Gina's Gag Time (Part Five of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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Gina's Gag Time (Part Five of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Gina's Gag Time (Part Five of a series) (M/F)
Story index at the bottom

By Andy

I guess I left off last after describing my weekend vacation with Gina during the first few weeks of our time together. After this extravaganza, our bondage life gradually quieted down.

As I mentioned previously, Gina responded very positively to bondage, but had made a point of asking that it not be made the prime focus of our relationship. I suggested tie-ups only on an infrequent basis for some time afterward.

I think I gauged things fairly well, because once in a while Gina would pause during the initial stages of sex, look me in the eye and say, "You want to gag me, don't you?" or, "Do you want to tie me up? You can if you want!" Or, most memorably, during the heat of passion: " have to gag me!" I was somewhat taken aback by this command, and continued to pleasure Gina without obeying her instruction until she went into a heart melting five second performance of biting her pillow, pounding her fists on the wall and uttering a short series of little screams before squeezing her eyes shut and panting, "Andy, you HAVE to gag me! PLEASE gag me, baby!"

In addition, Gina began to refer to certain scarves, bandannas and various other implements as HER gags, keep a drawer full of these items ("My gags are right in that drawer over there"), and go out of her way to remain bound and/or gagged for increasing intervals of time after finishing sex. Gina never came out and said that she was growing to enjoy bondage more and more, in fact I thought that she was doing what she could to conceal this development, but it was fairly obvious even to a dimwit like me that being tied up and gagged was beginning to turn Gina on as much as it did me.

As such, I began to push the boundaries a little, always being careful to observe the effects on Gina's reaction. Once in a great while, when Gina seemed to be extraordinarily aroused during love making, I would gag her or tie her without specifically asking her permission first. A couple of times she would make a show of resisting before willfully submitting to bondage. The first time this occurred, I thought I had gone too far and dropped the sash I was using to bind her wrists, only to be joyfully astonished when Gina grabbed it up again, thrust it into my hands and presented her crossed wrists for tying.

One of the funniest moments I have experienced occurred when I was in the midst of sex with Gina; We were both kneeling upright on our mattress while I made love to her from behind. Gina persisted in reaching her hands behind her back to caress me and the image was too powerful to resist. I leaned over to grab a handy scarf (funny, that being there at just that moment) and bound Gina's wrists behind her. In another moment I had whipped a red bandanna between her perfect white choppers and tied it at the nape of her neck, gagging her. Gina seemed to bounce into another level of arousal at this point, panting between her clenched teeth around the gag and moving with me all the more fluidly. We shared a powerful orgasm, and I felt like the biggest stud that had ever been.

Gina later revealed that while the sex was great, and the bondage better, what made the experience uniquely mind blowing for her was watching the whole thing on live TV. An unused television set was perched on a dresser just beside our bed, and Gina had observed our reflections in it as the whole thing had unfolded. She said that each elevation of erotic activity had had a twofold effect on her as she felt it, and simultaneously watched it occur!

It couldn't have gone any better if I had planned it until we had both climaxed and I tried to withdraw myself from her; I placed a hand on Gina's back and attempted to pull out, but accidentally pushed her forward slightly. I can only imagine Gina's plight as she overbalanced just a bit, but couldn't do a thing to correct her position since she had her hands tied behind her back! She screamed into her gag as she gradually pitched forward, and I tried to grab her as I realized what was happening. Too late, you boob! Gina landed face first on the mattress, and I was glad I hadn't had the chance to ungag her beforehand. I considered getting up and running away: I could call the fire department to rescue her once I reached the next state. I decided to take what was coming to me and helped Gina back up, removing her gag and bindings. Fortunately, things were firing on all cylinders between us at that point, and Gina was laughing uproariously before I could even get the bandanna out of her mouth. God bless that gal!

In retrospect, Gina's insistence on keeping bondage as a special treat rather than an everyday occurrence was an excellent idea. This arrangement made certain that our bondage sessions were a sure-fire lollapalooza. Almost every time was nearly as exciting as the first time to begin with, and pushing the envelope a tiny bit further once in a while really nailed it.

I was truly convinced that I was The Man at this point, having coaxed Gina from saying she didn't want to play bondage very often to the point where she was literally begging to be bound and gagged, but I believe I have previously mentioned that Gina was a gal who truly understood POWER in a sexual relationship. Once Gina was tied up she could have gotten me to stand on my head and spit wooden nickels if she had felt like it.

I would rather have died than cause her any discomfort, and I felt so lucky to be involved in the situation that I was dying to do anything that pleased Gina just as much. I realize now that I already was, and undoubtedly gave Gina even more pleasure by being hers to command.

I first began to wonder who was dominating whom when Gina suddenly stopped debating with me during an argument we were having, walked over to her desk, tore a length of adhesive tape off the roll we kept there and sealed her mouth, then began to strip her clothes off without turning back to face me.

"Baby, listen, I...gee whiz, you know I...Holy Shit! Smoochypuss, you know I didn't mean it, please, you just do what you think is best, okay? Now come here so I can squeeze you before I explode!"

Gina held onto this skill like it was money. She'd let me get away with murder because she knew that when it really mattered she could make me do whatever she wanted! It was like she had a hard wired remote control to my pitiful ass. An extremely long leash is the shortest leash of all, and it's even stronger when it's metaphorical.

Maybe the best example of this power came during a vacation on Cape Cod with some friends (in reviewing these stories I realize that vacations always brought out the best in Gina). We were staying with several other couples in a large cottage outside of Provincetown (a swingin' den of vice, for those of you who are not familiar with the locale), and spent the second day of our sojourn (a Friday) shopping along the main drag.

I was doing my best to be a cool boyfriend and didn't complain very much as Gina shopped, but my interest genuinely perked up when we approached a leather shop that Gina had heard about and specifically wanted to explore.

"I want to buy a leather vest!"

"Good idea, baby." Lord almighty. You know how I feel about that sort of thing. If there was anything sexier than a good looking dame in a vest, it's a good looking dame in a form fitting leather vest who asks me to tie a gag in her mouth and have my filthy way with her.

The smell of fresh leather was nearly overpowering to me as we entered the shop. I sympathize with those who think that leather clothing exploits animals, but when the woman who begs me to tie her up wants to wear leather I say bring on the sledgehammer.

Gina perused a few items, and began to examine one garment more carefully. A cheerful saleswoman materialized.

"Oh, that vest is fantastic! I have the same one myself. It's made entirely on the premises, right down to the buttons, and you'll find that it begins to really take the shape of your body as you wear it."

I'm sold. Why don't you pick out a pair of pants and a jacket to match? Get some of them crotch high boots and shoulder length gloves while you're at it. Momentous as this occasion may be, I have even bigger fish to fry. As Gina and the saleswoman gushed at one another, I began to heed a vague yet powerful yearning to check out the very back of the shop. Sure enough, what I sought was right there on display, discrete yet unavoidable to folks like us.

I joined Gina at the cash register as she presented her selections and unholstered her Dad's formidable Platinum Card. "This as well, please", I said as I placed my own carefully chosen item on the counter. Gina turned to me and asked in a VERY LOUD VOICE, "What's that?"

I tried to summon the Gorean within me and boldly proclaimed:"That's a plug gag, Baby. Is this made right on the premises as well? Can she try it on?" We all laughed as the cashier rang up the sale.

Gina signed for the bill and thanked the saleswoman as we exited to the street. I was weak in the knees. "Do you know what you bought?" I asked, actually feeling sly.

"Some things I wanted. Why?" Gina retorted, putting me in my place.

As the afternoon drew to a close, all the members of the house party convened at a pub to dine and chat. Everyone displayed their purchases in turn, Gina's leather finery drawing gasps of admiration from the other women. I guess the fellas would have gasped too, but they were probably afraid I'd pound on them. Frankly, I wouldn't have blamed them; those threads looked great before Gina ever put them on, and even better when she did. I wasn't jealous, I was proud. After all, we'd all get to see her sporting them, but only I would get to tie her up while she wore them!

When Show And Tell got around to me, I lamely displayed a comic book I had bought. "Hey, that's great, Gina's punk rock scumbag of an impoverished boyfriend bought a comic book. How Proletariat!" Yeah, well, screw you, Buddy. I'm getting something all your money couldn't buy.

The next moment we had alone, Gina turned to me with a wicked grin. "Aren't you going to show them my gag, tough guy?"

MY gag! Lord have mercy. I tried to out-cool her: "Watch your mouth or I'll make you wear it home, Sister!"

Gina looked me dead in the face, and held my gaze until I flinched. "Go ahead! I'll do it! Go ahead and put it on me. Put it on me! I'll do it if you're man enough!" Needless to say, I was not man enough, and Gina ground me into a pulp with her derisive laughter.

I grovelled pathetically until we arrived back at the cottage. Gina and I retired to our bedroom, where she began to try on her bad ass clothes. She buttoned her new vest (which fit like a glove) over a crisp white dress shirt and stood before the mirror, admiring the view. She wasn't the only one. As Gina began to wriggle into her squeaky new leather pants I embraced her from behind and began to fasten the gag into her mouth. It was a padded leather panel gag, which covered her mouth with an attached, medium sized plug that filled Gina's mouth and rendered speech unintelligible without choking her or distending her jaws too much. Two narrow straps, one at the top edge and one at the bottom edge of the mouth covering panel buckled at the nape of her neck.

Gina held still as I fastened the buckles. As I looked over her shoulder into the mirror which reflected the both of us, the sight of her dressed to the nines from head to toe nearly knocked me out. The gag buckled onto her finished the job. The POWER that blazed from her eyes into mine through the mirror was staggering! Gina knew exactly what she was doing to me, and followed my gaze until I had to look away.

I tried to salvage some dignity. "You're not getting out of that this weekend!" I declared.

Gina turned from the mirror to look at me directly, completing my liquification, and laughed. The gag was extremely effective, and it was a muffled chuckle that issued from her, but we both knew what was going on.

Well, she let me get away with it. Gina wore the gag almost non-stop for the rest of the weekend, with only short breaks for eating and bathing. Of course, whenever I began to feel like I was running the show, Gina would move to make our intimate experience public, opening the bedroom door and stepping into the hallway. Several times I had to physically pull her back before one of our housemates caught a glimpse. For once I will spare you the gory details of what transpired between us in that room, but I know you can imagine.

During the rest of our time together, Gina brilliantly played her role as the submissive dominant. She established what she laughingly referred to as "the gag rules": Gina could not remove a gag or binding that I had placed on her, and would be subjected to a longer (and sometimes more strict) period of bondage if she tried to do so. Naturally, Gina knew exactly how to manipulate me with these rules in order to maximize her own pleasure. I can't begin to count the number of times that Gina used her bondage to force me to do her bidding. Though chained, bound and gagged by my hand, Gina knew how powerless I was to resist her, and I'm the man to tell you that she used this power to its fullest extent!

All good things must come to an end, they say, and this was true in the case of Gina and I. Even though I remember all too clearly that we parted for very solid reasons, I will always have very fond memories of Gina and our time with one another. She showed me by her example how much power the "submissive" partner can wield, and she was the one who basically led me from the quagmire of confusion onto the path of bondage enlightenment the I have applied to every relationship I have had since then. And I thought I was showing her something new! It is a strange and beautiful world.

I don't think I'll write about my bondage life any further in these pages, unless you readers request that I do so. It kind of got old halfway through, and Mason lost my original version of the fifth installment. This kind of chore requires some sort of encouragement to continue (desperate fishing for compliments).

In the meantime, I am actually working on a video project involving Gina and several other participants in my bondage life. You folks will be the first to know when it's done and/or available.


Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Stories retrieved from Restrained Tastes, on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine