The Cool Girls' Club (mostly F*/F*) - Farewell

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 131: Nichole and Joyce, Saved by Love

"Joyce... ohhhh myy... you poor thing... I don't even...," Bridget's eyes filled with tears.
"That's my story, Bridget. It's awful, but real."
"I never realized how awful your life has been, but... I am glad to be one of the people who has made your life better than it would be otherwise."
"Thanks, Bridgie. This is our secret, OK? No one else who really knows me knows that amount of detail."
"We could wish we had seen the signs earlier, but hindsight is a pesky 20/20."
"I've lost so much of my identity... but I am finally finding it again."
"Let's move on from this."
"Just know sometimes I will still have nightmares, or need to hide in the armoire."
"It's OK, Joyce. It really is."
"Bridgie... I worry that someday I'm going to discover some new way in which I am permanently mutilated."
"No, don't go there. It's strange how silent Joy is on the whole thing."
"Because... I hurt her a lot during the recovery period."
"I know that, Joyce. She told me alone. I'm sorry, Joyce... I was the one who told your psychiatrist."
"You? Bridget, thank you! I never would have told her that. I knew someone had said something about it when she brought it up, but I didn't care to find out who."
"Joyce... the last few days have broken me down badly. I think I'm going to go home this weekend. I need some time to think and get myself back in control.
"What about rowing?"
"Dang... that's true. Man, I am always too busy to enjoy life properly."
"I never have really apologized for this... to Joy I mean."
"You haven't."
"No, and I want to. But I'm scared. Could you call her over? Please, Bridgie!"
"Joyce, I will get her over here. You go take a nice, long, hot shower and relax. OK? Use some of my body scrub. GO!"
"All right, all right. Don't be so pushy," Joyce smiled for the first time in several hours.

"Hi, Joy, could you come over? Joyce needs help with engineering HW, and she could use a real person to talk to instead of a meteorology meathead like me. See you in a bit!"


"That's it," Nichole said to her audience of Sera and Caleigh. Jenny, Joy, and Janie had also listened.

"Nichole... I had no idea," Sera sat dumbfounded, "I never realized that that poor girl was you."
"You were there?!"
"Well, sort of. I heard the scream and ran toward it and missed class that day. Wasn't the first murder scene I'd seen."
"A lot of people did."
"Thank you for telling me your story. I feel like I really know you now... you're... blessed."
"My horrid adventures became blessings."
"It was a nightmare that turned into something amazing."
"Hold on. I'll be back," Nichole got up and left.
"Joyce needs HW help. I'll be gone a little while," Joy said and left.

In a minute, she came back out with just her underwear on; it was odd to see Nichole without a bandana let alone clothes. Suddenly the limp was extremely obvious. It was cold, but Nichole began explaining.

"Look at these... these here are knife slashes. That's my leg surgery. All of these are from Eric. But you know what I realized? All of these are physical destruction to my body, but my soul continues to grow and can be healed in ways the body cannot. It's because of girls like you all. It's the ultimate triumph to discover how much I am loved and how much my pain caused pain for others... How Jenny's heart bled every time I cut myself. The 24/7 vigil kept by my side while I recovered from the attack. Chris's love for me. It all made me a better person. I thank God every day that you all are in my life and that I am in yours. It is an honor to be the friend of every single one of you."

No one said a word.

"I love you all."
"The perfect way to say 'We love you too,'" Jenny began, "Is to kidnap you!"
"YES!" Nichole agreed.
"Take some rope!" Janie handed some to Jenny, Caleigh, Sera.

Before long, Nichole was bound at her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, wrists, elbows, waist, and breasts with rope. She was gagged with a knotted white handkerchief and a single wrapping of microfoam tape. So trussed up, she was now everyone's toy to share and share alike.


"Hey, Joy!" Bridget let Joy in.
"Where's Joyce?"
"Taking a shower."
"What? Why did you call me... you're holding rope."
"Oh, Joyce does need you, but let's play a game first!"
"Oh, you clown!" Joy felt her wrists get tied behind her.
"Business as usual!"

Joy got her elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs bound. Her brown skirt, purple t-shirt, and brown bandana headband made her a cute damsel.

"Lookie here! Hi, Joy!" Joyce came out.
"Oh, is this it? I'm your cuddle toy or something?"
"Well, no. More like... something came up tonight that I realized."
"What? We can chat."
"Joy... you remember what happened to me last year."
"How could I forget? You and Nichole both."
"More than that. Us, Joy."
"Oh, that," Joy squirmed.
"Joy, I'm sorry for how I misused you. I literally hurt you in my angst."
"Joyce, I know you didn't mean it."
"Joy, don't downplay it. I sexually assaulted you. You could have had me arrested."
"Don't talk like that."
"Do you forgive me?"
"Of course I do!"
"Thank you, Joy!"
"I'm sorry as well. I was handcuffing you at night because I was scared of you."
"I know that was the real reason by how you were acting then."
"You did?!"
"Of course I did!"
"I'm glad we're friends again."
"So am I."
"About this?"
"You're Bridge's captive, not mine."
"How about a nice gag?" Bridget approached.
"Yummy!" Joy got a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief for a gag,
"Night night!" Bridget added a pink bandana blindfold.
"Let's hogtie her!"
"Good idea!"
"Mmmmmm!" Joy got hogtied from ankles to wrists.


Just then Janie looked and had a thought.

"Poor Nichole, all tied up in her undies. Let's wrap her up in a nice warm blanket!"
"I like that thought!" Jenny agreed.
"Have fun, girls, I am leaving!" Sera got up.
"Mmmmmm!" Nichole shook her head.
"You want me to stay?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"I can spare you 30 minutes."

Soon, Nichole was being wrapped up in a sage green sheet. Once the roll was tight, they taped it shut at her ankles, waist, and chest. In an act of kindness, they left her head sticking out.

"Look at our friend, Nichole! What a sweetheart! We love you, girl!" Jenny said as she got her phone.
"Let me pose with Nichole!" Sera held the captive.
"There you go!"
"Thanks! You're so amazing!" Sera hugged her, "Now I leave, OK?"
"Mm hm!"


"Hi, girls!" Sera entered her own dorm, "Awww, look at Joy!"
"She needs company!" Bridget reasoned.
"Let's tie up our dear friend!"
"I agree!"
"Me too!" Joyce agreed.

So Joyce got tied like Joy: wrists, elbows, ankles, thighs, hogtie. Her own ball gag silenced her, and a black bandana blindfolded.

"Tonight, Bridgie, I learned just how lovable Nichole is."
"Well, tonight, Joy and Joyce learned just how lovable each other is. Last school year, their friendship took a big bit, and I am glad to see them be such good friends again."
"I'm just glad to be friends with any of you."
"Yes, Sera, you quickly became another part of the group for everyone to love."
"I love you all too!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 132: USA vs. Italy Again

It finally happened: a day where both Joyce and Sera decided to put on their Italian soccer shirts, blue jeans, and their Italian flag kerchief bandanas. Ironically, the same day, Janie decided to wearing her American flag bandanas, all three of them, as a headband and wristbands with her new American flag leggings and American flag t-shirt; her hair was in a braid held by red, white, and blue ponytails.

The leggings were the most satisfying as they were the first leggings she ever owned. Janie had worn jeans and spandex mostly ever since she started softball, with sweats added once she moved north. These, however, were her first leggings. For Janie, such little triumphs were massive.

Jenny felt unable to offer support either way. She was a proud American, but she also was getting into quite the distance relationship with Sera's brother, Giovanni. Thus, Jenny was wearing red sweatpants, a brown tank-top, and a pink camouflage bandana headband.

Nichole, Jenny's best friend and bunkmate, didn't care either. Thus, she was found in blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana.

Joy, on the other hand, did take sides. She had her own rarely worn American flag bandana, and today she decided to wear it with her red skirt and white t-shirt. Having arisen last and thus chosen her outfit last, Joy had declared war.

Nichole and Jenny knew they would be casualties from the second Joy and Janie sent the threatening video. They only knew because Joyce had posted a selfie on Instagram. So, they made a video and uploaded it to the private group.

"Look, Italian girls, we're challenging you to a...," Janie lost it.
"International friendly!"
"Yeah, that!"
"Come on over tonight and find out which flag is better!"
"Name the game, and we'll show you who's boss!"
"We can kick your @$$€$ any time!"
"Be here at 8!"

The dorm room made a perfect place for the fight to take place. Joyce and Sera chose Mario Kart as they knew the team dynamic would be extremely important. For Sera, it was difficult at first.

"We were a Playstation family. Emilio and Giovanni, you see."
"That's for sure! I believe it!" Joyce understood.
"You had?"
"None, but I played with my friends and niece."
"You Joy?"
"This is my home system!"
"Never mind! Janie?"
"Rich b¡+c#."
"Say what?"
"I love you!"

Jenny and Nichole just watched with slight interest. It wasn't the game that was interesting; it was the people. It seemed only a matter of time until somebody got a controller smashed over their head. Finally, Nichole had an idea.

"Let's go!"
"Come on over; we need you for fun!" Nichole sent Bridget.

In the bedroom, Nichole took out some rope and texted Bridget a picture of it.

"Let's tie up each other; when Bridget gets here she finished us off."
"Good plan!"

The two girls roped up their own ankles, knees, and thighs. Then they waited. The rope made a comfortable fit for them, and they chatted happily with each other only as sisters could.

"What are you doing?" asked Bridget as she walked in.
"Hogtie us!" Jenny said with a smile.
"You Gangsta Queen and her Princess... you're a wild pair!"
"Thanks! Would you please? We're bored!"
"OK! For overnight or just long-term?"
"Short-term," Jenny said.
"Over night!" Nichole decided for herself.
"Very well!"

Bridget bound both girls the same: elbows, wrists, waist, harness, and hogtie from ankles to harness. Jenny was gagged with a sock, a red bandana cleave gag, and 8 layers of clear. She also got a brown bandana blindfolded. Nichole got a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief and 8 layers of clear tape. Her blindfold was a black bandana.

"That's nice girls. I see the war going on out there. Maybe I can take advantage!"

Bridget knew that this game, like any other, would likely end in 3 girls tied and 1 girl. If she could influence the game so that Janie was among the tied, she was basically guaranteed to win as Joy and Joyce were helpless against her. Sera, too, would be simple enough to grab as she basically melted upon being grabbed.

"Come on, Janie. You're sucking at this! You can do it! Get 'em!" Bridget faked cheered.
"I'm trying!"

Bridget knew that Janie choked at games when people actively cheered her. So Bridget kept it up until Janie was defeated. Bridget then quietly went back to her captives to make sure they kept safe.

Janie got roped at her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch. She was gagged with Sera's black ball gag with blue straps and blindfolded by having her bandana headband slipped over her eyes and reknotted. A rope from ankles to harness hogtied her,

Now, Bridget just had to wait. This may have been the most clever subterfuge she had ever done in her life. She quietly planted that situation, and she knew in a matter of time she could walk out and kidnap whoever remained.

Sure enough, 30 minutes later, only Joyce remained. Sera was bound just like Janie, gagged with Joy's black ball gag with red straps, and blindfolded with a white handkerchief. Joy was bound the same but gagged with Joyce's forest green ball gag and blindfolded with a red bandana. Italy had won this round.

"Thank you for doing my bidding!" Bridget walked into the room.
"What do you mean?"
"You're all tied up!
"Mmm!l" Joyce got hand gagged.
"That's right. I knew Janie would choke if I cheered her on!"
"Hmph!" Joyce couldn't believe her foolishness.

Soon, Joyce was tied like the other three and gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief. She wasn't blindfolded, however, and was put with the others to struggle.

Photos and videos proved Bridget's triumph.

"This," Bridget laughed, "is a fun way to spend an evening with people you love!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 133: Pain

"Oh, man! I hate winter!" Nichole groaned as she limped while trying to put on a pair of navy blue sweatpants. She already had the navy blue sweatshirt and matching navy blue floral kerchief bandana. The limp, however, was too much. The pain was incredible.

"Jenny, help me!" Nichole groaned, but no response came, "F***ing cross-country!l
"Nichole, what's wrong?" Joy asked.
"My leg hurts so badly I can't even get dressed. Joy, could you help me?"
"Sure thing!"

Joy walked into the room while wearing a pink skirt, a purple long-sleeve t-shirt, and a pink kerchief bandana. She helped Nichole get dressed and then got Nichole's least favorite item: her crutches.

"This sucks Joy. Janie, Lauren, and Cay have Habitat for Humanity $#¡+ all day. Jenny won't be back until tonight. Bridge and Sera are in Madison and won't be back until tonight. It's just you, me, Joyce, and 6 inches of snow."
"Now, Nichole..."
"Spare me that! I feel like a car hit me!"
"I'm sorry, Joy. I'm cranky; I know."
"I have an idea. Are you feeling up to being tied up at all?"
"If you put me in something that doesn't strain me, yes."
"I have idea. Let's get you to the couch, and I will make breakfast!"
"Thank you Joy!"
"I'll make your favorite!"
"Chocolate chip pancakes! YAY!"

Joyce came over as well. She wore blue jeans and a turtle-neck sweater. She was more than happy to help improve the mood for Nichole. Her hands helped Joy in more then one way with it all.

The smell of chocolate chip pancakes soon filled the air, and Joy, Joyce, and Nichole enjoyed the taste even more. Nichole loved chocolate everything more than all the others minus Janie combined. Just as soon, the mess was cleaned.

"Joyce, I have to do this," Joy solemnly grabbed a rope.
"You mean you want to do this!" Joyce felt her wrists get tied behind her back.

Joyce got the works. Ropes bound her elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. Joy hopped her into the bedroom and hogtied her there. Then, Joy gagged her with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief and blindfolded her with another handkerchief.

"Nichole, ready?"
"Sure am!"

Joy gingerly duct taped Nichole's wrists behind and pinned her arms down above and below her breasts and at her waist. She taped from hips to knees and knees to socks, just stopping at the tops of her shows. She gagged Nichole with an orange rubber ball threaded with a black bandana and 6 layers of duct tape.

"Say cheese!"
"Sent it to Chris!"
"I asked him to come over as well!"
"Mmmmmm!" Nichole's eyes lit up.
"I knew that would make up happy!"

The sparkle in Nichole's eyes was absolutely breathtaking. Joy was so excited to see her friend be this happy about something. It was the first time Joy had ever interfered in a relationship, so she was excited to let Chris in.

"Thanks for preparing a little gift for me. Where is she?"
"On the sofa."
"Oh, sweetheart, look at you! You look so cute, innocent, many things."
"Breathtaking! I know you need some cheering up, honey."
"I can just..."
"I have use for you."
"Hey!" Joy was spun around and her wrists bound behind her.
"You practice on Nichole I see!"
"Oh, yes, plus I was an eagle scout!"
"I can tell that too!" Joy felt her elbows getting tied tightly and securely but not painfully so.
"She has taught me very well! However, nothing is more embarrassing than getting interrupted by the wife's friends."
"I wouldn't know."
"Don't take it personally. If Nichole's tied up, it's only fair you be as well!"
"I can go along with that!" Joy found a breast harness being added.

As Joy watched her breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs being tied, she observed one important fact: every knot was out of reach if possible. Her leg bonds, harness, and waist rope were all knotted in front of her. Chris carefully laid her on the floor and hogtied her from her ankles to her harness with a long rope and working it back and around her shoes, knotting on top of her shoelaces.

"You've gotten good at this!"
"Well, Nichole always say to make sure she can't escape easily. It doesn't take Google to figure this out!"
"You're a smart young man!"
"Maybe, but being a good friend to you is the least I can do for you. How would like to be gagged?"
"One of those orange scarf-balls and some tape will be fine."
"Very well!"
"Ohhmmmphhh!" Joy was surprised how good he was at tying the black bandana that was in the ball.
"And some tape!"
"MMMmmmmmm ...............," Joy got 6 wrappings. He was as mean as Janie!
"Can't have an easy escape!"
".....," Joy got a purple bandana blindfold.
"Just as you like it! I'm taking some snaps with Nichole's phone for you!"

All alone, Joy knew she was helpless. She had been tied up hundreds of times, but this time felt more like a bondage film than any other, particularly because it was the first time she had ever been tied up by a man. She was tied quite tightly, though, and decide to make the most of her imprisonment: she would try to get to Joyce and untie her!

In the living room, Chris picked up his wife and carried her into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He sat on the bottom bunk holding Nichole in his arms. Soon, the were lying on the bed side-by-side with Chris kissing her gagged lips and sumptuously massaging her breasts and petting her head. They may have vowed to be celibate until January, but they still could please each other.

On her part, Nichole enjoyed every second of it. She forgot her pain as she [pretended to] returned her husband's embrace and kisses. His contact made her feel warm inside, and she was extremely grateful to Joy for setting this up. She loved this man, and even her friends were happy to see the marriage flourish. Honestly, Nichole forgot she was tied up for moments.

Joy curled her body as best as she could and scrunched forward. She would caterpillar crawl to Joyce! Joy had done a similar challenge previously at the sorority house, but that was much further. The rough carpet was much easier than the sorority house linoleum though.

Joy inched and inched. She grunted quietly into her severe gag. The tight rope made her scrunches small, but she loved it. This may have been the best TUG experience of her life! It was a slow struggle, and she stopped for breaks and occasionally smacked objects, but she knew her home well. Heck, she occasionally stopped to pretend she was kidnapped and trying to escape being killed or otherwise harmed. Eventually, after about an hour, Joy was in the bedroom and could heard Joyce grunting.

By this time, Nichole and Chris were asleep with him holding her in his arms. The cold weather encouraged slumber even if it was near lunchtime. Never before had Nichole looked so peaceful.

"HM?" Joyce grunted, as she could make noise unlike Joy.
"MMMMMMMMM!" Joyce made noise so Joy could find her.

Unfortunately, in her horribly tight and efficient binding, Joyce couldn't help her one bit, but Joy could help her instead! They worked themselves together so that Joy's hands could reach Joyce's. Together, Joy was able to free Joyce's hands from that and the waist rope. Once Joy got Joyce's elbows freed, the rest was easy, and Joyce quickly had herself freed.

"MMM!" she groaned as she unwrapped the tape.
"MMMM!" the last wrap came off.
"UGH!" she unknotted the handkerchief, "Finally!"
"Thanks, Joy! Now I can do this!"
".....MM....H...........H!" Joy got tickled in her ribs.
"I know a guy... OK, I don't... I know of a guy who thinks you are just the sweetest and cutest thing ever."
"Let's undo this hogtie. Who did this? Chris or Nichole?"
"Was that 'Chris' you mewed?"
"...!" Joy nodded.
"There, that's better!"
"Want some big girl TUG play?"
"OK! I learned one lesson from hurting you before: always get permission first."

'Big girl' TUG play was something only Joy, Joyce, Janie, and Lauren did and only selectively. It meant putting Joy on her bed, pulling up her shirt and bra, and putting clothespins on her nipples. Joy shrieked into her gag as they were applied... she was both excited and hurting a bit as it had been a while since they did this particular act.

"Hi girls!" Janie walked in exhausted, "Is Nichole OK?"
"Yeah, she was in a lot of pain this morning so Joy tied her up and got Chris to come over."
"Is that a... big girl TUG?" Janie looked at Joy with curiosity.
"Yeah, it is!"
"Can I... play... this time?"
"Aren't you exhausted?"
"Well, yeah... I helped build a house all morning!"
"If you want it!"
"It's different! Then you can help me shower too!"
"Lock the door."

Janie was soaked with sweat. Her all bright gray school sweatpants and blue t-shirt were a charcoal gray and dark blue from the amount of sweat. Her hair was back in a blue ponytail and completely soaked. Janie had worked like an animal, and now she wanted to be punished like one too!

So, Janie took off her shirt and let Joyce bind her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. A sock, a gray bandana cleave gag, and a strip of microfoam tape gagged her, and a gray bandana blindfolded her. First, though, Joyce got on top of Janie and tickled her. At this point, Joyce could safely film Janie's torment.

Janie got even sweatier during her torture session as Joyce forced laughter out of her for 15 minutes straight. Janie was exhausted and panting and loving every minute of it. She wasn't telling a soul, but she was sexually aroused by such a predicament and wished she had a man to fully satisfy her at this moment. Then came the moment she wanted.

"Here it comes!"
"HMMM!" Janie got clothespins on her nipples.
"You really like this don't you?"
"Mmmmmm!" Janie moaned, exhausted with excitement.

Joyce then, while she still could, hopped Janie into the bathroom and shut the door. She then untied Joy and was shocked by how little Joy had for rope marks in spite of the helplessness she experienced. Joy pulled her shirt down and removed her gag. She had a wide smile on my face.

"That was so much fun! Being tied so tightly, finding you, helping you escape, getting captured and tortured by you."
"All right, Joy. I'm glad we both had so much fun. Let's go shower Janie."
"Just one thing."
"I can tell she's sexually turned on like no tomorrow."
"Don't worry about it, Joyce. I'll talk about it with her after."
"OK. She's growing up. Let's just do it then."
"I'm glad we can have fun like normal again. After the past year, I wasn't entirely sure I would ever be the same again."
"I'm glad we're friends. Let's help Janie."
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Post by Gemscot »

For someone who is not a professional writer your stories are really good. Don't be so hard on yourself. I am not a professional writer myself, it's just a bit of fun!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 134: Prankster

Roberto decided he wanted to pull a prank on Bridget and tie her up. He had no experience, but he done some minimal exploring and knew what he wanted to do to his girlfriend. He was going to get her into her friends apartment, then perform a "home invasion" where he would kidnap Bridget in a bedroom. Janie would then "escape" and save the day.

It was a cold Sunday after church. The girls hadn't changed out of their Sunday clothes except for Janie and Sera. Jenny had a brown skirt, pink long-sleeve t-shirt, and solid pink kerchief bandana, Joy wore a grey skirt, a blue shirt, and a grey bandana headband. And Nichole wore her navy blue skirt, a sea green long-sleeve t-shirt, and a navy blue kerchief bandana.

Janie and the guests had variety. Janie wore dark Athletics green sweats, a matching green t-shirt, and a green bandana headband with her braided hair held by a green ponytail. Sera had black sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana. Joyce was in blue jeans and a brown polo shirt. Lastly, Bridget was in a slate blue skirt with a pink-and-black flannel long-sleeve button-up shirt.

"You're always texting lately, Jenny," Nichole observed.
"Yeah, I am."
"We all know whoooo!" Sera teased.
"Yes, we all know who I text the most! Quit picking on me for it!"
"Jenny, you're always so cranky about it."
"I am because I am still embarrassed by how we met, and he likes to mention it."
"Not in a creepy way, I hope."
"No, he just will occasionally tease me by saying things like 'I should expect from the girl I met at a kidnapping.'"
"Oh, Gianni does that to everyone he likes. He still teases me over the time I accidentally tripped my elementary school principal."
"It makes me feel like he likes the thought of me tied up."
"He hasn't mentioned it to me at all, but he has told me tons of other things he likes about you!"
"He has?" Jenny blushed.
"I have never seen him so interested in a girl before."
"Well, that's... good."
"I'm sorry I snapped at you."
"Your brother is a cool guy, Sera."

Jenny was indeed texting Sera's brother, who was a cool guy. Fact though was that it was Roberto and not Giovanni. Roberto wanted to pull a scare joke on Bridget and Sera and needed Jenny and Janie to cooperate. In short, Roberto would enter the apartment as a bandit, force Janie to tie up everyone while he took Bridget hostage, and he would tie up Janie. Janie would escape and rescue Bridget from her captor. Problem was that Roberto only knew how to reach Jenny and Sera and wanted Sera to be one of the captives. Jenny fed this information to Janie (and somehow the others except Sera and Bridget) and gave Roberto the green light to proceed.

*knock knock*
"Who's that?" asked Nichole.
"Probably Lauren or Hannah," Joy said as she got up to answer the door.
"EEEK!" Joy shrieked as Roberto, in black sweats and a black ski mask entered the room.
"Everyone on the couch, throw your phones on the floor!" he shut the door; Roberto hid his voice well.

The girls did as he said, especially since he held an assault rifle. Then he pointed to Janie. He put their phones in a bag on the floor by the door.

"You, the strong one! Take that girl," he pointed at Sera, "Tie her up good and tight! No mercy!"
"Y-y-yes sir!"
"I know you have plenty of rope! I hacked this girl's computer before choosing here!" he motioned toward Joy.
"F***ing Windows!"

Janie tried to go easy, but this robber was a seasoned pro and kept telling Janie to be tighter and to add more ropes until Sera was tied at her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. He ordered Janie to gag her with a sock, a knotted white handkerchief, and 12 layers of duct tape. Every step he nagged Janie.

"Nice and cute like that!" he growled at Sera.
"You!" he pointed to Nichole, "You're next!"
"Damn it!"

Nichole was tied up not as severely or thoroughly because Roberto knew she'd been having a bad weekend. She was roped at her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts before being gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief.

"You next!" he motioned to Joy.

Joy got it a bit more thoroughly as she was tied up like Sera, but she got a crotch rope and her gag was her black ball gag with red straps.

"You, the short one! You look like trouble!" he hissed at Jenny.
"Don't you dare hurt me or my friends! I will kill you personally!"
"Tie that one up next!"

Jenny got the brutal treatment like Sera. Jenny, being much more flexible, could feel her elbows touching and the ropes digging. She also was ordered to receive a crotch rope under her skirt. Ordinarily, she liked this, but this was scary! Even her feet were tied together; she got it worst of all! Her gag was nasty too: a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief, a brown bandana cleave gag, 3 layers of microfoam tape, a handkerchief OTM gag, 10 layers of duct tape, and a second white handkerchief OTM gag.

Bridget watched in horror as her friends Joy, Jenny, Nichole, and Sera got tortured. Then Joyce was taken and treated just like Joy and gagged with her own forest green ball gag. Then came the most horrid thing ever to Bridget.

"You two! Lead these girls into that bedroom!" he ordered.

There, he ordered the girls to be hogtied and then blindfolded with red bandanas, which were in excess anyway. He then looked at Bridget.

"You're a pretty thing! We'll have fun! You, big one! On the ground! Gag yourself!" he handed Sera's ball gag to her.
"Yes, sir!" Janie complied.
"Tie your legs good!" he ordered.

Janie tied her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. She blindfolded herself with a red bandana and laid on her stomach. Roberto made her handcuff herself and then ordered Bridget out. As Roberto left, he tossed the keys to Janie and shut the door.

"What are you doing?!" Bridget was terrified and crying.
"Right now, I want you! Get in that bedroom!" he ordered her.
"Yes, s-s-sir!"
"Take off your shirt."
"Do it or I put a bullet in your friend's head!"
"Yes sir!"
"Now take off your skirt!"
"Please, don't make me."
"DO IT."
"OK...," Bridget was now in just her blue and black underwear and sports bra.
"Your socks and shoes too!

Bridget wept as she sat in Jenny's chair and got her wrists tied behind her. He fastened her ankles and knees on either side of the chair and wrapped ropes above and below her breasts. He silenced her sounds with her own socks and 8 layers of duct tape. The socks tasted gross to her.

Meanwhile, Janie effected her great "escape" and untied her legs. She removed the gag and then secretly filmed and photographed her other bound friends. Next was to "rescue" Bridget.

"You're a lovely young thing," Roberto threw the gun on the bed.
"MMMM!" Bridget cried as he played with her breasts a little, but mostly he pet her head.
"I might keep you, but I can't bring myself to hurt you."
"EKKKKKKE!!!" she wailed into the thick gag.




Roberto enjoyed the moment of seeing Bridget so helpless. It was actually, he thought, more fun to see her just playing with her friends. In this context, he felt a bit creepy and wished perhaps she had been the one who knew instead of the others. He pet her hair in a fair concerned way.

"You son of a b***#!" Janie burst into the room.
"You monster!" Roberto grabbed the gun, "Stay back, or I will shoot you!"
"Try me, pig!"
"Take this!" he fired.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bridget made a muffled scream.
"A... painted nerf gun! You're doomed for sure!"
"DAMN!" Roberto was grabbed and, with ropes, bound at his wrists.
"Now to find out who you are!" Janie pulled the mask off, "Roberto?!"
"Ah ha ha! You were perfect!" he said as she untied him.
"MMMMMMMMM!" Bridget tearfully screamed into her gag.
"Brigida, you were so cute!"
"Nuh huh huh!" Bridget didn't care. She was completely upset and confused.
"Oh, Bridget, I didn't mean to scare you so much!" he started untying her, and Janie helped as well.
"Bridget, it was just a big prank!" Janie tried to explain.
"Please!" his poor roping easily came off her.
"UGH!" Bridget cut the tape off using Jenny's scissors and spat out the socks, "Go away!" she ran out of the room.
"Oh, Janie, I f***ed up good."
"She needs time."

Roberto stood in silence while Janie went out to try to talk to Bridget However, Bridget shut herself in the bathroom and just cried and cried and cried.

A special thanks to our legendary Jason Toddman for making the amazing images seen in this story. He did such an amazing job, and I am quite grateful to him for doing this. The full gallery can be seen here: ... 0087619780
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Post by hafnermg »

The power of love is truly amazing. I'm glad Nicole had everyone in her time of need. Sadly college's and universities do try to protect star athletes like that. Keep up the great work!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

hafnermg wrote: 2 years ago The power of love is truly amazing. I'm glad Nicole had everyone in her time of need. Sadly college's and universities do try to protect star athletes like that. Keep up the great work!
It is true, hence why I selected the respective perpetrators for Nichole and Joyce, because the corruption runs deep. It was a real issue even at my D-II school.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 135: The Loving Red Bandana Gang

Bridget refused to talk to anybody. She was in the bathroom and wouldn't come out for nearly three hours when she asked Sera to get her clothes for her. By that time, all of her friends had been released from their extreme ties. She then got dressed again and stormed out of the apartment.

She had never been so humiliated. Tied up, gagged with her own disgusting socks, and worst of all stripped. Bridget couldn't believe that her friends had let this happen to her. She was completely inconsolable. The rest of the day, she refused to talk to Joyce or Sera even though Sera was as clueless about Roberto's prank as she was.

The next day, the only communication Bridget had with any of her friends was two middle fingers to Joyce and Sera as she walked out of the dorm to go to practice. The rest of the day she avoided everyone, and she would have turned off her phone if it weren't for rowing. After 11PM, she finally returned to the dorm and went to sleep without acknowledging anyone. Sera and Joyce could tell her eyes were severely bloodshot, which meant she had been crying constantly all day long.

Bridget wasn't hurt so much by Roberto's desire to do something funny as she was by what he did. She was especially hurt that her friends thought it would be funny and allowed her and Sera to be terrified. Bridget at least had gotten a genuine apology from Roberto, and he even sent her flowers with a touching card. But she still wasn't actively texting him.

How anyone could find it funny to terrify a girl, strip her, tie her up, and fondle her was beyond her. She saw no humor and only pain in it. She had been that kind of monster before, and it had ended in her being cut up with an Xacto knife. Roberto could see that as funny to do with Sera, but her friends should have known better than to go along with it.

To make it worse, Bridget woke up at 3AM to another one of Joyce's night terrors. This time though Bridget responded in a different and callous way.

"Get off me!"
"Cut the $#¡+, Joyce!"
"Oh, my God, Bridgie, why?! They're always so real!" Joyce said as she sat up.
"You f***ing ruined my sleep!" Bridget grabbed rope and tied Joyce's wrists to her bed's headboard.
"Bridget, stop it! No!"
"Shut up, b¡+c#!" Bridget jammed a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief in Joyce's mouth.

Bridget then ran ropes from Joyce's ankles to the footboards. For measure, she wrapped Joyce's mouth in 8 layers of duct tape. Bridget then turned the light off and went back to bed, but first she threatened Sera.

"No $#¡+ out of you, or I will do worse!"

Sera could tell in the glimmer of the nightlight that tears ran down Joyce's cheeks. She couldn't stand by and say nothing.

"Bridget, no. This must stop."
"I warned you to be quiet!" Bridget, in her anger, easily overpowered Sera and tied her the same way.
"Bridgie! I love you! Please stop!"
"Shut it!"
"Mmmm!" she got a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana and 10 layers of tape.

Bridget tied her legs to the footboard and blindfolded Sera with a black bandana. The next morning. Bridget left without freeing either girl. She ignored every one of her friends, and lied to her coach saying Sera had a terrible migraine. Worse, this caused Sera and Joyce to miss their classes (they're in the same major as Joy and Jenny) because of Bridget's actions, and Bridget unsurprisingly was greeted by Jenny, Joy, and Janie when, out of guilt, she finally returned at 3PM.

"Bridget, what did you do?"
"Go f*** yourselves!" Bridget walked into the dorm but was stopped from shutting it on Janie.
"No way, Bridger!" Janie burst in.
"Oh... my... God! Bridget, you monster!" Joy was horrified.
"Oh, it smells awful in here. How long have they been here?"
"Since 3AM..."
"You could have killed Joyce! Her diabetes!" Jenny was mortified.
"Mmmm...," Sera and Joyce weakly moaned.
"Bridget!" Janie grabbed Bridget's arm, "What have you done?!"
"I don't know," Bridget started crying, "I'm such a horrible person!"
"Bridget... no you're not."
"Get out of my way!"

Bridget grabbed a knife and, to everyone's shock, cut the ropes binding Joyce and Sera before Joy and Jenny could untie them. It was so unexpected no one thought to stop her. No one had ever dared cut their own rope, and she cut off the tape that was wrapped around their faces. Bridget then closed the knife, put it down on her desk, sat down on the floor, and buried her head between her legs. She was audibly crying.

"Do whatever you want to me," she said between sobs.
"Bridget, let's go to my place," Joy put an arm around her, "Joyce?"
"I want to help you Bridge," Joyce said as she fought her own tears never mind she had cried all day.
"I just hurt you worse than any one before."
"Bridge, I am hungry, tired, and scared. Look, even in your anger you didn't hurt me."
"Oh, boy, so I tied you up well. Whoopee!"
"OK, I peed myself because I haven't had a bathroom in over 12 hours."
"Oh, stop it!"
"Bridget, I love you enough that I asked you to be my roommate this year! Think about that. I could have asked anyone, but I asked you and Sera!"
"Joyce, Sera... I am so sorry; I don't deserve to be your friend."
"I want to help you... just like you helped me last week. Bridgie, PLEASE!"
"You may help me."
"Bridget, come on," Joy said, "Being here will only make things worse."
"I'll shower and come join you. I am so screwed up from not getting my insulin shot."
"Joyce, I could have killed you, my best friend."
"Let's go, Bridge," Joy led her out.

Joyce went to take a shower and rinse her clothes. Sera needed to do the same although she hadn't soiled herself, but instead just stayed on her bed. It was only after a couple of minutes that Jenny and Janie noticed that Sera was wide-eyed and shaking. She was cowered under her bed sheet.

"Are you all right?" Jenny asked her.
"What's wrong, Sera?"
"She... she hurt me."'
"She hurt me."
"Your face looks fine although it's red from the tape.
"She didn't hurt Joyce, but she hurt me," Sera showed her cut wrists.
"She said if I tried to help Joyce that she'd do worse to me."
"Sera, were you struggling a lot? Those aren't from being tied too tightly."
"What do you mean? Of course I freaked out when I realized she was abandoning us there."
"Bridget didn't do that."
"What's happening to Bridget?"
"Sera, come here," Janie sat with her, "This happens every time she's severely distressed."
"Janie," it was Sera's turn to cry, "I love her and want to help her."
"That's the spirit! We will help her. Bridget does not handle these things well at all."
"Sera, after her mother died, she got so unstable she broke my ribs," Jenny explained.
"She can be such a sweet girl. What happened to her?"
"She never really had a mother... and she doesn't know how to control her emotions."
"What about her siblings?"
"Bridget has never learned to express her feelings. Instead she lets them build up and bursts."

And so the three biggest hearts put themselves together. Bridget was distraught over what had happened and was taking it out on other people. It was time for the Red Bandana Gang to once again mend a broken heart and fix Bridget and Roberto's relationship.


That night, Bridget slept tied up in Janie's bed at her own request. She didn't feel that she could trust herself, and after refusals from Joyce and Sera to bind her it was decided to rearrange for the night. Sera, Jenny, and Janie stayed in the dorm, and Bridget was tied up in Janie's bed, spreadeagle, gagged as brutally as she had gagged Sera.

For Bridget, this was more than self-punishment. It was her way of understanding Sera's pain. Guilt wracked Bridget when she learned Sera had been hurt by the rope. Bridget analyzed every aspect of the tie, and at the end she knew that it wasn't her ropework that had done but the horrible situation into which she had forced Sera. That moment was when she realized.

Sera had done nothing wrong; Sera loved her; she loved Sera; and she loved Roberto and her TUG friends too; and they all loved her.


The next day saw the Red Bandana Gang back at it. The three girls were all dressed the same: red sweatpants, t-shirts, and bandana headbands. Janie and Jenny had their hair braided and held by a red ponytail. Janie and Sera had red bandana wristbands, and Janie had socks and sneakers.

"Can we do this?" Sera questioned fearfully.
"We can do it!" Janie reassured.
"Let's do it!" Jenny said as they all bumped fists.

First order of business was getting Roberto involved as he was an important part of it. As awkward as it sounded, Jenny and Sera were going to tie him up. In their circles, Jenny, Joy, Sera, Joyce, and Nichole had never really tied up a boy before. Roberto agreed to do anything to help Bridget.

First order of business was easy: take advantage of Bridget's evening classes to tie up as many people as possible. Then, they would specifically pick on Roberto when Bridget returned. Hitch was that only Roberto knew the details; Joy, Joyce, and Nichole only knew to play along.

Joy had a brown skirt, pink blouse, and brown kerchief bandana. Nichole wore pale blue sweatpants, a navy blue sweatshirt, and a pale blue kerchief bandana. Joyce had blue jeans and a black polo shirt. Roberto put on navy blue sweatpants and a white long-sleeve school t-shirt. Lastly, Bridget had blue jeans and a the same pink-and-black button-up long-sleeve flannel shirt.

The red bandana gang moved into the apartment and attacked swiftly, kidnapping all 3 girls: Jenny nabbed Joyce, Janie got Nichole; Sera got Joy. They each took the girl they figured they tied least often. Once that was done, films, photos, and selfies announced that the Red Bandana Gang was there.

Each girl was tied the same: elbows, wrists, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, thighs, hogtie. They were gagged with blue rubber balls threaded with handkerchiefs and a strip of microfoam tape. Then came the next step.

"Hi, Roberto!" Sera hugged her brother.
"My sister Sera!" he picked her up off the ground and hugged her back, and they cheek kissed.
"You kiss your sister?" Janie asked.
"I'd kiss you too in Italy!"
"Try me!"
"Sure!" and they did, although Janie didn't do it quite right, she did pick him up like he had picked up Sera.
"Ha! Gotcha! I could get used to that."
"Jenny has to get used to that if she's going to keep toying with Gianni!" Sera giggled.
"HA! I guess so."
"So, what is the plan really?"
"We tie you up, basically, and maybe Sera picks on you," Janie explained.
"Jenny and I tease you while tied up; Brigida sees you and gets jealous and ties us up so she can be the one picking on you."
"It'll work?"
"I've known Bridget since freshman year. It will work; I promise," Jenny was unusually confident.
"I dressed like you said to be sure! Treat me like you would Sera!"

Roberto had put on padded clothing for this and laid down on the floor. He felt the rope bind his wrists, elbows, chest, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Roberto commented how impressed he was, and Janie explained that she had a brother who she ties up a lot. Then Roberto was gagged with an orange rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and a a handkerchief OTM gag.

"MMM!" he grunted.
"It's a lot, I know. But I went really gentle to be fair. You don't have to worry about rope marks lasting a while."
"Good job, Janie! Brigida should be here soon! Like, within 5 minutes."
"OK. Get going you two while I tease the others."

Janie was tickling Joy, Nichole, and Joyce, and Sera and Jenny were teasing Roberto when Bridget walked into the apartment. She stopped, saw Sera there, and almost walked out.

"Brigida come on in!"
"I can't face you so soon!"
"Yes, you can!" Sera took her by the arm and shut the door, "Look!"
"Yeah, I've been tickling him and everything!"
"Sera! You can't!"
"He's my brother!"
"Yeah, well he's my boyfriend! Maybe I want him all to myself!"
"You will have to tie me up, girlie!"
"Is that so?" Bridget had forgotten about the past 4 days and smiled at Sera. She giggled a little.
"Well?" Sera grinned back at her as she crouched tickled Roberto's now bare feet.
"I will!"
"Atta girl!"

Sera, the Red Bandana Gangster, soon found herself in trouble as Bridget used the wire on her. The wire tightly but lovingly bound her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and feet. Sera's own ball gag and strips of red tape gagged her.

"Oh, my God, what have I done? I did it! I didn't hurt her! I wasn't angry, but laughing!"
"You forgot something!" Jenny was still torturing the howling Roberto.
"I have to remove you as well!"

Jenny got the exact same treatment as Sera did with her own wire binding her the exact same way. It used every piece she had. Jenny got gagged with Joy's ball gag and strips of red tape.

"Take that, Red Bandana Gang. No one torments my Roberto without inviting me to the party first."
"MMMM!" Jenny and Sera grinned under their gags.
"You did well," Janie put a hand on Bridget's shoulder, "I'm proud of you."
"Was this your idea?"
"Mine and Jenny's!"
"You girls love me so much!" Bridget jumped into Janie's arms.
"We love you too, Bridget. From now on, don't be afraid to tell us exactly when something bothers you."
"I'll try! I really will because I never want to hurt anyone ever again!"
"You're a good person, Bridger."
"Now, may I... Roberto?"
"MMM!" he nodded.
"Oh, this will be so much fun!" Bridget sat on the sofa with him and hugged him tightly.

Bridget felt it was a bit wrong for him to be the tied one, but she still cuddled him and kissed him. She couldn't believe how quickly she was growing in love for this young man. She had a boyfriend and many friends who loved her beyond her own ability to believe!
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gemscot »

You protest too much, Alex!

Your stories are really great!

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Gemscot wrote: 2 years ago You protest too much, Alex!

Your stories are really great!

You're too kind, Gemma :D
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 136: A Brand New Game

"OK, I'm all set!" Bridget announced as she still held Roberto.
"OK!" Janie said from her bedroom with the door shut.
"Now, who is this?"
"MMM HM HM HM!" moaned Joyce as Bridget tickled her.
"That sounds to me like... Joy?"
"Try again!"
"Oh, that's Joyce!"

This was a brand new game that Bridget had made up on the fly. Janie was shut in her room and had to guess which person was being tickled by Bridget based on the sound of their gagged grunts and voice. It was wholly originally, she imagined.

"Mmmmm!" Jenny squealed.
"Oh, that's Jenn!"
"Right again! One more!"
"Mmmm hm hm hm hm hmmmmm!" Nichole grunted.
"That voice is deeper. Is it Nichole?"
"You're lucky I didn't use Roberto!"
"You're really in love with him!"
"I sure am and am not ashamed of it!"

Yes, Bridget was absolutely losing it. In just three weeks she had gone from embarrassed at thinking he's cute to being more infatuated with him than all her past boyfriends combined. This one was different for some reason.

Before long, she had untied Roberto, and the two of them cuddled on the sofa while Janie tormented all the others except Sera, who was on the other side of Roberto but still tied and gagged. Roberto had a big smile on his face and gave each girl a kiss on the forehead.

"Two of the loves of my life right here!" he said.
"You three are so cute, especially with Sera all tied up like that."

Sera was still tied up in the wire and in her all red outfit: sweatpants, t-shirt, kerchief bandana, and bandana wristbands. She even had red tape over her mouth. Sera thought she could stay like this for days as this comfortable and fun as opposed to the previous day's literal torture. In fact, she did stay that way as Roberto fell asleep holding her, as did Bridget.

"Oh, my goodness," Janie mouthed as she quietly photographed the trio.
"Let me help!"
"Mm!" Sera got a red bandana blindfold.

With this, Janie quietly released the others except Jenny, who she felt was too cute all wired up like that. Nichole quietly made her way into the shower; Joy made her way to bed; and Joyce made her way home. This left Janie staring at the three sleepers and Jenny.

Jenny and Janie weren't exactly a couple, but Janie enjoyed having a friend to cuddle on a cold night. Even as Jenny struggled and groaned, Janie fell asleep. And Janie is a heavy sleeper.

Jenny squirmed and squealed helplessly into her gag, but it was no use. She was Janie's cuddle toy until morning. But, it felt good to be wanted. On such a happy thought, Jenny fell asleep.

Sera couldn't sleep even with the blindfold. She just wasn't comfortable, but eventually she woke up Roberto, who shifted Bridget into a more comfortable position. He carried Sera into the bedroom and out her on Jenny's bed and quietly left. Sleep quickly overtook Sera now, wire and all.

It was a most peaceful sleep fueled by love.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 137: Double-Crossing the Blue Bandana Gang

The next morning, Joy and Janie released Sera and Jenny, respectively. Jenny's moans had caused both to wake up. Jenny and Sera both were so ecstatic that the plan had worked, and Sera squealed when she saw the photo of her, Roberto, and Bridget.

Then came the blue bandana gang. Or so Jenny expected and tipped off everyone to make their own plans,

Lauren knew hers would work! Once Jenny texted her that the blue bandana gang was on the prowl, Lauren made sure that she was ready. Even on a Thursday in November, Lauren was ready to tie and be tied. Oh, how she would get Janie! Today, Lauren wore blue jeans, a bright blue and black plaid flannel long-sleeve button-up shirt, and a bright blue bandana headband with hair in braid held by a black ponytail.

The blue bandana gang consisted of Janie, Joy, and Hannah. Joy had her blue skirt, a black t-shirt, and a blue kerchief bandana. Janie had blue jeans, a blue and white plaid long-sleeve button-up t-shirt, a blue kerchief bandana, and a blue ponytail holding her hair in a braid. Hannah wore blue leggings, a pink long-sleeve t-shirt, a blue bandana headband, and a blue ponytail holding her hair in a braid.

"It's the usual easy plan. Get Jenny and Nichole ASAP. Then, get whoever wishes to interfere."
"And I'll visit my sister and her roommate," Janie smiled.
"And Joy needs my help to ensure we're not overpowered too easily."


Janie walked into Lauren's house in a sneaking fashion. Sure enough, Zack had left the door unlocked for her. She tiptoed into Caleigh's room and found her first victim sitting on the floor in black leggings and an orange t-shirt.

"Hi, friend."
"Oh, hi... Janie... you have a lot of rope there..."
"I sure do."
"Want to tie me to my bed?"
"Is that what you want?"

Caleigh got tied spreadeagle on her bed quite simply and was gagged with a knotted handkerchief and a strip of microfoam tape. It took little rope to leave her helpless.

Now it was time to get Lauren, who was surely in here. She was here when Janie arrived. Maybe she heard Janie and Caleigh?

"WHMMMMOAHAPPPPPHH!" Janie fought like it was a kidnapper grabbing her.
"Stop it, sis!"
"Mmmmmmmmm!" she got tackled against the bed and felt her wrists tied with her own red rope behind her as her face was shoved against the pillows.
"Be good, Janie!"
"Shut up!" Lauren jammed a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana in Janie's mouth.
"Stop fighting!" Lauren grabbed her duct tape.
"Mmm!" Janie got 8 frightfully tight layers of it.

Then Lauren bound Janie's ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs with and began unbuttoning Janie's shirt.

"Be a good girl!"
"Eeeerrmmmm! Rrrrr! Aaahhhhh!" Janie yelled in horror as Lauren pulled off her shirt and revealed her red sports bra.
"Nice boobies there!" Lauren jokingly played with them.
"Let's make them nice and perky!" Lauren put a breast harness on Janie's bare chest, but she didn't pin her arms with it.

Janie was clueless but knew Lauren wouldn't hurt her! Lauren pulled Janie's shirt down to her elbows, roped her elbows, and pulled it off. She then took off her own shirt and put on Janie's. She put her shirt onto Janie's arms, tied her wrists, untied her elbows, put the shirt on, buttoned it, bound Janie's elbows, and then secured the shirt in place to be sure their clothes hadn't changed from before,

"Hrm! Irrrrrrrrrrr! Uh huh huh huh!" Janie squealed as her Gang went up in smoke.
"I'm glad our arms are the same length!"
"Thanks, sis!"

Lauren then exchanged her headband with Janie's kerchief and traded ponytails and adjusted them before blindfolding Janie with a blue bandana and adding a breast harness and waist/crotch rope. It was a perfect swap.

"Let's go, Lauren!" Lauren cackled.

Janie couldn't help but be proud of Lauren for outsmarting all of them. It felt weird having rope under her shirt for sure, but she liked it. She was loaded into the Jeep for the short ride back to the apartment.


"Hi, Jenny!" Joy and Hannah stuck their head into Jenny's bedroom.
"I've been waiting!" Jenny smiled.

Jenny was ready in her brown sweatpants, pink t-shirt, and camouflage bandana headband. Nichole wore blue jeans, a tie-dye t-shirt, and a tie-dye kerchief bandana. But, where was Nichole?

"Um, where's Nichole?" Hannah asked.
"She's in here!"
"In here!"
"She's in the armoire," Joy instinctively opened the door.
"MM!" greeted Nichole with puppy eyes.

Nichole was roped at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs. More ran from ankles to wrists and knees to chest to ball tie her. She was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana. Her eyes were wide and called for sympathy.

"It's an act," Hannah said.

She blindfolded Nichole with a black bandana and then wrapped her face in 8 layers of blue duct tape. Joy put a hand over Jenny's mouth and pinned her to the chair. Jenny grunted and squirmed, but she was too small to fight it.

Jenny was bound to the chair: her wrist and elbows to the arms, her ankles and knees to the chair legs. A waist rope and breast harness pinned her down effectively. She was gagged with a a sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and strips of blue duct tape. They blindfolded Jenny with a green bandana and posed for selfies with her and Nichole, who they moved onto the bed. Videos and photos further proved their captured.

"Good news. Bridget can come, but Joyce and Sera are finally doing the assignment Jenny and I finished yesterday."
"Well, Joy, is one is better than none."
"Hey, girls!" Lauren came in, "I had to borrow the Jeep to get her back here!"
"Nice work, Janie! Bridge is coming over!"
"Here she is in fact!"
"I'm not going down without a fight gangster girls!"

Bridget tried her best to take down either Joy or Hannah, but she soon found her wrists tied behind her back. Joy had so much fun tying Bridget, who wore blue jeans and a black blouse, down to Nichole's chair like Jenny was tied that she didn't notice Hannah was missing. She was gagged with a a sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and strips of blue duct tape. Joy blindfolded Jenny with a black bandana and posed for selfies with her and then took film and videos.

"Hannah, where are you?" Joy walked out, "Hannah?"
"Mmmmm!" Hannah moaned.

She was rope at her wrists, elbows, ankles, thighs, and breasts and was hogtied from ankles to wrists. A blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief gagged her.

"Janie, why did you do this?"
"Because, Joy, I'm not Janie!"
"What did you do, Lauren?!"
"I grabbed Janie, kidnapped her, and traded outfits. It's hopeless, Joy!"
"Mmmmm!" Joy was grabbed by Lauren.

Soon, Joy was tied and gagged just like Hannah, but was on the floor and Hannah was on the sofa. The Blue Bandana Gang had been defeated by the most clever plot any of them had witnessed.

"I wouldn't have done it if I didn't love you!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 138: Gang Wars

The next day, two of the "bandana gangs" came to clash right in Joy's apartment! The Navy Blue and Purple Bandana Gangs were in action at the same time, and it would come down to a word game to decide who won.

Nichole and Sera both happened to wear their navy blue sweatpants, white and navy blue school t-shirts, and navy blue kerchief bandanas. They met in their programming class and talked and decided that the Navy Blue Bandana Gang would hit, but only in Sera's dorm. Their plans failed immediately as they learned Joyce and Bridget weren't going back to the dorm first.

In another corner, Joy and Jenny each happened to be wearing brown bandana headbands. Joy had one with her brown skirt and pink t-shirt, and Jenny with her pink sweatpants and brown t-shirt. Both girls had their hair held in a pink ponytail. It was a rare time they matched even though they both alone wore brown or pink bandanas.

It was extremely cold outside, and Jenny was thrilled to not be part of her cross-country team's traveling party this weekend. She could stay indoors all night without any worries and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. And don't forget the marshmallows.

Next thing she knew, it was 4 cups of hot chocolate and 3 cups of tea being drunk as she, Nichole, Joy, Janie, Joyce, Sera, and Caleigh were all in the apartment together. Bridget was out on a date with Roberto, and the rest all knew that more bodies in the apartment meant more heat.

"Girls, let's be honest. The blue and brown gangs are not a secret," Janie said flatly.
"OK, we know this," Jenny laughed.
"You solve it yourselves and don't involve us non-gangsters unless we give permission."
"Why not?"
"I am making some special goodies I learned from my sister."
"Oh, I know them!" Joyce said happily.
"Don't spoil the surprise. Nichole, want to help me?"
"We're off limits, or no goodies! Got it?"
"Yes, master," Sera shrugged.

Janie was wearing black sweatpants and a white and black t-shirt and had her braid held by a white ponytail. Both put handkerchief kerchiefs over their hair for baking, as only these two did.

"Janie, these aren't pot brownies are they?" Nichole whispered.
"What? NO! I just add white chocolate chips to them!"
"That's the amazing thing you love so much?"
"Yes, except Lauren makes them from scratch most of the time."
"And this is Duncan Hines."
"Yeah, so what. It's the only way Janie Patterson can bake! Yet."
"Fair enough. I had to cook when I was little."
"Parents weren't home?"
"No, I might starve to death."
"That is so twisted it isn't funny."
"Why did you tell the gangs to go battle elsewhere and then ask me to help you bake?"
"Force of habit. Spoil the secret, and I will strip you and put clothespins on your nipples."
"Warning heeded."

Nichole left and was immediately replaced by the eager Caleigh, who was wearing blue leggings and a pink t-shirt. Janie explained it all, with the same threats, to Caleigh.

"How shall we settle this?" Joy asked.
"We usually game it?" Jenny added.
"We can," Sera agreed.
"What game?" Nichole continued the questions.
"I know the game! I left it here with Janie!" Joyce jumped up.

Joyce wore blue jeans and a white polo shirt. She rummaged through the closet and found it: Boggle. The box was old and worn, to the extent that it was bare in places.

"This," her voice trembled, "was the board game I ever played with my parents."
"Aw, Joyce," Jenny, the empath, felt Joyce's emotions.
"I have only played it once since then, with Janie and co down in Florida."
"I like the idea," Joy said quietly.
"I...," Joyce stopped and fought back tears, "want to continue the good memories."
"Let's play it then!"
"Yeah!" Nichole agreed.
"You girls sure?" Joyce asked having regained her composure fully.
"Joyce, I am willing to try this," Sera encouraged her.
"I had that game but never played it after Ken went to college," Caleigh added.
"Let's go!" Jenny pushed Joyce.
"I'm going to kick your gangster @$$€$."
"Fighting words, Joyce!" Joy laughed.
"After the first 6 rounds, last gangster is tied. After every 3 rounds, last place gangster gets tied up. We'll see who is queen after 12."
"12?" Sera asked.
"I'm playing too."

"Those smell good, Janie!" Caleigh said with a big smile as they casually, but on terms of immunity, partook in the game, albeit with a limited view. It was the five players at the table and Janie and Caleigh casually participating at the counter. The latter two watched with amazement as Joyce demolished her opposition.

Soon, the scene had changed. The brownies were out of the oven and cooling and ready to eat, but the game was the same demolition. The other thing that had changed was that Jenny was tied to a desk chair.

White tape bound Jenny's legs from knees to ankles to the legs of the chair. The same tape held her arms to the arms of the chair from wrists to elbows. A belt pinned her waist to the chair, and a rope harness held her chest down. She was gagged with a sock, a navy blue bandana cleave gag, and 6 layers of white tape. She had been fed a brownie before being gagged.

"These are sooo good Janie!" Joy said.
"Delicious!" Sera added.
"YUM!" Joyce smiled knowing the treat well.
"EPIC!" Caleigh grinned.
"My sis has the best ideas for sure!"
"Bad news, Sera."
"My English sucks!"

Sera was tied in one of the table chairs, which had no arms. Nevertheless, her legs were duct taped like Jenny's, and she was gagged similarly but with a brown bandana cleave gag. Instead, her arms were taped to the side of the chair, which meant from wrists almost to her shoulders. A waist rope and breast harness pinned her further.

"This game is hard!" Nichole was stunned.
"I don't even have any points!" Caleigh shook her head.
"You're too busy drawing the captives!" Janie pushed her.
"Almost like I'm not playing or something!"
"It's time, Joy!" Nicole grinned.
"Brown Bandana Gang loses!" Joy said and then groaned.

Joy was instead tied up on the sofa. Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, ankles, thighs, and breasts. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows and gagged with a sock, and navy blue bandana cleave gag, and 6 layers of white tape. Now it was down to just Nichole, Janie, and Joyce.

"We'll see who's left at the end!" Janie grinned at Joyce and Nichole.

Three stressful rounds went by slowly. Jenny, Sera, and Joy made the occasional gagged squeak, and Caleigh calmly worked on her art as words were written and scratched and points were tallied. Soon, it was time to crown a winner.

"I got 18 points total."
"Holy cow that was best of the gangsters?!" Joyce was stunned.
"What did you get?!"
"I got 40!" Janie shouted.
"Oh, what the heck! I got killed!"

Nichole got tied up exactly like Sera was. Not only this, but their chairs were set next to each other and, after some effort, Nichole's right arm and leg were duct taped to Sera's left. Both gangs were defeated.

"Look at how cute!" Joyce took selfies with all four girls.
"Joyce, you forgot someone!" Caleigh pointed.
"Oh, what shall I do with you, my tall little sister?"
"I know what I'd like!"

Janie was stood against the foot of her bunk bed. Her ankles were tied to the legs of the bed, and her wrists, elbows, and shoulders were fastened in 'v' shapes to the footboard of the top bunk. She was simply gagged with a knotted red bandana cleave gag and a strip of microfoam tape. It was Janie pure and simple, and Joyce happily took a selfie with her as well.

Slowly but surely the the wounds of the trauma of losing her parents were closing for Joyce. The scars and pain would forever remain, but she knew she still had family beyond her immediate family. She had this amazing group of friends whom she just adored! What a wonderful way to keep entertained on a cold Friday night!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 139: Standing Tall

"Get over here!" Bridget ordered.
"MMMM!" Sera grunted in reply.
"About time you got it instead of me!"

Sera was in just her black underwear and bra. Ropes bound her ankles, thighs, and wrists, and her wrists were being tied to the shower pipe above her head... well, they were tied, and the excess of the rope was secured to the pipe. Her own black ball gag with blue straps gagged her.

"Now, are we ready?" Bridget grinned.
"Mmm hmm!"

And so it was that Sera got a TUG shower from Bridget, a frequent thing they did especially on days like this Saturday, where they had returned from a rowing event. Bridget had showered first, and her pale blonde hair was nice and wet. She now wore blue jeans and a black blouse. Before she got to the cleaning, Bridget made sure her friends saw the peril in which Sera was trapped.

A TUG shower is a strange thing. You're tied up and helpless, but at the same time you're doing an ordinary activity with someone you trust. Although Bridget and Sera trust each other enough to fully clean each even under their underwear and bra. Sera and Bridget enjoyed the trust it built between them, a trust that Bridget felt she had betrayed earlier that week; Sera disagreed clearly since she let this happen.

Now, by themselves, Sera and Bridget are really rough with each other. They aren't afraid to put the hose in each others faces, and there may even be a few seconds of waterboarding. The ropes are a bit tighter than usual, and the predicaments can be more sinister. Anything goes as long it's mutually agreed to, not sexual, and not harmful.

"All clean!" Bridget said as she rinsed the washcloth.
"Sure!" Bridget put it over Sera's face and ran the hose on her.
"MMMPH! BLEH!" she shook it off.
"Ha ha! That what was 2 seconds too many!"
"OK. How about some tiptoe-ing?"
"MM HM!"

Bridget undid and redid the rope hoisting Sera's arms up so that she had to stand on her tiptoes. Bridget then worked on drying off Sera's body with a towel. They laughed a lot as Sera felt tickled on a couple occasions and jerked as a result. After a few minutes, Sera was detached and led out of the bathroom. There, Sera was reattached to a plant hook in the ceiling but not on tiptoes; Bridget stood on a chair to do this.

What ensued was 20 minutes of the most intense tickling either girl had ever experienced as all was exposed for Bridget to tickle. Like a good friend, Bridget made sure Sera didn't get hurt. It was possibly the most fun they had experienced in a TUG. Soon, Sera was panting with exhaustion, and Bridget finally gave her a break.

"Eh ee own ease!"
"Oh, OK!"

Soon, Sera was untied and had her blue jeans, black t-shirt, and solid black kerchief bandana on her head. And she still had the ball gag in her mouth. Bridget giggled at this and then reminded her.

"We still have to get dinner with your brother."
"Heh heh!" Sera took it out.
"One of these times we have all you and I should put in the gags and walk over to Jenny's."
"We should sit around all day and see who breaks and takes it out first!"
"That'd be fun!"
"Let's go!"


"Is everything OK, Joyce? You keep staring at me," Ryan asked her.
"I'm just counting my blessings. Especially you."
"I'm not that many blessings; I'm just one man."
"One man who embodies so many virtues. Ryan, what do you think our future holds?"
"I just hope the story ends with us being side-by-side to the very end and being found worthy of the kingdom."
"I'll love journeying alongside you!"
"It's cold outside, but I'm always warm when I'm with you."
"You know how to make me feel loved."
"Because you're lovable."


"Rope, check. Gag, check. Blindfold, check."
"Checklist, Nichole," Joy asked.
"Need the goods to tie up Jenny!"
"Jenny? Won't she be wanting a shower?"
"She's just out running because she can, so she deserves it for not taking a day off!"
"Nichole, you're a rotten friend!"
"I agree," added Janie.
"I know!" Nichole grinned.

Being rotten was unsurprising with Nichole wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and her blue floral bandana as a kerchief. Nichole wanted some personal torture time with Jenny and had even gone so far as to locate a ceiling stud and attach a plant hook to it. Nichole didn't usually do elaborate planning, but for Jenny she'd break any patterns of ordinary behavior for herself.

"Joy, Janie, care to help me test?""

Joy wore a gray skirt, pink t-shirt, and gray bandana headband. Janie was in blue jeans, a green flannel long-sleeve button-up shirt, a green bandana headband, and a green ponytail to hold her braided hair. They both got their ropes and had Nichole stand on a chair to attach it to the hook. Janie could almost reach the hook.

"Good if you want to hoist someone's arms!" Janie said.
"I like it!" Joy added.
"Don't pull too hard. You two might combine to yank the rafter!"
"B@$+@rd!" Janie swore.
"No apologies!"
"Let me pull you two down!"
"I'll run the rope to the hook and over to the bed for Jenny."

For Joy and Janie, it was now a matter of watching the magic. While they each had special friendships with Jenny and Nichole, watching them interact was extremely special in an unique way. For Joy, it was special because she had known both for so long; for Janie, it was special because she also had a beloved sister with whom she had an extremely tight relationship. But Jenny and Nichole somehow were both lifelong best friends and sisters at the same time.

Jenny soon entered in a pool of sweat. Her pink trainers were accented by a brown tank top and a solid red bandana headband with her braided hair held by a brown ponytail.

"Jenny!" Nichole greeted her friend with a hug from behind.
"Hey, sis! I prepared something for you while you were gone."
"Oh, what?"
"This!" Nichole bound the sweaty and tired girl's wrists in front of her.
"Well, um... interesting!"
"It will be!" Nichole bound her elbows as well.
"This so far looks fun!"
"I hope so! I planned this for several days!"

Nichole led Jenny into the bedroom and threw the excess from her wrist binding over the hook and then fastened it to the top rail of the bed. Jenny's eyes grew wide as her elbows were now together in front of her eyes and her wrists straight up above that. Nichole then bound Jenny's ankles and thighs.

"Well, this look like the potential for something amazing!" Jenny seemed excited.
"Let's hope it is!"
"I can barely move at all. Man, am I tired after that run!"
"Mmm!" Jenny got a blue rubber ball threaded with a pink bandana gagging her and strips of red duct tape.
"Night night!"
"Mmm!" she then got a brown bandana blindfold.
"Time for some tickling!"
"Mm hm.... HUH HUH HUH HUH!" Jenny cackled into the gag.
"This is because I love you Jenny!"

Janie and Joy were not disappointed, and the former filmed Jenny's torment while the later took photos. Jenny was dead tired and now getting the remaining life tickled out of her, but she didn't mind one bit. It was perfect to be the prisoner of her favorite person in the world.

"There!" Nichole finally said after over a half hour of torment.
"OH! HUH! MMM!" Jenny had laughed so much that she slobbered the tape off her mouth and was dripping everywhere.
"That was a ton of fun."
"Mmm hmm!" Jenny quietly agreed as she huffed and puffed, her body soaked in sweat.
"You did good!" Jenny spanked her on the butt.
"Janie!" Nichole scolded her.
"Ee er ahone!" Jenny scolded Nichole back.
"Says the gagged girl!"
"My turn anyway!"
"NNN! HUH HUH!" Jenny now got it again.

Janie attacked different spots then Nichole did.

"That's enough! How long was that?" Janie asked.
"Another 30 minutes!" Joy laughed.
"I'm cruel!"
"MMPH! UGH!" Jenny was exhausted.
"Can you take some from Joy?" asked her friend.
"Nuh uh!" Jenny shook her head.
"Jenn, how about a TUG shower?" Janie asked.
"Mmm hmm!" Jenny nodded.
"We'll wash your hair and then do the rest cold!" Janie untied the knot holding her arms up.
"MM HM!" Jenny allowed herself to be led away hopping toward the bathroom.

For Jenny, this was the single most thrilling TUG she had ever experienced. So much adrenaline flowed through her body even though she was exhausted and sore from running, and then her lungs and legs got a second workout with the tickling. Her only regret was that she couldn't express this.


"You two are so fun to watch together!" Bridget laughed.
"Well, it's even more fun with you here!" Roberto complimented her.
"Ha! Poor Jenny, look at her!" Sera showed Bridget her phone.
"That's quite the torture!"
"Someone else had the same idea as you!"
"You girls are something else!" Roberto smiled and shook his head.
"It takes a special man to love me in spite of my crazy sense of adventure!" Bridget grinned back at him.
"Either way, I like it!"


"You've been a naughty girl, Nichole!" Joy said holding a pair of handcuffs.
"I have been very naughty!" Nichole put her hands together behind
"You're under arrest!" Joy effortlessly cuffed her friend.
"Don't forget to gag me!"
"I haven't!" Joy jammed a sock in Nichole's mouth and then tied a tight navy blue bandana cleave gag.
"Mmm thhpphhh upfff!"

Joy bound Nichole's elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs before blindfolding her with a white handkerchief. Nichole grunted and squirmed on the floor while Joy took selfies, then Joy looked up at the hook in the ceiling and saw a great opportunity. Oh, she was a clever girl!

"Here we go, Jen!" Janie fastened Jenny's arms to the shower head above after untying her elbows.
"Ugh!" Jenny moaned as her arms were straight above her head.
"Shall I leave your clothes on?"
"Take your time."
"Nuh uh!" she shook.
"OK!" Janie went to work and soon had Jenny in just her underwear.
"Hmm," Jenny was thoughtful after Janie had untied and retied her to accomplish this.
"It's easier when the captive is in a bathing suit or already stripped, ha ha!"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Your boobs are nicer than mine!"
"Ah ith ih ih ou oo eh oovths?!"
"I dunno. Just Lauren and I find it funny to do each other and select friends, like you!"
"Heh heh!"
"Ugh!" Jenny rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Hey, you're figure is better than mine even if I have more muscle!"
"Let's get you clean!"

As she promised, Janie washed Jenny's hair and then used cold water to clean the rest of her body. For Jenny, the cold water was a massive relief after her extended torture session. Janie sure knew how to take care of a girl, and Jenny nicely enjoyed her TUG shower.

"Now, do you want to dress yourself?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"OK!" Janie untied Jenny's wrists.

Soon, Jenny emerged in her pink camouflage pajama pants and a pink pajama shirt. She breathed a huge sigh of relief and sat down on the sofa next to Janie, who was texting a friend.

"That was a lot of fun."
"There's more fun awaiting you in your room!"
"Oh, let's see," Jenny got up and began walking, then turned back, "I'm not ready to be tied again... YET!"
"It'll be fine."
"Oh, my!"

In the bedroom, Nichole wasn't exactly tied up as Joy had done at first. Now, ropes bound her wrists, and her waist rope was undone. A new rope went from her wrists, over the hook, and to the top bunk rail, putting the poor girl in a strappado. Jenny walked up to her bound friend.

"In trouble?" she asked as she crouched in front of Nichole's face.
"Mmm hmm."
"Naughty girl punished me and now gets punished. For shame, Nichole, you're a kidnapper who's now imprisoned!"
"Bad girl! I think you've spent enough time like this!"
"She's only been there--," Joy began.
"My sister, not yours! Let's get you down!" Jenny untied the rope on the bed rail.
"Let's use it well though!" Jenny made a new waist rope, "Come along! It's only 5PM!"

Jenny led a hopping and grunting Nichole to the sofa and carefully seated her in this fashion: once Nichole was near the sofa, Jenny turned her so that she could seat Nichole with one rough shove. Jenny then sat down next to her friend and removed the blindfold, instead reusing it as an OTM gag.

"Thank you for helping me experience one of the greatest TUGs of my life."
"I've never had more fun being tied up! You're the best!" Jenny hugged her bound Nichole stuffie.
"I've never been so exhausted, so sweaty, so parched... it was an incredible thrill!"
"Ur eluhm!"

Jenny was so happy to have these girls as her friends.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 140: A Different Kind of Twin

It was only when seated side-by-side that it was apparent just how much Nichole and Sera looked alike. Both wore black jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana, at the request of Caleigh, who wanted to see the comparison. Each girl had wavy black hair, had rather pale skin (even though Nichole is Irish and Sera Italian).

They made a cute pair especially when they each had black duct tape binding their ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. Each one had a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana and strips of black tape gagging them. They moaned every so often, but they tried to remain still for the artist, Caleigh.

"You two are like twins! But you're the cutest Black Bandana Gang twins!" Caleigh giggled.
"What a fun way to spend a Sunday after church!" Joy laughed as well.
"MMMMM!" Nichole grunted.
"You deserve it after yesterday!" Joy scolded her.
"Heh heh!"
"Speaking of yesterday... where's Jenny?"
"At my place with Janie."


There were twins at Lauren's home as well. Only these twins wore blue jeans, a yellow-and-black plaid flannel button-up long-sleeve shirt, black ponytails to hold their braids that were held in a bun, and a yellow bandana headband.

Both girls were nicely bound and gagged as well. Ropes bound their wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist/crotch; they were hogtied from ankles to harness. A sock, and black bandana cleave gag, and 8 layers of clear tape gagged them, and a yellow bandana blindfolded them.

Jenny had done more than that though. Before tying the harnesses and waist ropes, she had unbuttoned both girl's shirts and, in Janie's case, pulled up the white shirt was wearing underneath it. Janie apparently now wore that as an extra barrier lest Lauren try to steal her shirt again!

Dressed and kidnapped as they were, Janie and Lauren looked like twins. Even Zack admitted that, but for he and Jenny identifying the girls was easy. Jenny knew that such wouldn't be true of everyone. Unfortunately, once she saw the photo of Sera and Nichole, she knew the only chance of getting a wrong answer was from Bridget or Joy, and even Joy had lived with Janie all semester. So that idea went out the window.

"You two are such good friends."
"Upf......!" came from Lauren.
"I guess I was a bit tight with those gags," Jenny laughed.
"You did fine," Zack encouraged her.
"They like it."
"Because they trust you and know it's in fun."
"It is a lot of fun."
"What more could you want then?"
"To see the smiles more clearly."
"Greedy girl!"
"Janie's right!" Jenny playfully messed with Janie's boobs, "Mine are better than hers!"
"Don't go any further!" Zack turned away, "I only want to see and touch Lauren's!"


"It's something to see for sure."
"Oh, look, Caleigh, I see another set of twins for you to draw!" Joy showed Caleigh.
"Tell her to wait for me!" Caleigh put her stuff in her satchel.
"You good?"
"Yeah, I got their expressions anyway!"
"OK! Good luck!"
"Hey, Joy, if you're really lonely, you can come to my house for Thanksgiving! Meet my brother!"
"Minnetonka isn't far from Mudville! Oh, better, you come over on Thursday night for Black Friday shopping! Yeah!"
"Wait!" Joy said as Caleigh shut the door.
"Heh heh!" Nichole and Sera laughed.

Joy, wearing a purple skirt, a pink blouse, and a purple bandana headband, sat down on the sofa in between Sera and Nichole. She shook her head in disbelief.

"She just suggested I should date her big brother!"
"Ha ha ha!" Sera laughed into her gag.
"Bad girls!" Joy attacked to tickle them.


"You comfortable?" Roberto asked Bridget as he sat on the floor with her in his left arm.
"I sure am!"
"What do you like to watch?"
"Old stuff mostly."
"She likes Star Trek," Joyce said, "She has DVD's of the entire 60s show."
"Oh, really! A real nerd!" Roberto squeezed her cheek.
"Not even a month of you two together, but it's like it's been years!" Joyce added.
"It's been a dream come true!" Bridget buried herself against Roberto.

Bridget's elbows, wrists, breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs were comfortably roped. She squirmed very little as she was Roberto's voluntary prisoner this time. She still wore her pink skirt and green blouse from when she went to mass with her friends earlier in the day.

Like this, the trio sat down together and watched some corny old sci-fi together. It was a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


"UGH! OH!"

To less their ability to escape, Joy had put Sera and Nichole on the floor back-to-back and taped them together at their ankles, waist, and upper chest. For protection she put a pillow between their heads, but only after she had blindfolded them with... black bandanas!

"Ha ha ha ha!" each girl laughed into their gags, and to make matters worse Jenny came back when Caleigh arrived!
"You get it for yesterday, Nichole!"
"Heh heh heh! BAH HA HA HA!"
"Naughty Black Bandana Gang!"
"And I got the Yellow Gang!"

And so it was from 12:30PM to 1:30PM, that Nichole and Sera suffered nearly incessant tickling. It went on and on and on, and both loved every second of it. It was torture after torture.

Nichole felt it was fitting revenge, but it took every ounce of energy from her body... she had to admit it was fun. But she couldn't move an inch anymore. Nichole's lungs heaved with exhaustion from the massive tickling.

Sera huffed and puffed as well. She was so tired she couldn't move at all. But, oh, how amazing it is to be a prisoner of her friends' love. She had drooled so much that the tape strips didn't stick any more.

"Can't have that!" Jenny removed the tape strips from both as a result.
"Good idea!"
"Mmmmmmm.........................," Sera faded out as her already quiet grunts went under 8 layers of tape.
"Enjoy just being there, girls!" Jenny patted them each on the head, "I'll let you out at 2."
"You're a mean girl, Jenny!"
"Yeah, but I love them! I have a present for you too!"
"Jenny, no!" Joy was grabbed and had her wrists wired behind her back.
"Time for the hook!"
"Oh, no!" Joy laughed as she was walked into Jenny's room.

Joy got her elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs were wired, and another ran from her wrists, over the hook, and to the bed frame. Joy Fredericks was stuck in a strappado. Her mouth was filled with her own black ball gag with red straps.

"You can stay that way for a little bit. Let me know if you need help!"

It was amazing how much these girls loved each other. Jenny felt like she was swimming in a sea of it. How good God was to give her such a large group of friends. For the first time in over a month, Jenny sat down to enjoy some of her computer games.

Meanwhile, Sera was about to have the limits of love to the test.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 141: Anything for Benny

"No, non puoi farlo! Devo essere lì per questo! È mio figlio e la medicina è mia responsabilità! Non dirmi questo, Giulia! Volerò là fuori stanotte."
"No, you cannot! I have to be there for this! He is my son and the medication is my responsibility. Don't tell me that, Giulia! I will fly out tonight."

Sera put the phone down and shook her head before exclaiming "Butan'!"

"Sera, what's wrong?" Jenny asked her friend, TUG buddy, and classmate.
"It's my Benny. He's got some digestive issues appearing, and they want to try some drugs for it... and they said it could make him a..."
"The phrase is 'an angry camper' or something?"
"I know what you mean."
"Jenny, I have to be there for my Benny. I just have to be! Giulia suggested that I'm a bad mother... that calling multiple times per week isn't enough."
"Don't cry, Sera."
"Jenny, I've tried my best to both secure my future and secure Benny's. My parents support me. My brothers all support me. The only one who thinks it's not enough effort... is the one raising my baby boy."
"Sera, I think you're doing wonderfully."
"Jenny, if I drop out I guarantee that there'll be no future for him. I won't be able to get a good job. No one wants to date me as it is."
"What's your goal?"
"To be the best mother I possibly can be. I don't care if I am single for the rest of my life if it means Benedetto grows to be a man like my father."
"Sera, how can I help you?"
"Pray for me, Jenny. I'm going back to Jersey to be with him and will be gone all week."
"You'll be fine."
"Jenny, am I a bad mother? I made sure I didn't leave until Benny could say 'Mama', but now I worry."
"You're trying your best to live a dream and make his dreams be possible too. What could be wrong with that?"
"I worry that he will think Giulia is his mother."

Jenny's heart split in two when Sera said that. She could see the agony in Sera's face and knew that it was apparent on her's as well. What do you say to a friend in this position?


"Sera's at the airport," Bridget and Roberto entered the dorm she shared with Joyce and Sera.
"Roberto, you must be proud of your big sister."
"Everyone except Giulia. Giulia was the first one to pick up Sera when she got pregnant, and now she's the first one to push her down."
"I know what you're thinking."
"She's trying to steal Benny's heart away from Sera."
"Please don't say that."
"It was bound to happen I guess. Sera tries so hard... I am quite upset."
"Why didn't you go with her?"
"Because Benny is her baby, my nephew. She didn't invite me, so I didn't go."
"You're a smart young man."
"It comes with the territory."
"Let's go see if we can make trouble for some other people," Joyce suggested.
"You girls go without me. I can't think until I know Sera is home safely," he got up to leave.
"Where are you going?"
"A pregare un rosario. Ciao," he shut the door.
"What did he say?"
"To pray a rosary."
"The thing-y you, Sera, and the Patterson's do?"
"That one!"
"Don't worry about Sera."
"I have to, don't I? I'll get ripped tomorrow even though she told the coaches what happened."
"What did they say?"
"That she should have decided if she wanted to be a rower or a mother, and that she can't be good at both."
"That's heartless!"
"Rowers usually are."
"She does both fine."
"She does both superbly. She's sick of being told she should have aborted the only person that gave her the will to live."
"What do you mean?"
"You know."
"No. I don't know."
"She was on anti-depressants until about a year after Benny was born."''
"She was?!"
"Yeah, and before she got into TUGs, she had zero friends even on the rowing team except for me."
"So we and Benny help her a ton even if it's just by helping her get some dopamine."
"Basically. It's chemical, but we do her a ton of good. And Benny does even more."
"I hope you get to meet him soon! He's such a cute bugger!"
"Christmas break, I go there for a week!"
"Great! I'm meeting my future in-laws over Thanksgiving!"
"That'll be exciting!"
"I know!"
"Too bad Sera now will miss the only birthday she could have ever celebrated with you."
"Don't remind me."


"Hi!" Joy greeted her friend Hannah, "What's up?"
"Not much. Just figured you could use some forced relaxation!"
"You know I'm always game for that!"
"So am I?"
"Hey, Hannah!" Janie greeted.
"Considering the rude introduction she gave me, I'm starting to like her," Hannah said to Joy.
"Aw, thanks!"
"Where are the Gangster Queen and Princess?"
"Getting some rare time shopping."
"All they need are spandex and bandanas in 3 colors; more than I can afford!"
"They're more than just that, silly!"
"They're unique personalities."
"They rubbed off on everyone else more than we rubbed off on them!"
"More of us are gangsters than aren't!"
"Let's kidnap some of we 3 gangsters!"
"Let's prank the other two!"
"How?" Joy finally got a word in edgewise.
"I have an idea!" Janie started.

They were 3 gangsters indeed. Janie wore all red: sneakers, socks, sweatpants, underwear, bra, t-shirt, ponytail holding her braid, and bandana headband. Joy had a brown skirt, purple t-shirt, and brown kerchief bandana. Finally, Hannah had blue sweatpants, a red t-shirt, and a blue bandana headband. They didn't know that Hannah's "more than I can afford" wasn't actually a joke.


Sera hated flying, but it was a necessary evil. She was the opposite of Joyce: unafraid of heights but afraid of flying. Thankfully, not too many people fly from Minnapolis to Newark on a Sunday night. Sera was reading a biography, in Italian, of one of her favorite figures: St. Gianna Beretta Molla.

Because she was engrossed in the book, the flight went by quickly for Sera, and soon she was on the ground and in the car with her father. They talked on the slow ride back to the house: about life, religion, school, and, of course, Benny, the thing closest to Sera's heart. Father could see the pain in her eyes.

At home, much pain surfaced. The conversation between Sera and her family was all in Italian, but that makes unpleasant reading for everyone but the author.

"Benny! Mio figlio!"
"Mama!" mother and son ran to hug and kiss one another.
"I missed our cuddles!" Sera picked up her son.
"I love you Mommy!"
"You're my little boy forever and ever!" Sera said, then gave Giulia the ancient Roman single-fingered salute.
"You disgusting butan'!" Giulia was enraged by that.
"Quit trying to steal my son!"
"Quit being a derelict mother and making me take care of him for you!"
"Giulia, you asked me to let you take care of him! I never once asked you personally."
"I never said I would raise the kid!"
"You knew the plan was for me to go to college!"
"You should have stayed local!"
"I wanted to be with Gianni!"
"Girls, girls," the elder Benedetto Randaccio stepped in, "This has gone on long enough."
"Dad, she chose to be a slut! She should have had to pick a college near home and not abandon the boy!"
"Giulia, go home and cool off. Sera, you should never... EVER... wave that finger at a family member!"
"Yes, sir!" Sera looked at the ground.
"Take Benny in your room for some mommy time."
"OK," Sera left.
"Giulia, Sera is trying so hard. Don't make this harder on her."
"Is she?"
"As she told me in the car, she wants to ensure that Benny has a future."
"You just like Benny best he's named after you and the oldest grandson."
"Giulia! Stop that talk! Are you... jealous of Sera?"
"YES! I am! You're more involved with her and Benny than with my children!" Giulia was now showing her feelings.
"Benny doesn't have a father like your children have, and Sera was in high school when he was born. Did you consider that? Her dream was taken away from her!"
"She took it away from herself!"
"And we're trying to give it back to her! We're all helping to give her and Benny a chance!"
"You're right, Dad."
"Do you think Sera enjoys being away from him?"
"I think your mother and I should take Benny for a while. Vittoria, Tommaso, and Umberto will be glad to help too."
"I think you're right. I owe Sera an apology."

In the bedroom, Sera was having some personal time with her son.

"See this, Mommy!"
"You're doing so well in school!" Sera was proud of her first-grader and 6 year-old son.
"Mommy, Zi' Giulia made me sad on the way over here."
"Now how did she do that?"
"She told me you're a bad mom because you weren't grown up when I was born."
"That's not what she said; you misunderstood her."
"I haven't heard her say good about you in a very long time."
"She's just going through a bad time. She still loves both of us."
"Does she?"
"I am sure. I still love her! Now, give me a big hug!"
"I missed you so much!"
"I missed you, too, Mommy!"
"Sera, sei qui?" ["Sera, are you here?"]
"Sì." ["Yes."]
"Mi dispiace così tanto per come sono stata con tutti." ["I'm sorry for how I've been to you both."]
"Ti amo e ti perdono, Giulia." ["I love you and forgive you, Giulia."]

So the elder Randaccio reconciled the sisters.


"What happened here?" Jenny asked as she and Nichole walked into their apartment.

In a row were Joy, Janie, and Hannah. Each was roped at their elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs. They were handcuffed and had belts pinning their arms above their breasts and at their waist. Each was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief.

"Heh!" Janie laughed.
"Eth!" Hannah challenged.
"No one was here except you three and maybe Joyce or Bridget. Were Joyce and Bridget here?" Jenny asked.
"Nuh uh!" Joy shook her head.
"Was Joyce or Bridget here?" Nichole asked.
"Nuh uh!" Janie shook.
"I asked that already!"
"You asked with 'and' not 'or.'"
"You worked together to do this to yourselves?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Impressive! Forces you two to see what we bought!"
"I will take these!" Nichole grabbed the keys.
"MMM!" Joy was angry now.
"Look what we got at the store!"

Afterwards, Jenny and Nichole released the captives.

"Good teamwork to make that work!" Nichole laughed.
"It took teamwork for sure! Janie and Hannah made it a reality nicely," Joy complimented them.
"Your new clothes look nice. I gotta go," Hannah nervously headed out.
"That was abrupt."
"I just pieces it together," Joy realized.
"She can't afford anything... those are the same clothes from high school."
"We have to help her, just like Jenny helped me."


"Good night Nonna. Good night Papa! Good night Zi' Tommy! Good night Zi' Umberto!" Good night Zia Vittoria!"
"Awww...," Sera watched Benny give each one a hug and an Italian style kiss, and then he came to her.
"Will you say prayers with me, Mommy?"
"Of course I will!"

After Benny was in bed, Sera came back out and sat on the sofa. Her father and Tommaso always watched ESPN on weeknights. Mom was in the other room working on her craft projects. Vittoria was studying for a test. And Sera quietly worked on her homework.

Yes, the medicine was a nasty one as it was infamous for its bad taste. Tomorrow, Benny was getting food allergy tested, and Sera would be there with him for it. It would hurt just like it hurt when Benny got his shots. She knew she had made the right decision to fly home.

Sera was willing to do anything for Benny.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 142: Number 22

Joyce awoke with a big stretch and looked over at the other two beds in her room. One wasn't made because Bridget was rowing, and the other was neat and prim because Sera wasn't there. Sera wasn't there to celebrate Joyce's 22nd birthday with her. Joyce felt selfish about feeling that way. Just as quickly she got a video call from Sera though!

"Happy birthday, mia amica!"
"Thank you, Sera! You're already so badly missed."
"It wasn't pretty last night, but we smoothed it over. I missed Benny so much."
"That's a great way to start my birthday! I hope you missed him more than us."
"Ha ha, yes, I did. Joyce, let me tell you about how much I love this boy..."


"It's perfect!" Nichole said as she put the cake into the refrigerator.
"It takes up the entire thing!" Jenny was aghast.
"We'll live through it."
"Why? Just why?"
"A big cake for a great friend?"
"No, why is the fridge so freaking small?"
"Because it's a college apartment?"
"I knew that and shouldn't have asked."
"It'll look better in Lauren's place."


Joy could tell that something wasn't quite right. Joyce was so happy that she had talked Sera that day and that Ryan had brought her lunch. In it all, something was missing. She seemed sad, but not terribly so.

"What's up? Something is eating at you."
"You know it. At 3:47 PM, Nov. 13, 1995, Joyce Marianna Verdi was born to Anthony Verdi and Paula Ricci after just 10 hours of labor. When I was little, of course, my mom always noted the moment with birthday kisses. And this is the first time I won't have her on my birthday. Last year sucked without Dad, but this sucks more."
"I'm sorry, Joyce."
"Thanks, Joy. I cried about it this morning with Sera."
"You have aunts and uncles who still love you a lot, Joyce. And friends."
"I know. Bridgie promised she and I will have some fun tonight at home!"
"Probably a birthday TUG!"
"It is for sure!"
"Let me hug you, sweetie!"


"Look at that!" Lauren was impressed by the cake.
"Cool, right?" Nichole asked.
"Cool for an engineer!"
"NO TUGS!" Lauren warned a rope wielding Jenny.
"Joyce said she has a reason."

Later, everyone sang the "Happy Birthday" song for Joyce so that she could blow out the candles, cut the first piece, and eat the first bite of her favorite cake of all: yellow with chocolate pudding filling between the layers. Everyone happily shared in the sweet treat with her.

"Zack, take a group photo of us, please!"
"Oh, sure!"
"I want my aunts and uncles to see the wonderful friends who make my life so amazing!"
"Awwww!" Jenny blushed and now understood.


"OK, Bridgie, I am ready!" Joyce said around 9PM.
"Great! It's just a birthday TUG and nothing special, but... well... it'll be special!"

Joyce put on her pink flannel pajama pants and a blue pastel pajama shirt. Bridget tied her wrists and elbows behind her and seated her cross-legged on her and bound her ankles in lotus position. She added a breast harness and ran ropes from both wrists and harness to her ankles. Her own ball gag silenced her.

"Say, 'Birthday girl!'"
"Irfthay uhrl!" Joyce got the usual treatment.


"Joyce is tied up. I'm itching to kidnap someone!" Jenny said with a laugh.
"Oh, all right, Gangsta Princess!" Joy laughed, "Take me."

Joy simply wore purple pajama pants and a purple Hanes t-shirt. Her hair was free. Joy presented herself for kidnapping.

Jenny was simplistic: wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, thighs. It was a basic tie; the gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief; the blindfold was a purple bandana. Jenny posed for selfies filmed her victim,

Jenny, still in her pink camouflage kerchief bandana, wore her matching fleece pink camouflage pajama pants and a brown pajama tank top. The Gangsta Princess didn't noticed her best friend coming from behind.

"Be a good girl, Jenny. Behave."
"Let's do this nicely now!"

Nichole bound Jenny just like Joy was but gagged her differently: Jenny got a double knotted handkerchief cleave gag and 6 layers of duct tape and a brown bandana blindfold. It was enough to make her helpless. Nichole took her own selfies and film.

"Well, Janie, look at them."
"So cute, aren't they?"
"Yeah. Would you help me put them in bed?"

Both girls were laid in Jenny's bed and had a red bandana attach their ankles to the footboard. It was a fitting conclusion for a TUG amongst the Cool Girls' Club.


"Joyce, how are you?" Bridget asked after an hour.
"Ooh!" she flashed a thumbs up,
"Great!" Bridget removed the gag, "I wanted to ask you about two things."
"Italians, and rosaries."
"I would be so glad to answer your questions!"


"That medicine is gross!"
"I'm sorry, Benny. But it'll make your tummy feel better."
"Why did God give me a tummy ache?"
"Everything is to teach us to thank God for the good things."
"Like you and Zii and Nonno and Nonna?"
"That's right."
"Why do some children like me have no daddy?"

That was the question Sera had evaded the most since Benny could ask questions. Now, it was time to answer him finally. But how do you tell a child that their father didn't want them?
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Post by hafnermg »

Sorry for the delay I was on vacation. A lot of good chapters I just caught up on! Your story continues to be great!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

hafnermg wrote: 2 years ago Sorry for the delay I was on vacation. A lot of good chapters I just caught up on! Your story continues to be great!
Is there anything I haven't discussed that you as a reader wish were explained in a chapter?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 143: Nice and Tight

"Oh, yesterday was a hell of a day," Sera said as she talked to Bridget.
"Oh, yeah?" Roberto asked as he and Bridget walked to the gym together.
"Benny asked 'the big one' finally?"
"Which one?"
"Why he has no father."
"How did you answer that?" Bridget asked.
"It wasn't easy, and I said his father was a coward. I don't even know what came of that [@$$#0|€]."
"Eh, don't hold your breath."
"I know. Last act of his in my life was legally renouncing any claim to Benny. My daddy made sure of that."
"He probably threatened to cut his balls off," Roberto laughed.
"He did!" Sera laughed at this.
"Oh my!" Bridget was horrified and laughing simultaneously.


"So, we wait Janie to come in, and rope the life out of her?" Joy asked Jenny.
"Fair enough!"
"We want it to be tight though."
"Because we can. Change it up."
"Fair enough! But why Janie?"
"Just to make up for last night."
"You OK?"
"I'm fine. Just thinking about taking Caleigh up on her offer."
"To spend Black Friday with her?"
"Yeah, but Zoe is going to be here as well."
"Bring her for a big TUG party!"
"Yeah, that's true!"
"What about Nichole?"
"Let her pass. She's hurting today."


Nichole was hurting indeed. Today it had snowed a bit, and those were the days she hurt the most. Chris had brought her a thermos of decaffeinated coffee to keep her warm, but it did little. Her white sweats, pale blue sweatshirt, and white kerchief bandana, along with her white winter hat, helped her blend into the snow.

She had zero regrets though. What better life to ask for than a wonderful husband with whom she would begin a true married life in the fall, friends like Jenny and company, and a college education she didn't spend a dime upon? As she limped along to her next class, she came across Bridget.

"Thank God you're in my life!" she gave Bridget a hug.
"You're so very welcome! What's gotten into you?"
"A happy pill and a quart of coffee with lots of sugar!"
"I'm happy you're in my life too!"
"Just in a good mood."
"Since we're here, let's go to your place. I'll piggy-back you!"
"Really? Aren't we big for that?"
"You're visibly limping, Nichole! Now, hop on!"

So Bridget, wearing blue jeans, cowboy boots, and her own blue long-sleeve plaid button-up shirt, lovingly brought Nichole the 1/4 mile back to the apartment.


"I see her coming, Joy!" Jenny said.

Indeed she was. They were coming. Janie and Lauren were coming. The Patterson sisters were coming. Both were in blue jeans, long-sleeve plaid button-up shirts, and bandana headbands. Janie's shirt was blue and black, and the bandana was blue. Lauren's shirt was purple and pink, and the bandana was purple. They entered the apartment.

Seeing two was unexpected, but Jenny and Joy could handle it. Especially helpful were the handcuffs they wielded. It was all so perfect an opportunity. Kidnap them, torture them, then feed them hot chocolate and home made cookies! Jenny wanted to dote on her friends!

"Get them!" Jenny said as soon as Lauren and Janie put down their bags.
"A surprise!" Lauren laughed.

Using the slew-foot technique, Joy handcuffed Janie while Jenny took Lauren with a tackle. Then they went to work with the ropes nice and tight: wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs. Both were gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief.

"Our prisoners of love!" Jenny said with a grin.
"E uff ooh ouh!" Janie replied.
"I'll get the water on!" Joy smiled.

The setting sun poured through the window onto the floor where Jenny lay taking selfies of her victims. Her camouflage bandana headband looked brown in the light, and matched her brown sweatshirt and pink sweatpants. She rolled both on their stomachs and then sat on Lauren's back.

"If you can throw me off, you'll get a surprise!" Jenny said as she started tickling Lauren.
"AEHHH HAEH!" Lauren laughed as the fingers dug into her ribs.
"Same for you Janie!" Joy did the same.

Both girls squirmed and fought to throw off their captors. It was all so sudden, so loving, and so fun. What an unexpected but great way to spend an afternoon. It took a lot, but the two giants eventually knocked off their captors in a sea of laughter. All four were on the floor laughing when Nichole and Bridget entered.

"Well, look at this party!" Bridget said, "It's a plaid party!"
"Yeah, but if you want the rewards you have to suffer as they did!" Jenny said with a laugh.
"Let's do it then!"

Bridget was roped and gagged just like the other two victims were but without the crotch rope. Jenny climbed on her and started tickling. Almost immediately Jenny was thrown.

"How did you?"
"Ah aff a ick othah!" Bridget sat up while Jenny took some selfies with victim #3.
"That's right; you do."
"Only one missing is Caleigh!" Joy laughed.
"You asked for me?" Caleigh spooked Joy and clamped a hand over her mouth and grabbed her.
"Is that hot water for hot chocolate?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Do I have to be tied up to get some?"
"Nuh uh!"
"Good! I don't like being fed while tied up although I will gladly do the feeding!"
"That'll work!" Jenny said, "Tie her up if you want!"
"MMMMMMM!" Joy yelled at Jenny.
"OK!" Caleigh was glad to be of assistance.

Caleigh boxtied Joy's arms behind her back and held them a harness and crotch rope. Ordinarily, Caleigh wouldn't even tie the crotch rope on Joy, but it was cold enough that even Joy wore purple sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a purple kerchief bandana. Her ankles, knees, and thighs were tied, and her gag was her own black ball gag with red straps.

"Now, this is a fun gathering!" Jenny laughed as she sat with Jenny and Lauren on either side of her.
"That it sure is," Nichole agreed.
"Who wants hot chocolate and homemade chocolate chip cookies?"
"Oh, yes!" Nichole was quite happy, "You made your afternoon productive with a cancelled class!"
"I sure did!"

Everyone had their favorite way to drink hot chocolate. Jenny, Janie, Joyce, Lauren, and Joy loved marshmallows; Caleigh, Bridget, and Sera liked flavored, particularly peppermint; and Nichole liked dark chocolate.

"I missed all the fun!" Joyce walked into the mess.
"Get yourself a mug of cocoa and a couple cookies and sit down!" Nichole invited her in.
"I made some special for you; they're on the right!"
"Don't mind if I do! Thank you, Jenny!"

Now, Joyce had to be mindful of her consumption because of her diabetes. She didn't want to throw her blood sugar balance off too much. It was possible to have both too much and too little.

"So, what's the game here?"
"No game. Just loving."
"I love loving!"
"I did worse," Caleigh laughed.
"I think someone's boyfriend is coming over!"
"Oh, boy!" Jenny laughed, then ungagged Lauren, "Here, Lauren!"
"These are good!" she took a bite of cookie.
"Mmm!" Janie protested.
"I got you!" Jenny did the same.
"You're so talented!"
"She is!" Bridget agreed as she got given some hot chocolate.

It was such a nice little gathering indeed. When the consumption was done, the girls had their gags put back in their mouths, were blindfolded with black bandanas, and hogtied from ankles to elbows.

"Nice and tight, but not too tight!" Jenny checked her ropework.


["Gianni, so what of Jenny?"] Sera asked her brother in their native tongue.
["I want to video call but am afraid to ask."]
["You like her?"]
["I do. But the distance makes it hard for a guy like me."]
["I understand,"] Sera nodded.
["She's not like other girls... she's beautiful on the inside and outside."]
["You should surprise her during Christmas break."]
["I like that idea."]
"Mommy, what are you saying?" asked Benny.
"Big people stuff... talking about friends from school."
"Are those the friends you showed me?"
"Yes, they are."
"I want to meet them!"
"Maybe you will meet one or two of them soon!"
"Now, go see if Zi' Vittoria or Tommy want to play with you."
"I'm proud of you, Sera!"
"Thanks, Gianni!"


"Mmmm!" moaned Janie.
"Mmmph!" joined Lauren.
"Unnggg!" added Joy.
"Augh!" agreed Bridget.
"They keep talking, but they say the same things over and over!" Roberto laughed at them.
"You find it all curious, don't you?" Jenny asked him.
"I find the people behind the game more curious than the game itself."
"Yes, it's more fun learning about people."
"Anything about us in particular."
"Well, some of you all dress funny, but I realize it's a symbol of friendship. You all, though, are just so... How do I say it?"
"NO! You love each other so much. You're like you all have been friends since birth. You really are inspiring for me as a brother of 7 siblings and an uncle."
"Thank you!" Jenny blushed a lot lately.
"I grew into it," Joyce explained, "Jenny and some of them have been friends for 5-15 years."
"Mm hm!" Joy agreed.
"These two are sisters. Bridget has TUGged since she was little."
"I'm glad to have met you, but I can't stay. I promised the boys I'd join them at the lanes tonight! Team spirit, right?"
"Mmm hmm!" said the gagged athletes.
"Right!" agreed Jenny.
"Bye now!"

What an amazing group of loving friends they were. Their friendship was nice and tight!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 144: Loved by the Tie-Dye Bandana Gang

Nichole and Jenny sometimes were known as the "Tie-Dye Bandana Gang," but that required both wear their tie-dye bandanas and t-shirts, as they did on this day courtesy their Minnesota thickened skin. Tie-dye kerchief bandanas and t-shirts and red sweatpants were their clothes on this particular day.

The sisters and best friends were sad that they had no classes together, but such was life. Jenny was a mechanical engineering major, and Nichole was a chemical engineering major. Thus, their majors had very different requirements. Jenny couldn't work a music ensemble into her semester, and in fact she hadn't touched her violin since summer. Nichole worked it into her schedule, but it wasn't right without Jenny there although she pressed onwards.

Jenny and Nichole didn't even listen to classical music; only Bridget and Joyce seriously did that among their friends. But they did play it since it's what they were trained to play, and they did listen to pieces to make sure they played them right. It was an odd relationship. Their favorite things were the pieces for Piano-Violin duet, as that got them working together.

For Nichole, the lessons were the one thing her parents actually did provide her as a child, but only because of her maternal grandparents insistence. She had to practice at Joy's house however as Joy had a piano from when Zoe took lessons, and Zoe was really good. In fact, here's a secret: Zoe was actually Nichole's teacher for a while until the elder girl went off to college!

That brings us to today. On this day, Jenny and Nichole were in a school practice room playing together. Jenny was making a racket, but it was OK for Nichole. She didn't mind. It was a rare day where Jenny had time to actually have this moment before the rooms were locked for the evening. Who knew how many more such moments they'd have?

Soon, they were back in their apartment sitting on the couch with Janie as they all enjoyed some video games after dinner. It was such a nice little group they had here. Everyone knew the game would eventually lead to a TUG or would spark inspiration for one.


Sera breathed a deep sigh as she logged into Benny's patient portal online. There, she'd get the results of the food allergy tests. She paused and looked at her mother with worry. Teresa Randaccio hugged her daughter closely as they scrolled through the results.

Negative. Negative. Negative. Negative. Negative. Negative. But one positive caught their eye: corn. Suddenly it all made sense! Of course, corn allergies often cause digestive issues, per Benny's pediatrician! Sera felt the possibility of a workable solution for Benny's problems. Just then Sera's phone rang.

"Hello. Yes, this is Benny's mother. I just saw the results of the blood tests. Yes, I will finish the prescription just in case. I won't be here, but my mother will bring Benny to the follow-up next Wednesday. Thank you, Dr. Stearns."
["He's allergic to corn 100% just like Emilio is. We're going to finish the prescription and cut the corn out now. If he doesn't improve, they want to see him back again."]
["Let's pray it isn't worse."]
["I sure will. Oh, look at our baby over there with his building bricks."]
["YOUR baby, Sera. I'm just nonna."]
["Is it bad to say I am glad he happened because of the joy he brings and how he brought me back to the faith?"]
["It sounds fine to me because it worked out for good!"]


"Well, well, well... here we are again, Janie. Nichole and I have the better of you once again."
"You still suck at video games, Jenny!"
"Oh, so what? You lost, Janie," Jenny grinned at her.
"Now, look, I got tied up yesterday, and as much as I love you and as much as I am loved by the Tie-Dye Bandana Gang, I am not going down again!"
"Oooooh, Jenny, we got a feisty one!"

Janie, Nichole, and Jenny were soon in a three-way wrestling match. Joy watched the entire affair with amusement while trying to decide what to do. Janie was quite the fighter and was managing to stave of her attacks. Joy decided best thing was to take Janie's side since, as Janie said, she had been tied up yesterday!

Joy took on Nichole while Janie took the feisty Joy. These two, paired as they were, were easily captured. Soon, both tie-Dye girls had ropes binding their wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist. Both were gagged with a sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and 8 layers of gray duct tape.

"I love you two so much!" Joy said and hugged them.
"I try to love you more but fail!" Janie said as she also hugged the captives.
"HUH?!" Jenny shook her head in confusion at that.
"She means I love you two better than she does!"
"NUH!" Nichole denied that claim.
"Now, let's turn your lights out."

Both victims got a red bandana blindfold and felt rope connecting their thighs to their chest. They were completely helpless now.


"Wow is life boring without Sera," Bridget whined.
"She'll be back soon."
"And gone for Thanksgiving and then Christmas just as soon."
"You've really gotten attached to her, huh?"
"Yeah, I have. I'm sick of my coaches abusing me over her absence."
"I'm sorry, Bridget."
"I want that little Benny to be my nephew."
"Awwwww! Bridgie! That's so cute!"
"I know it seems it."
"Say, how about I tie you up!"'
"Nah, how about I tie you up! I got it yesterday!"
"Fair enough!"
"I recommend you dress lightly as it will be intense."
"OK then!"

So Joyce put on her purple bikini for this. Bridget bound her wrists and elbows in front her and then tied her ankles, knees, and thighs. The victim was gagged with her forest green ball gag with black straps and chin strap and 10 tight layers of pink duct tape. A rope from her wrists to a plant hook in the ceiling.

"Uh oh!" Joyce looked at it.
"UH HM HM HM!" Joyce was being tickle tortured by Bridget.
"You'll be dripping with sweat when I am done!"


"Mmm!" cried one Tie-Dye Bandana Gang member.
"MMMMM!" called the other.

Oh what fun it was to play TUGs with such good friends as they had. Jenny and Nichole didn't mind being kidnapped one bit. It was so much fun to be bound, gagged, blindfolded, and helpless. Even better was having to work together to escape it.

Jenny and Nichole were getting good at this escaping business when working together. Nichole wanted to escape; Jenny just wanted to moan and groan. It worked though as Jenny was willing to help Nichole get free so long as Nichole didn't help her. The shorter, younger blonde liked being imprisoned with no hope of escape; the taller, older girl felt that the game was to escape.

Together, they made progress. Jenny in her blindness eventually found Nichole's arms and squirmed her way into finding her wrists. Then she was able to slowly pick at Joy's tidy ropework. From there, it took about 5 minutes for Nichole's wrists to be free from that and the waist rope. Jenny then worked on Nichole's elbow ropes and let her friend take the rest from there.

Nichole squirmed a little and got the breast harness more or less off. She then unknotted the blindfold and tied it over Jenny's nose as an OTM gag. Jenny grunted a little and then laughed. Then, one by one, Nichole undid the balltie and then each of her three leg bonds. She stood up and held her arms out.

"MMMPH" she attempted to flaunt, but forgot she was gagged.
"Ha! You forgot something!" Joy said with a laugh.
"Now, don't you know better than to escape?" Janie took her by the arm.
"Naughty Nichole!" Joy took the other
"MMMMMM!" Nichole found herself handcuffed.
"We won't do more than that."
"You don't understand, Nichole," Joy explained, "You were only tied up 1 hour. I was tied up for 3 yesterday."
"You have to stay gagged for 2 more hours."
"MMMM!" Nichole groaned at this.
"It's fair."
"Mm hm," Nichole nodded.
"Will you keep the gag on for 2 hours if I undo the cuffs?"
"Mm hm!" Nichole agreed to this.
"Hm hm!" Jenny giggled.
"I love you, Nichole!" Joy hugged her.
"Now get to whatever you were doing."
"Athe-ih-in y uthin!"
"Can't call him now!"
"You OK, Jenn?" Janie asked.
"Mm hm!"
"I'm here if you need anything!"


"HA HA HA!" Joyce quietly mmphed into her gag.
"Isn't it fun?"
"Mm hm HA HA!" Joyce agreed as drool poured out her mouth.
"It's only fun because you're such a good friend."

Here, in the dorm, Joyce and Bridget could have fun. These girls knew each others limits and soft spots and what was and wasn't allowed. As long as nothing potentially harmful or sexual happened, anything was allowed. Thus, Bridget was at liberty to scratch nearly anywhere.

Tickling was the way Bridget and her siblings got each other. Their house had a particular rule for tickling: no stuffed gags. This was a role Bridget religiously followed when tickling friends and siblings, even when it meant undoing thick tape gags.

For Joyce's part, TUGs were something she had never experienced until orientation week with Joy and the day before her sorority adventure. That was simplistic and easy though. This was intense and torturous, all at the hands of someone Joyce knew wouldn't hurt her on purpose, just as she liked it.

As time went by, Joyce drooled more and more and began to sweat profusely. Eventually, after an hour, Bridget released her from the hook. Joyce just fell in an exhausted heap on her bed. Her breath was extremely happy, and there was a big puddle of drool on the floor as well as covering her chest. She was so tired she couldn't move only for Bridget to happily pull her up again.

"Time for a shower. You're sweaty!"
"MM!" Joyce nodded.

Joyce was led hopping into the shower and had her elbows untied so that her arms could be attached to the pipe for the shower head. Bridget then gave Joyce a full shower, even washing her hair. The shower ended with a blast of cold to cool off Joyce.

"It's late. Want to sleep like this?"
"Oh Ay!"

Joyce was dried and laid on her bed with ropes attaching her feet to the footboard and her wrists to the headboard. Bridget added a strip of microfoam tape to the gag and blindfolded Joyce with a purple bandana. She photographed and filmed her willing hostage before turning out the light.

Such was life among people you love.


"Finally Nichole said with a laugh as she spat out the sock."
"You could wear it," Joy teased.
"I'll pass! Now for Jenny!"
"Yeah!" Nichole untied the OTN gag, "You OK?"
"Mm hm!"
"Let's take that off!" Nichole untied the blindfold with the glee of a kid on Christmas.
"MM!" Jenny squinted.
"Oh, this is better than a Christmas present! It's a Jenny present!"
"HM HM!" Jenny was happy at this.
"Oh, sticky packaging on this Tie-Dye Bandana Gang member!" Nichole started removing the tape.
"A lot of it too! Dang, Janie, you wrap presents tightly!"
"I try!"
"So much! There, it is!" Nichole revealed Jenny's lips, and gave Jenny a kiss on the cheek, "My sister!"
"Let's look... you really should get some blue on, Jenny! You'd have made a good looking girl in blue. Soon you'll be a professional and the shorts and bandanas will be no more!" Nichole untied the blue bandana cleave gag.
"Now, what's in there! Oh, two socks! That's why you were quieter than me!"
"Oh, thank God! They were Janie socks too. HUGE!" Jenny said her first words in over 3 hours.
"That's why I could barely hear you."
"Yeah," Nichole undid the balltie rope.
"Hey, wait!"
"You're going to untie me, right?"
"I love you, Jenny, so you're my prisoner for the night!"
"Oh, that, huh?"
"Let's watch some TV before sleeping."

"Look at them," Janie said to Joy.
"Something special, isn't it?"
"I'm glad they chose us to love."
"Me too!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 145: Green Gangsta Girl's Return Part 1

The next morning, Nichole woke up to Jenny struggling. Then she heard a beeping. Jenny's alarm was going off! She looked at her side to see Jenny still tied up, and realized they were both still the Tie-Dye Bandana Gang from the previous night. Jenny had Joy's black ball gag with red straps in her mouth, which Nichole had put in before bed. Practice! The alarm had been going off for 5 minutes!

Nichole quickly untied Jenny, who ran into the shower without even ungagging herself first. Joy would clean it up later. This wasn't the first time such had happened to them, and they basically had a system now. Nichole breathed a sigh of relief and got into her own outfit of the day: pale blue sweatpants, navy blue t-shirt, and pale blue bandana headband.

Soon, Jenny emerged from the shower in her own outfit: new black sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a solid pink kerchief bandana. She rushed out to make practice in time while Janie and Joy lumbered out. Janie usually was at the gym, but today was a cancelled field day due to the weather. Janie wore green sweatpants, a yellow-and-green high school t-shirt, a green bandana headband, and a green ponytail holding her braid. Joy had brown leggings under her brown skirt, a pink t-shirt, and a brown kerchief bandana.

Soon, Jenny trudged back into the apartment shaking her head as she took her hoodie off.

"Cancelled workouts... too much snow on the ground... looks like more is coming tonight, and somebody got injured and caused blood to get all over the gym equipment."
"All that panicking for nothing."
"Jenny, our class is cancelled because Dr. Walker is snowed into his home!"
"No way! We have two classes with him today! YES!"
"Better! Those are all our classes!"
"My professor for my 8AM class says the snow influenced him to give a quiz," Janie rolled her eyes.
"Well, at least your professor has a sense of humor?"
"I think this is great!" Janie said as she laid hands on Joy, "You can be my prisoner for the day!"
"Uh oh!" Joy's eyes grew wide as she was pulled into the bedroom and the door shut.
"I'd go out to breakfast if I were you," Nichole said to Jenny.
"She'll get you next!"
"You just were tied up for 12 hours!"
"Oh, true... Hmmm... hadn't thought about that... so?"
"You're unreal!" Nichole hugged her.
"It'll be different being her prisoner for a day! I used the bathroom anyway!"
"Fine then! I want to eat!"

Soon, Janie arranged, and Jenny was dragged off in similarly silent and ominous fashion into the unlit bedroom. Nichole quietly cooked and ate her oatmeal before finally wandering into the bedroom. There they were all helpless.

Joy was on the floor with her ankles, knees, and thighs roped together, and she was sat against the footboard. She was secured to the footboard with a harness, and her arms were up at 'Y's with ropes from her wrists to the footboard of the upper bunk. Jenny was on the bed tied in a St. Andrew's cross with ropes from her wrist and ankles to the corners of the bed. Both were gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief and a strip of microfoam tape.

"Now, look, you two will be safe, right?"
"Mmm hmm!" Jenny nodded.
"Good! I have to trudge on out of here! I'll check on you after that class, and then I will be done at 2PM, barring weather. OK?" Janie asked as she took photos of her victims.
"Mmm hmm!"
"Great! Stay safe you two!" Janie turned to leave and said, "See ya, Nichole!" as she walked by.
"You two look comfy. Your eyes are sparkling with happiness!"
"MMMM!" Joy responded happily.
"I have to go as well. I'll be done after 4, barring snow. OK?"
"Mm hm!"


"$#i+! I can't believe these mothers!"
"What is it, Bridgie?" Joyce asked as she got dressed the next day after Bridget had released her.
"One of my friends on the rowing team... they heard Sera's scholarship is being taken away!"
"It's not right! All because of Benny! She made our team one of the best in the country!"
"Calm down, Bridget, or you'll overthink it."
"Just last week one of the coaches said she should stay and be a graduate student-coach! Now they fire her!"
"Bridget, just let it all out."
"Joyce, I don't want one of my best friends to have to leave here so close to graduation!"
"We'll find out if it's true or not... maybe they want her to be a coach her last semester like Lauren's coaches wanted!"
"I hope it is. I really do."
"Don't cry, Bridgie," Joyce rubbed her friend's back.
"Oh... Joyce..."
"You're worried if she has to leave that Roberto will leave too."
"Mmm hmm," Bridget nodded her head. Her eyes were shut, but tears were visible.


"Look at my boy, all ready for school!" Sera said with a smile as she held Benny's hand as they walked to the car.
"I like when you bring me!"
"I like it too!"

Sera had a carload of people to bring to two schools. Benny and Vittoria, who were in elementary school, went to the school affiliated with their local church. Tommaso and Umberto went to the high school Sera went to, which was affiliated with the diocese instead. But it was so much fun.

"Sera, I think I finally know what I want to do!" Umberto said.
"My goodness you start college next fall, don't you?"
"Yeah, I don't want to freeze my butt off like you, Gianni, and Roberto though."
"So what is it?"
"I want to be a cop."
"A cop? Why?"
"Because, Sera, the world needs good men to keep people safe from themselves and from bad people. Too many cops are bad people."
"You know it's not about punching bad guys, right?"
"Yeah, it's mostly writing tickets and telling drunks to shut up, but when a little boy needs to be rescued from an abusive parent... think about the difference it can make if the officer handles it all well."
"It's up to you, fratellino!"
"I'm thinking seriously about it."
"I'm proud of you! Now, get out of here!" she said as she stopped near the school.

The ride continued with Sera now accompanied by just Benny and Vittoria.

"Toria, how you liking the school year?"
"I don't know. Before you ask I still haven't picked a sport."
"Haven't picked?"
"I can't decide if I like soccer or volleyball better. I like the outdoors too though!"
"It's your choice mia sorellina!"
"I know. It's just so exciting having you have back here even if just for a few days."
"I bet. Now, you two be good. Give me kiss, Benny!"
"Bye Mommy!"
"See you, Sera!"
"See you later!"

Then Sera's phone rang before she could leave. By the time the phone call from her coach was done, she had pulled over into a spot so she could cry her eyes out.

"No! God, why?!"


"Mmmmmm!" Joy said.
"Mm hmmm!" Jenny agreed.
"How are you two doing?" Janie came in the room.
"Oooh!" Joy flashed a thumbs up.
"Need anything?"
"Nuh uh!"
"Away I go!"
"Yyyyyeee!" Joy waved.


Sera walked into the back of the bakery and just shuffled along the ground looking down. Like Sera does, Sera was wearing black jeans, a red high-school t-shirt, and an Italian flag kerchief bandana. In her free time, she usually loved helping in her mother's bakery. It didn't exactly earn the most money, but it paid for the children to go to school. And because it was her bakery, mother had a room in the back where the children could go between school and closing.

["Baby, what's wrong?"]
["They... took away... my scholarship,"] Sera's voice cracked.
["They didn't! Why?!"]
["They said I am not committed enough to the program."]
["I work for them for four years and help them build their best team ever... and they fire me for putting my Benedetto first one time on a week with no commitments."]
["My poor little girl"]
["Momma... what will I do?"]
["Ask them... push them... do anything you can that will convince them."]
["My poor Benny"]
["Here, dead... the best bread is kneaded while angry."]
["You always say that, Momma,"] Sera choked a laugh between sobs.


"Mm hm!"
"Mm mm huh hmp guh!"

Joy and Jenny were abandoned like victims of a kidnapping. They were bound and gagged so that solo escape wasn't a thought. They were in their own apartment: lights off and in darkness. They had been along for an hour and would be alone for 4 hours more. They hadn't had breakfast, and Joy hadn't had the rest rope. They wouldn't have lunch or even a drink either. They had no one to talk to, and they couldn't talk anyway.

It was perfect. Jenny and Joy did do some gag talking to pass the time, but it was to difficult to have fun with it. Each girl was left with nothing but her own thoughts. Some of the time was spent in prayer; some of it was spent wondering what Janie would do next; other time was spent thinking about Sera's return tomorrow.

Jenny eventually just fell asleep in her position, but Joy couldn't. Her mind had to work in some way even if she was imagining being tortured by a maniac. This was such an incredible adventure; who knew what Janie would do when she returned?


"Roberto, Joyce... they did it," Bridget said as she at lunch with them and Ryan.
"Did what?"
"They took her scholarship away."
"Why those b@$+@rd$! They can [f*** themselves]!"
"Sorry... I'm upset."
"I know. I know. We're all upset," Joyce said calmly.


"How are my Gangsta captives?"
"Great! Green Gangsta Girl is in charge!"
"Hmmm!" Jenny moaned happily as Janie climbed right on top of her.
"Sorry, but I must!"
"Mmm hm hm hmmmmmm!" Jenny's tickle torture began.
"The nicest girl of all gets the cruelest torture!"
"Mmm hm hm hm hm hm!"'

Jenny was tickled tortured for about 30 minutes because it was so much fun for one athlete to test the limits of another one; after this Janie switched to 15 minutes of tickling Joy. Then it was time to change things up.

"Need the bathroom?"
"Mm hm!" both girls nodded.
"OK! No removing your gags!"
"MMM!" both nodded again.

When they returned, the girls were tied the same but this time they were affixed to chairs, specifically the wheelie chairs from their desks. Their arms were taped to the arms of the chair and their legs were taped to the chair legs. Rope harnesses and a waist rope pinned their torsos down for this part, and they were both blindfolded with green bandanas. Janie showcased her "new" victims for her TUG buddies to see.


["My precious,"] Sera greeted Benny as he got into the car with Vittoria. Tommaso and Umberto were there already and knew the bad news. Of course, such wasn't Benny or Vittoria's concern, but it was apparent to them that something is wrong.

"Why are you sad, Mommy?"
"I'm having some problems at school. Don't worry; I'll figure them out."

She hoped.


"My two captive friends... oh, how I love you both!" Janie wheeled the chairs out.

What would come next?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 146: Green Gangsta Girl's Return Part 2

Janie had entertained her friends for a couple hours with a movie. By the end of it, Nichole had come home and was sitting next to Janie. Just was quickly, they had their arms untied and were playing video games with Janie. And just as soon it was time for another change in position and another bathroom break as darkness descended on Minnesota Tech.

Just as quickly, red ropes bound the two girls at their ankles, knees, thighs, bare feet, wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch, and both were hogtied from ankles to elbows,. Socks were pulled over their arms before the tying. For more silence, Janie wrapped their faces in 8 layers of duct tape, and the green bandana blindfold returned. She stuffed cotton balls in their ears and taped those in as well.

"I'll be back in a couple hours after I do some homework!" she gave them each a pat on the head.

Even Janie and Nichole had forgotten about dinner.


["What's wrong, Sera?"] Father asked her. She was surprised he was home a little early.
["Tell him, dear. I said nothing,"] Mother encouraged her.
["They're taking my scholarship away. On account of Benny."]
["Sera, we'll do anything to help you. It's just one semester."]
["Oh, Daddy!"] Sera hugged her father like a scared little girl.
["It's all right, sweetie."]
["I don't want you to spend your money on me if I can help it."]
["We want to help. Right, Teresa?"]

"I hate when they talk in Italian!" Benny pouted.
"So do I!" Vittoria agreed.


"Oh, boy, what fun we're about to have!" Janie said with a grin as the clock struck 8 PM.
"Hm?" Jenny asked with curiosity.
"I'll be bit."

Outside, Janie piled up snow so that the walk on either side was covered in about two feet of snow. With the wind and with Nichole's help, it was a quick task. The next punishment was ready.

"Ready, Jenny?" Janie carried her out.
"Here it goes!"
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jenny was plunged into the pile and buried in it.
"AHHHH HM HM HM!" they wailed having not expected this at all.
"You're incredibly cruel, Janie!" Nichole laughed as she filmed the entire thing.
"I know I am!"

Jenny couldn't believe this. Yes, she shrieked because the snow was so unexpected. Janie was such a very smart young girl, and she was testing all of her limits. She was hungry and tired and had held this same rubber ball in her mouth for 13 hours, and likely would hold it for 10 more hours! Oh, what a thrill it all was though.

Joy knew revenge was necessary for this devilishly ingenious prank. What kind of maniacal genius would do this to her friends except one who knew all their weaknesses and how to exploit but would never actually harm them. Joy, like Jenny, was hungry and tired but willing to press onward!

After 5 minutes, Jenny hauled them back into the apartment and laid them on the floor. She undid their hogties but then put them together chest-to-chest and roped them together at their ankles, waist, and breasts. She wrapped 6 layers of duct tape around their touching gags so that their heads were stuck as well.

Janie took out a large sheet and laid the girls on it. She folded over the excess so that their heads and lower legs were covered before wrapping it up tight and then securing the bundle with more rope. How quickly it would go from freezing to stifling!

"That'll warm you two up!" she said with a hug.

It sure did. They went from surrounded by ice to surrounded by fabric. The fabric helped keep things from being too extreme, but the layers made it quite heavy. Both continued to be amazed by Jenny's ingenuity.


["If necessary, we can help you. We're in this together,"] Umberto said.
["I can't allow you to do that."]
["I want to do it."]
["Me too,"] added Tommaso.
["You're our sister, Sera. You're surprised we love you?"]
["This much, yes! I've brought so much trouble on this home."]
["My nephew isn't trouble. He's a blessing!"]
["Tommy!"] Sera hugged her brother, "I love you so!"
"We love you too!"]
"You two boys come. It's St. Gertrude Day. Let's go to mass for Vittoria's patroness!"
"May I come Mom?" Benny asked.
"Nonna needs your help to cook dinner!"


"What the heck?" Joyce asked as she walked into the room.
"Joy and Jenny," Nichole grinned.
"Quite the bundle!" Bridget shook her head and laughed.
"Right? Jenny's been tied up for, oh... 26 hours more or less? Except for a 30 minute break."
"How on earth? Never mind. I saw the photos."

Around 9:30PM, Janie finally undid the bundle to reveal two girls who were soaked in sweat. Being in what was effectively a thick sack like that had certainly made breathing harder, but there was enough oxygen. They were quite warm, and Bridget helped Janie put them on Joy's bed. Hungry, tired, dehydrated, sweaty, and achy from all the forced twitching, bound, gagged, blindfolded, and helpless, unable to move more than a couple millimeters here or there, unable to see, unable to hear, and unable to talk, both girls quickly fell asleep simply amazed at how they and Janie all loved each other.


"You're such a good mother," the elder Benedetto told his daughter after she had said prayers with Benny.
"I try my best."
"I'm proud of you. I'm blessed to, so far, have 8 incomparable children and good grandchildren too."
"I hope we never let you down."
"I love my children so much. You each capture my love in an unique way."
"I love my two boys named Benedetto so much, both my dad and my son!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 147: Gangsta Chick's Return

"Good morning!" Janie said as she and Nichole undid the many ropes binding Jenny and Joy.

The binding was so brutal that the release was worthy of its own filming! It took 15 minutes to undo each and every rope, the ear stuffing, the gag, and the blindfold.

Joy and Jenny sat up and panted, but they were so weak they both collapsed. They tried to stretch but were too stiff to do much.

"Way the f*** too long!" Jenny issued a rare curse word.
"Water!" Joy begged.
"Here!" Nichole them each a bottle of water that she opened first.
"Thank you!"

They downed the bottles in one sitting, and then both flopped on their sides. They shivered and tried to hug each other for warmth. Janie had overstepped their limits.

"Oh, my God, I f***ing forgot to feed you at all yesterday! I forgot to eat too!"
"Janie, you moron! If that was Joyce, she'd be dead!"
"Oh, my God, girls, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I don't know what to do."
"Do something. Never mind, Janie," Nichole went to quickly prepare two protein shakes.
"I'm such a terrible friend," Janie just broke down sobbing in a curled-up ball on the floor.
"Janie, don't beat yourself up. We'll be fine after a day or two. It was an accident," Joy encouraged.
"I could have killed you!" Janie choked out between sobs.
"Here you two go! Drink up!"

This was what happened when you were tied and gagged for basically 23 hours straight without having the gag removed once, being in the same position for 12 hours straight, and having no food or drink for 36 hours, and in Jenny's case she was tied up and gagged for 12 hours before that! Then there was a knock on the door.

"Who is there at 6AM?" Nichole asked.
"Police, open up!" replied Hannah.
"Oh, come in here."
"How are they? I saw the video and came over immediately."
"Let me see."
"Hi," Joy groaned out.
"What happened?"
"We haven't eaten in 36 hours."
"What, why?"
"Jenny was tied up Wednesday and kept that way all night."
"Then right after I was released, Janie tied both of us up and didn't release us until now."
"We were gagged with those the entire time. My jaw hurts more than I thought it would."
"She didn't feed you or give you drink?"
"Now you know how I felt when that freak tried to murder me."
"Only this was just forgetfulness."
"Those rope marks won't go away for quite a few hours."
"I already told my coach I feel sick like a stomach bug."
"I'm so stiff and sore."
"Janie, I hope you learned to be more careful with your captives. I know it was a mistake."
"I could have killed them!"
"It's OK. But you girls need no TUGs for a few days. You need to eat and drink a lot to make up for that."
"I need to," Joy said, "But can't pull myself up."
"We'll help you girls."

Once the sugar and protein set in, Jenny and Joy were helped up to the bathroom. It was stiffness that was the problem, but they were going to be OK. They changed their clothes and did lots of stretches. All the while, Janie was in the corner curled up in a ball and crying. That was until Hannah had enough.

"Would you cut the $#¡+!" she kicked Janie in the side, "We get it. You're sorry. Yes, it was dangerous. Now move on and quit blubbering like a freaking teenager!"
"I'm only 19!"
"Janie, come on. It's OK. You made a mistake, now smile. Look. They had fun in spite of it all."

She was right. Jenny and Joy were laughing and texting their TUG buddies and talking to Nichole all about how they felt about the ordeal. Yeah, it was fun even if the payback was hell.

"Let's not go that extreme again anytime soon," Jenny said to Joy.
"Let's what it's like to be hogtied and left to die in the wilderness."
"You've consumed some strange pr0n."
"Well, yeah, I did when I used to watch that crap. But I was thinking more adventure movie."
"Adventure bondage pr0n movie."
"Stop it."
"We're sugar silly while still hungry cranky."
"Sera gets back today!"
"Oh, yes!"
"I don't have class until 3. You can leave me tied up until 2 if you want," Hannah interrupted.
"I can make that work," Nichole winked, "I have class until then."

Soon, there were five friends ready for their day. Jenny wore red sweatpants, a pink sweatshirt, and a solid brown bandana headband with her braid held by a brown ponytail. Joy had a brown skirt, a brown sweatshirt, and a brown kerchief bandana. Nichole wore blue jeans, a navy blue sweatshirt, and a navy blue kerchief bandana. Janie had red socks, sneakers, sweatpants, sweatshirt, bandana headband, ponytail for her braid, and underwear. And the fifth.

Hannah, a girl of two colors, was in blue sweatpants, a blue hoodie over a pink t-shirt, and a blue bandana headband. She was tied up at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. She was seated in a dining chair and secured with another breast harness and waist rope, and ropes from her ankles to the chair legs. Her gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief, and her own headband was slipped over her eyes as a blindfold.

She was helpless and alone... just like the day her then boyfriend tried to kill her. But this moment was different as she was captive at the hands of loving friends who didn't wish any harm to come to her. It was, however, easy to imagine herself as a kidnapped damsel. This would be a fun day!


"Goodbye, mio figlio!" Sera kissed Benny as he left for school with his grandmother.
"You'll come for Thanksgiving, right?"
"Yes, sweetie."
"OK!" he gave Sera a tight hug and ran out to the car.

Sera cried as she watched Benny ride away. Then, it was the ride to the airport with Giulia during which the sisters laughed and cried. Then she was on a plane to Minnesota. Then she was in a car with Bridget and Roberto, who had both gotten out of the car and hugged her tightly, on her way back to school. She might make some of her afternoon classes!

"I missed you all so much. It's been so stressful."
"We know how to help you destress!"
"You sure do!"
"I miss my little boy so much already."

Sera, in black jeans, a black t-shirt, a black hoodie, and a solid kerchief bandana certainly looked like a bad girl. The Gangsta Chick was back!


"Mmmmmm!" Hannah moaned even though she was alone.
"Eee! Ohhhhhh! Ohn ooh aah!"
"Ohhhhhh! Ohn urr eee! Eeeekkkkk!"

Hannah had, more than the rest, a vivid imagination. She had been through every TUG scenario possible... more so, she had been through every bondage situation possible. She could imagine herself in any predicament and turn it into some sort of private adventure for herself. But, such people must be careful, or else PTSD kicks in.

Then suddenly, Hannah was in that creepy house again. And then the screams were real and quite desperate. A fun adventure had suddenly become a nightmare. And with Nichole's rope job intended to keep her stuck, there was no escape in sight for her.


"You want a big girl game or a regular game?" Bridget asked as she walked with Bridget toward their dorm.
"I want to see the other girls as well. Something we can do there."
"You're all cozy. Time for a duct tape adventure."
"Make it fresh though somehow."
"I will!"
"I missed you, Brigida!"
"Joyce and I did too!"
"I love you girls!"


"EAHHHHHHHH UH HUHHHHH!" greeted Nichole when she entered.
"Hannah, what's wrong?" Nichole ran over untied the gag.
"Nichole! Ugh! Help me! Don't let him do this to me!"
"Hannah!" Nichole pulled her blindfold down, "It's me, Nichole!"
"Nichole! Oh, am I glad to see you! Get me off this chair before..."
"Hannah! Snap out of it!" Nichole shook her.
"Oh, my... God... I just completely spaced out and was in that house again."
"It's OK. I'm here."
"Nichole... he stole all the innocence from my life! Even TUGs with you can't be normal."
"Healing comes slowly. I won't go anywhere on campus alone anymore."
"Get me off this."

Soon, Hannah was free as a bird. She tightly hugged Nichole.

"Thank you for everything. I ruined what had been a fun time when my mind wandered too far."
"Don't beat yourself up over it."
"I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to find me in that state."
"That's never happened to me before. Moments where I space out or dreams sure. But not that."
"Let's hope it never happens again."
"I don't have much for hope. I gotta go. See ya."
"How can I help her?" Nichole pounded the counter, "She won't admit she needs help!"


"Sera!" Joy ran when she saw her enter the classroom.
"Gioia!" Sera greeted her friend with a hug.
"We missed you so much!"
"I heard you had a wild adventure!"
"Oh, let us tell you all about it."


Soon, there was a large crowd in the apartment getting their chance to welcome Sera back. Bridget, Joyce, Sera, Nichole, Janie, Jenny, Joy, Lauren, and Caleigh all spent at least 10 minutes in there even if some left afterwards. Then it came time for the punishments.

"Janie, you get to be tied up until tomorrow!" Jenny said with a grin.
"Fair enough. Bring it on!"

Janie got the royal treatment: feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch. She was hogtied ankles to elbows and also got a rope from her braid to her feet. Her gag was a knotted red bandana cleave gag and 8 layers of red tape, and she got a red bandana blindfold.

In the other room. Bridget put Sera into her tape TUG. She taped Sera's wrists, above and below her breasts, waist, ankles to knees, and knees to waist. Sera's own black ball gag with blue straps gagged her along with 6 layers of black tape, and a black bandana blindfolded her. Bridget then put Sera's legs against the post of Jenny and Nichole's bed and taped her legs to that so she was attached and making a right angle with the floor.

"Let's really help you destress!"
"Mm hmm hmm hmm!" the tickling began.
"I missed you so much!"
"Mm hm hm hm! Baahhhh ha ha ha!"

In the other bedroom, Nichole got direct with her friends.

"Hannah needs help."
"How do you know?" Jenny asked.
"Every time I see her, she's wearing the same outfits."
"And twice now she has made backhanded remarks about not affording things."
"You don't think?"
"She is incurring massive debt to be here. We are her world. I asked her if she wanted to eat dinner together."
"Did she say yes?" Joy asked.
"Yeah, she did."
"We'll see what happens."


"Looking good!" Caleigh said.

She had kidnapped Lauren, who had black leggings, a black sports bra, and a black headband with her hair in a bun. Rope tied her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, and thighs. She was barefoot and hogtied from ankles to elbows. A sock and a knotted handkerchief gagged her.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Caleigh dropped her in a snowbank.
"Good stuff!"
"Just like Janie did!"
"Mmmmmm hmm hmm hmm!"
"Zack, we should have a pre-Thanksgiving party for our friends! Sunday!"
"That sounds like a cool idea!"
"Get her out of that!"
"Come on, sweetheart!" Caleigh hauled her out.
"She's all yours, Zack!"

Caleigh stood alone in the living room imagining how much fun the next week would be for her. How could she get Ken and Joy together?


"Ah ha ha!" Sera continued laughing as Bridget tortured her for over 30 minutes.
"There, destressed?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Ah!" Jenny got on her back on the floor next to Sera, "You're such a cool person!"
"Welcome back, Gangsta Chick!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 148: Each of You Is Unique and Loved Part 1

"Hannah, what's wrong?" Nichole asked as they ate lunch together.
"Nothing is wrong," Hannah looked down.
"Look at me and say that."
"Nothing is... wrong...," Hannah looked past Nichole.
"OK... I can't afford to be here, and I'm so broke I... everything is borrowed! Remember that little house I was renting? I was living on $20 per week after rent and bills were paid on it. I couldn't survive on a Best Buy job. So I..."
"So you what?"
"Ever heard of 'Tied after Class' productions?"
"I don't look at that stuff ever."
"I did model work for them."
"Model work?"
"He does simple TUG scenes. Doesn't even do nudes. Just a hobbyist."
"Still not good though."
"Nope, but..."
"I think... never mind."
"He kept me afloat during that time. That's how I paid for community college because I was one of the more popular models. He's come out a couple times even to do stuff with me here as well."
"And I started hurting myself the last month or so because of the stress."
"What do you need? Tell me, and I can try to make it happen if it's reasonable."
"I just wish I was high on drugs or in prison again sometimes..."
"That's worse than self-harm. I won't allow that!"
"I can't forget anymore. Some people from my past contacted me. That... that's when the cutting began."
"Cut those people out of your life."
"I'm just so confused and desperate Nichole."
"Hannah, I want to help you."
"Cutting gives me the same 'Forget the world; you're just trash' drugs and prison did."
"Don't hurt yourself please. Just don't. You're hurting yourself and have been for years."
"Yes, I struggle with self-harm too! These line scars on my arms are from that! Please don't do it."
"And I'm paranoid."
"Of what?"
"Of being found. Of someone recognizing me. Saying something in public."
"You've never been a prison toy, OK! You've never been a drug-addicted sex toy either! I've been both!"
"You think I love you less because of that?"
"NO!" Nichole started crying.
"Hannah, I remember you and what you were like when we were teenagers starting the Cool Girls' Club."
"What I was?"
"You were then, and can be again. I also notice you have no clothes to wear."
"I only kept what I have because it reminds me of those days when we were young. These are wrecked too."
"Hannah, you, me, Joy, and Joyce are going clothes shopping right now."
"We are?" Hannah's eyes brightened.
"We certainly are!"
"Nichole, can I spend the night at your place?"
"Of course you can."
"Thanks. I'm scared people are looking for me."
"Thank me after."
"I haven't gotten new clothes since before my parents disowned me."
"I have been there and done that. I have been down this road before."
"Nichole, I trust you!" Hannah tightly hugged her.

They stood in the snowy outdoors, crying and understanding each other. Nichole knew she had the opportunity to help Hannah just like Jenny had helped her.


"Hey, Hannah Bandana!" Joy said as she got in the car.
"Hey, girl!"
"What is this for?" Joyce asked.
"Hannah hasn't gotten new clothes in 5 years, and she's down to a few rags."
"And I have literally been selling myself for money and am ready to start life fresh!"
"I know who can run the strict ship you want to be on!" Joyce said.
"My friend Lauren can be a tyrant. You should move in with her."
"The TUG girl that invited me over tomorrow?"
"That's the one!"
"I will talk to her tomorrow."
"Let's go."
"Chapter 1 of the book entitled Hannah's New Old Life begins now!" Nichole announced


"So, let's bake!" Sera said to Bridget, Janie, and Jenny.
"We'll make an apple pie and a pumpkin pie. I went to the store this morning and got everything we need!"
"How did you get so good?" Jenny questioned.
"My mom has a bakery. Us kids always would help her. I knead much bread in my time!"
"Let's do this!"

Sera went through the process of making pie dough with detailed instructions. She took the time to answer questions, especially from Jenny who had made many such things in her lifetime.

"When I baked last time with Nichole and Janie, we talked family. Jenny, tell us about yours! I know little."
"Well, no one one in my recent ancestry ever got this old without being married already."
"See? You're already unique!"
"I had an older brother named Daniel who died from a brain tumor when I was 3."
"You did?"
"I didn't know the full truth until just last year."
"My parents didn't want to relive it."
"So you're only child."
"Your Italy English is showing today."
"I use Italian at home mostly even though we all speak two languages at least. Not Emilio."
"Nichole and I have been friends since pre-K. We lived just a block away from each other and always fell into the same school districts."
"Wow! That's why you so close."
"She is my legal sister."
"Legal? Adopted?"
"Yeah, she is, actually."
"I thought you exaggerated that!"
"Why you engineering major? I want to work for my papa when I graduate."
"Um... well... mostly because Joy is!"
"You silly!"
"It's true actually. But whatever! Maybe I will find something I can do where I get my hands dirty!"
"I like that! Janie?"
"You know about me from last time. But I chose civil engineering because Lauren said it would be my cup of tea. So far it has been!"
"Great! Brigida?"
"Well... I have 3 siblings, a sister who's 26 now, my brother who's 23, and a sister who's 13."
"Little sis was my parent's last ditch effort to save their marriage. She pays for it now."
"Because she has no mother."
"Right. My mother went down that road after her father died suddenly, and you know the rest."
"Why meteors, Brigida?"
"I always have liked exploring the weather. I just do! I hope to be a small market TV weather girl."
"Simple aspirations, really!"
"My siblings and I are odd... our parents let us play TUGs and even bought some of the stuff I use on you guys!"
"What about your aspirations?"
"Daddy has a fab shop where he designs and creates pieces for industries. He makes all sorts of things... special shapes for carpenters, parts for cars... he even makes parts for Formula 1 teams!"
"That's something Joy or I could do!" Jenny said.
"Professional car stuff. She and I coming from families with no boys got taught all the boy things... like working on cars!"
"Now, that needs fridge for a while. Let's get some other work done!"


"I haven't been shopping in so long," Hannah looked around the store anxiously.
"Calm down. We'll get you through it!"
"You will. I just need time to process this all! It's been so long!"
"Take your time."
"Let's do this!" she said after a deep breath.


"Let's make some pies!"

Making pies was a simple task, and the usual chatter was in the air. Sera and Jenny had experience, but Bridget and Janie were learning these things for the first time. Once the pies were in the oven, that's when Sera changed the course of the afternoon.

"Brigida would look good in ropes!"
"So would Sera!" Janie added, "I already spent 12 hours tied up, and Jenny went through hell!"
"Jenny will make sure the pies come out right!"

Thus Sera, wearing black jeans, a white school sweatshirt, and a white kerchief bandana, and Bridget, wearing blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a pink polo shirt, were selected to be tied up. Both were seated in chairs and had their ankles and knees roped to the chair legs, their wrists and elbows tied behind the chair back, and their torsos and arms pinned by a breast harness and a waist rope. Both got a sock and a white handkerchief cleave gag with a strip of microfoam tape.


"We'll have so much fun tomorrow!" Lauren said as she threw Caleigh into the snow.
"Had to do it!" Lauren laughed as she pulled Caleigh back into the building and put her on the table.

It was revenge indeed. Caleigh, in blue leggings and a yellow t-shirt, was roped at her ankles, thighs, breasts, elbows, and waist, gagged with a sock and a knotted blue bandana gag, and blindfolded with a yellow bandana. Her wrists were ziptied instead.

"Hold on!" Lauren hogtied her from ankles to elbows, "Don't roll, or you might kill yourself!"
"Ha ha!" Lauren filmed her friend's impassioned struggle.


"We're back!" Nichole announced, then saw Bridget and Sera, "You had fun!"
"Where were you?" Jenny asked.
"Clothes shopping!"
"Oh? Hannah has all the bags!"
"Your parents won't kill me, I know. I brought her shopping."
"Why would they kill you anyway?"
"Because I paid. Jenny, Hannah is living in squalor. She's lonely, desperate, destitute, and scared."
"Hannah, you have friends here."
"I see more clearly that now. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner back in the summer."
"Why didn't you?"
"I was afraid of what you would say. I thought you'd either call me a whiner or say I deserved it for my mistakes."
"Hannah no! You're our friend!"
"Am I?"
"Look at us!" Nichole interrupted, "We're all imperfect. I was a cutter. Joy was a sexpot and a drunk. Sera has a 6 year-old son. Bridget was the school bully until a victim chopped her up. Joyce was a porn addict and is an orphaned r@** victim. Janie was another sexpot and porn addict and had a violent temper. Lauren was an overbearing control freak toward Janie. Caleigh has ADHD. Jenny is so timid that she won't say anything when the professor rips her off points. You're an ex-druggie who went to jail and escaped a murder attempt. Hannah, you're loved. I'm loved. Jenny's loved. Each and every single one you is unique. And each and every single one of you is loved. Loved for different reasons and loved differently. Let's face it: that's what TUGs are -- our expression of love for each other in a crazy game. I love Jenny because she's been the sister I never had. I love Joy because she's positive. I love Jenny by giving her a kiss and a hug; I love Joy by being an ear for her and sending her funny GIFs at random times. Jenny and Joy love me by making me strawberry stuffed french toast. I'm loving you by giving you hope for the future when you thought you had none. Hannah, you're such a good soul who's always been so trusting and gotten burnt too many times. Here are people you can finally trust to never misuse you."

There wasn't a dry eye in the room as Hannah and Nichole embraced each other in a tight hug.


"MMMMM!" Caleigh struggled against the rope and zipties.
"You can do it! I wasn't that tight!"
"Mmm mmmmmm! MMMMMMMMMM!"
"Keep at it!"
"HMPH! MM!" Caleigh did her magic getting out of the hogtie.

Caleigh climbed up and hopped to the kitchen where the scissors were. Soon enough, she was completely untied and throwing off her blindfold. She then unknotted the bandana gag and spat out the stuffing.

"See? I knew you could do it!"
"I knew I could too!"
"You're quite the escape artist!"
"Aren't I?"
"Teach me your ways."
"Fair fair."
"I'm so glad you asked me to live with you!"
"I am glad I did too!"

The evening was about to be wild.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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