Off the ground (?/f)

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Off the ground (?/f)

Post by Katie~Snoop »

How would you tie me up where I was suspended off the ground? Like taped to a wall or pole with my feet dangling a foot or two off the ground? Or with my hands above my head tied to a tree branch that keep me suspended off the ground.

Just a few examples. Please feel free to create your own scenario.

If it’s important to know, I’m currently wearing a green sweater, jeans and black socks.
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Post by Sian91 »

I’m going to have to make a few changes to your clothes to make this work. It is a bit elaborate and a touch seasonal.

I am the drama teacher at a girls secondary school. Every year we put in an Easter play. Given that the bible mentions two Mary’s and everyone else a man in the Easter story, there is a lot of artistic licence with Pontiois Pilate, Roman Soldiers, Disciples and Jesus himself (herself) all played by girls. Well this year there was one star if the show. The star of drama club. I would not be surprised in years to come to see her in Enerdale, Eastenders , the West End or even Hollywood. The 15 year old supper star Actor- Kate Snoop.

She was the only choice to play Jesus, star if the show and she played it with more vigour, mor3 character than ever before and made many suggestions to add to the realism of the scenes. OK. Firstly the Garden of Gethsemanie, after the last supper Jesus is arrested. We were going to manhandle Jesus or just loop rope round his wrists and lead her away. But Kate insisted her hands be tied behind her back, really tied too, with a knot. And then with the trial by Pilot she spent about 15 minutes with her hands tied behind her back.

The crucifixion was the next hurdle. We’d always kind of brushed this off before but this year Kate had big ideas. There are two problems with the crucifixion. 1 Jesus was, according to the scriptures, nailed to the cross. 2. He is traditionally depicted crucified in just a loin cloth. Not something a 15 year old girl can do. Kate’s solution to the second point was simple. Under her gown, she wore up to the end of the trial she would wear a body stocking matches as close as possible to her skin tone. Opaque hiding her underwear going from her next to her wrists and down to ankles. After the trial she would take off her sandals and gown, put the loin cloth on and everything was “proper” and in good taste.

She then had to carry the cross from the stage, barefoot, to the back of the hall and up the central aisle to the stage again. No nails! The girls playing soldiers did what no actor should do and turned their backs on the audience. This gave perfect cover to tie Kate’s wrists and elbows to the T bar of the cross, her ankles to the vertical and to loop string round her toes to hold her feet crossed and flat against the cross. One “soldier then used a hammer to hit the cross whilst Kate screamed in agony of having her hands and feet nailed, whilst the second girl put a dab of theatre blood on the palm of her hand and the back of her foot giving the impression of bleeding from nails.

The cross was then hoisted as she hung for about 10 minutes to finish the death scene.

The resurrection the next morning was an anticlimax by contrast.

Tone dress rehearsal, one technical rehearsal and two performances, she spent an hour tied to the cross in total.

Truly a great actor prepared to suffer for her art.
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Post by sweetvillain »

Hi Katie.
I take advantage of the fantasy "license" you grant and create my own scenario.

We are in Europe. A beautiful castle in the Italian Apennines. Medieval festival. Revival. Girls in medieval dresses. Pillories. Ropes. Summer.
There is the possibility to isolating ourselves from the festival.
Immense castle. The underground. A cell of ancient prisons. Vaulted Gothic ceiling. Floor, cold, in brick.
A horizontal bar hung with chains from the ceiling.

For days me and Katie had been think about how take advantage of the festival to sneak into remote area of ??the castle.
Katie is beautiful. A white sleeveless tank top, bare arms. Black miniskirt that highlights the very pale skin of the legs.
Flat slave sandals. Purple nail polish on hands and feet. The same color as the glasses.

We look each other. There is complicity, atmosphere. I tie Katie's wrists behind her back and lead her to the cell. In total silence, with the festival in the distance
only our steps, the slipping of her sandals echo the underground
I close the cell door. A light bulb dimly illuminates the ancient walls.

-so katie....will reveal your secrets to me?-
-never ! - Katie exclaims.....
-well, I have to convince you.......- I tell her
-you no get anything. I am a true heroine......-

In truth, we loving this plot. We've been thinking about it for more days. Now we live it.
I love capturing her and tying her up, she, being captured, feeling in danger, overwhelmed, defenseless, lost....

Untie her wrists and put them inside two leather wristband, soft but tight, with graduated studs.
I lower the bar from the ceiling and connect the wrists on
I begin to pull up slightly a pulley.
Katie's pale, pretty, slender arms extend slightly, revealing her armpits.

-You can still reveal everything, my "heroine"- (I tease her).
-From me you won't know anything, I want see how far you want to go....-
says Katie playing her heroine but with an expression of dream and excitement
painted on her face.
-Well..............- I reply...

Turn the pulley, Katie's slender arms stretch into a slight V. Her wrists are not bound close together but slightly spread.
She says nothing.
I still gently turn the pulley. Her body tenses. I bring her body to touch the ground.

She is forced stands on the tips of her toes.
Its so pleasant to see her feet and her glazed toes inside her sandals (like sword anda sandals movie )
propped on the ground for balance.
Katie is athletic.

She is so vulnerable. Tense, hanging, her arms slender, bare, her waistline revealing her belly button with the tank top pulled up. her legs proportionate.
The graceful feet., her face. Tense but..........reveals emotion to what she feels. The condition of being helpless.
The unconditional surrender, the total surrender
to my power, her submissive nature, the clothing, the place, our clean and loyal relationship.

There is everything need in this cell.

I step behind her. Pick up black straps, soft and strong. She cannot see, trying to figure what I am doing.
I bend down to level of her knees next to that skin so
white, smooth and pretty. I wrap her legs above her knee.
She watches me and closes her eyes as I tight what need to lock her.
More strap under her knees.
I go back to the table and grab another strap. Katie hears my footsteps coming back behind her.

I approach to her ear ...

-So, passionate damsel...still heroic ?-

She says nothing. She just nods her head in a yes. She doesn't look at me. And doesn't cooperate. A real Heroine. A real Villain is needed, then.
I lower to her ankles. To her pretty, arrogant feet inside her Dolce e Gabbana sandals.
I tie her ankles taut for the effort to standing on her toes.
I lower the pulley. I give her rest. She breathes deeply. I bring myself before her face.

My God how beautiful she is.

-You're tied up, hanging, in skimpy clothes, inside a cell in a medieval castle in ancient Italy....What can go wrong for a heroine, Katie? -

She provokes
- It can wrong if being a heroine in danger is wasted if my villain doesn't his duty.... .- And she smiles, sweetly.

I return her smile.
and go to the pulley. A few turns. Katie's body tenses again and again on her toes. Very tense.
Return in front of her.
A kiss in her hair. She stares at me for a moment and then lowers her gaze.
I point to her taut armpits with my fingers, a gentle scratch.....
She bursts into laughter as the straps rattle and the ceiling bar sways.

-Noooo, ahahah !!!! - she scream
-Last offer, Katie....tell me your secrets .........-

A little red in the face, mixed between excitement and provocation:, never. Never...... -

I caress her hips, she squirms, desperate.

-Nooooooo nononnono ahahahahaha!!!!!-
-You make too much noise, my heroine....-

I turn the pulley again. Very slowly. Katie is suspended. Her fingers no longer touch. The sandals leave the red floor.
Very carefully to respect her body and play the game safely i bring Katie's feet about 50 cm above the floor.
I look at her "interrupting" the scenario a moment to look for nods if everything is okay. She lets me know that everything is okay.
I resume my role as villain.
I get behind her and begin to fleece the skin of her armpits, her tummy, her legs.

She explodes.

-NoooooooooAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dieoooooooooooooo AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!-

I continue for almost half minute then I give her a break. She puffs, red, sweaty.
I turn the pulley and lower her body, to the ground. Her delicate "and arrogant"
feet touch the cold. She squeezes her fingers a moment.
I bring her arms down, until bend them at elbow level to help her

I hand her a glass of water. Beautiful take care a bound girl, getting her to drink, really.
She smiles at me. She seems want to say something. I move close her and put my ear to her lips....

-Tell me....- i tell her
- It's... so beautiful. More beautiful than we had hoped for...- she says with a low voice.
-Yes. it is..- I reply, with my smile.

Then I resume my role.

- It's still a long evening before we go the castle hamlet's pizzeria - i tell her

Pulley. Turns. Her arms stretched, lift up, the tank top revealing her navel. Stretched her bound legs. The toes, graceful, again at the tip
of floor. Cold.
I go behind her, at the table where I have the tools.
Return in front of her with a thin leather strap.

I look at her, serious. I go to the her pretty feet, stressed by the position. She understands. I slip the strap between her toes, who grazing the floor. She cannot do anything.
Maybe she doesn't want to do anything to stop it...............
She looks to the ceiling, eyes closed, sighs and bites her lower lip. Bound toes now. I scratch the back of her left foot....

-Ahhahahahah !!!!!!!! NNNOOOOOO ..- she exclaims.

i appesr in front of her face.

-Then intrepid heroine....last offer, your secrets, now. -

She stares at me, that worried expression about the despair of she might suffer but at the same time perhaps the desire to go through without defense
Otherwise she would not be a damsel. And I a not villain.
She nods her head as no and closes her eyes.
Go back to the table behind her. Pick up a ball gag, black. Without she seeing me Im behind her head, and put the ball gag in front of her nose....

-You "ahh," Katie -.

She closes her lips, sealed. I put the ball around her neck, connecting it.
With my left hand tickle her left armpit, with my right hand, gently, I close her nose
without forcing it....

-.....mmmmmmmmppppppp ...MMMMMMPPPPP........AAA...NNNOO....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! -

Laughs despair and explodes opening her mouth. I stick the ball gag into her


Blindfold her with a very soft black cloth. I take my Marshall Monitor headphones and apply them to her ears.
Outside the party raging in distance. Will go late. So will we too . Before going to pizza....
I approach his ears.

-Pretty your feet. of real damsel in distress....- i say.

She lets out a sigh. Swallows. I notice her small blush standing in her white face. A small drop of sweat trickles down forehead into her neck.

Her toes spread wide open, nervously, despite the big toes tied.
With the smartphone I play impact music.
SpaceAmbient. From Youtube. She gasps when the music starts.
The tone in her ears is not loud. Pleasant. It should not bother her.
Accompany her as she loses control of herself...................

I approach the graceful, arrogant feet.
Around us the distant cries of the festival. The table with my backpack, her purse. Her sandals on the floor.
The low light. She hanging. Tied up. Blindfolded. Gagged. Barefoot. So ticklish.
So damsel.

I grab the top of the strap that bind her toes. She sighs again. I rest her heels on my knee.
And begin to play, tickle, sceintifically annoy her pretty and arrogant feet..
She squirms, loses control, drools from the ball gag.


After 15 minutes of sweet hell our adventure at the castle comes to end.
I lay her, gently, on the ground, untie her, she lets me do everything, she is drained,
But so calm. Maybe she is happy.
I help her compose herself, put on her long sleeve shirt, her sandals, slip on her flip-flops, tie the laces around her ankle.

We grab our things.
She stagger, looks at me, smiles softly. We go outdoors to the courtyard (weapons place) She leans on my shoulder.

- Thank you.....More beautiful than beautiful.....-. she tell me
- Yes, more beautiful than beautiful......- I reply.

The car is far away. We have to reach it for get to the village pizzeria. She is a little "played."
I stop, pick her up, classic for a damsel in distress. She doesn't resist.

We get the car. Set to hamlet. Pizzeria. Table. Order.
She gets "the damsel's pizza" I get "the knight's pizza."
We talk. About EVERYTHING except what happened at the castle. But our looks say it all.
We would like make plots like this. Again. Always.
She makes me sandal-footed, in my shin.

Then we'll play again.

Thank you for reading me and to anyone else will
Surrender Princess. Your thin wrists behind back ...
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Post by Bondageboi »

Not so elaborate as before but I’d have you stand on a chair back against a post and wrap tape, starting from your ankles, up your legs, binding your arms to your sides, then, taking care not to go round your neck, or trap your hair, I’d tape over your mouth and eyes, taping your head to the post.

Finally I’d pull the chair away and watch your feet wiggle.
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