The Last Quest (?/m+) - Chapter 2 added (12. January)

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The Last Quest (?/m+) - Chapter 2 added (12. January)

Post by FelixSH »

Info: Years ago, I found a story on Deviant Art. This story never left my thoughts completely, and now I wanted to use it as a basis for my own story. You can find that other one here. While the basic structure is pretty similar, I did write my story before rereading the other one - it's years ago, since I have read it the last time. Also, I plan to write a few more chapters, while the original story has just that one part.

Just to make clear, that I took somewhat heavy inspiration, but also that the work here is very much my own, and that I plan to do more with it. Also, after reading my chapter, give the original story a read, it's a fun, short thing.

Anyway, here is my story.
Chapter 1

It was a cloudy Saturday. Fall. The days had become shorter, and, while I didn't need a jacket, I liked to wear a scarf outside. Green and brown, fitting for the season. Well, my sister thought so. She had knitted it for me.

Everything not only looked, but felt gray. The sky was a sea of clouds, the same tone of color everywhere. Not a single spot of blue, or even a shade of black, to be seen. Brown leaves covered the ground, delighting me with their crunchy sounds.

The wind was fresh, but not in a chilling way, just there to remind you that Summer was finally over. I relished in the light coolness of the day, it was a refreshing change.

When you think of Fall, this is the day that comes to mind. It's the picture that you get, when you look for the word in the dictionary. Slow, lazy, empty, colorless, relaxing. During Spring, I was full of newborn energy. In Summer, that energy was gone, and I lazed around, burning up in the heat. But in Fall, I felt kind of like in stasis, waiting for a change, a new cycle. Weekends were just there, to go by, without breaking up my zen-like state of being.

Normally, these are lazy walks, where I just fill myself up with the essence of Fall. Nothing is happening around my neighborhood, so there is no reason for me to not ignore the rest of the world.

But this time, it was different. At the end of the street, there was a yard sale. The people here weren't known to me, complete strangers. But looking at stuff that wasn't needed anymore was always interesting.

I had liked video games for as long as I can remember. And as of late, I had started to collect retro games, and even consoles. Realism and open worlds were nice, but I often craved the simplicity of pixels and linearity. It offered me a greater focus, and I had more appreciation for the simpler art, both graphical and gameplaywise.

Most tables had nothing interesting to offer. There were old, cheesy drawings, a collection of high-heeled shoes and all kinds of backpacks. It was a weird mix of things, seemingly unrelated to each other. And, while there were people here, not much interaction took place. The sellers didn't seem to be too interested in getting people to actually buy anything.

Only at the very back did I find something of interest. While I had never seen a machine like this before, it was obviously a gaming console. It had to be old, on top was something that looked like a slot for a cartridge. Elsewise, the thing was mainly skyblue, with a few red thunderbolts. In front, there were two controller ports, with one of them having a controller attached to it. That was the main cue, that told me about this being a console. No matter how gamepads looked, you knew one if you saw one. The d-pad on the left, buttons on the right, and two more in the middle. It also had shoulder buttons, which made me assume that it was from the early nineties.

I had never seen this thing, though, which surprised me. I had thought, that I knew all more or less well-known consoles that had come out, but I had never seen this design. Weirdly enough, the strange color combination suggested that it was a special version. Regularly, consoles were mainly in simply black or gray.

That strange console alone already made it into an eye-catcher. But what really got me interested, was the cartridge next to it. If I bought it, I would also get a game on top. I might see a really rare game, that only a handful of people had played. It made me very excited.

Not that I had heard of the game, either. “The Last Quest – Deluxe Edition”.

“Are you interested in this, young man?” I took off my eyes, for the first time realizing that there was an old man, standing behind the table. His face fit the day perfectly. Not friendly, but also not uninviting.

“Yeah, I'd like to buy this console and the game.” I didn't want to ask the name, as that would have made the guy aware that I didn't know how much it was actually worth. “How much do you want for both, plus the controller? How about...20 bucks?”

A slim smile appeared on the old face. I had offered too much, dammit!

“Sounds good, young man. A fair price. If you wait for a second, I will get you a plastic bag.”


The lazy day had suddenly become one of excitement. A gaming console I had never heard of, plus a new game! I couldn't wait to get home! Good or bad, it didn't matter (well, not too much). I just was excited to get a game, that I knew absolutely nothing about. No idea, how long it has been since I got to experience something like this. It was basically impossible, to play something without watching a trailer, or getting some kind of information about it, today. But this was completely unknown to me.

Hopefully it was fun! I could invite Mike. While I only had one controller, we just could switch, like we did years ago, when we were kids. After you lost a live, the other person got the controller. Damn, the nostalgia immediately set in. So many evenings, of staying up all night, playing through a particularly hard game, getting further and further, and having the time of our lives, together.

But first, I needed to test it out. Alone. There was no point in calling Mike over, if the game was just some E.T. level garbage, or didn't work anymore.

I still had an old TV, fitting for my old 90s consoles. And, as expected, the cables worked. I could start the game.

The next wave of nostalgia hit me, as simple colors flew over the screen, to finally form a strange logo. I got flashbacks to turning on my Playstation, hearing the zooming noise while the logo was forming. This really was a 90s console.

Next, the title words “The Last Quest” appeared on screen. I saw a jungle in the background, with an Indiana Jones type of character looking away from me. He used his whip, to get rid of some of the vegetation, just to reveal the words “Deluxe Edition”.

“Press Start” appeared on the bottom of the screen, shining in rainbow colors.

The start button was perfectly responsive. As was the d-pad, and everything else. They had the perfect feel and resistance for a good feeling. The controller as a whole fit amazingly well into my hands, like it had been created just for me.

Pressing start didn't open a menu. Instead, I got a text scroll. Not thinking much about it, I skipped the whole thing, just pressing “YES” at the end. I wasn't here to read. I just wanted to play this new game.

And with that, it started. I found myself, represented by a little Indiana Jones inspired...something, on the left side of the screen.

It was a very simplistic looking game. My character, barely more then a pixel blob, was on a floating platform near the left. Below me, there was a blue line that probably symbolized water. Slowly, a single cloud made it's way from the right to the left. I tried my two buttons. The left made me jump, as expected. Except, that the jumping physics were pretty strange. The character started to rise slowly, got faster the higher he went, and got slower while going down again.

I played around with the jump button, for a bit, while moving left and right, to get a feel for everything. Which was equally bizarre. You started with fast movement, before slowing down to regular speed, getting slower until you just stopped. At this point, you had to wait for a few seconds, before being able to move again.

These controls were really strange. At least the second button, where I shot something that looked like a boomerang and came back after a certain distance, was easy to understand.

Well, I would get the hang of it while playing. No problem.

After getting a feel for the bizarre controls, I decided to just go for it. I positioned my character close to the gap, so he wouldn't lose too much momentum for the jump. As expected, it wasn't too hard. Just a first challenge for the player.

And with that, I made it onto the next few platforms, each being more challenging than the last. Until I reached one that floated from left to right, and back again. Due to the bizarre movement physics, this was quite a challenge. And, for the first time, I failed, letting my character fall into the water.

There was no life count. Actually, nothing was counted on screen. But, instead of losing my life, craziness happened.

Something like a mask appeared out of thin air, enclosing all of my lower face. There were two small holes, allowing me to breath, but elsewise, it was a single piece, perfectly fitting. I tried to scream in shock, as I felt the soft material creating light pressure, but couldn't. Producing sounds was still possible, but opening my mouth wasn't. The material didn't hurt, it wasn't even uncomfortable, but it also wasn't adjustable in any form. My chin was stuck in place.

I started to panic. What was happening? But when I tried to rip the thing off with my hands, I realized that I couldn't detach them from the gamepad. They were stuck in position, with only my thumbs able to move.

Not that it mattered. I still tried to rub the mask off, and that, too, didn't do anything.

My panic got stronger and stronger, not sure what to do next. I got up, trying to move away, but the console was stuck to the ground. No matter how much I tugged on it with my controller, it wouldn't move. I was imprisoned in my room.

Something that sounded like a “Bling” made me look at the screen. A message had appeared.

“Please continue playing. If no button is pressed within 30 seconds, another life will be lost.”

Below the message, there was a timer that counted down. I felt the blood drain from my face. This was horrifying. What was I supposed to do?

I did calm down, before the timer reached 0, though. Maybe the game would release me, after I had beaten one level. That was my only hope, at this point.

My character was at the start of the level, after I pressed a single button. So I probably had to beat the whole thing without dying. Well, the game seemed fair. I hadn't lost due to a mean trick, but because I didn't time my jump right. Not a big deal, I just needed to play better. I could work with that.

This time, I made it onto the moving platform. I breathed out, glad to make it a bit further. The next few challenges weren't too hard, until I reached a fire breathing statue. The fireballs all moved at a different speed, and came in different intervals. Together with the strange physics for moving and jumping, this made me lose my second life.


I felt light pressure on both of my ankles, and saw a black material enclosing them. Afterwards, they were pressed together, like magnets. Fighting it was completely futile. My feet moved towards each other, no matter how hard I tried to keep them apart. More black material appeared, and soon my ankles were completely stuck next to each other.

“I can do it, I can do it. Focus!”, I thought. Panicking wouldn't help me, I needed to beat this level. It was all just a skill check.

Determined, I tried again, but failed two more times. The first death wrapped my upper body in the black stuff, making my upper arms being stuck on my sides. The second time, my gag produced some material inside my mouth. I began to panic again, starting to get afraid of suffocation, but it just filled everything out. My tongue was stuck and my cheeks were filled out, but breathing was still possible.

I could still play, no problem. But it was clear, that I had only few chances left.

I kept playing, trying not to let the gag and the pressure through my bonds deter me. And this time, I made it over the horrible statue. Finally! Success!

And there, behind it, was a goal post. This had to be the end of the level. I needed to make it, to end this insanity.

But when I jumped off the statue, trying to move forward, a surprise fireball killed me. I was too focused on the goal, to realize that the statue had turned around!

Terrified, I looked at my knees, which were soon stuck together, too. How much had I left? My eyes would mean, that I had lost. My hands, too. Was this my last chance?

No, I would make it through. I knew what was coming. This was the time.

Thankfully, I was now skilled enough to make it onto the statue, again. And this time, there was no surprise. I jumped off, and then only moved forward slowly, always focusing on the fireballs from behind.

Until I finally touched the goal. Some victorious melody started to play, and, as fast as everything had appeared, all my bonds and my gag vanished. It was over.

Now, that I had gotten to a breaking point, I realized that my hands were shaking like crazy, and my heart was pounding like it never had before. Slowly, the controller was put on the ground, and I gladly realized that I could take my hands off of it.

The nightmare was over. I just needed to calm down, turn that horrible thing off, and forget about it.

But before I did any of that, my focus was caught by a few beeps. A message had appeared on the screen.

“Congratulations! You beat the first of 5 levels. Will you keep playing, or do you need a break?”

Below the message, I could choose between “Next Level” and “Break”. I was a bit scared of touching the controller again, but finally decided to choose the latter. My hand was shaking like crazy, but I succeeded.

“Your progress has been saved. See you next time!”

And with that, the screen went black. The console had turned itself off. It was over.

I couldn't move for a long time. I was still scared. The game had attacked me! What would have happened, if I had lost? How was it even possible, that losing inside a game would magically gag me, and tie me up?

After half an hour, when I had finally calmed down, I grabbed a plastic bag, put the console and the controller inside, and put the whole thing away, hidden deep inside my closet. I didn't know what to do with it. But I also didn't want to think of it, for now. There wasn't even a way of talking about this to anyone. Who would believe something crazy, like this?

But this were problems for another day. The thing was turned off. I would just never turn it on, again. For now, I needed to get my thoughts off of it.

“Mike, do you have some time? Let's go for a walk. I was stuck inside my room the whole day, need to get some fresh air. Great, see you there. Bye.”
Last edited by FelixSH 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Stormee »

Ooohhh I remember reading this one time before on Deviantart. It was such a interesting story. Like a complete story of Sword Art Online, instead of dying you'd get tied up from a video game. I am curious about this version of the story versus the Deviantart version, i am curious if Mike will get tied up as well.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

A highly entertaining read. I remember the original story but this is definitely a unique take on the premise. I loved the video game jargon giving the main character a clear, 90s purist personality. :mrgreen:

It'd be interesting to see how two players switching would effect the game.
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Post by Stoutland395 »

This is a good start and based on a unique premise. I'm curious to see how you'll go with it.
That game could be a useful tool a mean prank. There's so many possibilities now that the Protag knows how it works.
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for the feedback, guys, glad you liked it.
DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 years ago A highly entertaining read. I remember the original story but this is definitely a unique take on the premise. I loved the video game jargon giving the main character a clear, 90s purist personality. :mrgreen:
That I consider it regular vocabulary, instead of jargon, probably says a lot about me. :geek: :lol:

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Post by cj2125 »

This has been really good! There's an air of nostalgia around it! Reminds me of the old more twilight-zonesque episodes of Goosebumps or Are you Afraid of the Dark!
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, cj2125. I'm glad trying to get some atmosphere through worked out. :)

Chapter 2

I had nightmares.

Every night, since I had played the game, my dreams were filled with grim visions. It had started harmless enough, with a black void, only broken up by a blob of pixels, similar to the player character.

Nothing happened. I was just staring at the thing, and it starred at me. No movement. Just being lost, in this weird space. Until, shortly before I woke up, it begged for help.

But it got more intense. Next night, I WAS the character, making my way through the first level. Dying at the exact same spots, and feeling the pain of suffocation in the pixelated water, or being burned alive by the fireballs. Looking left and right, just showed me a void. There were only the things I had seen in the game, but with three dimensions. The emptiness was haunting.

It made the illusion of these 2D platformers all the more obvious. These worlds were empty, the only place to exist being offered by a straight line. And death awaiting you, if you dared to move forward.

And always the cries for help. Even if they were only bit-tune chirps, it was clear what they represented. Voices. Multiple, scared voices.

Night after night, I woke up in the dark, bathed in my own sweat. Looking at my hand and my room, making sure that I was still in the real world.

What was I supposed to do? After two nights, I didn't even dare touching the console. What would it do, if I tried to get rid of it? Just reappear? Attach itself to my body? I was scared to find out.

But it kept haunting me, even when I was awake. My thoughts were stuck on the console, I was fixated on the next nightmare I would have. Would it stop? When? Due to my bad sleep, I was tired, all the time, not able to focus on my schoolwork or my friends.


“Tyler, wake up!”

I jumped a bit, as the hand of Mike shook my shoulder. Had I fallen asleep, again? My face probably didn't just show confusion, but great tiredness. Even keeping my eyes open was hard.

“Man, you look bad. Are you ill?”

His face was full of concern. I wanted to tell him, anyone, about what was happening. But...No, I had to tell SOMEONE. This couldn't go on, as it did. And if he wouldn't believe me, no one else would either.

“I...I have nightmares. Had them for the last week”, I started, unsure, ashamed. It was hard, to tell someone about your weakness, even if it's your best friend.

Mike looked skeptical, as I explained everything to him. We didn't even touch our food, as he was so bewildered by my story, and I couldn't stop, after getting started. Every sentence, every word felt like relieve, taking a weight off from me.

When I was done, I waited. There was still the tiredness, there was still fear. But there was, finally, space for more, for positive emotions. Without thinking, I let myself lean on Mike, my head laying on his shoulder, eyes closed. Smiling again.

Mike didn't say anything, at. No wonder, this story was really weird, but it was obvious, that I wasn't joking. He knew, that I was telling the truths.

“Hey, dorks! Get a room!”, I heard a voice from the table next to us. “Shut up, Luke! This is none of your business!”

Normally, I would have gotten nervous. But not now. Luke might scare me on a regular day. But he was a nobody, compared to what the game had done to me.


Granted, it hadn't been fun for me, to get tied and gagged, before being thrown into the dumpster. And it probably wasn't a joy for Mike, either. But it also wasn't anything new. Getting free was just a matter of working together, which was easy for us. Knowing each other for so long, we could basically read our own thoughts. And, while we went home stinking like sour milk, it at least didn't take long for us to get out.

It was probably this experience, that gave Mike his idea. “Say, the game told you that this was the first of five level, right? So, just four more to go. And, if you have help, we could make it through, I'm sure.”

I looked at my friend, unsure how to respond. Getting him mixed up in the whole thing felt unfair.

My face probably betrayed me. “Come on, I will take a knife with me, and if something happens to you, I'll cut you free. Or let me play it. If I can beat Super Meat Boy, I surely can beat this thing.”

It felt so good, not having to think about this on my own, anymore. For the first time in days, I could appreciate the Fall sky, sprinkled with gray clouds. Feeling alive, again. Getting my groove back.

Mike was right. The first level was beatable, why should it be different for the rest of the game?

Without saying a word, I stopped walking. Our way home was next to a river, with trees on the other side. I always loved it, to go home, after a long day of school, enjoying the scenery with my friend, talking about everything. Taking in the trees, with their colorful leaves, and the light chill of the wind, the murmuring of the river – it all filled me with determination.

Mike watched me, smiling. My will, burning through my eyes, showed him that I was there again.

“Thanks, buddy. You're right, I can do it. But you won't help me. Sorry, but I can't get you involved in this. Let me handle it.”

My friend wasn't happy with this conclusion. “But...”, he started, before I stopped him. “No 'buts'. I have no idea, what might have happened to me. This is dangerous. You're not helping me.”

Before he could start again, I continued. “Look, you helped me a lot, today. Talking to you, getting this off my chest, was the right thing. Thanks. But I'm feeling good again. And I have already beaten one level, I can do the others too, I'm sure.”

Mike looked, like he wanted to debate this further, but he finally relented. “Ok, ok. But can we hang out, today? How about playing Secret of Mana again? You really need to get your thoughts of this thing, for a bit.”

While I wanted to continue with the game, now that I was in a fighting mood, this also sounded great. We had done this for years, just going home together, to one of our houses, and play something the whole afternoon. It was the best, losing yourself in a game, spending time with each other.

Some people might say, that children waste time by playing video games, instead of going outside. They were wrong. I couldn't even count all the fun memories I had made, playing games with Mike, experiencing strange glitches, beating brutal games together – and just strengthening our friendship. These memories were like treasures to me.

“Let's go”


Secret of Mana was one of my games, so we got to my place. My mother didn't mind having Mike over, it would even out over time. Even though, wasting away whole afternoons had gotten rarer, as we had grown older. But it was still a semi-regular thing, and we met up for other things, too.

Basically, it was like we had two homes, being welcome in both. I didn't know, how it was to have a brother, but our connection couldn't have been closer than the one I had with Mike.

After eating (on our own, as my parents were still at work), I sent him to my room, asking to set everything up, while I used the bathroom. He knew were everything was, no problem there.

When I finally entered my room, though, my face lost all color. The console was there, the music was playing, and Mike was sitting in front of the TV, the controller in hand.

“What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!”

I tried to take the controller away from him, but he held it too strongly. At least I assumed he did, not wanting to think of it already being too late, and the controller having fixed itself already onto his hands. Turning off the console was impossible, the button didn't react at all.

“Calm down, I told you I would help you with this. Don't worry, we are friends, we make it through that weird game together. Come on, sit down, and let me beat this thing.”

Maybe I should have felt relieve, for having a friend who was ready to put himself into danger, for me. Or maybe I should be angry. Despite everything I had told him, he might still not believe me.

But I only felt bad. Now, Mike was in danger, too. And it was all my fault. I should have never told him about this.

While my thoughts ran around in circles, I felt a puff of an elbow. My friend looked at me, perfectly calm. “Trust me. We will beat it. Promise.”

I still felt nervous, but finally decided that he was right. We could do it. There had never been a game, that we hadn't been able to beat, if we just worked on it together.

The screen still showed the logo, but for some reason, there seemed to be more color, and some of the leaves seemed to be animated. Did I not notice this before?

When Mike pressed start, the screen changed. But, instead of a minimalistic platformer, I was looking at a game in top-down perspective. The main character, in the middle, was now more obviously a ripoff of Indiana Jones, with a clearly recognizable hat. Still very pixelated, but a big difference to the blob from the first level.

The screen showed a green floor, surrounded by trees to the left, right and bottom. The only way seemed to be up.

“Didn't you say, that it was a platformer? And that it looked like something from the Atari? This looks at least as good as an NES game.”

Mike was right. This was like a game from the next generation, compared to what I had played. “It was. Extremely simple. This here looks way better.”

My friend shrugged. He tried out the controls, which seemed simple enough. The character moved in the direction he pressed on the d-pad, one of the buttons let him use a whip. Except that the controls were weirdly complex, again. I watched Mike play around with the whip, as it would have more or less range, depending on how long he pressed. There was no meter on the screen, it seemed necessary to get a good feel for it.

“The controls are weird, you were right. But I think I've figured the whip out.”

The other button let a small boomerang fly to the edge of the screen, and back. And, as you would expect one from a video game, when returning, it changed direction to find its way back to the character.

But this time, when it found it's owner again, the boomerang killed Jones.

“What!”, was all, that Mike could say, before the gagging mask closed his mouth shut. I watched in horror, as his chin was pressed upwards, no matter how hard he tried to fight back. I could even here his grunts, but in the end, the game had won. Mike was muzzled.

I immediately tried to rip the thing off, but it was stuck on his skin. No matter how hard I tried, it didn't move, it didn't take a different form, it just didn't react at all. It felt, like the mask had melted onto his face. Only Mikes muffled voice made me stop.

“Mmm mmm”, he tried to say, which was still somewhat recognizable as “Calm down”. Right. If he didn't go crazy, I shouldn't either. He knew what would happen.

Still, I could feel him shaking, a bit. Being aware of something like this is one thing. Experiencing it was different. I saw him try to let go of the controller, but with no result. He would need to beat the level, as I had done.

I needed to help him. There was no point in playing together, if I didn't at least try.

“Press a button, or you will die again”, I told him. Mikes eyes grew big, but he followed my advice. “And now, wait. Let me think how you even died.”

First, with the boomerang just getting back, without any movement of the character, everything was fine. But when stepping to the right, he had lost a life. Well, the equivalent to that.

“Move to the right. Or in any direction.” Mike did so, and it was as expected: The character didn't just move, he also looked the corresponding way. “I guess the boomerang hit you in the back. So, you need to actually catch it, or you'll die. And you seem to die in one hit.”

We looked at each other, nodding at the same time. We got this!

The screen transitioned to the next, as Mike reached the border. On the second screen, the way still only lead up North (or South, of course), but there was a monster on the screen, slowly getting closer. It wasn't dangerous, and knowing how to use the tools now, killing it was easy. One hit was enough.

The level seemed to be a maze. The select button brought up a minimalistic map, of all the areas we had visited. As before, everything was hard, but fair.

But the enemies soon grew more dangerous, and also appeared in higher numbers. The game stepped up the challenge, as one would expect, but with the difficult to use weapons, it was only a question of time, until a slip-up happened. And, sure enough, soon Mikes feet were tied, as was his upper body.

Sweat appeared on his forehead. He got nervous.

“Don't give up. You are making good progress.” I hoped it helped. Reminding him, that he was not alone.

I wasn't wrong. The map filled out more and more of the screen, when brought up, and this time, the character didn't get sent back to the start. Which was a blessing and a curse, as you had to kill everything in a screen again, after reentering it.

At some point, a monster with a shield appeared, looking like a knight, and it soon became obvious, that an attack from the front would be blocked. Mike entered the screen again and again, resetting the room every time, but it didn't help.

At some point, Mike got frustrated, and tried to run around the thing. But the knight was way too fast, and killed Jones, putting him back to the start of the screen. Before Mike could get outside, or push a button to take a break, he made some weird grunts into his gag, his attention taken up by something else. Oh, right, it had to be the extension of the gag, filling up his mouth.

“Calm down, it won't let you suffocate. And press select, the monster is coming!”, I screamed, but it was too late. It had reached Jones, and killed him a second time, before resetting the room again, starting to get closer once more.

Mike pressed select immediately, allowing him to get accustomed to his extended gag, and to the bonds that formed around his knees.

This was as far as the game got me. Next time might be the last, and Mike could lose.

“You ok?”, I asked, looking at his frustrated face. I wondered, how he felt. This all wasn't new to him, but experiencing it, how you lost more and more of your freedom, felt different.

He looked at me, nodding. Breathing, in, out, in, out. His posture got more relaxed, again, and his face determined. I wished, he could still talk, but that gag made it hard to produce words, at all.

“Maybe you can use the boomerang, to get him from behind”, I suggested. My friend thought about it for a bit, before he seemed to agree. He hadn't used this weapon much, scared of killing himself again. But everything else seemed ineffective.

Breathing out again, Mike tried once more. Starting left, so the knight had to move sideways, giving the boomerang time to get behind him. And, as we both hoped, it worked. Being hit from behind, the enemy vanished in a small explosion.

“Awesome!”, I screamed. Mike clearly agreed, even if he couldn't say so. I heard a small voice, though. That gag was really effective.

The next screen, though, brought only frustration. There was nothing. A dead end.

Mike tried to throw the controller onto my bed, as we tended to do, when frustrated. But that didn't work, of course, which made him all the more frustrated. I felt with him, but couldn't help.

It also meant, that he had to pass the knight again. When visiting the last screen, we realized that it spawned above the middle, which meant there was less time to react. And, with Mike still a bit frustrated, he attacked too late, and got killed.

Stressed out, he moved back to the dead end, just in time for his wrists to be covered by the black material, in the form of cuffs. But he still hadn't lost. The cuffs where connected, but far apart enough that the controller could still be held.

“You've got this! Kick his ass!”

Mike looked at me, and nodded. And with new energy, he attacked and won.

The rest of the level was mostly easy. It was explored, screen by screen, and no enemy was as dangerous as that horrible knight. Until we reached, what appeared to be, the end.

We both got nervous, as we looked at the three-headed dragon, that guarded the door. He was stationary, but also covered a lot of the screen, and closed off the door completely. The heads moved independently, breathing fireballs at Jones.

Mike did his best, but the amount of stuff he had to keep track of was overwhelming. And soon, he had lost another life. As it turned out, his last.

The line that connected his cuffs disappeared, his hands were forced behind his back. At this moment, the controller lost the connection to his hands, and fell to the ground. I saw Mikes muscles fight it, but without success. I tried to hold his right arm, but the force that moved him made it completely pointless. Soon, his hands were bound behind his back.

Horrified, we both realized that this wasn't the end. His hands got enclosed, and soon, it looked like he wore black, shiny mittens. More black stuff appeared, all around his stomach, forcing his hands in position, closely attached to his body.

The bizarre force pushed my friend now onto his back and rolled him over onto his stomach, before drawing his feet closer to his upper legs. As they touched, more black stuff created a fixed connection. I knew, how uncomfortable this was, it was similar to when Luke hogtied us, as he had called it.

This seemed to be the end, though. Mike tried to struggle, I could see his muscles still working and moving, but everything that was bound, was completely stuck. And, no matter what I tried, nothing helped. His bonds were absolute, inescapable.

While Mike panicked, I turned around, due to a beep from the screen. A new message had appeared:

“One minute for another player to take over. Elsewise, the former player(s) will be considered defeated.”

I stared at the screen, a number in rainbow colors that slowly counted down. There was still a chance! I could save my friend!

“I can take over, Mike. I'll defeat this thing, promise!”

My friend seemed to have stopped struggling at this point, due to the end of light noises from behind, but I couldn't test it out. There just wasn't time for me to turn around, I had to focus now.

I went back one screen, getting used to the way the weapons worked. Even with this, and my knowledge about the boss, it didn't take long for me to be gagged again. Well, no big thing, I had a lot more lives.

And I made them count. While reentering the room seemed to reset the boss, it appeared like the damage it took didn't, as long as I stayed inside. This got clear, as one of the heads became white and split off, starting to float around the room. It still shot fireballs, and being caught off-guard that way, lost me another life.

It was a race against time. There was a bit of invincibility after each death, and I used this to get in more hits. Not caring about getting hit, as the screen soon was full of moving heads and fireballs, I just accepted more and more bonds, knowing that they wouldn't stop me from playing, until the last one. And it was clear, that the thing would be dead soon.

And just as my gag expanded inside my mouth, the last head lost color, and the whole monster exploded. The way to the exit was open. I didn't waste any seconds, and went through, not even saying anything yet. What if this wasn't actually the end? I couldn't take anything else.

But I gladly realized that, as soon as I touched the door, the level disappeared, and all my restrictions vanished, again. I screamed in joy, and also heard Mike make some noise, probably testing out his tongue again.

Like last time, I was asked if I wanted to continue, or take a break. Why did it even ask, wasn't it obvious? Soon, the console turned itself off, again.

I just let the controller fall to the ground, breathing out, heavily. This time, I wasn't scared, but my blood was still pumping like crazy. I had never experienced such a rush!

“You ok, buddy?”, I managed to ask. “Yeah, yeah. I'm good.”

He actually sounded that way, too. Unlike me, who was completely shaken after my first experience with this game. Maybe being warned had helped. I turned around, and realized that, while he was generally fine, he was still shaken up. His eyes were closed, and he breathed in and out, slowly, steadily.

Carefully, I got closer, laying my hand on his shoulder. “Thanks, man. I would have been lost without you, no question. No idea, what would have happened without another player, but...I guess you saved me.”

Mike turned his head into my direction, a shy smile appearing on his face. “Sure, no thing. Glad I could help.”

He got up, and we both sat on the bed, leaning against the wall. With a deep breath, Mike let himself lean against me, his head on my shoulder. With both our eyes closed, enjoying the silence, I started to lightly stroke his head.

We just sat there, for minutes, just enjoying each others company.


[mention]cj2125[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Stormee[/mention] [mention]Stoutland395[/mention]

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Post by MaxRoper »

I'm not a gamer; not even slightly. But this was enthralling and amazing. You totally got me into the feelings of the guys as they fought this apparently sentient and possibly evil game. Well done!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Mike and Tyler's relationship is really sweet. The story makes a very good point about how video games can be an opportunity for people to bond (pun intended) and you showed it masterfully, if in an unorthodox way.

It's interesting how the game seems to be evolving. I wonder how the retro gaming fan duo will react if it ends up becoming a latest-gen action game. :D
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, guys, I'm glad you liked it. Will probably take a short break, to write on something else for now, but not for too long.

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Post by Stoutland395 »

I really liked this second chapter. It was a good distraction for me personally, considering the current situation with my channel. Tyler and Mike seem cute together. If I were to make a suggestion, I think Mike and Tyler could use some kind of physical description, just enough to get a better picture of what these two might look like.I'm interested in what happens to the loser if there's no one around to pick up the game after, now; or if the bondage will change up as the levels increase in difficulty.
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Post by Chris12 »

Awww Mike and Tyler are so cute together :lol:
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Post by cj2125 »

And the story keeps going strong! Love the relationship between Mike and Tyler!
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, guys. Fun fact: The names Mike and Tyler are also the names of the hosts of a podcast about the History of Videogames I listen to. Which I only realized, after writing the second chapter, and setting the names. Which is weirdly fitting, despite being completely incidental. :lol:
Stoutland395 wrote: 2 years ago I really liked this second chapter. It was a good distraction for me personally, considering the current situation with my channel. Tyler and Mike seem cute together. If I were to make a suggestion, I think Mike and Tyler could use some kind of physical description, just enough to get a better picture of what these two might look like.I'm interested in what happens to the loser if there's no one around to pick up the game after, now; or if the bondage will change up as the levels increase in difficulty.
I'm glad you got a bit of enjoyment out of it, despite that stuff.

Hmm, thanks for the feedback with regards to details about their physical apparence. There certainly won't be much, but I might try to add a bit of details in, if it works well. No promises, though, depends on if it will feel fitting for the situation. Still, I appreciate the feedback.

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Post by Stormee »

I finally got a chance to read this part. Looks like a dangerous game to play with this entity or something coming out of the controller to capture their victims. Kind of curious on what happens though if they lose all lives and can't continue. But I got a bad feeling that it's not the victory screen. :lol:
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