Rey's new training - request by Ducttapelover93 (F/F) - Part 6 - FINISHED

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Rey's new training - request by Ducttapelover93 (F/F) - Part 6 - FINISHED

Post by Mineira1986 »

It's been a while since I took a request, so I decide to take [mention]Ducttapelover93[/mention]. Also, I love Star Wars and the idea of having Rey in a bondage situation is really exciting. I had to read a bit more of Wookiepedia to understand more the characters so I hope it works. Like most of my stories, this will have many chapters (but I promise, it won't have nearly as many as my original stories).

Oh, quick disclaimer: Events here occur after Episode IX so... spoiler alert? Hehe


“And... we are out of hyperspace”

Rey looked at the space as the Millennium Falcon came out of hyperspace. The Outer Rim. The longest part of the trip was over, but not the hardest one of the mission. Rey set the ship on autopilot before she reached for the communication controls. “Rose, please come.”

A few minutes later, the technician Rose Tico appeared at the cockpit. “Yes, Rey?”

Rey stood up and signaled the pilot seat. “It’s all yours.”

“What?” Rose asked, her eyes wide open. “I’ve never piloted a ship. Ever!”

“I know.” Rey said. She sighed as she remembered. Poe Dameron, Chewie and Finn were not available for this mission. Rose Tico wasn’t a pilot like her sister Paige. But she needed somebody at the cockpit at least for a few minutes. “It’s already in autopilot and you only need to adjust the vectors in case something wrong happens.”

“You are the pilot. You do it.”

Rey sighed again. “I am also the commander of this mission. And I am asking you to, please, take control of the ship. Don’t make me order you, Rose. I have to make a call to the base.”

“Yeah, right, the base.” Rose snorted. “I know perfectly who you are going to call.”

Rey opened her mouth to reply but the small technician had already walked into the cockpit and took a seat. The jedi muttered a soft “thank you” before walking with fast pace at the comm room.

She didn’t even wait to reach for the seat. Using the force, she took the headset and put it on. Still on her feet, Rey pressed the buttons and started the call. “This is the Millennium Falcon calling for Blue Three. Blue Three, please respond.”

There was a radio silence. Rey waited for a few seconds before attempting again. “Millennium Falcon calling for Blue Three. Blue Three? Jess?”

She attempted a third time to reach for Blue Three. Jessika Pava, or Jess as she called her. The mission was of interest to Rey but also of Jess. A strong Force call, from the Outer Rim, in the planet Lothal. It could be anything, but it could also be related to the Skywalker lineage. Rey had searched through the jedi archives in her bag during the entire time in hyperspace. A long time destroyed Jedi temple was on the planet. Could it be?

Once she had told Jess, the Blue Squadron Pilot had been more excited than Rey herself. It didn’t help that most of her time talking was about how great of a pilot Luke Skywalker had been. Rey meeting and training with Luke Skywalker hadn’t helped to keep the excitement down. This assignment increased it even more.

Rey blushed as she remembered. She loved how Jess Pava smiled and how her voice trembled each time they talked about the topic, which was every time they talked to each other.

But now there was no response. Rey understood it as she crossed her arms on the board and buried her head into them. Resistance pilots were now in charge to help the New Republic, in the matters of clearing the remnants of the First Order across the galaxy. Palpatine was gone for good and so was Kylo Ren. But many First Order squads were wandering around and they needed to take care of them.

So now Rey was stuck with Rose. Not her first choice. She would have brought even the astromechs BB-8 or R2-D2,and that was considering neither could pilot the Millennium Falcon.

The radio beeped. Rey raised her head and answered. “Jess? Are you there?”

“No, it’s me, not your girlfriend.” Rose’s voice sounded on the other side. Rey blushed.

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Yeah, I don’t think Jedis are supposed to lie. Listen, we are getting close to the planet, you may want to come in and pilot the ship yourself before we crash or something.”

Rey rolled her eyes. “I picked up the most useless crew ever.”

Rose’s voice reminded her that she hadn’t put away the headset. “I heard that.”


Rey gave one final look at the comm table. No sign of Jess. That would have to wait until the mission was over.

The Jedi got back to the cockpit and took control of the ship. The Falcon entered the Lothal planet. As the ship moved, Rey felt the Force calling her. Stronger this time. They were on the right course. Could have used Finn’s help, since he was, apparently, a Force user as well.

“What’s with all the desert planets?” Rose asked.

Rey chuckled a little. The landmark in front of them did remind her of Jakku, the planet where she had spent most of her life before she joined the Resistance. Sand here and sand there. “The Force likes sand, huh?”

“Not every Force user.” Rey replied. The Falcon flew across the desert. It wasn’t the sand they were looking for. The Force call intensified. “We’ll know what we are looking for when we find them.”

“I hope it’s not sand.”

It wasn’t sand. The Jedi temple had been destroyed decades ago, but the rocks and tunnels around it still remained. The call was stronger and impossible to ignore once big rocks appeared on the horizon. “There it is.”

Rose smiled and fist bumped. Rey smiled as well as the Falcon accelerated towards the temple ruins. The sun was setting down when the ship landed.

Rey stood up and ran back to her chambers. She took a brief stop right as she passed by the comm room. Still no response. She sighed and continued her way. She grabbed her yellow lightsaber, the one she had built after her encounter with Palpatine, the bag with the Jedi sacred texts and her staff. She walked back and got ready to land when Rose joined her.

“Well, here goes nothing.”

“Uhm, what do you think you are doing, Rose?”

The technician gave the Jedi a good look. “Well, it’s the mission, right? We are going to explore the Jedi temple.”

Rey returned the look. “We are not going. I am. It can be dangerous.”

“It’s dangerous for you too.”

The door opened. Rose took a step forward but Rey’s arm prevented her from taking another. “I am a Jedi trained by two different Skywalkers.”

“I can take it.”

“With all respect, you don’t know how to fly a ship, you have no combat training and you are not Force sensitive.”

“I am going.”

“You stay here!”

Both women stared at each other. Rey clenched her fist and fought the urge of using the force to mind control her partner. Instead, she simply spoke. “Go. My mission, my command, my order.”

Rose stared at her for a couple of seconds before yelling. “Right! This is the last time we go on a mission together. I now know why nobody wanted to come!”

Rey waited until Rose stormed out, probably back to her chambers. She had no time for this. She needed to find out what that call of the Force was.

The mentioned call was really strong at this point. After walking out of the ship, the intensity was so big that Rey felt a small headache. She walked nearer the place where the ex temple had once been. It had been built over a set of tunnels and caverns. If there was a way into the temple, she would have to get into the labyrinths beneath it. How much it would take, only time would tell. Rose would have to wait the entire time in the ship until it was done. Maybe she could take a speeder and get some supplies from a nearby station or town. But that was a problem for later.

Rey entered one of the caves. The signal was stronger and her head hurt. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Touching the walls of the tunnel, she felt someone calling her. But this time, it wasn’t just a generic call. It was calling her. Specifically, her. Rey.

She took a turn to the right and went deeper into the tunnels. That’s when it happened.

The call disappeared.

Odd. It came from the temple and she was right where the Lothal Jedi Temple had been. She frowned and tried to feel the call again. Nothing. Not a single thing. Rey concentrated even harder. She felt nothing again. She dropped the bag and the staff next to her and took a seat on the ground. Crossing her legs and with her eyes closed, she tried to recover the signal. It was only after an hour, she realized something.

She was not just missing the call. She couldn’t feel anything with the Force.

Rey opened her eyes. After looking around, she spotted a small rock. She extended her hand and tried to move it. But nothing. The rock wasn’t moving.

She had lost connection with the Force there.

Her eyes fixed the ground in front of her as she tried to understand what was happening. And she didn’t notice the ropes that appeared behind her, four of them, swinging across the floor silently like snakes.

Rey extended her right arm again and one of the ropes attacked her. It wrapped itself around Rey’s wrist and pulled it behind her back. It moved so fast and strong that Rey lost balance. She was lifted in the air and then dropped. Her chest hit the floor, and the impact took her breath away. As she tried to recover and to figure out what was happening, a second rope took her left wrist and pulled it behind her, joining the other hand. The ropes embraced each other tightly, pulling her arms even tighter, ending up with a secure knot.

A third rope jumped around her ankles. Rey tried to kick her legs into the air, but the ropes were quickier. Soon her ankles were tied tightly just as her hands.

Rey gasped. The hit on her chest had been hard but she was recovering now. The ropes securing her were tight, too tight to prevent most of her movements. Again, she tried to use the Force to get rid of them. But she wasn’t feeling any. Her fingers couldn’t feel any knot, each was outside her reach. She tried to jerk her hands, but she couldn’t reach her lightsaber either. She was trapped.

“Who are you? Why are you doing this?” She shouted into the ground.

Her voice echoed in the tunnel. Nobody replied. Instead, a fourth rope slithered across the floor until it was in front of her. Rey gasped again. She opened her mouth to yell again and the rope jumped. It surrounded Rey’s mouth and head several times, cleave gagging her.

“Hemmmphh!! Whhmp armmph yoummph dommphh thmmmphh?”

She was angry. And frustrated. Her nostrils flared as her face was pressed into the ground. She struggled for several minutes but the ropes didn’t give in. Tired, she stopped moving. She fumed, thinking how stupid she had been to fall for a trap like that. The only question was… what or who had set it?

Her questions were answered as she heard footsteps. They weren’t coming from the entrance. They were coming from inside the tunnel.

“This is a former Temple of the Force and you are trespassing.” A female voice spoke to Rey. She tried to raise her head to look at her captor but the rope around her mouth prevented it. She had to conform herself to only watching a pair of black boots in front of her eyes. “My name is Ahsoka Tano and you will tell me what you are doing here.”
Last edited by Mineira1986 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Absolutely amazing first part! So happy you took the request! The descriptions, plot, and dialogue are all fantastic can’t wait for part two! Thanks again!
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Post by Caesar73 »

As a great Fan of Star Wars I am glad you write this story - and the first Part sets the stage perfectly 😀
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Post by Syko Sith »

A nice surprise to see Ahsoka Tano. This story appears to be right up my alley. I'm a long time Star Wars fan myself and I absolutely love Rey. Her being helpless is a bonus :D
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Ducttapelover93 wrote: 2 years ago Absolutely amazing first part! So happy you took the request! The descriptions, plot, and dialogue are all fantastic can’t wait for part two! Thanks again!
Thank you for the kind words and the request!
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago As a great Fan of Star Wars I am glad you write this story - and the first Part sets the stage perfectly 😀
Syko Sith wrote: 2 years ago A nice surprise to see Ahsoka Tano. This story appears to be right up my alley. I'm a long time Star Wars fan myself and I absolutely love Rey. Her being helpless is a bonus :D
Well, it was mentioned as one of the possibilities in the request =). I decided to go for it. Also, Ahsoka is a favorites of many fans, so there was little risk including her into the story.


Rey resumed her struggling. All she could see of her captor, Ahsoka Tano, were her boots. Not even her body or her face. She had read of her, the once padawan of Anakin Skywalker himself, expelled from the Jedi Order, but still a hero of the Clone Wars. The ropes tightened around her limbs, and her movements were reduced even more. Ahsoka didn’t say another word until Rey stopped again. She was a sweaty mess in her white clothes.

“You don’t listen. You will tell me what you are doing here and who you are.”

The ropes pulled Rey into the air, lifting her from the ground. Soon, she could see her captor. A female humanoid, with short head tails falling on her shoulders, looked at her with a stern expression. The ropes stopped her before she could reach an eye level with her captor. Her body stood at the same level as Ahsoka’s chest and Rey was forced to raise her head to look at her captor’s eyes, making her neck uncomfortable.

“Not bad looking huh. So tell me, trespasser. Are you a sith?”

Sith? Rey tried to struggle against the ropes, but in her new position, movement was impossible. She mumbled a few words through her gag but Ahsoka raised her hand. “Silence. You will answer my questions only. What are you doing here and, are you a sith?”

The rope around Rey’s mouth was unwinded and she was free to speak. She flexed her jaw and moisturized her lips before she talked. “Listen, Ahsoka. I know who you are. Hear me. You’ve got it wrong. I am not a sithmmmphh! MMPHHH!!”

“I said, you will only answer my questions and my questions only. You will stay gagged then. I hope that teaches you something. In the meanwhile…”

Ahsoka moved away from Rey’s head and closer to her torso. Her hand grabbed Rey’s belt and frisked her. Rey grunted in discomfort and attempted to wiggle before the ropes pulled her limbs again and stopped any movement.

“Well, well, what do we have here? Were you trying to tell me about this? I think not”

Ahsoka hand retrieved Rey’s lightsaber. With a quick pat on her butt, Ahsoka walked away, holding the Jedi weapon.

“HMMPH! THHMPH NNMMPHH!!” Rey turned her head to look at her captor, but again the ropes, this time the ones around her jaw, tightened. This forced her to face forward and just leer at Ahsoka while she examined her weapon.

Ahsoka turned it on and a yellow light filled the tunnel. “This is interesting, I don’t remember seeing a yellow lightsaber before. Where did you get it?”

“Immph mmmph itmmph mmpsmmph…” Rey replied, although Ahsoka didn’t look at her waiting for an actual reply.

The yellow light disappeared. Ahsoka put the lightsaber away. “I am going to keep this for the time being. I know you won’t mind.”

“Mmmmphh…” Rey fumed as silent as she could. Her teeth sank into the rope wrapped around her head and her nostrils flared as Ahsoka came close to her ear.

“Now let me explain what is happening, since I know you will start shouting nonsense if I remove your gag.” She whispered. Rey attempted to turn her head again, but the rope allowed no movement at all. “You already know you came here because you felt a call. Something in the Force calling you. What you don’t know is what it is and why.”

Ahsoka’s finger touched Rey’s face and caressed it, as well as checked if the gag was still effective. It was. “For many decades, the Sith Lord known as Chancellor, Emperor… Palpatine has tried to rule the galaxy. After he was defeated for the first time in the battle of Endor, he has tried to come back, performing some… let’s call them experiments. Using his own DNA as well as others. Other powerful force users, of course.

“Now, I don’t know how many of these experiments succeeded. We know at least one did.”

Rey would have nodded if she could. The vivid image of Snoke, once Supreme Leader to the First Order, flashed in her head. Ahsoka continued.

“Since the new Jedi Order let this happen again, because… apparently that’s their specialty, I decided to stop my own personal mission to take care of this. And after some time, I managed to set the perfect trap.

“You see, if you have some genetic material related to Sheev Palpatine, you will feel the call I sent. And I set these caves to nullify your Force connection. There is not much room to work with, but it is enough for what I try to accomplish. Once I am done with all of you, I can resume my quest.

“So don’t try to deny you are not a product of these experiments.” Ahsoka moved again and positioned herself in front of Rey. The captive Jedi’s eyes were glaring with anger. Ahsoka just made a small smile and showed her the yellow lightsaber. “And don’t try to deny you have some training in the Force. The only question is, how many of you are out there and if you are already a Sith or don’t.”

Rey bit into the ropes again. Under normal circumstances, she would have controlled her anger and dealt with the whole situation in a different way. But without her connection to the Force, the strength spent in her struggles, the tightness of the ropes and the inability to speak her mind freely were too frustrating for her. She kept glaring at her captor, waiting for her gag to be removed and answer the questions.

“Oh, you want me to remove the gag now?” Ahsoka asked. “I don’t think so. You had your chance to answer your questions but you decided to speak out of turn. Now, let me find out the truth.”

Ahsoka tapped Rey’s forehead with her finger twice. Rey grunted in annoyance but her captor took no notice, or didn’t care. Both of her hands cupped her face and Ahsoka’s expression went blank. Even without the Force, Rey felt the former Jedi entering her mind. Her first attempt was to try and hide her memories about her true lineage, before she realized that was a stupid move.

“So…” Ahsoka came closer to Rey, her hands still cupping her face. “You are a Palpatine, huh?”

“Immph nnmph ammph Pmmpmmtmmp!”

“Just calling yourself a Skywalker doesn’t make you a true Skywalker… Rey Palpatine.”


“Silence.” Ahsoka said and Rey went silent. “You cannot lie to me. You have Palpatine’s genes as I expected.”

“Although…” She let Rey’s face go and started walking around her suspended body. “You did meet Jedi master Luke Skywalker and you did help the Resistance to deal with both Supreme Leader Snoke and the actual Palpatine for good. I have to give you that.”

Rey sighed as Ahsoka left her sight. Could that mean she was letting her go? All she had from Palpatine was genetic. The only time she faced the Sith Lord, she had confronted her. She wasn’t a threat to the Galaxy.

“I will be the one deciding that.” Ahsoka said. Rey grunted again. “There is no point trying to hide your true thoughts from me. Yes, you have helped the Force, in your own way. However…”

Ahsoka appeared back in front of Rey. “I cannot have someone descending from Palpatine wandering freely in the Galaxy just like that. And I can tell… you cannot control your emotions.”

Her hand reached Rey’s bulged cheek and pinched it in a soft way. “HMMMPH!”

“See? There is so much anger.” Ahsoka repeated the same with the other cheek. This time Rey didn’t reply but her face turned redder from the frustration. “Anger is very dangerous for a powerful force user. And I sense a great deal of anger in you.

“As well as some… personal attachment. Jessika Pava, is that her name?” Rey started to struggle, but Ahsoka’s hand moved to her head and patted it. Her other hand moved towards her mouth and a finger was pressed against her gagged lips. “No denying. I can sense that in you and I’ve seen how anger plus infatuation can do so much damage to the Galaxy.

“Now, you have two options.” Ahsoka reached for the lightsaber and turned it on. “One, I can deal with you right here, right now, and make sure there won’t be another Palpatine roaming around the Galaxy unchecked. Or two, I can give you a proper lesson and maybe the cycle won’t start again.”

Rey simply stared at Ahsoka, the yellow light again filled the cave. She didn’t give an answer. Not out loud. However, it wasn’t required in front of Ahsoka Tano.

“Fine, option two it is.” Ahsoka again pinched Rey’s red cheek. “Thanks for letting me read your thoughts so easily. Now... let’s begin.”
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Post by Syko Sith »

Oooooo a lesson. How vicious will Ahsoka be? :D
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by Caesar73 »

I am looking forward to that lesson :) And the way Rey acts and feels fits to character as we know it - well done!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

A Star wars fanfiction really is something special! I enjoyed the first 2 chapters, keep up the great work!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Absolutely amazing as usual! Can’t wait to see what Ashoka has in store for Rey.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Syko Sith wrote: 2 years ago Oooooo a lesson. How vicious will Ahsoka be? :D
Quite a bit. I mean, that's why we are all here, right? ;)
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago I am looking forward to that lesson :) And the way Rey acts and feels fits to character as we know it - well done!
Hehe, thanks!
FabianStr2016 wrote: 2 years ago A Star wars fanfiction really is something special! I enjoyed the first 2 chapters, keep up the great work!
Thank you!
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 2 years ago Absolutely amazing as usual! Can’t wait to see what Ashoka has in store for Rey.
First of all, sorry for the delay on chapter 3. Work is crazy during these last days of the year. Second, thanks!


“First of all, you must learn humility.” Ahsoka said. She turned off the lightsaber and the yellow light disappeared. The cave returned to its original darkness, although Rey could still see her captor with relative clarity. “You may have saved the Galaxy from the original Emperor and you may be a hero to the Resistance and the New Republic, but you must always keep your feet on the ground.” She snorted. “So to speak.”

Rey grunted annoyed at the fact that she was, literally, without her feet on the ground. The ropes held her floating in the air. Ahsoka placed her right hand on Rey’s head and the captive jedi shook it out of the way as soon as she felt her touch. Ahsoka sighed.

“Exactly what I was saying. There is no shame in having your new master patting your head.” Ahsoka tried again to place her hand on Rey’s head, but she shook it again, this time accompanied by annoyed grunts.

“I am going to help you relax and break that futile resistance.”

Ahsoka walked away from Rey’s sight. She tried to turn her head to keep looking at her captor. The ropes that gagged her pulled again and forced her to look straight. She grunted and waited for what Ahsoka may have in mind.

The ropes around her wrists pulled higher into the air. Rey’s arms separated from her torso. She made a scared shout through her gag.

“Relax, padawan, it’s only a small gap. I need to have access.”

“Accmmph tmmph whmmpt?”

Rey’s question was answered when a finger poked her on her exposed right side. She squirmed as well as she could in the way she was restrained. The finger poked her a second time. It generated the same reaction.

“Excellent. Let’s try the other side.”

Rey attempted to use her arms as best as she could to cover her sides while Ahsoka walked behind her and moved on to her left side. Like she had said, her arms had been pulled away to give her enough access. Rey was powerless to protect herself.

The same finger poked her again, this time on her left side. Rey squirmed again. Ahsoka poked her a second time. Rey shouted, her teeth sunk into the rope that gagged her. Her hands clenched into fists behind her back.

“I am not sure which side is more sensitive. Well, that’s a question for another day.” Ahsoka placed her hands on Rey’s waist and whispered into her ear. “Try not to struggle too much. You know you are not getting away and you will only hurt yourself. Ready?”

That was the only warning Rey got. Ahsoka’s fingers assaulted her vulnerable sides; they ran on her sensitive, ticklish spots. Rey tried to jerk her body, but most of it was immobilized. The only parts she could move were her head, fingers, and hips. Neither of those stopped the tickling assault she was suffering. At best, she could move her hips from left to right. But no matter which side she chose, five fingers were waiting for her on the other end, making that side even more ticklish.

Ahsoka pressed her lips together. A small smile tried to escape from her mouth. Not that anybody was watching her, not even her poor captive. Her muffled laughter filled the cave and after a minute, the smile formed in her face. The look of the famous hero of the resistance, Palpatine’s granddaughter, being mercilessly tickled while being unable to do anything to stop her was… precious. She continued for two more minutes before she stopped.


“I would say you did well, for the first time, padawan.” Ahsoka said. She patted Rey’s bottom once. “There will be more of that later.”

“Whmmph?” Rey asked. Her voice sounded quieter than before. Her face glowed with a little shade of pink as she tried her best to regain her breath.

“Of course. We will do it as many times as needed so you can learn your lesson.”


Ahsoka remained in her place. She extended her right hand and placed it on Rey’s head. She patted it for less than a second. Rey shook it one more time.

“Still rebellious, huh? Well, some resistance was expected. However, you must fight it. This is for your own good.”


“Let’s try something a bit different this time.”

The ropes that pulled Rey’s wrists lowered back to their previous position. Rey’s arm rested now against her upper body. This time, the ropes around her ankles were the ones who pulled, stretching her legs.


“Patience.” Ahsoka moved to Rey’s feet. “All answers will be delivered but you have to wait for them. Although… I am pretty sure you know what it’s going to happen now.”

With slow pace, Ahsoka grabbed Rey’s left boot and removed it. She was right: Rey knew what was going to happen. She attempted to kick her captor, or at least move her foot away. Her lower limbs had the same little mobility she’s had with her arms during the recent tickling. Her right boot was removed too.

“Stmmmph! Mmmphh!” Rey shouted.

Ahsoka ran her index finger through Rey’s right bare sole. “Quite nice. Let’s see the other one.”

Rey couldn’t kick her legs, but she could move her feet. With her right one, she covered her left foot, in a weak attempt to stop Ahsoka. She bursted out a quick laugh.

“Sorry, but do you think this is going to do any good? I can just tickle your right foot.” Ahsoka said. Rey groaned. It was true, but she needed this small victory. However, Ahsoka was giving her none.

She took one of the many layers that formed Rey’s outfit and cut a small piece.


“I am sorry, I wasn’t planning on doing this, but you are making things harder.” With the new fabric, Ahsoka tied Rey’s big toes together. Now Rey couldn’t move her feet and both of them were exposed.

“Mmmph….” Ahsoka ran her index finger through the left sole. “MMMPHH!”

“Both ticklish. Great. Time for session two.”

Ahsoka’s fingers attacked Rey’s feet before the bound jedi could have enough time to take a deep breath or embrace for the tickling. Her soles weren’t as ticklish as her sides and ribs, but the previous tickling had lowered her stamina and resistance. The muffled involuntary laughter returned.

Rey curled her toes in despair. This time, the fingers didn’t stop in one place, but ran across all of her soles. Ahsoka didn’t bother this time to hide her smile. She had the perfect view of her bound captive. Suspended into the air without any way to fight back. Only her head and hips moved around. That plus her clenched fists and curled toes were the only movements Rey could do. She was trapped until Ahsoka decided otherwise.

The tickling lasted the same as the first one. Ahsoka stopped and gave Rey a few seconds to try and recover herself. The pink in Rey’s face turned into a more obscure, kind of red tone. Most of her hair was tied in a tight ponytail, but a few strands fell on her sweaty face. Her toes relaxed and stretched.

Ahsoka placed her right hand on Rey’s left feet and the jedi captive jumped as best as she could. Ahsoka didn’t tickle her this time. Instead, the hand moved from her feet to her legs. Ahsoka moved it up Rey’s body. The back of her knees, her thighs, her bottom, where she gave her a quick squeeze. The hand moved again, through Rey’s arms, back, shoulders, neck until it reached her head. Ahsoka patted it.

“Have you learned not to fight me and to surrender yourself to me, your new master?” Ahsoka asked in a condescending tone. Rey lowered her head as Ahsoka’s hand patted it and shut her eyes. She bit the rope that gagged her as sweat drops ran through her cheeks. “That’s good, you are taking a big step here, Rey Palpatine. Soon, I will turn you into…”

“MMMPHH!” Rey shouted and shook her head again.

Ahsoka removed her hand. She kept it in the air for a moment before she withdrew it. “Disappointed. But not unexpected. We will try another thing.”

She pointed at a couple of nearby rocks. They raised into the air and came towards Ahsoka. She placed them on the ground, making a seat. She sat down on them.

“Most padawans start at an early age. It’s important for the training to start that young. You started your training far too late, like my former master. We know how that ended. Now this is going to be a bit unfit for you, since you are a grown woman, but at the same time, it will be the perfect treatment. This way, you will feel like a little girl and we can begin your proper training. My bad, I should have started with this.”


Answers would be delivered. Ahsoka had said that and Rey knew she only had to wait a second or two before her questions were unanswered. The ropes pulled her again, and her body moved across the cave until she reached the spot where Ahsoka was. All the time, she remained face down. Her body was lowered slowly. She lowered and lowered until she was resting, on her stomach, on Ahsoka’s lap.

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Post by Syko Sith »

Ahsoka really is being mean. :D
Seems she's planning to give Rey a sound spanking. :twisted:
If that doesn't break her will, nothing will. Keep going when your ready :D
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Oh man I can’t believe how great this chapter was! I love it and love how Rey is so hard to break. It fits her character in the movie perfectly. Ashoka is the perfect dominant character as well. You have blown me away yet again can’t wait for the next part. Take your time we all know that work comes first thank you for continuing to work on this though!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

What a great story, I'm very exited for the next chapter!
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Rey´s Education is making progress :) Nicely done! And I have the feeling, that after the tickle torment Rey´s Training will continue with a good old fashioned spanking :)
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Syko Sith wrote: 2 years ago Wow
Ahsoka really is being mean. :D
Seems she's planning to give Rey a sound spanking. :twisted:
If that doesn't break her will, nothing will. Keep going when your ready :D
Hehe, thanks! I hope that does break her will... for Rey's sake of course.
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 2 years ago Oh man I can’t believe how great this chapter was! I love it and love how Rey is so hard to break. It fits her character in the movie perfectly. Ashoka is the perfect dominant character as well. You have blown me away yet again can’t wait for the next part. Take your time we all know that work comes first thank you for continuing to work on this though!
Oh, thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it!
FabianStr2016 wrote: 2 years ago What a great story, I'm very exited for the next chapter!
Thanks for your reply! I'm happy you are enjoying it.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago So Rey´s Education is making progress :) Nicely done! And I have the feeling, that after the tickle torment Rey´s Training will continue with a good old fashioned spanking :)
Not sure if old fashion, like the classic spanking we all know ;). But, we'll see.


Rey struggled on Ahsoka’s lap. Of all the punishments she could think of, this was the most humiliating. The only good thing was that no one else was around to see it. Rey, hero of the Resistance, the one jedi who defeated Emperor Palpatine and the Sith Lords for good, now laid face down on another female’s lap waiting to be spanked like a little girl.

She jerked her body as best as she could. It didn’t matter if she fell on the ground. The pain from the impact would be better than the pain and embarrassment that would come from the smacks.

Ahsoka had it covered. “Stop moving. I am not going to hurt you. Not physically. I said STOP!”

Rey attempted to move her body but she couldn’t. Something was stopping her from doing it. Now she laid motionless and could only move her head. Her whole body wasn’t responding to her.


“It’s for your own good. Also, you were just delaying the inevitable and time is a precious thing.”

A couple of taps fell on her exposed behind. “Are we ready, padawan?”


Rey turned her head and glared at her captor. Ahsoka looked at her and her finger caressed Rey’s burning cheeks. Her nostrils flared as Ahsoka pinched her cheek. “You need this. It’s a good lesson and you will be humble after this. Now look down and take it.”

Rey felt her head turning away and she looked down at the floor. She tried to look at Ahsoka again but her neck, as well as the rest of her body, betrayed her. The Force used by Ahsoka prevented her from moving. All she could do was stay there and wait.

“And… ONE!”

The first smack came. Rey released a moan. It hadn’t been a hard one. It was more like a pat. “Mmmph?”

“No questions. I told you. I don’t plan on hurting you. Not your body at least. This is a lesson for your mind. And… TWO!”

The second smack came. Or better said, the second tap. Rey shut her eyes. Ahsoka was right: the slaps weren’t hurting her. Not her bottom. But it was more embarrassing this way. A full force would be better. Soft spanking made her feel that she was indeed, a little girl, that could only take weak smacks instead of big hard ones. Once again, she was thankful that nobody was around to see her. If she could be thankful about anything.

The rest of the spanking came. Ahsoka got her rhythm. One after the other, she delivered the taps to Rey’s butt. Rey bit hard into the gag. The spanks kept coming. She didn’t care about counting them.

The fact that Ahsoka wasn’t using her full strength had another use. She could keep spanking for a long time and her hand wouldn’t go numb. It had to be planned. Rey let a soft moan escape her lips.


“I know, I know. We are almost there. I just hope you are not starting to enjoy this, padawan.”


“Still angry, huh? I guess we are not done yet, then.”

Rey bit the rope again. She wasn’t giving Ahsoka any more reasons to continue the soft spanking. She waited. Until finally, her captor stopped.

“You poor little girl.” Ahsoka’s hand touched Rey’s butt again, but this time it wasn’t a slap or tap. The hand just laid there. “Was I too harsh? Does it hurt?”

Rey knew that the question was intended to embarrass her even more. She didn’t respond. The hand remained there. With her thumb, Ahsoka caressed her bottom, in a circular pattern.

“There, no need to be proud. After all, that is what the lesson was about. If it hurts, you can tell me.”

It hadn’t been harsh! It didn’t hurt! Rey was a full grown adult and the strength of the slaps hadn’t been enough, not even to provoke a little sting. But again, the lesson was for her mind and spirit, not for her body. Her cheeks burned as Ahsoka caressed her over and over.

“I have to say, it’s a good thing we only need to train your mind. Because your body has gone through proper training. If you know what I mean.”

Ahsoka squeezed Rey’s bottom.


“That should do it. Now, off my lap.”

Rey’s body relaxed. The Force used to immobilize her was gone. But before she could try anything, the ropes lifted her into the air again. Ahsoka stood up.

“I hope you learned something.” Ahsoka was behind Rey. She pinched her butt and Rey jumped. She could move again, although there wasn’t much room in her suspended position.

Ahsoka walked until she was in front of Rey. The young jedi had opened her eyes. Little tears appeared in the corner of her blazing eyes. The look she gave to her captor was a deadly one. Ahsoka smiled and cupped her head, feeling the heat from her cheeks with her hands.

“I know, I know. It’s hard to let your ego go, especially if you start your proper training this late. You should have started as a little girl. But with the proper techniques, we can get there.”

With her hands holding her face, Ahsoka came close and gave her forehead a long kiss. Rey closed her eyes. Once the kiss ended, she opened them again. Both females exchanged looks.

“Now, I have to take care of something. Don’t go anywhere and don’t try anything.”

Ahsoka walked past Rey and patted her head. Rey didn’t flinch or try to move. Ahsoka snorted. “Maybe you are starting to learn, young padawan.”


Rose threw the wrench up high. She caught it again. For the fiftieth time. Or was it sixtieth? She sighed. There was a limit of the things a space mechanic could do before waiting for the jedi to come out of the ruins became the most boring task in the galaxy.

She turned on the Dejarik board. Small holograms appeared on the table. Space chess. If at least somebody else had come on this trip. Human, droid… whoever. At least to play something. Talk about something. Anything other than just walking around the same ship.

Outside, it was only sand. The closest station was hours away in a speeder. And Rose didn’t know how to fly the Millennium Falcon. She was stuck until Rey returned.

She threw the wrench again. She closed her eyes. She could, by this point, guess how much it would take to land on her hand without hurting her. She sighed again and opened her palm.

But the wrench didn’t fall.

Rose opened her eyes. The tool was suspended in the air.

“Don’t need to show off! I’ve been waiting like crazy for hours. What’ve you been…?”

But the person standing in the corridor wasn’t Rey. Rose stood up fast. She patted her belt. Darn, she had left the blaster in her room. How was she supposed to fight this new intruder?

“Please, I’m sorry to startle you. I’m not here to hurt you. My name is Ahsoka Tano and I am a former Jedi. I come on Rey's behalf. She’s busy with her training and I need you to do something for me and her.”
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Post by Syko Sith »

Is Ahsoka going to bring in an audience? That would surely humiliate Rey. Making her aware that Rose can see her, then spanking her again.(just a thought) :D Again it's worth the wait. Please continue when you are ready. :D
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Amazing as always! The soft spanking was some how even better than a regular spanking. I feel like that Rey’s right that’s even more humiliating. The story is amazing! Thank you again!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Syko Sith wrote: 2 years ago Is Ahsoka going to bring in an audience? That would surely humiliate Rey. Making her aware that Rose can see her, then spanking her again.(just a thought) :D Again it's worth the wait. Please continue when you are ready. :D
Thanks! Mmm, that's a maybe, but for sure, Rose's presence is not going to be good new for Rey.
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 2 years ago Amazing as always! The soft spanking was some how even better than a regular spanking. I feel like that Rey’s right that’s even more humiliating. The story is amazing! Thank you again!
Thanks again!

Now we are reaching second to last chapter. Next one will be the last one. And sorry for the delay, but the end of the year is always a rough time around here.


“What the…? Who are you? What… are you?”

The wrench floated in the air. Ahsoka took a step into the room. “There is no need to be scared. Let me see.” She paused and closed her eyes. “Rose Tico, mechanic to the Resistance. Your sister Paige was a hero. Sorry, she’s a hero. I’m sorry for your loss. You are some hero as well. The hero of Canto Bight. You understand how a small life can make the whole difference in the Galaxy.”

Rose took a step away from the intruder. She examined her. Not sure if she was mocking her or telling her the truth. “So you are… a jedi like Rey?”

Ahsoka opened her eyes and shook her head. “First of all, Rey is not a Jedi, not properly. Second, no. I was a Jedi but I left the Order, not by my own terms I am afraid.” Rose had her knees flexed and fists clenched. “Look, I am being honest here. I am not here to fight. If I was, I could just use these.” She pointed at her lightsaber. “You know how that would go. So… if you please.”

Rose stared at Ahsoka for a couple of seconds. The intruder was right. She nodded and relaxed her posture. “Alright, what can I do for you? And where is Rey?”

Ahsoka nodded as well. “Rey is in a kind of… a bind.” She snorted. “Sorry, bad choice of words. But she has told me about a pilot I would like to meet. I believe her name is Jessika Pava.”

“She has told you about Jess?”

“Sort of.” Ahsoka smiled. “Would you be able to call her? I think it would be good for Rey’s training.”

“So… are you training her? Are you like a master in the Force or something?”

“Something, yes.”

“Well… Jess is on a mission right now. I doubt she can come right away for all the Force learning and stuff.”

Ahsoka nodded. “I see.”

The former Jedi turned away from Rose and walked through the corridor. After a few steps, she stopped. “Maybe you should mention I was Anakin Skywalker’s padawan once.”

Rose startled. She cleared her throat. “Anakin? Skywalker? Like in Luke Skywalker?”

Ahsoka nodded again. “Anakin was his father, actually. The best pilot in the Galaxy, even better than Luke. I have a feeling Jessika would be very interested in that.”

Rose looked at the comms control. “Mmm, maybe. So Rey has really told you about Jess, huh? The girl is crazy and obsessed about the Skywalker thing?”

“Aren’t we all?”

“I don’t know if she’s available. And, to be fair, I don’t appreciate doing some errands. I’m a mechanic, not her personal butler. If she wants to call Jess, she can do it herself. Where is she?”

“Already asked that question.” Ahsoka smiled. “She’s doing some proper training. I promise you she’s safe.”

“She better be. If she wants to call her girlfriend, she should come.”

“Sounds like you could help me with her training. You could really give her a lesson.”

“Oh, I would love to give her a lesson or two.” Rose smiled. “Well, I will send a signal for Blue Three. If Jess receives it, I am sure she’ll come.”

“Excellent. Now, please, follow me.”



Rey grunted for the umptenth time. During Ahsoka’s absence, she tried everything in her power to escape. She had moved her arms, rubbed her wrists, her ankles. At some point she even lost control and just struggled like a mad woman. But the ropes didn’t give in. They held her limbs tight enough to be secure, but not too tight to do any actual harm. The one thing damaged was her own pride.

Sweat drops fell from her face into the sand beneath her. The cave was dark since Ahsoka had left with her lightsaber. She closed her eyes in an attempt to get some rest. Even in her uncomfortable, floating position, Rey drifted into sleep.

It didn’t last too much. A sudden pinch on her thigh brought her back to reality.


“Well, well, well…” Rose Tico appeared in front of her. “So, this is why you came all the way to this desert planet? To be tied up? And gagged?”

“MMMPHH!” Rey shouted. She would be happy to see Rose after the many hours of her training, if it wasn’t for the fact that Ahsoka walked in next to the technician. The lightsaber, her lightsaber, was turned on again, and the yellow light filled the cave again.

“Yes, this is all part of her training.” Ahsoka said. “She needs to be restrained at all times. Her connection with the Force doesn’t work here. She needs to learn how to control her emotions. A powerful force user who doesn’t know that is a terrible threat for the galaxy.”


Rey turned her head away from the short technician. At least Ahsoka Tano was a powerful force user. Being at her mercy was more honorable than being mocked by Rose. Ahsoka saw that and the ropes around her mouth pulled her head, forcing her to look forward, straight to the short human in front of her.

“Humility is necessary, padawan.” Ahsoka said. Her hand scratched Rey’s head.

The bound jedi had no other option but to stare at the smiling Rose. The technician’s smile turned into a grin, She raised her hand and pressed her index finger against Rey’s cheek.

“She looks angry.”

“That’s too bad.” Ahsoka said. “She needs to learn to deal with these humiliating situations without losing controls of her emotions.”

“So it’s ok if I do this?” Rose pinched Rey’s cheek. The jedi grunted back and Rose giggled. “And this too?”

Her other hand reached Rey’s face as well. She pinched both cheeks in a soft way. Rey’s eyes widened and her breathing became louder.

“Oh, she doesn’t like it.”

“Good, good. Then it’s good training for her. Keep doing that, Rose Tico. I knew you would be of great aid.” Ahsoka walked past Rey and gave her butt a quick slap.


“Quiet, padawan. Continue with your training.”

“Awww, I want to try that.” Rose said.


“Of course, you can try later.”

Ahsoka picked up Rey’s bag. It contained the jedi sacred books. She looked through them as Rose pinched and pulled Rey’s cheeks in different ways. Rey glared at her, which encouraged Rose.

“What’s the problem? A big pilot and warrior like you, with all your training… If you don’t like it, you can speak up and I’ll stop. Do you hate this?”

Rose wiggled both cheeks with her fingers. “MMMMPHH!”

“I cannot understand you if you don’t speak up. So, I’ll just continue.”

Ahsoka smiled. She read the books and Rose played with Rey’s face for a while. Until the sound of a starfighter landing echoed through the cave.

“Do you think that’s….?” Rose asked.

Ahsoka closed the books and put them back into Rey’s bag.

“That’s our guest. Time for a final lesson.”
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Yet another great update. Thanks for the great work so happy to read these stories.
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Post by Syko Sith »

A little sad to hear there is only one chapter left. I could keep reading about Rey held captive for a long time. :D Nice to see how you chose to include Rose in her humiliation. (It seems I was at least partially correct) I'm ready and waiting for the last chapter. Take as much time as you need.
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Ducttapelover93 wrote: 2 years ago Yet another great update. Thanks for the great work so happy to read these stories.
I'm super glad that you enjoy it.
Syko Sith wrote: 2 years ago A little sad to hear there is only one chapter left. I could keep reading about Rey held captive for a long time. :D Nice to see how you chose to include Rose in her humiliation. (It seems I was at least partially correct) I'm ready and waiting for the last chapter. Take as much time as you need.
Yup, I'm a little sad to end it as well, but I didn't want it to be super long.

So, now final chapter. A bit of an open ending, so we can all go home and still picture Rey as a loveable captive hehe


Ahsoka exchanged a look with Rose.

“We need something to cover her eyes.”

“I think I have something of use.”

Rose pulled a rag from her right pocket and gave it to Ahsoka.

“It’s not clean, though. I use it when I do some repairing and checks on the ships.”

“It will work perfectly.”

Ahsoka walked in front of Rey. The bound jedi glared at her. Her captor smiled and gave her cheek a quick caress.

“Time to rest those eyes, apprentice.”

Ahsoka used the dirty rag to blindfold Rey. She secured the knot behind her head. She took a step back to look at her captive. She raised her hands into the air and lowered them next. Rey’s body lowered slowly until she reached the ground. The ropes pulled her body. She was on her knees. The restraints around her mouth and eyes pulled and forced her to press her forehead into the floor.

“Don’t move.” Ahsoka commanded. “Not a single muscle.”

Her voice sounded different. Rey tried to move, but her body didn’t respond. Ahsoka had used the force on her. She was lying immobilized inside the cave, gagged, tied and blindfolded.

“Now, let’s greet our guest.”

I can’t wait to see this, Rose though. Although I’m not sure how it will work out in the end…

“It will work well,”Ahsoka said. Rose gave her a surprised look that made her chuckle. “Sorry, bad habits.”

The two walked outside the cave. An x-wing had landed and its pilot was walking towards the cave, with a blaster on her hand.

“Welcome, Jessika Pava.” Ahsoka said. “I’m glad you could join us. The blaster is not necessary. I’m not an enemy.”

“It’s ok, Jess.” Rose said. “We are here for… uhm.. Rey…”

“Rey’s training, that’s correct.” Ahsoka said.

Jess looked at Ahsoka and then at Rose. She put her blaster away. “Well, if you are here Rose, then that means everything is OK.”

“It is.” Rose said.

“Then who is she?” Jess pointed at Ahsoka. “And where is Rey?”

“I don’t have time for this.” Ahsoka said. She looked at Jess and moved her hand in front of her. “Come with us.”

Her voice sounded different again. Jess’s expression changed. She nodded.

“You are using those mind tricks!” Rose said.

“I’m using the Force and it’s no trick, but a skill.” Ahsoka said. The three females walked back into the cave. “Besides, it’s quickier this way.”

“But why are you controlling Jess?” Rose said, looking at the pilot. “Are you controlling me too?”

“No, you are here because you want to.” Ahsoka said. “Jessika too. I’m not fully controlling her. I’m just using the Force to help her… relax so we can work faster.”

“You mean, so she doesn’t freak out when she finds Rey.”

“Rey has feelings for Jessika, right? And, as far as I can tell, the feeling is mutual. She won’t freak out.”

“OH MY…”

They arrived at the spot where Rey was left. The yellow lightsaber was still floating, lighting the room. Rey tried to jump and move after she heard Jess’s voice. Her body didn’t obey her. She tried to shout through the gag, but not a single sound came out. Ahsoka’s previous command was still governing her body.

“It’s part of her training, Jess.” Ahsoka said. “Don’t worry, no real harm is being done to her.”

Jess knelt next to Rey. She examined her without touching her. “Is she ok? Rey, are you ok?”

“She can’t hear us.” Ahsoka said. A small smile escaped her lips after she felt Rey’s impotent anger raising. “She’s meditating and she won’t move or hear us. She’s locked out from this world until she’s finished. So…”

Ahsoka took a step closer to Jess. “I can tell you feel certain… attraction.” Her voice changed. “Feel free to do what you want.”

Ahsoka returned to her previous spot. Jess smiled.

“Whatever I want?”

Her hand gave Rey’s cheek a slow caress. There was no visible reaction. Rey was still immobilized. Jess grinned and pinched the same cheek. Her hand moved to Rey’s head and patted it. It ran down her neck, arms, back until it reached her bottom.

She gave it a quick spank. Rose couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Sorry, sorry.” Rose said. “I’m just…”

Jess wasn’t hearing. She knelt behind the bound jedi and placed her hands on her waist. Her fingers moved to her sides and ran through her ribs. Ahsoka was still smiling, feeling Rey’s frustration as Jess tickled her, without her being able to move or react to it.

Jess’s hands returned to Rey’s waist. She lowered them and gave Rey’s butt a good squeeze.

“Oh, sorry.” Jess blushed. “It’s just… a powerful jedi, the one who saved the Resistance now… so helpless. And so beautiful. Are you sure she can’t hear us?”

“She cannot.” Ahsoka said. Rey’s rage was all over her head. “She must stay here training for a while. Rose can deal with the next phase. Meanwhile, you and I must travel to another planet.”

“What? Why?” Jess asked, her hands still on Rey. “Why can’t we stay here with her.”

I would love that, Ahsoka thought, but for Rey’s emotions, this will be the worst lesson.

“Because… we are going to have a long, long talk about Skywalker.”

“Skywalker?” Jess jumped from her kneeling position to a stand up one. “You mean… Luke Skywalker?”

“Of course.” Ahsoka nodded. “I knew his father. What is best… I saw him flying. Several times.”

“Anakin Skywalker?!” Jess shouted, excited. “Wait? Was he as good as people say? No, wait, tell me, who was better? Luke or Anakin?”

“Why don’t we find that out together?” Ahsoka said.

Jess turned around and looked at Rey. She knelt again.

“I know you can’t hear me, and I really want to stay here looking at you.” Jess giggled. “But this is a one in a lifetime opportunity. I will return after you finish your training ok. Wait for me.”

After a quick pinch on Rey’s butt, Jess stood up and looked at Ahsoka. “Ok, lady. I’m ready. How shall we…?”

“My ship is on the other side of the cave.” Ahsoka said. “You can leave your x-wing here and we will return later for it.”


“Rose Tico, please, like we agreed, can you take care of Rey and help her finish her training?”

Rose grinned. “Of course. Nothing will make me happier.”

Ahsoka nodded and grabbed Jess’s hands. It was unnecessary but to feel Rey’s reaction as it happened. The rage intensified. The two said farewell to Rose and disappeared into the cave.

Rose laughed and reached for her mechanical kit. She pulled two iron shackles.

“From what that jedi told me, you will start moving soon. I don’t know if the ropes will get loose once she’s away, but I’m not taking any risks.”

Rey felt her muscles relax. Ahsoka’s command was vanishing. She attempted to struggle but her body was moving too weakly. She couldn’t stop Rose from putting the shackles around her wrists.

“Now, I have to get rid of those.”

The mechanic untied the rope around Rey’s ankles. She removed her boots and tossed them away. Before Rey could move, Rose put the other shackles around her feet.

“And we are done.” She giggled. “Well, not quite yet.”

She sat down and removed her own boots. She removed her socks and balled them. With them in one hand, she removed Rey’s blindfold in one swift motion.

Rey blinked slowly. Her body was being released from Ahsoka’s command but the effect was still there. She glared at Rose.

“Mmmmph….” she said, softly.

“Was that a shout?” Rose asked. “You are recovering your voice as well, huh? Better hurry, I don’t want you to use any weird mind trick on me. It’s not good for your training.”

There was still some time and Rose took advantage of it. She pressed the balled socks against Rey’s nostrils, enacting a disgusted reaction.

“Yup, that’s what happens when you wear the same socks on a desert planet. Not pleasant. But that’s going to be your problem, not mine.”

Rose took the rope around Rey’s mouth and pulled it down her neck. Rey gasped and moved her jaw slowly.

“Rose… don’t… you…”

The mechanic smiled and pushed the socks into Rey’s protesting mouth.

“Shhhh, I told you, no mind tricks. Just take it, that’s right…”

Rey could do little to fight her new gag. Her face turned into a disgusted expression as her tongue touched the dirty fabric. The dirty rag, previously used as a blindfold, was tied around her mouth to secure the socks inside her mouth.

Rose took the rope that dangled around Rey’s neck and untied it. She moved to Rey’s hands and tied it around her fingers.


“Oh, you jedis can move things with your hands, right? Not a risk I’m taking.”


“Are you still weak?”

Her fingers gave Rey’s bare feet a quick tickle.


Rose stood up, took a rock and sat down on it. She leant forward and picked up Rey’s body. With some difficulty, due to the size difference, she placed her body on her lap, on her stomach.

“Ahsoka told me she did this, and Jess also had some fun.” Rose giggled. “It’s only fair that I have some fun as well.”


Rose spanked Rey’s butt.


She spanked it again.


“Are you angry? Is the big hero of the Resistance, the one who defeated the mean Emperor, the one who pilots the legendary Millenium Falcon, just taking a spanking from a mechanic with no fighting skills?”


“Your master was right. There is much anger in you. Don’t worry, I will help you with it. I will make you as angry as possible until your girlfriend returns in a couple of days.

“Until then…” She spanked her one more time. “You are mine.”
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Absolutely amazing! Thank you so much it was perfect!
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Post by Syko Sith »

Nice ending. Glad Rose got in on the fun. Just imagine her telling Finn. :lol:
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

What a great little story! I would love to read more of you, maybe even more star wars fanfictions, in the future :)
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Post by Nainur »

Well, I'm not much into 'fan fiction', but this has been a delightful read, surely!
liked the tone and the content as well.

Good job! Thanks for providing!
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