Josh and the ACs - Follow on from 'The Old Hut' (m+/m+)

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Josh and the ACs - Follow on from 'The Old Hut' (m+/m+)

Post by frankburns »

Josh and the ACs (m+/m+)

By Frank Burns


A little background first..

Josh is an ex scout, now a stage director and youth leader who, with the help of some boys parents, also ex scouts, pulled of a stunt leaving 2 boys bound and gagged in a rickety old hut. See The old Hut if you don't know the background. What Josh had not told them was that he also helped out with some Army Cadets.. And he has an idea...

This is a little longer than my other stories so I split it up a bit, hope that still works.


Part 1 : Introductions all round

[Wednesday - cadet night]

"So boys what do you think? " Josh said.

"What does the captain say? Will he allow it?" One boy said.

"Yes, he's ok with it, thinks it would be good training for you. Evade and capture. Me and him will be the umpires, and other stuff if needed."

"So let's get this straight. You want us to capture a load of sissy scouts and keep them prisoners. Slaves to us." Another said, this one had a stripe on his arm. A lance corporal.

"Well Oliver, they aint scouts any more, and they might just take you lot prisoner." Josh said.

"No chance, flipping scouts or even ex-scouts. EASY." Another said.

"OK.. I'll put to them. See if they're up for it."

"Hang on though there's a problem." the LC said.


"Well, we're all in uniform, and they wont be, that means we are targets and identifiable. They wont be. How will we know if they are the enemy and not some random kid. Or we get one of them who claims to be some random kid out playing."

"Yeah that might be a problem, I'll have to figure something out about that. So 4 of you and 4 of them, 20 acres of woodland and up to 7 days. Pick your team Lance Corporal. Clear them with the captain and all parents."

"Be better with 6 on each team, can that happen?" the LC said.

Josh thought for a few minutes. "Maybe. Get your 6 and I'll let you know next week."

[Friday - youth club]

"Paul.. Jimmy.. A word please." Josh called over the two boys.

"What's up Josh?" Jimmy asked. "Changed your mind about loosing to us?" He grinned.

"Not quite.. What would you think about going up against 6 Army Cadets instead."

"Oh yeah.. That's a change it goes from 4 on 3 in our favour to 6 on 4 against us." Jimmy said.

"Yeah, that needs balancing out and there's something else as well.. Not sure how you'll feel about it." Josh continued.

"What..?" Paul asked.

"Ermmm... The cadets will be in uniform so they are identifiable as the enemy, and so... You'll need to have uniforms as well. Else some stranger might get involved and that might just become a real kidnapping. That would be a real big problem." Josh said.

"We aint got no uniforms." Paul said.

Jimmy's face drooped. "NO!!.. You aint thinking what I think your thinking?" He said.

"Yes Jimmy I am.." Josh said

Paul twigged on and grinned. He nudged Jimmy and said "I get to see you looking like a dork again.. Wicked!"

Jimmy tried to ignore the comment. "Even if we agreed, what about your two. We don't even know them yet and we'd still be two short." Jimmy said.

"Actually you do, you've been playing table tennis with them for a week or two. Even started hanging out together I heard." Josh said.

"Who Thomas and Ryan.. They aint twins" Jimmy said

"Twins don't always look the same you know. Let's ask them." Josh looked up.. "Tom.. Ry.. here a minute." He called.

They came over. "What's up dad." Thomas said

"You remember what I said the other day?" Josh asked

"'Bout the cadets.. yeah. Like we said. Be great. We catch 'em all in 2 days and have slaves for 5." Ryan said.

"But Ryan they want us in uniforms.. Scout uniforms.. " Jimmy said.

"Yeah, So?" Thomas put in.

"Old ones.. you know shorts and stuff." Jimmy said.

"So?" Thomas said again.. "We wear shorts often enough, so do you."

"Not like that old scout stuff.. and stupid long socks" Jimmy said

"You mean stupid long socks like you wear for soccer and rugby.. Like you had on last week."

"That's different." Jimmy said. "Anyway we still would need two more, and no-one will dress like dorks."

"So.." Thomas said.. "I guess you think that Peter Watson and John Dean are dorks do you?"

"Them two.." Jimmy said "No their pretty hard cases, little toughs. I played rugby against them, they hit you down hard, even though they are young."

"12 and 13 and they are not only Scouts, but members of a new.. well Old troop..Traditional's I think they said. Both Patrol Leaders as well and guess what." Thomas said.


"They wear them shorts." Ryan jumped in.. "I'll let them know you think their dorks if you like."

"Rather you didn't.." Jimmy said smiling.

"Would they come..?" Paul asked.

"Damn right they would. We know them real well and they tie up bloody tight!" Ryan said

"How do you know that.. " Jimmy asked.

Ryan looked at Thomas. "Another story for another day." Thomas said grinning.

"So boys.. what do you say? 6 stupid little dorks up against 6 hard case cadets?" Josh cut in.

"If they really can get Peter and John then yes.. We'd have a good team, and let them piss take our knees. They'll be on their knees begging by day two." Paul said. "When's it on?"

"You break up for summer in 2 weeks, so lets say in three weeks. The woods behind my studio. 7 days, 12 kids and 2 umpires for safety." Josh said.

"Can you get permission to use them woods then?" Paul asked. "Some guy recently bought them."

"I'll ask.. hang on.... Josh, can I use your woods.. Sure Josh, what for?... Just for a gang of kids to kill each other Josh.... Oh ok Josh that's fine. Just clean up the blood... Ok Josh we will. Thanks." Josh laughed.

"You own it." Jimmy said grinning from ear to ear.

Josh nodded. "All we need now is to clear it with the cadets, they are getting their team sorted. We'll meet here next week to sort this end out." He looked at Ryan.. "Can you see them two and get them to come here?"

"Sure." Ryan said.

"If you can get away from them." Thomas said.

"Shut it Tom. I'm better than you are." Ryan said.

Jimmy nudged Paul.. "Something going on there."

"Sounds like it..." Paul said to Jimmy, then whispered "Dork.."

By the following Friday all was just about agreed. It would be 6 on 6. The Cadet Captain and Josh would act as umpires in disputes, and be there to make sure than no-one actually did get killed... or hurt. The next day, Saturday a full meeting in the park with everyone was arranged. To finalise things.

[The Park Meeting]

The first thing was to set out the rules and get assurances that they would not be broken or everything would be called off. Jimmy, and Paul where actually pleased when Josh confirmed that they did not have to be in 'dork' uniforms for that meeting.

Rules were quite simple and all agreed to them:

1] Everyone had to remain in uniform during combat time.
2] Everyone has a whistle. Used in an emergency only, blast it and the umpires would come running. Everything else stops.
3] All hostilities would stop at 1930 (well before dark to allow for food intake. Umpire 'captain' to blast 3 times to Stop.) Prisoners must also be fed. You must give up any chase on the whistle unless the prisoner was being taken to prison.
4] Hostilities would restart at 0900. Again a 3 blast signal by Josh.
5] All combatants to remain on their sites during non combatant times, except, any prisoners who would, by definition, be on the wrong site.
6] All prisoners could be restrained as seen fit by their captors.
7] Prisoners to consent to restrains without fighting.
8] Prisoners could only escape during 'combat times'
9] No form of torture would be permitted including painful restraints.
10] Umpires would keep tally of prisoners caught/escaped, in the case of a draw.
11] If the whole team is captured, they would submit to having to do all the work of the others, and may be kept restrained from time to time at the discretion of the winners and the umpires.

A few other rules were banded around and agreed.. No phones, in case they got lost or bust. No knives (except to eat with and they to stay on the site area) Umpires not allowed to interfere.. Warn or help someone.

Any breach of these rules would result in immediate stop of the 'war games' and such games would not happen again. Thus everyone relied of everyone. The cadets would arrive at north gate at 1930 on a Friday with the captain, and the scouts at the south gate with Josh at the same time. Thus giving time to set up camp and get some food and sleep. 0900 the following day 3 blasts would signal all hell to break loose!

And so on that Saturday at the start of summer, in a park. War was declared.

However Josh and the captain though it a good idea for all the boys to mix up, get to know each other and have a bit of fun.. After all they were in the park. For a few hours that's exactly what happened. With a lot of trash talk thrown in... 'Your going down' 'You got no chance in hell' 'Looking forwards to being our slave are ya' and the such.

One overheard comment intrigued Jimmy. He heard one of the cadets say..."Look they got Peter Watson and John Dean. We'll have to watch out for them two. How did they get them?" It seemed those two youngsters had got a reputation with some of the cadets as well as the twins. And it seemed they were indeed a good acquisition.

continued below:
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Part 2 - Training

"So Tom, will your dad let us? I mean it's sorta cheating." Jimmy asked. He sat in a corner of the park the day after the meeting. With him was the rest of the newly formed team.

"Don't be daft." He replied. "All's fair in love and war." Thomas said. "You all up for it?" He asked.

"Does he know what you four get up to?" Paul asked, changing the subject.

"Cause he does. He bloody sets us up 'Go the shop', he would ask knowing damn well we'd be gone for hours. We get back to comments like 'where you been' 'get tied up with other things again'. All our olds know. This sort of thing has been going on for millions of years. They all did it as well, Just ask my dad." Ryan said. "He was there with the dinosaurs."

'It' was a weekend in Josh's woods for two reasons. First they would get a good feel for the woods. Set up lookout point's etc. The second reason was for Peter and John to teach Jimmy and Paul a few knots. Learn how to handle prisoners. Thomas and Ryan were already experienced in being prisoners (of either Peter or John, or indeed both of them.) but this would be the other way, they would need to be the binders, they hoped.

"Well if he does, me and John will sure teach you TCB." Peter said.

"What's TCB?" Paul asked.

"Trap, Catch, Bind." Both Ryan and Thomas said together.

Laughter all round.

"I'll ask dad later." Ryan said.


Just after dinner, that evening, a short discussion took place.

"Daaaddd." Thomas said

Josh looked up, he knew that whine..."What Tom..Your not getting to act at the theatre yet.. I told you before over 18s only.. insurance demands that."

"Not that daddy dear.." He said.

Josh raised an eyebrow.

"Can we camp in the woods this weekend?"

"Why?" Josh asked.

"Just to camp with the others, get to know 'em, that's all honest."

"You know you can't lie to me.. Looking to cheat are you, and asking me to give consent. I happen to be an umpire."

"Arrr. Duh. We need to learn stuff from Peter and John.. Maybe set up lookout points." Thomas said.

Josh though for a few minutes.. "Well I'm not umpire yet and I bet that captain is briefing his team.. I would suggest that you set a few traps as well."

"WE CAN!!" Ryan joined in somewhat shocked. He expected a big NO from his father.

"Go for it boys. Good idea actually, so I know it wasn't yours was it." Josh grinned, "You know the tents and stuff are in the shed by the clubhouse. Get what you need. I'll come check on you about 6 on Sunday. Give you a hand clearing up." Josh said.

And so that's how it was that 6 boys were in Josh's woods, where they now had just finished erecting tents. In the morning the lessons would begin. Peter and John really looking forward to it.

continued below:
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Part 3 - The Lessons

The following morning, at Peter and Johns suggestion, they spent time gathering plies of wood, getting stocks of rope hidden in places all over the woodlands, setting alarms like tin cans hidden in a bush, rattled by a trip wire made of fishing line. And generally getting to know the lay of the land, where the tracks went, where the ditches were, and other stuff like that. They all felt they had a got a heck of an advantage over those cadets. Jimmy and Paul were starting to realise that these Scouts was pretty cool. Knowing all this stuff. Not like the scouts they were in before, all First Aid, fund raising and helping old ladies cross the road. More like just extra school. These guys were way cool and these two Patrol Leaders were bloody crafty, they were certainly not 'dorks'.

After a short break for a little lunch John and Peter suggested it was time for lessons.. They all thought so.

Peter immediately took charge. "First off you need to know a few basic knots. You can use ten miles of rope but if the knots are crap. All you do is waste your time."

For the next hour or two Peter and John taught the others a double reef knot, a simple running loop, also known as a slip knot, the timber hitch and a bowline.

"Thems' the knots Josh tied us up with. We had to cut the rope to get free." Jimmy said.

"Josh tied you up? " Peter said.

"Yeah." Jimmy and Paul relayed the tale of the experience in the hut. It turned out that the twins knew all about it, but not Peter and John.

They looked at each other. "Wow! Ry, your dad seems real cool." John said.

"Yeah he ok." Thomas said. "He's really old though, bout 40 I think. But he's ok I guess."

"So.. John." Ryan said. "We know the knots, but how to use them best.?" Bringing the conversation back to the reason for the campout.

"It's always best if you tie two or more together, it makes it real awkward to escape then. So I'll tie the twins up together, they're used to being tied up, but they aint been tied together yet. You two watch. Then you two can try it on them."

"Hold on." Ryan said. "Why us. Let us try it on you two next for a change."

"Ok sure." John said. Which somewhat surprised the twins. Finally they could get back on these two.

"looking for revenge are you." Peter said smiling. For some reason, Jimmy and Paul glanced at each other.

"OK. Tom, Ry. Stand back to back.. Now this works for two, three of even more.." Peter said.

The twins moved into position.

"First wrist to wrist." Peter continued, explaining what he was doing. "I tie Ry's right wrist to Tom's left with one rope and Tom's right to Ry's left with another. Two loops round them is enough and fastened with that double reef. Then the end needs to wrap that rope between their wrists, that secures it so it'll never come off. Chuck the ends of each rope over their shoulders, and tie the ends of the two ropes together on one or their chests but go back under the arms first, never get ropes near a neck, and now, you see, there is not even a loose end to start with. They can't reach the knot they need to. They are already helpless and back to back they'll never be able to run off. So that's it. Just two ropes needed." Peter said. "Like I said, it works on groups as well , just get 'em in circle facing out, then the same, wrist to wrist one to the next, and so on. Ya get it?"

"Bit boring that aint it?" Paul said.

"Well that's all that's needed. The rest is just for fun. You can do ankle to ankle, elbow to elbow, knee to knee, or just wrap them all up together if you like. If you tie 'em standing you'll have to use one of them stop slip knots or a bowline like we we showed you, to make a loop under their arms then up to a tree branch so they don't fall. If you tie their legs and then they fell, they might get hurt, and that's not the idea. Or just sit 'em down and tie their feet. Or whatever. You get the idea." John put in.

"OK" Ryan said. "Untie us 'cus your right, we can't get away like this. I thought I'd be able to just reach the knot on my chest, but being back to back, I might reach it but I'd break Tom's arm trying, his wont bend up to my chest. Then we'll do you two." He said.

"Ok.." John said. A few minutes later. The twins were freed.

[Roping the expert ropers]

It took the twins about ten minutes to get Peter and John securely tied back to back, wrists securely tied, just as they had seen, and had been explained to them.

"OK." John said. "That's good, you see, we actually are stuck. You can untie us now and we'll show you how to tie a singleton."

"Don't think so." Ryan said. "I want to try out that bowline and there ain't much you can do about it is there."

"But we're learning you how to do it." Peter said.

By this time a rope had been fed under the boys arms and fastened with a bowline. They were then helped, as no way they could move easily without help, under a tree, where Ryan tossed it over a high branch and back to be tied onto the bowline.

"Come off it Ry. This aint the time for this." Peter said.

"Yes it is. We might never get another chance." Ryan replied.. "Now what was it you said.. Elbow to elbow.. Ankle to ankle, and wrap it all up." A hugh grin on his face. "Hey Jimmy, Paul, why don't you do their legs just like they explained. We'll do their arms and wrap them up."

"They come near me and I'll kick 'em in the head." Peter said. He sounded quite annoyed and this turn of events. Paul and Jimmy hesitated.

John seemed to detect in change in Peter's attitude. "Peter." He said. "Calm down. That would be against the rules. If your gonna be like that we'd best forget the whole damn thing. If you can't take it that our own mates outsmarted us. What'll you be like with them cadets?"

Peter seemed to calm down. "Your right.. Sorry, do what you like guys. I'm just not used to the twins being so clever."

Paul and Jimmy collected some ropes.. A LOT of ropes. And went over to the two 'expert teachers' It was not just the ankles to each others, it was the ankles, then below their knees and above their knees. Jimmy stood back smiling. "This is more fun than I thought." he looked at the two victims. Their legs now securely tied to each others. Thomas and Ryan had done much the same with the arms, arm to arm in several places then a hugh length wrapping them from shoulder to waist round arms and bodies.

"Hang on.." Paul said. "Let's tie their legs totally together, you know go round all four legs. Like the twins done with them coils round their arms and bodies."

"Oh Hell!" Peter said. "Come off it. Who do you think you are?" At least he was grinning this time.

"Your captors" Paul said as he stated to use another length to wrap round all four legs, wrapping them almost to their knees, when he ran out of rope, locking the two completely together." Then all four of the free boys studied the ropework.. "Ohh that looks tight." " I don't think they'll run off soon." "I bet they can't even squeeze out a fart."

After teasing the two helpless victims for a few minutes, they stood back laughing. Pleased to notice that both Peter and John were smiling as well. Having now given up all hope. "At least we taught 'em well" Peter said to John, clearly now well settled down and calm.

"Wicked!!" Ryan said "I wanted these two like this for ages." Thomas agreed.

"OK guys. Well done. Now come and let us go. This is a bit over the top." Peter said.

"After dinner.. Maybe.. Or maybe in the morning." Ryan said laughing. "You keep us tied for ages. Turn about is fair play."

Naturally they didn't leave the two trussed up all night. They prepared the evening meal, then released them. But they had still endured almost an hour of standing totally still, an eternity to the two boys.

Once released they all sat together on some fallen tree trunks and ate a not too badly cooked meal.

"Tomorrow we'll show you some other methods of keeping prisoners." Peter said.

"Do we get to do you again?" Ryan asked with his cheeky grin.

"No, another time maybe. We'll demonstrate a couple on Jimmy and Paul in the morning. If that's ok you two." Peter said "But as separates no point in together again. You know that way don't you, you little swine." He grinned, "Then you can practice on each other if you like. Me and John want to check if there's a place to put the tents hidden but safe, and just the prison tent in the open."

"Ok with me." Jimmy said. A nod from Paul showed he agreed as well.

"In the afternoon we'll check out the north area where the cadets will be. Set some lookouts points, get to know them tracks and paths in their area." John added.

"Guys.. we've had an idea, not sure what you guys will think... can we chat about something." Jimmy said.

"Sure what is it." Thomas said.

"In the tent. I'm getting a bit cold." Jimmy said.

"OK then.. Wind is getting up and it looks like rain soon anyway, so just prop the plates up a bit, the rain can wash them." John put in. With that the boys turned in to discuss ideas and get a little sleep. And how did he know! Half an hour after they went to the tent, it started to rain slightly.

continued below:
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Part 4 - The Lessons continue.

Sunday morning came as a clear bright day. The boys found that the rain had indeed cleaned the plates, they just needed a wipe. Breakfast was a little rushed and this time they did have to clean the plates.

"Ready Jimmy?" John said. "Lesson two. The quick tie-up, that no-one escapes from. Perfect to just hold one if a few are after you and you don't have much time. It'll make any persurers split up, cus at least one other will stop to help his mate."

Jimmy came over as did the others.

"Just two ropes again?" Paul said.

"Yup, two ropes and just one knot. Come here Jimmy and lay on the floor face down with one leg either side of this thin tree.." John said.

Jimmy got in the position.

"First make a loop in the middle of each rope like this." He folded the rope in half then put his hand through the rope and took up the double strand pulling that through the loop, creating a loop in the middle. "This goes over the ankle of the victim... Same on each ankle see." He slipped the resulting loops over Jimmy's feet. "Now, pull him back so the tree is up between his thighs then take the ropes back away from them put the ends round another tree and tie 'em together, double reef if you can, they never slip undone."

That done John stood up. "And there you go, once you get real good you can do that in under a minute."

"What about his hands?" Paul said.

"No need" John said. He looked down on Jimmy. "You can get up now Jimmy." He said.

Jimmy tried and found that he had no way to get up, his legs held firm. He tried reaching for the loops on his ankles. He couldn't even twist enough to reach them. The others all started laughing.

"Even if he could reach his feet, they are held in them loops, no knot to undo." Peter explained. "It's the knot on the other side of the other tree he need to undo. Unless he can pull the tree out the ground he's stuck forever. Two ropes, one knot. One helpless prisoner."

"Right lets show you a few stress moves, they don't hurt but get damn annoying." John said to the group.

"Hey." Jimmy called, "what about me."

"Yeah come on lazy, quit laying about," John said.

"What!" Jimmy said, the rest laughing.

"Just joking with ya." Untie him Paul.

A few minutes later Jimmy was free. "That's way cool." He said. "There's no way to get free. I'd have to call for help."

"Yeah, if you do that on site to a prisoner, you can loop his wrist the same then pull him up kneeling and then tie them ends behind the far tree." Peter said. "That's one stress way.. They get real pissed real quick."

"Yup, it's totally impossible to get away, even with your hands free and real quick to do." John said.

"Be well knackered if we gagged him." Ryan said.

"Oh yeah, that's a point we need to add that to the rules." Peter said. "Never leave someone alone gagged. If they can't get free and can't call for help that's dangerous. Only gag people that your gonna stay with, and just for that evil thought Ry, your next and Jimmy's going to tie you. Come on over here, below that tree."

Ryan tutted and went over.

"Hands together side by side, in front." Peter said.

"In front?" Paul quizzed, "he'll bite it free."

"Only if he has self working removable teeth." Peter said.

"That can be arranged." Thomas laughed.

"Jimmy tie his hands together with three loops fastened with the world famous double reef, then go between his wrists like we did on the back to back." Peter instructed.

Ryan now stood hands securely bound, but as Jimmy had said after just a few minutes and he'd bite the knot free. That method was robbed when Peter said. "Chuck it up over that branch and pull his arms up."

Thomas and the others soon caught on, and so did Ryan when his arms were pulled up into the air. The knot now clearly and exactly an arms length away.

"So I tie this end to the tree I guess." Jimmy said.

"Oh No, there's a much better place." He lifted Ryan's foot so his leg bent at the knee. "Tie it to his leg, just above his knee." He said.

Howls of laughter went out as Jimmy tied it off. Ryan now being forced to stand on just one leg arms raised high above him.

"Well that's him out the way forever. Let's take bets to see how long he goes without begging. Ever tried standing on one foot for a few hours?" Peter said.

"If you want to get real nasty, lift his leg the same but tie it off to his ankle not his knee." John said. "So funny them wriggling thier leg all over trying to get comfy."

"Hey guys.." Ryan said.."You can't leave me like this. PLEEEAAASSSSE!"

"Huh, gave up in two minutes." Paul said, "Shall I let him down?"

"No." said Thomas. "I like the stork like that. It'll keep him out of trouble." He laughed at his twin brother.

"Yeah." Peter said, "Let him down."

Paul untied him, to which Ryan was very grateful.

There was a few more methods showed. A stake out. Thomas stretched out between trees. Peter explained that stakes can get pulled out the ground quickly by a rescuer, trees can't.

Paul found himself sitting on the floor hands tied in front, ankles tied, then his wrists tied to his ankles.

Eventually after a few hours every one of them had tied and been tied. And they seemed to learn a hell of a lot of ways of the BIND in the TCB talked about. Later they would learn about the 'T'

They went to get a few snacks for lunch.

continued below:
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Part 5 - Learning the T.

They were just finishing up clearing away the junk food wrappers, chocolate wrappers and so on when Peter noticed that Jimmy looked a bit.. well bothered. He nudged John and they went over.

"What's up, thinking of backing out?" Peter asked.

"It's not that.." Jimmy said.

"What then?" John asked..

"It's.. Well ... It's them uniforms, I'm gonna feel like a idiot and then cadets are gonna take the piss right bad." Jimmy said.

"Uniforms?" Peter quizzed.

"Yeah shorts, long socks and shit. And they'll have a advantage in their cammo stuff." Jimmy said.

"Oh.. Jimmy." Peter said. "It's us with the advantage wearing that uniform, and as for them piss taking, let 'em try that in one of them stress positions."

"Yeah," John joined in. "Shorts don't get caught up in bushes, cammo bottoms do. You can still run in wet shorts. Wet cammo really slows you up, You'll not believe how much a simple bucket of water chucked over their legs will slow 'em up.. Wont bother us. If they get all muddy, and they will after you see a few traps, they will be well stuffed. If we get muddy, well so what. Think of this.. would you rather play rugby in shorts or in a heavy track suit?"

"You got a point I suppose. I just don't want them and everyone taking the piss." Jimmy said.

"Don't let 'em get to you, we thought the same when we joined this troop. But we just got revenge on any of 'em that tried.. Taught 'em a few soppy scout knots, so to say. Now three of them are in our troop." John said.

"They might think we're soft, but we know we aint, that means they underestimate us and that means they loose. I'll tell you want, they might piss take at the start, but not by the end, and if we go at it again I'll bet they'll want shorts. You'll see. If they piss take our socks, and they probably will, they'll find out that long socks and scout neckas make bloody good gags." Peter said.

"I guess your right, you guys are pretty cool." Jimmy smiled, feeling a little more reassured.

"Cool... That's an underestimation, we're the damn ice men. Come on lets get the others and set a few traps. The bridge is my favourite, and I think you'll like it." Peter said.

The next few hours were spent sitting up a few traps in stratistic places. Pits only a few inches deep but filled with water and covered with branches and grass. Fishing line trip wires that set off spring loaded mud bombs or tipped over water filled buckets secreted it the trees.

Then it was time for 'The Bridge' Peter had selected an area where a plank covered a small dyke on the edge of the woods acting as a bridge, close to where they had set up their camp.

"Ok three of you move the plank the rest of you go gather up a load of dead branches. John find a thick branch or tree truck. It needs to be just the right length, but you know that." Peter continued with the instructions.

Jimmy looked as his watch, nodded and went off with the others to get dead wood, wondering what the heck was going on. Twenty minutes later, they had all returned with the equipment. John with a long solid tree trunk. He stood it up at the edge of the dyke and dropped it, aiming it to fall across the dyke. It fell in the right direction and straight to the bottom of the dyke.

"Perfect John." Peter said "You have a real knack for getting the right lengths."

"Perfect." Jimmy said. "It's too short."

"That's the whole point." Peter said as he and John jumped in and pushed out the log. "Pass us the dead wood." He asked. they did then Peter and John started pushing them into the soft ground at the bottom, getting about twenty or so in three rows across the bottom of the dyke, the tops more or less level near the top. "

"Pass us the log carefully" John said. Between them they carefully laid the log on the top of the dead woods acting as stilts. Then climbed out grinning. "So who wants to run across first or shall we just wait." He looked at his watch.

Jimmy checked his, then Ryan. Then looked up. A tense few minutes and then from just around the corner a figure approached.

"I think I know who's testing it first." Jimmy said. He nodded to the track. Josh was walking over. He always was a stickler for time, at it was almost exactly 6 o'clock.

"Come on dad." Thomas called. "Can't you move faster that that?"

"He needs his walking frame. He is really old." Ryan shouted.

Josh picked up the pace, he was going to show them little monsters. 'OLD!' He thought 'I'm 35'. He started to run. He reached the bridge then with just one foot on it the dead branches all snapped and Josh fell almost straight down the two foot dyke.

"And that's the T in TCB." Peter called.

"Get him guys and don't spare the horses." John said. The whole gang jumped on Josh.

"What the hell do you think your doing. Ry, Tom your grounded for two weeks" Josh said.

"Be well worth it. cus your going down. All them times you set us up with these two. And the way you treated Jimmy and Paul." A hugh grin on Thomas' face as he called down to his father being smothered by a horde of kids.

"And that. Everyone." Peter said. "Is the 'C'."

"OK OK." Josh said. "Get off me. I surrender. You little swine. Who broke the bridge it was fine last week?"

"I did." John said. "They needed a trap, we built one. The old plank is over there. Now just one more thing needed."

Josh looked up.

"TCB.. Trapped, caught.. oh that just leaves the 'B'. Get the ropes lads, let's see what you learned." Peter said.

"Oh GOD!" Josh said.. "I'll get you for back for this." Inwardly he was well pleased at just how well these guys had... well ... bonded!!??

The end
(probably - and now you know what the meeting in the tent was all about)

Long winded way for Jimmy and Paul to get revenge, but they deserved it.
Last edited by frankburns 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by frankburns »

Just as a note:
That standing on one leg actually happened to me, years ago.. (when the dinosaurs wandered). It IS as bad as it sounds after a while. That was our Scout Troops' First Camper initation test - which now are banned! - lasted 30 minutes

It was only a weekend camp, and for the the whole first day they kept going on about, and telling me to find the F-kit . (First Camper Initation Test) I had no idea what they were on about. I thought it was like being asked to get the spare bubble for a spirit level, or a set of sky hooks. F-KIT was a secret kept from all that joined our troop.

Ah yes.. The days of fun and frolic..
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Post by wataru14 »

I have so much on my plate right now, but I will definitely read this story in its entirety by the weekend. I'm a big fan of your works and I just know this one won't disappoint!
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Post by frankburns »

Yeah.. understandable, and thanks for your support.
Maybe 5 stories a week is a bit much for anyone to keep up with. I better slow up..
The slave
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Post by The slave »

i just ran into this story she is congratulations she is really great just a pity she is already over lol
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Post by The slave »

the story is really excellent just a pity that there are no gags
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Post by harveygasson »

Just spotted this one, very cool, are you planning on doing a follow up of the actual capture competition between the scouts and cadets? Or have you done that already?
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