Captive of my Teenaged Cousins - 18 Parts Complete (mm/m)

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Captive of my Teenaged Cousins - 18 Parts Complete (mm/m)

Post by Jason Toddman »

Captive of My Teenaged Cousins


My name is Jason Toddman. When I was 13 my father fell ill and had to stay at a special hospital far from home, and my mother stayed there with him. Since no one felt I should be left alone in the house for the two weeks my mother would be gone, I was invited (or more accurately shanghaied) to live with my aunt (mother’s sister) in a small town well separated from either my home or the hospital. It was July so school would not be a factor. My aunt would be out much of the time too with my mother or being at work, but I would have my two cousins to keep me company and presumably keep me out of trouble. That was the theory, anyway.

Walter was 15, and was of average height for his age, slim but athletic build, and had strawberry blond hair. His younger brother Randy was 14, a year younger than his brother, just a bit taller than me and thin as a rail, and had darker hair. I had met them before on occasional family get-togethers (mostly holidays) and previously had gotten along with them okay; or at least so I thought. But then I generally didn’t have to interact with them more than two or three hours at a time more than two or three times a year so mostly we were out of each others’ hair. We would just play ‘bored’ games like Monopoly to pass the time until it was time for my family to go home again, which seemed to be the only time during my visits that I saw them smile. However, I was apparently too socially inept to notice this, let alone figure out what this probably meant. They didn’t like me very much... at least, not at the time.

I suppose I can’t blame them. They were athletic; into soccer and track and wrestling and stuff like that. I was rather pudgy; not obese, but certainly no athlete. I was a bookworm and looked it with my coke-bottle glasses and buck-teeth. I liked such nerdy things like Star Trek and Superman and cared nothing at all about sports. But worse of all, I was a selfish, annoying, pain in the ass know-it-all.

The last few times I visited prior to the occasion of the main part of my story, they decided to spice up the visit for me by wrestling with me. Though a year younger than Randy I was about as heavy at the time, and thought I could take him, but he always managed to pin me down within ten seconds. He generally took much longer letting me back up again. Walter pinned me even faster and was even slower letting me up. On the last occasion I visited prior to staying with them, Randy simply pushed me down and straddled my chest, Walter got behind him and sat on my stomach, and we remained like that for well over an hour while we watched television. When I started to say something they threatened to tape my mouth shut; holding a roll of duct tape for emphasis. I kept as quiet as if they had actually gagged me. Otherwise they didn’t do anything to me.
I had all but forgotten this incident by the time I had to spend two weeks at their house, and figured I could just hang out and get to know my cousins better. Failing that, I could watch TV or read some books I had brought along.

Walt and Randy were civil enough when I arrived, but as I was bunking in Randy’s room, I soon got the impression that I was more of an unwelcome intruder rather than a welcome guest in their eyes, although my aunt was glad enough to have me there to keep Walt and Randy company while she was taking my mom to see my dad (mom couldn’t drive; my aunt had to come get us and drive us to her house). They would spent the first overnight at my aunt’s house, then my aunt would drive mom to dad’s hospital early in the morning and return late the following night. She’d be home each night (though be away most of the day every day otherwise) until it was time to pick up mom (and hopefully dad if he recovered enough) again later.
Randy and Walter had had separate rooms for a long while, but as younger kids they had bunked together. Randy still had the large bed they used to share in his room; I was bunking with him because his bed was roomy enough for us both and because Walter was the privileged older brother who kept his own privacy intact.

Randy’s bed was solid oak and had thick wooden railings at the head and foot. Having a strange imagination even then, I idly wondered if Walter had ever tied Randy to those railings when they slept together. I never suspected I would find out the answer that very night.

I was tired from the trip to my aunt’s house and went to bed earlier than the others. I always sleep on my back with my arms flung out above my head. I wasn’t used to sleeping in a bed with railings so thought nothing of where my hands and feet were at the time. Despite the strange bed, I conked out in no time. It was quiet as Randy was with his brother in Walter’s room watching TV at the time, and I was a sound sleeper.

Sometime during the night I sleepily felt something cold settle around my wrists… and then something else cold around my ankles… but I was too sleepy to really care and tried to go back to sleep. My arms and legs seemed a bit stretched out so I turned in bed slightly to make myself more comfortable - and only then noticed that I was having a little trouble moving my hands and feet. Still more than half asleep, I was sleepily trying to move them to a more comfortable position when a bright light abruptly came on and blinded me like a bat dragged out into the sunlight.

While I was winking and blinking and trying to figure out what was going on, a heavy weight suddenly settled down on my chest and another on my stomach. I felt two bony knees suddenly brace my face and hold them firmly facing upward, and I opened my eyes just in time to blurrily see two hands descending toward my face with a length of duct tape held between them. Before I could open my mouth to show my indignation, that tape was plastered right over it and patted down quite forcefully to keep my mouth shut! As gags go it was not very effective but sufficed for this occasion; the only other occupants of the house were my mom and my aunt (my uncle was deceased), and they were both so hard of hearing I doubt they could have heard me yell even without a gag. As the house was out in the country, there was no one else within calling distance either.

My eyes adjusted to the light, but I still could not see too well as I am as nearsighted as Mister Magoo and my glasses were on the drawer-top where I'd placed them when going to bed. I could see enough however to grasp the situation. My hands were cuffed to the wooden railing above my head (each rail being well over an inch thick) and my feet ankle-braceleted (or whatever the correct term is) to the railing there. It was no mystery where these had come from; my uncle was a policeman and apparently these were his own sets. It was no mystery who had clapped them on me, either. I could see Randy’s smiling face looking down at mine while he straddled my chest and his bony knees dug into my shoulders; while Walter was peering down at me over Randy’s shoulder with a cheese-eating grin while he straddled my stomach. Walter wore boxer shorts and an old T-shirt, while Randy was shirtless and wore pajama bottoms cut off just above the knees. Though still slender, he was starting to develop an athletic build similar to Walter’s, and I suddenly caught myself looking at his upper body with some envy as I compared his graceful build to my pudgy self.

I swear my look was merely one of envy, but Randy thought (or at least pretended he thought) that that look meant something else. “Don’t look at me like that, you (I’d rather refrain from describing what he called me)!” The next thing I knew, I saw his hand descend and whap me in the face… hard enough so that all I saw for a few seconds afterward were stars. Then, as my vision cleared, I heard tape ripping and saw some of it coming right at my eyes. Randy was using the tape to blindfold me! Then, apparently for good measure, he reached out above my head, pulled the case off the spare pillow, and wrapped the upper half of my head with it. After that, he decided to add to the gag by yanking the pillow out from under my head, pulled off its case, and wrapped it around my mouth and jaws. It still wasn’t terribly effective in making me inaudible, but it sure made me FEEL helpless!

I tried to protest as the two pillow cases covered every part of my head except the top of my scalp and my nose. I promptly felt my nose pinched tightly shut between a thumb and forefinger, and I began to panic. Randy only squeezed for a few seconds – long enough for me to get the intended message – and then let go again. I breathed a sigh of relief and then kept perfectly quiet like I was obviously supposed to. I felt the weight of Randy’s body shift a little on my chest and then heard some whispering between my two cousins; Randy had evidently turned to face his cousin so that I could not hear what either said. Neither made any effort to talk to me or to get off of me, but I decided that I better just lay there and wait for them to tell me their intentions in their own good time.

I felt Randy’s weight shift back to the way it was at the same time he pinched my nose shut again and gave it a shake. “You still awake down there?” he asked as he let go. I vigorously nodded my head in hopes he wouldn’t do something else to ensure he had my attention.

“Good!” he replied, while at the same time he began to flick my nose alternately with his forefingers; making it good and sore in no time! “Now listen up. We understand that with your dad ill and all you had to stay somewhere, and that you got ‘volunteered’ to stay with us, just like we got ‘volunteered’ to babysit you. Get it? Baby-SIT?”

He then laughed for a bit at his own joke. It sounded like the braying of a jackass and was almost as annoying as the nose-flicking he was still giving me.

“Thing is,” he continued, “Walt and I kind of of got used to having the house to ourselves all day every day while school’s out and mom’s working. We can have our friends over and play soccer and stuff. But we can’t do what we want if we have to take you along everywhere we go. You’d be bored, we’d be annoyed, and - frankly - we’d be embarrassed if our friends saw us with a fatty like you.”

I swallowed my indignation as he stopped flicking my nose at this point (tapping it with his forefinger instead to emphasis his point) and I did not want to give him an excuse to resume doing it (the tapping didn’t hurt anywhere near as much). I simply lay there and listened… what else could I do?

“So once our moms have gone out,” spoke up Walter, “we’re going to take you along with us to meet some other friends of ours, who have agreed to take over the babysitting chores for us each day. They’ll enjoy keeping you company more than we will. You’ll stay with them each day, and come back here to sleep with us with our moms none the wiser. And we’ll all be happy, won’t we?”

There was a silent pause then. Was I supposed to answer that stupid question?

I felt Walter’s weight suddenly lift off my stomach for a second, and then plop back down forcefully enough to make my nose whistle with the outtake of my breath and (as I was gagged so couldn’t exhale through my mouth) made my mouth make a sound very similar to a fart.
“WON’T WE?” asked Walter again rather more forcefully.

I began to nod my head in the affirmative hastily to prevent a recurrence, but at the same time Randy laughed/brayed again and said, “That sounded funny! Do it again!” I began to shake my head back and forth even more hastily in hopes of mercy, but I didn’t get it. Walter started to bounce on my gut like I was his own personal trampoline. Luckily the mattress was thick and soft, and it absorbed much of the impact. The bed also squeaked loudly, thankfully causing him to desist bouncing after a minute or so for fear of awakening either my mom or his despite their deafness. Though it seemed to me that if Randy’s brays couldn’t awaken them, nothing would!

“Okay then” continued Randy. “You just go ahead and get some more shut-eye. We’ll stay right here with you to make sure you don’t get into trouble – or to cause US any!”

I felt (and heard) my cousins get off of me and settle down on the bed; one lying on either side of me. I heard one of them click off the light while the other removed the pillow cases from my head. “I’ll take the tape off your mouth too, so we don’t have to worry about you having breathing problems while we sleep.” I heard Randy whisper into my left ear. “But one peep out of you to try to get attention and we’ll make you feel like one of our soccer balls! Understand?”

“Uh huh!” I replied softly, being semi-coherent with only the tape covering my mouth.

Randy peeled off the tape, which hurt worse than the nose flicking, but I gritted my teeth and took it without a sound for fear they’d gag me again otherwise. However, Randy made no attempt to remove the tape over my eyes… nor unlock the cuffs that bound me firmly to the bed. He and Walter simply lay down beside me – actually partially on top of me as the bed was not quite roomy enough for all three of us.

My cousins went to sleep readily enough; I think they hadn’t slept at all that night up to that point but had been busy cooking up this scheme to get me out of the house each day so I wouldn’t cramp their style. But I just lay there – wide-eyed were it not for the tape blindfolding me – and felt and heard my cousins softly breathing (Walter was so close he was literally breathing down my neck). Randy tossed and turned every so often; and more than once his spindly arms were halfway wrapped around my chest. One time I felt a hand near my groin and I simultaneously felt a flash of panic, a suddenly rising pressure down there, and a strong need to go to the bathroom. But the hand didn’t stray into forbidden territory and was soon gone again; whichever boy it was (probably Randy) had undoubtedly been asleep the whole time and unaware of what he’d done.

Then the panic was replaced by… disappointment? Meanwhile, the scary type of pressure slowly subsided but the other, more familiar one continued to mount. Oh God, why’d I drink so much water before going to bed! Am I about to become a 13-year-old bed-wetter?!

(to be continued)

Edit: Illustration for this chapter
Last edited by Jason Toddman 2 years ago, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Good to have you back on board.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 2 years ago Good to have you back on board.
Thanks. Wanted to attach a drawing to this part too like I did originally at the old site but attachments don't seem to be a thing here anymore. When did that happen?
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Post by Xtc »

We were getting clogged up with pictures that had very little or no story content.
Apparent;y one has to get the pic hosted somewhere else and then import it. Not my forte. Perhaps [mention]Johnsnow[/mention] can help.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Well, so much for posting TUG pictures here then. Oh well.
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Post by Xtc »

As I say: it is possible but I can't follow the method.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

I won't bother trying. This site was never a prime place for artworks anyway. If there is still a picture section here somewhere perhaps I can try there.
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Post by Xtc »

One still has to host the pics somewhere else. I did link to Johnsnow who tried to help me. I think he's recovering now!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Recovering from what? :?
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Post by Xtc »

Trying to make me understand!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Oh. ;)
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Post by drawscore »

From what I understand, CGI (Computer Generated Images) and drawings of tied kids is OK, but actual pictures of tied kids, is not. Check with an admin to be sure.

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Post by Veracity »

How great to see this story again.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

drawscore wrote: 2 years ago From what I understand, CGI (Computer Generated Images) and drawings of tied kids is OK, but actual pictures of tied kids, is not. Check with an admin to be sure.

Computer generated were entirely what I'd had in mind anyway. I don't even have photos or even photo manips of kids doing TUGs. It's all 2D or 3D art.
Veracity wrote: 2 years ago How great to see this story again.
Thanks. :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

Great to see you back on board with us and at it again [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention] ;)
I don't think I've read this one before. Should be fun.

About posting images, after reading Easy Prey I & II, you've probably noticed how heavily illustrated my own tales are.
Here's the guide on how to post photos:
Everything you need to know is in the thread's first two posts.

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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago Great to see you back on board with us and at it again @Jason Toddman ;)
I don't think I've read this one before. Should be fun.

About posting images, after reading Easy Prey I & II, you've probably noticed how heavily illustrated my own tales are.
Here's the guide on how to post photos:
Everything you need to know is in the thread's first two posts.
Thanks, BF. I'll give it some thought. Though maybe I can just post the pics at Deviantart and supply the links to the matching pictures at the end of each chapter. In fact, I'll try now as I post this chapter and if it works retrofit the first chapter as well.
In the meantime, here is the next chapter.


I suppose I should have mentioned before that I had a brother named Ike who was four years older than me. Because of him, I had acquired experience in tie-up games from a fairly early age. In fact, I cannot recall a time when we weren’t playing tie-up games. By the time I was five (and he was nine), I was certainly well-acquainted with the feeling of being tied up and helpless and at the mercy of other boys for a prolonged period of time.

Often my brother would bring his friends along (most as close to my age as they were to his; some even closer) and they’d have a good laugh at my expense watching me struggle to get loose. But other than some verbal taunting and an occasional tickle, they didn’t torment me and Ike usually freed me when they got tired of the game. I always ended up having to be untied as I never got free by myself; but at least they never walked off and left me tied up all by myself. By the time I was 12, I actually began to enjoy these games as much as they did, and sometimes let some of Ike’s friends tie me up and tease me for a while even when Ike himself wasn’t around.

Because he was so much older than I, Ike’s skill at tying me up always greatly exceeded my abilities to get myself loose again. At nine years old, I could escaped the ties he performed when HE was 9, but since he’d be 13 by then and his skills improved I was always literally in a bind. Now, at 13, I could’ve escaped the ties he’d used on me when he was 13, but at 17 his skills again exceeded mine. However, by that time he rarely tied me because we kept fighting and arguing, and his tendency to tie me up had been discovered by our parents by then. It was as much for these reasons as any others that it was decided by one and all to keep us well separated while mom and dad were away. Ike was old enough to stay home alone. And he'd have no opportunities to tie me up!

The irony of this did not escape me at all in my current predicament. I had never been bound with handcuffs before, and so all my rope-escaping skills acquired from Ike’s hands seemed unavailing here - but otherwise the situation was not too unfamiliar. I was actually beginning to enjoy this somewhat. I was scared at first, but knew Walter and Randy wouldn’t really hurt me or wouldn’t have dared to even had they wanted to. But I really needed to go to the bathroom, and this was the first time that I was at the mercy of boys who weren’t wide awake and keeping an eye on me in case I got into trouble. It was going to be a challenge to get their attention, and actually getting it might be a mixed blessing if they resented being woken up too much. But by the time it began to get light outside, I decided that I had to take the risk.

Randy’s face was nestled against my shoulder. Cuffed the way I was, it was difficult to move, but I was able to flex my upper arm enough to nudge him in the face. It took a while as he was an even deeper sleeper than I was, but I finally managed to get a groggy response out of him. At about the same time, Walter woke up as well and looked at me.

I looked back at him with pleading eyes and managed to talk well enough through the tape (which was starting to peel off anyway) to get my message across.

Walter got up, went to a drawer, grabbed one of my own clean rolled-up socks, and came back with it. “You want to go wizz, you do as I say.” He told me as he pulled the tape off my face. “Open.”

Naturally I did the opposite.

So Randy and Walter began to tickle the dickens out of me. Unfortunately for me, I am one of the more ticklish sort of people. Randy attacked my belly button while Walter sat on my chest and braced my face with his knees so that I couldn’t turn my head aside. The moment I was in helpless laughter (which was not long in coming) Walter jammed the rolled-up sock in my mouth and then held me rigid while Randy used the duct tape to cocoon the lower half of my head. Once the gag was secure, Walter got up off me, fetched my glasses, and put them on me so that I could see.
The two made no move to let me go to the bathroom however. They just looked at me with evil grins, and then resumed tickling me. Randy was a darned skilled and merciless tickler too – he straddled my hips and tickled my ribcage and armpits with gusto, while Walter attacked the soles of my feet! I was thrashing around the bed like a lunatic, despite Randy’s body weight pinning my torso down. The gag was much more effective than before, but I was sure I could still have been heard anywhere inside the house who wasn’t asleep or half-deaf.

My laughs became to turn into muffled screams as I felt my bladder begin to react to this treatment.

“Think we should just let him do it here?” asked Walter.

“Not in MY bed, we aren’t!” replied Randy, apparently just remembering why I’d woken them up in the first place. “It might be fun to make his mom think he wet the bed for no reason, and perhaps he’d have to clean up the mess too – but mom might make us help! Let’s get him to the bathroom before he explodes.”

“Yeah,” agreed Walter as we went to get the cuff keys. “Good thing mom and Aunt Sylvia aren’t up yet.”

Walter released one on the cuffs from around my ankle, pulled it clear of the bedpost, and re-attached the hobble again. “Turn over as much as you can” instructed Randy, taking his weight off my chest as he reached backward for the keys Walter was handing over to him. “I’m going to take one cuff off and then cuff your hands behind you.”

“You sure you want to do that?” Walter asked him. “Or do you want to have to help him aim once he’s ready to do his business?”

Randy gave his brother a look that clearly indicated he hadn’t thought of that. “Okay, change of plan. I’ll cuff your hands in front – at least until you’ve done what you need to do. But no funny business. Try to escape or attract attention and we’ll make you sorry.”

I doubted he really meant that; his voice didn’t carry the conviction that he actually intended to hurt me if I resisted; and neither did the look on Walter’s face. But I cooperated anyway; if only so that there’d be no unnecessary delay doing what I needed (desperately by now) to do. Also, I was enjoying myself somewhat more now that the prospect of bladder relief was imminent and I was curious what their plans for me were.

Randy rolled me on my back again after freeing one hand and pulling both hands away from the bedpost. Then he turned around as he maneuvered my hands to my front, and for a few seconds his butt hovered so close that I thought he was going to sit on my face! I wasn’t sure I was ready for THAT experience yet but it didn’t happen. Once he secured the handcuffs in front of me he got up off the bed to stand beside his brother.

As I was easing myself off the bed however, Walter took some rope and looped it around my middle and around the handcuffs a few times and pulled it tight, so that my hands were tied firmly to my belly. But at least I could still reach that vital part of me that I needed to once they finally got me to the bathroom.

They still weren’t satisfied though. Walter got a leash with a choke collar (used for a collie they used to have) and put it around my neck with another wide, evil grin. He held me on a short leash and tugged slightly to give me an idea what would happen to me if I didn’t do exactly what he wanted. THIS threat I could believe. At this point though, I was too desperate to care and actually began to whine through my gag for all the world like a puppy dog eager to go for a walk!

This got a few laughs from Randy, until Walter shushed him for fear of awakening their mom or mine. This was probably needless; with her hearing aid off and sound asleep, my mom was dead to the world and I knew my aunt was no different. This was the result of their having had to work in a very noisy shoe factory (without ear-plugs, apparently) when they were young girls during the Depression rather than genetics. I, on the other hand, had hearing almost as keen as the dog’s whose leash I was now wearing.... at least, when I was awake.

Randy stepped out of the room to make sure the coast was clear, and waved us on. Walter led the way, holding the leash a mere three feet from where it was wrapped around my neck, while Randy walked behind me. Randy and Walter’s bedrooms were upstairs, while my mom and Aunt Yvette sleep in separate rooms downstairs; the bathroom was at the end of the same hall, so we had to walk downstairs and pass both bedrooms to reach the bathroom. I was nervous at the prospect of walking past mom’s bedroom like this; it would be embarrassing as hell to be seen like that. That it’d probably be even worse for Walter and Randy never entered my head at the time – or theirs either judging from the nonchalant looks on their faces.
We tried to walk quietly, but the clink-clink-clink of the leg irons my cousins insisted on hobbling me with made stealth difficult. I tried to indicate to them that maybe they should remove the hobbles, but if they understood my message at all they showed no sign of it; Walter simply pulled me along and Randy gently shoved me from behind. Only knowing that our moms were so hard of hearing and sound sleepers – and my insistent bladder - enabled me to go through with this without a more vigorous protest.

We reached the bathroom without incident, but my cousins wouldn’t let me go in alone. They simply stood behind me to give me some illusion of privacy and told me to get on with it. I managed to do this without making much of a mess. However, even with my hands in front, having my hands cuffed AND tied made aiming difficult; especially as I was a bit – uh, stiff – down there at the time and pointing down was a problem! Darn it, but this was certainly a bad time to have to deal with – stiff joints.

Finally though, the ordeal was done. I felt in need of a wash but my captors would only allow a quick rinse of my hands then. “You can wash up all you want later, when the three of us have the house to ourselves. Now let’s go. Your mom wanted an early start and might wake up at any time.”
Just as he finished saying this, we all heard an alarm clock going off in Aunt Yvette’s bedroom!

There was no time now to get those darned hobbles off of me. Half dragging and half carrying me to make my leg irons clink less, Walter and Randy bustled me back down the hallway, past the bedrooms, and up the stairs! From the top of the stairs, they dragged me as fast as they could go back to Randy’s bedroom and closed the door.

“S***! That was close!” exclaimed Walter as he led me back to Randy’s bed.

“Doesn’t sound like she heard anything though,” replied Randy as he listened through the door. “The alarm clock is still going off. Oh, now she’s shut it off. It doesn’t sound like she’s doing anything unusual. I guess everything’s okay.”

“Good!” replied Walter. “Let get Jason back to bed.”

I tried to protest; indicating I’d rather stay up (having already slept a good eight hours), but they ignored me. Tugging insistently on my leash, Walter took me back to Randy’s bed where the two reversed the previous procedure to bind me back to it again.

They had considered leaving my hands cuffed in front of me, but decided that wasn't secure enough. “We’ll wait until our moms have gotten up, gotten ready, and leave,” Walter told me. “Once they’re gone, we’ll let you up so you can wash up, get dr sleep.”

My cousins started to walk out and return to Walter’s room, but my protests through the gag brought them back. “What?!” snapped Walter with a bit of asperity.

I wanted them to remove the darned gag, but it was now so effective I couldn’t make any coherent words get out of my mouth. But they apparently got the idea anyway. “The gag stays on!” said Walter. “Can’t have you calling for help once our moms are awake. And besides, do you really want your mom to see you like this? We’d just tell her it was your idea because you miss your brother Ike so much!”

I hadn’t known they knew about my brother playing TuG games with me. Under the circumstances, it’d be embarrassing if my mom believed them. She probably would too, as I was rather a habitual liar when I was younger. All the same, I continued protesting.

“What now? Can’t sleep?” asked Walter with a bit less annoyance in his voice.

I nodded my head.

“Don’t want to be left alone handcuffed like that either, I’ll bet,” put in Randy.

I nodded my head again with more vigor.

“Okay,” replied Walter with a heavy sigh as he shut the bedroom door he had just opened closed again. “We’ll keep baby company if that’s what he wants.”

Walter then peeled off his T-shirt (leaving him in just his boxers) as he walked up to the bed, climbed on top… and then straddled my chest again. Giggling, Randy followed close behind and straddled my belly (now wearing only his own set of boxers).

This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind but I didn’t protest. At least, not until Walter proceeded to flick my nose and ears with his forefingers, pinch my cheeks, and playfully slap my face (not hard enough to hurt though). Every so often he’d also close my nose shut, and cut off my air until I began to struggle. He’d let go well before I was in danger of passing out though, and I wasn’t too scared after the first couple of times. However, after a particularly long and painful squeeze, I protested again.

“If you prefer, I can do what I sometimes do to Randy,” said Walter. “When I have him tied to his bed, I put a pillow over his face and sit on it a while. Would you like that?”

I stared at him goggle-eyed in sudden panic – mixed perhaps with a bit of anticipation – and bewilderment. He tied his own brother and sat on him? That explained a few things!

“If you prefer, we don’t need the pillow!”

OMG! Was he serious!?

Walter got up, turned around, took my glasses off and tossed them to Randy, and began to slowly descend while I began to thrash around in my cuffs like a lunatic again - and Randy brayed like a jackass again.

Bug-eyed, I watched as Walter came to within an inch of my head – and then stopped. I closed my eyes tightly shut and held my breath, awaiting the inevitable.

But instead of my air being cut off, my ears were assaulted with more laughter as Walter turned back around without touching my face, resumed sitting on my chest with a wide close-mouthed grin, and resumed gently slapping my face and pinching my nose shut. At the same time, despite not having my glasses on I was noticing a bulge inside Walter’s boxers (loose as they were on him) that matched the one I could feel rising inside of mine when he began to squeeze my face between his lanky thighs.

I didn’t protest any more after that.

(Illustration for this chapter)

(to be continued)
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Post by Ebascoray »

But...but...but...Mr. Toddman---when you wrote, and posted this story several years ago, on the previous site, I was under the impression that it was a TRUE story, and not fictional. (Oh, I know that the names were changed from real-life names to fictional names) But, I thought that it was true. Am I hallucinating in my "Old Age"? Please clarify this matter for me. Thank you. Best Regards...

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Jason Toddman[/mention] The important thing is to get your pics stored on another host. Deviant Art is one of those hosts.
Since your pics are already stored onto Deviant Art, you can simply post the image here by going on your DA, right-clicking on the image and clicking on "copy image link" and then pasting it in the IMG code (the icon with the mountains and sun when you're writing/editing a post).

Just to give you an example, this is what the code will look like:

Code: Select all


This is what it'll give you: A full-sized illustration (much larger than the crummy attachments of old) that takes up 0 board space

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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago @Jason Toddman The important thing is to get your pics stored on another host. Deviant Art is one of those hosts.
Since your pics are already stored onto Deviant Art, you can simply post the image here by going on your DA, right-clicking on the image and clicking on "copy image link" and then pasting it in the IMG code (the icon with the mountains and sun when you're writing/editing a post).

Just to give you an example, this is what the code will look like:

Thanks, but I think I may stick with this. For three reasons:
1. The image you get from my link is even larger still than the example you gave; at least if you click on it to expand the image. At least, this is how it worked for me personally.
2. In case I post a link to something someone might complain about down the line, at least they have to click on it themselves to see it; it doesn't automatically show up. So it helps cover my butt if there is any sort of disagreement about whether or not my images are too racey, because the image is not actually visible here. Some no doubt are but I have enough sense not to post those I would have any doubts about. Still, better to be safe than sorry. Which I wonder is another reason you guys set up the current system; which if so strikes me as a wise move.
3. I'm a lazy old bastard who doesn't like to deal with all-new things anymore, whereas I'm already thoroughly familiar with how to do this. :mrgreen:

But perhaps I'll try it tomorrow with the next chapter and drawing and we'll see from there; now that you have pointed the way for me. Thanks.

I had wondered if even the underwear in the second chapter might be a step too far, but apparently you had no problem with this yourself while actually reproducing it on your own, so that's good to know! Thanks. :D
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Ebascoray wrote: 2 years ago But...but...but...Mr. Toddman---when you wrote, and posted this story several years ago, on the previous site, I was under the impression that it was a TRUE story, and not fictional. (Oh, I know that the names were changed from real-life names to fictional names) But, I thought that it was true. Am I hallucinating in my "Old Age"? Please clarify this matter for me. Thank you. Best Regards...

It largely is true with some exaggerations and some dialog added, but so many people (some quite rudely) questioned the veracity of my story (and made me feel like the reincarnation of Baron Munchausen at best) that I decided to simply re-post it here as fiction and be done with it so as to avoid any more arguments / unpleasant conversations.
The chief difference between my stories and actual events is that everything is real life was not only completely consensual but was virtually my own idea. I was always obsessed with having other boys smaller than me (not necessarily younger at the time; I was bigger than most boys my age) sit on me as far back as I can remember, though I didn't get into bondage per se until around this time. They eventually came up with their own ideas of how to 'torment' me once they knew I'd go along with virtually anything as long as I was being sat on, and their surprise ambushes were pretty much something I went along with too (especially as my extremely sensitive hearing made an actual surprise ambush - whether I was asleep or awake - virtually impossible). At least, indoors in a quiet house.
Also, my cousins were actually more my own age (the older one was actually in the same grade as me; the other the year behind) and rather smaller than I was (by a good many pounds than I have described them to be) though they were still pretty athletic (the older was into boxing; the younger into various other sports).
The upshot is that they got a kick out of me virtually asking them to dominate me like that (accentuated by the fact that I was so large but placid) and happily did so whenever I wanted. But I figured the story sounds much more interesting if I embellished it a little, and so here we are. :mrgreen: So though basically true the conflicts and non-consensual elements are pretty well made of or at most pretend / subtle role-playing / acting-out my various bondage / being-sat-on fantasies. But I pretended they were not, and so I am telling my story the way I imagined the actual events were happening. So there is a good bit of fiction mixed in here; but they are based on true events.
I hope that cleared that up. :D
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Post by Tiedtothelife »

Nice story, I am looking forward to reading more of these guys. I will wait!
You know what's better than a shirtless boy tied and gagged? A shirtless boy tied and gagged being tickled.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Tiedtothelife wrote: 2 years ago Nice story, I am looking forward to reading more of these guys. I will wait!
You don't have to wait long. :D


As the early morning progressed, the three of us could hear first Aunt Yvette (Walter and Randy’s mom) and my mom (their aunt Sylvia) as they awoke, washed, and began to prepare breakfast. Once we were sure the bathroom was free, Walter got up, put on some PJs, and went downstairs for his own shower while Randy remained with me (still straddling my stomach) to keep me company. Once Walter returned (now dressed in gym shorts, a tank-top, white socks and (really well-used but relatively odor-less) sneakers, Randy got up off me to take his shower while Walter resumed his old seat on my chest... putting my glasses back on me for the first time since he had removed them while pretending he was going to sit down on my face.

“Once we’re alone, we’ll let you up you can shower, change clothes, and have breakfast, okay?” he told me in a conversional tone of voice as if taking someone captive and sitting on his chest weren’t at all unusual.

I ‘mmmphed’ through my gag and nodded my head.

“I’m not removing your gag until our moms are gone,” said Walter. “Once we’re alone, I’ll take the gag off and you can talk all you want until we get ready to leave. Until then, put a sock in it!”

I groaned at the awful pun; it was a sock stuffed into my mouth and held in place with duct tape that was preventing me from saying anything coherent.

I groaned even louder when he shifted backward to sit on my belly and start twisting my nipples (I wasn’t wearing a T-shirt; just boxers); not too hard, but hard enough to be annoying. Then he slapped them and laughed, saying they jiggled like Jell-O. Granted I was a bit pudgy, but you’d think I had a woman’s breasts from the way he carried on. Then he bounced on my belly lightly a few times and said I was certainly well padded and more comfortable to sit on than his far more slender brother. Walter on the other hand had a bony butt, which become all the more annoying with every bounce he took.

Randy returned finally, dressed like Walter but wearing an old short-sleeved T-shirt that was cut off two-thirds of the way down – leaving his navel area exposed.

“We’re going down for breakfast now,” Walter told me. “We’ll tell your mom you’re sleeping in. Knowing you, that won't be hard to believe, I'm sure. You’ll be fine by yourself for an hour or so. Once they’re gone, we’ll care of your needs too.”

And with that my two cousins walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind them. I halfway expected them to lock it too (more to keep anyone else out and seeing me than to keep me in, which their kind of lock couldn’t do anyway were I free); but they didn’t. I could hear them running down the stairs and then chatter away with mom and my aunt while they had breakfast. I could hear snatches of the conversation and my name mentioned once or twice, but that was about it.

I didn’t use the time I had alone to try to escape. For one thing, it would’ve been futile; I was trapped but good. The cuffs were on my wrists too securely and those wooden bedposts were too stout to break with the poor leverage that I had. For another, I was enjoying myself more than ever. Looking at the railing of the bed, I could see numerous marks, scratches, and even some gouges in the woodwork, indicating that this bed had been used for both tie-ups and cuffing numerous times. I wondered if their mother had ever noticed or wondered what caused them.

I also wondered how they got into this habit of tying up and then sitting on each other and hoped they’d tell me once I had the chance to ask them about it. Although I had been sat on by other boys before, it was usually brief and usually the consequence of losing a fight… and had never happened while I tied up at the time. This time, I had been sat on and tied up at the same time and for an extended period of time, and had found the combination exhilarating. I had never felt so scared before… and so excited at the same time.

I was confused by these feelings at first, but I had plenty of time to think about it. I had thought being tied up to be the ultimate feeling of helplessness; but to be sat on and tormented by my two cousins at the same time was so much more exciting than anything I had ever experienced before! The fact that I knew them far less well than Ike and his friends - or anyone else who had ever tied me up – and therefore had little idea what they might do to me only added to the excitement. By the time Walter and Randy came back to my room, I was hoping they’d sit on me again and keep doing it all day!

After what seemed like forever I heard my mom and aunt leaving. My mom called out a goodbye to me from the bottom of the stairs in case I was awake. I was, and heard her clearly but kept quiet; the only sounds I could make couldn’t be heard by her anyway and I didn’t want to attract her attention to my current predicament in any case. I heard Randy tell her that he and Walter had stayed up with me half the night playing Monopoly, and that I was probably still asleep. Mom and Aunt Yvette took his word for it, said their goodbyes to my cousins, and then left.

The moment their car started down the driveway, my cousins came upstairs to check on me. “They’re gone,” Walter announced to me with a decidedly evil-looking grin.

“Now for some REAL fun!” snickered Randy, rubbing his hands together like some cartoon villain plotting a dastardly deed.

The two of them jumped on top of my helpless form and tickled me even more relentlessly than before. I laughed and then screamed through the gag as if I was being horribly tortured – which I essentially was!

But then, suddenly, I felt myself choking. My struggles changed dramatically, and my cousins immediately recognized the look in my eyes as sheer terror.

“Shit! We forgot the God-damned sock!” shouted Randy. “He’s choking on it!”

Walter had realized this as quickly as Randy, but instead of panicking he reacted quickly and efficiently. He immediately pulled out a penknife he had in his pocket and went for my neck – something that might’ve aroused panic on my part normally but this time I was totally oblivious to it. Somehow he cut that tape apart in a matter of seconds without nicking me, pulled it off, pried open my mouth, and pulled the sock out. I was gasping loudly for breath by this time as Randy finally reacted and got one handcuff undone so that Walter could help me to sit up with one hand and pound my upper back with the palm of his other hand. Maybe this helped, because my breathing went back to normal fairly quickly once that obstruction was removed.

“Damned thing was halfway down your throat!” Walter told me. “We’d better not do THAT again… or at least not tickle someone so hard at the same time. Are you okay?”

I nodded an affirmative, still breathing too hard and too busy gasping and coughing to talk yet. That was the most frightening experience I’d EVER had!

That close-call seemed to spoil the fun of keeping me captive for my cousins, because they took the hand-and ankle cuffs off me before I fully recovered my breath.

“You feel up to washing up?” Walter asked me with unusual sympathy in his voice.

“Yeah, I guess so” I replied a little raggedly; rubbing the circulation back into my wrists and ankles where they had been cuffed for several hours.

“Okay, you wash up and get dressed and we’ll fix you a nice breakfast, okay?”

Always heartened by the prospect of food, I immediately grabbed a change of clothes and headed downstairs for a bath. I took my time, rubbing the aches out of my muscles from my recent experience and thinking about how I’d felt when I was a helpless captive of my cousins – and actually found myself hoping that after a while they’d take me prisoner again!

I got my wish much sooner than I thought. Having finished my bath and put on a clean set of clothing (Full-length blue jeans, a striped polo shirt, and sneakers but no socks – I’d had enough of socks for a while) in the bathroom, I stepped out and started down the hallway – and immediately got tackled and wrestled down to the floor by Walter and Randy. They’d been standing outside the bathroom – one on each side of the door – and jumped me from behind without my knowing they were there!

Before I knew it, I was lying face down on the floor (somehow my glasses had remained on) with Walter straddling my upper shoulder and the back of my head and putting the handcuffs back on my wrists behind my back. Meanwhile Randy was kneeling on the back of my legs and putting the hobbles back on me. Caught by surprise, I reacted instinctively and struggled – my wish of mere moments ago temporarily but completely forgotten. However; it was a well-executed operation; I was completely helpless again before I could have counted to ten (or maybe even five; everything happened so fast!).

“Since you seem to be all right now, let’s resume where we left off, shall we?” said Walter with that cheese-eating smirk of his as he got off my back and helped me stand up. With Walter gripping me by one upper arm and Randy gripping the other, I was walked over to the kitchen table and sat down in a chair. I noticed as I was led to it that the chair had scratches and gouges on its back and legs similar to what I had noticed on Randy’s bed previously; giving me warning of what was to come (and making me wonder how my aunt thought THOSE had gotten there! Through normal wear and tear?).

The chair had a solid back support mounted on a narrow metal strut. Walter took a small length of rope and tied my hands and cuffs together to the strut. Randy’s preparations for my feet were just as simple and effective. He knelt down beside me and lifted my ankles up off the floor with his hands, and caused the middle part of my hobbles to snag on something down there that I could not see. When he released my ankles, I found that I could not set either foot back down to the floor, nor lift them back up again high enough unassisted to free my hobbles from whatever had snagged the chain. I was NOT getting up out of that chair without help, that’s was for sure!

I expected to be fed stale old doughnuts and warm water for breakfast, but my cousins actually went to the effort of fixing me a generous helping of ham and eggs, a buttered English muffin, and several pieces of French toast with maple syrup – with some orange juice and Hawaiian punch to wash it down with. Of course, to make breakfast more interesting for me, they kept my hands cuffed behind me while they took turns feeding me by hand like I was a baby. But I loved every moment of it.

Once I was finished, they cleared the table and washed the dishes – leaving me helplessly strapped to the chair while they leisurely cleaned up and did various other chores. As they were in no apparent hurry, I struck up a conversation (something I was too busy eating to do before).

“So, why have you guys got me all chained up?” I ventured to ask.

“Because it’s gotten boring just doing it to each other,” came Walter’s answer.

“Uh… so you chain each other up a lot?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, a few times a week when mom’s away or asleep,” replied Randy. “I think she suspects something, but she’s never questioned us or caught us at it. We behave ourselves otherwise so she doesn’t pry.”

“Anyway, we figured you might like a change of pace yourself,” said Walter. “After all, your own brother’s been tying you up for years!”

“How’d you know that?” I asked with some alarm.

“He told us years ago on one of your family visits,” replied Walter. “While you were in dad’s old room watching cartoons or whatever, we tied your brother up and sat on him for a couple of hours out in the backyard.”

“You tied HIM up?” I asked in astonishment. “How’d you do that? He’d have been too big for even the both of you to wrestle down!”

“We didn’t have to wrestle him,” said Randy. “He asked us to do it!”

I just stared at him in slack-jawed amazement. “Ike ASKED to be tied up? At home, HE’s the one that does all the tying up!”

“Well, he asked US to tie HIM up.” replied Randy. “And to sit on him too; after he found out Walter and I like to sit on each other.”

“Why?” I asked a trifle numbly.

“Why what?” replied Walter. “WE liked it. He found out. He wanted to find out what it felt like to be tied up and sat on, so we did it. No big deal. Why so puzzled? Are you telling me that YOU didn’t like it when I sat on your chest and fooled with your face? We saw that hard-on you had last night!”

My face flushed as deep red as it had when Walter had been repeatedly slapping my face. I hung my head in some embarrassment – to notice that my traitorous groin was bulging again! Aw, Man! Fortunately my cousins were standing behind me and couldn’t see the encore.

“I wonder why he never wanted to do it with me!” I found myself inanely mumbling.

“Perhaps because you need to lose some weight,” replied Randy a bit unkindly. “No one wants a fatty sitting on him!”

“I’m not THAT fat,” I snapped, but I was looking at my gut and felt ashamed. Maybe I was not fat by my own standards, but compared to Walter and Randy I sure was! In fact, one of the things that had started my recent round of vicious arguments with my brother was his nagging me that I should go on a diet! What my cousins had told me had put a different light on his recent insistence of butting into my business.

“Anyway, no time left to discuss this now,” said Walter. “It’s time to go.”

Randy produced a roll of Duct tape and approached me.

“You don’t really need to gag me, you know!” I told him. “I won’t try to attract anyone’s attention by yelling.”

“Maybe not, but it’s too much fun!” he replied. “We’ll skip the part of sticking a sock in your mouth for today though until we’re sure you’re fully recovered.” And with that he wound the tape around my lower face a good dozen times.

“Where are we going, anyway?” I managed to ask before the gagging progressed far enough to make me incomprehensible.

“You’ll see,” said Randy as he finished taping my mouth shut and placed the leash and choke collar back on me. Walter then freed me from the chair and tied a second leash around my wrists and the handcuffs. The two of them together then led me to the back door. From there, it was a short trip through the back yard to a trail that led deep into a thickly wooded area beyond. Though it was broad daylight, there was no one to watch us as Randy led me down the trail like an unresisting pet dog and Walter followed along after us holding the leash to my wrists.
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Post by Ebascoray »

Mr. Toddman: Yes, thank you...that does clarify the matter for me. Best Regards...
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Ebascoray wrote: 2 years ago Mr. Toddman: Yes, thank you...that does clarify the matter for me. Best Regards...
You're welcome.


Although being gagged added to the fun feeling of being totally helpless and at the mercy of my cousins, I had so many questions that I wanted answers to that I decided I preferred to be free to talk. So I stopped and “Mmphed” to get their attention. However, Randy didn’t quite react in time and gave me a sudden yank with the choke chain (making me lurch forward and almost falling on my face before I could stop myself) before he also stopped.

“What the fuck is it now?!” asked Randy with some annoyance as Walter stepped up from behind to stand beside me.

I mmphed incoherently into my gag.

“Are you choking?” asked Walter, though he could plainly see that I wasn’t.

I shook my head no.

“Gotta go pee?” he asked. No. “Hurt too much somewhere?” No. “Itch?” No. Well, now that he mentioned THAT, I DID have an itch coming on… but it was in a place I wouldn’t have dared to ask him to scratch even if I could’ve told him where it was!

“Then it can keep! Come on!” snapped Randy, who proceeded on and pulling on my leash. But I remained stubbornly still even when he tugged hard enough to make the choke collar distinctly uncomfortable.

Randy stopped, turned around with increased irritation, and walked back up to me and stuck his face right into mine. “You’re more stubborn than that damned collie mom used to have! What’s wrong with you? You want us to drag you down the trail like we dragged and carried you up the stairs this morning?”

That did sound like it had its appeal, come to think of it. But I rolled my eyes and then looked down cross-eyed at my gag, mumphing ever more impatiently.

“All right, we’ll remove the gag,” said Walter. “But if this isn’t important, we’re sticking a sock back into your mouth – and it’ll be a bit dirty this time, too! – and leaving you gagged all frigging day!”

I thought about it quickly and slowly nodded my assent to this even though I doubted they’d consider my questions very important. So Walter got his penknife and sawed the tape apart and pulled it off my face – more slowly this time as it wasn’t an emergency like before (my lips had felt like they’d been torn off the other time, though I didn’t notice that until I had recovered from choking, and were still somewhat sore but otherwise were fine).

“How did you and Randy find out you like… this kind of thing?” I asked Walter.

“THAT’S your important question?!” yelped Walter with irritation mixed with apparent astonishment. “You moron! That’s it! You’re getting the sock!” So saying, he got down on his left knee and started to untie the sneaker on his right foot.

“Wait! Please! I just wanted to know, that’s all! Please tell me!” I pleaded with him.

Walter looked up with some annoyance, but apparently relented because he re-tied his sneaker and stood up again. “No real story there. Randy and I play different sports. We got into wrestling, and we found that Randy enjoyed it whenever I pinned him down by straddling him. Naturally there were times when I tied him up too, and he’d enjoyed that… and I found I liked it when I let him tie me up too. So one day we thought to combine the two, and we’ve been doing it ever since.”

“How’d Ike find out about it?”

"Randy and I used to take pictures of each other being tied up. I’d rigged a camera so I make it take pictures of being sitting on Randy, or him me, while the other was tied. You... uh... I guess one of those pictures had been left in plain sight somewhere and Ike asked about it. When we told him, scared he’s tell someone, he promised to keep quiet if we’d do it to him. So we did. And did it each time he visited with your family since. He didn’t come with you the last couple of times because of his part-time job, so we wrestled you down and sat on you instead. As you seemed to like it, and since Ike had told us you liked being tied up too, we made plans to make your visit more interesting when we heard you’d be staying with us for a couple of weeks. We thought Ike might’ve introduced you to the idea before now, but I guess he thought doing this to you would be too risky and unpleasant for you and doing it with you on top no fun. So I guess it surprised you even more than we’d expected when we ambushed you and cuffed you to your bed last night.”

“I thought you guys disliked me,” I reluctantly admitted.

“We did used to,” admitted Randy more freely. “You used to be a real brat. Since you brought it up, I’ll tell you that one reason we didn’t like you was because we caught you rummaging through our stuff during your Christmas visit two years ago. Remember that? Ike caught you at it as we were walking in and practically tossed you out as you were opening our box of photographs. Fortunately you didn’t see any of them before you got caught, but Ike did. THAT’S how he found out about us. And so our little expedition now is a fun way for all of us to get our revenge.”

I hung my head in shame and embarrassment. I HAD been an unlikable twerp in my younger years; something that was still proving to be very difficult to live down.

“I’m sorry,” I said humbly.

“It’s okay,” said Walter. “It worked out all right. All the same, we’d have beaten you up back then if Ike hadn’t prevented us. But taking you prisoner now has been more fun for us anyway.”

“So where are you taking me now?” I asked.

“Well, we can’t keep you tied up around the house all day because we have friends coming over later… most of who don’t know about any of this. Also, we figured you might like to be with kids more your own age. We have a friend with a couple of younger brothers who’ve agreed to keep you company when we can’t. They’re into our games too. We arranged on the phone last night to meet them out here this morning, because this trail connects our house with theirs. It’s private property, so no one else will see, hear, or bother you out here. In fact, we’re almost there now.”

A moment later the trail led us to a small clearing. To the left was a small sandy beach and a small, isolated arm of the nearby lake forming a quiet, hidden pond. The forest continued just a little ways beyond and there were trees all around. It was a surprisingly beautiful and isolated spot so close to a small city like that one.

Sitting on a large, flat-topped boulder were three boys, who stood up when they spotted us and approached. The first was a trifle older than I but younger than Randy. He was shorter than me and stouter than either of my cousins, but not as pudgy or as heavy as me; he was athletic but not slender. He wore a dark hooded sweater and gray shorts running halfway to his knees and long socks ending just below his knees and a set of dark sneakers. His slightly plump face and thighs made him look a bit cherubic, but he was obviously as fit as my cousins were. He had light blond hair (much like that kid on the Daniel Boone TV show that was current at the time), blue eyes, and – I couldn’t help but think of it this way – a sweet smile. His name was David.

The other two boys hung back slightly to let the older boy take the lead. They were David’s brothers: Brian, who was 12½, and Michael, who had just turned 11. Both had darker hair than their brother but otherwise looked like smaller, thinner versions of him. They were of average height for their age although rather on the slender side. Both wore gym shorts, tank-top shirts, white socks, and (identical) white sneakers.

“So here’s the victim, huh?” asked David. “I thought you said you were going to carry him in on a pole like a bagged deer!”

I looked at my cousins in astonishment, who looked away in some embarrassment. “We had a change of plan,” replied Walter. “We didn’t want to shock Jason too much at once so that we wouldn’t put up too much of a struggle.”

“Besides, we couldn’t find a pole sturdy enough to carry him all this way,” put in Randy.

“We didn’t want to wear ourselves out before the soccer match lugging him here either;” added Walter. “He’s a bit on the heavy side.”

“Hi, I’m David,” the boy introduced himself to me, holding out his hand for me to shake. Forgetting the situation momentarily somehow, I tried to extend my hand for a shake, but of course failed because my hands were still securely cuffed behind me. This brought laughter from my cousins, but David merely smiled mischievously but (I think) kindly. I found that I wasn’t the least bit annoyed by his little prank. I liked him at once.

David introduced his brothers, who seemed shyer than he was because they hung back slightly and merely mumbled their hellos. “Come on, guys,” David gently admonished them. “You can be friendlier than that! After all, he’s going to be spending the whole day with you.” They just mumbled in response.

“Sorry, Jason,” David said to me. “It takes them time to warm up to strangers. They’re probably more used to being the ones who are tied up.... hehehe! They’ll be friendlier once they’ve had time to get used to being on the top for a change.”

“Well, let’s get him settled in,” advised Randy. “We’ll be running late for the Soccer match if we don’t get a move on.”

I was led over to a shady spot, where I saw a backpack containing several tent pegs and coils of some type of slender rope that had evidently been brought here by David’s group.

“We decided not to keep you in cuffs in case of an emergency,” Walter said to me as he took the handcuffs off me and Randy knelt down to release my hobbles. “We don’t want to leave the only set of keys we have to Brian and Michael, so we’re taking off the cuffs and staking you out with regular rope instead, so the others can quickly free you just in case something somehow goes wrong.”

Freed for the moment, I rubbed my wrists while I could before lying down on my back on top of a blanket spread out on the grass. Walter told me to kick off my sneakers and pull up my pants legs a bit. Once I’d finished, Randy tied a tent peg onto my left wrist, Walter another on my right wrist, and Michael and Brian proceeded to do the same with my ankles with apparent skill (I learned later that both were in the Boy Scouts). With nothing better to do, David stepped over my recumbent form and sat on my belly with his knees pinning my shoulders and his hands my upper arms. The weight of him on top of me made me feel quite comfortable; too much so I began to realize as my treacherous you-know-what tried to rise up as if hoping to get a look at him from behind!

I just sighed and enjoyed the sensation while it lasted; wishing that David had his shirt and sweater/jacket off while I could see him so close.

Randy finished tying on the tent peg and, holding my forearm under one bony knee, pounded the tent peg in with a mallet with surprisingly few, strong taps. Finished, he handed the mallet to Walter, who finished pounding the tent peg in just as quickly and efficiently as Randy had while Randy checked my ankles to make sure Brian and Michael had done a good job with them. They had, and Walter quickly pounded those stakes into the ground as well within a minute or so.

The five boys (including David, who got off me the moment Randy was finished) stood all around me in a circle and told me to try to get loose. I gave it my best shot, but I may as well have been trying to uproot healthy trees for all the results I got. Satisfied, Randy, Walter, and David decided to give me a quick but brutal tickling session before heading off for their Soccer game. Randy and Walter each tickled one of my feet (which I had unwisely removed my only protection from), while David resumed sitting on my belly and tickled both of my underarms with horrifying effectiveness. Brian and Michael merely stood by a short distance away and watched with arms crossed and neutral expressions on their faces however. I began to wonder if being alone with them would be any fun after all. They acted like they didn’t even care about being here with me!

The three quit tickling me - more because they had somewhere to go rather than any merciful feelings on their part – and got off me. The three waved goodbye and walked on up the trail in the same direction we had been going, leaving me alone at the tender mercies of Brian and Michael. “We’ll come back and get you by five,” Randy called to me. “Be nice to Jason,” David told his brothers. Then all three were out of sight and earshot.

I turned to look at the other two boys, who were standing on the other side of me looking at me mildly – not saying a word or doing much of anything else either.

“Hi,” I ventured gamely with a friendly smile.

“Hi,” replied Brian with little evident enthusiasm; arms still crossed as he looked at me. Michael said nothing at all.

Not a very encouraging start to the meeting! I began to regret letting myself be placed in a situation I couldn’t just get up and walk away from.

“So, what would you like to do?” I asked them, half-expecting them to reply with a surly “to go home.” Instead, they merely shrugged their shoulders I-don’t-know.

Yeah, this was going to be a lot of fun. I got the impression they’d been dragooned into the task of keeping me company rather than volunteering for the job wholeheartedly.

“Uh, look…” I sighed, “If you fellas don’t want to be here, then go ahead and untie me and we can just forget about the whole thing.”

“Can’t!” Brian replied. “We were told that if we let you go or didn’t stay with you until they came back without a really good reason, they’d stake US out here naked on top of an ant hill, pour honey all over us, and leave us out here all night.”

“Aw, I doubt they’d really do THAT to you,” I replied with a laugh.

“Yeah, they would!” replied Michael quietly, evidently believing what he said. “David once wrapped me in duct tape from head to toe, gagged me, and padlocked me inside my own toy chest all night because I wouldn’t do some of his chores for him. Mom and dad were home the whole time and never even knew.”

“Why didn’t you tell them?” I asked sympathetically.

“I did.” replied Michael. “They wouldn’t believe me. I used to lie a lot when I was a kid.”

“Me too,” affirmed his brother.

I knew the feeling. Bad reputations seem to be darned-near immortal.

“Why didn’t you help your brother?” I asked Brian mildly; shaking my head to indicate I meant Michael rather than David.

“I tried,” he replied. “I got tied up and locked up inside the closet.”

“Oh.” I answered back, unsure if they were telling the truth or trying to hoax me; I never did find out which. “Well, I’m sorry if you don’t want to be here. If you don’t dare free me and leave, then let’s at least try to make the best of it, okay?”

“Okay,” they both replied together. Each picked up a bag they had beside him and walked up over to me. Brian stood over me with one foot on either side of my head and gently sat down on my chest, while Michael plopped down rather heavily on my stomach. Luckily he weighed only about 90 pounds; had Walter or Randy ever landed on me like that, I might have suffered a severe injury.

Totally ignoring me, the two boys took a stack of comic books out of their bags, selected one, and quietly began to read. All I could see from my angle now was a pair of legs and the front and back cover of a Superman comic book that was already two or three years old; showing Superman being punched in the gut or his side by some gigantic glove-enclosed fist while he was in mid-air. Superman looked like he was in pain; so it must have been quite a punch. The inside story involved some one-shot villain – a giant, ancient robot named Eterno – that had never been shown before and, as far as I know, never since. I got to read the comic book later; though not in that particular instance.

Trying to restart the conversation, I asked Brian if I could look at a comic book. “Sure,” he said without once looking away from his own comic book, grabbed a book apparently at random, opened it up to the middle, held it facing downward toward me… and promptly let it drop right onto my face! The two boys continued to quietly read while I couldn’t see a thing at all!

I began to wish my cousins and David would come back… especially David. At least he was friendly enough and might have been willing to talk with me. And I wanted to see what he looked like without a shirt, too. Oh well… at least his two brothers apparently didn’t plan to tickle the daylights out of me. And it was rather pleasant for me at the time to lie there and feel the weight of their small, light bodies on top of mine even if I could not see them. But I was hoping for at least a bit more… liveliness.

As they say… be careful what you wish for.

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Post by Xtc »

I'm glad you're continuing to post this one.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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