The Robbery (M+/m)

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The Robbery (M+/m)

Post by frankburns »

The Robbery
Frank Burns

"Get your hands up! Back away from the screen assistant. Touch the alarm and everyone dies today."

It was the first sign of the robbery that was about to happen, the third Post Office in as many months. The few customers, two women, a man and a young boy, froze. Their arms instantly going in the air.

He grabbed the young boy, clearly the weakest of the group and put the gun to the child's head. "You have 30 seconds to fill the cash bags and toss them over here. Just notes. No coins."

The assistant starred at the terrified boy and then the other customers. He wasted no time in stuffing stacks of notes into some cash bags and stuffed three through the small opening below the screen.

"You, old woman, get the bags and bring them here." No hesitation. She got the bags and gave them to the masked robber.

"The boy's coming with me. No alarm and he gets dumped at the top of the street. A single sound, a single copper or one of you comes out and he gets dumped in the river. You understand." He said, dragging the boy out backwards and into a plain unmarked white van. The van drove off. No-one dared move from the post office, there was a young boys life at stake. None wanted that responsibility.


Five miles away the van pulled into some woodland.

"Dad, we're getting good at this." The boy said grinning and counting through the cash.

"How much this time." The robber said.

"Looks like about 12 grand, a good hit this time. Maybe I'll get that new bike this time." The boy laughed.

The robber looked at the young boy and shook his head. "So easy, well planed and well executed once again."

"Not quite that well planned." A voice from behind said. The robber looked into the rear view mirror. Three men had appeared from their hiding places. Two with guns one pointing at the Robber the other at his son. "Now pass me your gun, and drive further into the woods. Don't worry we aint cops."

"No we aint cops." Another said. "We are far worse. Twice you got away with this stunt, but not a third time."

The robber, having no choice passed his gun over his shoulder and started to slowly drive deeper into the woods. "Pull up here." One said. "Kid get out." The boy got out as did two of the robber's robber's. *ermm..*

The Robber..*erm the original one*, went to get out as well. "No you stay right here. The gun pushed to the back of his head. Move and you both die. The kid first." The remaining guy said.

Outside, the man took the boy slightly away from the van. "OK kid, stand with you back against that tree, one arm each side." The kid complied. His dad in the van with a gun stuffed in his head seemed to convince him. It was quite a wide tree, far to wide for the kid to get his arms anywhere near the back of the tree but could spread them apart, pointing down at about 45 degrees from his body.

"OK sunshine don't move." He got a length of rope and tied it to the boys right wrist tightly. Then behind the tree to his left wrist and looped it around tightly. Then across the boys belly and looped around his right wrist again just above the fist knot. First it was the boys wrists than vanished beneath the rope loops. Still the guy continued with the loops from arm to arm looping the boys arms, the tree and the boy's body all the way to his elbows. Until both arms were firmly secured one to each side of the tree. Finally securing it with a tight knot. Then he checked his work pulling at the boys arms, they were immovably secured to the sides of the tree. The kid was going nowhere in a hurry.

"Legs next." The guy said "Spread 'em like you did with your arms." The boy did. Just like the boys arms, he started on his right ankle, a tight knot, round the back of the tree, a tight loop on the boys left ankle, across the front of the tree to his right ankle, another loop. And so it went on, looping and fastening the boys legs all the way to his knees and securely tied off. The loops so close together that almost nothing of his jeans could be seen. Again the guy testing the security by trying to move the boys legs. No chance of movement. The poor kid was completely immobilised.

He went back to the van and got in the seat by the Post Office Robber. Now two of them in the car with guns and the other by the tree and the helpless boy.

He looked at the robber and smiled.. "Now this is what you call a kidnapping. The main target.. YOU, and you can't go to the cops can you. No you can't. And this is what happens now. We take all that money you robbed for ourselves and take you home. My friend out there will keep an eye on your dear little boy. Whatever is in the bags will cover his rent for the next week or so. Then you'll need to get another few grand, for his next weeks rent, and so on. Don't fret we won't keep him there tied to a tree for long. We'll move him when I get back from dropping you home. Then tie him up so much you want be able to see a hair on his body. We'll let you see him... well a picture probably, maybe we'll let you talk to him once in a while, just so you know he's actually alive. And when you have earned us a million we'll let him go."

"And that matey is a well planned and executed kidnapping. Now drive."

"What if I get caught while I'm robbing?" The robber asked.

"Oooo don't think like that.. Just keep driving, remember the sooner you make us the million, the sooner you get you little boy back."

The Robber knew he was cornered. Yes he had used his kid, but he almost loved him and was frighted what these guys would do to him. He now had to keep robbing just to give the proceeds away.


Actually, had he known that his son was, at that very moment being untied from the tree, things might have been different. And the boy was laughing. "Well that all went well didn't it?" The guy untying him said.

"Sure did, he fell for it all the way." the boy said. "He used me and never even bought me anything real good. Said it would make too many people ask too many questions. I bet he wishes he'd got me that new bike now."

"You ok?" the kidnapper asked as the last of the ropes fell away.

"Sure, I'm fine, the ropes didn't hurt at all." The boy said.

"You do know that you'll get tied up again a few times, for the photos don't you."

"Yeah no worries. My mates have tied me up loads of times. It's fine, we'll stick with the plan."

It was about an hour later when the two others got back and collected the third and the boy. "Time to dump this van" The driver said.

"Yeah," Another said, "the car's at the flooded quarry, we'll sink this heap there and get home." He leaned back to the boy in back. "You ok. I didn't tie you too tight did I?"

"Oh not you as well." He said. "I'm fine, like I told him, my mates have tied me up loads of time. It's fun, and you tie like a woosie. They do a much better job." The boy laughed.

"I'll try harder next time then." Turning back to the guy beside him "Let's go" He said.. Clearly this guy was the boss.. (or was it the kid).

Two hours later, the four of them sat at the kitchen table of the large detached house, set back from the road, eating burgers and fries. A stop off at MacyDs' drive though providing the food. The robber (kids dad) providing the cash. Once finished the Boss man got the bags and started to count it out.

"You lied son.. there's only 10,500 here." They all laughed. "Now lets see, there is four us so that's 100 for sunshine here." He motioned to the kid. 3K500 for me and 3K450 for you two."

"What do you mean only 100 for me. I'm the star!" The 12 year old said.

"What do you want money for?" Bossman said grinning.

"iPhone; iPad; laptop; NEW BIKE; Sheffield Wednesday top... Loads of stuff." He said

"Sheffield Wednesday top... That's a crappy team." Bossman chuckled. "I might buy you Sheffield United stuff and force you to wear it." He laughed. (NOTE to non UK'ers: those teams hate each other in a friendly way)

"NOT FUNNY!" the boy said. "And I want my fair share for my college funds, that's what we agreed."

"I'm joking with you." Bossman said "You'll get your share in that account set up for you. It's about 2K500. each and some loose. For bits we need."

"Like my Bike." The boy said.

"Like your Shef United kit." One said Laughing. "Up the re..eds" He chanted.

"Blues are gonna kill ya.." The boy chanted back.

"OK guys calm down.." Bossman said.

"Sunshine." Bossman said "You really don't want to turn out like you old man do ya."

"No. He's just a looser. I was 7 before I even new who he was. And my names Peter, you know that." The boy said.

"Yeah I do, but the thing is.. bit like pro wrestlers we need to use 'stage names' all the while in case of a slip. Remember... we agreed that as well." Bossman said.

"OK" The boy said.

"Go get some sleep sunshine. It's getting late. Tomorrow I'll pop out and get you an iPad, bank your cash then I'll show you the balance. OK."

"OK" The boy said. "Goodnight" and he left the men, going upstairs.

"Are we gonna tell him the truth tomorrow?" One asked as soon as he was sure the boy was out of ear shot.

"No." The Bossman said. "He don't need to know what's going to happen. So no more talk of it. We play strictly to the plan. OK."

The other two nodded.

"One more beer guy's then we'd best get some sleep as well." Bossman said reaching for a bottle. "And F, make sure this place is bolted up tight."

"Sure thing Boss" He said.


True to his word bossman went out early for a few hours just after breakfast, leaving the others in the house. He came back with a box tucked under his arm and strangely his top was zipped up all the way to his neck. He passed the box to the kid, who immediately started to unpack the paper. Meanwhile the bossman took of his top.

The boy found an iPad, Yes a real iPad, the delight on his face was clear to see.. Until he looked up. Bossman stood there in a red and white striped soccer shirt. (Sheffield United).

"What the Hell." The kid said "What you get that crap for."

"Hey, that's no way to talk to someone who just gave you an iPad. That not enough for you." He said "Did you want the shirt of my back as well?"

"Only to burn." The boy said. "It hurts my eyes."

"Better not check the screen background on that iPad then." Bossman said.

"No.. You didn't did you?" The boy turned the tablet on, and there all over the screen was.... The Sheffield Wednesday team photo.

"Phew. You are so lucky. Now get that rag off and I'll forgive you." The boy said smiling. "oh and thanks for this."

"Don't log onto any of your accounts on that. If you want to download a game or whatever, set up a new account for it." Bossman told him as he pulled the shirt over his head, revealing his t-shirt below.

"Sure thing. I aint that daft. My old fart might log on his and see I've recently logged on." He went up to his room to set up the iPad.

"Didn't you get the kid a top then?" F asked the bossman.

"Unbelievable Sport4All had sold out of them. Delivery tomorrow. It's ordered they'll keep it back for me." Bossman said. "I'll pop out tomorrow and get him one. The kid deserves to have some fun on that contraption anyway."

The boy did have some fun on that contraption.. They hardly saw him all day.


Next day at breakfast the bossman told Peter that they would make a short video of him. He explained that once he was tied up F would chuck him around a bit, just to show that we was really tied up. "He won't hurt you so don't worry, but if you can fake cry do it and beg your dad to save you." He assured the boy.

"When?" Peter asked "Can I play for a while?"

"Sure. I have to pop back into town and these two need to prepare the room for the filming." Bossman said

"Prepare the room?" The boy quizzed.

"Yeah. Just hang up some white sheets so there's no background to hint where you are. You ok with that?"


Two hours later Bossman had left, the room was ready. "You ready sunshine?" F called up. "and put the clothes on you had on the other day at the tree. Real kidnappers would not have bought you new clothes."

"OK. Two minutes I need to log off." Came the reply. A few minutes later the boy came down it his jeans, and a slightly grubby green sweatshirt.

"You know this will be for real, not just look real don't you?" F told the boy. "I have to chuck you around a bit acting quite nasty and we can't have ropes falling off."

"Sure, go for it. I'm fine with that. It's what I expected." He said.

"OK turn around. Hands behind you I'll get them in position, tell me if it hurts too much." The boy did as instructed.

The man tied one end of a long rope tightly to the boys right wrist then bent his arm so it was up between his shoulders, tossed the rope over his left shoulder down between his legs then up to his elbow, where he tied it off. Then took it back down between the boys legs and tossed it over his right shoulder. "Put your other arm up like that one with your wrists crossed." He did, and the man tied a secure knot to it then continued tying his crossed wrists tightly. Still not quite done he took the end down to the boys elbows and wrapped a few loops from elbow to elbow, securely fixing his arms unmoveably behind his back. The boy grunted slightly.

"You ok?" F asked.

"Yeah. sure. It's just tighter than I thought it would be." The boy said.

"I said it would be real.. You sure your ok."

"Yeah as long as I stay like this for hours." The boy said.

"About half an hour or so."

"OK no problem, you tie better than them others." Peter said.

"OK lets get you sitting so I can do your legs." F said and helped the boy to sit.

F tied the boys ankles with four tight loops, then up to just below his knees, four loops there, then moved above his knees all of them really tight.

"Bugger mate that's tight, but it's ok." The boy said

"OK sunshine, wait here a minute while I go out then I'll come back with a mask on and Y will start the video. I want to to call me all kinds of names. OK... Think of it as acting in a film.. well actually it is I suppose. I'll come over to you and make that I'm going to slap your face, I'll actually just slap my own hand, but the camera wont see that bit. That's when I want you to cry if you can, Beg me to stop. Call for daddy to help you.. I'll drag you up and throw you over to that mattress, that's so the camera will get your arms.

For the first time Peter felt a little uneasy these guys could really hurt him if they wanted. Just then Bossman came in and somehow he felt more reassured.

"OK so far?" F asked. The boy nodded. "Right after that I'm going to grab your feet and drag you off face down, Then I'll tie length or rope tied to your feet and the end passed round the bit on your elbows.. At that point I'm going to pull it hard and I want you to scream. That's when the camera will cut off and we'll get you untied. OK you understand? We are only doing one take so it has to be right."

"Yeah. But be quick my arms are starting to ache." The boy said.

The guy left.. a few seconds later, the camera started. The guy came in.. The boy used words that no child should ever use. Bastard; Bully; a few I won't even put here; even Peanut Head. F acting his part, chucking the boy around eventually across the room to the mattress. The boy screaming STOP. PLEASE. NO MORE. NOT AGAIN. DADDY HELP ME.. It was almost an Oscar winning performance. The horrendous scream the boy let out when F pulled his legs into a hog tie was very convincing.. mainly cus it really did hurt him. The camera shut off that instant and Bossman came over with a knife.

"Hold still sunshine. I have a knife to get you free." He said and rapidly sliced through the ropes. Less than a minute later the boy was free.

"Heck man.. You aint no woosie with knots are you. Thank God that wernt real. Can I see the film?." The boy asked.

Bossman looked across to the cameraman. Who looked back in horror. "Oh Shit.. I forgot to put the DVD in." He said.

"YOUR joking!" Peter said. "I can't go through that again."

The guy laughed. "Yes I'm joking.. You should have seen your face. Sure Mr film star come take a look."

The boy and bossman watched the replay on the small display. Both agreed it really was damn convincing.

"And here's your Oscar award. God knows why it was dearer than my shirt." He gave the boy a parcel. The boy ripped it open, already knowing what it was.

"It's more expensive cus you bought the whole strip, not just the shirt. " He laughed.

"The bloody thieves. I said a shirt when I ordered it." Again they all laughed.

"Are you gonna tie me again." He looked slightly worried. "Yes but probably just your feet, you can sit in the corner crying with your hands held behind you." Bossman said.

"Just like they do in a real movie. All fake." The cameraman said. "But Hells Bells boy that was some good acting just now."

"It wasn't acting." Peter said. "I'm gonna get changed, can I go out the back for a kick-about."

Bossman nodded. "Don't see why not."

The boy ran out clutching his treasured Shef Wed kit.. Stopped at the door.. "Thanks Boss." He said and ran off.


The film, delivered to the boys father a few days later really seemed to do the trick. Two robberies reported the following day. But two days after that is when everything else went wrong.

"What the hell do you mean ... The boy's gone!" Bossman said

"He was out the back in that precious Shef Wed kit you bought him kicking a ball about.. He damn near lives in it. I went to get him just now for dinner and he's gone. Just the football there."

"What time did he go out? Are the sec cams on, this is supposed to be a safe house?"

"He went out just after breakfast, and yes the sec cams are always on. Let's check them."

The three men went into a small back room and started revising the security camera tapes.

"There!" Bossman said "hold it." They stopped the video. "Go Slow frame by frame." One guy started a small switch, Bossman looking closely at the footage. A hand coming out of the surrounding bushes and across the boys mouth. "Stop." Bossman said and went up real close."I know that ring. It's his father, but how did he find us? When was that?" He looked at the timestamp. "Five hours ago. Hell! " Review the rest.. go back two days then forward. A few button clicks then forward day by day.. Fast when the boy was not out .. Slow when he was.

"There.. Stop!" he said. The film froze, "That dog walker is talking to him. She must know him and told his father something. Get that picture out and get the department to find her. Why didn't the kid tell us? The little fool."

"He knew we'd have to move and stop him playing out." F said.

"Yeah your right.. me getting him that damn kit was the mistake." Bossman said.

"We'll go bust the house door down tomorrow." F said.

"We'll go kick the damn door down NOW. That kids in real danger. God knows what that guy will do now he knows it was all a set up. And it's our fault. Mount up. Let's go."

An hour later the truck with the men in reached the fathers house. They didn't kick the door down. They drove straight into the wall smashing it clean off the wall. In a well practised move all three jumped out and grabbed the man. Bossman with one hand round his throat.

"Where's Peter. Or you wont like what happens next." He snapped. "Get off me." He said. "You aint cops. I checked. So Get off me and get out. I know all about your scam. As for that little bastard he's suffering in silence."

"Your right we aint cops. We told you before, we are far worse." He slammed his fist into the guys belly and brought his knee into his face as the guy doubled over. Then grabbed his hair and smashed his head into the wall. The guy now with a broken nose. Screamed out.. "You cant get away with this. Your crooks as well."

Just then sirens screamed out, blue lights flashed. Two minutes later 4 coppers rushed in and went to grab Bossman.

"You want to keep your job officer call your chief right now and tell him you've bumped into Commander Broardbent." F said. The officer hesitated for a moment. "Now you idiot this is a matter of national security and way above your pay grade." Not sure quite what to do, he nodded to one of his colleagues. The officer made the call..

"Yes sir Commander Broardbent.." A pause. "Yes sir." He looked at bossman."He said to ask you 41..??"

"Tell him 25" Bossman said. Another pause while the officer repeated the number. Then looked at his colleagues. "Nothing happening here, apparently.. We just keep onlookers away."

Bossman Turned back to the kids father. "Where is he or I'll break every bone in your body, starting with this one." He grabbed the guys little finger and wrenched it back with a distinctive snap. The guy screamed out. The next finger, another snap... another scream. "He's in the cellar.." The guy now in tears. Bossman, F and Y dragged him down and bossman stamped hard on his hand clearly breaking even more bones.

"Officer take this man away. I think he's fallen down some stairs. He does NOT need a doctor. We'll be in touch." Bossman and the others started kicking in doors after a couple they found the right one and raced down.

Peter was in one corner, the ropes and chains that held him were too terrible to put here. He was in a hell of a state. His precious soccer kit ripped almost off him and he was covered in bruises. What was even worse was the other three boys, beaten, bound, gagged and chained in the room. One of the police officers came down. "Jesus Christ." He said. "I'll call an ambulance."

"All in hand officer. Use these cutters and get them boys free." The officer, F and Y made short work of the bindings. At the same time at least 6 medics came down.

"It's ok Peter. It's all over now." Bossman said. A medic came and checked him over. "This one's ok. He's lucky. The others are in a real mess, but they'll live. We need them out now sir. You know this one?"

"Yes.. He's mine. Get the others out and helped. Use the department. Code blue it if you have to."

"Yes sir." the medic replied, and went to help the others.

Peter hugged bossman. "Who are you.. really.. My dad was going to sell me.. He hurt me so much. What's going on?"

"Let's get you out of here. I will explain everything, in the car." He helped up the boy.

"He ruined my kit..." Tears in his eyes.. "Who are those other boys?"

Once up in the privacy of the car,

Peter. What I'm going to tell you must stay secret. I shouldn't tell you really, but I have to. Me, F an Y are.."

"The men in black."

"Not quite. We haven't met any aliens." bossman grinned.

"We are members of a secret elite team who break up the most serious international paedophile rings. Intel told us of your fathers involvement. We weren't sure if you were involved but we soon realised that you were not involved in that part of his life. So we devised a plan to land your dad in prison then we could investigate better. You became part of that plan and when you agreed to scam your father, that made the plan operable. He was suppose to get caught robbing once you were safe."

"Am I going to jail for helping him rob?"

"No Peter your not."

"So bossman what happens to me now. What do I call you?"

"What happens now sunshine. Is we get you another kit. Get you cleaned up, and I would love it if you call me Uncle John... cus your coming home with me."

The end
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Post by wataru14 »

Excellent! Double-crosses, triple-crosses, intrigue... a real winner. Your work is gripping and exciting. Count me as a devoted fan!
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Post by frankburns »

Thank's wataru14 for the compliment. I do like to add the odd twist into my stories. Hopefully, send them where readers don't foresee. Heck, when I start even I dont know where they might go. I bend it. Then have to work out how to get in that direction.

The kid was going to be a hostage when I started. Then I though what would happen if he was in on it? That would be unexpected. But then the kid would have to get in a bind somehow, so how the heck do I get there if he's in on the scam.

I seem to have a wandering mind.
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Post by Bastian »

Great story, I've loved it, the only "bad" thing is that I wrote a shorter story in some way similar to yours because I hadn't read yours yet.
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Post by frankburns »


One hour before Alexander Graham Bell registered his patent for the telephone in 1876, Elisha Gray patented his design

What I am saying here is .. Thing happen in funny ways. Quite often the same rough idea happens to different people at the same time.

If you don't sue me. I wont sue you :) Them two went through years of litigation.
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