Lisa : Halloween Party (F/M) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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Lisa : Halloween Party (F/M) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Post by Canuck100 »

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Halloween Party
Story index at the bottom

By Lisa

The events of that evening on Halloween night go back about five years now, so some of the details may be a bit blurry. I am writing this tale from memory by the soft light of a candle, to create a good mood for a Halloween tale. Anyway, dear readers, dim the lights, get comfortable, and get ready for a fun, sexy story . . .

I looked in the mirror for perhaps the fourth time that evening. I had to admit, I looked pretty good! The French Maid costume was a good fit. The white-frilled, sheer black skirt came to just above mid-thigh. Not quite as short as I had feared it would be, but a bit shorter than the conservative, tailored skirts and dresses I usually wore. The outfit came complete with a frilly white apron, headband, and elbow-high white gloves. I had selected a pair of sheer, lycra nylons and white high-heels to finish the look. My girlfriend, Kelly, had talked me into going to her annual Halloween party dressed like this, and I could feel myself blushing . . .

Earlier that week, Kelly and I had gone shopping for costumes for the fabulous party that she said she was having. She thought that my taste in clothes was much too conservative; that someone as gorgeous as me should learn to flaunt it. We were driving along the town’s main street, cruising along slowly. “There it is,” Kelly exclaimed, pointing to a store. It was a costume store. She pulled the car up and parked on the side of the street. After feeding the meter, we went inside. Hundreds of costumes hung on the racks along the walls and on display mannequins. We looked up and down the racks.

“This is what I’m going to wear!” She settled for a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader uniform. “Now we just have to get you sorted out.” She selected a French maid uniform for myself. “Here. This is just the costume for you!”

My eyes widened. I couldn’t wear this. It was just a bit too sexy, too revealing. “Oh, I don’t know, Kelly. I mean, the skirt on the costume is a bit too short. It would be like wearing lingerie to your party.”

“My gosh.” She threw her hands up in exasperation. “ Lisa, you are never going to get anywhere with that attitude. Loosen up, girl.” So that was it. I was going to wear that costume. Resignedly, I took the costume from Kelly, went to the check out counter, and reached into my purse . . .

I pulled myself back to the present. The party would be starting soon, and I didn’t want to be late. I put the finishing touches on my costume – a pair of dangly earrings and some lipstick. Okay, here goes, I thought. It was getting cool outside this time of year, so I covered myself up with a Teen Flo trench coat. Satisfied, I closed and locked the door to my apartment and walked toward the elevator and pushed the button for the elevator. As I descended to the building lobby, I was grateful that I didn’t run into anybody that I knew. It was just starting to become dusk, and the air was brisk, beautiful fall weather as the early evening approached. Reaching my car, I started up my 7 year old Honda Civic. So far so good.

I knew the way to Kelly’s parents’ homestead on the outskirts of the small town where we lived. It was located in the outer regions in a rural area containing a few farms and orchards. Quite a beautiful part of the countryside. Driving carefully, as there would be children roaming the street trick or treating, I headed out to the rural area where she lived

Getting into the spirit of Halloween, I turned on the radio, listening for something appropriate for the holiday . . .

After driving for about half an hour, I could see the house in the distance. Though I had been there quite a few times before, I never ceased to marvel at the charm of the place. It was a classic homestead, a century home that had been renovated with modern conveniences. To add to its charms, it was on a large piece of land, complete with a cornfield and a barn. For Halloween, Kelly and some of her other friends had gone all out to make it a spooky occasion. As I pulled up in the car, I could see that there were some pretend gravestones on the front yard. I pulled my Honda up behind Kelly’s car, turned off the ignition, and got out the car. I decided to leave my purse under the front seat. Okay, here goes. Self-consciously, I gathered my coat around me, and walked up to the main entrance. The sounds of the party were already in progress. I could hear the din over the sound of my heels clicking on the pavement, and the rustling of leaves in the gentle night breeze. The moon was full too. Perfect.

I walked up several steps to the veranda, and then proceeded to the front door. The veranda was one of those that was covered over, and extended the width of the front of the house. Dressed as I was under the coat, I could feel myself blushing once more. There was a scarecrow with glowing orange eyes propped up on a rocking chair at the end of the veranda, and he seemed almost to be leering at me, as though he could see through my coat. I raised a gloved hand and knocked on the door. In a few moments, the door flew open and there was Kelly in her cheerleader uniform, looking very sexy I might add.

“Come on in,” she shouted. She took my jacked and hung it up. “My God, Lisa, you look like totally awesome! Every guy at the party is going to be all over you!”

Completely blushing now, and aware that people were noticing the newcomer to the festivities, I proceeded in.

I marveled at the variety of costumes that the guests had worn that evening. There was a girl dressed as a bride.

Another girl was dressed as a she-devil. Yet another was a sexy witch. There were a few guys dressed as famous monsters – Dracula, The Werewolf, etc. There was a guy dressed as Michael Myers from the John Carpenter Halloween movies. I noticed a girl standing at the far side of the room. She wasn’t wearing a costume. She was stood by the punch bowl, sipping on a drink. I put my hand to my mouth and giggled. I realized it was a guy dressed up as a girl. I recognized him a Ryan, a guy I had gone to high school with. He looked self-conscious in a tight dress, makeup, wig, and high heels. I went over to him. “Hi Ryan,” I giggled. “I just love your costume. Nice dress.”

He turned deep red at this underneath the mascara. “Some of the other guys said they were going in drag also. Looks like I wound up looking ridiculous.”

I assured him he looked great. The truth is, I admired any guy secure enough in his masculinity to go to a Halloween party dressed as a girl. “Never mind what anyone says, “ I reassured him, “I think you look fabulous!”

I mingled some more with the guests. Many of them I recognized underneath their costumes; some I had never met before, or was unable to recognize. I received complements of my own about my costume. Blushing, I explained that it was Kelly’s idea not mine. I helped myself to some munchies. Candy apples, rice crispy squares. Hors d’oveures. Kelly had really put out all the stops to make this a memorable occasion. How memorable was yet to be seen . . .

“Howdy, l’ll lady!” I was suddenly aware of an arm around my waist. Steve was dressed as a cowboy. John Wayne reincarnated. “Just what the party needs – a sexy French Maid.” Steve fancied himself as God’s gift to women, and the sight of a girl dressed the way I was more than enough to encourage his interest. “What say you and I have a dance later on?”

I really didn’t want to dance with him. Like many girls, I found that he could be a bit obnoxious. I pulled my self away. “Thanks, but I actually promised someone else the first dance.” I was searching for excuses. The thought of him with his hands on me, especially dressed the way I was, was a bit much. “Ryan asked me . .”

“Ryan,” Steve laughed. “Looks like he showed up in his weekend clothes. Actually, we convinced him that a bunch of us were going to dress as women tonight! Looks like he fell for it!”

Actually, I thought this was kind of mean of Steve. Ryan was a nice guy, and I actually was determined to get to know him better this evening, tight dress or not. I mingled with some of my girlfriends. Sue, who I went to college with, was dressed as a sexy she-devil. “This is some party, huh.” She shouted over the music.

Suddenly, Kelly was there. “Lisa, you look absolutely gorgeous! I did tell you that already didn’t I?”

“That’s what I keep hearing,” I sighed.

“Lisa, you are just too modest. Loosen up, for Pete’s sake!”

Kelly drifted off to see to her other guests. I stood marveling at the festivities, leaning against a staircase banister, when suddenly I glanced something flash overhead. Before I knew what was happening, my arms were pinned to my side and to the banister. Steve had lassoed me. He made several more turns with the rope around my body and my legs. “Gotcha,” he exclaimed. “Looks like I caught myself a nice prize!”

Some of the other guests were noticing and smiling. I could feel myself turning beet-red with embarrassment. “Okay, Steve, very funny. Let me go!” I squirmed, but didn’t have the slack to get free.

“Okay, but on one condition. You give me a slow dance.”

What could I do? I was aware that my being tied up this way was attracting attention. I wriggled some more to try and get free, as a few people smiled and pointed in my direction. “Okay,” I sighed. “You win.”

After he untied me, Steve led me into the middle of the room and we danced with the other guests. Throughout the dance, he held me close. His hand, which was on my waist, started to slide down to my hip. I took hold of it and put it back to my waist. Something was going to have to be done about this. He said, “Looking real sexy, this evenin’, Lisa. French Maid, huh? Me and my buddies are havin’ a party next month to celebrate our victory.” Steve played football, and his team won the championship, as he was fond of telling anyone who would listen. “We could sure use a French Maid to serve drinks and keep the guests happy.”

My mouth opened with astonishment. This was outrageous! If Steve thought that I would be his personal servant at his party dressed like this, he had something else coming. But there was a plan formulating in my mind . . .

“So this victory party of yours,” I started, trying to make conversation, “It’s going to be quite the event?” We were still gyrating slowly around the floor, Steve holding me close.

“Yeah. It’s our victory. We’re serving beer, wine. You name it. All the food you can eat. We could sure use someone like you to help out. The guys would sure like it if you came as you are.”

I was aware that Steve was surreptitiously looking at my cleavage as we danced. “Why don’t we grab a bite to eat,” I suggested. I was anxious to put a little distance between the two of us. He was holding me a little too close.

“Sure. Sounds good to me.” Steve gestured towards a couch. “Grab a seat. I’ll bring us something over.”

As he veered over to the snack table, I went over to the couch and sat down, glad for the break. The other guests seemed to be having a good time. The costumes and decorations were making for quite an event. I was wondering if coming single to this party was such a good idea. Most of the other guests had come with dates. I guess Kelly had wanted me to come dressed as a French Maid because she thought that I was too square and needed to flaunt myself a bit more. The truth is, I didn’t go out too much. I was just as content with a good book and a glass of wine, as I was with a night on the town. I did date occasionally, but being the shy type, I wasn’t asked out too often. I hadn’t had too many boyfriends. I relaxed, sat back, and crossed my legs, self-consciously pulling down at the hem of my skirt so that too much leg wasn’t showing.

Suddenly, Steve re-appeared with two drinks and some snacks. He sat down beside me, and handed me a glass of wine. I could see him glancing down at my legs. “Quite a party Kelly has thrown, hasn’t she?”

“Yes, it’s turned out to be quite the event. She throws a party like this every year, but I think that this is the best one so far.” I thought for a moment. “So this party of yours that you’re having, it’s going to be great also?”

“Better believe it, toots, that’s why I want you to come.”

“I see.” The plan that I had been turning over was starting to come into focus. “You know, it’s getting pretty stuffy in here. Why don’t we step out for a breath of fresh air and talk about it?”

A smile slowly spread across Steve’s face. I guess he thought he was getting somewhere with me. First base, perhaps. “Sounds great to me. We’ll go for a little walk.”

We got up and walked out to the front hallway and out the front door. There, several couples stood milling around on the veranda, talking, or sipping drinks, or wandering around the property. Steve and I walked down the front steps. The air was cool, but not uncomfortable. The breeze made a distant hissing sound as it blew through the cornfield. The full moon cast our shadows as we walked. Several hundred feet behind the homestead, the barn loomed. In the moonlit darkness, it was an imposing, spooky presence. The barn doors were closed and locked with a length of chain and padlock. However, there was a regular doorway to one side, intended for people use.

“Steve, about this party of yours. I was just thinking, it sounds pretty exciting. When are you having it?” We were stood by the door to the barn. It wasn’t locked, and stood slightly ajar. “There’s a bit of a cool breeze picking up. Why don’t we step into the barn and talk about it?”

Steve lit up at this. A smile slowly spread across his face. “Now your talking, toots. After you.” He made a gesture for me to enter first. I stepped over the threshold and into darkness. Steve followed suit. Feeling around, I located the open-wire light switch I knew to be there, and suddenly the inside was bathed in a soft light. There were a couple of light bulbs illuminating the barn. The barn had several stalls for horses. They were empty at the moment. Kelly’s parents raised horses for show, and they were currently at a contest. A small tractor was parked to one side, waiting in preparation for the cornfield harvesting. Several bails of hay lay strewn around. There were a number of tools, including a scythe and a pitchfork hung on the barn walls. There were also several coils of rope. Perfect. I think.

“So, Steve, I was thinking.” I was really nervous at this point, but determined not to show it. “I’ll come to your party. However, there is just one condition . . .”

“And what would that be?” He stood before me, looking down and leering.

Okay, here goes nothing. I took a deep breath. “ Remember when I said I would dance with you if you untied me from the banister, earlier on?” Lisa, girl, what are you doing? “ Well, I’ll come to your party if you let me tie you up, this time. If you can escape in an hour, I’ll come.” There. I said it.

Steve stood looking at me. I didn’t know if he would laugh, or what. “Gee, I don’t know if I can trust you.” Either way, I guessed he was trembling with excitement and could taste copper in his mouth, at this point. After all, I was dressed as a French Maid.

“Well, then, maybe I shouldn’t come to the party . . .” I turned and started to leave.

“Okay, okay. Here, tie me up!” He reached for the lasso he had on his gun-belt and handed it to me. Shaking out the coils, I walked behind him and crossed his hands behind his back. Now, dear readers, there is something you must understand at this point. We girls are experts at bondage. Like many young girls, I had several years of babysitting experience, and whether you do the tying, or are the one tied, you learn how to tie someone up so that there is no chance of escape. Steve was about to find this out.

I made numerous diagonal loops around his wrists, continually pulling it tighter. With the remaining couple of feet, I cinched the rope between the coils and his wrists and tied the final knot, making sure it couldn’t be reached. So far so good. Steve tugged experimentally at his restraints. “Not bad, pretty lady,” he laughed.

“Relax, cowboy, I’m not finished yet.” I left him stood there, while I got some of the ropes that were hung up with the tools. I was starting to relax and really enjoy this. Taking one of the coils of rope, I wrapped it around Steve’s body, pulling his arms firmly against his body until there was no slack whatsoever. I finished off by cinching the remaining rope between his arms and torso so there was no chance of the ropes slipping up or down. “Okay, let’s get you laid down.”

He looked at me questioningly. I helped him down to the ground and then rolled him so that he was face down on his stomach. Taking another length of rope, I tied his legs together just above the knees, cinching it, then I tied his ankles together the same way. I took the final length of rope, tied it to his ankles and then drew then back. I then finished by tying the remainder to his wrists. Steve was now in a very effective, utterly inescapable hog-tie. I had him where I wanted him.

“Not bad, toots,” he laughed, but there was a cloud of doubt on his face. He tugged at the ropes.

“Okay, cowboy, you have an hour to get free. If you manage to escape, I’ll come as I am now to your party. If not, the deals off. Got it?” For the first time that evening, I felt safe. I sat on a bale of hay with my legs crossed, not bothering to pull down at my hemline, giving Steve a good look at my gams.

Steve started his escape attempt. He pulled hard at the ropes binding his wrists, and then tried to move his arms up and down. The only thing he managed to do was to rock back and forth slightly. Slowly, the supercilious grin started to fade. Dear readers, if you could have seen the look on his face as he realized he couldn’t untie himself. It was priceless. I could feel myself grinning broadly.

“Something the matter, Steve?” I purred smugly. “Got nowhere to go? Poor baby.”

Steve was struggling desperately now. I think he realized that he wasn’t going to get free, and that I wouldn’t be coming to his party. His face was red from the exertion of trying to get loose, and he was sweating slightly, despite the cool autumn temperature. I could see him trying to look around, attempting to see his hands. His fingers were twisting back, desperately trying to find a knot, or a loose coil of rope. It wasn’t going to happen. Finally, the hour was up. Steve lay still, completely exhausted.

“Okay, Lisa,” he looked up resignedly. Lisa, not toots. “You win. I guess you can untie me now.” He wriggled a bit against the ropes for emphasis.

Smiling, I said, “Untie you? I never said I would untie you.”

A look of astonishment crossed Steve’s face. “Wait a minute. You said . . .”

“I said that if you freed yourself, I would come to your party. Who said anything about being untied?” I was thoroughly enjoying myself now. I may have been the shy, girl-next-door type, but now I had the power. I grinned at Steve, rubbing it in that he couldn’t get free.

“Aw, c’mon Lisa. We’re missing the party.” He strained mightily against his bonds.

“You’re going to miss the party. I, on the other hand, am going back to the party, where I intend to enjoy the rest of the evening. You can stay tied up and think about how you harassed me all evening.”

John Wayne was gone now. He was just some guy helplessly tied up. “Please, Lisa. I’m begging you. I’ll do anything! Lisa, please. Miss. Please, ma'am'”

“You’ve done enough.” ‘Ma’am’? Just for that, he would stay tied up even longer. I started to get up and move toward the door. “Say another word, and I’ll gag you!” With that, I headed towards the door, gently swaying my hips as I walked, giving Steve a good look at what he couldn’t have. Kelly wouldn’t think I was too square after I told her what I had done to Steve when I got back to the party. We would come back after the party was over and teach him a lesson, and perhaps some respect for women. But that would have to be another tale. I glanced back. He was struggling hard. I smiled, waved goodbye, turned out the lights, closed the door, and left him there in the darkness .

I closed the barn door behind me, making sure that it was securely latched. I could vaguely hear the muffled sounds of Steve, as he ineffectually strained against the ropes holding him in the hog-tie I had put him in just an hour before. As I walked briskly back to Kelly’s homestead house, I thought with satisfaction that he was getting his just deserts. The night had gotten a bit cooler as the evening progressed. The full moon was partially hidden by some wispy clouds, and the breeze had picked up, causing the cornfield to hiss loudly and wave back and forth.

I could see the house lights as I approached. There were only a few people outside now, and they were staying on the veranda. I could hear the music emanating from the house. The party was still in full swing, and I wondered if anyone would wonder what had become of me during the past hour. Although I had arrived alone that evening, my costume had caught quite a few admiring glances. I also wondered if anyone would miss Steve. Probably not. His boorish, obnoxious behavior made him an unwelcome addition to any Halloween festivity.

I climbed the steps to the veranda. One or two people gave me a questioning glance, but otherwise went about their affairs. The house was a welcome relief from the chill of the night air. A bunch of people were crowding a sofa, watching a video of “Halloween”. Jamie Lee Curtis was running across a street, pursued by the masked fiend. The costumed guests were either cheering on the fiend or the damsel in distress. “Lisa, girl.” I was suddenly aware of Kelly standing beside me. “Where have you been? I thought you had got lost or something!”

“Nope,” I giggled. “Here I am. I just thought I would step out for a breath of fresh air.”

“Well. You were sure gone for a long time.” Kelly suddenly looked puzzled. “Wasn’t Steve with you. What happened to him, anyway?”

I smiled mischievously. “I don’t know. Maybe he got tied up somewhere.” I quickly changed he subject. “So, how are things going with the party here?”

Kelly stood there smiling at me. I wonder if she thought that I was up to something. Who knows what she suspected was going on . . .

Part II

The party was in full swing now. There couldn’t have been a better place to stage it. Kelly’s classic homestead was a pretty big place, and as I had stated earlier, she and some of her other friends had gone all out to make this party the social event of the year. The lights were dim, spooky background music and sound effects were in effect, and fog flowed eerily from room to room, the result no doubt of a fog machine hidden someplace. Candles were placed strategically around the hallways and rooms. In the main entranceway, high overhead, a witch was perched on a broomstick, eyes glowing spookily – the Addams Family would have felt right at home here on this night.

The guests, too, were equally creative in their choices of costumes. I marveled at the variety of ideas that people had come up with in deciding what to wear, and was continually impressed with what I saw. Although Kelly and I wore store bought costumes – myself the French Maid, and she the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader – many others had spent considerable time and effort for this event. As I gazed around, I saw one guy dressed as a mummy, surgical bandage wrapped around him from head to toe. One couple was dressed as dice.

In the main living room, couples gyrated to music, and there was a boisterous game of bobbing for apples in the corner. Some of the others were sat around tables playing board games, such as Trivial Pursuit and Yahtzee. Kelly introduced me to some more guests. As usual, there was a fuss over my costume, yet somehow I was finding myself less self-conscious as the evening wore on. It was as though I was gaining a newfound self-confidence in myself. And why shouldn’t I? Actually, I was starting to think I was looking pretty sexy myself! I smiled inwardly. Steve thought so too, but he was securely tied up in the barn. I would be safe from him for a while.

My best friend had noticed that I seemed to be thoughtful about something. “Lisa, dear,” she smiled. “Penny for your thoughts. You seem pre-occupied this evening.”

I smiled. “Oh, just thinking about someone.” I looked around. “So what else is planned for the evening? Did you get a chance to set up the haunted tunnel, or whatever it was?” Kelly, in addition to adorning the house with Halloween decorations, had turned the basement into a makeshift, really scary place, with fog, mannequins made to look like monsters, and flashing lightning effects and sound. Her homestead had a huge unfinished basement, and she had set it up sort of like a maze, eventually leading to the cellar stairs leading outside.

She gestured towards the basement. “Come on,” she said excitedly, “it’s really cool. You’ll be so scared!” We headed downstairs, down the dark, concrete cellar stairs. The first attraction was a ghost looming overhead, glowing from within. I had to admit, this was pretty neat! Gingerly, we proceeded forward in the darkness, rounding a bend we came face-to-face with the Grim Reaper. His scythe was raised menacingly, and orange eyes glowed ominously from behind the grinning Death’s Head. Rounding another bend, we found ourselves in a dungeon scene. Against one wall, in chains, hung a skeleton, clad only in tattered clothing. The forgotten prisoner! With only the light from a candle, the scene looked pretty realistic and frightening!

“So what do you think, so far?” Kelly asked. “Pretty frightening, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s really great. It must have taken ages to put this together! Where did you get that skeleton? It looks real?” I glanced nervously back at it.

“Oh that. You know Sam? Sherri’s boyfriend? Well, he’s second year pre-med and offered to let me use it for the party.”

Just then, we saw Sam and Sherri up ahead. Sherri was dressed as a sexy, female cop. She had on a blue police shirt and tie, and a short, sexy tight black skirt. She had a belt with a nightstick and a pretend gun. Sam was dressed as a prisoner, complete with striped uniform with the slogan “Property of Alcatraz” emblazoned on the front. Also, he was wearing a pair of handcuffs. Sherri, in keeping with the theme of their costumes, had handcuffed Sam’s hands in front of him. “Sherri, you remember Lisa, don’t you? We went to school together.”

“Hi, Lisa! Long time no see.” Sherri smiled. Although we had gone to school together, we hadn’t seen each other for a few years since I had started college. She was a pretty girl, with long, blond hair and a nice figure. Sherri had gone into nursing, and it was there that she had met Sam, now in his third year of med school. They had been dating for about a year now, and, glancing at those handcuffs, guessed that they were used not just for parties. “Lisa, this is Sam,” Sherri continued, gesturing towards her boyfriend.

Automatically, Sam started to extend his hand, and then realized he was cuffed. “Sherri insisted on making it as authentic as possible,” he explained sheepishly. “I guess she doesn’t want a catch like me getting away from her.” He glanced over at Sherri. “You do have the keys for these, I hope.”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” she laughed, tugging at a gold neck chain that disappeared into the cleavage of her costume. “You’re right. I’m not letting you out of my sight. And those ‘cuffs can stay on. If you want a quiet, prissy type,” she added, winking at me, “you should be dating Lisa here.”

My mouth dropped open, then I broke into a broad grin. “Hey, that’s not true. I’m not the square, shy type everyone thinks,” I retorted, thinking back to my almost forgotten prisoner. “Isn’t that right, Kelly?”

“I don’t know, Lisa. I mean, could you lock up your guy like this? You’d wind up like earlier this evening, tied up yourself.” Kelly looked puzzled for a moment in the darkness. “By the way, Lisa, where is Steve? I was sure he was with you when you walked out of here earlier. You’re not telling me something.”

I glanced around furtively. Sherri had taken Sam by the arm and led him over to another group of partygoers, so we were alone. Taking the hint, Kelly leaned in closer to me to listen. “Okay,” I confessed quietly, “it’s true we left together. You know how earlier he cornered me and was bothering earlier this evening? Well, I got even!”

I proceeded to tell Kelly our walk outside and over to the barn, about going inside. I told her about Steve’s overbearing behavior and how I thought he needed to be taught a lesson. I then told her about the bet, and how I had him tightly hog-tied. When I was finished, Kelly just stood there wish a look of amused, slack-jawed wonderment.

“So is he still out there? It’s been over three hours now. Do you think he managed to get free?”

The truth is, I hadn’t thought about that, but I was pretty sure that he would still be there. As I recounted earlier in the story, I have a Master’s degree in Bondage 101 from Babysitter University. When I tied him up, I made sure his bonds were inescapable. However, I also made sure he would be comfortable, as I didn’t wish him any harm. Just a lesson in humility!

Kelly and I proceeded through the maze. We came to another exhibit, this one a mummy emerging from a crypt. A group of girls were stood around. I recognized Rhonda, the she-devil, Amy, the bride, and Amanda as a sexy witch. One girl was not wearing a costume. Correction: a group of girls and Ryan, who, as you recall from the first part of my story, had cross-dressed for this occasion. I don’t know what it is, but they just seemed be crazy about Ryan in a dress. It was amazing how the girls just loved him in it! And, I had to admit, he did look pretty cute! They were stood around him, admiring the dress, impressed with his courage at coming to a party dressed like this. One was asking where he had gotten such a gorgeous dress, perhaps wanting one like it for herself. Ryan’s dress was sheer, wine red, and gathered at the waist. It was tight, the hem coming just below his knees, with a back dart to make walking a bit easier. He wore a pair of white pumps with perhaps 2-2 ½ inch heels, and sheer Lycra nylons. He looked so fabulous as a girl that I guessed he must have had a female friend help him with the costume and makeup.

"Hi girls,” I said, as we approached them. “Hello, gorgeous,” I giggled, addressing Ryan. “You know, you do look sexy in that fabulous dress!” We all broke out laughing as Ryan blushed under the mascara. We talked some more, and then he excused himself, walking away quite elegantly, the hem of his dress tightening against his knees, and heels clicking against the floor.

“You know,” Amy piped up, “I think there is a cross-dresser in every guy. He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself this evening.”

“So Lisa has this big surprise for us,” Kelly exclaimed. As the other girls looked questioning at her, she motioned us forward in the haunted maze. We passed several more exhibits, one was a guillotine poised to be-head some poor devil. Another was the devil himself. We stepped through a door, and into the night air. A stone stairwell led up to ground level. We climbed the stairs, Amy being careful to lift up her bridal gown. The evening was pleasantly cool, but not chilly. The moon, now a somber shade of orange, peeked furtively from behind some wispy clouds. The crickets chirped loudly, and the gentle night breeze stirred the cornfield. We made our way through the gravestones that Kelly had set up for the party, and headed towards the barn.

Upon reaching the barn, I undid the door and stepped through the threshold. Reaching around I found the light switch, turned on the light, and motioned the others to follow. One by one, the girls stepped over the threshold and followed me around the stable.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?” Kelly exclaimed, breaking into a broad grin at the sight of Steve. He was still in the secure hog-tie I had put him in earlier on. I looked closely at him. He seemed all right, to my relief. “Lisa, did you do this yourself?” Kelly marveled at the intricacy of the bondage he was in.

“Yep,” I replied. “All by my lonesome.” I performed a theatrical curtsy for the benefit of the other girls. They were stood there in slack jawed amazement at Steve’s predicament. All of them knew Steve. They knew him to be an overbearing sort who thought he was God’s gift to women, and acted accordingly. And I think they were really enjoying seeing him bound and helpless.

“Could one of you please untie me? Please?” Steve looked around at each of the girls helplessly, finally resting his gaze on me. “Come on, Lisa. Please. You’ve had your fun. Please untie me now.” He wriggled a bit against the ropes, but I think he was beyond hope of getting out of this by himself.

“Well, Steve, I told the other girls about you, and they couldn’t wait to come and see you like this. I guess you’re as popular with the girls as you think you are,” I smiled smugly. If Steve wasn’t before, he was completely humiliated now. “Now here’s the deal. There’s a chance you can get out of this, but you’re going to have to behave yourself and co-operate with us.”

Rhonda, Amy, Amanda, and Kelly were really starting to enjoy this now, and Steve – thinking there was a quick way out of his predicament – nodded his head enthusiastically. He wasn’t going to get out of this so easily, though.

“First of all,” I continued, “you will not address any of us as ‘toots’, or ‘babe’, or ‘sweetheart’. You will not speak until spoken to, and when you do, you will address us as ‘Miss’. Understand?”

“Yeah,” he replied sullenly.


“Yes, Miss Lisa. I understand,” Steve replied, respectfully and humbly. That was it. He was beaten. We all had him where we wanted him and we were going to take advantage of the situation to its fullest. We all stood around him, these five gorgeous girls in our sexy costumes. Each of us had suffered some indignity from Steve at one point, and now was the night of reckoning. As the party continued in the distance, there was another party here where one of its guests was not having such a good time. I think he learned a lesson that evening, one that he would never forget . . .


Well, dear readers. That’s my story. The candle has almost burned out, and it’s getting late now. I hope you enjoyed my tale. I had so much fun that Halloween evening. There is another party coming up, and I plan on going again as a French Maid. I got the idea to write this story when I came across my costume while rummaging through my closet. In fact, I wore the costume while writing this story, to put me in the festive Halloween mood. Happy Halloween!

Epilogue - Valentine’s Day surprise

The evening was cool that Thursday of the fourteenth. Another Halloween had come and gone, then Christmas, and now I was looking forward to this Valentine’s Day evening. I walked along the sidewalk, finished for the day of shopping, and headed towards my car. My old Honda Civic had given out a couple of years ago, and on a flight of fancy, had treat myself to a new BMW convertible. Perfect for the up and coming career girl. I started it up, and pulled out of the parking space.

My condo was about twenty minutes away from the mall. After parking, I took the elevator up until I reached my unit. I had always enjoyed the view from here; it was one of the reasons I chose it. Slipping out of my heels, I slumped down on the couch and decided to watch some television. My guest would not be arriving for another two hours, so I had plenty of time to prepare for the evening. After awhile, I decided to run a bath. Lying in the warm water, I smiled to myself as I thought about the upcoming evening.

Later, after I had toweled myself off, I pulled out the new dress that I had bought while shopping. Sheer, tight, and black, it was perfect for the upcoming evening. I stepped into the dress, reveling in the sheer feel of the fabric. I walked over to the mirror. Perfect. It was tight, the hem coming to just above the knees, and gathered at the waist. It was sleeveless, with spaghetti straps, and showed just enough cleavage. The only blush I showed that evening was the makeup I had applied. I smiled, remember how I had felt embarrassed wearing that French Maid costume. That was then, this is now, as the saying goes.

I walked over the night table and opened a drawer. The silk scarves were long, soft and luxurious. Perfect for the upcoming evening. Unbreakable. Inescapable.

The buzzer interrupted my thoughts. My guest had arrived . . .

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
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Last edited by Canuck100 5 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by rash357 »

Thank you for re-posting this [mention]Canuck100[/mention] ! I had completely forgotten about the existence of these stories - really brought back some memories!
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Post by Canuck100 »

[mention]rash357[/mention] my pleasure! I enjoy reading them too
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Is there another part after the epilogue?
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