Power Struggle by SamanthaBoundx (F/F)

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Power Struggle by SamanthaBoundx (F/F)

Post by TapeBondage123 »

I recovered this story from the old site. It was originally posted by SamanthaBoundx. If the original poster of this, or any other, story that I have recovered is on here and wants it taken down, feel free to reach out so I can take it down.

Anyone who has read my previous stories on this website will know all about my TUG encounters with Sarah. This is another of my experiences featuring Sarah, but it’s a little different from the one’s I’ve posted so far. . .

Sarah and I had a mutual love of bondage and quite often found ourselves engaging in fairly intimate TUGs. It had been a couple of months since I had introduced bondage to Sarah and so far, she had always been the one dominating me. It isn’t that I minded being dominated by Sarah – I was submissive by nature and she was absolutely stunning, so being tied up and at her mercy was definitely my idea of fun.

I’d never been in control in a bondage situation before and up until now, I’d been completely happy with that. However, with Sarah I felt somewhat differently. There was something about her long, lithe limbs that made me want to bind them and something about her full, soft lips that was just begging to have a nice, big gag shoved between them. Sarah was gorgeous and feminine and I desperately wanted to have her helpless in my hands. She was taller than me and a fair bit stronger as well so I knew that it would be difficult to overpower her – not to mention that she had a very dominant personality and wouldn’t take kindly to being on the other side of the ropes. However, the idea of her all bound up and struggling madly to get free and moaning angrily into her gag made me think that the effort I would have to put in was completely worthwhile. And that’s where the story really starts. . .

It was a Friday evening and Sarah had just gotten back from a long day at work. Our other two housemates had already come and gone – they were both in relationships and were going out on a double date for the entire evening, leaving me and Sarah alone in the flat together. She flung her shoulder bag on to the bed, grumbling about a particularly difficult client she had had to deal with and flopped down in to the mattress.

“I just really need to relax and have fun tonight”, she ended her rant and kicked her heels off, revealing her pantyhosed toes.

“I think I’ve got an idea”, I smiled. I’d been plotting all day.

“What is it?”, she asked as she got to her feet. She began removing her work outfit – her tight, cropped blazer, her chiffon blouse, her high-waist pencil skirt and finally her pantyhose. She stood in
front of me in her underwear – a simple matching set in black cotton – and pulled her hair back into a knotted bun at the back of her head. My thoughts were running wild and I longed to get my hands on her even more than I had been.

“Why don’t you go and take a shower? And while you’re in there, maybe I’ll get some of our supplies together”, I raised my eyebrows suggestively and nibbled my bottom lip.

Sarah grinned at me, excitement flashing in her eyes. She knew that by “supplies”, I’d been referring to our stash of bondage equipment. In the couple of months that we’d been playing together, we’d built on my already extensive collection – we had ropes, tapes, cuffs, scarves, gags, blindfolds and toys.

“I think that sounds like the perfect way to unwind”, she grinned, “Why don’t you get yourself ready. I’ll be back soon”

“Sure”, I grinned back.

She made her way out of our room, pausing in the doorway to give me a quick wink, and shut the bathroom door behind her. When I heard the shower begin to buzz, I knew that I didn’t have long to prepare myself. Sarah was known to take hour long showers but I knew that with the prospect of a TUG on her mind, she would be as quick as she possibly could.

I scrabbled through our box of bondage items trying to find the objects that I’d been picking out in my mind all day. I’d spent ages pondering what the best way to tie Sarah up was and I’d settled on a pair of metal handcuffs (it would definitely be the easiest way of restraining Sarah) and a pair of matching ankle cuffs with a long chain (so that she could struggle as much as she liked). I’d decided that she would look hot with my patent red ball gag strapped between her lips and so I laid that out of the bed next to the pairs of cuffs and a black, leather blindfold. Once they were all prepared, I removed my own clothes so that I was wearing nothing but my own black lingerie and lounged across the bed waiting for her return.

Minutes later, the sound from the shower ceased and I heard rummaging in the bathroom. Sarah reappeared in the doorway, this time clothed in nothing but her black panties and smiled suggestively at me.

“Nice choices”, she said as she surveyed the items I’d laid out next to me on the bed.

“I think so too”, I grinned, “But I was thinking of spicing things up a little”

“Like they need any more spice?”, she smiled jokingly.

“Get the ice tray from the freezer”, I commanded her.

She raised her eyebrows at me. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy kinkiness – Sarah loved to try anything new and exciting and she would give anything a go once. It was almost a shame that she wouldn’t get to use the ice on me – but the image of her bound and gagged that had been going round in my head all day was one that I couldn’t shake and I wasn’t about to give it up.

“You lie down and wait for me”, she whispered, “I’ll get the ice”.

She left the room and clicked the door shut behind her. I’d figured that it would be best to blindfold her first as she wouldn’t be able to see what she was doing to resist her other restraints. I took the leather strip and made my way over to the door. I positioned myself behind it, ready to pounce on Sarah the second she came back in.

As the door cracked open and she sashayed into the room, I took my chance to jump on her. I leapt towards her from behind and quickly yanked the leather over her eyes. She squealed and dropped the ice tray and as ice cubes scattered over the floor, I stuck the Velcro straps together, rendering Sarah blind, before I grabbed her around the waist and flung her face down on to the bed.

“What the hell?!”, she yelled at me.

“I thought we could do with a little role switching”, I said nonchalantly.

Sarah swore at me as I leant across the bed to get the handcuffs that I had set aside, but in my haste had managed to pick up the ankle cuffs. As I scrambled with them, trying to work out whether it was best to deviate from my plan and cuff her ankles first or whether I should exchange them for the handcuffs, Sarah had managed to wriggle her body out from underneath mine and had slipped the blindfold from her eyes. She was in a pile on the floor and I desperately flung myself towards her, trying to trap her once again – but Sarah was fast. She rolled away from me so that I landed in a crumpled heap next to her. She took advantage of my confused state and threw herself on top of me, straddling my waist and pinning my arms next to my side as I lay face down on the floor. I tried to struggle but Sarah’s grip was too strong. I opened my mouth to curse her for having overpowered me but before I could utter a single word, I felt a small, hard ball being pushed into my mouth.

“Mmmph!”, I shrieked as Sarah buckled the strap of the patent red ball gag behind my head.

“Much better”, Sarah giggled.

I ranted at her incoherently from behind the gag, but she simply laughed at me and continued mocking me over my indignant yells.

“Hush now, babe, there’s no point in struggling. You know I’m much stronger than you – I don’t know how you ever thought you’d manage to get me tied up. It’s sweet how naive you are. Now, let’s get you tied up properly, huh? Where are those cuffs?”

She leant across my body to get hold of the handcuffs. I could see my dream of teasing a beautifully bound Sarah slipping away rapidly, and I knew I would have to act fast. The handcuffs had slipped over to the far side of the bed and Sarah was having to stretch a fair amount in order to reach them, meaning that her body was tilted at a slight angle. I knew that his was my chance.

I suddenly bucked my hips as violently as I could, causing Sarah to tumble from her already unstable position and on to the floor with a squeal. I laughed from behind my ball gag and quickly got to my knees. I reached behind my head to unbuckle the gag, but Sarah had begun to move already and so I abandoned my attempts to remove the gag from my mouth and flung myself towards her.

She screamed as I grabbed hold of her wrists and pinned them to the ground, immobilising her. I was taking no chances this time. As I had thrown her off me, Sarah had pulled the cuffs to the floor with her. I manoeuvred myself so that my knee was resting on her upper arm before removing my hand to grab the cuffs which I clicked quickly around her wrists, restraining them nicely behind her back.

“Let me go, Sam! Let me go! Get these cuffs off me!”

“Mmm mmmph mmmph mmm. . .”, I had planned to speak to Sarah mockingly, as she so often did to me when I was helpless in her hands, but I had forgotten that the ball gag was still strapped tightly into my mouth and my words came out in a mess of garbled moans and mumbles.

Still straddling her, I removed my hands from her arms and reached behind my head. Sarah struggled wildly underneath me, cursing and grunting with the effort to free herself before I could incapacitate her any further. With difficulty, I fumbled around the buckle and eventually managed to undo the gag. The ball was still shining with my own saliva as it fell into my hand and I grinned as I thought about what I could do next.

“Sam, let me go this instant!”, she yelled at me.

“You’re being awfully loud, Sarah”, I leant in close to her and whispered in her ear, “You know what happens to loud girls, don’t you?”

“I swear to God, Sam, if you don’t let me go right now then I am going to get you back for this so bad!”, she struggled violently against the cuffs.

“Loud girls have to be kept quiet”, I grinned.

“Seriously, Sam, you put that gag in my mouth and I will – MMMPH!”

“Much better”, while she had been ranting, I had quickly grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled her head back gently, allowing me to push the gag into her open mouth. As I strapped it tightly into her mouth she rambled incoherently at me, being as loud as she could while yelling her half formed words.

I stood up and made my way over to the bed to grab the ankle cuffs so that I could fully restrain her, but before I finished off my handiwork, I stopped to admire what I had already done. Sarah was writhing around on the floor, yanking at the cuffs keeping her arms behind her back in a desperate attempt to free herself. She was glaring at me over the gag. Her luscious lips wrapped around the ball so perfectly and as she continued to scream at me from behind it, drool began to seep from her mouth – making her look even more helpless than before. She was a more delicious damsel than I could have imagined and she was mine for the entire night.

I made my way over to her writhing body, ankle cuffs dangling suggestively from my hand. I encircled her left ankle with a cuff and clicked it together. I was about to do the same to her right ankle when I had a better idea. I took the long chain between the cuffs and pulled it upwards, threading it through the chain of the handcuffs so that they were looped together before cuffing her right ankle. The chain was not long enough to allow much slack and so Sarah’s bound hands and feet pulled together in a sexy cuffed hogtie. She could barely move. She wriggled her hands and feet a tiny bit and rocked from side to side, but there was nothing she could do to free herself.

As she carried on moaning desperately into the ball gagging her mouth, I went to grab my final addition. I picked up the leather blindfold and knelt down in front of her, ready to pull it over her eyes, plunging her into complete darkness and helplessness. She mumbled angrily and I stroked her cheek softly, looking down at her pitifully as she tried in vain to free herself. I looked into her eyes and saw the mixture of annoyance, excitement and lust. I threw the blindfold behind me. The look in her eyes was far too sexy. I loved the indignance on her face as I teased her bound form.

I spent a while just stroking her almost naked body, teasing her with my soft touch. She had eventually calmed down. She still squealed and mewed into her gag every now and then and gave the occasional tug on her cuffs, but Sarah seemed to have accepted her fate – tonight she was mine and there was nothing she could do about it. I had a sneaky suspicion that she was actually quite enjoying relenting control for a change as I caught a few glimpses of a smile from behind her gag.

As she seemed to have calmed down, I decided it was time to put the final part of my plan into action – and I knew she wouldn’t like this bit. I stood up and made my way over to my bedside cabinet and began fumbling around in one of my drawers, taking a deliberately long time to find what I was looking for knowing that it would keep Sarah on edge.

“It’s getting late Sarah, the girls will be getting back soon, so I suppose I should probably let you go”, I sighed.

“Mmmph!”, she mumbled into her gag, hopefully.

“The thing is, you just look so hot all bound and gagged like that. It’s a shame that I probably won’t get to do this very often – you said it yourself earlier, you’re far stronger than I am. It really is a miracle that I managed to overpower you tonight”, I said.

She mumbled gingerly through the gag, “Mmmph?”, my tone was suggestive and she knew I was planning something else – it was putting her on edge.

“So”, I continued, “I was thinking about it earlier and I decided that I really needed a way to remember this night as clearly as I can”

“Mmmph?”, she moaned.

I didn’t say another word. I simply pulled my camera from the drawer and jiggled it in my hand.

“MMMPH! MMM MMMPH MMM MMMPH!”, she cried desperately and began struggling.

“You can struggle if you like, Sweetheart. Quite honestly, I think it makes for a hotter picture”

I flicked the on switch on my camera and began snapping pictures of her writhing around, struggling and screaming into her gag while I told her how hot she looked. I was taking some shot of her face close up, focussing on her gorgeously gagged lips – and that’s when another idea struck me.

I put the camera down on the floor and grabbed our bondage box from under the bed. Sarah watched as I grabbed a couple more items out and rolled her eyes in exasperation. If there is one thing that I adore in bondage it’s gags – I love being gagged and I love seeing a beautiful girl kept quiet. I knew I wouldn’t get many other opportunities to see Sarah like this, so I approached her with the thick, black scarf and the roll of duct tape and sat myself down in front of her.

I reached behind her head and unbuckled the gag. The ball fell from her mouth and she instantly started to rant at me.

“This is so not fair! I’m going to get my revenge, Sam, you just wait and – Mmmph!”, she moaned as I pressed a strip of duct tape over her lips and smoothed it over her face. I shushed her gently and stroked her face before grabbing my camera and taking a few photos of her beautifully tape gagged face.

After I thought I had enough, I peeled the tape from her lips. She didn’t speak this time – other than a brief “ouch” when I removed her gag – she knew that there was nothing she could do to stop me and that she was resigned to her fate. I took the scarf in my hands and knotted it tightly in the centre.

“Open up”, I smiled.

Sarah obediently opened her mouth as I pushed the knot between her teeth and tied it tightly at the back of her head. She looked stunning. The silky black scarf looked gorgeous in her mouth – her full lips peeked over the edges and it was tight enough to cut into her face, making her cheeks bulge over it slightly. When she gnashed on the material gagging her, you could see her pearly white teeth gleam in contrast with the black silk. It muffled her moans deliciously. It was more than I could bare not to touch her at that moment.

I quickly snapped some photos of her while she writhed and moaned into her gag before turning the camera off and setting it down by my side.

“Mmmph?”, she mumbled at me hopefully, presumably asking me whether I would untie her now.

I grinned at her and shook my head before moving closely into her and whispering, “You’ve been a very good girl tonight – I think it’s time for your reward”

She smiled at me over the tight cleave gag and moaned incoherently through her gag at me while I set to work on her. She might normally enjoy being dominant, but by the end of the night I knew that Sarah would hardly mind being the submissive one once in a while. .
Duct tape will fix that cut under your nose.
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Tights tights tights
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Post by Tights tights tights »

TapeBondage123 wrote: 4 years ago I recovered this story from the old site. It was originally posted by SamanthaBoundx. If the original poster of this, or any other, story that I have recovered is on here and wants it taken down, feel free to reach out so I can take it down.

Anyone who has read my previous stories on this website will know all about my TUG encounters with Sarah. This is another of my experiences featuring Sarah, but it’s a little different from the one’s I’ve posted so far. . .

Sarah and I had a mutual love of bondage and quite often found ourselves engaging in fairly intimate TUGs. It had been a couple of months since I had introduced bondage to Sarah and so far, she had always been the one dominating me. It isn’t that I minded being dominated by Sarah – I was submissive by nature and she was absolutely stunning, so being tied up and at her mercy was definitely my idea of fun.

I’d never been in control in a bondage situation before and up until now, I’d been completely happy with that. However, with Sarah I felt somewhat differently. There was something about her long, lithe limbs that made me want to bind them and something about her full, soft lips that was just begging to have a nice, big gag shoved between them. Sarah was gorgeous and feminine and I desperately wanted to have her helpless in my hands. She was taller than me and a fair bit stronger as well so I knew that it would be difficult to overpower her – not to mention that she had a very dominant personality and wouldn’t take kindly to being on the other side of the ropes. However, the idea of her all bound up and struggling madly to get free and moaning angrily into her gag made me think that the effort I would have to put in was completely worthwhile. And that’s where the story really starts. . .

It was a Friday evening and Sarah had just gotten back from a long day at work. Our other two housemates had already come and gone – they were both in relationships and were going out on a double date for the entire evening, leaving me and Sarah alone in the flat together. She flung her shoulder bag on to the bed, grumbling about a particularly difficult client she had had to deal with and flopped down in to the mattress.

“I just really need to relax and have fun tonight”, she ended her rant and kicked her heels off, revealing her pantyhosed toes.

“I think I’ve got an idea”, I smiled. I’d been plotting all day.

“What is it?”, she asked as she got to her feet. She began removing her work outfit – her tight, cropped blazer, her chiffon blouse, her high-waist pencil skirt and finally her pantyhose. She stood in
front of me in her underwear – a simple matching set in black cotton – and pulled her hair back into a knotted bun at the back of her head. My thoughts were running wild and I longed to get my hands on her even more than I had been.

“Why don’t you go and take a shower? And while you’re in there, maybe I’ll get some of our supplies together”, I raised my eyebrows suggestively and nibbled my bottom lip.

Sarah grinned at me, excitement flashing in her eyes. She knew that by “supplies”, I’d been referring to our stash of bondage equipment. In the couple of months that we’d been playing together, we’d built on my already extensive collection – we had ropes, tapes, cuffs, scarves, gags, blindfolds and toys.

“I think that sounds like the perfect way to unwind”, she grinned, “Why don’t you get yourself ready. I’ll be back soon”

“Sure”, I grinned back.

She made her way out of our room, pausing in the doorway to give me a quick wink, and shut the bathroom door behind her. When I heard the shower begin to buzz, I knew that I didn’t have long to prepare myself. Sarah was known to take hour long showers but I knew that with the prospect of a TUG on her mind, she would be as quick as she possibly could.

I scrabbled through our box of bondage items trying to find the objects that I’d been picking out in my mind all day. I’d spent ages pondering what the best way to tie Sarah up was and I’d settled on a pair of metal handcuffs (it would definitely be the easiest way of restraining Sarah) and a pair of matching ankle cuffs with a long chain (so that she could struggle as much as she liked). I’d decided that she would look hot with my patent red ball gag strapped between her lips and so I laid that out of the bed next to the pairs of cuffs and a black, leather blindfold. Once they were all prepared, I removed my own clothes so that I was wearing nothing but my own black lingerie and lounged across the bed waiting for her return.

Minutes later, the sound from the shower ceased and I heard rummaging in the bathroom. Sarah reappeared in the doorway, this time clothed in nothing but her black panties and smiled suggestively at me.

“Nice choices”, she said as she surveyed the items I’d laid out next to me on the bed.

“I think so too”, I grinned, “But I was thinking of spicing things up a little”

“Like they need any more spice?”, she smiled jokingly.

“Get the ice tray from the freezer”, I commanded her.

She raised her eyebrows at me. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy kinkiness – Sarah loved to try anything new and exciting and she would give anything a go once. It was almost a shame that she wouldn’t get to use the ice on me – but the image of her bound and gagged that had been going round in my head all day was one that I couldn’t shake and I wasn’t about to give it up.

“You lie down and wait for me”, she whispered, “I’ll get the ice”.

She left the room and clicked the door shut behind her. I’d figured that it would be best to blindfold her first as she wouldn’t be able to see what she was doing to resist her other restraints. I took the leather strip and made my way over to the door. I positioned myself behind it, ready to pounce on Sarah the second she came back in.

As the door cracked open and she sashayed into the room, I took my chance to jump on her. I leapt towards her from behind and quickly yanked the leather over her eyes. She squealed and dropped the ice tray and as ice cubes scattered over the floor, I stuck the Velcro straps together, rendering Sarah blind, before I grabbed her around the waist and flung her face down on to the bed.

“What the hell?!”, she yelled at me.

“I thought we could do with a little role switching”, I said nonchalantly.

Sarah swore at me as I leant across the bed to get the handcuffs that I had set aside, but in my haste had managed to pick up the ankle cuffs. As I scrambled with them, trying to work out whether it was best to deviate from my plan and cuff her ankles first or whether I should exchange them for the handcuffs, Sarah had managed to wriggle her body out from underneath mine and had slipped the blindfold from her eyes. She was in a pile on the floor and I desperately flung myself towards her, trying to trap her once again – but Sarah was fast. She rolled away from me so that I landed in a crumpled heap next to her. She took advantage of my confused state and threw herself on top of me, straddling my waist and pinning my arms next to my side as I lay face down on the floor. I tried to struggle but Sarah’s grip was too strong. I opened my mouth to curse her for having overpowered me but before I could utter a single word, I felt a small, hard ball being pushed into my mouth.

“Mmmph!”, I shrieked as Sarah buckled the strap of the patent red ball gag behind my head.

“Much better”, Sarah giggled.

I ranted at her incoherently from behind the gag, but she simply laughed at me and continued mocking me over my indignant yells.

“Hush now, babe, there’s no point in struggling. You know I’m much stronger than you – I don’t know how you ever thought you’d manage to get me tied up. It’s sweet how naive you are. Now, let’s get you tied up properly, huh? Where are those cuffs?”

She leant across my body to get hold of the handcuffs. I could see my dream of teasing a beautifully bound Sarah slipping away rapidly, and I knew I would have to act fast. The handcuffs had slipped over to the far side of the bed and Sarah was having to stretch a fair amount in order to reach them, meaning that her body was tilted at a slight angle. I knew that his was my chance.

I suddenly bucked my hips as violently as I could, causing Sarah to tumble from her already unstable position and on to the floor with a squeal. I laughed from behind my ball gag and quickly got to my knees. I reached behind my head to unbuckle the gag, but Sarah had begun to move already and so I abandoned my attempts to remove the gag from my mouth and flung myself towards her.

She screamed as I grabbed hold of her wrists and pinned them to the ground, immobilising her. I was taking no chances this time. As I had thrown her off me, Sarah had pulled the cuffs to the floor with her. I manoeuvred myself so that my knee was resting on her upper arm before removing my hand to grab the cuffs which I clicked quickly around her wrists, restraining them nicely behind her back.

“Let me go, Sam! Let me go! Get these cuffs off me!”

“Mmm mmmph mmmph mmm. . .”, I had planned to speak to Sarah mockingly, as she so often did to me when I was helpless in her hands, but I had forgotten that the ball gag was still strapped tightly into my mouth and my words came out in a mess of garbled moans and mumbles.

Still straddling her, I removed my hands from her arms and reached behind my head. Sarah struggled wildly underneath me, cursing and grunting with the effort to free herself before I could incapacitate her any further. With difficulty, I fumbled around the buckle and eventually managed to undo the gag. The ball was still shining with my own saliva as it fell into my hand and I grinned as I thought about what I could do next.

“Sam, let me go this instant!”, she yelled at me.

“You’re being awfully loud, Sarah”, I leant in close to her and whispered in her ear, “You know what happens to loud girls, don’t you?”

“I swear to God, Sam, if you don’t let me go right now then I am going to get you back for this so bad!”, she struggled violently against the cuffs.

“Loud girls have to be kept quiet”, I grinned.

“Seriously, Sam, you put that gag in my mouth and I will – MMMPH!”

“Much better”, while she had been ranting, I had quickly grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled her head back gently, allowing me to push the gag into her open mouth. As I strapped it tightly into her mouth she rambled incoherently at me, being as loud as she could while yelling her half formed words.

I stood up and made my way over to the bed to grab the ankle cuffs so that I could fully restrain her, but before I finished off my handiwork, I stopped to admire what I had already done. Sarah was writhing around on the floor, yanking at the cuffs keeping her arms behind her back in a desperate attempt to free herself. She was glaring at me over the gag. Her luscious lips wrapped around the ball so perfectly and as she continued to scream at me from behind it, drool began to seep from her mouth – making her look even more helpless than before. She was a more delicious damsel than I could have imagined and she was mine for the entire night.

I made my way over to her writhing body, ankle cuffs dangling suggestively from my hand. I encircled her left ankle with a cuff and clicked it together. I was about to do the same to her right ankle when I had a better idea. I took the long chain between the cuffs and pulled it upwards, threading it through the chain of the handcuffs so that they were looped together before cuffing her right ankle. The chain was not long enough to allow much slack and so Sarah’s bound hands and feet pulled together in a sexy cuffed hogtie. She could barely move. She wriggled her hands and feet a tiny bit and rocked from side to side, but there was nothing she could do to free herself.

As she carried on moaning desperately into the ball gagging her mouth, I went to grab my final addition. I picked up the leather blindfold and knelt down in front of her, ready to pull it over her eyes, plunging her into complete darkness and helplessness. She mumbled angrily and I stroked her cheek softly, looking down at her pitifully as she tried in vain to free herself. I looked into her eyes and saw the mixture of annoyance, excitement and lust. I threw the blindfold behind me. The look in her eyes was far too sexy. I loved the indignance on her face as I teased her bound form.

I spent a while just stroking her almost naked body, teasing her with my soft touch. She had eventually calmed down. She still squealed and mewed into her gag every now and then and gave the occasional tug on her cuffs, but Sarah seemed to have accepted her fate – tonight she was mine and there was nothing she could do about it. I had a sneaky suspicion that she was actually quite enjoying relenting control for a change as I caught a few glimpses of a smile from behind her gag.

As she seemed to have calmed down, I decided it was time to put the final part of my plan into action – and I knew she wouldn’t like this bit. I stood up and made my way over to my bedside cabinet and began fumbling around in one of my drawers, taking a deliberately long time to find what I was looking for knowing that it would keep Sarah on edge.

“It’s getting late Sarah, the girls will be getting back soon, so I suppose I should probably let you go”, I sighed.

“Mmmph!”, she mumbled into her gag, hopefully.

“The thing is, you just look so hot all bound and gagged like that. It’s a shame that I probably won’t get to do this very often – you said it yourself earlier, you’re far stronger than I am. It really is a miracle that I managed to overpower you tonight”, I said.

She mumbled gingerly through the gag, “Mmmph?”, my tone was suggestive and she knew I was planning something else – it was putting her on edge.

“So”, I continued, “I was thinking about it earlier and I decided that I really needed a way to remember this night as clearly as I can”

“Mmmph?”, she moaned.

I didn’t say another word. I simply pulled my camera from the drawer and jiggled it in my hand.

“MMMPH! MMM MMMPH MMM MMMPH!”, she cried desperately and began struggling.

“You can struggle if you like, Sweetheart. Quite honestly, I think it makes for a hotter picture”

I flicked the on switch on my camera and began snapping pictures of her writhing around, struggling and screaming into her gag while I told her how hot she looked. I was taking some shot of her face close up, focussing on her gorgeously gagged lips – and that’s when another idea struck me.

I put the camera down on the floor and grabbed our bondage box from under the bed. Sarah watched as I grabbed a couple more items out and rolled her eyes in exasperation. If there is one thing that I adore in bondage it’s gags – I love being gagged and I love seeing a beautiful girl kept quiet. I knew I wouldn’t get many other opportunities to see Sarah like this, so I approached her with the thick, black scarf and the roll of duct tape and sat myself down in front of her.

I reached behind her head and unbuckled the gag. The ball fell from her mouth and she instantly started to rant at me.

“This is so not fair! I’m going to get my revenge, Sam, you just wait and – Mmmph!”, she moaned as I pressed a strip of duct tape over her lips and smoothed it over her face. I shushed her gently and stroked her face before grabbing my camera and taking a few photos of her beautifully tape gagged face.

After I thought I had enough, I peeled the tape from her lips. She didn’t speak this time – other than a brief “ouch” when I removed her gag – she knew that there was nothing she could do to stop me and that she was resigned to her fate. I took the scarf in my hands and knotted it tightly in the centre.

“Open up”, I smiled.

Sarah obediently opened her mouth as I pushed the knot between her teeth and tied it tightly at the back of her head. She looked stunning. The silky black scarf looked gorgeous in her mouth – her full lips peeked over the edges and it was tight enough to cut into her face, making her cheeks bulge over it slightly. When she gnashed on the material gagging her, you could see her pearly white teeth gleam in contrast with the black silk. It muffled her moans deliciously. It was more than I could bare not to touch her at that moment.

I quickly snapped some photos of her while she writhed and moaned into her gag before turning the camera off and setting it down by my side.

“Mmmph?”, she mumbled at me hopefully, presumably asking me whether I would untie her now.

I grinned at her and shook my head before moving closely into her and whispering, “You’ve been a very good girl tonight – I think it’s time for your reward”

She smiled at me over the tight cleave gag and moaned incoherently through her gag at me while I set to work on her. She might normally enjoy being dominant, but by the end of the night I knew that Sarah would hardly mind being the submissive one once in a while. .

Great story!, don't know why no one has replied to it, it sounds so sexy and kinky the way you described the the ups and what you two girls were wearing. Thank you for posting.
HHHMMMPP mmnnpph mmpph nnnpph hmm hmmm mmmnnn hhhmmhhpp
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by TomYi »

Thank you for recovering this lost gem! I used to love SamanthaBoundx's stories!

As I recall, she deleted all of them one day before the old site went down. Such a shame.
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