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Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 2:41 pm
by Mister The Edge
Anyone feel like writing a story where guys and girls fet captured by Slenderman?

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 3:34 pm
by Xtc
Who is Slenderman?

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 3:56 pm
by Mister The Edge
*Slender Man

But anyway, it is a horror character developed by creepy-pastas.

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 5:35 pm
by Xtc
Beware copyright infringements. The originator has taken action in the past.

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 5:49 pm
by DallasNotAustin
I don't think copyright infringement like [mention]Xtc[/mention] would apply in this situation just because of the nature of the history of the story. Slenderman has gone through a ton of forms of media and I feel like in this situation it could just be chalked off to another spinoff/fan story. Then again I am not a lawyer but that's just my intuition. Good luck!

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 8:07 am
by Amm1973es
I am not a lawyer, but the truth is that the web is full of fanfictions based on anime characters, cartoons and even movies. I have several of Penny, Inuyasha and sailor moon on my deviantart page and I have never had problems with them.
I suppose that the only problem would arise if you tried to obtain an economic benefit from such stories, in those cases I suppose that the authors of those characters would assert their legal rights and you would have problems.

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:09 am
by Emma
Xtc wrote: 5 years ago Beware copyright infringements. The originator has taken action in the past.
And this is the problem.

Some copyright holders won't spend the time or effort to go after people who violate copyright if the violator isn't seeking monetary gain. But others will. Disney absolutely will, for example. If the copyright holder has taken action in the past, and learns someone is posting their own stories here, yes, there's a risk.

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 11:22 am
by Amm1973es ... &r=103&p=1
Famous website specializing in fanfictions of various characters from different backgrounds, from Slenderman there are 33 pages of stories, as well as Disney characters they also have as Princess Jasmine of Aladdin.
Since there is no economic benefit from these writers, and no longer part of being free publicity for the creators of those characters so that the readers of those stories can be interested in the series or movies in which they appear and thus obtain benefits thanks The work of third parties who do not pay seems not to worry too much that fans of these characters write their fanfictions. Obviously if someone tried to obtain economic benefits from their characters directly or through plagiarism too shameless, they would surely take action on the matter.

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 11:51 am
by Emma
Amm1973es wrote: 4 years ago ... &r=103&p=1
Famous website specializing in fanfictions of various characters from different backgrounds, from Slenderman there are 33 pages of stories, as well as Disney characters they also have as Princess Jasmine of Aladdin.
Since there is no economic benefit from these writers, and no longer part of being free publicity for the creators of those characters so that the readers of those stories can be interested in the series or movies in which they appear and thus obtain benefits thanks The work of third parties who do not pay seems not to worry too much that fans of these characters write their fanfictions. Obviously if someone tried to obtain economic benefits from their characters directly or through plagiarism too shameless, they would surely take action on the matter.
Again, different copyright holders have different attitudes.

Write a fanfiction story about Mickey Mouse. Post it somewhere. Let Disney know what you did, and where it's posted. It won't end well.

Satire is exempt, in most cases (I think).

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 12:44 pm
by Amm1973es
In the specific case of Slenderman they will rather be satisfied with that free publicity, as I just read in an article was a fictional character in a photo created by two children who disguised themselves that won a kind of contest. Later I end up in others that have already started to give it the category of urban legend or creepy pasta (as it has become popular to define those new legends that emerged from the internet mostly), it was the one that supposedly inspired a character from the Minecraft game and in the end has ended up being a movie wrapped in a certain controversy as there have been several murders caused by girls who thought they were obeying orders from that unstable being. All thanks to a free publicity that different fans have done on the Internet of such a character, it would be ironic that now that they have achieved their goal of making that character popular to the point of making a movie, they would get scrupulous about it and take it with those They helped them to give him fame.
It is also true what you say, and in the case of Game of Thrones, it seems that its authors are not very pleased with the idea that fanfictions are made about the series. In spite of that, they cannot prevent many people from writing and publishing them on websites despite their rejection of them.
The character of Mickey Mouse or similar, I can understand Disney's concern about being children's cartoon characters and may fear that inappropriate fanfictions are written about them.
Anyway, a possible fanfiction about Slenderman mixing tugs ..., I find something too complicated to combine properly.

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:12 pm
by LatexLover
Xtc wrote: 5 years ago Beware copyright infringements. The originator has taken action in the past.
That’s not how copyrights work. You can’t get sued for making a non profit online story about any fictional character.

Re: Captured by Slenderman

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:30 pm
by Blindman
In 1976 I wrote a short self-help book in a subject in which I am well versed, which went through two printings. Some time in the '80s a small magazine publisher reprinted my book without permission in his magazine. Rather than being flattered I was pissed. I though about suing but didn't for several reasons. 1) It would call attention to his magazine and people would buy the back issue rather than buying my book. 2) It would cost me money for a lawyer. 3) The publisher didn't have any money anyway. 4) The publisher wasn't too savvy and it would be a waste of time and no-one would profit from it. And I didn't want to put him out of business since he provided a service to the field. He just wasn't versed in copyright law.

Another time a publisher threatened to sue me if I didn't take their info out of another book I wrote. Getting wind of this, I took the damaging info out of the book before I heard from their lawyer. The lawyer and I had several pleasant conversations and nothing ever came from it because I knew more about copyright law than the lawyer.

Gosh, I haven't thought about either of those happenings in years.