It is just a game (mff/ffffF)

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It is just a game (mff/ffffF)

Post by slackywacky »

Based on a story request by Mask6910

It is just a game
“Oh, come on, it will be fun.” Kelly said to their babysitter Megan.

Kelly and Vivian stood next to the towel Megan was lying on, sunbathing after a swim. Megan was not so sure. It was not she did not want to play along, it was more the fact that she was hired as the babysitter and being tied up made it a little hard to perform that role.

“You will have to let me go when I ask. Okay?” She replied.

“Yes, we will, it is just a game.” Kelly answered, looking at Megan with puppy dog eyes.

The look of anticipation on Vivian’s face was what eventually made Megan agree to play along with their request. It would be at least another 4 hours before the parents of the two girls would be home. Mark, the brother of the two girls was in his room doing his homework. Kelly was the oldest, Mark was 14 months younger and Vivian was the youngest by 2 years. The house they lived in was a large detached home in a suburb of a major city, with a large yard and a separate triple garage, in-ground pool with a small building that served as a change room and storage area for the pool equipment, and a small shed.

“Let me go and change.” Megan said.

“Why? Your bathing suit is fine. We might want to go back into the pool afterwards anyway.”

Megan agreed with Kelly that she might want to go back into the pool, it was after all a hot day. The one-piece Nike dark blue swimsuit she was wearing, would probably suit her fine for a little tie up game. At 20 years old, she was not very tall, but she was athletic and enjoyed all kinds of sports. Her shoulder length black hair was, as she almost always did, done up in a ponytail.

“Do you have something to tie me with?” She asked the girls.

Vivian nodded eagerly, while Kelly showed her what they had gathered. They had three pieces of rope, a few scarves and a bandana.

“Dad has more stuff in the garage, but we figured this would be good enough.” Vivian said.

Without hesitation, Megan got up from her towel, turned around and presented her hands, crossed behind her back, to the girls.

“No, we want to tie you to the lamppost.” Kelly said.

Megan looked at the indicated spot. The lamp was one of four, placed on each corner of the in-ground pool patio, about 3 feet away from the pools edge. They were straight white aluminum poles, around 8 feet high. Megan sighed and walked over to the pole, stood with her back against it, facing the pool, and held her hands crossed behind the post. She felt a rope being wrapped around her wrists.

“That is a little tight. Remember, I am a living person, not the lamppost.” She said when she felt how tight they were tying her hands.

“Sorry, we do not do this often.” Kelly said, before retying the rope a little less tight, but still tight enough to feel very snug.

Megan did not look to see who tied her, but it felt like it was mostly Kelly doing the work. The rope was wound horizontally and vertically around her wrists, before Kelly tied a knot. Megan tried to feel for the knot and her fingertips could just touch it, but she would not be able to undo it.

“Can we tie your feet too?” Kelly asked.

“Go ahead.” Megan said, resigning to the fact she would be tied until the girls would let her go.

Another rope was wrapped around her ankles a couple of times, before it was wrapped around the post, keeping Megan stuck to the lamppost.

“That was pretty good.” She said, complimenting the girls on their rope work. “I don’t think I can get out of this. So, now what?”

“Now you have to escape.” Vivian said while standing next to her sister, looking expectantly at Megan with big eyes.

“But I could scream for help. Should you not keep me from doing that?”

Vivian looked at Kelly, who nodded.

“We thought of that.” She said.

A small scarf, brightly colored, was held up to Megan’s mouth and she let Kelly stuff it in her mouth. One of the longer scarf was tied over her mouth and knotted at the nape of her neck, keeping the smaller scarf in place.

“Mpppfffffhhhh.” Megan tried, noting the gag did a decent job of preventing her to speak clearly.

Both young girls looked at their prisoner.

“Come on, you have to escape.” Vivian said, noting that Mean was mostly standing still.

Megan sighed, as she knew it was useless, but still gave them a bunch of struggles. After a few minutes she stopped again.

“Hmmppff hmmppff hmpf.” She said.

“What? You can’t get out?” Kelly asked, her interpretation of what Megan was trying to say being spot on.

Megan nodded.

“You did not really try.” Vivian said, disappointed. “I am thirsty; can I get a drink?”

Kelly nodded and Vivian ran towards the house, leaving her alone with the prisoner.

“You really can’t get out?” Kelly asked, a bit surprised by her own skills.

Megan nodded again.

“Wow.” Kelly said, sitting down in one of the many garden chairs and watching the helpless babysitter.

Megan tried again to find a way of getting out, but it was hopeless. Kelly had done a good job, intentionally or not. She would be their prisoner until they released her. She told herself to give them a little longer, before she would ask them to release her. She noticed Kelly looking at her and she tried another time to get free, but the end result was still the same.

“What is keeping Vivian?” Kelly said after some time went by.

She got up from her chair, ignored the tied up woman and ran to the house, leaving Megan alone, tied to the lamppost. The young bound woman looked around and felt alone and a bit silly, tied against the lamppost in her bathing suit, but since she could not get out, there was not much she could do. She looked at the house again to see if anybody was coming out, but nothing happened. All she could do was wait for rescue.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice start!
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Gotta agree with Mask, great start!
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Post by Solarbeast »

Again, I can't say enough good things about how you write your stories because this seems to be another great start to another hit story from your repertoire.
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Post by slackywacky »

One and one equals three
Mark finished his homework and walked over to the kitchen to get a drink, when he happened to look outside and see his sisters tying up the babysitter. He grinned and watch the proceedings near the swimming pool for a short while, until Vivian came running towards the house. Suddenly he had an idea. Quickly he ran to the garage and came back with some more rope, while Vivian entered the kitchen.

“Hi sis, what you’re doing?” He asked.

Vivian did not look up from pouring a glass of lemonade.

“We tied up the babysitter.” She said, after taking a sip.

“Why?” He asked.

“Because we could. It is only a game.”

Mark grinned, while a plan hatched in his head.

“Would you like to play too?” He asked his younger sister.

“What do you mean?” She replied, looking at him not understanding what he meant.

“Would you like to be tied up too, as part of the game? That way you are just like Megan.”

Vivian had to think about that one for a few moments.

“But you let me go when I ask?” She asked him.

“Yep. No problem, you ask me to untie you and I will.”

“Okay. At the swimming pool?” She asked.

Mark shook his head.

“Let’s use my room. That way I can hear you when you ask to be released.”

That sounded very logical to Vivian and she finished her drink, before following him to his bedroom.

“Can I change? I don’t like this bathing suit. I prefer my leotards, as it is softer.

Mark just shrugged and waited for Vivian to change clothes. She came into his room dressed in her shiny light pink leotard, wearing pink socks on her feet. He indicated she should come stand before him.

“Just remember that Jennifer is coming by later for a swim. You need to untie me before that time.”

“Okay sis, no problem.” He grinned, already planning ahead.

She turned her back to him and crossed her wrists behind her, like Megan had done. Mark tied Vivian’s wrists together behind her back, wrapping the rope both ways around her slender wrists. She tried wriggling out of the rope, but it was too snug.

“I can’t get out.” She exclaimed, still wriggling her hands.

Mark just grinned. Helping her jump on the bed, he made her lay down and tied her ankles together. The rope was long and he had enough rope left to tie the rope to her wrists, putting his sister in a semi tight hogtie.

“Oh, wow, I cannot straighten my legs. Why did you do that?” She asked him.

“So you won’t run away.” He said. “Now be quiet and I’ll go and see what Megan and Kelly are doing. I will be back soon.”

“You should gag me.” Vivian said. “Megan wanted to be gagged, so I should be too.”

Mark looked in surprise at his little sister. He had thought about gagging her, but since he didn’t want to scare her, he had decided not to do it, but now that she asked for it, that was different.

“Okay. One gag coming up.”

He grabbed one of the torn sheets he had found in the garage and tied a knot in it, before pushing the knot in the wide open mouth of Vivian. Tying the cloth in the back of her neck finished the job. It was not a great gag, but it did the job.

“Don’t fall off the bed, I’ll be back soon.” He said, before leaving the room.

Walking down to the kitchen again, he sees Kelly enter the kitchen from the garden. She is barefoot and still wearing the light red one-piece bathing suit she had on when she went swimming.

“Hi Mark. Have you seen Vivian?”

“I think she is getting ready for Jennifer, who was coming for a swim.”

“Oh, yeah, I remember.”

“What are you doing?” Mark asked, pointing towards the swimming pool where Megan was standing against the post.

“Just a game.” She replied.

“Can I join?” He asks.

Kelly looks at him for a moment.

“What did you have in mind?” She asks.

“I don’t know, whatever you want me to do.”

“Kira will be here soon, I think it would be fun if she finds me and the babysitter tied up. It will look like a robbery.”

Mark did not think having the babysitter tied to a lamppost in the garden would look like a robbery, but he was not going to complain. Megan was cute and he did not mind seeing her in her current predicament.

“So you want me to tie you up?” He asks.

“Yes, but not here, how about the garage? We’ll have to end the play before mom and dad come home anyway.”

“Do you have something to use?” Mark asks, even though he knew there were some more pieces of a torn up sheet in the garage.

“I think there is some stuff in the garage. Let’s go and have a look.”

Mark followed his older sister to the garage, peaking at Megan standing at her post whenever there was a window they walked by. The garages were attached to the main house by a hallway. In the garage Kelly found the torn pieces and handed them to Mark.

“Any particular position?” He asks, checking out the materials she gave him.

“No, I leave that to you.”

The garage had one empty space, as their parents had taken a car. There was one more car in the garage, parked in the middle and the third section of the garage was storage. The area was full of boxes. They knew their Dad didn’t want then to touch them, as they were important for the business he ran, so Mark looked for something to tie Kelly up in the empty car spot.

“Put your hands together in front.” He told his sister.

She put her hands out and he tied one of the torn sheets around her wrists, tying it tightly. He tied another one, wrapping the sheet he used on her wrists, effectively cinching the bindings. Then he picked up the little step that was standing next to the garage door.

“Come stand here, sis.” He said, positioning her underneath the garage door rail.

He grabbed a piece of rope that was on the floor, discarded by Kelly and Vivian when they grabbed the materials to tie Megan, and tied the end to Kelly’s wrists. Then he pulled the rope up to the rail for the garage door, forcing Kelly to raise her hands, until she was almost on tiptoes.

“Not so high.” She said, but Mark kind of ignored her and tied off the rope.

Kelly stood stretched out, looking at her younger brother. Mark was not done yet, he grabbed another torn sheet and tied Kelly’s feet together. He did the same with her knees.

“This is tight, Mark, can’t you release it a little?” Kelly said, trying to get her brother to loosen the bindings a bit.

“Come on, you will only be here for a little while. Now open up.” he replied.

“Open up for w…. mmmpppfffffff.”

Mark stuffed a bundled up rag in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but he was quick to wrap another torn sheet around her head, making it impossible for her to spit out the rag in her mouth. She looked angry at him, slightly pissed off.

“Hmppff hmppfff hmmppff.” She said, but he had no clue what she meant.

“Sorry sis, did you say something?” He asked, laughingly.

He checked her bonds, but he was pretty sure she would not be able to get out, before looking around the garage and picking up some more of the torn sheets and some more rope.

“I’ll be back.” He said in an Arnold Swartzenegger voice.

He poked her lightly in the side with his finger, which caused her to squeal as she was ticklish, and made him laugh.

“Don’t go anywhere.”

With those words he left the garage and entered the house, dropping the ropes and torn sheets near the front door. Then he walked out to the backyard and the swimming pool.

“Hmmmppppfffffff.” Megan said in her gag when she saw him come up to the pool.

“No, I am not untying you. I don’t want to interfere into the girls’ game.” He told her.

“Hmmmpppfff.” She replied, but he did not understand what she meant.

At that moment the doorbell could be heard.

“I wonder who that is, let me go and check. I think the girls are having friends over.”

The statement got a reaction from Megan, who shook her head and fought her bonds, but Mark ignored her and walked away towards the house to see who was at the door.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

The game is starting to get fun :D

Nice job!
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Post by slackywacky »

Added fun

Jennifer stood impatiently on the doorstep, waiting for the door to open. Vivian had invited her to come over for a swim and she had happily agreed, as they did not have a pool themselves and the weather was great for a swim. Being best friends with Vivian had been one of the best things that had happened to her. Their birthdays were only 10 days apart, they were the same age, the same height, they both liked the same boy bands, the liked to play the same games on the computer and they had both a crush on the same guy at school, who was unfortunately not available as Sandy, a girl neither of them liked, was his girlfriend. But they could hope…

“Vivian, open up, I am here.” She called out when the door did not open, waiting for Vivian to react.

Normally Vivian was really quick with opening the door, but today seemed to be different. Finally, the door opened.

“Hi Vivian, what took…” She stopped talking when she noticed it was not Vivian but her brother Mark that had opened the door.

Mark was almost a head taller than her and she had to look up to him.

“Where is Vivian?” She asked him, trying to look past him.

“Busy.” He simply answered, looking at the brunette with short hair, dressed in dark red one-piece bathing suit and sandals.

It was pretty obvious why she had come to the house based on the bathing suit. She wore her glasses, without them she could not see much, and had a blue and white backpack hanging on one shoulder.

“Busy? Doing what?”

“Busy trying to escape.”

“What do you mean?” She asked him, not understanding what he said.

He let her into the hallway and closed the door behind her, before he explained that she was playing a game where she needed to escape from the robber that had caught her.

“And who is the robber?” Jenifer asked.

Mark just showed her the ropes and torn sheets he had.

“Want to play?” He asked her.

“Can I see Vivian?” She asked him, looking uncertain if she wanted to play along or not.

Mark tried to not intimidate her by looking threatening, so he kept the ropes and rags behind his back.

“Only if you are restrained.” He told her.

“What?” She asked. “You mean tied up?”

“Yep, hands behind your back.”

Mark looked at Jennifer, waiting for an answer. She still looked uncertain.

“Make your mind up, I have to go and check up on her.”

Finally, she made a decision and dropped her bag on a chair in the hallway, turning her back towards him and holding her hands behind her back. Mark smiled and grabbed one of the shorter ropes and walked towards her. He crossed her hands so that her wrists were crossed. Then he tied her crossed wrists together, looping the rope around her wrists in both a vertical and horizontal way. Loose enough to not hurt or scare Jennifer, but tight enough he figured she could not escape.

“Where is she?” Jennifer asked when he was done with her wrists.

She tried to wriggle out of her bonds, but had no luck. It was obvious she was nervous and kept fidgeting with her arms.

“In her room.” He answered.

Jennifer did not wait and walked up the stairs towards Vivian’s room. The door was closed and with her hands tied behind her back she had a little trouble opening the door.

“Wait up, we’re not done yet.” Mark said, coming after her.

He held up one of the bed sheets; it had a knot tied in the middle.

“What is that for?”

“A gag, so you can’t tell her anything that might help her.”

“Why do I need to be gagged?” She asked, staring at the white sheet and not listening to what Mark was saying.

“You cannot talk to Vivian, she has to escape on her own, otherwise she loses the game.”

Jennifer sighed, looked at Mark as if he was crazy and opened her mouth. Mark was slightly stunned she let him gag her, but he recovered quickly and pulled the knot into her mouth and tied the sheet at the nape of her neck.

“Hmmmppphh hmmppfff hmmpppfffff hmmpppppffff.” Jennifer tested the gag, which did a decent job of muffling her, but she could still make some loud noises.

She sighed again, turned towards the door of Vivian’s room and looked at Mark. He opened the door and pushed it open. Eagerly, Jennifer walked in. When she did not see Vivian, she turned around and faced Mark.

“She will be here soon.” He explained. “Sit down and I’ll finish your bonds.”


“Yeah, your feet are not tied yet, when Vivian comes, we need to make sure you cannot help Vivian.”

He pointed at the bed, and Jennifer walked to the bed and hopped at the end. He took her glasses off and placed them on the make-up table. Mark used one of the ropes to tie her ankles together, cinching the rope. The whole time he was tying her feet, Jennifer was watching him, leaning forward and looking at her ankles. When he was done, she tentatively moved her legs.

“Hmpf hmmpppff hmmppfff hmmppfff.” She exclaimed in her gag.

With no idea what she was saying, Mark kind of ignored her. He pushed her down onto the bed, lifting her feet and rolling her over onto her belly.

“Hmmppfffff?” She asked, not really resisting.

“I can’t have you fall of the bed, so I will connect your wrists to your ankles, that way you will not move around too much.”

In contrast to Vivian, who had not resisted Mark when he hogtied her, Jennifer was not as willing to be tied in a hogtie, but tied up as she was, there was not much she could do and her resistance made Mark pull the rope tighter and he got her hands and feet very close together, arching her back a little.

“Hmmpppffffff!” She exclaimed, shaking her head.

Mark ignored her. He stood back after tying the last knot and looked at his work. Jennifer was cute, but not old enough for him he thought, but he still enjoyed the parcel that was lying on the bed. She struggled against her bonds, but Mark had been careful and none of the knots she could reach were any help in getting out of her bonds.

“Now be a good girl and stay on the bed. I don’t want you to hurt yourself. I will get Vivian soon to keep you company, okay?”

Jennifer nodded and sighed. She did not want to be in this position, but there was nothing she could do. Maybe when Vivian was with her, they could help each other and escape, but she was pretty sure that on her own she would stay tied until somebody would let her out, and by the looks of it, Mark was not going to be that person.

“Are you okay with me leaving you alone?” He asked her.

To his astonishment she nodded, so he quickly left the room before she changed her mind, closing the door behind him, leaving the young girl tied on the bed. When he walked into the upstairs hallway, he could hear a phone ringing. It turned out to be Kelly’s phone that was lying on a table in the hallway, she probably forgot she put it there. When he looked at who was calling he was pleasantly surprised. It was Kira. He had a crush on Kira, but he knew she was dating somebody from her own class. She was tall, long blond hair and had developed into a very good looking young woman, much like his older sister. He picked up the phone and answered the call.


“Who’s this?” Kira asked when she found out that it was not Kelly answering.


“Oh, hi Mark. Where is Kelly?”

“A little tied up at the moment.” He replied.

“Can you let her know I will be there in 20 minutes?” She said.

“She might still be busy then, but you are welcome to join her.” He told her, planning ahead already.

“We’ll see when I get there. It depends on what she is doing.”

“At the moment she’s just standing around, but I will let her know you are coming. Talk to you later.”

“Okay, bye.” Kira disconnected the call and Mark put the phone back on the table.

“Time to check on my prisoners before Kira gets here.” He thought, heading to his room.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice job!

Now what's going to happen in the next 20 minutes...:D
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Post by slackywacky »

Changing things up

Vivian was not sure how long she had been lying on Mark’s bed. His bed was comfortable and she almost fell asleep when the door suddenly opened and Mark walked in.

“Hmmmpppppfffffff.” She tried to say something, but the gag made it not something he could understand.

“You doing good?” He asked her.

She nodded. It felt weirdly comfortable lying there, not having to do anything. Suddenly she remembered that Jennifer would be coming over and she started to try to escape her bonds, but the ropes held and she was nog going anywhere.

“Jennifer called. She couldn’t come. She will call you later.” Mark said, figuring out why she suddenly fought her bonds.

Vivian relaxed, but was disappointed, as she had looked forward to swimming and listening to the new songs of the latest boy band. She closed her eyes and sighed. Suddenly she felt Mark working on the ropes holding her prisoner.

“Let’s make this a little better, shall we?” He asked.

She felt how he untied the knot in the rope that held her in the loose hogtie, and she could stretch her legs out again. The hogtie had not been very tight, but it was still nice to stretch again. He helped her sit on the edge of the bed, before he pulled her off the bed.

“Come on, hop.” he ordered her, indicating she should hop to the big walk in closet in his room.

Being tied in the closet was not really what she wanted, but tied as she was, she had not much choice, as Mark grabbed her arm and made her hop to the closet. He guided her to the back of the cupboard where he left her stand alone for a moment. He walked out of the closet and came back with a wooden straight back chair, that normally stood next to his desk. He put the chair down, facing the back of the closet and helped his little sister sit on it. She was not tall enough to have her arms over the chair back, so her bound hands were between her body and the back of the chair. He tied her feet to the rung at the bottom of the chair, using the excess rope he had used to hogtie her earlier and then used another long rope to wrap her upper body to the chair back. It was pretty clear she was not going anywhere.

“Hmmmppfffff.” She complained.

He untied the torn sheet and pulled the knot out of her mouth.

“Please don’t leave me here too long, this is scary.” She said.

“No worries, sis. You’ll be safe here.”

He tied another knot on top of the knot already in the cloth that had been in her mouth and held it in front of her face. She held her lips closed, not allowing him to gag her.

“I could tickle you, if you don’t open up.” He said.

Looking angry at him she opened her mouth and let him pull the now bigger gag into her mouth. He tied the ends together, pulling it tighter than he had done before, forcing her to keep her mouth open a little. He looked at his little sister sitting in the chair. He knew she would not escape his bonds without help, and the power of having her as his prisoner was exhilarating, but he also knew that when his parents came home, the game would end.

“I’ll be leaving you alone for just a short time. Need to do some other things. Okay?” He said.

Vivian just nodded. She was both angry at him and impressed with him that he had tied her up this well.

“Hmmpppffffff.” She exclaimed when Mark tied one of the torn sheets as a blindfold over her eyes.

He grinned at her reaction. After one last check to make sure she would not be going anywhere, he turned the light off in his closet and closed the door, leaving his younger sister alone, helpless in the dark. He walked to the window and noticed that Megan was still tied to the lamppost. He could see that she was trying to escape, but had made no progress. He would look after her a little later, first he would look after his older sister.

“Still here?” He asked when he walked into the garage.

Kelly was still standing on her tiptoes, stretched by the rope that was tied to the garage door rails.

“Hmmpppfffffff.” She sounded tired.

“Would you like me to get you down from there?” He asked, pushing the small step next to his helpless sister.

She nodded. He got up on the steps and untied the rope that held her arms up. With a big sigh she lowered her arms and sat down on the floor just recovering, not even trying to untie herself. Mark kneeled in front of her and untied the sheets that held her hands together. She shook her arms to get rid of the pain of being tied.

“Turn around.” Mark told her.

She looked at him, not sure what he was trying to do.

“Come on, you wanted to be tied when Kira gets here, she called, she will be here shortly.”

“Hmmmpppffffff.” Kelly tried to say something.

“No idea what you said, but turn around, I will not ask again.” He said.

Kelly slowly turned, facing away from her brother.

“Hands behind your back.” He ordered her.

It took a few moments, but finally she put her hands behind her back. Quickly, making sure she did not get a chance to reconsider, Mark tied her wrists tightly palm to palm, cinching the rope and tying the knot at the top, where her fingers could not reach it.

“Hmmppffff.” She exclaimed when he tightened the knot.

“Come on, up you go.” He said, helping her into a standing position.

He took another rope, there was plenty of it available in the garage, and tied it around her elbows, pulling them as close as he dared. His sister was pretty flexible and they got pretty close. Tying her elbows got another few grunts from the still tightly gagged female. He figured he could do this to his older sister, but probably not to Vivian.

“Oh hush, you want it to look good, don’t you?” He asked her.

Kelly was slow to respond, but eventually nodded. She wondered what he was going to do next, and she did not have to wait long, as he grabbed her arm and made her hop over to one of the support beams for the attic of the garage. Mark told himself he really enjoyed seeing his prisoners hop. He pushed Kelly against the pole, which was 5 inches in size and fixed in place to the floor and the ceiling. Using more rope, he tied her to the pole, wrapping rope around her upper body all the way to her ankles, pulling it as tight as he dared.

“Hmmmpppfffff, hmmppppppfffff.” Kelly grunted, feeling very helpless.

Maybe this was a little more than she had planned when they started tying up Megan, but it was too late now, as Mark finished the last knot and stood back to admire his helpless sister.

“You look hot.” he whispered in her ear, making her giggle.

She did not feel hot, she felt helpless, and she could hardly move. At least is was a little easier than standing there with her hands pulled up, as she had been earlier. She was glad when Mark had come into the garage, but now she was not sure that her new situation was going to be much easier.

“One more thing.” Mark said, which made Kelly look at him.

It was the last thing she saw, as he tied another rag as a blindfold over her eyes. She felt even more helpless now that she could not see anymore. For a few moments she did not hear anything, she figured Mark was looking at her, and then she heard the doorbell and she heard how Mark walked away and closed the door from the house to the garage.

“Hhhhhhhhhhhmmppffffffff.” She screamed in her gag, but there was no reaction.

Helplessly she stood again the pole, unable to move much, say much and see much. She wondered who was at the door, probably Kira, but she would have to wait to find out.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

Looking forward to what happens next :D
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Post by slackywacky »

Doing it one more time

For the second time in a short while, Mark made his way to the front door of the house. He opened the door and stood there staring at Kira. They were similar in height. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and she was wearing a light grey Everlane t-shirt, faded Levis Just-right jeans and white Air Force 1s. He could see a bright orange Fjallraven Kanken backpack on her back.

“Are you letting me in?” She asked him, seeing him stare at her.

She knew that he had a crush on her, his sister had told her, but she was already seeing somebody and was not really interested, but she was flattered that he liked her.

“Oh, sorry, come in. Did you bring your swimsuit?” He asked, stepping aside to make space for her to enter the house.

“Wearing it.” She said. “Where is Kelly?”

“She’s still tied up for the moment.” He said.

“And your parents?” She asked, looking around, not seeing or hearing anybody else than Mark, assuming Kelly was busy and not tied up for real.

“Megan is looking after us, but she is at the pool. Vivian is upstairs and Kelly is in the garage.”

She dropped her backpack next to Jennifer’s bag on the seat and walked towards the door that led to the garage.

“What is she doing? Can I see her?” She asked.

He figured that in this case the direct approach was the best one and he pointed to the door.

“Go ahead.”

Kira opened the door and walked into the garage, suddenly seeing her friend standing tied to the pole in the garage, dressed in her light red one-piece bathing suit. She figured that Mark had used ‘being tied up’ as a figure of speech and not that she was really tied up. Silently she walks towards the helpless female and inspects her bonds. Seeing her friend tied up gives her a funny feeling in her stomach.

“Hi Kelly, having fun?” She tells her bound friend.

This got a reaction from Kelly, who suddenly starts to talk in her gag and fights her bonds, shaking her head.


“I have no idea what you are trying to say.” Kira tells her friend.

Mark is just watching from a short distance away.

“Did you do this Mark?”

“Yes, she asked for it, she wanted you to think there was a robber who tied her up. She wants you to be tied up too.”

Kelly tried to say something, but the gag worked well enough that neither Kira nor Mark had any idea what she meant to say. Probably that having Kira tied up was not part of the plan, but Mark had other ideas and moved swiftly. He grabbed a piece of rope and walked up to his sister’s friend.

“Can you strip to your bathing suit please?” He asked her.

She looked at him and then, without saying anything, took her shoes off, pulled the t-shirt over her head and unbuttoned her jeans. She was wearing a dark blue Nike branded Racerback one-piece bathing suit underneath.

“Now what?” She stands next to her bound friend, looking at Mark.

Kelly is still trying to tell her not to let Mark tie her up, but based on the sounds the bound and blindfolded teenager can hear, that was probably a futile suggestion.

“Wow, good job.” Kira says, after Mark tied her wrists behind her back, palm to palm, with a medium length rope, cinching it and, similar as he had done with his sister, tying the knot on top of the bindings, way out of reach of Kira’s fingers.

Instead of tying her more, he walks over to the workbench and grabs a rag and a bandana from it.

“Open up.” He orders Kira, taking the direct approach again, not giving her a real option.

“What are you going to do with that?” She asks him, looking not sure of herself at the rag Mark is holding up.

“A robber would gag you, so you cannot call out for help.” He replied, his sister still making sounds in her gag.

Silently Kira opens her mouth and lets him push the rag in her mouth. It is a decent size and she has to suppress her gag reflexes a couple of times, working her tongue to position the rag in such a way it was not causing her to gag. Mark picks up the bandana and starts to wrap it around her head, covering her mouth from just below her nose to her chin, wrapping it around seven times.

“Hmmpppffffff.” Kira tries to say something, but her voice is really muffled.

She waits while Mark uses a clip to fix the bandage in place, wondering what she got herself into, as the gag was more than she bargained for. When Mark starts to wrap another bandage around her eyes, effectively blindfolding her, she gets a little nervous. Not that she did not trust Mark, she had known him for a long time, it was just that being helpless was new to her. But on the other hand, seeing Kelly tied up had excited her and even now, standing there with her hands tied behind her back, gagged and blindfolded, she was not sure how she was feeling and what she should do.

“Stand still.” Mark told her, while he tied a rope around her elbows, pulling them together, pushing her breasts out.

He wrapped around ten wraps around her elbows, before cinching the rope. It was a little difficult to get the rope between her arms for the cinch, as he had pulled her elbows completely together. Kira groaned in her gag, but he figured as long as she did not complain, he would make her bonds nice and tight.

“Okay?” He asked her.

She just shrugged. Having her elbows pulled together was not very hard for her, she was very flexible, but it was not a position she was used to and it made her feel even more helpless, as the figured she would maybe be able to escape her wrists rope, but getting to her elbows would be a different matter. She started to regret that she had Mark tie her up, but that was a little late.

“Let’s go.” Mark said, grabbing her and guiding her to a different location.

Kira fought him a little during the first few steps, but she learned quickly that she was depending on him as she could not see where she should put her feet down and therefore she went along with whatever he was planning. Based on what she felt below her bare feet, they walked from the garage back to the main house and through the hallway, up the stairs to what she thought was Kelly’s bedroom.

“Wait here.” He told her, leaving her standing in the middle of his sisters’ room.

As she did not know where she was standing and she didn’t want to hurt herself, she did what he asked and stood still. The bandana he used to blindfold her also muted any sounds she could hear, as it covered her ears, but she was pretty sure she was alone. It took a couple of minutes before she heard somebody enter the room. A hand grabbed her arm, she assumed it was Mark’s, and he pulled her to the bed. Guiding her, he got her on the bed and had her lay in the middle of the bed, on her belly, head towards the headboard.

“Lay still, please.” He said.

She felt ropes being added to her legs, around her ankles and just above her knees. He made many loops, so she figured he used a long rope. Then she felt how he tied ropes from her ankles to the bottom corner of the bed, making it impossible to move her legs. She knew that Kelly did not have a four poster bed, but she assumed there was a few places on the bed frame to tie a rope to.

“Hhhmmmppppppppfffff.” She tried, but Mark ignored her and kept working on restraining her.

She felt more ropes being added to her elbows and soon she could not move at all, as Mark had also tied the additional ropes to the bed frame.

“Comfy?” He asked his captive.

He added one more rope around her waist and her bound wrists, making it impossible to move her arms. He enjoyed adding that rope, as he had to touch her a decent amount, since she was already lying on her belly. Nothing inappropriate, but he had to push the rope between her stomach and the mattress. Even bound as she was, Kira helped him a little by pushing her waist up when he needed to wrap the rope underneath her.

“Thank you.” He said when he tied the final knot, leaving a very helpless young woman on the bed.

Kira tested her bonds and found that she had almost no space for movements. She could turn her head form left to right, she could wriggle her fingers and toes, but that was about it.

“Hmmpppfffff.” She said, trying to tell Mark that she was pretty helpless.

Mark was more than aware of the fact that his crush was lying on his sisters bed, completely tied up and helpless. He could see how she tried to find knots with her fingers, but he had left none within her reach. She softly fought her bonds, seemingly completely unaware that Mark was still standing next to the bed, looking at her. Then he remembered he should really go have a look at Megan, as she had been tied to the lamppost for over an hour, although he had no idea what to do with her yet. He did not want to untie her, but he also did not want her to stay at the lamppost. He had to come up with something. He tore his eyes away from the beauty on the bed and quietly left the room, leaving his sisters friend helplessly on the bed.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

An excellent job as always slackywacky :D
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Post by Solarbeast »

Great start to the story as usual, but I’m hoping for a twist to this story that is a bit different than what normally happens in your stories. I’m hoping that something goes wrong or the girls are tied up too long to the point they all get mad and want revenge on Mark, and end up tying him up to the extent that they were tied.
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Communication restrictions

When Mark walked out of his older sisters’ bedroom, he heard muffled sounds coming from his younger sisters’ bedroom, so he decided that Megan had to wait a little longer, as he had to check up on Jennifer. He opened the door to Vivian’s bedroom and found Jennifer on the floor at the end of the bed. She was stuck between the bed and a chair and was making pleading sounds into her gag.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay on the bed?”

He heard a giggle in response. With a little effort, he lifted Jennifer back onto the bed.

“Are you hurt?”

Jennifer shook her head. She got tired of waiting for Vivian and figured if she could get off the bed, she might be able to crawl to the hallway, but she had not counted on the chair standing at the end of the bed and when she slipped off the bed, she jammed herself between the bed and the chair, with no way to move.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff, hmmppffff, hmmppffff.” She said in her gag.

Her gag muffled her speech a little, but it took her three tries before Mark figured out she wanted the gag out of her mouth.

“Thank you.” She said, when he pulled the soaked sheet out of her mouth.

Mark inspected her bonds and saw that she was still tied at hands and feet, the rope tied between her hands and ankles pulled tight from her struggles.

“I asked you to stay on the bed.” He said. “Maybe I should use some more rope.”

Jennifer giggled again.

“Where is Vivian? You told me she would be coming soon.”

Mark remembered what he had said but had been sidetracked by Kira’s arrival.

“She is in my bedroom; would you like to see her?” He asked her.

The hogtied girl nodded her head. Mark untied the hogtie rope and helped her sit up on the bed, her still tied legs hanging down to the floor.

“I’ll have to gag you again, remember, you cannot talk to her.”

His prisoner just nodded and opened her mouth for Mark to push the knot back into her mouth. He knotted the sheet behind her neck.

“Hmmppffff.” She tested the gag.

Mark helped Jennifer slide of the bed, before taking her at an arm and making her hop to his bedroom, which was next door to Vivian’s bedroom. He had to help her keep her balance a couple of times, but she made it into his room. She looked around but did not see Vivian.

“Hmmppffff?” She said and looked at Mark.

He made sure she was standing stable, before walking to the closet door and opening it, revealing Vivian, a chair and lots of rope.

“Hmmppffff.” Vivian said in her gag, not knowing what was happening, but hearing sounds.

Mark pulled the chair with his other prisoner out of the closet and turned it around, so it faced Jennifer. Then he removed the blindfold and Vivian could see her friend standing in the bedroom, tied at hands and feet, tightly gagged. Her own gag was soaked, and drool had dripped down onto her leotard.

“Hmmppppfffff.” Both girls said.

Vivian fought her bonds, but she was tightly wrapped to the chair and could not move much. Jennifer tried to ask if she was okay, but the gag in her mouth just made her speech sound funny and both girls had to laugh at their own attempts to speak.

“As you can see, she has not escaped yet.” Mark said.

Looking at how Vivian was tied to the chair, Jennifer doubted Vivian would ever get loose on her own.

“Okay, that was enough for now.” Mark told his prisoners and he walked over to Vivian and blindfolded her again. She tried to resist, but there was little she could do. Both girls pleaded with Mark, but he just ignored it. He left his sister sitting I the chair in his room and made Jennifer hop back to Vivian’s’ room.

“Hmmpppfffff?” She asked him, trying to figure out what he was going to do with her.

He made her sit on his sisters’ bed again and was grabbing the piece of rope he had used to hogtie her before, when he heard a phone ring in the hallway. Jennifer recognized the ring tone and started to talk into her gag. Mark ran downstairs and picked the phone out of Jennifer’s bag. The display said ‘Mom’, so he figured he better have her answer it. When he walked back into the room the ringing stopped.

“Hmmmpppffffff.” Jennifer said, pointing at the phone.

“It was your mom. Let me call her back. I’ll let you talk top her, but no funny business, okay? You set up face unlock?”

Jennifer sighed and nodded. Mark took the gag out of her mouth and dumped it on the bed, before he held the phone in front of her. The phone gave a ping and unlocked. He clicked on the missed call and called back the number. When it was ringing, he held it at her ear.

“Remember, no funny business.” He whispered again, just before the call got answered.

Jennifer said hi and listened to what her mother had to say.

“Yes, I will tell Vivian I have to be home by six.”

There was some more conversation before Jennifer said goodbye to her mother and Mark disconnected. He dumped the phone on the bed and before Jennifer had a chance to say something, he had grabbed the gag and stuffed it into her mouth, tying it tightly behind her head.

“Hmmmppppfffff.” She said, annoyed with the fact that he had gagged her again.

It had been fun to talk to her mother while being bound, it made her feel very helpless, but she had wanted to ask Mark what he was going to do with her, but he had been so fast with regagging her, that she did not get the opportunity.

“I will make sure you leave on time; my parents should be home around that time too. Now hop off the bed and I’ll help you lie on the floor.”

She did as she was told and with help from Mark, she was soon lying on the floor next to the left side of the bed, tightly tied into a hogtie again. The rope was, again, tied so tight, she could touch her heels with her fingers.

“This time, stay where you are.” He told her, when he tied the last knot.

He got a grin in response. She had no intention of staying where she was, but Mark moved some of the furniture around so that she was blocked in, resulting in a frustrated grunt from Jennifer, who saw her hopes of moving around disappear.

“I’ll go and get my sister to keep you company.” He told her, before leaving her alone in the room again.

The moment Mark left the room, Jenifer starting to fight her bonds again, but Mark had done a good job and there were no knots to be found that would aid her in her escape. Lying on the floor, hogtied, there was not much to do and with the furniture in the way, she could not reach the door. Not that she would have been able to open the door, as it was closed, but she had set it as a goal to reach it, until Mark screwed up her plans.

“Hmmppppfffff.” She screamed int her gag, hoping somebody would hear her.

Somebody did hear her, but it was not going to help her. The door to the room opened again and Mark and Vivian entered the room. Similar as to what he had done when she visited his bedroom, he had Vivian hop back to her own bedroom, while still tied at wrists and ankles and still tightly gagged.

“On the bed.” He ordered his younger sister.

She hopped, with a little help from Mark, back onto the bed. Mark rolled her onto her stomach and used the rope tied to her ankles to pull her into the tight hogtie too. When he tied her before, he had not pulled the ropes tied, but this time he shows no mercy and pulled them as tight as he had done to Jennifer, leaving Vivian groaning into her gag.

“Hmmppffff.” She said.

“Stop complaining, Jennifer is tied just as tight and you don’t hear her complain.” He replied.

He finished tying the final knot and looked at both helpless girls.

“Stay where you are and I’ll be back soon to release you, since Jennifer need to be home by six. Okay?”

Both girls nodded and grunted a confirmation in their gags. Mark did not expect them to listen, but if they moved around, then it was their own fault if they got hurt, at least he told them. He looked back one more time and closed the door to Vivian’s bedroom behind him.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Canuck100 »

^ this is really good stuff
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Post by Mask6190 »

Wonderful job as always :D Looks like Mark is trying to move everything together...
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Post by slackywacky »

Thanks guys for the comments. Here's the next chapter...

All together now
Mark listened for a few moments after closing the door but did not hear any sounds coming from Vivian’s bedroom, so maybe they would listen and not move around. He grinned, as he did not think they would stay put, but that was fine. He walked over to Kelly’s room to check on Kira. As expected, everything was like he had left things. Kira was still laying in the middle of the bed, the only thing that got untied was the ponytail, probably from struggling, but for the rest she was still as helpless as before.

“Enjoying yourself?” Mark asked.

Kira jolted in surprise, as she had not heard him come in.

“Hmmppppfffff.” She said, making no sense to Mark.

“I’ll undo your gag, so you can tell me what is going on, but no screaming, okay?”

Kira just nodded and laid still, while Mark unwrapped the bandage he used to keep her mouth stuffing in, which was more difficult because her hair was in the way, but he managed to get it done. He did leave the bandana that he used as a blindfold in place.

“Did you have to tie me so tightly?” She asked him.

“Yes, I don’t want you to get away.”

“You will let me out, right? I don’t want to be tied up all the time. Kelly asked me to come over for a swim and a sleepover, but I did not expect to get tied up.”

“She did not expect to get tied up either. I’ll change your position and I’ll get Kelly into her room. My parents will be home in an hour, so I’ll have to untie my sisters soon anyway.”

“Okay, I’ll manage a little while longer. Kelly has been tied up longer than me.”

Mark untied the ropes holding his crush tied to the bed. He also undid the rope that was wrapped around her waist.”

“Are you taking the blindfold off?” Kira asked.

“Nope, and I am not untying anymore ropes. I said I was changing your position; I did not say I was going to release you.”

She sighed at his statement and wriggled her arms as if shaking off the ropes, which did not work, her wrists and elbows stayed tightly tied.

“But my arms are hurting. Can’t you untie me for a little while? I promise I stay here.”

Mark ignored her request and helped her sit up. Holding her at her arm, he made her hop small steps, she was still blindfolded after all, to the straight back wooden chair in the room. It was a similar chair as he had used with Vivian, except being taller, Kira’s arms did fit over the chair back. Using the ropes that he had used to tie her to the bed, he wrapped the rope around her waist and the chair back, pulling it tight.

“That is tight.” Kira stated, trying to move.

More rope was used for her upper body, just above and below her breasts, fixing her firmly to the chair. Lastly he tied a rope to her wrists, ran it to her feet and pulled it tight, pulling her feet all the way under the chair. The final knot was at her ankles, giving her no opportunity to get to them with her fingers.

“This should keep you here.” Mark said, looking at his handy work.

He could see that he had tied the ropes tight, maybe a little tighter than he had planned, but Kira looked great with the white ropes across the dark blue of her bathing suit and her tanned skin. Having her elbows tied behind her back had pushed her budding breasts out and Mark had difficulty not staring at them. It was probably good Kira was still blindfolded.

“This is really tight; I am not sure I can deal with this for an extended period.” Kira said.

“Be quiet my prisoner.” He said, grabbing the wad that had been in Kira’s mouth before.

When Kira opened her mouth to reply, he pushed the wad in her open mouth. She tried to fight him off, but he kept the wad in her mouth with one hand and grabbed the bandanna he had used as a gag with his other, guiding it between her teeth, holding the rag in her mouth and wrapping it tightly around her head.

“Hmmmmmppppppfffffff.” Kira angrily said, shaking her head to try to get the gag out, but it was no use.

She had felt helpless on the bed, but now tied to the chair she was even more helpless. The rope between her wrists and ankles was so tight, she could barely move. And all the ropes Mark had used to tie her to the chair were strict and didn’t allow her any movement. And while she was angry at Mark, somewhere deep within her, being helpless made her feel weird. It was not something she could describe. It was like she wanted this but didn’t wanted it. She was not sure how she felt.

“Don’t go anywhere.” Mark said before leaving the room.

Kira groaned at the remark, as if she could go anywhere at this time. Mark grinned while walking down the stairs towards the garage. He could see Megan struggling at the lamp post. It seemed she was still trying to get loose, but he wanted to get his older sister into her room first, so he ignored Megan for now.

“Hi sis, still having fun?” He said, when he entered the garage.

Kelly grunted in her gag. Mark walked up to her and started to untie the ropes that held her to the pole. He also untied her ankles. As much as he liked to see his prisoners hop, Kelly had to get up the stairs and he knew that was not something he wanted her to do while having her ankles tied. He did leave her gag and blindfold in place, before guiding her towards the hallway.

“Hmmppffff?” She asked.

“I’m bringing you to your bedroom. Kira is waiting for you.”

Slowly he guided his prisoner through the hallway and up the stairs, making sure she was safe by holding on to her. It felt weird to her, walking around bound, gagged and blindfolded and she had no idea how long she had been tied up, but she figured that since Mark was not rushing her, their parents were not home yet.

“One more step.” Mark said when they reached the top of the stairs.

He guided her into her own bedroom and helped her sit on the bed.

“Hmmppppfffff.” Kira asked, as she heard sounds.

“Hmmppffff hmmppffff hmppff.” Kelly replied, but neither understood what the other had said.

Mark just grinned. He pushed his sister back onto the bed, rolled her over, as he had done to Vivian and Jennifer, and used a rope to tie Kelly’s ankles again. He used another rope to tie her knees. For a moment he stood there, looking at his options, but he figured he would do to Kelly what he had done to Vivian, hogtie her. Soon his older sister was as tightly tied into a hogtie as he could get her. Instead of tying the rope from her ankles to her wrists, he tied it to her elbows and pulled until her wrists were almost at the same level as her ankle bonds.

“Hmmppppfffff.” His sister grunted, not enjoying how tight he made her hogtie.

“Mom and dad are almost home, see this as a finally of an afternoon being tied up.” He said.

Kelly sighed and nodded, indicating she was going along with his wild plans. When he tied the last knot, she was arched so much, it was only the soft mattress preventing her from not touching the bed. If she had been tied on the floor, her shoulders and knees would have been off the floor. She sure hoped she would not have to stay too long in this position, as it was not a very comfortable one.

“All done. Stay here and I’ll let you out soon.” He said to the two teenagers.

Both grunted something, but he was not really paying attention. He looked at his sister, before looking at Kira for a lot longer. Finally, he drew has eyes away and walked to the door of the room.

“See you later.”

He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. For a moment he listened, but there were no noises coming from either of the two rooms with his prisoners, which either meant they were doing fine, or his gags were doing their job. He shrugged and walked over to the window and looked out into the yard. Something was missing, but his brain did not catch on as to what it was, when suddenly a hand clamped over his mouth and another around his waist.

“Now it is your turn.”
Last edited by slackywacky 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

It was just a game
It was just past six in the evening when the garage door opened, and a car drove into the garage. Both parents worked in offices that were close together and therefore commuted together.

“I wonder if the kids had fun at the pool today, it was a beautiful day.” Sheila, the mother said to her husband, Michael.

“Megan probably had an easy day, when the weather is nice enough, all the kids want to do is play in the pool.” He replied.

They walked into the house. It was quiet and Sheila looked outside, seeing the kids around the pool.

“They are at the pool as predicted. Let’s change before dinner.”

The went to their bedroom and changed from their office clothes into something more suitable for a quiet evening at home. None of the kids had sports this evening, so there was no need to go out again. When they walked outside, they got greeted by their youngest daughter. She had changed back into her bathing suit and was just coming out of the pool.

“Hi mum, did you have a good day?” A wet Vivian called out, while running towards her mother.

“Not bad. And you?”

“Jennifer came over to play, we had fun. She had to go home, as she needed to be home by six. We did not get a chance to listen to the new tracks that I got, but she said she will be back tomorrow.”

“That sounds like fun to me.” Her father said, giving his wet daughter a hug.

“And you?” Sheila asked her oldest daughter, who was reading on her tabled, wearing her bathing suit and a summer blouse with long sleeves.

“We had fun. I did not do much. Waiting for Kira to come.”

“You were having a sleepover, right?” Sheila asked.

“Yes, but she said she would be a little late.” Kelly replied. “I’ll call her after dinner.”

Megan was standing at the barbecue, not far from the pool.

“The burgers are ready, come and get it.” She said.

“Where is Mark?” Michael asked, as he did not see his son.

“He had to do some more work. He ate early, he said he needed to finish reading a book for school. He said he’ll be down later.”

“That sounds like my kid.” Sheila grinned.

They all went and grabbed some food. The meal, burgers and salad, was simple but filling and everybody enjoyed the outdoors.

“I’ll go and change before heading home.” Megan said after they finished the meal and cleaned up.

She grabbed her personal stuff and walked over to the changing room. A few minutes later she came out, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with Nike sneakers.

“Megan, are you coming back tomorrow?” Vivian asked from her position on the edge of the pool.

“Yes, I will be here.” She said with a big smile.

“Okay, great, maybe we can play a game again.”

“We’ll see how things go. I’ll just say goodbye to Mark and then I am off.”

She left the family at the pool and walked to the house, up the stairs and into Marks bedroom, not bothering to knock. The room was empty at first glance, but when Megan opened the door of the walk-in closet, Mark was sitting on his wooden chair. His hands were pulled behind the chair back and tightly tied. Ropes circled his upper body and the chair, preventing any movement. His legs were tied at ankles and knees, a rope from his ankles to his wrists keeping him in place. Some more rope was wrapped around his upper legs and the chair. A blindfold kept him from seeing and a gag, consisting of a rag stuffed in his mouth and a torn sheet around his head keeping it in, kept him quiet.

“Looks like you will be here a little longer. Kelly will let you go later tonight.”

“Hmmppppfffff.” Mark could only grunt.

When he left his sisters room and looked outside, his brain had told him that something was missing in the garden and it was not until Megan had grabbed him, that he figured it was their babysitter who was missing from the lamppost. She finally had been able to get her wrists untied and the rest was easy. She had sneaked upstairs, checked the kid’s bedroom and had found the prisoners. But before releasing them, she had grabbed some of the ropes he had left in the rooms and she had sneaked up behind him and had captured him. He had not resisted, none of his prisoners had resisted, so it was fair that he got captured without putting up a fight. Megan had tied him to the chair and had left him, while freeing Vivian, Jennifer and Kelly. When she wanted to untie Kira, Kelly had stopped her.

“She can stay tied a little longer.” Kelly had said, not giving her friend any option.

Megan had shrugged and had left the room. Kelly had teased her friend a little more. Kira did not know what was going on, all she knew was that Kelly was free and she was not.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” Kelly said, before leaving the room.

Kira smiled. Somehow not getting released was not as bad as it sounded. The ropes were tight, she could not move much, the rag in her mouth was soaked and the blindfold prevented her from seeing, but somehow it was not as bad as she thought it would be. Although she suspected she would be sitting in this chair for a while longer.

“Hmmpppffffffff.” She softly said into her gag.

When the others were downstairs, they said goodbye to Jennifer, Kelly moved the bag from Kira to her room, making sure there was no evidence in the hallway that Kira was already here, and the garage was inspected to see if there were no ropes left hanging around.

“See you tomorrow.” Megan said to Mark, closing the closet door and leaving his room, closing the bedroom door behind her.

When she walked down to the front door, Kelly came into the hallway.

“See you tomorrow, Megan.” She said, walking towards the steps.

“Remember, your brother is in his room, Kira is in yours.”

“Oh, I know, I will let them go soon… maybe.” She grinned.

Megan smiled.

“It was just a game.” She said, before stepping outside and closing the door.

The end (for now)
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

Awesome job slackywacky!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Absolutely. The finish was as great as the whole story!
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Post by slackywacky »

Solarbeast wrote: 4 years ago ...end up tying him up to the extent that they were tied.
It is always fun when I see somebody propose an idea that I was working on. I wanted to end with Mark being the victim, your post just confirmed that it needed that. :-)

Thank you all for the comments, on to my next adventure.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

Slackly, I continue to be amazed at your inventiveness. Although your characters are young, they are as devious as any adults. Still reading your active stories but thought a short break would be nice. This was just right.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago Slackly, I continue to be amazed at your inventiveness. Although your characters are young, they are as devious as any adults. Still reading your active stories but thought a short break would be nice. This was just right.
Hmmm, must have missed your comment. Thank you. It was fun to write a story request, but nowadays with 3 stories on the go, I do not have time, even when some of the suggestions sound fun.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by TimChimp »

I know the story is one year old but I did not mind seeing it on the top page because of how good it was. I of course wouldn't mind a sequel but I get that the story wasn't meant to be continued and it has a nice ending so I'm okay with it being left as it is.
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Post by Trammel »

Fantastic story!
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