Keep at it; she's happy finally. Me? I need pills to be happy; she just needed a good friend."
"I hope that's all it is."
"Bridget, smile for a change."
"What's going on out here?" asked the girl in question as she exited the shower.
"We were just talking... about how glad we are to be your friends."
"I'm glad you're my friends too," Sammy said with a smile as she continued to dry her hair.
"See, Bridge?"
"I see it!"


"Well, that's cruel!"
"Yeah, the creeps chose you, Jenny! Sorry, Case, but you lost this one. Jenny goes free."
"Wheee!" Jenny squealed into her gag.

"For my first act as your captor, I'm going to... It's late. I'll come by your house tomorrow. Help me free Casey."
"Rope marks, Joy."

Jenny was the ultimate in being a friend.


"I can't forget that day... sentencing," Hannah began, "I'll never forget it."
"'Miss Hannah Larsson,' the judge started, 'Because you cooperated with our investigation to the fullest and have shown immense respect for this court, on account of your guilty plea, I am sentencing to the minimum for these charges: 6 months in the Minnesota Juvenile Penitentiary.' I was elated and dismayed... 6 months as opposed to 25 years. I was handcuffed, and as the bailiff led me out of the courtroom I paused and looked at my parents and cried out 'I'm sorry I failed you... I still love you Mom and Dad.'. In spite of having much opportunity, they said nothing. I was led out into a bus where I and the other sentenced juveniles awaited our ride. I learned from the whole escapade to appreciate every opportunity you get in life. That same judge showed me mercy when, three years later, she removed the drug charges from my record and made it possible for me to get federal aid like work-study and grants."
"Hannah... that... that life sucks."
"From then until I reunited with Casey, I had no one I could trust except myself."
"Hannah, it's just the beginning of a new story."
"No, Nichole, the Hannah of 2011 and 2013 and 2014 is here in 2018. It's the same book, but with a very, very dynamic character. The story never ends, really, because... Nichole, there's eternity! I can forever be happy!"
"That's the truth."
"Thanks for being my friend and caring so much about me."
"You're welcome!"


What could top having friends and family like this?
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1403
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 281: The Surprise
Friday, May 11, 2018

"Mom... really?"
"Mm hm. Yes, really. That's why I've been at so many doctors lately; I even saw an ultrasound already to prove it."
"But, Mom, you're 49!"
"I don't understand it either. It just... happened!"

For the first time in her life, Casey was genuinely worried about that one thing about herself. She took a limping step backward, and her eyes grew wide as she looked down at the floor.

"You're not going to stop loving me, are you?" tears started forming in the corners of her eyes.
"What? Why?!"
"I've heard stories. Adopted children losing their parent's affection after a real one arrives."
"Casey, don't be silly. I can go months or years without thinking anything about that. I have to be reminded that we even adopted you."
"You mean... I'm going to be... a big sister?"
"And an awesome one at that. Come here; Mom wants a big hug from her girl!"
"I love you so much!"

If anything, the age gap guaranteed that Casey would forever have the special spot of being the "older child" of her parents.


"Hannah, now, you have a good safe day today, OK?"
"Just a little real summer work."
"What happened to your work-study?"
"Ended at the end of the semester."
"Oh, right... what's the new gig?"
"Assistant to the department secretary."
"What's your day?"
"Relaxing... day off!"
"I will!"

Nichole quite chill in her black trainers, t-shirt, and kerchief bandana; she let one lock of hair remain free from the kerchief She set about making some of Hannah's favorite cookies: snickerdoodles. Fortunately, Nichole had made them with Jenny and Joy before. Once those were done, Nichole decided to try something new: reading her Bible.

It wasn't easy, but Nichole managed to read 3 chapters of Genesis in one sitting, which she considered to be a good start.

That one lock of hair was something special to Nichole. It was just a slightly browner tone than the rest of her head, and it was the favorite piece of hair for many to play with, including Chris, Jenny, and Joy.


"I could adventure with y'all allllll summer," Janie said in a seriously relaxed tone.
"You'll have the chance, but, yeah, we have softball this weekend," Caleigh responded with disappointment.
"That's why we're in this cushy RV headed back to my dorm where I'll be with my beloved Joyce!"
"I can tell you really mean that, Jane."
"I really do!"
"Well, I'm glad you love her so much; you're the shining Joy of her life."
"Are you comfortable in your ropes there?"
"Of course I am! In fact, I'm almost out of it!"
"I wish I knew how you did it."
"I'm glad you don't!"

Caleigh was in black shorts and a pink t-shirt with ropes binding her ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, and waist. She and Janie were seated at the table in the RV with Ken while the other siblings and cousins made their respective treks home.

"So why are you moving out?"
"Just to give your sister and husband and baby some well-deserved privacy. Besides, the youngsters need me just like your friends needed Lauren."
"You are such a thoughtful person, Caleigh."
"I just try to do the right thing... y'know, 'What would Jesus do?' is how I try to live."
"You do it very well."
"Right?" Caleigh popped a hand out.
"But Jesus didn't escape the ropes of His captors!"
"No, but I'm also just playing a game with one of my favorite people in the whole wide world!"
"Caleigh Rondell, I do adore you just... just so much!" Janie embraced her in a hug.
"I love you a ton too," she returned the embrace.


"Casey, what has you so excited that you had to meet us for lunch here of all places?" Joy asked.
"Just wait until Jenny gets here. I looovvveeee a bacon burger and a Route 44!"
"OK, OK. Is it good news?"
"Is it related to Alex?"
"I see Jenny coming in now! Why didn't you just pick up and meet us at Jenny's or my place?"
"Because, it's my life we're talking about?"
"OK, Casey, I can tell you're happy."
"Jenny, over here!"
"I'm coming. Haven't we had enough trouble lately?"
"No trouble here... just a celebration!"
"My cousin?! ALREADY?!"
"No! Just sit down. We already ordered because we know you'll only eat the chili dog."
"Their burgers and tots are gross."
"You're a weirdo," Joy jabbed.
"Stop it and brace yourselves. Ready?"
"Yeah!" Joy said as she too was a bit excited.
"Mom and Pop... are having a baby."
"Wait... What?!"
"Are you kidding?!"
"I don't believe it!"
"She is! I'm going to be a big sister! I'm going to be 23 when the baby arrives!"
"You're not scared at all? Your mom is almost 50!" Joy was horrified.
"Naw! She's a real trooper! Just think... me! A big sister!"
"You'll make a great big sister."


"Chris, what are you doing home so early?"
"Lunch break, but when I heard you were alone, I decided to surprise you."
"Surprise me?"
"Surprise you!"
"Ooooh! Rope!" Nichole laughed as she was spun around and her elbows tied behind her.
"I thought my wife would enjoy being left for her friend Hannah to find."
"That's very true!"

Ropes eventually bound Nichole's elbows, wrists, breasts, ankles, and thighs, and she was hogtied from ankles to wrists. She was gagged with strips of double sided tape and a handkerchief OTM gag and left on the sofa to struggle as her husband went back to work.


"I missed you so much, my beloved!" Janie hugged Joyce as she stepped back into the apartment.
"I missed you too!" Joyce tightly embraced her friend.
"At least we're hosting the regionals and you can watch!"
"I'm just happy you're here!"
"Don't forget about me!" Carrie said.
"I haven't, girl!"
"How was your little trip?"
"A great way to begin a great thing!"
"Come inside, get unpacked, and relax!" Joyce pushed.


"What's the matter, Jenny?" Mother could see the sadness in her daughter's eyes.
"I'm just jealous of my friend Casey, is all."
"Ohh... jealousy isn't a good thing, dear."
"I know... It's not enough God took my brother but had to make sure you and Dad couldn't have any more. I don't think having little siblings or not would have changed what she means to me."
"It's not our place to question that though. How does your friend Casey play into this?"
"Her parents just found out they're having their own child after all these years."
"How does Casey feel?"
"She's ecstatic to be a big sister. And I'm envious."
"Just try not to be."
"I will try."
"Now, what you should do is call Gianni later."
"All right... I will!"


"Grm! Rmmmmm mmmm mmmmmmm!" Nichole yelled as she struggled.
"What are you doing here?" Hannah asked her.
"Ry-ing ooh ehh oww uff thith!" Nichole said as she continued to loosen the knots.
"You're doing pretty darned well!"
"Ank ooh!"

Soon, Nichole had freed herself completely and was coiling the rope back up.

"Did you have a good time?"
"I should say so!"
"Good... It smells like... are those snickerdoodles?!"
"Yes, they are!"
"You're the best!"


"Joy, you're going to like this place so much! It'll be crazy and fun to share a room with you!"
"You think so, Zo'?"
"I know so! We haven't shared a room in, what, 16 years or something?"
"Since we moved into this house!"
"Well, just believe me, you will enjoy Madison so much! It's got just as much without as much mania as Minneapolis!"
"You're the one that hates Minnie traffic and chaos, not me!"
"OK, so maybe I am projecting a bit, but it is still a nice apartment!"


"Heyyyyy, big guy!"
"Now what you calling me that for, hmmm?"
"I don't know... Because you're big, handsome, and extremely thoughtful?"
"Well... OK... How's my midget love?"
"Midget love! Gianni! Just because I'm short, considerate, sweet, courteous, adorable..."
"Stop it, silly girl!"
"I try."
"I'm counting the days until you get here... It's a countdown for real."
"Then you get to see the Gangsta Princess and have her living nearby!"
"Exactly! Serafina will be home, too, so that will be very, very special as well."
"You love your sister."
"We all have a special spot for her... She's unique. Don't tell her, but Daddy and Benny and I are going down to watch her race this weekend."
"I won't spoil the surprise!"


"Too bad the rowers are in Philly," Janie said with disappointment.
"Necessary evils," Joyce reminded her.
"I guess so. I love you, girl," Janie cuddled her stuffie.

Joyce was roped at her wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs. She was Janie's stuffie, and that was that.

"I love you too, Janie."
"You two... are just so cute," Carrie said with a grin.

Joyce and Janie couldn't ask for better from each other.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 282: A Rower's Dream
Saturday, May 12, 2018

"Is my dear friend Nichole plotting something?"
"Maybe she's plotting to kidnap her friend and roommate?"
"Oooooh! That sounds like fun!"
"Would Hannah Bandana like to be kidnapped?"
"Of course she would!"
"OK! I'll get some rope!"

Hannah Bandana the Orange Banana (????) was ready in orange trainers, a blue t-shirt, and an orange bandana headband along with blue flip-flops.


"Oh, Jenny, aren't you gorgeous!"
"Thank you!" said the ever Gangsta Princess Jenny to her friend Joy.
"I must kidnap you."
"Say what now?!"
"I must kidnap you. You're too beautiful and perfect!"
"Hey, now, just because I'm little, cute, Gangsta, loving, big-hearted, warm, considerate, affectionate, angelic, athletic, spunky, strong, innocent, energetic..."
"MMMMMMM!" Jenny had been grabbed by Joy.
"Jenny, that outfit is so you, and so terrible!"
"HMPH!" Jenny was proud of her beige denim skirt, pink long-sleeve t-shirt, and solid red bandana headband.
"You must be punished," said the frumpy Joy in a brown skirt, pink t-shirt, and brown kerchief bandana.


"We have to make this one count, Sera. This is it. Lady Eagles forever."
"That's right."
"Tammy, Emily, are you ready?"
"As ready as we'll ever be."
"All right, girls, this is it."

Bridget was ready for what might by her last race as a collegiate rower representing Minnesota Tech.


"Mmmmmm!" Hannah struggled against her boxtie.

Ropes boxtied her arms and pinned them with a harness and crotch rope. More ropes bound her ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs, and an orange rubber ball threaded with a blue bandana gagged her.

"Orange Gangsta tickle!" Nichole laid down on top of Hannah, who was lying on the sofa.
"Ah ha ha ha!"

Nichole, the Tie-Dye Gangsta in red trainers, tie-dye t-shirt, and tie-dye kerchief bandana, continued for 15 minutes of torture for her friend.

"Hannah, I love you so much!" Nichole hugged her tightly.
"I'm glad we're friends. Now, pose for the pictures!"




Ropes bound Jenny's wrists, breasts, ankles, shins, knees, and thighs. Her solid red bandana headband was now a knotted red bandana cleave gag to hold a sock in her mouth. Jenny, however, had been wearing Keds white sneakers instead of high heels.

"There!" Joy said as she took one last photo of Jenny.
"Be good!" Joy masked herself with a brown bandana.
"MMMMM!" Jenny fought as Joy took selfies with her.
"That's it!"
"Now you're beautiful."
"Stop it!" Joy filmed her victim.
"I love you more!"


"C'mon, Bridgie! Keep at it, keep at it! Go, girl!" Joyce watched the livestream.
"You can do it! Keep at it!" Leah added.
"Sera and Bridget... you're almost there! Steady!" Nichole thirded.
"Almost! Just a bit more! YES!!"
"You go girls!"
"They did it!"
"It's been one heck of a journey."
"But," Nichole said, "It's been an honor being a friend to the rowers."
"It has."
"MMMMMMMM!" Hannah agreed wholeheartedly.

The four friends just had to cheer their beloved rowers.


"Oh my God! SERAFINA!"
"We did it Bridgie!"
"OMG! I don't believe it!"
"You better believe girl!"

The Minn Tech ladies rowing team may have failed to qualify for the national championships, but more than adequate consolation came in winning a race at the Dad Vail Regatta, the most important weekend of rowing in America. It was an all-upperclassmen line-up on the boat, with Sera and Bridget joined by juniors in this 4 rower race!

"Sera, it's all over!" Bridget began to cry, "Our rowing careers are over!"
"Don't cry, sweetheart! We have to get back to shore first."
"Right. Tammy, Ems, you girls were great! Congratulations to you two, as well."
"Don't cry, Bridget, you know I'm weepy," Tammy responded to her teammate.


"That wasn't nice to do to Jenny!" Casey texted Joy.
"What are you gonna do? Come tie me up too?" the captor responded.
"Bring it on!"

Joy wasn't going to let herself be tied up though.


"That was an easy enough win!" Lauren said with relaxed satisfaction, "Slowly we build up to harder games as the next team will be twice as good!"
"Yeah... No matter what happens... This was a year to be proud of," Janie agreed with her.
"Focus, Janie... quit having Ken fantasies."
"Why shouldn't I? We're done for the day."
"Besides, I love him... in a different way than I love you... You should understand."
"I understand."
"Lauren, is it real?"
"It's real, kiddo!"
"I have the best sister in the world."
"I wouldn't say that."
"It's true though!"
"No... I have the best sister in the world because I have you."
"Awwwww, sis!"


"That was a special day, wasn't it, Hannah?"
"Aw, you've been tied up for the last 3 hours, honey!"
"Three hours?!" asked Leah and Joyce at the same time.
"Um, longer, actually!"
"Poor Hannah Bandana. Leah, it's time we taught Gangsta Queen a lesson!"
"I think you're right! Tie-Dye Gangsta, you're in trouble now!"
"Hey, now!" Nichole was held by Leah while Joyce bound her wrists and elbows.
"She's helpless, Joyce! Take her down!"
"MMMMM!" Nichole felt a hand clamp over her mouth.


"Bridgie!" Sera hugged her tightly.
"Baby, I'm going to miss you," Bridget looked fondly at their little boat.
"Celebrate, girl! C'mon!"
"Sera, look, that's Benny and Gianni!"
"It is! BENNY! Mama won it just for you!"
"Sera... I... I can't!"
"Get on the damn podium!"

Bridget was experiencing one of the most emotionally testing moments of her life.


"Hi, Mrs. Fredericks!" greeted the girl in a new color to her friends: purple, with trainers, t-shirt, and bandana headband.
"Hello, again, Miss Casey! Big sister to be!"
"Yes! Is Joy home?"
"She's in the basement with Jenny."
"Oh, Casey, be careful."

Casey quietly opened and shut the door and masked herself with a purple bandana. She went down the stairs carefully and even held her water pistol closely to her. She heard Jenny's impassioned struggle long before she saw her and jumped around the corner.

"Freeze, Joy!" she jumped out and saw Jenny with her shirt and bra pulled up and now with her elbows bound. She was on the table and hogtied from ankles to wrists.
"Get off!"
"MMMMMMM!" groaned the exposed girl while watching.
"Hold still!"
"NNOO!" Casey resisted as she was tackled to the sofa.
"Come on, Casey Clark! You're helpless against me."
"No, I won't. Having had a stroke doesn't make me weak!"
"Maybe not, but I'm still stronger."
"Dang!" Casey felt the handcuffs close on her wrists.
"Now, you're mine!"
"MMMMM!" Casey's mouth filled with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white bandana.


Ropes bound Nichole's wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. A blue rubber ball gag with a black strap from the Ralston collection was her gag, and a red bandana blindfolded her.

"Grm! Eh eee ou of thith!"
"I like her when she's gagged. HEE HEE!" Leah said and giggled.
"Think I don't?" asked Chris in a sarcastic tone while cuddling his wife.
"Don't mind her!"
"Aren't the two Gangstas so freaking cute?" Joyce asked.
"Yes, they are! I'm going to just go now and let her keep chewing on that. I'll swing by tomorrow after church so you can avenge yourself. OK, Nichole?"
"She's fine!" Joyce dismissed her concerns, "I'm going too. Bye, girls!"
"Eh uth oh!" Hannah plead.
"BYE!" both waved and left.


"Bridgie!" Emily said excitedly.
"What now?"
"They're going to retire the boat after next week's races! I just overheard the coaches talking! The school's going to induct us and it into the Hall of Fame!"
"No way! REALLY?!"
"Way to go! We made history!"
"Where's Sera? Tammy already knows."
"Oh, I just tied her up for a nap in the hotel room."
"You did what?"
"I... Oops... spilled the secret... I did it as a prank."
"Oh, Bridget, quit being silly. Everyone knows you do it."
"Do what?"
"Tie up each other. After what happened when you were a freshman, it just became a known thing that didn't bother anyone."
"Wait, what?" Bridget started getting concerned by this.
"I didn't know who you played with... never thought it was so many other rowers. I personally thought it was just you and Sammy! You're fine, Bridge; it's just what makes you who you are."
"You don't think I'm weird."
"Different... and uniquely Bridget."
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure I'm sure. Most of us just never asked because it's your private life."
"OK, then."
"Bridget, maybe this will help assure you."
"Ah, Ems!" Bridget wasn't expecting a hug, "Everyone's going to miss our team leader. You made this rowing team something special, and we'll never forget the incredible Bridget Sjaastad."
"I'll never forget you girls either!"

With friends like these, who needs enemies?


Casey had handcuffs on her ankles and was hog zipped from ankles to wrists.

"You're a cute Purple Bandana Gangsta Friend!"
"Nk ooh!"
"Thanks for coming over."
"Ahm glah ah ih!"
"So is Jenny."

Friendship like this had no bounds on its love.


"Sera, I guess everyone knows."
"Knows what?"
"All the rowers knew I play TUGs... I just accidentally slipped that I play with you."
"Oh, that's not a big deal then!"
"No, just embarrassed to say you were tied up for a nap."
"Well, it's true! Bridget Sjaastad, you're my best friend; TUGs are part of what we do. That's why I had told Gianni and Roberto even before you met them. It's why Sammy told her mother."
"Yeah, it's so true! It's part of what makes our friendship special. Bridgie, it's an understatement to say I love you; you're one of shining joys of my life. There are five people I especially love: you, Milio, Benny, Peter, and Momma."
"Sera, you're a particularly special girl."
"Now, it's just handkerchiefs, but could you let me out?"
"Nonsense! You're staying like that. It's late anyway!"
"I need to pee though."
"OK, but after dinner right back you go, OK?"
"OK! And we'll bring Sammy in as well!"


"Joyce! We won!" Janie said with a bounce.
"Awesome! Keep at it, girlie!"
"Would you tie me up? I'd like to burn off the excitement."
"Sure thing!"

Janie stripped to her red underwear, and Joyce bound her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch.

"Now, let's just enjoy our sisterhood... and enjoy some TV."
"All right, Joyce!"
"Sit with us, Carrie!"
"Sure thing!"

Janie had Carrie on one side and Joyce on the other. It couldn't get better than this, could it?


With a bunch of handkerchiefs and bandanas, you could bind two rowers at their ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, and elbows and give them a knotted cleave gag. You and your two friends are all wearing navy blue trainers, white-and-navy-blue horizontally striped tank tops, and navy blue bandana headbands.

"Sammy, Sera, I love you two so much. I'm so glad God brought our lives together!"
"Mmmm hmmm!"

What a genuinely special friendship these rowers had.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 283: Mom and Pop
Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13, 2018

"Jenny, you're being contemplative again," her mother said one Sunday morning after they returned from church.
"I am... I'm thinking about how much more I appreciate this house the older I get and realize that it'll always be home."
"What's that mean to you?"
"I can always call and ask 'Mom, can I come stay a few days or a few weeks?' and always get a 'Yes' from you."
"That's true. Now, why are you lying on your bed like that."
"Because I miss my best friend... and wish she and I could sleep in these beds together just one more time."
"You might get your wish."
"Wha? NICHOLE! What's she doing here?! Oh, wait!"

Jenny ran to the door like a child and ran out to greet her best friend and sister-by-adoption.

"What are you doing here?"
"I had to spend Mother's Day with my mother!"
"You're the best. Mom, she came to see you!"
"Come on in, sweetie!"
"Happy Mother's Day!" Nichole hugged her 'mother' tightly.
"Happy Mother's Day for you, too."
"Don't remind me."
"When I see how you and Jenny get along, I'm almost glad I wasn't able to have more... and maybe upset the role our family has played in your life."
"That's... no one has ever... said anything so heartfelt to me."
"You mean so much to this family."
"Anyway... I brought some of your favorite."


"[Momma! Happy Mother's Day!]" Sammy began a conversation with her mother.
"[Happy Mother's Day, Mama!]" Sera talked to her mother, "Awwwww... thank you Benny! Yes, I opened the card this morning. Yes, thank you for coming out to see me yesterday."

Bridget quietly withdrew from her friends in the lobby and walked over to the hotel dining area to hang out with her teammates. Well, she didn't get that far, as she sat on a chair outside the dining area and fought the tears until they just naturally poured down her cheeks. They would be leaving in an hour to board a plane back to Minnesota, and here she was crying because she had no mother.

"Bridget, what's wrong?" asked one of her sophomore teammates.
"Everyone's talking to their moms except me! I miss my mom so much, and this day always reopens the old wounds."
"I'm sorry, Bridge! I have an idea though... hold on... let me get those last few stragglers down here before we leave."


Casey just knew she had to ask again. In the back of her mind was this unshakable concern that was draining the happiness from her life.

"Mom... Pop... can we talk?" Casey asked her parents in a sad tone.
"What's wrong, kiddo?" her father asked in a concerned tone.
"Casey, I think we've talked about this."
"We have," Casey looked down.
"Let her ask again since she didn't ask me before."
"You two aren't going to... stop loving me... now that you have one of your own, are you? I want to a have a little brother or sister, but I'm... I'm scared that you'll feel like you don't need me since you have your own flesh and blood."
"Your mother and I had just had our sixth miscarried baby when I opened the newspaper one day in January 1996. The article shook Mudville, really... a baby had been left in a basket at the fire department with just the bare essentials. She had warm clothes and a blanket and a birth certificate. That was it, because that woman apparently wanted you to survive. I looked at your mother and said, 'Katie, go to the store, and get everything we need. I found us our baby.' She thought I was nuts until she read the article and said, 'If God wants it, we'll get her. Let's go!'"
"We went down to the station and told them our story. Your father, being a cop, had allies there, and within a week we were bringing you home. As an only child myself, your grandparents have always seen you as their grandchild. You know the rest of it."
"I know the story... But... I'm scared you two are going to close the book on me... and..."
"You know who else is scared? Me, Casey," her father said, "We're heartbroken that our little girl's a college graduate now. We're scared of the empty nest. I'm going to be 74 when that baby is your age, but I am willing to risk it. We didn't plan to have a baby, but mother and I are healthy and figured, when we found out, that, well, if you leave, we'll at least have another to keep us young. After we lost the last one when you were maybe 4 or 5 years old, we tried for another 10 years and didn't get far enough to even lose any. We didn't try to have this child; it's a miracle we did though. And we want you and your new baby sibling to love each other as much as you love us and we love you. You'll always be our firstborn even if you first chose us."
"I love you two so much," Casey hugged her father tightly, "I'll always be your little girl?"
"And God willing it's a boy so you can always be my only little girl and princess."


"OK, what is this?" Bridget asked her teammates.
"Happy Mother's Day to our rowing mother Bridget!"
"What on earth?! Girls, you didn't have to,"
"You're the only girl on the rowing team who doesn't have a mother," Allie explained, "But you love your rowers like children."
"Remember what I said yesterday?" Emily asked her, "About you being exceptionally special in the heart's of this squad? I meant it!"
"You girls are the best!"

One-by-one, as the girls walked onto the bus to the airport, they each hugged Bridget Sjaastad, their graduating senior and "row mother."


"Hi... Landon... I'm ready whenever you are."
"Don't be so nervous, Hannah."
"I'm trying... but it's not easy."
"It's not supposed to be easy."
"All right... let's go, big guy."


"Joy! Good to see you!" Nichole hugged her friend.
"You asked if I could stop by for 20 minutes, and here I am!"
"I still owe you two TUGs!" Jenny reminded Joy.
"Yes, you do!"
"Anyway... I hit Wal-Mart the other day, and lo and behold they had a bo-go on bandanas of all things!"
"We're not Gangsta enough as it is?"
"Of course not! Check it out!"
"Ooh, they're pretty!" Jenny said.
"These two look like the one you're wearing right now!"
"They are! I got the pink one for you, Jenn, and the purple one for Joy! Likewise, Jenny, I know you like your awful lime green clothes."
"Ooh, that's cool looking!"
"Isn't it? And, Joy, here's a similar pink one. I got some of these in duplicate for others. I already gave Sammy, Hannah, and Sera theirs."
"You're such a considerate sister!" Jenny hugged Nichole.
"I know what my loved ones like! Now I just need to get to Janie and Casey!"
"I'll let you Gangstas Gang out the day... thanks, so much, Nichole!"
"My pleasure, Joy!"
"It's the little things!"


"I love you two so much," Casey tightly hugged her mother.
"I'm really surprised by this," her mother said, "Your whole life you've never once seemed bothered by it, yet all of a sudden this made you so worried about how you came to be here."
"It's not how... but that I did that matters though."
"That's right. You're the best daughter I could have ever gotten, and we're so glad to have you."
"It's OK if my friend Nichole stops by for 10 or 15 minutes? She doesn't get down here too much."
"Not a problem at all."
"OK... I can't wait to find it out it's a boy or a girl."
"It'll be a while still."
"I know, but it'll be a special time either way."
"Come on," Father said, "A girl's never too old to be with her old man."
"OK!" Casey scooted down and squeezed up against her father.
"It's been so long since you've been so affectionate."
"I never needed to be... You did so much for me when I was sick I never felt the need to be because we already had proven how much we all love each other."
"That's how love is... unconditional."
"I'm so glad God brought us together."


"Girls, thanks for inviting me over to be with you," Joyce said while choking back tears.
"It's OK to let it out, Joyce... my extra little sister," Lauren said while hugging her friend.
"I still don't understand why Jesus took my parents away from me. I miss them so much."
"I don't understand either."
"Is it too much to want to hear their voices again? Feel their hugs?"
"Joyce... I basically never had a mother... I can't imagine what you're feeling," Janie said.
"It's the most horrible feeling in the whole world!"
"We love you, Joyce... If you want to cry, go ahead."
"I do... Janie, I miss being Little Nutbrown Hare so badly... Daddy's hugs... Mommy's kisses... The smile on her face when she'd see the card Dad and I picked out for her on Mother's Day. I'll never have those moments back!"

It was hard having no parents when Mother's Day and Father's Day rolled around.


"Landon, right now... dating is making me too nervous or something... I think you and I should take a break."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure... I'm no good for you right now."
"Hannah, don't blame it on yourself... I like you because you're imperfect."
"I've got a lot of problems right now. I shouldn't be dating."
"OK then."


"Come in!" Pop said to the knock on the door.
"Um... hello? Oh, I'm sorry. Wrong house!" Nichole saw Casey and thought it was a little child.
"Nichole! Wait! Come on in!"
"Casey, is that you?"
"Yeah, it is! Hold on!" Casey scrambled up and stumbled over with a strong limp, "Hey, Gangsta Queen! My leg fell asleep!"
"Case!" Nichole embraced her friend, "I still have to visit bio mom!"
"Let's head into my room."
"Wow, yeah, so many ramps in this house."
"Yeah, it's the least my parents can do. Now, brace yourself, Nichole... I have incredible news."
"OK, lay it on me."
"My parents, after all these years, are finally getting child number 2!"
"You're going to be a big sister?!"
"Yeah, crazy? Right?"
"Crazy unexpected, but maybe not crazy!"
"Your caught us just, well... me getting babied a little for the first time in some years."
"Awwwwwww... You're the most adorable girl for sure."
"Ha ha! Sit down; my leg hurts."
"OK... I just bought some cool bandanas and thought I'd give you some."
"Oh, thanks!"
"Here you go... Casey, I hate seeing you in so much pain. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when you went through all your pain and suffering."
"I still have pain and suffering; that's not a big deal to me. What matters is you're here. Right now."
"You... you're officially proclaimed as 'Gangsta Friend,' because no one does friendship as well as Casey Clark!"
"I'm honored for it to be my official nickname."
"I gotta go now. Anything I can do for you before I go?"
"You did enough just by visiting me."
"All right then. Thanks for letting me interrupt your Mother's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Clark."
"It wasn't any bother at all! Take care!"


"Here we are!" Sammy said happily as she opened the door to the apartment.
"I am emotionally drained by today," Bridget added.
"We still have the Minnesota state races, Bridge," Alyssa encouraged her.
"That was my last Dad Vail though. But you girl's made today a lot easier."
"And one more time... make sure you end a winner!"
"That's true... Got to do this one last race!"
"That's it, Bridgie!" Serafina agreed with Allie's spirit.
"Bridgie just wants to be tied up," Sammy said in a playful tone.
"Oh, is that what it is. Maybe I want to be all duct taped super tight?"
"Like that!"
"I like this idea!"

Bridget was in jean shorts and a black t-shirt with socks and sneakers. No surprise she was taped at her wrists-waist, elbows-breasts, ankles to knees, and thighs to waist. Her own socks and 8 layers of tape gagged her, and a black bandana blindfolded her.


"Thanks girls for letting me just sit around and cry."
"It's the least we can do for our sweet Joyce," Janie said, "Our extra sister."
"Come on, Janie... you did well again today... Let's get an ice cream."
"Oh... all right! Let's go."

The two girls walked out the door together. Their incredible mismatched friendship was a great blessing to both of them.


"Mmmmmmm!" Bridget happily moaned into her gag.
"This girl... she's special... and I love her!" Sammy said while tightly hugging her duct taped friend.
"We all love her! Share the gagged package!" Allie said.
"She is so cute when taped up like this, and I so sent a picture to her boyfriend aka my baby brother."
"He's probably getting a lump in his shorts," Sammy teased.
"Just the facts, girl!"
"OK, he probably is... He's actually..."
"At our door!"
"Let him in!"
"Roberto Randaccio!" Sammy greeted, "Get in here."
"It ended today..."
"Your baseball season?!"
"Yep... No surprise, we weren't selected."
"That sucks... my poor baby brother!" Sera was trying to be comforting.
"Oh, look at that Brigida... always in trouble."
"Now, with us here, you have to keep it PG-13 or less!"
"I know, I know... Hey, Brigida... it's me... how you doing?"
"I've been thinking about you all day... You texted me a lot... I'm sorry you lost your mother... someday, my mother might be your mother."
"Mmmm mmmm mmmmm!"
"Yeah, I'll sit and hold you. Let's enjoy some video games, girls!"

Bridget loved this man, his sister, and her two friends too. They were the best people ever as far as Bridget Sjaastad was concerned.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 284: The Twin Terrors
Monday, May 14, 2018

"How does my new 'danna look on me?" Sammy asked Sera.
"How does mine look on me?"
"Stylish and Gangsta'!"
"Same, girl! You me make a nice little European gang."
"Now, cool it, Gangsta, we got to save it for Liz and Leah."
"'K, Gangsta!"
"We gonna Gangsta drop these folks."

Sammy's was like a bright blue tie-dye with multiple tones and on her head as a headband in a perfect match to her bright blue trainers and white t-shirt. Sera's was a pink as Nichole said the color was "missing from her repertoire" and had circular patterns of other tones; she wore it as a headband, as well, in concert with a new pair of pink trainers and a purple t-shirt.

"You've missed out on a lot of colors that probably would make you sexy enough to screw."
"Maybe that's good if I look that sexy."
"Only Bridgie actually would dare it."
"I'm teasing you. Gangsta Row-a's unite!"
"I can Gangsta too!"
"Go for it!"
"I will!"

To her black jean shorts and blue t-shirt, Bridget added this: her Swedish flag bandana as a kerchief.


"Janie, don't lose hope," Joyce said after the Lady Eagle's suffered just their second loss of the season, eliminating them from the conference tournament, "At least you were the conference champs last year?"
"I'm worried this is going to break our momentum. Sunday is selection day, and we'll probably still be a 1 or a 2, but..."
"Don't fret, Janie Rondell... c'mon, let's get you cleaned up and go see our friends."
"All right! Joyce, you know how to help me get over a bad game."
"I'm your best friend for a good reason. God wants you to see that happiness comes from obeying Him... not a game, although He made you to enjoy that game and to be exceptionally good at it!"
"You're the best."


"Heya, friends!" Sammy greeted the twins, "Our friend Nichole has work, but Hannah should be by here along with a few others."
"Oh, that'll be good!"
"Who's who?"
"Wouldn't you like to know???"

Both were in green trainers with a brighter green t-shirt with their ponytails held by green scrunchies and green bandana headbands.

"Well, yeah!"
"I'm Kidnapper 1, and she's Kidnapper 2," said one.
"And we're kidnapping you! We even just got more of the gag straps so more of us can enjoy the fun at a time."
"Oh boy!"

Ropes bound Sammy's wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs and hogtied her from ankles to elbows. She was gagged with a 2-inch red ball gag.

"Take that, Gangsta!"
"That didn't take long!" Bridget was hardly surprised.
"No, and you're next!"


After a shower, Gangsta Jock emerged in her navy trainers, American flag t-shirt, and flag bandanas as wristbands and as a kerchief with her hair in a braid held by red, white, and navy blue scrunchies. Her red sneakers and socks were a nice match.

"You're so cute!"
"Am I?"
"I think so!"
"You're the best friend ever!" Janie picked up Joyce in a tight hug.
"I try, anyway."
"Carrie, you look ready to go too!"
"I went to my friend's place down the hall to shower."
"Smart girl!"
"Aren't I?" smiled the girl in a pink tennis skirt and a white tank-top.
"Let's go kidnap or be kidnapped."
"This one's looking cute too," said Joyce, who was in jean shorts and a pink t-shirt.


"You're the first person to get to try this gag, Bridget!"

Bridget, the Swedish Gangsta girl, was in an awful chairtie. Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs. Ropes ran from her ankles to the chair legs and from her wrists to her ankles and secured her thighs to the seat of the chair. It was all fastened with that Ralston professionalism.

The gag though was something new: it was a 2.5-inch red rubber dog ball with a handkerchief through the holes, but the ball had several grooves that made it much less than the 2.5 inches and perfect for holding her teeth securely around the ball.

"Mmmmmm!" Bridget was drooling all over herself.
"Well, Kidnapper 1 & 2, that's a good start!" Sera said.
"Who said we're done yet?!"
"Hey!" Allie let Hannah into the apartment.
"Hi, girls!"
"MMMMMMM!" Bridget protested.
"Oh, stop it, Bridget, besides, we have this cool police caution tape that I am sure Serafina wants to try!"
"I do?! I still don't know who's who!!"

Hannah was green trainers, a white t-shirt, and her new bandana with green and yellow spots as a headband. Allie was simplistic in jean shorts and a black tank-top.

"These girls are crazy energetic," Hannah grinned.


"Hey... Chloe, right?" Janie said as she ran into the Ralston's cousin.
"Yes... I'm Chloe, and these are my brothers Chris and Chase."
"The pleasure is ours!" Carrie said with a grin.
"Let's just charge in and see what awaits us!"
"All right!"

Chloe was wearing yellow trainers and a purple t-shirt. Her brothers both had blue jeans and t-shirts... Chase had a black t-shirt, and Chris had a white Minn Tech t-shirt.

Serafina was just finished. The police tape encased her lower arms and waist to below her breasts, elbows to shoulders and above her breasts, ankles to knees, thighs to waist, and her feet. Her own socks and then 5 layers of cleave gag caution tape plus 12 layers of wrap gag caution tape gagged Sera with the same wrap continued 7 times over her eyes for a blindfold and then 12 times around her chin and head to really keep her head under tight wraps and her mouth closed.

"Mmmmmmm!" she quietly fought her situation with immense pleasure.
"AUGH!" protested Hannah as well.
"They're out of control. Help me tie these twin terrors up!" Allie begged her guests.

Hannah was in a standard hogtie with ropes binding her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs and hogtying her from ankles to harness. A green bandana blindfolded her, and her gag was a 1.75-inch yellow ball gag with black straps.

"You two are going down!" Janie said.
"Bring it on!" said the eager Gangsta Twins.
"Let's teach these Twin Gangstas a lesson!" Chloe said with a large grin on her face.
"That's just what we wanted to hear!"


"Joy, it's good to see you. I owe you! Nice, new bandana, girl!"
"Thank you! Yours is lovely as well."
"Well, thank you! It's certainly my style!"
"We're just stylin'... but poor, adorable, fashionable, big-hearted, talented, sweet-hearted, chubby, perfectly-proportioned, big-breasted---"
"Don't steal my shtick!" Jenny whined.
"Anyway, you're gonna kidnap little ol' me, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am! To the basement, girl!"
"OK!" Joy grinned.

Joy was in a beige denim skirt, a brown t-shirt, and a beige bandana headband.


Both Liz and Leah had green ball gags in their mouths, although Liz got the 1.5-inch and Leah and got a 1.75-inch. Both girls were on Bridget's bed with ropes binding their ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist with rope running from their ankles to the footboard and with white bandanas blindfolding them.

"That'll teach the Twin Terrors!" Chloe said with a grin, "Could you re-introduce us to everyone? I'm terrible with names!"
"Yeah, sure!" Joyce said, "You know the rowers, of course."
"Not really."
"You know your cousins and your cousin's crush Hannah."
"Ex? Hannah, you called it off?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"My apologies for getting that wrong. That girl who's drooling everywhere is Bridget; the girl in the police tape is Serafina a.k.a. Sera. This is Allie, and that girl hogtied over there is Sammy. I'm Joyce, and these are Janie and Carrie."
"I'll get it straight some day!"
"Now, let's tie up these here boys and teach them not to mess with us girls!"
"I like this plan!"


While the boys were getting tied up just like their girl cousins and abandoned on Allie's bunk in the other bedroom, something sinister was happening. The twins were escaping their imprisonment. It took about 30 minutes, but they did it. While Chloe, Allie, and Joyce, were torturing the boys, Janie and Carrie were enjoying the other captives.

"Be a good girl, Janie...," the twins grabbed her and dragged her into the bedroom.
"Yeah, we got out of that. Now it's time to kidnap you and this teammate of yours!"
"MMMMMM!" Janie felt ropes binding her elbows.
"Now shut up!"
"MMMMM!" Janie got the 2.5-inch red ball gag known as jumbo, and it fit her well.
"Liz, get Carrie while I take care of this one."

Janie was impressed by the twin's strength as ropes tightly bound her wrists, forearms, breasts, waist/crotch, feet ankles, lower shins, upper shins, knees, lower thighs, mid thighs, and upper thighs. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows and them hair tied from her braid to her feet.

"Let me know if Jumbo becomes too much for your mouth to handle."
"I got the other girl!" Liz came in with Carrie, who was gagged with a blue 2-inch ball gag and had ropes on her crossed wrists, elbows, and breasts.
"She's so sexy like this!" Leah said with glee.
"This is the girl with the fake foot!"

Carrie was seated cross-legged and securely bound at her shins with waist rope and a rope from shins to harness to further restrict her motions. They then blindfolded Carrie with a pink bandana.

"Just a few more to go!"


"Janie? Where'd you go, girl?" asked Joyce.
"Janie, you're MMMMPH!"
"Gotcha, girlie!"
"How'd you two get out?!" Chloe was surprised to see them so soon.
"Our trade secret! Now, you two surrender yourselves, or we're going to destroy this girl worse than Janie!"
"Now, you can't do that!"
"HANDS IN THE AIR! The Green Gangsta Twins are in charge!"
"Mmmmm!" protested Joyce.
"Hey, look, zipcuffs! Chloe, put these on Allie, now!" Leah shoved the police zipties at her cousin.
"All right then."
"Make it secure!"
"I am."
"Not put a pair on your own wrists! Move it!"
"Yes, boss."

Chloe and Allie got zipped at their elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs before being hogzipped from ankles to wrists. Chloe got one of the big red rubber balls with a handkerchief like Bridget did, and Allie got a 2-inch yellow ball gag. Both got red bandana blindfolds.

Meanwhile, Joyce was roped at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, and thighs. Her gag was a 1.75-inch pink ball gag, and she was stuffed in the armoire in Bridget's room.

"We done it!"
"Gangsta Twins for the win!"

Selfies, photos, videos, narrations, and more such evidence proved what the twins had done to collective grouping of Chloe, Chris, Chase, Sammy, Allie, Sera, Bridget, Hannah, Joyce, Janie, and Carrie. It was massive carnage to say the least.


"MMMMM!" Joy protested this cruelty.
"It's only for 20 minutes!"

Ropes bound Joy's wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. She was also being hung upside down from a network of rope, blindfolded with a brown bandana, and gagged with her black ball gag with red straps.

"You can take it, champ!"

Jenny fulfilled her promise: 20 minutes, and then she put Joy in a regular hogtie for 90 minutes. Afterwards, Jenny freed her friend.

"Jenny... You're the best... sweetest... Come here!"
"Awww, Joy!" Jenny instinctively returned hug for hug,


"Mmmmmmm!" Bridget helplessly drooled everywhere.
"Mmmmmmm!" came from Sammy.
"MMMMMMM!" added Hannah.
"GRMPH!" protested Janie while also making a large drool pile.
"ELP!" moaned Chloe, who was the third major drooler.
"Mmmm mmm mm!" wailed Sera.
"UGH!" groaned the boys.
"HMPH!" complained Carrie.
"EH EE OU!" cried Joyce.
"RMPH!" blubbered Allie.

"Aw, poor Bridgie, making such a mess... but I tell by her eyes that she's happy.
"That Janie's a champ; she's got Jumbo and isn't complaining!"
"She must have a big mouth."
"Teamwork is awesome!"

There was so much fun had that day at the hands of the Twin Terrors, who were also known as Liz and Leah, the Gangsta Twins, the Green Bandana Gang, the Rope Twins, Kidnapping Sisters, and many other random nicknames. What mattered though is that everyone had a good time.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 285: Meeting Daddy
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

"Sammy, I can't see all the highway signs."
"You can't?"
"Not as early as you can!"
"You need to see an eye doctor!"
"I guess so!"


"Caleigh, I am so sorry I didn't invite you the other day!"
"I'm actually hurt by that, Janie! I can't believe you just... left me out like that."
"Cay... I really am sorry!"
"I believe you; you know I forgive you; but I'm sick of being the afterthought in the Cool Girls' Club."
"Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"
"I'm here right now as it is; kidnap me!"
"That's our Caleigh Rondell!"


"Hey, Nichole... What are you doing here?!" Hannah jumped as Nichole surprised her at work.
"Just thought I'd stop by as I was headed to the vending machine. Strange, you're just getting here... but you left hours ago."
"OK! You caught me! We talked about this already! I thought you understood. After the next week, I promise it'll be once a month, twice max! It's just a backlog of requests for me."


"Jenny... I can't take much more of this."
"What's wrong, Nichole?!" Jenny asked on the other end of the phone.
"It's Hannah... she won't stop it."
"She feels like she needs to earn her keep... so she's been... bondage modeling. She and Joyce and I have all talked about this, but she feels committed to earning the money."
"Nichole, she's 22... She's old enough that you can't force her to stop... She's a newbie to this life... newbie Christians... you were there a year ago! C'mon, Nichole, be more helpful to her."
"I'm trying... I'm trying... I don't want her to get hurt... I want her to stop selling her body like this."
"Look... I'll talk to her too, OK?"
"Thanks, Jenny."



Caleigh was beginning her next great escape! Ropes bound her crossed ankles. thighs, crossed, wrists, elbows, and breasts; Joyce's ball gag silenced her; a black bandana blindfolded her. Black was a good match for her loose black exercise pants, white socks, and pink long-sleeve t-shirt.

"Go for it, girl! You're on the clock."
"Mmmm mmmm!"

Caleigh went at her escape with great resolve. This was her favorite TUG task: getting out of her imprisonment. Caleigh was an escape artist and an artist, and both arts meant a much to her heart. She loved being tested by her friends and siblings, and now her best friend was also her sibling-in-law!

"She's so talented!" Carrie reflected at one point, "In so very many ways."
"Her greatest talent, though... is being a good person," Janie said.
"That's for sure. I love this girl; Janie, I found a roommate to take your place."
"Really? That's great! Is it anyone I know?"
"Yeah, it's Ashley."
"She doesn't mind that I'll be married next spring."
"You're not mad at me over it are you?"
"Nah... you were just planning a surprise, so it's all good."

After 18 minutes and 39 seconds, Caleigh untied the rope binding her ankles and unbuckled the gag.

"There... I win!"
"You won all right!"
"Let's go get a chocolate malted!" Caleigh quickly put her Converses back on her feet.
"Yeah!" Carrie and Joyce liked this thought.


"Excuse me...," Sammy said as she and Bridget nervously walked into the hospital, "I'm here to see Martin Raanta."
"Who are you, and what's your relation to the patient?"
"I'm his daughter, Samantha, and this is my partner Bridget"
"I'll ask if he'll see you."

"Why did you say that?!" Bridget asked as they walked to the room.
"Because if I didn't, they might not have let you come with me!"
"Oh, OK... still feels wrong."
"Confession when I get home will be interesting!"
"I bet! We're almost there."
"Bridget, I can't do it! I can't!"
"Why not?"
"I'm scared... what if he's said bad things about me and mom to his new wife and children and they start screaming at me. What if he's still mad at me for the text or something else?"
"Sammy, keep yourself together. He's your dad, like it or not. You owe him being able to say 'I'm sorry, and I love you' before he dies!"
"Right... here we are..."
"Go in that room, or I will shove you."
"OK...," Sammy took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" answered a voice
"[It's Samantha... your daughter.]"
"[Please, enter!]
"[Papa?]" Sammy stared at a grey old man in a hospital bed and by himself in the room.
"[Samantha... does your friend speak Russian?]"
"[No, she doesn't.]"
"Please, we have no secrets. The nurse said she was your partner?"
"She isn't; I wanted her with me. She's my roommate, Bridget."
"I'm sorry, Samantha... I'm sorry you had to grow without a father. From what Ladislaw Witterman has told me, I didn't deserve to be father to such a good young girl."
"He still speaks to you??"
"Yes... he felt I should know what I missed out on. How you've grown into beautiful woman like your grandmother and mother were at your age... but you're much taller than they."
"You ruined me! You made me afraid of men and thunderstorms; you nearly starved me and my mother out; and sometimes we nearly froze. I look in your eyes, and I see a man who wants to make things right, but I look at your face and see the weapon that gave me a thousand scars that will never heal!"
"Ten years ago I entered alcoholics anonymous in the hopes of having a normal life. But it'd didn't bring my oldest daughter back to me."
"Ten? Make it three!"
"TEN!" he raised his voice for the first time then relaxed again, "Ten years I have waited for this moment, just for you to reject me. Was it too much to want hug from you before I die?"
"I came here, didn't I! I want that moment too. I don't want you to die either, but I can't just drop 15 years of trauma at will either!"
"Then why did you come?"
"Because I'm sorry for not giving you a chance before... all these years of you begging me to give you a chance. You never once asked for your family back, just your little girl."
"Samantha Evangelina."
"Papa, please don't go!" Samantha began crying and hugged her father, "I want to help you so that we can finally have a meaningful relationship."


"Hi, girl!"
"Hi, girl cop!"
"Be nice! You know why I'm calling, but it's not that."
"Jenny, don't go there, please! It makes it harder on me."
"I just want to ask you to do something for me, that's all."
"OK. Shoot."
"Would you grab a Bible and read John 8 aloud? Right now?"
"I don't have one; let me Google it."
"That's fine."

When Hannah had read so far, Jenny stopped her.

"It says 'Go and sin no more' right there, doesn't it?"
"Jenny, is it sin?"
"Would it be a sin to do it in a strip club and watch them touch themselves?"
"I think so..."
"That's where I'm stopping."
"Jenny... please... I just need to get through the summer."
"*Sigh* You're 22, Hannah... if you're that determined to get the money... you don't trust Nichole enough to be her roommate."
"Jenny, it's not like that! It's... It is like that, isn't it?"
"Girl, just think about it; don't forget, though, that we love you... Jesus still loves you too."
"Right... I gotta go... I just... Yeah... I know what I need to do to close this door for both me and Steve."
"Do whatever you need to do."
"Thanks for calling, Jenn."
"You're welcome. I'm always here if you need me."
"I love you, girl."
"Back at'cha, Hannah!"


"Yeah?" she responded to Joyce and took a sip of her drink.
"You're blindfold is still around your neck."
"So it is... I'm not a Gangsta like Janie anyway; I'm a cowgirl, and it's cool."
"OK, Cowgirl Caleigh."
"That's a nickname I enjoy! No, seriously, does it look cowgirl?"
"I think it does; maybe it'd be different if you had a lip or nose piercing," Janie teased her.
"Ew, no! Ew! Oh, gross! Janie!"
"Haha! I love my cowgirl sister!"


"Papa, I will do this for you more easily if we can try one thing."
"What is that, Samantha?"
"Can you come up to Madison to have the procedure done? I want to be near my friends or family."
"I am not that close to death; I will check with insurance company. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be discharged from hospital because they did many tests. Tomorrow, we can get breakfast and talk so you can get back to your rowing team. If insurance approves, yes I will, because it is harder for you than for me. But we haven't much time really."
"Bridget, you sit quietly, but I can tell from your face that you care deeply about Samantha."
"I understand her pain; my mother died from alcohol related problems a few years after it caused a divorce. I'm glad you're getting the second chance my mom didn't."
"My apologies."
"Long gone," Sammy said, "Is the mean old drunk I remember... and back is the Daddy who would make me paper dolls and would hold me when I was scared."
"Are you happy to come?"
"Yes, do you forgive me my stubbornness?"
"Do you forgive me being a bad father?"
"I do!"
"I forgive also!"

As soon as they were back in their hotel room, Sammy threw herself on the bed in tears.

"Bridgie, why didn't I ever give him a chance? If he dies, I'll never forgive myself."
"I know how you feel; you can't blame yourself for other's choices."
"Ten years, Bridget! Ten years I could have had a father who at least was trying to love me! I can never get that back! All these years, Mama tried to get me to talk to him, and I just kept begging her to keep him away."
"Sammy... listen to me. It's going to be OK; I've been there. Just trust me, and don't blame yourself."
"When I was little, every year he'd send a birthday card; I always just ripped out the money he'd sent and throw out the card without reading it."
"Call your mother... please?"
"What good would that do?"
"The good that parental love does."
"Speaker phone, English... I want to make sure you tell the truth."
"You don't trust me?!"
"Your judgment is impaired right now."
"OK... Dialing. This better be worth it. Mama! Bridgie and I got back a little while ago; she's on speaker in case she remembers something I forgot."
"How was it?"
"I feel like a fool... a plumb idiot. Mama... I'm so sorry... I never gave him a chance... I could have had a daddy all these years even if you two were never getting together again."
"You were young and scared; you were both trying to do the right thing."
"I did the wrong thing though! Mom, he really did change, and I never would listen to him. He just wanted his little girl back, and I just kept further rending his broken heart."
"When you come home, I have things for you; the letters and stuff your father sent all these years."
"You kept it all?!"
"Just because the marital bond was broke didn't mean the parental one should be. Evangelina, my daughter... he really does care for you. I'm the one who asked people to find out why he was trying so hard to reach you."
"Why am I such a failure?!"

Bridget and Sammy's mother had ahead of them the difficult task of comforting a girl who was struggling with the stabbing pain of guilt and regret.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 286: Ended Early
Friday, May 18, 2018

"I'm going to miss you, Roberto."
"It'll be fine, Brigida... I'll be here again this fall."
"I know... It's just... you know how I love you."
"Yes, but the distance will be healthy... help us appreciate each other as people more... stop sleeping."
"True... I'm going to be there at the end of July, anyway."
"It sucks my season's over, but it is what it is."
"See you soon!" Bridget hugged him tightly.
"See you."
"Bye, bro!" Sera said and took a turn hugging her brother.
"See ya, Serafina! Very soon!"
"Yes! Give Benny a hug and a kiss for me."
"I will!"

"Just think, Bridget, in 9 days me and Benny will be together again!"
"Wow! That must be exciting!"
"It is so exciting! You wouldn't believe how exciting it is! I love that little guy so much!"


"Janie, you're the last one on the list!"
"Oh, what's this?" Janie asked as Nichole handed her a bag.
"Look and find out."
"Ooh, bandanas! Cool ones! Oh, look at them! Thanks, Nichole! I've got to try this one on right now!"

Two of them were pure Janie: paisley, white interior with black patterns and a flower in the center, and with the outer part being red with white patterns; the other was the same with the interior and exterior colors reversed. It was the former Janie quickly folded into a perfect band and used as her new kerchief bandana. It made a perfect match for her red sneakers, white socks, red trainers, and white tank-top.

"It's you!"
"Perfect... I should mask myself with the other!"
"You can!"
"Janie the Gangsta Jock!"
"I know how to show my gratitude... by kidnapping the Gangsta Queen!"

The Gangsta Queen was wearing teal trainers, a navy blue t-shirt, and her beige floral bandana as a headband. Ropes bound her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. A blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief gagged her, and Janie locked her friend in the armoire.

"Mmmmmmm!" Nichole looked pitiful while Janie took selfies and photographs and then filmed Nichole being locked away.
"Girls, you just watched the kidnapping of the Gangsta Queen by your Gangsta Jock! Now, look at these cute new bandanas I'm wearing! Nichole bought them for me. Prove to me you think I'm an ingrate and should untie Nichole by giving me 6 heart reactions by lunch time, or I'm keeping Nichole tied up until supper!"
"Nice hostage video!" Joyce said.
"Thank you! Seriously, check these out! My kind of bandana styling!"
"It sure is! Purple and floral... nice! Looks just like Nichole's."
"Yeah, girl! And this bright blue cloudy type pattern!"
"You'll get a chance to wear them all!"
"I hope so!"


"Oh, ho! Nichole's in trouble!"
"Oh, look, Janie's wearing her new bandanas."
"So are you!"
"Yes," Sera said, "Now I have a nice solid red just like Jenny!"
"Ha ha! Gangsta Chick."
"In the flesh."
"Hey, I'm cool too!" Sammy added.
"Yes, you are!"

Sera was in red trainers, a red t-shirt, and a solid red bandana headband. Sammy was wearing pink trainers, a black t-shirt, and a pink floral bandana headband that looked just like Nichole's.

"Gangstas," Bridget grinned and shook her head, "What's your Gangsta nickname, Sam?"
"I guess I'm the Gangsta Row."
"That's cool... Well, Gangsta Row, I think your luck has run out!"
"MMMMMM!" Sammy was tandem tackled by Bridget, Sera, and Allie.

Sammy was simply bound with her scarves at her wrists, elbows, lower breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs. A knotted red bandana gagged her, and her new blue cloudy bandana blindfolded her.


"That was no fun!" Janie grinned as she opened the armoire, "Nichole, I'm going to untie you, and then you can tie me up!"
"Mmmmmm!" said the happy Gangsta Queen in response.

Soon, Nichole was free, and Janie took the bandana from around her neck and put it over her eyes as a blindfold.

"Let's keep it simple!" Nichole said.

Janie was gagged with her husband's red ball gag with black straps. She was tied spreadeagle on her bed. Nichole took films, photos, and selfies.

"Gangsta Queen revenge!" was all Nichole said on camera.

For Carrie and Joyce, it was an incredibly amusing way to spend a day.


"Hey, Gangsta Girl!"
"Hi, Jenny!"
"Good to see you, Gangsta Friend!"
"Hi, Gangsta Princess!" Casey gave Jenny a kiss on the cheek.
"Looking good!"
"Nice new bandana and outfit, girl!"
"Thank you! Same for you!"
"Thank you!"
"Joy's a frump, but that new bandana is nice!"
"Thank you!" Joy took a curtsy.

Jenny had her new pink floral bandana as a headband with her pink trainers and a brown tank-top. Casey had a pink bandana with circular patterns, blue jeans, and a pink striped sweater. Joy had a purple skirt, a pink t-shirt, and a purple floral bandana as a kerchief.

"Sammy has one just like mine," Jenny giggled.


"You like your scarf ties, don't you Sam?"
"Mmm hmm!" Sammy said as she rolled on the sofa.
"You've been here since before 10AM... working on 7 hours! But dinner's coming soon."
"That was Sera!!"
"Sera, what happened?!" Allie came charging into the kitchen area.
"I slipped! Bridget get that pot off the floor; at least the spaghetti is fine!"
"Sera, your arm!" Allie said in horror.
"Allie, it hurts so badly... help me... this needs emergency care," Sera was crying from the pain.
"Let's go; the urgent care center should be open."
"Oh, Allie, the pain... This hurts worse than having Benny."
"Let's go."
"Take care of her!" Bridget said.


"Ready to leave it, Janie? It's been 7 hours."
"Mmmm hmmm!" Janie nodded.

Soon, Janie was free and rubbing her wrists.

"I have the best friends in the world!
"Probably true!"
"Carrie, Joyce... I love you two so much! Let's get dinner!"


"Jenny, thanks for inviting us over," Joy spoke for herself and Casey.
"That pie was so good."
"I figured at least one more slumber party would do us good."
"That was the best coconut custard ever!" Casey stated as a matter-of-fact.
"You liked it?"
"Best ever!"
"Thanks... my mom and I... I'm gonna miss baking with her."
"You'll always have the memories... My memories are different..."
"How so?"
"My most precious memories are from when I was sick... unable to move... tears pouring down my cheeks because I was so immobile... and my mom just kissing me on the forehead and running her fingers through my hair while she'd be crying too."
"I want to hear this story sometime," Jenny said.
"I'll tell you the entire thing next week some time."


"Miss Randaccio, you need to rest for the next week. No rowing or other such exertion. That river water could cause an infection."
"But my rowing?! This weekend is our finale!"
"Your body needs to recover. You have too many second degree burns on your arm."
"OK," Sera said with a big sigh.

"How's our Serafina?!" Bridget asked as they entered.
"My rowing career is over," Sera sat down and started crying, "Too many burns, and they will need at 4-8 weeks to heal... so no duct taping me, and you probably can't tie me up for at least a week or two either."
"You're still a rowing coach, technically, so you'll still be with us," said a now free Sammy.
"I'm a coxswain! Not a coach! And a row! I row in some races; I cox others! I'm supposed to be on the water!"
"We're sorry, girl," Bridget hugged her.
"I need to call Mama and Papa and then tell the coaches."


"MMMMMMM!" Casey groaned into her gag and kicked while on the floor.

Ropes bound her wrists, breasts, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs at the moment. She was gagged with a blue rubber ball ball threaded with a handkerchief and her new bandana headband as an OTM gag.

"Ooh ih-napth ee!"
"I did! Because I love you!"
"Is it my turn?" Joy asked in a pitiful tone.
"Yes, Joy, it's your turn... Time to kidnap you!"
"MMMMMM!" Joy was grabbed and wrestled onto the bed.
"That'll keep you quiet!"
"MMMM!" Joy was shoved face-first against Jenny's bed pillows while her elbows were roped behind her back.

Jenny bound Joy's wrists, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. An orange rubber ball threaded with a purple bandana gagged the girl. Photos, films, and selfies provided proof of what Jenny had done.


"How are you feeling, Sera?"
"A little better, emotionally... It hurts so badly. I have never cried from pain EVER before that."
"Sammy and I were crying too... Seeing you in so much pain just broke our hearts."
"I'm tired, Bridgie."
"Burns do that."
"Good night Sammy, Allie."
"Praying you get better sooner than later!" Sammy said with a smile.


"I love you two so much!" Jenny said while cuddling with her friends on the rug on the floor between the beds.
"Now, would you two like to be in a bed or on the floor. Grunt twice for bed. Just know, bed means we're not all together!"
"GRM GRM!" both said.
"OK... who wants to be my stuffie?"
"MMMMM!" Casey immediately piped up.
"OK, Casey... you'll be my stuffie!"

Joy was tucked into Nichole's bed, and Jenny cuddled Casey. Casey actually fell asleep before Jenny. Jenny studied the girl's face... she had more peace in her soul than even Jenny did.

Jenny loved Casey and Joy. She really did.


"Are you excited to be an aunt to your sister's child?"
"Of course I am."
"That's all I needed to know."
Because you seemed excited by it."
"It is exciting."
"Isn't it?"

Janie was happy and looking forward to aunt-hood.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

I'm so happy for Janie! I'm envious too I don't have siblings so I don't get to be an uncle. And Caleigh defeats another tie! How many is that now? Will she ever be beaten?
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 287: Loneliness
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Lauren, Janie, Carrie, and Caleigh all gone... The rowers finished this weekend and leave this upcoming weekend... Which means... Florida here I come."

Joyce Verdi let out a big sigh and flopped on her bed. Loneliness was hitting strong and hard right now. She had no parents to call; her half-sister hated her; and her half-brother was just plain uninterested; her niece cared, but she just graduated college and was looking for work.


Jenny sat on Casey's bed across from her. Both were seated cross legged. Jenny had pink sneakers and socks, brown trainers, a red tank-top, and a solid pink kerchief bandana. Casey had black sweatpants, white socks a black hoodie over a bright yellow t-shirt, and a black bandana headband.

"I'm listening..."
"It was strange... so strange... One moment I was plugging a controller into my Gamecube; next thing I knew I was in a hospital and unable to move. Like, the very first thing I remember was trying to sit up and nothing happening... They told me what happened, but I was so exhausted... Within minutes I was asleep. A 3-week coma is tiresome! It was another 4 days before I really did anything I remember as I was out of it... Turned out they had made another cut to relieve the last remaining pressure."


"How's my Serafina?" Joyce asked as she entered the apartment.
"I'm doing OK; what's wrong with you?"
"I'm depressed, I guess. There's no cheer in me right now. Where's Bridgie?"
"She and Sammy are headed to Madison for stuff. What's the matter?"
"I'm scared, Sera. Really genuinely scared. I go back to Florida soon; I'll be so far away from all my friends. If something else happens to me there, I'll have no one except Janie."
"You'll still have us."
"But," Joyce began wringing her hands, "You won't just be 5 minutes away."
"Joyce, love is bigger than that."
"Don't you understand; it's not about whether you love me it's about being there in an instant if need be."
"I know what you mean, but friends don't have to be physically present when we're a phone call away."
"Sometimes, Sera... I wish Joy and Janie had let me die. Instead, they tied me up and forced me to vomit the pills."
"JOYCE! Don't talk that way. I need you too!"
"Stop it; Joyce, the thought of being so far away from you and Joy and Janie and Bridgie and everyone else tears me apart! You're the only friends I have ever had; I worry that I'm going home and will go back to being the suicidally depressed girl on meds and barely able to function."
"What is wrong with us?"
"We love people; it's what makes us who we are. We'll overcome this. Believe me we will. Trust me."
"I just want my mommy and daddy. OK? I want them; I want Daddy back! And Mommy! I want them back, Sera! I just want the hugs and the home-cooked meals and the hockey binging and all the good memories. All I have are memories, Sera; I'm only 22! Most people my age are talking about their grandparents and great-grandparents dying; people talk about losing parents in their 40s or 50s or 60s. There's a kind of loneliness left behind when your parents are gone and no one can fill that hole!"
"Joyce, you need to stop doing this to yourself; you're making it harder."
"The loneliness is too much! I don't want to be this way, but my heart has a spot crying to be filled. I'll probably never have children because of that pig! NEVER! At least I have you girls."
"And we have you. We love your spunk and adventure and wry humor."
"You've been the best... you really have been better than friends."
"Come here. I can still hug you, girl!"


"Mom... how long hath it been? When did we leave home?"
"A few days, honey."
"Why can't I talk?"
"Casey, do you remember the other day?"
"Nuh uh. My body won't move. Mom!"
"Sweetheart... Do you remember the fall at home?"
"Mmm hmm."
"You were seriously hurt in that fall."
"Doctor thed I wufh fthine!"
"You had a bad injury... don't worry about it..."
"Wut happened to me?!?!"
"You... had a cerebral hemorrhage... and the pressure on your brain caused a stroke."
"Thag whah I cannah muv ohr tauk. Mom!"

At that point I couldn't talk. I did what any other girl in my spot would do: I cried. That I could as much as I had at least meant I wasn't vegetative, but I currently wasn't in too great of a situation. My mother was crying, too, and used a tissue to dry my tears. Then she gave me the most loving kiss as only a mother could give... I'll never forget that particular kiss.

To keep from accumulating bills, as soon as my parents knew how to take care of me they brought me home. Girls that age are supposed to be having sleepovers with girlfriends, going window-shopping with their mother, and playing soccer. I was in a house sucking nutrition from a straw and being pushed in a wheelchair so my mother or father could put me on the toilet. I was so helpless that my parents couldn't leave me for more than 15 or 20 minutes, which meant they had to take turns going to church on Sundays. Monday and Thursday my physical therapist came; she was a sweetheart with her own special needs child who was a darling and came with her once.

Whether I was in bed or in the chair, I couldn't do much, so my parents attached these buzzer things to both of them. I could push that button at the very least with my left hand. I was good girl and perhaps pushed it less often than I should have; I was always greeted with a smile although I didn't do much of anything

It was like being tied up and gagged in a way. Immobile and silent, except so much of my body was just limb and lifeless. I'll never forget one day while my mom was at the store and Pop was watching me. I was in bed and rang the buzzer. Pop came in, and I just said, "Pop, look!" and held both of my arms up on my own for 5 or 10 seconds. That was a triumph.


"Sera, tell us about Italy!" Allie tried to bring up a happy topic.
"Italy? Well, sure!"

Italia was a very different life. Mama is Sicilian, and Papa is from near Rome. He had a job that required him to spend some months in Sicily, and there he fell in love with Mama. They got married, and while still in Sicily they had Emilio. Then, Papa got a job working for an Italian racing team, and they moved to near Milan. There they had Giulia, but Mama actually had her in a hospital in Rome. Then Giovanni came, and Papa got a job near Naples and settled down there working a CNC shop. That's were I was born; then came Roberto and Umberto and Tommaso. Right after Tommaso was born, we flew to America and Vittoria was born here. In short, Papa's brother is now in Firenze; Gramma and Grampa are still in Rome. All of Mama's siblings are here, and her parents are still in Sicily.

Life in Italia... so different. We ate fresh stuff much more there. Fresh pasta; fresh cheese; fresh hams; fresh produce. But life for us children changed only a little. In Italy, we ate dinner around 9PM and went to bed at 11PM; we kept that. There, us children could have a little wine with dinner; here, we stop that but I was allowed to restart when I turned 12. Then I stop while pregnant, and start again. I stop again for school, but you see I treat myself to small amount every so often when I think dinner needs it.

There, we play like children here do. We play football and run in streets and play basketball and row canoes on the lakes. It was just done when surrounded by people who were mostly Italian and some people from other places but who spoke Italian; you speak Italian, then you're probably cool for us. I had so many friends then. Church families were much tighter, and religious feast days were met with great fanfare. We'd do parades, hymn concerts, and such. Our church's patron day also got a great feast and a parade, and so did the town patron. We'd process statues and stuff.

I loved it. Life, however... God meant for me to be here right now. Everything was by His love.


The bathroom was the nightmare room. The first time when I was home and needed the bathroom, my mother put me in the chair and wheeled me into the bathroom... the master bathroom mind you because they couldn't get a wheelchair through my doorway... My door was the only one a chair couldn't get through even after being taken off the hinges. Go figure. I turned and looked at the mirror.

There was a horribly disfigured girl in the mirror. One side of her face was all droopy, and she was slumped over. There was this large section about this big (I hold my hands in an area the size of a grapefruit, and Jenny's eyes grow very, very wide) with no hair and this massive area of stitching, staples, scar... just an ugly mess.

"Mom, make it go away, please!" I cried as she wheeled me out of the bathroom afterwards.
"What would help?"
"Put a hat on my head! A scarf! A bag! Anything!"
"Calm down."
"I'm so ugly now! That monstrosity was me!" and at that point I was just bawling my eyes out.

After that, I became suddenly extremely aware of how sick and injured I really was. I started wearing headgear daily to hide the wound so that my father didn't need to take down the mirrors. Around this point, friends started visiting, and more often than not I could tell they were stopping to cry as they left the house; I love those people so much.

You've never been truly helpless until your mother is having to strip you and dress you, give you sponge baths, carefully wash your hair, feed you. That's real love, Jenn; that's the real deal! My parents loved me enough to help me through all of it. Every day, Mom and I would pick out my outfit for the day together; believe me it was easier for her to put trainers on me than pants even though the latter felt cozier.

I did my exercises exactly as I was told. I wanted to walk again so badly, and at first they thought I'd be using a cane or a chair for the rest of my life. One of the happiest days of my life, I hid from my parents until a good occasion. My grandparents had come to visit, and I weakly wheeled over toward them and stopped short. To my parents shock, I pushed myself up and shuffled the two steps to give Gramps a hug. Everyone was crying with a combo of happiness that I had done it and sadness that this was my life.

Pop did enjoy one thing that sounds ridiculous and silly... He'd carry me around the house like a baby and cuddle me like a toddler. He'd put me on the sofa to watch TV, and I'd weakly pull myself against him or Mom. I couldn't do more; it was comforting realizing they would take care of me no matter what. I went months without shoes on my feet, and it was nice to always just have my socks keeping my feet warm. I can't count how many times I told my parents I loved them. Then, Pop would carry me back to the chair or the bed and give me a kiss on the forehead.


"Is that it?" Joyce asked.
"Not much else to say, really.

Children in Italy talk in Italian and eat Italian food and have Italian culture; but the structure is similar. When Papa got the job in America, we celebrated by taking English lessons. But, it was a six week class and really, really useless. I can still remember nervously walking through the Naples airport. I held tightly to Umberto with my left hand and Giulia with my right. We were all a bit scared. I got to sit with Giulia and Roberto on the plane with Papa, little Tommaso, and Giovanni there. Emilio, Umberto, and Mama were together elsewhere. I aggravated my dad with asking "How long is the flight supposed to be?" repeatedly. Us older children shared a handheld throughout the flight in 30 minute turns; that was fun. It feels so wrong being so far away; Emilio's in Ohio; everyone else is in Jersey.

"Look, our new home!" is something I remember Papa saying in Italian. We walked in and were astounded at the size, but with 7 children big was necessary. In America, a house for 9 people would have enough space to fit 20 in Italy. It was incredible. I was already into rowing from before America; I started before Gianni even. My favorite moment in high school came when, as an emergency substitute, I got to cox for Gianni's team once. So many special memories.

"Girls, would tie me up with hankies and stuff?" Sera asked her friends, "I can handle that."
"OK, Sera," Allie pet the Gangsta Chick's head.

The Gangsta Chick had white trainers, a blue t-shirt, and a white kerchief bandana. Then, handkerchiefs bound her wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs, and a knotted handkerchief gagged her.


"Case... this sounds like so much..."
"It was... It was a ton of love."

Baby steps. Liquid diet, to soft food, to eating my beloved Corn Pops or a chicken sandwich once again. Sponge bath, regular bath, assisted showers, to using a cane to get me to the shower chair on my own. Being dressed by mom, to doing it with help, to doing it alone as long as the clothes were there for me to grab, to stumbling around but doing it alone. Needing my parents to set the TV for me, to working the remote alone, to playing video games.

It was all about relearning. Relearning how to tie shoes or to tie a bandana. Relearning how to brush my teeth. Relearning how to talk properly; on my worst days I still can't talk. Relearning how to text people. Relearning how to write. Relearning how to eat. Relearning everything, even things you took for granted.

It was a special day when the therapist was there. We worked at it so hard, and that day we called my mother into the bedroom. At this point, I could talk well, and I was functional enough in my arms that I could dress myself head to toe. The cane was enough that we had switched back the bedrooms. But that last step: really walking.

"Mom, stay there!" I said, and with hesitancy I took the first step, and then I walked all the way to her. I didn't shuffle or stumble or drag myself; I walked! And I walked back to my bed too!
"Casey! Look at you!"
"I'm walking! I really am! Look at me, Mom!" I grabbed her in a hug.
"My beautiful daughter!"
"I did it!"

I walked for a good 10 minutes or more by the end of the week! I've never been so happy before. I had my life back! Then, on November 4, I made another milestone. For the first time since the stroke, I drove! You wouldn't believe my happiness to be driving; some months before I thought I was going to be a wheelchair cripple for life; but here I was driving!

It wasn't until partway through my first year of college that my hair grew long enough for me to feel comfortable without headgear. The day before, Mom cut my hair to be even although that meant it came down to just past my ears. I went to class that day and gave a presentation; our topic was why we chose to major in physical therapy. I sure told them why!


"She's so cute, isn't she?" Joyce asked Allie.
"She's genuinely awesome, and I'm so fortunate to be her friend."
"I hope Bridgie and Sammy are all right."
"So do I. Sammy is going to be fine, isn't she?"
"I think so; it's just involved. She's so strong it'll be fine."
"Allie, I didn't think you to have such fears."
"Well, Sammy's my best friend, so it's natural. She's like a sister I never had. I have good friends back home, but her in Minnesota she's bestie."
"Awwwwwwww!" came from Sera.
"You just love being tied up, girl!"
"Nothing saying you can't lie on her and tickle her. Just be gentle on the burn."
"YEAH!" Allie liked this idea.


"Being your friend... is an honor," Jenny said to Casey.
"It's more of an honor being your friend."
"I wish we were friends then; loving you at that point would have been incredible."
"But we weren't, and that's that; we're here right now."
"It was amazing walking through this house with you while you told me everything. I could actually listen to you talk about it all day because it's such a happy ending."
"It was good to relive the triumph and joy."
"Now I understand why you always have sock and always take off your shoes the second you walk indoors!"
"Yes, indeed. Want to know a secret, Jenn? It's nothing bad, and I swear only you know it."
"Surprise me."
"Until I reunited with Hannah, I did self-bondage. So, about 5 years, except for the stroke recovery period, I did that."
"Yeah, I learned safe ways to tie elbows and boobs and wrists with rope. I never used any gag except a bandana or tape. Once Hannah was back, I never did it again, and I likely won't do it again as long as I have friends nearby, and it took a while to relearn that too"
"That's interesting, though. You've overcome so much."
"It helped me realize how much I love my parents."
"Casey, it's just us here right now; how about you tie me up?"
"Sure... and we'll keep talking."


"MMMMMMMM!" Sera groaned, "AH HA HA HA!"

Joyce filmed her friend's torture. It just was the thing to do. The Cool Girls' Club had certain unbreakable traditions, and this was one.

"Gangsta Chick, we love you!" Allie said.
"We sure do!"


"So that's my scar."
"Casey, why are you giving me such special access to your... soul?"
"Because, Jenny, you're you; you're the sweetest person ever."
"If you say so."
"I know so! So, now you can see how the chair doesn't fit in here in spite of the ramps everywhere."
"Your dad did all that?"
"He sure did while I was still in the hospital!"
"They look professional!"
"All the wood-work in this house was done by Pop!"
"WOW! That's better than my and my dad's work! Why does the cold affect you so badly?"
"I don't know; it just does. The muscles all seize, and I can barely move. But Mom and Pop always make sure I'm OK."
"That's just beautiful."
"You saw my Facebook posts about it."
"I vaguely remember; Nichole was in tears about it."
"Just think... I'm going to be a big sister now! It's so exciting!"
"It sure is!"
"Gangsta Princess, I have just two things left to do."
"Gag me and blindfold me?"
"Yes indeed!"
"I'm ready!"

With that, Jenny was gagged with a sock, a brown bandana cleave gag, and 7 layers of grey duct tape. Ropes bound her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. She was hogtied from ankles to harness, and a red bandana blindfolded her.

"Gangsta Princess, I love you!" Casey said and hugged her.
"Ah uv ooh, ooh!"

Casey's was a story of the power of the love that can only exist between children and their parents.
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Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 288: The Kidnapping of the Gangsta Princess
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

7:22 AM

"Here I go, Momma, Bridgie!"
"You've got this, Sammy!"
"We're praying, daughter!"
"Thank you!" Sammy waved as she was wheeled away.


8:01 AM

"Get in the car, Jenny," Joy said with a grin.
"What's the catch here?"
"We're going out to breakfast; you're getting to my house in a suitcase though."
"Oh, what fun! I'm being kidnapped?!"
"Um... YES!"

Jenny was in typical garb: Keds white sneakers and pink socks, pink trainers, a brown tank-top, and a red bandana headband with her braided hair held by a brown scrunchie. Joy was her usual frumpy self: brown skirt, pink t-shirt, and brown kerchief bandana.

Today was their day to meet Casey, Joyce, Hannah, and Nichole as Wednesday was Hannah's quiet day. Joyce, it turned out, was wearing jean shorts and a blue striped turtleneck. Hannah had yellow trainers, a brown t-shirt, and a yellow bandana headband as "Hannah Bandana the Yellow Banana." Nichole was in black trainers, a red tank-top, and a black kerchief bandana. Casey, too, had black trainers and a black kerchief bandana with a pink t-shirt.


8:33 AM

"Oh, am I glad to see you, sweetie!" Jenny hugged Joyce tightly.
"It's a joy to see you two again! This weekend I fly south."
"I know, girlfriend; I'm gonna miss you something awful," Joy said.
"Let's sit down and order," Nichole said.
"Hold on, I made a promise."

Joyce walked over to a counter.

"Is there a Joey here? I'm friends with his cousin."
"Yeah, he's right there."
"Thanks! Joey?"
"Cousin Danny said to say 'Hello' to you next time I was here."
"Are you a Minn Tech student?"
"I am... just graduated."
"Show your ID card; we'll give a discount."
"Oh, thank you!"

Jenny ordered strawberry stuffed French toast and orange juice along with breakfast sausage patties. Joy got a cheese omelette and bacon and coffee. Nichole wanted chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee. Joyce went for a Western omelette and tomato juice. Casey chose plain French toast, bacon, and poached eggs, Lastly, Hannah got blueberry pancakes with breakfast link sausage and fried eggs.

The girls chattered a ton as they enjoyed their food. They talked about their upcoming respective moves as well. Casey was staying at home; Hannah would move to North Carolina with her parents; Joy was headed to Madison with Bridget; Jenny, Peter, and Sera were going to New Jersey; Nichole was staying in place; and Joyce was going to Florida.

"I hate going to Florida. I hate it! I wish I had chosen to go to a different school!" Joyce said ruefully.
"You have a great opportunity. Ask God to bless it," Jenny said with full confidence.
"Joyce, I get the fear... Big time," Hannah said, "Just think of how fragile things are for me with my parents."
"I'm terrified. I'm going to be sharing a bedroom with Serafina in her family's house! Yikes!"
"I'm going to Madison to go to a new school. Double yikes!"
"At least I will have Janie, Ryan, and Ashley."
"Exactly. Soon you'll be married, and at that point your life will revolve around him."
"I hope that's the case!"
"It will be," Nichole grinned, "Trust me it will."
"I should say so," Hannah winked.
"This girl is so sweet. Let me tell you."
"Oh, stop, you're the one who made snickerdoodles."
"So I am. I'll stop."
"I'm getting kidnapped after this," Jenny changed topics.
"By who?!" Joyce asked.
"I don't know yet."
"That's right," Joy cackled.


9:01 AM

"Hey, girls!" Sera said as she walked into the Ralston house alongside Allie.
"Thanks for coming over!"
"No, thank you for inviting us!"
"You're the guests here though."
"Yes, indeed."
"And with Mom and Dad on their anniversary trip... We can have a Ralston style game!"
"What game?"
"A Nerf Gun war, maybe?"
"I'm game!"
"Of course you are, Sera!"
"Anything active!" Allie said.
"Let's do this!"
"You do it indoors?"
"Heck yeah as long as Mom and Dad aren't home!" Landon said as the one in charge.
"He likes to think he's in charge, but really me or Liz is," Leah said.
"I believe that."

Sera was in purple trainers, a pink t-shirt, and her new purple bandana with circles as a headband. Allie had red shorts with a blue tank-top. Liz had red trainers, a black tank-top, and a red bandana headband, but Leah had black trainers, a red t-short, and a regular black elastic headband. Landon had camouflage cargo pants and a black t-shirt. Lastly, Loyal had jean shorts and a Minn Tech t-shirt.


10:08 AM

"So, who's nabbing me?"
"Actually, it's me!" Joyce said as she grabbed Jenny and sat down in the back of Joy's car.
"You? Yay!"
"Get on the ground!" she handcuffed Jenny.
"Get down!" Hannah jammed Joy's ball gag in Jenny's mouth.
"We have a suitcase with your name on it girl!"
"Mmmm!" Jenny squirmed while Hannah bound her elbows and Joyce bound her ankles.

By the time they reached Joy's house, Jenny was roped all the way at her elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs and blindfolded with a pink bandana.

It was getting Jenny in without the neighbors seeing that was hard, but with some teamwork the quintet of kidnappers got Jenny inside no problem. Once in the basement, the girls zipped Jenny inside a suitcase and even put a padlock on the zippers to keep her trapped.


10:40 AM

"Haha! I didn't know Nerf guns could be so much fun!" Sera said with a giggle.
"Too bad we duck and dodge most everything," Loyal responded.
"Not true! You got your sister back there!"
"And Allie got Landon!"
"Then you shoot! And... DAMN IT!"
"Someone's a sore loser!"
"Just frustrated!"
"Gotcha, Sera!" Liz cackled.
"To the binding chambers!"

Their teams had been Sera-Landon-Loyal and Allie-Liz-Leah. Leah, Landon, and now Sera had been shot. Sera let Liz Irish-8 handcuff her arms behind her as the burns, which were an ugly color, prevented rope, tape, or zips from being used.

They entered the "binding chambers," which was the twins' bedroom. In there, Leah was roped at her wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs and gagged Sera's ball gag and on the top bunk of their strong wooden bunk bed. Landon was tied the same but had a red 2.0 inch ball gag and was on the floor. Now, Sera was bound similarly and gagged with a yellow 1.75 inch ball gag.

"Mmmm!" she whined as she was laid Liz's bed.
"Don't worry, either Allie or I will be here soon!"


11:11 AM

"I'd like to try that!" Hannah said.
"You would?" asked Joy.
"Really?" Nichole doubled the doubt.
"YEAH! It seems so cool! I just want to talk in case I get scared."
"Sure thing! I'll help you!" Casey was eager.
"As master of this scheme, I'll help too!"
"Hold it, Nichole," Joyce said, "You can't."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm kidnapping you!"
"Hey, girl!" Nichole laughed as Joyce talked her onto the basement sofa.

In short order, Nichole and Hannah were roped at their wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Nichole was hogtied from ankles to harness, gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief, and blindfolded with a green bandana. Hannah was just stuffed in a suitcase without a gag or blindfold and padlocked.

"This is fun but stuffy!"
"Is it? What else is it like in there?" Casey asked.
"Well... How about we each take 30 minute turns in here? Me, you, Joy, and Joyce will each get a turn, and at the end of the turn we're untied."
"Just because I'm humble, timid, kindly, gorgeous, innocent, big-hearted--"
"Spare us the adjective strings, Jenny!" Joy stopped her, "Or I will violently gag you."
"Everyone else in there is gagged."


11:30 AM

"Heh heh!" Sera cackled at her helpless rowing teammates who were bound like Leah and Landon.

Both Allie and Liz had been blasted and were roped and gagged. Allie got the 2.0 inch blue ball gag, and Liz got the 1.5 inch green. Liz was on the lower bunk with Sera, and Allie was on the floor.

"Well, you girls are stuck, so I guess I will figure out lunch. I'll start releasing y'all in 30 minutes."


12:45 PM

"Who wants what?" Leah asked her siblings and guests.
"I don't know... PLEASE NOT PIZZA!" Sera said strongly, then with a laugh added, "I'm real Italian; don't test me."
"You know what? Why don't you and Allie just leave then since you want to be a smart mouth?" Liz snapped at her.
"WOW! Since I'm not wanted, I will leave."
"Yeah, get out of here!"
"I make myself the butt of my own joke, and you take it all personal! I can't believe the nerve!" Sera got up and started leaving with Allie trailing.
"Way to ruin a fun time, Liz!" Leah upbraided her as Sera stormed out.
"She's being a picky little princess!"
"Serafina?" Allie asked as they ducked into Joyce's car.
"Don't talk to me yet; I don't want to say something that hurts you too."


1:30 PM

"That was awesome!" Casey said upon her release.
"Was it really?" Joy asked to be sure.
"Super cool! I can see how Jenny could spend hours like that!"
"Jenny would spend every Saturday tied up all day if you gave her a choice!"
"Mmm hmm!" said the captive girl, who was no longer stuffed in the suitcase or blindfolded.
"My Jenny's so cute!" Hannah said with a grin.
"MMMMMMM!" came from Nichole, who was in a suitcase now.
"She likes it," a giggling Joyce blurted out.


2:49 PM

"How is everything?" Bridget asked as she came back.
"Sammy's doing all right... I... I can't thank you enough for being Sammy's friend."
"It's just me being there for her... in God's will."
"You've done so much for her."
"Momma... Momma!" Sammy slushed.
"Samantha!" her mother greeted her as she came to once again.
"I made it!"
"Yes, and father is in surgery right now... I should be shamed to feel such pride."
"You just stay down! Get your rest."
"Mrs. Raanta... I'm proud of her too..."


3:00 PM

"Thanks for coming out here!" Jenny said while giving her friends each a tight hug.
"We'll be seeing you soon anyway!" Hannah said positively.
"I had a blast!"
"So did I, sis!" Nichole wouldn't let go of Jenny, "I'm saving the tears for next week."
"OK, OK!"
"Girls, love you, but we gotta go before Chris arrives to no wife!" Joyce teased.
"See you!"
"Bye!" Joy waved.


4:01 PM

"Ooh, my stomach hurts. Momma, I did it!"
"Yes, my little girl, you did it!"
"Maybe now I will finally have a father."
"Yes... yes... You're a good girl... but you have a long hospital stay now."
"I know... but being here a week is worth it for daddy's sake."
"I need to get back to school... Keep us posted, Sammy."
"I will."
"Oh, and Sammy... thanks for letting me be your friend. It's an honor being the friend of such a good, good person."
"Aww... Bridger!"
"See ya!"


4:14 PM

"Hmm?" Sera asked as she lay on her bed.
"I'm sorry about today."
"You are?"
"Yeah... a good time got ended, and I didn't try to resolve the conflict. I should have defended you."
"It's water under the bridge. I'm not slightly upset with you."
"Still... I'm sorry, Allie repeated.
"It's OK."
"You know right after we left they tied Liz up and left her in a closet for 2 hours?" Allie asked as Sera's phone rang.
"Would you hand me my phone?"
"It's Liz... should I?"
"Yes, you should."
"Hi. Liz, I forgive you; I'm sorry I wasn't clearer that I was joking. Yikes, they did that to you?! I just don't something so silly hurting our friendship. Drop by soon, OK? Then we can kidnap Bridgie and leave everyone else alone. All right, see ya."
"Good girl," Allie smiled.


8:16 PM

"Hey, girls... just us three now."
"How is Samantha?!" Allie immediately asked.
"She's fine... she's going to be down for a month and a half though."
"She's such a good girl."
"That she is. She really is. I'm tired... I'm going to shower and go to bed."
"OK, Bridge."

Soon, Bridget was kneeling by her bed, as she did every night, in order to say her prayers. She cried a little... feeling unworthy of the friends she had in her life. Then, Bridget climbed into bed and fell asleep from exhaustion.

"Look how peaceful she is," Allie said.
"That's the peace... of a person who did the right thing."
"Our rowing mother."
"Our rowing mother."


8:49 PM

"Nichole, you've been smiling a lot," Chris said.
"I've been thinking about Jenny. I'm gonna miss her so bad when she moves... but... I love her so much... I'm not worried anymore. She and I... we'll be friends forever."
"That's probably the truth!"
"I know it is!" Hannah added.

The friendships grown in the Cool Girls' Club were truly something special.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 289: Gangsta Friend
Thursday, May 24, 2018

"Well, Sera, I do need glasses after all!" Bridget said as she and Allie walked into the apartment.
"That stinks. How bad?"
"20/100 vision, so it's minor but still enough to negatively affect my life."
"My poor Brigida... she should be blindfolded and forced to sleep off those painful eye drugs."
"I like this idea, Gangsta Chick!"


"Please, please, bring my dad in here!"
"We will."

In an hour, Sammy, in her hospital bed, was sharing a room with her father.

"[You look great]!"
"[Do I]?"
"[Yes! Oh, we have 15 years to catch up on, and at least 5 days for it!]"
"[First things first.] Sammy, when I give the word, my wife and children will enter the room. Are you ready?"
"I am."
"OK... You can come in. Children, here she is. Meet your big sister, Samantha. Samantha, meet your little brother and sister, Leo and Fiona."
"So here you are... It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Samantha... I suppose you know... but back in Estonia... You have another brother."
"I always suspected that... What's his name?"
"Martin, Jr., but his mother died having him."
"What happened to him?!"
"He was raised by his mother's parents... I left him with them... he was 12 when we-- you, your mother, and I--came here. I visited him shortly after I lost the right to have you. He came here... but... he's not a good man... He's hurt a lot of people."
"How do you feel?"
"Painful... but worth it. You?"
"The same."
"Look at these two... they just stare while we talk. I don't bite."
"You're the good big sister dad said you are," the boy spoke, "You did this for us?"
"He's my dad too. I had to do it."
"Does this mean... you're not gonna die, Dad?"
"How old are you two?"
"I'm 13," spoke Fiona.
"And you?"
"I'm 9."
"I just met you, but I already am crazy about you two."
"May we... give you a hug?" Fiona again spoke for the two.
"Of course."
"Thank you so much, Samantha!"
"You're an awesome big sister!"
"You can call me Sam or Sammy if you'd like."



Bridget was stripped to her underwear and bra and heavily duct-taped in the Randaccio style at her wrists-waist, elbows, breasts, ankles-knees, and thighs-waist. She was gagged with her socks, which were securely fastened into a black bandana cleave gag with one sock inside the other and the other knotted into the bandana, and 8 layers of the sticky grey and blindfolded with another black bandana.

"Isn't she adorable?"
"That she is!"
"I just love me some Bridgie!"
"We should get Joyce over here and have you three all stripped and taped like roommates and soul sisters!" Allie suggested.
"Yeah! She's been so lonely without the softballers!"
"MMMMMM!" Bridget nodded.
"Let's get them over here!"


"Wassup, Gangster Friend?" Jenny said as Casey walked into the former's bedroom.
"I just wanted to get put in my place... talk a little more."
"There's still more, Jenny. Tie me up, and then we'll talk."

The Gangsta Friend was in white trainers with black trim, a red t-shirt, and a white kerchief bandana. Jenny bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs. The Gangsta Princess was in her beige denim skirt, red striped sweater, and a red kerchief bandana.


"I'm ready, are you?" Sera asked Joyce.
"I am! Bold girl I am!"
"Fully nakey! Joyce!"
"Miss Black Lingerie!"
"It's a sports bra and briefs!"
"Oh, stop it! I just want to duct tape kidnap you two, and I have to use the clear wrap on Sera as it is," Allie interjected.
"You poor baby that looks so painful!"
"It still hurts like hell."
"OK, let's do this!"

Allie used clear wrap to Randaccio-tape Sera and red duct tape on Joyce. Both girls were gagged like Bridget: with their own socks securely stuffed in one another and then knotted into a bandana. Sera's bandana cleave gag and blindfold were blue bandanas, and Joyce's were pink. Both had wrapping over their gags, with Sera's head being completely encased except her nose.

"GMMMM!" Joyce groaned.
"Mmm ppp!" quietly came from Sera.


"OK, what do you want to say?"
"It's not easy, every day."
"Never is."
"Lift up my shirt."
"Lift it up."
"Oh, my goodness, Casey!"
"Some times I fall because I limp."
"What's the problem with this though?"
"Jenny... I haven't told Alex about these issues... I'm worried he'll end things."
"He wouldn't do that! Alex isn't that kind of guy! He's a bit of a tough guy, but he's got a gentle side that really likes the trope of a girl who needs TLC and gentleness."
"It's tough. You know the five love languages?"
"Oh, yeah, Joy and Lauren and I really get into that stuff. I think Cay does too."
"I really grew into being the huggy type. For so long it was the only way I could communicate... all I could do was weakly hug people while I vegetated on the sofa..."
"Alex will give you all the hugs you need. Now, Joy, not into that except for certain moments. She's much more appreciative of you fluffing her pillow or buying her lunch but not gifts. Joy sees gifts as dumb. Me... I get the huggy stuff, so here's a hug for you, Casey."
"Aw, Jenny... I'm just..."
"Don't need to say it, Gangsta Friend. You're my prisoner of love."


"So, Samantha, what do you do with your time normally during school time?"
"Not much. I have my work-study, my rowing, and my classes. That's most of my time right there. I have friends I go see, but on the most part I don't have time. At school, I call Momma. Before that, between school, work, rowing, home, and church I had no time to do anything. I have friends I will talk to at church, but I don't have time to hang out or anything. At least it's a little different now that Momma has a better job. I will get summer job, but not full-time like other summers."
"I'm sorry I made your life so hard and difficult."
"[You say sorry so much. Normally, I see that as weakness, but I can tell you really mean it and say it out of humility.]"
"You've learned much at church. You pay attention."
"[I tried.]"
"So no TV or video games or board games or even reading for you?"
"[I've read for 15 minutes of spiritual time every night, but otherwise no. None of those things. I don't even know how to play with my friends at school.]"
"[Why do you keep talking in Russian?]"
"[Because I'm comfortable with you; it's more intimate for me than English. It says 'home' to me.]"
"[I need to teach you Finnish and Estonian.]"



The three brutally wrapped girls struggled and tried to shriek into their gags. It was apparent that Allie had Joyce's and Janie's ability to brutally kidnap someone. No one was moving very much at all. Allie had the routines down too.

"Booooooobiiessssss!" she one-by-one played with each girl's breasts.
"Heh heh!" each quietly laughed in turn.

Next was the 30 minute tickle torture. First would be Joyce, then Sera, then Bridget. Allie would bring a girl aside, lie down on top of them, and tickle the life out of them. It was cruel, and it was just the kind of style Allie loved and appreciated.


"OK, Jenny, that's enough hugging."
"Is it now?"
"Five long hugs in 30 minutes? Yeah. I know you love me."
"Do you talk to your parents about your feelings on these things?"
"Of course... but I usually want a friend's opinion too... just because you're younger.
"That's fine. Had to check."
"You like those car games a lot."
"Yeah, I do. They keep me entertained without the trouble that Caleigh and Sera get into."
"Caleigh? SERA?!"
"Those two, of all my friends, are the ones who like shooters!"
"Oh, brother! Ha ha! I never would have guessed. I would have said Nichole and Lauren!"
"Right?! Nope! Though Nichole does, I think, play Chris's now."
"Naughty girls!"
"Nah. Just different. I'm naughty. I have you tied up. Allie's naughty. She has Bridge, Sera, and Joyce all mummy-wrapped, and Joyce is... Oh, Lord, she's naked!"
"Whoops! You scarred, Jenn?"
"I wouldn't be... I've... had to have my mother...."
"Aw, Case!"
"It's humiliating! If I told everything, you wouldn't believe me! As it is, I told you most of it! But that was the worst of it."
"I had a friend nearly die when I was in high school. She was riding a bicycle and got hit by a car. That girl nearly bled to death, but a friend donated blood when the hospital had none in the same type but that friend happened to have the same type, B-negative."
"B-negative? The only person I know with a type like that is... Nichole?"
"It was Nichole... she saved Joy's life. I hadn't thought about that since Nichole's incidents... both times, Joy gave Nichole blood. Talk about sacrificial love. I couldn't because I'm an A-positive."
"You wouldn't know Joy had so violently broken her leg."
"No, you really wouldn't, because it was mostly arterial. Her mother had to help her so much while she recovered."
"Did you help?"
"I did... It was so embarrassing... she and Nichole are the only girls I ever voluntary saw naked. But, she so appreciated it because she's an 'acts of love' type of girl."
"Was that in the summer?"
"Yep. Summer she turned 15."
"She must have felt terrible."
"It was terrible because of how much we love her; she and Nichole were riding to work when it happened."
"You've seen people helpless before."
"Yeah... I can't imagine how helpless you feel when you wake up... It's negative 10... and you have that stroke feeling again."
"I'm just happy I woke up. Usually on a day like that, Mom comes and checks on me and sees what I need. Or I text her that something's up. Nothing like waking up and not paying attention to your body and tripping and falling and giving yourself a big bruise!"


"Samantha, you're fidgeting a lot."
"I'm not used to being so still so long without something to fight for."
"Something to fight for?"
"Oh, my friends at school... some of them are a bit crazy and will randomly tape me to a chair or something."
"Ha! Samantha, you must be forced to relax. Like your mother."
"I love Momma... and I'm growing to love you more, too."


"EEEEE!" Joyce squealed as the binder clips were applied.
"UGH!" Bridget had yelled upon her turn.
"OH H*CK!" Sera shrieked when she got hers.
"Oh, man! You girls are such good sports! You're the best friends ever!"

They had to agree with that. Their circle of friendship was awesome. Afterwards, the girls said as much while they put their clothes back on.

"OK, that hurt like bad sex, but it was so fun," Sera said, "I can't believe you did that to us."
"Oh, it wasn't that bad except for the initial pinch," Joyce said.
"It was like butt sex, girl!"
"I wouldn't know," Bridget said.
"Me neither! Ha ha ha!" Allie said and cackled.
"I just know it hurt... I hope Roberto is doing it to me some day."
"Oh, Bridgie really likes the thought of being tied up by Roberto," Sera smiled.
"I'll keep his pants on until marriage. I promise."
"Big words, Bridgie!" Joyce said.
"I mean it!"
"I believe her," Sera defended her, "Someday, she'll be my sister! I know it!"


"Casey, how about a nice, comfy gag? Like a sock and a bandana?"
"Here goes!"
"Mmmm!" Casey got a white sock and a black bandana cleave gag.
"I need the world to see the happy Gangsta Friend."

Jenny took selfies, photos, and videos of the happy captive. Casey was a very happy captive. She loved being a Cool Girl, and this Cool Girl captor was Casey's favorite!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 290: The Kidnapping of the Gangsta Chick
Friday, May 25, 2018

"PUT ME DOWN!" Sera playfully resisted.
"Now, now, Sera!" Bridget said while clamping handcuffs on her wrists.
"Oh, dang it!"
"I'm going to tie you up and gagged and stuff you in a suitcase for hours then take you out and tickle you and hug you and then give you a TUG shower!"
"This sounds like a great way to spend a day, really!"
"I know you'll love it!"


"We have an off day. Sis, would you tie me up?" Janie whined to her pregnant sister.
"Do you have things for being tied up?" Lauren asked while they sat in Janie's hotel room.
"Yep! I brought enough rope and stuff to tie up a person, and so did Caleigh!"
"OK, big sis is glad to help!"

Janie was in all blue: trainers, socks, sneakers, tank-top, and kerchief bandana. She was tied with the rope she had provided at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs, and she was hogtied from ankles to harness. Her gag was the red ball gag with black straps that belonged to her now husband Ken, and her blindfold was a white bandana.

"Mmm hmm!"
"Just what I needed to know!" Lauren said before taking photos and videos of her captive's captivity.


"Hi, Jenny!"
"Nichole! How are you calling me?"
"I'm talking while chemist-ing!"
"You're taking unnecessary risks, girl!"
"Nah... Jenny, keep tight to Gianni. You're going to love being married. You especially if anyone will love it."
"What's up?"
"Nothing, really, that's why I called. Just to let my sister inside my world!"
"Are you excited to be visiting Claire soon?"
"Yeah, but... She's not Jenny! I love you more."
"Well, yeah!"


"MMMM!" Sera yelled into her own ball gag.

The navy blue Gangsta Chick was done. She was wearing navy blue trainers, a navy blue Minn Tech t-shirt, and a navy blue kerchief bandana. Her arm was heavily padded with plastic wrap so that rope could bind her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. A navy blue bandana blindfolded her, and she was stuffed into a suitcase as Bridget promised.

"Eh ee oh, leethe!" Sera whined as the zipper sealed her inside.
"See you after lunch, my beloved prisoner!"
"MMMMMM!" Sera was looking at 3 hours or more in here!


"Oh, look at you! Good thing I brought my own gear! We'll be rope twins!" Caleigh said with immature happiness.

Caleigh was wearing black shorts and a white t-shirt. She sat down on the bed next to Jenny.

"Lauren, thank you so much."
"For what? Talk, Cay."
"For sharing your sister with my family!"
"Not a problem! We like to share in the Patterson family."
"Too late for today, but one of these days you should tie me and Janie spreadeagle on opposite sides of the bed!"
"That'd be something completely different! Sounds awesome! Oh, it's Jenny! Hey, girlfriend!"
"Hey, how's mommy?
"Pretty good! She's tied up her sister, and she's tying up her sister's second best friend! Look!"
"How's baby?"
"Baby is doing great! Ope! Just kicked me; looking forward to meeting Auntie Jenny!"
"Let me put this where you can watch Janie and Caleigh and me."
"Hah!" waved Janie although she couldn't see anything.
"Hi, Jenny!" Caleigh waved her bound wrists.


"Nice place here!" Joy looked around at Casey's home.
"You know what's the best part of my life? Them," Casey pointed to a family portrait.
"I believe that. How old were you when you found out you were adopted?"
"When I was old enough to realize that I was the only blonde in the family. Maybe 10 or 11."
"That tells you how good my life has been except for the problems of my own making."
"I hear Jenny told you about what happened to me in high school."
"How the heck did that happen anyway?"
"I got his most by a piece of exposed fender. The fiberglass sliced through me like shark teeth."
"That sounds painful!"
"All the details I know were told to me by Nichole. I remember nothing, just like I forget slicing my finger on Christmas."
"That's not all bad, I guess... unlike remembering nearly every second of being paralyzed."
"Casey, you were allowed to remember so that your story could bless others."
"That's what Pop says. I... I can't wait to share my parents with someone else."


"Oh, Sera! Stop!" Bridget bossed her friend.
"She's having too much fun!" Joyce laughed.
"Joyce, you're looking really down today. What's wrong?"
"I had a night terror last night... and I was all alone... I started to shriek but fell out of bed and woke up... It was 2AM, and without you and Sera there I just cried the rest of the night."
"Aw, Joyce! I'm sorry... I wish I'd been there for you. Why do I always let my friends down!"
"Don't say that!"
"Joyce, move in here with us! No one will know except your RA! Sammy's moved out completely. You're flying home Monday anyway! Spend your last nights with us, please!"
"Do it, Joyce!" Allie pushed.
"All right. I'll do it."
"WEEEEEEEE!" came from Sera.
"I'll be back, Gangsta Chick!"


"Live inside view of the kidnapping of Caleigh Rondell!"
"Mmmmm!" Caleigh nodded.

Caleigh was now bound and gagged just like Janie, except Caleigh was gagged with an orange rubber ball threaded with a purple bandana and blindfolded with an orange bandana.

"Caleigh is so fun to watch."
"That she is. My sister is in good hands."
"She really is. You should be proud of her."
"I am. I am really proud of her. She's going to be 20 this summer? Damn."
"Was she really only 16 when I met her?"
"Yeah! Not to change topics, but are you looking forward to your adventure next week?"
"Not really. Travel makes me anxious. I've never flown before, and on long-distance car rides I get sick and vomit."
"Where have you gone before?"
"Iowa mostly. I had tests there as a child until I was 5... probably because of Daniel. You don't know the pain of being told 'Remember that kid? That was your brother' and having literally over 50 relatives all work together to hide the truth from you. That hurt me so much more than anything else anyone has done to me."
"I'm sorry, Jenn."
"He was such a good kid... I only remember him when he was dying, and I was so small that of course it's all become an afterthought with only fragmented memories, just like I barely remember anything about life before pre-K."
"You were wronged, but you forgave your parents for this mistake."
"Yeah... We lived in a different part of Mudville when he was alive... if he hadn't died, I would have gone to everything before junior high with Joy and Casey instead of Nichole. So good came of it. I gotta go make lunch."
"Thanks for calling, and Jenny. Cute bandana!"
"Nichole bought it for me. Now we're flower twins."
"You two have the best friendship ever."
"We do; I know she'll never forget me no matter where I live."
"Atta girl! Bye, Jenn."
"Bye, Lauren! Mwah!"


"Wanna tie up your Gangsta Friend?"
"I was gonna ask you to tie up your Gangsta Girl!"
"I'll take you this time then. My house, my prisoner!"

Joy was wearing her beige denim skirt, a dark green t-shirt, and a beige kerchief bandana. Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. A rope was worked around her neck and thighs to restrict her motion, and she was gagged with a sock and a green bandana. Lastly, a pink bandana blindfolded her.

"Proof of capture time!"

Casey was in pink trainers and a blue t-shirt. She quickly added a pink bandana headband and a mask for some selfies with her friend before taking videos and photos.

"Thanks for being my friend even after I was such a rotten teenager."
"Mmmm!" Joy gave a thumbs up.


"Did you like that lunch?" Bridget asked while sitting on the sofa with Sera.
"Delicious!" Sera said with a smile.
"It's time to tickle you then!" Bridget shoved her captive onto the floor.
"I'm gonna lose my lunch!"
"Shut up!"
"MMMM!" the girl got her ball gag back in her mouth, then with a jerk, "HA HA HA!"
"I love you, Serafina! You're the best friend ever!"
"And you're all mine to torture!"


"You know, Janie... you've been there 6 hours? Caleigh took 2 hours to escape that."
"MMMMM!" Janie didn't mind.
"Janie... I love you... and I know you feel safe while tied up and under my protection."
"Mmm hmm!"
"She does love you, Lauren. You know who else does?"
"Come get a hug from your sister-in-law's sister."

Part of Lauren wished Caleigh was her sister as well.


"Mmmmm!" Joy squeaked with much happiness.
"Having fun?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"You're almost out of that."
"You want to get Sonic after you're out?"
"Mmm! Mmm hmm!"

Soon, the friends were getting lunch together at a restaurant where a lot of good memories were being made.


"Quit fighting me!" came from Bridget behind the closed door.
"Stop it!
"Bad girl!"
"Sera, you're a naughty girl!"
"Look what you've done!"
"I ought to put you in a strangle hogtie!"
"I might keep you tied up all night!"
"You're going to suffer!"

Eventually, Bridget emerged with a naked and still bound and gagged and very wet Serafina. Sera found in every way she could, but she was eventually put into a brutal hogtied from ankles to elbows and then had her feet bound with a rope from her feet to her ball gag. Bridget put her foot on Sera's butt and stood triumphantly.

"Serafina Randaccio! My best friend!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 291: Third
Friday, May 25, 2018

"Dammit!" Carrie said as her swing missed, "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! No!"

Carrie smashed her bat on the ground, got on her knees in the batter's box, and started crying. Her coach came out and comforted her and got her to come back to the dugout. Minnesota Tech's dream season had ended.

"Carrie, don't cry," Janie said as she entered the dug out.
"I let us all down!"
"It's on all of us," another teammate said.
"Don't blame yourself, Carr."


Saturday, May 26, 2018

"Hey! We got third at least! Good bounce back from yesterday, girls!" Lauren encouraged her players.
"I guess," Carrie shuffled away.
"Don't sweat it, kid. I cost our team during my rookie year too. It's just a game."


"Wooo! At least we got a medal!" Bridget said to her teammates, "And this girl is the only girl I enjoy having scream at me."

Afterwards, a lot of girls congratulated the "rowing mother" on her last race for the school.

"You did so well!" said a happy Joyce, who had made the small journey to spectate, "I'm going to miss watching you."
"Thanks for coming out!" Sera smiled while she rubbed her still severely injured arm.


Sunday, May 27, 2018

"Where's Jenny?" Casey asked Joy.
"Watching a car race or something."


Monday, May 28, 2018

"Well, Bridgie, this is our last day as roomies. Thanks for everything... and helping me renew my life!"
"Tomorrow, we leave this place in good hands though."
"Yep. She'll take the helm previously led by Joy!"
"Sure will."
"Next year will be fun. I'm glad that Minn Tech is so loose except on the freshmen!" Allie was happy.
"I wonder how Sammy's recovering."


"Oh, that feels good," Sammy was doing one of her rowing stretches.
"Samantha?" her doctor walked into the room.
"Oops! Hi, Dr. Rodriguez!" Sammy blushed.
"She's an active girl!" her father laughed.
"Samantha, normal recovery is 7 days and then 3 weeks of reduced activity at home. I'm going to let you go home."
"But, my father!"
"I'll be fine, Samantha!" he smiled at his daughter.
"OK. Thanks! I'll do no more than what I can without hurting myself!"
"Promise me you'll spend most of the rest of this week on bed rest or otherwise relatively quiet still."
"I will!"

Sammy of course quickly called her mother as today was Memorial Day!


"One for the road, girls?" Joyce asked Sera and Bridget.
"OK... get all nice and Gangster Rower like so you'll all match, OK?"


"[Oh, it's so good to be home for real!]" Sammy said to mother as she walked into the house.
"Welcome home, Sammy!" suddenly shouted her aunt and a few cousins.
"Oh, hi! Aw, thank you! You're so sweet."
"You're a very incredible young lady to go through so much for a father you haven't seen in so long."
"I had to, Auntie. I had to... even if part of me was scared of what would happen... I'm glad I did."
"Lie down on the sofa, Sammy," her mother said.
"Right. But why a party?"
"To celebrate a special young lady... who did something special... and had a very special freshman year."
"Aww, Momma!"


The three rowers presented themselves to Joyce as request: white socks on their feet, navy blue trainers, white-and-navy-blue horizontally striped tank-tops, and navy blue bandana headbands. Sera had plastic wrap around her right arm.

Sera was laid on her bed and tied spreadeagle from each limb to the bed posts. She was gagged with her own socks and a navy blue bandana and blindfolded with a white bandana.

Allie was wired at her wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and breasts and roped at her crotch. Her own socks, a navy blue bandana, and strips of white duct tape gagged her, and a white bandana blindfolded her. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows.

Bridget was Randaccio taped at her wrists-waist, elbows-breasts, ankles-knees, and thighs-waist. Her own socks, a navy blue bandana, and 8 layers of tape gagged her, and a white handkerchief blindfolded her.

"You forgot someone!" a voice said as Joyce finished her videos and photos.
"MMMMMM!" Joyce was grabbed from behind.


"[Momma, sit down with me,]" Sammy said after the brief brunch party had parted.
"[Yes, sweetie?]" her mother sat next to her.
"[I just want to say... I love you,]" she hugged her mother tightly.
"[I love you, too. Is that all?]"
"[Yes... I'm happy to have Dad back, but you will forever be the one who holds my heart.]"
"[Sammy, you should take a nap.]"
"[You're right.]"


"You forgot the Minn Tech soffball gang!" Caleigh said for herself, Janie, and Carrie.
"Hmph!" Joyce squirmed in Janie's tight grip.
"Now, what'll it be? Tie us up as good as you tied them? Or tied up worse?"
"Mmmm mmm mmmmm!"
"Oops. You can talk now."
"Of course I'll choose tying you girls up!"
"Good girl! I'm glad I brought my wire!"
"Let me see! Oh, look at you cuties!"

Carrie was in red trainers, white Keds sneakers, white socks, and a white sports bra with her hair in cute pigtails held by scrunchies. Janie had nearly all red: sneakers, trainers, tank-top; her socks were white, and she wore as a kerchief the white-and-red bandana. Caleigh had white trainers, a red sports bra, and a white scrunchie holding her ponytail.

"I'll do it! You, Carrie, sit there. Caleigh, sit there. Janie, you stay standing to be tied first!"


"[Momma? I cannot move! I cannot move or see! Momma!]" Sammy panicked as she arose.
"[Keep calm, Samantha.]"
"[Momma, you tied me up!]"
"[I know you've mentioned this, and I know you love your friends very much and surprised you.]"
"[You're sense of humor is something else!]"
"[I have never tied people before, but I have tied logs and such before!]l

Scarves bound Sammy's wrists, ankles, and thighs. A red bandana blindfolded the girl, who was only wearing black trainers, a bright blue t-shirt, and white socks.
"[Will you gag me too, then?]"
"[If it makes you happy.]"
"[It would make me happy if Momma gagged me, kissed me on the forehead, and left me alone with the door shut for another nap so Momma can do whatever she wants.]"
"[OK. What should I do?]"
"[Grab a bandana from my drawer and fold it like the one on my eyes.]"
"[OK. I can do this. Just like a movie.]"
"[Yes. Mmph.]"
"[There. And a kiss for my daughter. Sleep well.]"


Joyce surveyed the carnage. She had done quite well. The devastation was total, and except for Caleigh and Carrie, all were hopelessly trapped.

Caleigh, the escape artist, was thoroughly chair tied. She was in a desk chair with her wrists and elbows secured to the arms, her breasts and waist to the back, her ankles and knees to the legs, and her waist to the seat. Her gag was a sock, a white bandana, and strips of red tape, and her blindfold was a red bandana.

Carrie, the fun light-TUGger, was simply tied for comfort. Ropes only bound her wrists, lower shins, and thighs. A sock and a red bandana gagged her.


Janie, the softball star, was standing at the foot of the bed facing the bed. Her ankles were wired to the legs of the bed and spread. Her wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist were tied with wire, and wire secured her shoulders to the upper footboard. Her gag was the red ball gag with black straps and strips of white tape, and her blindfold was a white handkerchief.

"Remember, Janie, that ball gag is 50% yours now."
"Heh heh."

Just the knowledge that this gag was Ken's made Janie like it more than any other ball gag she had ever worn or used.

"Girls, I love you all so much! Just remember, I have a flight to catch later."

There was no shortage of love here.


"Samantha, are you awake?"
"Yeth, I'll be out in fahv minith!"

Soon, Sammy had extricated herself from the simple scarf bindings. She opened the door and smelled her favorite: Beef stroganoff. And, Momma always made it stretch by adding mushrooms, onions, and peas and by serving a seasonable vegetable on the side.

"Momma, you have surprised me the third time today!"
"A surprise party, you tied me up, and now this."
"Is anything too good for a daughter who loves her father enough to give up part of herself?"
"I never thought about that. He forever has part of me."
"Samantha, I'm so very, very proud of the woman you've become. Now, it's time to eat. Sit."
"OK. I'm just happy as long as I do the right thing."
"Let's pray dear."

Never before had that supper tasted ao good to Sammy Raanta. Her favorite meal became a little more special on a day in which Sammy discovered that a mother's genuine love can be deeper than the child could ever fathom.


"Your boxes are driving down with me and Ken?" Janie asked Joyce.
"Your drawers were empty?"
"Bathroom cleaned out."
"Shelves cleared?"
"Well, this is it. I love you, Joyce, and I'll for sure see you in January."
"Until we meet again, girls!"
"We love you so much!" Bridget hugged Joyce tightly.
"My bestie!" Sera embraced her.
"I love you all, too."

Sometime after, Joyce was on a plane. She knew, however, that this wouldn't be the last she saw of Minnesota, the only home she had left. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of all the adventures she'd had with Joy, Jenny, Nichole, Casey, Hannah, Janie, Lauren, Bridget, Sera, and all the other people she had known.

Minnesota had been the source of some of her greatest joys and sorrows. It was where she found new people to rejoice in her triumphs, and it was where she found the most comfort in her distress. This would forever be a special place for her. It was time to make her third home: hers and Ashley's.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 292: Welcome to Your New Homes
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Well, girls, this is it. It's goodbye to Minnesota Tech for good."
"You, I wish you were all here for me to say this," Sera started, "Thank you for some of the happiest memories of my life."
"It's been our pleasure," Bridget responded, "Even if most of us were here for love and TUGs for only 1 year of it, I got the pleasure of being your rowing slave for all of it! I'll see you later this summer for sure, anyway."
"Very true."
"Where's Allie?" Jenny asked her friends.
"A teammate and she are heading back to Pennsylvania together," Bridget explained
"Rats. Joyce?"
"Flew to Florida yesterday."
"Don't cry, Jenn."
"And you! I'm glad you came over, Lauren!"
"Had to for you and Janie!"
"Are you really staying here for now?"
"Yeah! Me and Zack and baby!"
"Did you cheat?"
"Nope! No clue what it'll be!"
"Good girl! I'll be coming to you whenever it's time to baptize her, OK?"
"That's right. I know you will."
"Ready, Bridgie?"
"Am I ever! Joy, so it begins. Roomies, part 2."
"Let's do this, girl!"
"See you!"
"We'll see each other soon!"
"Let us know when you get there!"
"I'm ready when you are, Jenny."
"Goodbye, Lauren! Thanks for being the coolest friend a girl could have in college."
"See you soon, bestie!"
"Pick me up!"
"Mwah! After baby's dunked, you and me and Janie will have a fun big girl TUG like the ones we had before your wedding."
"Deal. Mwah!"
"Nichole, you're quiet."
"I'm gonna miss you... a lot. I know you'll visit me and never forget me though. Just... it sucks not having you right there like I have my whole life."
"I'll never forget you, Nichole. Come here!"
"Oh!" the best friends embraced.
"See you soon, Jenny. When you come out to help dunk Lauren's baby, you'll stay on my sofa!"
"Deal! Mwah!"

Then, Jenny and Sera were in the former's car, a well-maintained 1995 Ford Mustang 302.

"Let's go, girl!"
"Hop aboard my 240 ponies jammed into a gallon and a quarter. This is Blue Secretariat."
"What are you saying?"
"They're all horse and car jokes. It's a Blue 1995 Ford Mustang with a 5 liter engine, and it has 240 horses."
"You really do love cars in general."
"I do."
"Let's roll!"
"Next stop is... how far will we get?"
"Maybe Milwaukee?"
"Whatever! Let's go, Sera! Blue Secretariat likes you already."
"That's good! Wait, what?"

Joy had redistributed the joy of handcuffs to ensure her friends had fun. Janie and Jenny each got a pair of Irish-8s, since they were super flexible and rope bunnies who liked to be in inescapable and tight situations. She kept two pairs of handcuffs for herself, and she gave her third pair to her friend Nichole.


"Caroline, you take care," Janie spoke as she pulled in front of the airport.
"You, too. See you in the finals next summer, Janie!"
"I doubt it; Florida Tech sucks!"
"Stay positive!"
"Softball love, girl!"
"Forever! Come back in three years; you'll probably find half the team tied up!"
"Sounds good!"
"Bye Carrie! Mwah!" Caleigh gave her a hug and a kiss.
"Bye! Thanks for being my friend!"
"Our pleasure!"
"Get in, sis!"
"All right!"
"My husband and my sister-in-law... two of my favorite people in the world!" Janie said.

Janie and Caleigh waved to Carrie who stood and waved back as the truck pulled away from the airport. A tear rolled down Janie's cheek; she was glad she had chosen to push and get to college so young and meet so many people, but regret filled her as she wished she had chosen to do four years instead of three.

"Next stop, Minnetonka!"


"Joyce, talk to your brother," Trent tried to encourage her.
"What's the matter? You don't have to be ashamed of talking to me; we're like siblings."
"You're going to Gainesville and leaving me too!"
'I have to go where God gives me opportunity. He gave me opportunity in high school and college. He gave my opportunity with Amanda; and He's given me opportunity in Gainesville, but we're not leaving until August."
"Baby's so cute... I'd rather talk to 'Manda."
"Well?" Amanda asked her husband.
"She wants you. Tell Joyce I'll see her at Publix later."
"All right."
"See you."
"Joyce, what's wrong?"
"Soon, I'll have no friends near me except Janie and Ashley. Isn't she adorable?"
"That's not it... You've made new friends from scratch before."
"Two things... why doesn't Mariah want me?"
"Who's Mariah?"
"My half-sister."
"I don't understand it, but why are you bothered by having nothing in common with someone in her 40s?"
"She's my big sister! Her dad and my dad were the same man! He loved us both: dearly! He adored his girls and was so glad that he had me after she and Brian were grown... because his two girls got to be spoiled the same way."
"Is this the one that literally said she wants you dead?"
"I don't know; you don't need her. Trust me, you don't need siblings. Your friend Nichole found sisterhood in others; I sure did."
"I have one older brother; I hate his guts so much I didn't invite him to my wedding."
"Why does your sister hate you? Blames you for things that aren't your fault. Same thing. He sexted Ashley."
"Wouldn't accept blame and said it was my fault for having such sexy friends. He's a basement jerker."
"Point is... You have Janie, Lauren, Ashley, me, Trent, and so many others who love you; you don't need Mariah."
"The other things is... Amanda, you don't know this... that first boyfriend I had hurt me... I love children so much..."
"You mean he... hurt you like that?"
"I want to have children, and I might be unable to now. Seeing baby Janie makes me so jealous of you."
"Joyce... Baby isn't baptized yet; shameful, I know. Would you be her godmother?"
"Aw, Amanda, really?"
"You'll be sure you have at least one child in your life, and I know you really will be a godmother!"
"You're so nice."


Sammy lounged on the couch and, for the first time in many years, was bored. Her mother was at work; her friends were on the road; her cousins were next door... at least the ones that weren't working, which was... none of them now. Her own job... the old BK grind, began next week after her recovery.

Sammy was in her bright blue trainers, bright blue cloudy bandana headband, and a black t-shirt. She had 7 hours until her mother came home. They had no TV here, and Sammy didn't want one either. Self-bondage was dangerous. Joy's sister had work as well. She didn't know Bridget well enough to pop in on Kristina. If Sammy's house had been on the other side of the street, they'd have been on the same rowing team in high school.

Soon, Sammy had the answer to her question. She was gingerly searching for a pot to cook her lunch when she accidentally slammed her shoulder against the drawer above, which she had previously opened to grab a spoon. With that, Sammy was on the ground writhing in pain. The old laminated particle board had sliced her shoulder and was certainly going to leave a major bruise. Sammy sat on the couch and looked and saw blood.

Sammy was one of those. The sight of blood makes her lose her cool, and she fainted.


"Jenny, are you excited, scared, nervous, or what?"
"Anxious... I'm risking everything on the chance your brother and I will have our relationship blossom."
"Makes it sound nerve-wracking."
"I'll get butterflies in my stomach on Thursday!"
"Ha ha! So, Jenny, any chance the passenger could spend some time silenced in this here shotgun spot?"
"Not really. The windows aren't tinted or blocked or anything."
"She rides nice."
"Thank you. If you're good, maybe I'll tie you up later!"
"I'll be good!"

Sera had red trainers, a white t-shirt, and her own red-and-white kerchief bandana just like Janie's. Jenny was in brown trainers, a lime green tank-top, and a camouflage kerchief bandana.


"Wow! So this is it! Not bad! I'd say we scored, Joy!"
"I'd say so!"
"It's nice, Bridgie!" Kristina added, having been picked up to spend some time with her sister.
"How is it being the shortest, Bridge?"
"You know how it is too well!"
"That I do!"
"Kristina, you can help your big sister by getting hogtied on that sofa. OK?"
"Come along now, sweetheart!"
"Joy, tie her up!"

The young girl, in cowboy boots, a blue-and-red plaid skirt, and a red t-shirt, was roped at her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows and gagged with Joy's ball gag.

"We won't take long to unpack; we don't have too much with us!"
"I like your sister, Bridge!"
"I have to be sure you like her like you like me and not like you like Hannah."
"BRIDGET! I'll be in my room. Start off like a b!+c#!" Joy went into the bedroom and shut the door.
"I'm such a screw up!"

On the couch, Kristina was kept clueless of what had gone down.


"Sammy, what happened?"
"Oh, I banged my shoulder while looking for a pot to make lunch. You know me and blood; I passed out here on the sofa."
"You stay here, and I'll just open a can of soup tonight, OK?"
"That sounds good to my stomach."
"I figured. Poor baby."
"So much for game night with the cousins."
"That's up to you."
"I know. Oh, I did nothing all day! Mom, my stomach hurts and everything all the time... I hate being sedentary."
"It's for a good reason."
"I know."



"What's between you two?" Zoe asked. You won't look at each other and won't talk about anything!"
"Joy, I said I was sorry!"
"Well, come on, Joy!"
"I'm going to bed; I wish I had chosen to stay at home!" Bridget walked away in tears.
"What's wrong with you?!"
"She asked me an inappropriate question."
"And she's clearly sorry."
"And I'm not ready to forgive her. I said I liked her sister, and she asked if I liked her as a friend or in a lesbian way."
"Joy... you two brought that on yourselves when you and Hannah decided to molest each other."
"You're taking her side?!"
"YES! Yes, I am! You're in the wrong! You can't take the heat; then you should have kept it to yourself!"
"It was just a sorority-type TUG that got out of hand!"
"Then tell Bridget you forgive her, or you can sleep on the couch tonight!"
"I'll talk to her..."
"Bridget," Joy knocked on the door, "May I come in?"
"Bridget, I'm sorry for how I acted this afternoon. I know you didn't mean to be hurtful with your question, and I took my embarrassment out on you. Will you forgive me that?"
"I do, Joy. I think it's better we stay apart tonight. It'll be better in the morning."
"I think so too."
"Good night, Bridget."
"Good night, Joy."


"It's good to be wanted," Janie said as she climbed into bed.
"I'm glad of it. My parents and siblings just adore you. You're everything wanted in an in-law."
"That makes me so happy. You make me so happy."
"You're happy pills help."
"They just help me to appreciate it more; you bring genuine Christian joy to me."
"You're going to ask me something."
"Yeah... would you tie me up and cuddle me?"
"Sure thing... as you wish!"

Janie was in her red briefs and sports bra. Ropes bound her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. A knotted red bandana and strips of red tape gagged her, and a red bandana blindfolded her.

"MMMMM!" she squealed quietly but happily as she was kissed on the lips.
"Good night Janie... and here's to the rest of our lives together!"

Janie was so happy to spend the rest of her life with this man!


"Christopher Petersen, your wife's looking for some clean, adult trouble," Nichole said to her husband that night before bedtime.
"Clean, adult trouble?"
"Yes, you're going to probably have to tie her up and spoon her all night."
"I know it. How will I need to tie this girl up? Will she be a Gangster in clothes, a Gangster in pajamas, a Gangster in undies, a Gangster in her birthday suit, or not a gangster in one of those?"
"I suspect a Gangster in clothes."
"And she wants to be the little spoon?"
"So I heard."

Nichole was in pale blue trainers, a navy blue t-shirt, and a pale blue bandana headband. She had just finished her bedtime routine and was brushing her hair when she was grabbed. Black ropes bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. A blue rubber ball threaded with a navy blue bandana gagged her.

"Here we are," Chris said as he pulled Nichole tightly against himself when they were under the covers finally.
"Just the way you like it."
"Ah uv ooh."
"Ooh igh!"
"Good night," he said with a kiss on the cheek.

Marriage was so awesome!


"Here's the deal. If you can hop from the toilet to the bed, then I'll let you go and you'll tie me up. If I can hop it faster than you, I'll be tied up for the night."
"Mmm hmm!"

Ropes bound Sera's wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, thighs, ankles, and thighs. A knotted handkerchief gagged her at the moment. After Sera was done, Jenny took her turn, and when times were compared Sera had unsurprisingly won. Then Sera whipped out the big guns.

Ropes bound Jenny's wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, lower shins, upper shins, knees, lower thighs, mid thighs, and upper thighs. A blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and 9 layers of duct tape gagged her, and a camouflage bandana blindfolded her.

"I haven't shared a bed since that last time I was in Italy!"
"Yeah, Giulia and I had to share a bed. But obviously you're tied up."
"Yes, I took photos and everything to prove I kidnapped you."
"Yes, I'll spoon you."
"Ha ha! Gotcha camo Gangsta Princess! Booooobies!"
"No dirtiness, just cuddle buddies."

Sera wondered if this girl would be her sister before Bridget was!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 293: Janie's New Family
Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Last call for the Slayton Express!" Janie shouted from the stairs of the RV, which meant Eva needed to get moving!
"I'm coming!" Eva came out calmly, "It's just I made something special for everyone, OK?"
"That's fine. I'm teasing you!"
"You're growing on all of us but, Janie."
"You and Ken need to be quieter in bed in this house. You're in the corner, but Caleigh and I could hear you and were giggling."
"Oops... Maybe Ken and I should have taken the loft."
"You're fine. Just be quieter or make sure the door is actually shut."
"That's what we heard!" Janie said as the RV began moving.
"Probably! You two are the cutest!"


"Janie, quit daydreaming!"
"Sorry, Cay."
"You were really out of it; you missed Eva getting tied up!"
"Someone's madly in love," Tyler teased.
"I really am. My life is a Disney movie."
"Well, remember to enjoy us too. Right. Let's go see Eva!"
"MMMM!" Eva cried from the main bed.
"Oh, look at you!"

Eva was in blue jeans and a red short-sleeve button-up shirt. She was tied spreadeagle on the bed and gagged with the green head harness ball gag. For her, the 2.5 hours remaining on the trip would seem like 5 hours.


After arriving and settling down to their home-for-8-days, Janie spent the afternoon exploring with her. It was exciting as she had never ridden a horse, and her new sister Eva and new cousin Olivia showed her around. After they arrived home and ate dinner, Janie was surprised.

"Mmmm!" ropes secured her to a chair along with Olivia.

Ropes secured their wrists and elbows to the sides and their ankles and knees to the legs. Their breasts, waist, and thighs were tied down. Both were gagged with a sock and a red bandana.

Janie for her part was wearing yellow trainers, a dark green high-school t-shirt, and a yellow bandana headband with her braid held by a green scrunchie. Olivia wore jean shorts and a solid red button-up short-sleeve shirt.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday was a rainy day, so they stayed inside and played Monopoly. Janie was in blue jeans, a bright-blue-and-black long-sleeve button-up flannel shirt, and a bright blue bandana headband with her braid held by a black scrunchie. She, Caleigh, Eva, and Olivia were playing the game together after warning the new family member about "house rules."

"Flip a card!" Caleigh said.
"OK," Janie flipped the card, "'You were kidnapped and killed. Your money is divided equally among the other remaining players, and your properties are seized to be sold half price'. What the f***?!"
"We made our own cards and mixed them in!" Eva said casually.
"Oh, stop it! You get tied up!"

Janie accepted this and allowed them to bind her. Ropes secured her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs and hogtied her from ankles to elbows. A white ball gag with black straps gagged her.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm!" she groaned as she struggled against her bonds.
"Isn't she cute?" Olivia asked.
"Cute enough for a picture and a journal entry! Your sister will love this!" Caleigh took a picture of her new sister.
"The club will love it!" Eva added.

What a vacation it had been so far! Janie couldn't help but smile and just ham it up for her captors.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The next day stayed hot and dry. Janie decided to wear purple trainers, a pink tank-top, and a purple bandana headband with her hair long and free. Olivia was in blue jeans and a black tank-top.

"Janie, you really ought to let us cut it!" Olivia said as she and Janie went to explore by themselves.
"I love it! I haven't gotten a cut in years and years!"
"But it's super long! Janie, it's sexy as all get out, but it's really too long!"
"Why are you scared of getting it cut?"
"Because my mother had it cut shoulder-length when I was 6 years old as a punishment."
"Even then, I loved my hair, and she did it to punish me for something. She always hated me."
"That's awful! Janie, what a b!+c#! I have a confession... I don't always get along with my mother either."
"She wanted me to go off and become a doctor because I have a big heart and a good mind, but I didn't want to do that. So, here I am, studying to be a teacher."
"She thinks I'm a failure."
"She'll come around."
"I think so too... but it's heart-wrenching waiting."
"I believe it."
"I just want to be something good for kids! I love working with kids even though I probably won't have any."
"Why do you say that?"
"Not going there today."


"This is the set. Want to go inside a building?"
"I want to see the jail first!"
"It's all so dilapidated! I love it!"
"Let's check it out!"
"Oh, it's as amazing as Caleigh made it seem!"
"It's pretty cool!"
"Oh, look! I'm in jail!" Janie said as she put her hands on her hips, "Take a photo!"
"This is so cool!"
"You know what's cooler? Being tied up in it!" Eva and Carl said as they came in behind.
"We're game!"


"How do we look?" Janie asked Caleigh.
"Like prisoners!"
"Thank you!"

Ropes bound Janie and Olivia. They were destroyed at their wrists, forearms, elbows, waist, breasts, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Ropes ran from their harnesses to the rafters above and were taut enough they couldn't escape. They were shut and locked in the cell.

"I have to finish the job though!" Caleigh let herself into the cell.
"How so?"
"Mmmm!" Janie got an orange rubber ball threaded with a purple bandana.
"Your turn!"
"Mmmm!" Olivia got Ken's red ball gag with black straps.

Caleigh was naturally going to take a video of this!


For Caleigh, the day got better! The cowgirl in a beige skirt with Indian-type patterns, red, white, and blue horizontally banded shirt, red cowgirl bandana, and a beige cowboy hat, kept walking around and positioned herself as the U.S. Marshal. There was only an old chair and a dilapidated desk, but it made a spot to sit and feel powerful.

"You girls having fun back there?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"You're next, Marshal!" Eva and Carl stormed the jail with squirt guns.
"You're coming with us! Move!"

Caleigh was walked out of the jail and behind the building to a tree. Her crossed wrists were bound and her arms were held down with a waist rope and a rope above her breasts, and she was pushed against the tree with her arms behind her. Her ankles were bound, and rope was wrapped around the tree. Finally, her red neckerchief was used to cleave gag her.


"I need a break. If I get tied up, it's on my terms, OK," Janie said plainly to the others at the end of the day.
"OK, Jane. We understand."
"I need a break, too," Olivia said.
"I've been thinking, though... Livvie, would you like to give this hair a slight trim?"
"How tall are you again?"
"6 feet, 1 inch."
"I can take 2 feet from that, give it to Locks of Love, and it'll still be past your shoulder!"
"OK then! Let's do it!"

Soon, Janie was missing two feet of hair and still had another 2 feet left.

"It feels so much lighter! And it's going to a good cause too!"
"Oh, is it ever! You have such a good, good heart."


"Janie, I'm going to miss your hair," Ken whispered to her in the RV that night, "But I'm proud of you."
"I still have plenty."
"I know, but what does hair matter too much as long as I keep it me? As long as my hair is girlie length, you'll know I'm Janie. So, I'm no longer Rapunzel, but I'm still Janie."
"This is so true."
"Ken... I love you."


Sunday would be a quiet day of indoor relaxation, but Monday was going to be special for the Rondell family.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 294: The Big Apple
Wednesday, May 30, 2018


"So why is she called Blue Secretariat?" Sera asked Jenny while the former drove,
"You know the famous horse."
"Yes! Of course! Seen the movie!"
"OK, this car was originally my father's. He bought it new. He took care of it, and it's the car he taught me everything on. When I turned 16, he gave me the car on the condition that I would do all the work to bring it back to its glory. My parents have saved a ton of money and stuff, so they paid for me to do it, but I had to do it. She was originally yellow, and I sanded her down and spray painted her on my time. Only thing dad chose was the color. There's a funny story behind that, and I will tell it some time."
"Oh, wow! Good job!"
"I tore down the engine; I spent all that summer fixing her; I sanded smooth parts of the interior. Dad fortunately took care of the upholstery. I did it ALL."
"She smells new!"
"Right? I try so hard."
"You did well, Jenny! Surprised you weren't a boy magnet!"
"I was! It is fun hearing people ask about the 'dude that's got the sleek Mustang.'"
"I see the pride in your eyes."
"Ha ha!"
"Good thing I can drive a stick!"
"I pushed and made sure all my friends can. I even got Joy and Nichole to buy them!"

Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Are you nervous, Sera?"
"Wouldn't you be?"
"I'm going to walk into that house, and it will be empty... and in three hours I will be reunited with my baby boy."
"Let's go in and see then!"
"OK!" Sera put a key in the lock and opened the door slowly, "Hello? Anyone home?"
"See? No one. Let's just get our stuff upstairs."
"Did you hear someone?!" Sera asked Jenny in a whisper.
"Yeah, I did."
"Giulia! Mia sorella!" Sera dropped everything and ran to her sister, "What are you doing here?!"
"Everyone else is at work. I convinced Roberto tomorrow is the day you come home so he'd go help Mama!"
"Oh, you just wanted me all to yourself!"
"Yes, Sera! Now, c'mon!"
"I love you!" Sera hugged her sister while they exchanged a greeting kiss.
"Who is the friend?"
"Hi," Jenny shuffled her feet anxiously and waved.
"This is your future sister-in-law, Jenny Kristensen. Jenny, meet my wonderful big sister, Giulia!"
"Future sister-in-law. Being a bit rushed, Sera?"
"Nice to meet you," Jenny offered to shake Giulia's hand.
"A-med-e-gon! You date my brother, you get Italian greeting!"
"Whoa!" Jenny was picked up and given a kiss on the cheek.
"Now, get all your stuff in here!"

After that was done, the girls had nearly 3 hours to get to know each other. Giulia and Jenny immediately got along better than Jenny and Sera did, which is quite impressive!


"This is the moment. Are you ready, Sera?" Giulia asked her anxious sister, "My husband picked up the boys. He took the day off so I could be here for this."
"I am," Sera said while fighting tears, "Four years in the making."
"You've taught this family to remain so strong in spite of adversities... this is your moment, Sera!"
"I see a car pulling up! I see a small boy, a teenage-looking girl, Roberto, and two teenage boys climbing out!" Jenny said.
"This is it! This is it. Here I go," Sera got up and walked to the front hallway and stood waiting.
"Get in, kids!!" she heard Roberto say, and then the door opened with Tommaso dashing in and standing away.
"Mama?" A small boy peaked his face around the door.
"Benedetto Francesco Carmelo Randaccio, look who it is."
"MAMA!" he ran to his mother, who scooped him in a hug.
"My Benny! Oh, here we are! Mwah! I missed you so much!"
"Are you done going to school in Minnesota?"
"Yes, sweetie, I am!"
"YAY! You're home for real!"
"I promised you I'd be back after four years, and I kept my promise. You want to know who else are here? Zie Jenny and Giulia! Go greet them!" Sera put her son down.
"OK!" Benny put his backpack on the ground and ran toward the family room.
"Serafina!" Vittoria went to her sister.
"Sorellita mia! Look how big you are!"
"I'm so glad you're home. We missed you so much!"
"OK!" Vittoria got the same hug and kiss.

In turn, Tommaso, Umberto, and Roberto got the same greetings. Tommaso, it turned out, ran in first to get a video of Benny and Sera's reunification.

Jenny, for her part, felt immensely loved to be permitted to witness such a poignant moment.

"Jenny, you have a blue Mustang?!" Roberto asked her.
"Gianni will propose to you as soon as he finds out!"
"No, he won't!"

Friday, June 1, 2018

"Jenny, I just remembered something. Let's go upstairs."
"I have something for you! Come in bedroom with me."
"Here I am!"
"Check this out!"
"Pretty denim jumper!"
"Try it on! It was mine. I wore it once when I was your size, but then Benny... and I outgrew it."
"Oh, let's see... Yeah, it's a bit short for your style."
"Is it?"
"I bet we can attached a skirt to it and make a really cute thing from it!"
"Sunday afternoon project?"


"Mmmm!" Jenny quietly moaned into a big gag.

Sera's ball gag filled Jenny's mouth. She was roped at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. It was quite a tight spot, and a black bandana blindfolded her. She had been nabbed while changing and thus was in just her bra and undies.

"I never get to see your hair all free and long like this. You have lovely hair."
"Nk ooh!"
"My little prisoner."
"Mmmmm!" Jenny squirmed as Sera hogtied her from ankles to elbows.
"Hold still... perfect!"

Jenny knew she was being broadcast to the Facebook group, and she didn't mind.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

"I like this place less than Minneapolis!"
"You can say you've been here though! There are some excellent restaurants, although the trauma haunts me."
"That must have been horrid!"
"Me, Mama, and Giulia! Giulia had nightmares for 3 years after that. She was in high school and would still wake me up in the night to calm down. None of us have gone to that part ever since."
"Where was it?"
"Down that way two blocks. We stick to this part, and it's enough for us to burn a day!"
"Now instead it's you, me, and Vittoria!"
"Gianni's dating a nice girl," Vittoria said to Sera.
"Yes, he is. She's a good fit for him."
"She'll feed him well, too."
"And give him affection."
"I'm right here between you two!"
"Let's go in this store!"

In an hour, the trio emerged with what would be their lone purchase of their day: matching denim jackets.

"Giulia has one already; we just need to talk Bridgie and Giorgia into getting them too so all the Randaccio sisters have them."
"Quit acting like Gianni and I are engaged, please!!"
"You don't know how much you changed Gianni! He used to be so easy-going. Now he's focused on winning your heart."
"He's such a good man... like your dad."

Sunday, June 3, 2018

"So far, so good, girl! This is going to make you look incredible!"
"I look good dressed like a country girl!"
"You know who really does? Bridgie!"
"Janie, too!"
"Oh, yeah!"
"Probably easier to stick with the denim jackets we got yesterday!"
"Oh, no! These are no good other wise! You have enough pink skirts, and the jumper makes you look sl*tty!"
"Just saying!"

It took Sera little time to finish, but soon her improvised jumper-dress was finished. Jenny put on a camouflage t-shirt to wear underneath it.

"Simply gorgeous! Jenny, you are so freaking beautiful! Now, we did that so quickly... I hear Mama calling us for Sunday dinner! I should be ashamed I did this with you instead of helping her."
"But you're not?"
"And neither will she be!"
"Come on, Vittoria and Mama want to see!"

Jenny followed Sera down the stairs and into the dining room where, sure enough, most of the family was seated at the table.

"Oh, Jenny, it's adorable!" Vittoria jumped up.
"You think so?"
"Yes! It's so cute and perfect for you! Sera, you did wonderful!"
"Thanks. I had a good subject!"
"You sure did!"

Jenny felt wanted in this family. She felt loved. There was a special atmosphere here.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 295: Sammy's World
Sunday, June 3, 2018

"How do I look?" Zoe asked Joy.
"Like a girl going to a Russian church. Me?"
"Like a girl going to a Russian church. Me?" Bridget copied.
"Like a girl going to a Russian church. Me?" Zoe continued.
"We did you already!"

Bridget had a solid pink scarf over her head and wrapped under her chin. She took it off for the time being though. It match her pink skirt with purple flowers and purple blouse.

Joy was standard self: purple skirt, pink long-sleeve t-shirt, and purple kerchief bandana. Zoe imitated Joy, borrowing her brown skirt, a purple long-sleeve t-shirt, and a brown kerchief bandana.

"I understand you a little better, sis," Zoe said, "I had no idea how much spiritual and mental anguish you battled."
"Welcome to my little corner of head covering and modesty. My daily attempt to live a life of prayer."
"I'm proud of you for trying! Give Zoe a hug."
"Oh, all right!"
"Got it!" Bridget took a picture.
"That's one of the cutest moments you two have ever had in your lives!"
"She's right, Joy!"
"Let's go!"


"What do we do?" Bridget asked Sammy as she hugged her friend.
"Just follow my lead. This is a Russian-American hybrid church, so it has elements of both. There are seats along the walls... just do what I tell you to do. For now, imitate me."
"This is so exciting!"

Sammy herself had a dark green skirt, a dark red top, and a dark green kerchief bandana. With it, she, like Bridget, had a white crocheted jacket. She led her friends into the church and helped them feel comfortable.


"That was so long to stand!" Joy said afterwards, "My legs hurt!"
"This bread is super dry!" Bridget groaned.
"Antidoron is dry because it comes from the communion bread, which is supposed to be dense and dry."
"That was a very pretty service still!" Joy said.
"Thanks... Now, c'mon girls... here they are. These are the Lagunov's."
"Cousins, these are Joy and Zoe, sisters, and Bridget, my rowing crewmate. Friends, these are Michael, John, Natalia, George, and Katerina."
"A pleasure," Joy said with a slight bow.
"I just... love your church... I have never had a church speak to me like this," Zoe spoke out.
"[Sammy, the older sister is very pretty.]"
"[And single.]"
"[They made a good effort to dress as we do.]"
"[Joy is a source of much joy to me for a reason; she's super considerate.]"
"How long have you all been in Madison?" Natalia asked.
"Just a week, but I'm native unlike these two," Bridget explained, "Zoe just finished her second month here. She moved out here to help Joy and I adjust to post-college life."
"You have jobs?"
"I'm working at ABC news starting tomorrow."
"I'm starting Badger Academy for my master's."
"I work as a computer programmer."
"That's all nice and varied!" John said, "Join us for lunch. We eat lunch after liturgy because we do not eat all night to prepare to receive communion."


"Your cousin really, really has taken to Zoe!"
"Want to know something crazy?" Sammy said to Joy.
"That's the cousin that's going to be a priest... he's waiting on a wife."
"I don't know how I feel about that."
"Zoe, you've had a very interesting time of it."
"I have; being a big sister is a blessing. These are Joy's clothes actually because my only skirts would have been scandalous in here."
"Thank you for your consideration."
"I tried... I wanted to be open and learn and not an obstruction."
"Sammy and her mother are coming to our house for dinner tomorrow; come with your sister and friend, and we'll talk some more."
"OK," Zoe blushed.

"You enjoying yourself?" Joy asked her sister.
"We got an invite to go to Sammy's cousins's house tomorrow night."
"That's great!"
"I like him; like, I like him as a person. I barely paid attention to his appearance."
"Zoe's got a crush!"
"Joy... I love this place. Can we come back next week?"
"Uhhh... sure!"
"You don't have to."
"I will... as your little sister. Let's go home and relax."
"Sammy's coming for dinner entertainment this evening."
"That's fine."


"Zoe's in love," Joy teased.
"I am not. Not yet anyway."
"Aw, c'mon... let's celebrate by taking a Sunday afternoon TUG nap together on the pull out."
"We're matching Gangsters. How could I say no?"
"Atta girl! I love my big sister so much!"

They opened the pull out and allowed Bridget to simply bind their wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs. Both got blue rubber balls threaded with a handkerchief for a gag and green bandana blindfolds.

Both girls relaxed and went to sleep.


"Aren't they cute?" Bridget asked Sammy.
"YES! I saw the photos you shared. So adorable."
"They sure are!"
"I'll wake them up."

Sammy walked over to them and crouched near their heads. They were sleeping with their heads near the foot of the bed, Both were strangely on their backs. Sammy put a hand near each girl's mouth and pushed down.

"HMMMMMMMMM!" they screeched.
"Gotcha, girls!" Sammy said with a giggle, "Bridgie and I think you're the cutest!"
"Oh, stop it!" Sammy removed Joy's blindfold and Bridget removed Zoe's.
"Their eyes are pretty!"
"They sure are!"
"My, oh my!"
"Joy, don't take this personally... Zoe, you look more pious with the kerchief than your sister."
"Mmmmm," Zoe blushed.
"You just look natural," Bridget said to Sammy.
"Maybe because I'm Russian?"
"Now, what will it be? Shall we release them and get tied?"
"I think so!"

In took all of 20 minutes to reverse the positions with Sammy and Bridget bound at their crossed wrists, elbows, breasts, and crossed ankles, but they were hogtied from ankles to elbows. They were gagged with orange rubber balls threaded with pink bandanas and blindfolded with white handkerchiefs.

"Mmmm!" Sammy kicked a bit.
"Watch it; don't pop your scar!"

Sammy did struggle a bit, but she mostly just enjoyed her new-found captivity. Better was being tied next to her dear friend Bridget. Bridget, for her part, was interested in relaxing for the time being and then trying to escape. She was studying her bonds.

Bridget waited 20 minutes and then went to work. She loved being so helpless, but she loved a good escape challenge. She picked at her bonds and escaped before the 45 minute mark.

"Mmmm!" she unknotted the gag, "Tada!"
"Good job!"
"Thank you! Now, dear Sammy is here and stuck. Poor baby."
"I'll untie you honey so we can do start getting dinner ready; I know you wanted to talk to Zoe."

"What is it?" Zoe asked her while Bridget and Joy cooked.
"I have seen that face before. You want to convert, don't you?"
"What? I don't know yet. I want to go back and get to know it better."
"You'd make a beautiful Orthodox girl. You really do look so... innocent and pious like that."
"Like Joy doesn't?"
"You look it more than she does. Jenny and Nichole just look like fashion girls who like it. Sera looks like an Italian church girl... but you look serious."
"I am."
"You have the hots for Michael. I see it in your eyes."
"I do not... not yet. But he is... attractive to me."
"Remember, he's the priest in training!"
"I will..."
"You're happy with today."
"I found a church where... I felt alive and meaningful even though I felt small and unimportant in such a huge building. Everything meant something unlike our bland cafeteria evangelical church."
"Welcome... I hope you stick to it."
"Thanks, Sammy!"


"Joy," Zoe said that evening after they had gone to bed.
"Yes, Zo?"
"Today... I met my future husband."
"Say what?"
"It'll have to wait until I finish converting... But when it happens I'm gonna be Mrs. Lagunov."
"Zoe, I," Joy's face showed worry and horror, but then relaxed.
"I'm... I'm happy for you. I hope you're right."

Joy and Zoe that day found their hearts closer than ever before.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 296: Joyce in Florida
Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Bro, thanks for buying dinner," Joyce said, "Now let's seriously talk and lose our appetite before we start."
"First, it's your graduation, and you know your parents would be proud of you."
"What did you think of my mother?"
"I liked her. She was only a step-mother, and I was in college. It hurt; I admit that. I didn't like Dad replacing Mom, but I didn't like Mom either. I didn't feel betrayed, though, and I saw a positive change in Dad. Paula never tried to be my mother, and she was good to me. I was happy to have a little sister and see them happy with having you."
"So you've never harbored a grudge against me or her."
"Never, though you were a spoiled brat."
"I always admit that to my friends. Daddy was a good man."
"He was... I have to be honest it's hard for me to enjoy a sister who's 23 years my junior when I have a child older than you. I grew up in Rhode Island, and you grew up here in Florida. I'm a 70s-80s kid, you're an 00s-10s kid. But I still love you and care about you and worry when you tell me you're sad and lonely and depressed."
"I love my niece, although she's more of a friend. I think it works well... I go to my brother's house and visit his daughter while Dad visits you."
"You're a good auntie, although it's goofy being older than you."
"What's Mariah's beef with me? Last time I tried to talk to her, she told me to get misused by hobos and die."
"You got Mariah when she was drunk. Mariah... hates your guts... and I've tried to figure out why. Mariah drinks and abuses painkillers, just like Mom did. She and I don't get along much anymore because of it, and she feels like Dad betrayed us. She was the one who wanted to spend time with Mom after the divorce. She felt Dad shouldn't remarry after Mom died and never got along with Paula. Then, she felt like Dad was trying to start from scratch, and then she doubly hated you because you were a girl. She screamed and threw a fit like I have never seen when she heard about your birth. She actually laughed when your mom died; hysterical fits of laughter."
"She's a nut!"
"She's lost it more and more with time. She was completely normal before high school, so I suspect she tried some mind-altering stuff."
"That sucks. No wonder she's so rotten to me."
"Joyce, we're not here to be sad, we're here to celebrate!"
"True! So, Katie, what's your goal?"
"I just landed a bizarre job after a year of searching."
"Oh? Tell me!"
"I'm going to work for the Tampa Bay Lightning in their offices!"
"Oh, that's so cool! You're not even a hockey fan!"
"No, but Grandpa sure was!"
"Oh, was he ever! He'd stay up until 1AM watching hockey because he just liked the game so much."
"No! Wow! NHL Center Ice really did the world no favors!" Brian laughed at this.
"Oh, sometimes he'd keep me awake. I didn't mind though because he was always enjoying himself."
"That's why you like hockey so much."
"Amazing considering it was a Minn Tech hockey player who made me the mess I am."
"That's different. Hockey was incidental."
"Exactly. Bolts, eh? Way to go, girl!"


"You enjoyed yourself tonight," Amanda said when Joyce came in.
"I sure did."
"Would you do me a favor, girl?"
"It's been a long time since I got to engage in a real kidnapping with a girlfriend. I'll be captor or captive."
"OK... well, can I be captive?"
"Sure... stressful?"
"Kind of... it's complicated, but at least my brother does want me in his life even if the age gap is awkward."
"That's good. We can talk, girl. At least until Janie is hungry!"
"I hope Janie's having a good time in Minnesota."
"Me too!"


"Joyce, are you comfortable?"
"Yes!" Joyce said as she was in her pastel yellow pajama shorts and a pastel blue pajama shirt.
"Am I comfortable? Yes! I got Trent to agree to tie us up together and the same. So I have to be cruel."
"How is marriage so far?"
"Stressful! We should never have jumped in so soon. But, here we are with little Janie."
"Does she bite?"
"She has no teeth, but she's strong?"
"She's a voracious eater."
"Not really. I ate more when I was little according to my mother."
"Do your parents come over much?"
"We take turns; Sundays here one week, Sundays there the next. Keep flipping."
"Are they happy?"
"Except for the fact that they're not stupid and did the math and knew that she had to be conceived before the wedding."
"Ha haaaa!"
"Sit down, kid."
"Here... Now you get to spend time with your Aunt Joyce."

Joyce held her soon-to-be-goddaughter and stared at her face. Little Janie had the Patterson build but with the Sandoval facial feature. She was both of her parents in a nutshell and adorable at that.


"Are you ready, Joyce?" Amanda said as she finished putting two chairs side-by-side.
"I am!"
"Now, I have to terrible to you, unfortunately, because it's been too long since I was brutalized."
"But you're more flexible."
"Right. So if I want to have my elbows touch, I have to go tight by your standards."
"I'm OK with that!" Joyce sat in the chair on the left if you were staring at them sitting there.

Amanda bound Joyce's wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. She ran a rope under the chair from Joyce's wrists to her ankles. It wasn't much, but it was tight. Joyce was gagged with a blue ball gag with black straps.

"That's mine."
"Ready, wifey?"
"Yes, hubby!"
"Ugh!" Joyce rolled her eyes.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

"Thanks for coming over, Ash!"
"Least I can do for my future rooommate!"
"Thanks for it, too!"
"You're a good girl, Joyce. I know some of your pain."
"You do?"
"Kind of. My dad had to retire because of health issues, and some days he's in so much pain he can't get out of bed."
"Does he have multiple sclerosis?"
"He has multiple issues but thankfully not that. He broke his back in a car accident."
"That's how you understand."
"I know what it's like to crash and burn. Wanna see the scars?"
"Uh... sure!" Joyce realized she had an opportunity to get to know Ashley better.
"I'm probably the one getting tied up anyway!"

Ashley took off her shirt and showed Joyce her back. Ashley wasn't tanned much for a softball player, but it was obvious that almost the entirety of her torso was scarred, if not severely scarred, as well as much of her arms and legs.

"Wow! That's gnarly!"
"I was half melted and had to pull my unconscious dad out of the wreckage; I did CPR on him too."
"That's incredible! I've never paid attention before because every time you were stripped and tied I was too."
"Ha ha! Mr. Patterson is watching baseball; we can have a big girl TUG."
"Let's do that. I brought my fun toys."
"Fun toys?"
"My old roommate and I played big girl TUGs just like you did with Janie and the other girl."
"Oh! OK!"
"It's not much. Straps, a vibrator, and a muzzle gag."
"It's cool. Just don't expect a sex scene out of me, but I am a cruel interrogator!"
"Let's find out how mean you are."

Amanda took off her flip-flops and shorts but kept her panties and bra on her. She sat in a chair, and Ashley pulled out a ton of straps.

"Needed enough for a chairtie; that was my friend's favorite."
"All right then!"

Joyce strapped Ashley to the chair. It was a wooden chair with handles, probably from a yard sale, and used by Trent for tormenting Amanda and his sisters. She was strapped at her wrists, elbows, waist, ankles, knees, above her breasts, and below her breasts. The muzzle was quiet an interesting gag.

"Mmm hmm!"


"How was that?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"You're a strong girl!"
"Mmmm!" Ashley agreed.
"So, tell me," Joyce removed the gag, "How many times did you break your wrists trying to learn to skateboard?"
"Like I'll tell you after you just tortured me for the last hour!" Ashley seemed to be seething.
"Ah ha ha ha! I like you, Ash! You're sassy!"
"Thank you! It was twice, actually."
"Damn, girl! Now what?"
"How about you gag me again and I let you strap hogtie me?"
"Sure thing! This time, you get a nice blue blindfold to match your sports bra."

This time, straps bound Ashley's wrists, forearms, elbows, upper breasts, lower breasts, waist, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs, and she was hog-strapped from ankles to elbows.

"This'll be interesting for the group to see!"

Monday, June 4, 2018 to Saturday, June 9, 2018
Nearly every day, either Amanda or Joyce found herself tied up. Amanda was just getting out all the built up excitement of having TUG buddies to play with again. It was a lot of fun, and Joyce began to realize that TUGs, as a fun, clean game had brought of happiness to her life through a variety of friendships. Most of all, she realized she didn't need TUGs to be happy because her friends cared about her regardless. The pain of being so far from Janie and the rest of the Club was slowly diminishing.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

This was a specialize day in Joyce's life indeed. It was an unforgettable day in which she got more photos taken of her with baby Janie than Amanda did.

"Name this child," the priest said.
"Janie Kathleen," Joyce responded as the godmother alongside the godfather, a friend of Trent's.

"You're Auntie Joyce to her forever, OK?"
"That's fine. I like that."

Joyce enjoyed her one bite of the special cake that was made for the occasion. Oh, how she enjoyed it. But more so she enjoyed the love and friendship she got from the Pattersons.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 297: Rope Bunnies
Monday, June 4, 2018

"Nichole?" Hannah asked her.
"Never mind."
"OO... K..."
"I... I can't say it."
"Forget I said anything... I gotta go!"

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"Nichole?" Hannah asked her.
"Never mind."
"Hannah, what is it?"
"I... I can't say it."
"Hannah... Are you running me around?"
"No... it's just... would you... go with me... tomorrow?"
"Go with you where?"
"There... To do that... I can't say it!"
"Look at how guilt-wracked you are! What is wrong with you?"
"I have a modeling engagement tomorrow... this time I want a friend with me."
"I figured it was related to that. Hannah, why won't you stop if you feel so guilty?"
"You know why?"
"The guilt reduces your ability to do the scene."
"True... would you come with me?"
"Look... all right... I'll do it for your sake."
"I just... don't feel comfortable with the way his assistant touches me lately. I think they're fighting."
"And takes it out on the models?"

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"Are you sure you want to come in?"
"I came this far. I'll do it and anything that'll make you comfortable as long as I don't get on camera."
"That's fine. Let's go inside."
"All right. Hannah... I'm scared."
"Don't be; I don't worry about Steve; it's the assistant."
"Open the door!"
"After you, friend," Nichole gave an encouraging smile.
"Hey, Steve, I brought a friend today for support. This is Nichole."
"Good to see you, Hannah. I got news: Kristie and I are done working together. I'm ending this at the end of the summer if I can't replace her."
"That's a shame. I actually brought Nichole because I wanted her to do all the dirty work, if you will, off camera."
"Not a problem."

Hannah chose a short blue skirt and a striped tank top. It was a direct chair tie, and Nichole bound Hannah's ankles, knees, and thighs to the requested specs. She tied rope above and below her breast and at her thighs to pin her to the chair. She bound Hannah's wrists and ran a rope to her knee bonds.

"We'll start with her not gagged."
"How will I stay off camera?"
"Put on a hoodie, a mask, and some shades!"
"OK! I won't talk on camera."
"Good! Better that way!"
"Please, just let me go! No, don't! MMMM!" Nichole had simply walked over and gagged her with a blue ball gag.
"MMMMMMM!" Hannah was filmed struggling for the next 8 minutes. Then, Steve took about 200 photos.
"Want to stay here?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"OK! Nichole, would you like to be tied up with her?"
"Ummm... just for fun, not business?"
"It'll be 15 or 20 minutes, and as you can see Hannah's mostly out already."
"I'll pass. My husband would be unhappy with me if I accepted."
"No problem."


Nichole and Hannah chatted on the way home.

"I can't even. I can't even. Hannah, how could you do that to yourself?!"
"Does it make a difference anymore? I already did enough. Does it make a difference if there are 20 or 40 videos for creeps to enjoy? Does it? Don't you see my view? My life's already ruined, so I might as well make as much money because I am forever out there!"
"So don't give them more material to jerk off a second time!"
"You're impossible, Nichole. Take off the glasses. You can go to his site and buy the other however many videos and photosets, 4 dozen or more. I did a lot. Will 6 or 8 more matter? Or are you so blinded by the genuine badness of the words 'bondage p0rn' that you can't see that the damage is done and I just want to profit from it while I still can?"
"I wouldn't want to profit off that. That money's like blood money to me."
"I said it. I'd rather have no money than money from sinning. That's like saying 'I have an STD, might as well keep working as a prostitute' to me! Maybe you don't have as many nightmares from your past, but it still haunts you."

The blood drained from Hannah's face with the realization that she had preserved this one thing as her outlet for all of the emotions, fears, thoughts, and passions related to her past. She had set it aside in a sort of greed and a sort of emotional escape.

As they walked into the apartment, Nichole sat down on the couch and buried her face in her hands. Hannah went and laid down on her bed. Soon, she heard Nichole readying to leave for work.

"I'll be back. And, Hannah, I want to be clear. I still love you and am glad to have you living with me. I gotta go."


"Hey, BandHannah."'
"How was your day?"
"Well, I talked to Joy for an hour. It helped a lot with the spiritual side of things."
"Good... I want you to be happy. I'm not much help; I'm too new to this stuff."
"It's fine."
"You seem to be peace with things."
"Nichole, I'm not going back there again. He had at least three more for me, but I told him I couldn't do it."
"You did?"
"Yes. You helped me see today why my logic was wrong."
"Oh... I'm sorry for being so condescending to you about it."
"You were trying to help; that's what counts."
"Kiss and make up?"


"Hannah Bandana?"
"How would you like to kidnap a Gangsta Queen?"
"I'd enjoy that... as friend who enjoys seeing you happy."
"Am I Gangsta Enough?"
"Blue Camo pajama pants and a matching bandana? And a matching blue night shirt? Gangsta."
"Thank you!" Nichole pulled her kerchief back a little and slid on the linoleum courtesy her socks
"White rope?"
"For this one, yes."

Nichole had her arms boxtied and secured with a harness and a crotch rope. Ropes bound her ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Nichole was seated on the table and had a rope run around her neck and thighs to force her into an awkward sitting position. A blue rubber ball threaded with a navy blue bandana was used to gag her.


"MMM!" Nichole struggled on the table.

She kicked and slid and wiggled her hands. She was tickled by both and had her nose squeezed at times. Her hair was played with, and she was tipped on her side and spun in circles. Hannah and Chris just enjoyed having a bound and gagged Nichole at their disposal.

"Photos and videos, or it didn't happen!" Hannah said as she posted proof in the Facebook group.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

"Rope bunnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyy!"
"Yes, fellow rope bunnyyyyy?" Hannah responded to the call.
"After last night, you need to be tied up just like I was."
"OK. Let me get ready."

In a few minutes, Hannah reappeared in Nichole's blue camouflage pajama pants and kerchief bandana and matching blue night shirt and wearing white socks on her feet.

"You said I would be tied up just like you were! I pulled these out of the laundry to fully be like you were!"
"Oh, brother!"

Hannah was tied up, gagged, and placed on the table identically to how Nichole was the night before. Like Nichole, she was blasted to the club. The captor got right in her captive's face.

"I love living with you, Hannah!"
"MMM!" Hannah's smile was evident.
"But it's time to tickle you!"

What more could these two girls want for their wounded souls then to have friends who care?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 298: Strife over Pots and Pans
Monday, June 4, 2018

"That's my house. That's it. It's... It's home!" Sammy said after finishing the quick tour, "This is all there is."
"I think it's cute and cozy!" Joy said.
"So do I!"
"Size doesn't define home. It's comfort, family, and feeling loved."
"Thanks... that... that's the spot where my daddy threw me... you can still feel the dent."


"Let's go next door."

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"Joy, is it too much for you?" Bridget asked.
"Why can't you neatly put things away?"
"There's not much in there anyway! What's it matter?!"
"UGH! Joy! I..."
"You just stop it! Quit being so bossy and picky and demanding and cranky! Get over yourself!"
"I shouldn't get upset that you can't be bothered to take 5 seconds and make so we can find things the next time we need them?"
"Yes! There are only 5 or 6 things in there! It's no big deal! Why do you need fancy piles anyway? Stroke your ego?"
"I just want some semblance and order in things."
"Just get over it, you autocratic b!+*#!"
"That does it. I have to get out of here," Bridget had tears welling in the corners of her eyes.
"Sure, take off sniveling and crying!"
"Since we became roomies, you've become an abusive monster I don't recognize! I miss my friend Joy!" Bridget said as she left the apartment.
"Oh, f*ck off!"
"Way to be an @$$hole, sis," Zoe said.
"She's not asking too much of you. We take turns doing things, and every time it's your turn everything is half-@$$ed!"
"What?! You're taking her side?!"
"YES! Yes, I am! I don't want to be around you either right now. You embarrassed me last night too."
"Learn how to freaking apologize to people."

Joy thought of last night when she made an inappropriate joke about Zoe and Michael during dinner at the Lagunov's. Sammy was hurt by it too. Zoe hadn't said anything, though Joy had realized it; but she hadn't apologized.


"Bridgie, what's wrong?" Kristina asked when she was surprised by a visit from her sister.
"Joy's being a belligerent pain again."
"Don't sweat it, Bridge," her father said, "It's growing pains of being roommates."
"I don't recognize her anymore. I miss the Joy I loved so much and loved sharing a room with."
"Sit down, sis. I'll get a glass of chocolate milk. I made cookies the other day!"
"Aw, thanks, Kristina!"
"You're so pretty!"
"I'm dressing my best for work. I have to be there at 10PM tonight... so annoying."
"But, in a few weeks, you'll be Madison's new weathergirl!"
"Meteorologist, Dad!"
"Here you go!"
"Aw, thanks! Oh, chocolate chip! Even better!" Bridget eagerly broke one in half and dunked it in the milk.
"What's wrong at home, dear?"
"I got a bit annoyed at Joy because she doesn't put away the dishes the way I like. She agreed to it when we decided to be roomies, and she got profane and insolent when I brought it up."


"Hm?" Zoe removed her earbuds.
"I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that. I thought it was funny when it was foul."
"It's OK, Joy."
"I hope Bridgie's OK."
"I'm sure she is. She's a strong but sensitive girl, and we agreed to let her rule the kitchen when we signed this lease."
"I know... Zoe, why am I such a bad person still?"
"You're human; you have to strive to overcome your faults. If you keep trying, you will."
"Will I ever?"
"I'm sure of it."
"I'm not. Heck, everyone said you're prettier and more humble and pious looking in my clothes than I am."
"That's my countenance. Someone says that, I blush and get ashamed, Joy. I was embarrassed that Sammy said that."
"Are you saying I'm proud?"
"To an extent, you are. And it shows on your face that you're... not as close to God as you used to be."
"I'm not, Zoe. It's not even p0rn this time; I'm just drifting."
"Ever since the incidents with Hannah, I've felt like a deplorable monster. I lose a ton of sleep over such thoughts."
"Have you ever truly apologized to Hannah for what you did?"
"I thought I had... Maybe I should."

Wednesday, June 5, 2018

"Hannah, how are you?"
"Not good, girl. I'm really struggling with resisting money. Bondage p0rn money. Bad money."
"It is really bad money, Hannah. Getting paid to make others get excited like that."
"Nichole finally made it clear in a way I could understand today. She came with me to model."
"But why do you do it."
"First, money. Second, I feel like I did enough anyway so a few more won't hurt. Third, it feels so good knowing people think I am beautiful after being told I'm ugly and a sl*t and worthless as a teenager and treated like it too."
"You are beautiful inside and out, Hannah. That's why I called."
"I had a big fight with Bridget yesterday. It all started because of me, and then I said a ton of things that made it worse. Bridget won't even talk to me now."
"That's awful. You poor things."
"Hannah, I'm sorry for what happened this winter. I'm sorry that I objectified you and abuse you... I'm sorry for my actions and how my actions hurt you."
"I'm sorry too. I was never really sexually attracted to you; I was to your search for a sexual outlet."
"Same. We're both struggling, but I'm not improving."
"I'm stalling a little."
"It really hurts when your own friends say your sister looks prettier in your clothes than you do."
"Ouch. You need to apologize to Bridget though."
"She's sleeping, I think. She worked from 10PM to 6AM. She's so happy with the job so far though."
"We're such a mess."

And they continued talking. By the time the conversation ended, Joy and Hannah both had a plan of action of how to improve their spiritual lives and translate it into their friendships and relationships.


"Let's try this, Zoe. We're just going to make this up. She'll come out of the shower any second," Joy said.
"This isn't going to be easy. Let's just go with the clothing thing, OK?"
"OK. Go."
"What's wrong with that, huh?"
"It's embarrassing! You're wearing my clothes! And you get told how pretty and natural you look!"
"And I don't! So, maybe I won't let you borrow my clothes anymore!" they continued as Bridget exited the bathroom.
"I think you're getting to be a bit haughty. You've gone from worrying about your soul to worrying about your gonads!"
"I have not! I'm not getting stood up by my sister!"
"Quit being a whiny b!+c#!"
"Oh, excuse me, Miss High and Mighty, epitome of perfection... if selfishness is perfection!"
"How dare you!" Zoe slapped Joy so hard on the cheek that she stumbled and fell.
"Zoe, you big bully! How dare you!" Bridget grabbed Zoe and pushed her onto the sofa.
"Ow!" Zoe's arms were painfully twisted behind her back.
"You better not strike Joy again, you hear me! None of us have an excuse to do that without good reason!"
"You'd better apologize!"
"Damn," Joy rubbed her cheek as Zoe had really slapped her.
"All right. Uncle!"
"That's better. Joy, are you all right?"
"She slapped me pretty hard."
"I'll tie her up later in a not-so-fun way."
"Bridgie, I'm," Joy looked away, "I'm sorry about last night. I'm surprised you care about me after that."
"I still care about you, but I decided it was better to keep my mouth shut than say something as bad or worse."
"I'm sorry for all the names and insults and... the whole thing."
"I forgive. Will you forgive my stubbornness over the kitchen arrangement. I promise to be more patient."
"I forgive that as well. She really did slap me. Zoe, you brat!"
"Had to do it!" Zoe grinned while she kept playing with her arms that were sore.
"We took a chance on that big heart you hide under that rough, tough, and thick shell of yours."
"What did you do?"
"We staged the fight hoping it'd get you to talk to me. She was supposed to Three Stooges fake slap me, but instead she slapped me so hard I really did fall!"
"You know me so well. Hug?"
"I have time. Let's go visit Sammy!"
"Oh, sure! C'mon, Zoe!"
"Your face?"
"A little makeup will hide that."
"You owe me a painful kidnapping!" Zoe reminded.
"For sure! You hurt poor little Joy during a staged fight!"


"Welcome to BK, may I... wait a second! Hey!" Sammy grinned when she realized who was in her line.
"Hi. We had to visit the most beautiful BK cashier ever," Bridget said.
"HEY! Nichole worked in a BK."
"I stand by my statement."
"Thank you! It's a busy night; what'll you have? I'll be on break in 10 minutes. Wink"
"Oh, perfect. 6 cheeseburgers, 3 medium fries, and three medium sodas."
"And maybe a large fry and a fourth drink with that?" Sammy winked.
"OK. Swipe!"
"All right! My treat girls!" Bridget said.


"I'm glad to see you girls patched everything up," Sammy said as she sat down with her friends.
"Yes!" Joy smiled.
"Why just the large fry?" Zoe asked.
"Fasting rules... reminds us of our human frailty and of the sufferings of the Biblical heroes."
"No meat, fish, wine, dairy, olive oil... basically vegan without booze or olive oil."
"That's cool! What a challenge."
"Zoe's genuinely interested in your faith," Joy explained and smiled at her sister.
"I've eaten a lot of French fry meals. Especially during Lent when we fast every single day."
"That sounds so incredible... Takes a lot of faith to get through a day like that."
"I could never," Bridget said, "I would drop into hypoglycemia."
"Lots of converts struggle with it. It's fine. I love French fries at least even if they're terrible for my health!"


"Zoe, before I go, I promised you a diabolical kidnapping!"
"Oh, bring it!"
"You'll want to as comfortable as possible."
"Jorts and a tank isn't comfortable?"
"I guess," Bridget stared at the black shirt and matching black jorts and a ponytail held by a black scrunchie.

Zoe was bound with her arms in reverse prayer and secured with a breasts harness and a secure crotch rope. Her legs were frogtied from ankles to upper thighs. An orange rubber ball threaded with a black bandana gagged her, and a black bandana blindfolded her.

"Have fun, Bridge!"
"I will!"
"We'll have fun, too, sis!"

Joy and Zoe might not have a vibrator anymore, but there was plenty of clean fun to be had like tickling!

For Bridget's part, she was just glad to have fully repaired her friendship with Joy.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 299: Separation Anxiety
Monday, June 4, 2018

Sera woke up to a familiar sound: tears. She lifted her blindfold and saw Jenny on the floor and curled into a tight ball in her sleeping bag and bitterly crying.

"Shhhh... what's wrong, Jenny?"
"I miss home... I don't like it here... so grey and grimey and everyone's angry all the time."
"Honey, maybe you should FaceTime your parents this afternoon."
"That'd be good, I guess."
"Now, it's 3AM... get back to sleep. Today's the big day!"


"Jenny, are you OK?" Sera asked while they got dressed.
"Not really. I'm super nervous about today."
"You can't lie to me. Your face is obvious."
"I'm homesick, OK? Let me be... I'd rather try talking to Giovanni first."
"Regardless of how he makes me feel about it, I'll talk to you after him."
"Want to see how good he is to you?"
"Kind of."


"This is so cool!" Jenny said as she toured the CNC shop.
"We do some cool stuff," Giovanni said, "See that part there? It was ordered for a 1994 Aston Martin."
"Wow! So many fancy things in here."
"For sure. This is a special bit for a table saw."
"This is awesome! It's like a candy store!"
"For real!"


"Gianni, can we talk? Alone."
"Sure. If you want that kind of alone, I can't do it. But maybe somewhere we can talk and not get interrupted much?"
"Yeah, that."
"Let's go to living room."
"OK," she followed him.
"All right, what is it?"
"Gianni, I love you, your sister, your family, the house, and the job."
"But you hate here."
"Yes... I'm homesick; you saw. I was on the phone for nearly 2 hours."
"I saw. You know who else feels the same way you do about here? Sera. She doesn't believe it, but her depression began as soon as we moved here. She just doesn't realize it because kids with 7 siblings are so active even when depressed. Vittoria, Umberto, and Papa hate it too. Emilio didn't experience enough. I think Giulia doesn't like here either. We all like the country, but not this part."
"So there are a lot of sympathetic ears."
"Including mine. You can tell me anything, Jenny."
"Thanks... I..."

Next thing Jenny knew, she was on Giovanni's lap and kissing him with more passion than she had ever felt before. She felt both loved and safe with him.

"Huh? Oh, Sera!" Jenny jumped up.
"I didn't mean to ruin a poignant moment."
"You're fine... It wasn't good anyway... It was bad. No, OK, it was good, but wrong. I need to shower!"
"Jen," but Jenny was gracefully bounding up the stairs; then Sera smiled at her brother, "You two!"
"I'm surprised too."

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Sera/Serafina/Mommy. Happy birthday to you!"

And so the family and Jenny sang on Serafina Randaccio's 22nd birthday. Sera blew out the candles on the cake and cut herself a slice of the delicious homemade cake with a chocolate pudding filling, Sera's favorite kind. This had followed a dinner of homemade roasted chicken, one of Sera's favorites.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"Sera, I want to talk to you," Jenny said as they were getting dressed that morning.
"Go. I'm listening," Sera was putting on a pair of black jeans.
"I'm sorry about the other night," Jenny said as she put on a pair of red trainers.
"Sorry? For what?"
"It was inappropriate."
"Maybe if Benny had seen you two, but otherwise you did nothing wrong except..."
"Except what?" Jenny was putting on a blue tank-top.
"Except prove to my brother you loved him as much as he loves you," Sera added a black t-shirt.
"Love him?"
"Yes... he told me he... He's serious. Not ready to pop the question, but he wants to start... Uh..."
"I'm all ears," Jenny pulled her solid red bandana out of her
"Need right words...," Sera had her solid black bandana in her hands, "formal relationship! That's it! He wants to begin a formal relationship with you."
"He just can't find a moment alone with you in a house with so many people."
"Sera... I know you gave me the choice when I came out here... I think I want to move in to your sister's in-law."
"In-law suite... what a tragedy that was. Bought that place so her father-in-law could move in... and he died right after moving in... he had horrible, horrible cancer."
"That's so sad!"
"It's basically an attached house, right? I can just be quiet and never bother them?"
"Right... Jenny... why?"
"Sera, the other night, if you had tied me up right, I probably would have wet myself however the others do it."
"That's not urine!" Sera casually said while her head was upside down to knot the bandana kerchief.
"Whatever! Gross! I was super turned on by that... and I don't want your brother and I to end up sleeping together."
"I'll talk to her... the one who'll be sad is Tori."
"Tori?! Really?!" Jenny asked as she tied the knot in her bandana headband.
"She idolizes you because you did track too."
"Oh... Well, she can ask me anything about that!"


"I talked to Giulia and Mama and Papa. They're all OK with this change in things even though it's sudden. Giulia was actually surprised at how much rent you were willing to pay her."
"OK. Thanks, Sera."
"Don't feel like a sl*t, Jenny. You're staring at a retired one."
"What are we waiting for?"
"The boys... any second... they should enter this room with rolls of duct tape and vet wrap with our names on them."
"Tape. Here they are!"
"Shh... everyone's asleep... Are you ready?" Roberto asked them.
"Yeah, we are!"
"I've never been taped like this before!" Jenny was excited.
"Ready?" Robert asked her as he held a roll of red duct tape.
"Bring it, boys!"

The Randaccio taping was epic: wrists-waist, elbows-breasts, ankles-knees, and thighs-waist. This time, after the shoes and socks were removed, feet were added too.

"HA! My socks match!"
"Socks! Bobby?! MMM!" Jenny received her first 'own dirty socks' gag.
"Mmmm!" Sera was extremely happy.

Matching paisley bandana cleave gags held the socks in, and then each received tightly wrapped duct tape on her face. Matching paisley bandana blindfolds followed, and then came the vet wrap over their heads to hold it all down tightly.

Worse, this time, the girls were laid on the floor and taped some more. They were hogtaped around their arms to their feet, and then their ankles were taped to their thighs. Then their hands were taped as well.

Jenny and Sera were unable to move much at all, and the brutality of the gags silenced them. It still made for interesting films and photos though! After 15 minutes, the girls were semi-freed to a regular Randaccio taping, and after another 30 minutes the head wrapping was removed. Another 15 minutes later the blindfolds were removed.

"Mmmm!" Jenny and Sera looked at each other and were unable to contain their glee.

Friday, June 9, 2018

"Are you happy you came out here?" Sera asked as they finished moving her into the small apartment.
"Yes, I am still. I hate the area, but I love the Randaccios, especially you and your brother."
"Good. Need any help?"
"Nope. I'm good! I'm going to unpack a little. Giulia's coming over later to check on me."
"OK! I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Yeah! See ya!"

Jenny didn't have too much really. She had her school stuff like engineering notes, but most of her things beyond her computer and books were car stuff. Jenny usually spent her free time either playing her games, working on and around the house, reading car books or other non-fiction, or working on Blue Secretariat.

Jenny kept her car stuff organized in small containers, so that wasn't much of an issue. The only thing she really needed was a desk. Jenny Danielle Kristensen was enigmatic: she liked dolls, Disney movies, action movies, and cars. Truly, she loved the blend God had made her to be.

Before long, she had the bed fully made and her clothes in the drawers. Her few kitchen things were in the kitchen, and she was settled in. Next, she went to the living room to set up her stuff there. This is where she was when she heard a knock.

"Who's there?!" she asked in frozen fear.
"Giulia!" answered her.
"Oh, come on in!"
"There you are. How is it?"
"Well, I am so so grateful you cleaned the place up for me."
"Tonight, it's OK if you eat supper with us. I know you'd like to stay by yourself here, but at least for tonight?"
"Yeah. Thank you!"
"I don't know what you did... but you girls at school, thank you for what you've done for my sister."
"I just waited and waited... scared someday I'd get the call saying Sera had taken her own life."
"We just kind of bound her soul in love."
"That's what Gianni and Bobby said too. Ha ha!"
"We roped her into our circle of sisterhood?"
"Ha ha! You really do tie each other up," Giulia said, "That's doubly funny! I thought Giovanni was kidding me."
"It's a spot. I like sports. That's why I was a track girl!"
"Hey, Sera isn't getting hurt; that's all I care about. Just don't let my littles see you kids doing it."
"We would never!"
"Cool. And don't ever do it to me. I am not interested."
"That's fine. What happened to WNBA?"
"Couldn't find a team to play for this year. I want to stay here, if I can. It's one thing to travel for games, but another to travel to work."
"I understand."
"My husband? He'd starve to death without me; a Provençal man who can't cook!"
"He's from there?"
"Yeah, we met at the worlds."
"You really play kidnapping games?" Giulia asked in a moment of doubt.
"Yes, we really do. They're so much fun to us, and it was a mistake that got Sera into our group."
"Interesting. Whatever it is, shorty, Sera really likes those games, but she likes you all more. Thank you."
"Aw, Giulia!" Jenny received a hug from her.
"Isn't it so cute with her and Benny?"
"You should have seen them last night. I posted the picture; add me on Facebook!"
"I only use Insta."
"I'm on there too! I auto-post to both."
"OK. I'll look for you! See you later."
"This door locks on both sides?"
"Yes, so you can only get to the other side with permission. I put a key up there in case of a fire."
"Not a problem."

Jenny sat down and looked at her phone. It was an adorable photo of Sera and Benny asleep cuddling on the sofa. Fortunately, Jenny was just 10 minutes away and able to see that anytime she wanted. Sera was such an adorable mother even if a teen mom.


"Giulia, that was amazing!" Jenny said.
"Thank you."
"And your sons as so well behaved!"
"Thank you again."
"I'll help you clean up."

Sunday, June 10, 2018

"Sera," Jenny told her in church the on Sunday, "Thank you. I've made a much needed new friend here."
"Giulia? You're welcome."
"Yeah... I need a friend I can trust and who doesn't play TUGs. And she's not interested either."
"Oh, you told her!"
"Yeah, she's fine as long as the boys don't see us!"
"I'm glad you two are friends now."
"Thanks, Sera!"
"And thanks for all you've done for me!"
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