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Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:11 pm
by angim350
Literally around 4. I saw a character in a cartoon get tied up and I remember to this day that something just clicked in my mind. It has never wavered either!

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:45 pm
by Stormee
I was around 6-7 when I got interested with being tied up. My babysitter would tie me and my brother to the support beams in our basement when we asked them to and we would be wearing our power ranger costumes for fun. Since then, I always been fascinated whenever I see a cartoon character getting tied up and liked the different ways of being tied up and gagged.

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:46 am
by sami200456boyfriend
5-6 years old. Big bros tied me up.

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 2:12 am
by TG03
I answered 6-7, but that's really an estimate. For me, it was seeing the classic damsel in distress trope in cartoons (April O'Neil, Daphne Blake, etc.) and in vintage movies (Cameron Diaz in The Mask is the first scene I recall). Always made me feel a little tingly when seeing the damsel get captured and tied up by the bad guys.

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:31 pm
by cellofello
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago
That's not actually possible.
Arousal only happens during and after puberty.
Boys can have erections before puberty. Both boys and girls can have sexual arousal and orgasms before puberty. Ejaculation only happens during and after puberty. ... 20for,Phew!

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:13 pm
by scandi
I developed my interest in bondage at around 7-8 years. I remember I and was very thrilled and fascinated by tie up scenes in my western comics and in detective books for kids. And the interest soon got bigger and bigger and I loved to see people tied and gagged in movies and TV series. At first I enjoyed seeing people tied and gagged but soon I started to identify with the victim and loved to imagine what it felt like for them and I imagined being in their situation and being tied and gagged myself. I then started experimenting with self bondage and had fantasies about being taken captive in different situations. The more helpless and humiliating the better. It was like riding a roller coaster or watching a horror movie. The more scary and humiliating fantasies the more fun, which lead to fantasies about being tied and gagged in public situations or in front of people. Always a thrill to imagine.

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:44 pm
by Knowledge
First became interested all way back in 2004 (12 years old at time) when saw something in passing that still to this day I continue to explore. A show called Without A Trace, specifically an episode called "Wannabe". A girl convinces a boy to strip down to his tighty whities only in a stable plus allow her to tie him to a pole so he cannot move his hands. All child actors are between 11-12 years old in that scene. It certainty is a unique scene.

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:22 pm
by AlexUSA3
I voted 6-7. While I was mesmerized sooner, it was only around 6-7 that I understood I liked it.

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:02 pm
by takeru
Wow, the results are cool. Looks like a love for being tied up gets established quite early!

Re: How old were you when you began being interested in tie-up games?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:07 pm
by Tiengag5
Around eleven or twelve. Stemmed from seeing tv shows where people got tied, and especially gagged.