In the Haunted house FFM ?/M

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Nightly Binds
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In the Haunted house FFM ?/M

Post by Nightly Binds »

Hey, how is everyone doing, must say been pretty busy myself, hence why I never submitted anything or finished up my previous story, ( which I will finish up soon ) well I have made some time to get around to writing this little idea I head, I wanted to do a Halloween themed story for some time now, and had a few concepts to choose from, I went with this one because, it felt the most fun to and interesting to write about, with that said, I hope you all do enjoy, and would love any feed back thanks !

In the Haunted House " FFM/M part 1

I'm sure you have all heard of those classic dares friends, usually kids would say to one another about, spending the night in the old " Haunted " house down at the end road right ? it was a sort of rights of passage for many kids to dare friends in order to get into their cool club or stuff like that. or else you'd be labeled a wimp, well, lets just say, such a form of " initiation " has been passed through my home town for many years among and it was part of the reason I find myself in such a position I was not feeling too well about, though I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself here, let me introduce myself , my name is Billy, I'm currently 18 years old and in my last year of high school.

Now Halloween was fast approaching, as in it was only a day away, and everyone was getting excited for the big holiday, you see Halloween was always sort of a very festive time in my town, shops and houses, always had some sort of spooky décor to go with the holiday, and trick or treating was a big thing of course, as well as Halloween parties, however in spite of all the festivities, I myself was never all that big a fan of the Holiday compared to the rest of the town, I didn't hate it or anything, I just never got the appeal of all this, dressing up and trying to scare others business. sure I loved getting candy as a kid, but the overall festivities never grew onto me.

well, anyway, this year, things took a very unexpected turn for me, as I soon was to find myself in a very peculiar pediment and facing things I never thought I would, it all started shortly after the last period of the day in school and everyone was ready to head out, Halloween was this Saturday, and there was no better time then ever for the holiday to be on one, everyone was excited for the big events planned, mainly the big Halloween party in the Schools gym, I knew everyone was going to be there, even I was going to attend, sure I probably wouldn't dress up, but some old friends of mine, had persuaded me come along.

however it was when I was walking home, I was stopped by my them, that who'd be Eric, a tall guy, same age as me, sort of your joke around fella specially when you got to know him, then there was Tammy, and Sarah, also my age.they were pretty close, great friends, I had knew these three all my life pretty much, ever sense I was in grade school anyway. and I always found them to be a bit more on the adventurous side of things compared to me, and I knew they loved the Holiday a lot more then I really did, they loved the Halloween party ,

felt like at the years were going buy, we were starting to slightly drift away, which I felt was a commo thing with us all nearing our final year in high school together. but either way, we still remained as close as we could.

" oh hey, guys, " I say stopping in my tracks, as Eric approached me.

" Billy, man, glad we caught you, we have something important to say " he said as I raised my brow a little,

" oh, what's up then ? " I asked as Both Tammy and Sarah both stood next to him now,

" okay, well, you know how we all made plans this Halloween to just spend the evening at the Halloween dance, then maybe go watch some Horror movies ? " He explained as I nodded slightly,

" yeah, what about it ? is it canceled, did something happen ? " I asked as Eric shook his head.

" no no, well, nothing bad, I mean, well there has been a change of plans." he said as I looked confuse for a moment and glanced over at Tammy and sarah who both nodded in confirmation

" it's true, which is why we needed to catch you now, to make sure you'll be okay with it " Tammy said. as I looked confused a bit more now.

" why ? what's going on, what's going to happen ? " I said now more curious to find out. as Eric now began to explain the situation

" well, we were all thinking, that maybe this year, instead of heading to the Halloween party like we planned " he said as he rather mischievous grin grew on his face. before he continued " we'd spend the Night instead, at the Old The Millwood Home " he stated, as I could feel a cold chill run up my body at at the mention of that name, a very cold tingle indeed.

" what ? are for real ? " I said shaking my head in disbelief that they'd suggest that ? they had to be joking.

" oh come on Billy, think it can't be that bad, it'd be fun, think of it, spending the spookiest night of the year, in the spookiest house in town ? that'd be a blast, and a great way to spend Halloween night. " Sarah now said speaking up

" yeah, she's right man, it'd be a lot of fun, Unless, you are still chicken after all these years " Eric said in a tone of mockery, one that suddenly made my cheeks slightly burn now

" hey come on ! I was only 12, what do you expect, I mean are you guys still going to be on my case about that ? I said as everyone just gave a teasing smirk

" oh, come on, Billy, were just teasing you, your right it is in the past, but, really we are serious , we thought it'd be fun to spend the night there, all of us, " Tammy sated with a nod

" yeah, we'd all be together, so, you won't have to do it alone like before " Eric said with a snicker as I glared at him.

" look, guys, I get it's going to be Halloween, and doing something like this would be fitting, but why would anyone want to spend any time in that dumb old rotting place ? were not kids anymore, that tradition has long sense passed, I think we should let such things be buried and forgotten " I stated firmly

" yes, I we know that, which is why we want to try and bring it back, at least just for one night. I mean come on, don't you want to at least give it another try, sort of a way to make up for not doing what you were years ago, ? only, we'd all be there, spending the spookiest night together, sharing ghost stories, or even looking for some ? we all just want to spend this Halloween together, inside that old creepy house,and I mean all of us, this time, " Eric said as I simply stood there for a moment not giving an answerer, that is until I rolled my eyes.

" Think about it, it could be very fun, plus we'd be probably the first people to even step foot in that old place in years ! " Sarah added.

" come one Billy, we won't do it without you " Tammy added, both girls giving me this pleading puppy eyed look.,

" aw, you can't say no to that ? can you man " Eric said shaking his head. I just stood their for a moment as I rolled my eyes now.

" oh gee, * sigh * okay, okay fine, I'll come along too then, happy now ? " I said as both the girls exclaimed excitingly that they Eric patted my back

" ha ha ! see man that's the spirit ! look we'll all head her by six o'clock,, see you all then, ! " Eric said with a nod as we headed off as Tammy and Sarah and Sam both gave me smile and nod as well before heading off,

I just stood there for a moment as I began to wonder what I had got my self into now. The mill wood house was something I was not ever hoping i'd have to step foot in, even though I almost did at one point, let me explain

so, this is where I was getting at in the beginning by explaining how some youth like to dare others into staying in a haunted house as long as they can, or be labeled a wimp and uncool, well, The Millwood Home, or house, whatever, was just that sort of place for my town, an old run down house that sat in a rather dark and spooky part of town, a place were street light flickered from neglect and trees began to overgrow the area,

The Millwood home itself was infamous among kids, teens and even some adults, it was a very old house that was rumored to be incredibly Haunted, by whom you may ask ? well that's the thing, no one is sure as the stories about it always change, from a family being murdered and their ghosts still roaming the place,, to the house being built on a ancient burial ground cursed to scare anyone who enters it, all that sort of spooky stuff you usually hear about haunted houses ,but, either way, it's no joke that people say they have heard and seen things in that home, from many people whom dared to enter the place, specially at night. well, such tales have invoked the curious mind of many kids, who began a tradition of Making dares to one another to spend the night the home, of course, many couldn't find themselves to do it, while ever simply refused.

I unfortunately was one of those kids, you see, back when I was 12, on Halloween night, my friends had all made a dare that I was to spend the night spend the night in the Millwood Home to see if there really was any creepy or haunted about it i don't even recall how it came to be, guess it was all just a bit of Halloween fun and I got the short end of the stick when it came to spooky dares, anyway, they said they would tell my parents I was staying at one of their places after trick or treating ( it was a Friday night ) so they wouldn't know what we were really up too. needless I was really nervous about doing such a thing, but not wanting to seem like a wimp, I accepted the Dare, though to make the stakes higher, if I didn't go through with it, I'd have to give my Halloween candy to all of them and of course I didn't want to do that, and so with that we all approached the old spooky looking house after a successful night of trick or treating and getting loads of candy.

however as we approached the Miller home, my feeling of unease grew more and more, to at the point we reached it, I could see it's silhouette grow closer in the dark night sky , and as Embarrassed as I am to admit it when we approached the place I couldn't bring myself to do go through with it, all the stories I heard, the legends about the old place,, the awful things that happened, to my twelve year old mind, it all became to much and the thought of being alone in there over night didn't sit well with me at all, and before I even had a chance to step foot in the place, I bailed out, I simply said to the other I got to go home and headed straight there, taking my bag of candy with me. something my friends weren't too happy about, sense to them I had given it up to them right there,. but I worked all night for it and was not willing to part with my sweet treats over a dumb bet.

Needless to say, they weren't very pleased with my show of " bravery " and willingness to keep a promise on a bet, they eve went about teasing me on the matter at school afterword's for a little, clearly just sour they did not get my candy, but not too long after the whole ordeal passed however, they seemed to have just gotten over it, but they would tend to bring it up from time to time, but, they never seemed to make such a big deal about it, and over the years it's like they just forgot about it. until now that is.

either way, here I was now, getting what could be seen as a second chance to enter that old house, however in spite of being much older now. I was still feeling very uneasy about stepping foot in that place. but I knew it was going to be too late to back out it. however, if i Knew what laid ahead, I might just have

That Halloween Night

The sun was setting very quickly as the night was fast approaching, which meant the evening festivities were all starting up, the main event being the Trick or treaters running from house to house dressed in their Halloween costumes, Aiming to get as much candy as they could, while many others, peers around my age, were getting ready to head to the big Halloween party at the High school, an event me and my friends were planning to spend the evening, but now, instead, were making our destination, to the old Miller House on a more secluded part of town.

as I left my house after telling my folks I'd be spending the night at my friends place, they thought nothing of it and said just to not steal any candy from the trick or treaters, I just rolled my eyes jokingly and headed off. were I ended up meeting Eric, Tammy and Sarah, outside his place, were they all stood, each carrying a backpack, which I myself was doing as well, as we all agreed, just to pack a few things we'd need to stay the night over. mainly food, water, maybe some warm clothes if needed.

" about time you made it, were are all ready to head off " Eric said, as i nodded

" yeah, yeah, forgive me for being ever so late " I said rolling my eyes. " come on let's just get this over with. " I said clutching my bag over my shoulder

" oh, don't worry, we will, it's going to be a Halloween, none of us will forget " Eric said as both Tammy and Sarah looked eager to head on. each holding their bags as well.

soon we were all off, making our way down the many streets of our town to our destination, many which had houses all decked out with Halloween flare, jak-o-laterns scary ghost hanging on walls, witches, tombstones, all the sorts., and many trick or treaters heading to them to gather candy, however the more we pressed on, the more scares these things became, lesser houses, lesser people, lesser light, and I soon remember doing this exact same thing nearly 7 years ago, walking along the paths of town, on a Halloween night just like this, getting closer to the dreary place many people never went, and hear I was again, all these years later, doing the same thing.

I began to wonder, why, why did people take theses tales of the house so seriously, why did people like being scared so much ? it never made much sense to me, I was never one who enjoyed being frightened, yet, it was a big part of this holiday, hence why I was even out here tonight, why do I let myself get pulled into things ? I thought, However my thoughts were soon halted, as everyone had finally had stopped walking, and in a ominous manner Eric glanced back at us now and spoke up.

" well my creep seekers, we have reached our destination " He then motioned his hand forward for us and we all, save for me, quickly gathered around him, I slowly peeking out from behind. there in front of us, was indeed, the Old Miller home, and it looked just as bad, if not worse, then the night I had dared not stop inside. the Home was a two story house with a porch that has a bit of covering over it from the rood, the house was also rather on the large side, not big enough to be a mansion, but still bigger then your common suburban home you'd find. the house overall it had a very vintage look to it, given as the house was probably a hundred years old, that would be expected, as it was showing it's age very well, it's wood paneling's starting to chip away, singles having fallen off, window shutters broken or missing, it had two chumminess on either side of it, certainly would have been expensive home of it's time.

" well, what are we waiting for then ? better get on inside then " Sarah said speaking up now, she grabbed her bag and a flash light out of it, flicking it on shinning it at the old house.

Soon Tammy and Eric did the same as well,

I though just stared up at the place, remembering how I felt the first time I ever came near it, the uneasy vibe I got from it, the stories, the whole thing, it just put me off, and frankly it was now.

" come one billy, ! " I was snapped out of my thoughts again as I saw the others approaching the place. I simply steppe lightly as I made my way over to it as well, and up onto the porch with them. the wooden floorboards creaked loudly, we looked around seeing nothing on the porch save for one old broken looknig rocking chair, having lost it's side rocker, and being nearly on its side now.

" ooh, wonder who use to sit in that thing " Eric said shining his flashlight on it. " well, better try the door now " he then grabbed at the door knob and jiggled it a bit, I was half hoping that it wouldn't work and we'd be locked out, but, much to my slight dismay, the door opened with a low creek.

" whoa, it opened, and here I was thinking we'd had to find another way in " he laughed

" well seeing as no one really owns this place, I wouldn't think breaking a window would have been a big deal " Tammy said

" yeah, but who wants to climb through broken glass " she Sarah added.

" would you all just get in here ? " Eric said as he was already stepping inside., the girls all didn't waste another minute as they both stepped inside, I though stood outside for a moment, looking at the door and then looking back behind me, at the dimly lit street, hesitating on the action to enter.

swallowing I take my first step and make my way into the house, were I was met with nothing but darkness,and the creaking sound of my shoes touching the old wooden floor it seems.

" Eris ? Tammy ? sarah ? where are you guys ? " said not seeing their flash lights glowing anywhere

" right here !! " I heard Eric yell sounding very close to me I nearly stumble back a bit as I see all three of there flash lights go on revealing their faces. giggling of course

" don't do that, " I say rubbing my head,

" sorry, couldn't resist " Eric chuckled

" and after all, it is Halloween, always good time for a little trick " Tammy said.

I just sighed though, as I tried to look around the dark interior of the house. the others got my idea and did the same shining their flashlights around.
showing that we were inside a sort of mini foyer with a star case heading up into the darkness of the seconded floor., the place was covered in dust, smelt musty and had cob or spiderwebs all over.

" eeugh, yeah, not a very homely place now is it " Eric said looking around,

" well what would you expect, no one's lived in here for over 50 years now. I'm surprised it's even still standing " I said looking around, I then see Sarah walk over to a light switch and attempt to turn it on, of course, no such luck.

" yeah I imagine the Power would also be cut as well by now " Eric added then shined his flash light at a door off to the side " hey, come on, lets go see what's in there first ? might be a good place to set up our, " base " he said as he motioned for everyone to fallow, which he did.

inside this room now, there was actually a tad bit more light, coming through the rather torn and ripped curtains of the two large windows on one side, showing that this was a fairly large room, it was mostly bare, save for a couple things, one, a fire place along another side of the wall, one for one of the two chimneys we had seen outside, the other, and the most odd, was the single wooden chair sitting in the dead centere of the room ,

now that was certainly the most, unnerving thing about all this so far. just, the fact it was the only thing in the room and the fact it was placed in such a odd spot.

" wow, okay, that is creepy, why did someone leave an old wooden chair in this place, specially right in the middle of this room ? " I said

Eric shined his flashlight on it, " I don't know, but your right man, that is really creepy, wonder how long it's even been here, dosn't look too much older then the house does it ? " he said cocking his head.

" yeah,that is weird, I don't like it, can say that, " sarah said.

" are you guys really getting spooked over a chair ? " Tammy said shaking her head.

" well, look at it, it's in a rather strange spot, is the only real piece of furniture in this place, that's been abandoned for years. it is a little uncanny " Eric said." I mean lets take a moment to reflect on what were in here, the Millwood House, a place of so many strange and horrific tales, like the story of the family murdered by a deranged killer one night, buried their bodies right in the floorboards, or the romours of that crazed cult who would preform all these bizarre rituals in the basement, usually involving human sacrifice, and then theirs the whole this place was cursed to drive anyone in it insane with unrelating horrors and nightmares ! and many other crazed scenarios, all the reasons people say this place is the most haunted house around, so haunted, no one dares to visit it let alone live in it, and were standing in it, on what's supposed to be the spookiest night of the year. " Eric said now shining his flashlight under his chin,
the girls looked a little spooked I'd admit, but me, while I didn't exactly show it. I was a bit, okay, more then a bit, uneasy now.

I have heard so many tales about this place, and I certainly didn't want to spend much time in here, it was that reason why I was hoping we'd all just get bored of the place and leave at some point. I glanced around the room now , noting how empty it all was, this could be a good enough reason to leave, there was nothing in the place to check out anyway safe for that lone chair, I highly doubted there'd be anything else in the other rooms. but I decided to just stay quiet, not let any of them actually know how I was feeling, and decided to just keep looking around the room a bit more, However as I was examining the room, I heard it

" NOW ! "

I heard Eric yell, and before I could react felt hands all over my body, grabbing my arms, waist and even legs, as I was then pulled back in a state of confusion and panic, I felt myself be dragged back as I could see were I was being led to, toward the old wooden chair in the middle of the room., my yes grew wide as I struggled, not sure why or what was even happening to make them suddenly do this, but I didn't want to find out. or mess about. however despite my struggles I was sat into the Lone chair as they all pinned me down now as I struggled and yelled,

" Wait ! what are you guys doing ! what's going on !? " I protested, but those went unheard as they all pinned me down tightly to the chair. I then heard Sarah speak up

" I'll get the rope ! " she said in a almost cheery voice as she made her way over to one of the back backs, which only made me confused more,? rope ? why did they need rope ?

" Hold on !? what are you guys tal-mmmpphh ! " I quickly found myself cut off as a hand clamped itself over mine, it was Tammy,

" shh, just let us do our work, it'll be over quicker that way " she said with a little wink,

" mmpph ggghhh ! " I shout shaking my head, I didn't know what they had planned, but I was not up for it, not in the slightest.

" Hurry Sarah, don't think he wants to sit still for us " Eric said with a grin

" hold on, almost them " she responded,

despite my struggles and muffled protests, neither Tammy or Eric gave in and let me up from the chair, simply keeping me pinned to it tightly with all their strength. It didn't long for Sarah to return with what looked like coils and coils of rope now.

" great, we'll hold him some more, you tie his hands behind the chair, then we can all work on securing him. " Eric said with a nod as my eyes went wide now, they were going to tie me to the chair ?! no way !

" Nnngghhh !!! " I yelled and made one more frantic struggle to get up,but Tammy and Eric held on as tightly as the could as Sarah forced my arms behind my back now, and soon I felt her getting to work as the soft coils of rope began to wind around my crossed wrists. and began to them up tightly, not enough were it was cutting off any circulation or anything, but certainly tight enough I was not going to be getting my wrists free anytime soon.

" okay, he's all taken care of back here " Sarah said with a satisfied tone.

" great, now we can get to work on the rest of him, I'll handle his left leg and Sarah you his right, ,Tammy you don't mind keeping the noise down for us until we finished do you ? " Eric said indicating towered her hand over my mouth. as I then glared at him.

" of course not, wouldn't be a problem at all " she said giving me a teasing grin.

" great, then, now lets leave no " loose ends " Eric chuckled

Mmmph ? mmpph ! " I yelled and struggled even more now, I don't know what they had planned for me, what games this was, but I was no amused and wanted to be let go right now, however that was proving to be wishful thinking as Sarah made her way over to my right leg with some rope in hand and Eric had let go of me now, sense my arms were tied behind me and the chair, no threat of me getting up now. went over to my left, though Tammy kept her hand over my mouth still of course, I could see her smirking at me at bit when ever I glanced in her direction.

Eric meanwhile began to grab my leg and another coil of rope, were he started to tie it to the left leg of the chair, this earned him having to put up with my legs frantically now as he tried to firmly hold on to it.

" easy there man, no use fighting it. " he said as he began to wrap the rope around my leg and the chairs

" yeah, cause it's happening, and you don't have a say to get out of it " Sarah added with a smirk as she bean to tie my right leg to the chair.

" certainly no say " Tammy said with a grin.

" Mmmggg ! " I grunted now, as I felt both my legs become stuck to the chairs own legs, so much that both Eric and Sarah had stepped back now as they admired their handy work. I however just stared up at them clearly not looking amused by any of this.

" hmm, he looks like he won't be going anywhere, but, I think we could do with one more thing to make sure he's not leaving early " Eric said rubbing his chin.

" Oh, I know what you mean, I think I got it ! " Sarah said, hold that mouth for just a minute longer Tam, " sarah said as she ran back to the backpack and dug around inside it

" don't have to ask me to do it " Tammy chuckled. as I just glared at her.

Sarah however came back with yet another piece of rope in her hand.

" okay, now this should do nicely, let's get your Torso all secured " Sarah said as she reached down near my struggling body and proceed to tie my waist to the back of the pinning it back, I was now bound to the chair with no way of getting out easily, clearly my expression now was anything but amused, as Eric and Sarah all stood back again to watch me, Eric then looked over at Tammy

" Okay, I think you can let him, err, express his opinions now, " he said with a nod

" sure thing " Tammy giggled as she simply released her hand over my mouth and stood back along with the others facing me. needless to say I wasted no time " expression my opinions "

" What the Hell ! are you guys completely Nuts ! Untie me now ! this isn't funny ! " all those things and alike I began to spit out at them, as I fiercely struggled into my bonds, making the chair slightly rock to and fro, creaking as it did, that is until Eric finally raised his hand and spoke up.

" Okay, okay, let us explain Billy, " he said as I stopped my outburst of a rant and looked up at him, so he continued.

" listen, as you might not know or perhaps you do by now,, This has all been planned, as in tying you to that chair, hence why it was placed right were you are " he said as I looked rather shocked at this.

". that's right Me and the girls had planned this for quite a while now, that chair, your in, we put it there ourselves, earlier today, when there was more light out of course " he said with a snicker as I looked on perplexed at this, I glanced over at the other two who gave nods of conformation.

" it's true, we had, we actually planned this for some time try about, a few months or so, maybe more ? " Sarah said with a shrug.

" but, but why, why do this to me ? " I say not sounding as angry as just before, but more confused. why would my, friends ? plan to tie me up in the Millwood house ?

" well, it's simple Billy, you see, we just wanted to make sure, you couldn't leave this time, " Eric responded along with a simple nod.

" wha ? what do you ? I thought for a moment, then it hit me,this was all about that stupid bet from when we were all kids !

" wait ? you guys are still upset about me not spending the night in this place all those years ago ? " I said nearly dumbfounded by it.

" Billy, come one, think about it, all those years ago, you accepted the dare to say in the Millwood home, to see if any of the stories of how haunted it is are true ? and you backed out, further more, you never gave any of us the candy you owed, so, we all thought that tonight, we'd make sure you won't be leaving it this time. " Eric confirmed.

" yeah, you still owe us, and well, clearly you would never come here let alone say here on your own will, " Tammy added.

" which is why we tied you up, " sarah said in a almost innocent manner

I couldn't believe any of this, my own friends, were actually doing this, it was too crazy, regardless I spoke out, " okay first of all, that was a long time ago ! we were kids ! " I yelled, " and the other thing , I did agree to come ! I came out here did I not ? " I say trying to shift a bit into my bonds.

" well, yes, but how could we make sure you'd stick around, you probably would have just left again, like before " Eric said crossing his arms

" yeah, and that'd be no fun, " tammy added.

" so you think just keeping me tied to a chair was your best answer !? " I say struggling a bit more. " you guys have completely lost it, I confirm it, I knew coming out here was bad idea, I just didn't think it'd be because of my own friends ! " I said shaking my head. "

" well, sorry to say it buddy, you brought it on yourself, had you now shown to us before you weren't the kind to not keep to their word, we wouldn't have to take such drastic measures " Eric firmly said

I rolled my eyes " well, what ever was planned is no fun anymore, I mean really, think about it guys, why would anyone want to spend the night here, it's old, it's damp, it's musty, it's just overall a waste of time, and there is nothing here worth seeing I guarantee it " I said with another roll of my eyes.

" hmm, are you saying you don't believe any of those stories ? of the ghosts or murders ? hmm ? are you saying that, you didn't want to go in all those years back, all because this place seemed dull to you ? " Eric said folding his arms now.

"well, I mean, I don't know, isn't silly to believe in such things i said ? " as the others all just glanced at one another, hoping they'd just get the same idea and all leave, but truth, I still did not like this place at all.

" well, that sort of was why we dared you in the first place billy " Eric said with a firm nod.

" yeah, we did, we wanted to know if this place was really Haunted, we all did even you, which is why we dared you to spend the night in it. now ,we have our chance too find out " Tammy said as Sarah nodded in agreement.

" oh yeah ? and what if nothing turns out to be true, what if all we accomplish by spending the night here, is just smelling like old rotting wood ? hmm, some Halloween if you ask me, could have been a party " I said shaking my head, which I admitted to myself sounded much better to me now., however as I looked up, I suddenly saw each of my friends now, baring some rather, devious grins on their faces.

" your right billy, we would probably, however, we forgot to mention one other thing about all this, " Eric began as he looked over at the others " the thing is, we aren't going to be staying in the Millwood house tonight, You are going to be staying in the Millwood House tonight, Alone " he said with a rather foreboding tone

" Just like you were originally going to when we are, kids " Tammy added with a cruel sounding chuckle as my eyes had now went wide ?

" that's right, all alone tonight, in the Millwood house, Tied to that chair " Sarah chimed in, as I looked on in disbelief,

" wait ? what ?! " I shouted now

" you heard us Billy, your staying here tonight alone, like you should have before, and we have made sure you can't bail out this time " Eric said.

" wha ? n-no no no ! you can't do that, you can't leave me here alone ! "I said clearly my panic beginning to rise now

" but we can, and we will, and besides, what's the matter Billy ? I thought you weren't afraid any more. or this place was just too dull, wouldn't seem like a problem to spend the night in by yourself. " Eric laughed

" Yeah, sounds like it could be really nothing exciting, very boring, " Sarah said shaking her head lightly,

" yeah, but not for us oh no " Tammy added now, " we will be heading to the Halloween party as we planned before, we never intended to stay in this old place. ugh, so icky and uninviting, " she said with a mock wince,

I couldn't believe what I Was, hearing, this was all a set up ? by my own friends ? to be bound inside a old rumored haunted house, this is insane, !

" guys, come one, please, you don't really mean to do this ? " I said hoping to make them all change their minds " I mean, look I really am sorry about not sticking with that dare when we were only kids, I should have gone through with it, or given you my candy or what ever, please, don't just leave me here ! " I said struggling more now.

as I did though I saw Eric whisper into Tammy's ear as she giggled and nodded before waling off and over to the bags.

" sorry Billy, but, this is happening, I mean did you really think we'd all just forget about what you did ? or, didn't do ? " Eric said as I tried to test my bonds a bit more now.

" but this, this is crazy ! " I yelled " I mean have you guys really lost yo-gggff ! "

I was cut off by something being shoved into my mouth, a cloth material, I stopped as I looked back saw tammy with her hand over my mouth again keeping what ever she placed inside, stuck.

" shhh, no more talking from you " she said with a grin. she then showed me a long bandanna in her other hand. as I my eyes went wide, I soon realized she put a wadded up ball of cloth and was now going to keep it in there. I frantically began to struggle now and scream into the cloth.

" Mmmpppphhh ! "

" hush hush " she said as she wrapped the bandanna around my head covering my mouth. and tied it off behind me in a tight little knot.

I was now bound and gagged to the chair, my struggles increasing now.

" there, that should hold ya, not going anywhere this time are you ? " Eric teased.

" MMPPPH GGGHHHH ! " I yelled some more into the gag.

" right, yeah, just keep that thought for yourself " he laughed. as he continued " well then, here's how it'll be, we are going to leave, go make it to the rest of the halloween party, then go and watch horror movies, and maybe eat some pizzas, you know, have fun, while you, can stick tight around here, and just see how this old place is like in the middle of the night " Eric grinned

" yeah, maybe all those old tales of how Haunted this place is might be, true, or, maybe not, I guess you'll learn soon enough, Sarah chuckled.

" indeed, pretty crazy if must admit, I don't know how I'd handle spending the night in this place, it just give me the creeps " Tammy said with a mock shudder " but, guess I don't have too " she winked at me as I just struggled some more now.

well, guess that'll do it here for us then " Eric said checking his phone now, " ooh, yeah we still have plenty of time to check out the party for sure,, " he said looking at me now " but hey, look at it this way, you said you didn't want to go to it in the first place when we first invited you, so, you technically aren't, " he said patting me on the shoulder, I however just stared up at him with a look of concern,

" well, guess we should all head out then,don't really like spending much more time in this spooky place, can't say I envy you " Eric chuckled " but we'll be back first thing tomorrow though, to see how things turned out,so, sit tight till then " he chuckled again, this time as his own joke. as he and the girls now all packed up their things and proceeded to head toward the exit. all while I began to struggle and squirm some more in my bonds, only causing the chair to rock slightly and creak along the floor.

" Happy Halloween ! " I heard them all say from outside the room, and shortly I heard the sound of the front door to the place closing shut, leaving me now alone and inside the Millwood Home. bound and gagged to a chair. a notion that did not sit well with me, not in the slightest. with that I began to struggle like mad now hoping I could break free.

To be continued.
Last edited by Nightly Binds 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Ossassin »

Well this is going to be great :D
I do love your work and look forward to seeing how this goes.
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Post by DTbound »

This story is off to a great start! I’m excited to see where it goes.
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Post by Canuck100 »

DTbound wrote: 2 years ago This story is off to a great start! I’m excited to see where it goes.
Same here!
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Hey, here is the second and final part of this spooky tale, it was meant to be a more short one. but I really wanted to get a spooky themed story out by Halloween, and, yeah this part is a tad bit late, but still close enough XD anyway, I do hope you enjoy this little creepy tale and thanks to all those who commented on the previous part, with that I hope you enjoy, and hope to continue to hear your thoughts, than you. !

In The Haunted House Part 2 FFM ?/M

It had been probably five or ten minutes, and here I still was, sitting in near darkness, currently Bound and gagged to a chair, on Halloween Night, In what is said to be the Most haunted house In town, All at the hands of my, “ wonderful “ Friends, All because I bailed out on a dare when I 12 years old, I Mean, I knew my friends could be, a bit crazy with their daring antics and what not, but I never would have guessed they’d ever do something like this, it was insane ! even for them, I was expecting them to come back laughing saying it was all a joke, but I hear their voices and laughs getting further and further as they walked away from the house, so I new I was very much trapped here alone now, and well, that is Not exactly the most Ideal way I’d want to spend a Saturday night, But I was not having much of a choice as the Damn roped keeping me pinned into the Chair were not showing any signs of slack.

“ GGRRGGGHHH ! “ I Grunted and strained as much as I could in spite of it not Looking to turn in my favor. I Let out a heavy and frustrated moan, heavily breathing as well from being out of breath now. I figured it was no use to keep that up, I needed to just stop for a moment and think, figure out another way I could somehow get loose.

So I took the moment to first get a look at my surroundings, or at least tried too as best I could, given that there was no real light source save for the moon barley shining in through the torn curtains on the windows, it was very Dim to say the least, but even still, the room was mostly Bare, they only things taking up any sort of space was Me in the centre of it, and maybe the cold empty dusty fireplace I could see in front of me. And that was it, well, aside from that, there was another door in this room, one that was to my right along the wall, I had no idea where that could lead too, and I really didn't care to know right now, all I knew was, that I WAS I figured I must have been in some living lounge room or something of this house bound and gagged.

However something else began to creep into my feelings and senses, and that being, just how alone and eerie It all felt now, not too long ago with my friends here, all the noise and commotion made, even from getting me secured to this chair, it all masked just how, creepy, this place sounded, I hear everything, every time the house shifted from the wind, a low creeking from all around, it almost startled me at first, sounding like someone walking about the old flooring. But I knew it had to be just the wind pushing itself on this Old house. But still, it gave the most uncomfortable feeling, specially when your pretty much forced to listen to it like I am.

* Creeeaaak * Mmph !? “ I yelped a bit as heard the house groan again around me., I squirmed a bit more in my bonds, even though I knew it had to be nothing more then the old house settling, I still couldn't help be feel extremely uneasy as this predicament I found myself in, I mean, I don't want to say I believed in any of the Horrible stories about this place, but when your pretty much trapped helpless as I am, of course it's only be natural to feel uneasy.

I figured maybe slowly trying to find a way to undo the knots pinning my wrists, which I Found to be still to difficult, I then tried going for the rope securing my waist to the chair, but, to no big Suprise, That wasn't working out for me. I sighed and groaned.


I winced again at hearing another low creek seeming to come from all around the Home. man this was such a creepy place, it was a not wonder so many legends had spawned from it, I then shake my head, trying to get any of those stories out of my head, I didn't want to be reminded of them while I was stuck here.


The old house continued to make those awful groaning noises, and I 'd be lying if I said it wasn't making me feel a bit more spooked each time it happened, it was so sudden, so long and just unnerving sounding. I couldn't believe this. spending my Halloween trapped in a old run down and admittingly creepy House, though, I at least had to admit, despite it's creepiness, it couldn't get any more creepier, right ? I tried to keep my mind calm, I tried not to think of anything freaky or scary, no Horror movies, No scary stories, and defiantly not any of the horrible and freaky rumours about this place.

" It's just the house settling, it's nothing more then the wind shifting on the old place " I think to myself some more.


I wince a little more this time, I could start to feel my hard beating a bit faster now. but I try my best to keep my cool, maybe focus on breath and remaining calm. there is nothing to be afraid of in this place, all the stories about it aren't true, they can't be true, just spooky tales people came up with for fun, that's why are so many, there is nothing to worry about, I kept trying to repeat that in my mind.

clack clack clack !

.....I widen my eyes now as I feel my body shiver and tremble now, that was new sound for sure. I could my body tensing up in my bonds as I began to glance around the Bare room, to see if I could make out anything that could have made such a noise. I think to myself, there had to a reason for it,

shutters ? yeah that ha to be it, window shutters, wind blowing them around causing them to clack along the house. I thought to myself,

Clack clack clack clack !

okay, that one sounded a bit louder and a bit closer, wait closer ? why would it be getting closer ?! i Thought as I looked around now and squirmed a bit more

Clack clack clack Clack !

" Mmmmppph !? " i finally let out another Moan into my gagged mouth as I nervously glance around the empty room again, where was that Coming from ? inside ? outside ? there was a slight echo to it, so I couldn't figure it out for certain, either way, I was starting to get more uneasy then I already was. and I took to slightly squirming in my bonds again,

" MMMPH " Ggrrrh " I tugged and pulled at the bond keeping my hands pinned behind me to the chair. yet all I did as before was make the chair creek and squeak a little until I let out a frustrated Moan and hung my head, knowing it was hopeless to break free. I sat their with my head staring down as I began to think of what I sight I must have looked, an 18 year old, bound and gagged on a chair in the middle of a room in a Old said to be haunted house, if anyone came in and stumbled upon me, it would be most Humiliating for sure, though, now that I think of it, I almost wish Somone would come in here, like maybe some daring soul who decided to venture into the Millwood home on Halloween and then see me, tied up as I am now, they'd probably be freaked out, but, maybe they'd actually offer help and untie me. it'd be being trapped in this place overnight.

But, I don't think anyone was going to be coming here, everyone was either out trick or treating, or at the Local Halloween party, Including my friends. I was the only poor soul who was hanging out in this place on this spookiest of nights, I sighed, as I began to think of my friends and what they must be doing right now. heading over to the Halloween party, probably having a blast at my expense, at having finally gotten me to spend the night in the place, they'd probably be laughing and having fun at the crowded party, dancing, bobbing for apples, Loud DJ Halloween tunes playing as they converse with one another, I wonder if any of them would even be thinking of me all trapped, bound and helpless in this place. all at their own doing, they'd probably have some good laughs about it,, then they'd come back the next morning, and probably make fun of me some more before they even untie me.

Thats if I make it the morning, I then quickly shook my head, come on, I can't think like that, why would you scare yourself like that, there is nothing to really be afraid of about this place, it's just and old wooden structure, ghosts, ghost were not, real, not real ! " I told myself as I breathed a bit heavily.

My friends will be back, back in the morning, maybe even sooner, maybe they'll come back right after the party, yeah, they'll have had their fun and think I had suffered enough in this old place, and come release me as soon as they can. then we can all forget about this. I nervously chuckled behind my gag

Clack clack clack


Mmmph !?

My eyes now darted around the room as I heard the sudden sound, I could have sworn that sounded like, I giggle ? no no, come on man don't tihnk like that, don't freak yourself out with stuff like that

" Hehhehehehehe ! "

" Mmmmppph !! " I shoot my head around now as I clearly heard the sound again, it was certainly the sound of laughter now, sounding like, a devious giggle. and it was coming from all around me, I shook my head head now,

" come on, your just now letting all those spooky tales get to you, there is nothing to be afraid of here, no ghosts, to creepy cults, nothing, it's just and old house, that's it " I thought, as I tried to relax myself, but when your bound and gagged, you really could't easily relax, sense you are completely helpless . yet I tried to make myself remain calm.


" Mmph ? "


" Mmmpph ! I tensed up once again now, that was not the house settling, that was, that, that was a groan, a low un earthly groan, and it came from, inside here somewhere, I know it.

I began to struggle now one again in my bonds, seeing if I could pull anything loose from the chair,

" Hehehehehe "


Mmmpph ! nngghh ! " I fiercely struggled now In my chair, these were naturals sounds to be heard in this old place, I don't care. I needed to get out of this now, !

However. that's when I began to hear it, not a groan, not giggles,, not strange clacking sounds, but, Music, yes, I heaed music, old vintage sounding music ? I couldn't make out the what tune, but it sounded rather distorted. like, like coming from an old radio ? I sounded like something from the 1930s ? however, I could not tell where it was coming from, it sounded like it was coming from in the house, but, echoing from afar, like in another room, and for what ever reason that didn't not sit well with me at all,

I wasn't sure just what was suddenly going on now, but all these unnerving sounds coming out around me, it was now making me go into a full panic as I began to struggled more and more in in my bonds, I heaved and rocked in the chair as I tried kick my legs, but nothing came loose, nothing was free, nothing I did worked, I was trapped, trapped in here with these freaky sounds, freaky sounds of a Huanted house, I was trapped in a haunted house !

" Nnnhhhh ! Mmmppph ! " yelled as I gave one final strain into my bonds as the sounds around me all began to grow louder, as though they were closing in around me, Music, groaning, giggling, and many other strange sound,,

" Mmmmmppphhh ! "

then suddenly it stopped, just all completely stopped, no sound was heard save for the creepy eerie loneliness of the home again, I looked around now, breathing a bit heavily at what had just happened, I could feel sweat having started to form on my forehead

" what the hell was all that ? " what did I just encounter there, I thought as I sat back nervously looking around the room, Was, that all in my head ? or was I really in the presence of some sort of Paranormal activity ? were the legends of this place truer then I had thought ? did I really have reason to fear coming in here years ago ? well whatever reason, I was not going to let it get another chance to mess with me, I don't care how thought these knots are, I'm getting out of this chair. and wasted no time now struggling in my bonds yet again, however as I was , I suddenly felt a ghost of cold air shoot through me fallowed by a soft giggling again.

Mmmph ?! I suddenly then saw my own breath in front of me emitting from my nostrils as the hairs on my body stood up. causing me to shiver a little, the giggling sounded very mischievous, but I could not make out if it sounded Male or female, it had this strange distortion to it. and sounded like it was echoing all around me,

Hehehehehe the giggling started up again, and I swear I heard what sounded like Somone running past me along the old floor, ever so lightly though.

I could feel myself beginning to panic again as I tried to look around the room., I could feel the temperature getting colder again as the Giggling turned into a horrid chuckle right near my heard causing me to nearly jump out of my seat, if I wasn't bound to it.

Mmmmppphhh !! " squirmed and tugged again on my bonds, however, that's when the giggling turned to laughter now, and began to swarm around me, as it Taunting me. teasing me. however, that's when suddenly I heard a loud crashing sound come from outside the room and elsewhere in the house, causing me to tense up yet again, now too frightened to try and squirm free. however, it didn't stop me from noticing the room suddenly got warmer again. well warmer than before on this cool October night.

however, everyone was silent again as I seemed to be in the eerie quietness of the room, the moonlight still only barely shining in, I sat there, still, unmoving, trying not to make a sound now, I didn't know what to do or even think, what was happening to me ? what was just going on in this place, was I really being Haunted now ? was this place really not abandoned ? I thought as I looked around, then at the empty fireplace, I just wanted nothing more then to get out of here, I don't care how, I just want to be anywhere but here. before anything else freaky happens


Oh no, not again, it's starting again ! I panicked as I looked around. as I heard now what sounded like footsteps approaching me,

" Mmmph !? what was going on now ? i Thought as I heard the strange sound of foot steps, I then heard the sound coming from the door to my right a door that led to some other room I was not sure what ? however that didn't seem to be important due to what happened next, the door began to slowly and creakily open

I was not at a loss for words, well, aside from being Gagged, the door just swung open, showing nothing but a dark void behind it.
however hat was soon replaced as I began to see something creeping out of the darkness, a figure of some sort, slowly began to step out of the room. I just sat their, tensed up watching the figure step out, closer into the dim moonlight shining in. and it was at that point I could see it was a person, a female, a ghostly figure of a female, wearing a long greying gown of some sort, her skin looking so pale, her eyes looking so dead, her bare feet walking along the old wooden floor, I could hear a groaning coming from her as she just slowly walked towered, towered, Me !

" Mmmmmppppphhhhhhhh !!! nngggggghhhh !! " I finally shouted out and burst into a complete Frenzy of struggles and muffled screams ! as the figure slowly, and creepily got closer and closer to me , until it was just at my side standing tall above me, I tried to shift as far away from the being as I could but my bonds held tight, the figure now began to lean closer to me now, it's dead eyes now seeming to stare right into my soul.

and that was just it, this was it, this was it now, what ever it was, it was going to rip my very soul right out and eat it ! I was going to be found here, dead in the morning ! I braced myself and waited for the horrible deed to happen, however, when the being was close enough to practically take a bit out of my face.

I heard a voice speak out, a muffled voice.

" having a Happy Halloween Billy ! "

" Mmmph ? " I now looked up a bit confused, how did this ghost know my name ? wait a minute ? that voice, it was !

With chuckle the figure stood upright again and quickly pulled off what was a mask over their face. and I was more then shocked to see who's was behind it.

Sarah !

Mmmpphh !?!

" That's right billy, you just got ghost pranked ! " she said as she then burst out laughing now as I looked on dumbfounded., suddenly I heard more laughing coming from behind me. as I tried to turn my head to see, soon both Tammy and Eric approached me on either side.

" Hey bud, hope you weren't too spooked ? " Eric said with a smirk, however I was still to off putted by everything

" here, let me get this " Eric said as he then reached and pulled my gag down now, allowing me to spit out the wadded cloth.

" What's going on here ! what the hell is all this about ? " I said clearly still confused.

" uh, here, we'll get you out of this chair and we'll explain outside. " Eric said with a nod as I just head too many questions in my head.

Soon, each one of them had taken to the process off untying me from the chair, freeing my legs, hands and torso, soon enough after that we and all gathered back outside on the front porch of the old home, were they began to explain everything to me.

" so wait, you mean, this was all a prank all along ? " I said looking a bit perplexed.

" yeah, everything, from us tying you up, to leaving you hear, which we never actually did, we all just waited around out side the house. only pretending to leave in the beginning " Eric explained.

" yeah, we would never actually leave toy alone at this place. " Tammy spoke up,

" but, but what about all the creepy sounds, " I added now.

" hidden speaker, we had set it up in here when we brought that old chair you were bound to, we could cast the sound from it, from our phones " Eric explained as he showed me his phone and played and app that had sound effects on it, one sounding like the creaking i heard.

" so, all this was a big joke ? but why ? why now, why make it about the bet we did years ago ? are you guys really still upset about it ? " I asked as my friend all just gave small chuckles .

" come on Billy, it's like you said, we where just kids, we would never Truely be upset about that, we thought it was just a funny little call back, to set this all up , we just wanted to have some Halloween fun, and well, I suppose we figured you at least still owed they " He said nudging me a little "

I shook my head " you guys, are all insane still I say "

" aw, come on billy, it was just a bit of fun, sure, we may have gone a little overboard. " Sarah said with a sheepish grin. " but it's why we, wanted to make this up for you in the end " she said as she nodded dover at tammy, who reached into one of the bags they brought. and pulled something out, a large sack of something. she then gestured it over toward me, offering for me to take the bag. which I did, feeling how lumpy it was. Eeveryone waited for me to peek inside which I did, and when I opened it, I could see it was fully of candy ?!

" wha ? candy ? I don't get it ? " i as Eric spoke up now.

" well, first of all, it's the least we can do for scaring you and all. " Eric said with a slight chuckle we bought a whole bunch of it at the store the other night, "

" and we, thought, well " Tammy began next " sense you haven't really been, getting into the Halloween spirit these past few years, and remembered how much you liked to get candy " she said as Sarah now spoke up.

" we thought, we'd get you some, like you used to love, " she said as i looked down at the bag of treats,

" plus, we knew you must still like it, seeing as you owed us candy all those years ago and never parted with it, even for the bet " Eric teased as I looked up at them,

" oh, wow, uh, don't know what to say, I mean, you guys did scare the crap out of me in there " I said motioning back toward the House.

" yeah, again, sorry if we went over board " Sarah said, " but hay, have to admit, this was a great costume and makeup job " she said gesturing toward her getup, I chuckled a bit.

" yeah, you guys really did go all out, I was sure spooked,"

" well, hey, how about we all i don't know, go check out the Halloween party ? still plenty of time, " Eris suggested, as the girls seemed to like the Idea of it, but then looked over at me and seemed to wait for my response.

" it's your call though man, anything you want " Eric added now, I just looked down at the candy, then at my friends, then at the hold Millwood house.

" hmm, yeah, you know what, lets do it, lets go, the night is still young, and we can have some fun ! " I said with a grin as everyone else seemed to be really pleased with that.

" ha ha, right then, lets all head out, ! " Eric exclaimed " we can pick up any junk we had brought here tomorrow, " he added as I just rolled my eyes, and we soon all began to make our way down the path and away from the Millwood home.

" I have to ask though billy, what would you say was the creepiest bit ? " Sarah asked as we walked along.

" oh, well, your costume bit was pretty freaky, hearing that crash before you enter as well " I said as I notice Sarah blush

" oh yeah, heh heh, I accidently knocked over a old vase when walking through the house, we came through the back door, at least I did " Sarah said as I chuckled

" I see then, ha, clumsy ghost you make then, oh ! and another creepy thing was all those creepy sounds, like the music, or the groaning, and the giggling, oh, that was the most creepy, with how it lingered all around me. " I said as I soon began to notice a bit of confused looks on my friends faces.

" what ? " I said tilting my head a bit.

" uuh, well, we didn't have any giggling sounds on the Phone app " Eric said as though he was trying to figure something out.

" but, I swear I heard it, laughing around me, and the room, it got so, cold and-"

" OKay, okay, I get it, your trying to get us back already, he he, nice try bud " Eric said with a sly grin " I'm sure you'll get us back soon enough though he added as we all walked on, I notice the girls just look at me and shrug with perplexed looks.

I however stopped walking in my tracks for a moment as I thought about the moments I heard the giggling moving all about, feeling the room go cold
then back to warm when Sarah stepped in. right before she broke the vase ? I slowly turned my head back at the Millwood Home in the distance, and for a moment I swear I could have seen the image of little eyes in all the windows staring out at me. I shook my head to see that every window was bare again. I had high doubts I'd ever be getting close to that place ever again. I quickly ran off to catch up to the others now, not looking back as I did.

Happy Halloween.
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