Saphira : 01 - A Torturing Road Trip (F/M, fict)

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Saphira : 01 - A Torturing Road Trip (F/M, fict)

Post by Canuck100 »

Saphira's stories
01 - A Torturing Road Trip
Story index at the bottom

By Saphira

Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:21 pm

Hey everyone, I've read this site without becoming a member for a few months now, but I decided to register and post a story to see what you think. Although a small section of this may be a little explicit, I'll do my best to tone it down.

What started out as a simple trip to the mall to search for new clothes ended in torture of many kinds..

My friend, Erick, would pick me up early in the afternoon so that we would have plenty of time to shop. We had become good friends over the time that we had known each other, and during a conversation one night, he mentioned that he would love to be tied-up and "tortured" one day in the future. I smiled to myself as my mind whirred with possibilities..

The mall was about a half-hour drive from my house, so that would give me plenty of time to give him a taste of what he wanted. I grabbed my biggest purse, and stuffed it with various sized scarves, bandanas, and a cold metal thermos. When he arrived, I walked calmly out to his car, armed with my best poker face. I got in, and as we drove away, we talked about the simple things in life.

A few minutes after we merged on to the interstate, there came a pause in the conversation. I reached down in my purse to grab a CD, and placed in the car's player, but didn't turn it on. He gave me a quizzical look as I just smiled at him. As he turned his attention back to the road, I quickly reached down for a short bandana, and grabbed his right wrist. He was startled, and didn't react as quickly as he could have, which gave me the upper hand. I tied his wrist to the upper half of the steering wheel, leaving him with just a few inches of space in case of an emergency. Erick started to loudly complain, but I didn't listen, and reached over for his left hand, another bandana in hand. He couldn't stop me, seeing as how his first hand was tied to the wheel, and the second followed soon after that. He was able to slide the bandanas around the upper half of the wheel, but couldn't reach his body at all.

Erick kept on complaining, so I turned on the CD I had taken out earlier.. Justin Bieber. His least favorite singer. I cranked the volume as Erick's disgust filled the car.

"Well that won't do," I coyly said. "How am I supposed to enjoy this if I have to listen to you the whole drive down?" So I reached into my bag for a scarf. It was bright pink, his least favorite color. Guessing what I was about to do, he jerked his head from side to side so that I couldn't tie his head. Having to watch the road, however, I got him after a few minutes. I slid it around his head, into his mouth, and locked it against the back of his jaw. I wrapped it around his head and into his mouth a few more times, and completed the tie with a pretty bow on the top of his head. With his pretty blonde, sort-of-long hair, I told him he looked just like a princess, which caused him to moan and muffle his voice into the scarf. He shot me multiple death glares during those few minutes as well.

I sat in the passenger seat, thouroughly enjoying myself, and then decided that I was a little hot. I took out the thermos that I had filled with ice earlier on in the morning, and took a sip. Then, for good measure, I placed the ice-cold thermos between his legs.

Erick's eyes bulged and I could detect muted screams. He couldn't remove it for his hands were tied to the wheel. I took some ice out of it, and slid some down the front and back of his shirt as well. He wriggled and squirmed, all while keeping his concentration on the road, as I concentrated on him. I slid some ice up and down his arms, then grabbed his side in a ticklish squeeze. He yanked away from that, but I could easily reach over and tickle him some more since he had no resistance against me. I did this to his side, his neck, and right above his knee as he continued to move around, trying to defy me.

As we neared the exit for the mall, I removed the thermos, and stopped the tickling. I took the scarf out of his mouth, which allowed him to release many profane comments on to me. This only made me smile wider though, proud of the work I had done.

He parked the car, and I removed his hands so he could turn it off. I also quickly slid out of the car so he couldn't try anything with me. He got out as well, glaring at me again.

"You think you're so cool, don't you?" he asked me snidely.

"Of course," I answered. "We still have the ride back as well."


"So here's your song, it's twisting me; I'd give anything to make you scream" -Mayday Parade


Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:45 pm

As we entered the mall and started walking around, Erick kept up a barrage of evil glares at me, and wouldn't come within arm's reach as he now knew that I was up to no good. I simply gave him innocent glances back as though nothing beyond the normal conversation had occured in the car. Passing by Victoria's Secret, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the PINK section. He gave a long, loud sigh and rolled his eyes, but didn't make a move to leave. I moseyed around the store, stopping to get a few pieces of lingerie, and then proceeded to the checkout counter. Strolling through the more elegant pieces, I saw a short, lacy red negligee, and Erick raised one eyebrow with a "What do you think you're doing?" attitude as I grabbed it off the hanger. I purchased my items, but just as we were about to leave, I swiped my finger across some dark purple eyeshadow and rubbed it across his left cheek. He let out an annoyed moan, followed by yet another glare, then started to wipe the makeup off of his face. However, that moan issued by the appliance of makeup gave me an idea....

We went in and out of a few more stores, buying various things, and when we were done, we walked back out to his car. Nearing the car, I whipped the lanyard that he carries his keys on out of his pocket, and sprinted towards the driver's door. I beat him there, unlocked the door, and sat down.

"Uh uh, out of the car," he said, all serious now.

"Aw, c'mon, what do you think I'll do? Drive off and leave you here? I would never... That would simply ruin my plans for the rest of the day," I said as I smiled up at him. This caught him off guard, and his eyes quickly widened, then narrowed. I patted the passenger's seat and he walked around and got in, but only after I gave in a slight amount and allowed him to hold the car keys... (for now, I thought to myself)..

We sat there in peace for a few minutes, then I started to mess with his seat. I moved it as far back as it would go, and set it at a low incline so I was almost lying down in it. He proceeded to do the same with his seat, probably thinking that all I had in mind was some relaxation. One or two more minutes passed, then as I noticed his focus wavering for a second, I pounced. I lunged over the center console, and managed to wrap my knees on either side of his legs while facing him, sort of in a mounting position. He cried out and tried to push me back over on to my side of the car, but I gripped my legs even tighter into his as I reached down for the two scarves that I had used earlier. I tied them together into a tight knot, then wrapped them around his chest, connecting again in the back of the seat. His arms wriggled and thrashed as he pulled at the scarves, wanting to rip them apart from each other, but after his chest was secured, I clasped both of his arms and wrapped them around the seat as well, securely tying them in the back with another bandana. His upper torso was now virtually immobile.

Erick yanked at the scarves, but because of the seat's low incline, he couldn't get enough force behind his pulls. He started yelling, but I stopped that by thrusting one of my newly purchased undies into his mouth and holding in it with the scarf contraption that I had done earlier in the day. I gave him a wicked smile as I reached down into a Sephora bag and started to lay out various containers of neon-colored makeup. I could barely make out some cuss words as he now guessed what I was about to do...

I started with a bright, dark shade of purple eyeshadow, close to the color that I had placed on him earlier. I used my fingers to cover both of his upper lids, but his shaking head caused me to leave a streak from the corner of his right eye almost to his ear. As a punishment for not complying with my application of the makeup, I left it there, easily seen by people in other cars. I then took some bright cherry red blush, and moved it all over his cheekbones, making him have the appearance of a painted doll. Thick, black mascara covered up his blonde eyelashes, and the rest of his lips that weren't covered by the scarf received a popping pink dose of lipstick. Erick now had the appearance of an overdone drag queen.

I easily retrieved the car keys from where they had fallen behind the seat as I tied his hands back, and then placed both of our seats back in the upright positions. As we pulled out of the parking space, a teenage girl gazed in on Erick's side and gave off a very confused look, followed by a wide, amused smile. The deep color of red that his face turned very nearly outshone the blush on his face. He threw me a murderous look as I winked at him, and turned towards the interstate, driving just slow enough that passersby had a good view of his face. Erick attempted to slink down in his seat, but I'd reach over and tickle his sides whenever he left the space of the window.

Almost home, my cell phone rang. It was my workplace, telling me that it had been a slow day and I didn't need to come in that evening. I kept my expression and tone of voice neutral as I spoke, then when the call ended, I told Erick the news with an evil look in my eyes. Turning to face him, I saw the fear emanating from his own eyes, and knew that it would be a good night....

To be continued.....

"So here's your song, it's twisting me; I'd give anything to make you scream" -Mayday Parade


Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:07 pm

As we continued down the highway, I began to think of various ways to occupy my newly free night. Erick now sat still beside me, no longer shooting me furious glares, but rather quickly darting his eyes back and forth in a nervous manner. As we passed by a few exits, I noticed one that looked inviting: some good restaurants not too far up the road, and a Hilton hotel. Our stomaches growled in agreement as I pulled on to the exit ramp. However, I decided to reserve a night at the hotel before giving into hunger.

As I pulled into the parking lot, Erick started to get a bit jittery. He fidgeted around, not quite like he was trying to escape, but more like his mind was placing him among uncomfortable thoughts, and he was trying to shake them off. I smiled, parked, got out of the car and stopped. I leaned back in to look at Erick. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed his humiliation, I knew that many eyebrows would be raised if he walked through the hotel lobby with all of that makeup pasted on his face. I thought of two solutions: one, simply take the makeup off of him. It could easily be re-applied later. Or two.. my eyes drifted to the back seat, spotting my J. Crew bag, full of new summer dresses. Almost as if Erick could read my mind, he knew which solution I would choose as soon as I did.

He no longer sat still. He started a muffled version of screaming, and began to yank forward on the ties as hard as he could. I threw him a wicked smile, and reached for the bag. I shuffled through it, and managed to find my orange strapless dress with a built-in belt and buttons ascending up from the middle. Erick had a slender figure, and I knew that he could fit into it, but the problem would be actually managing to put it on him while still keeping control.

I locked eyes with Erick, and we held each other's stares as I began to think. His emotions kept riding from anger to fear to anxiety while I maintained a blank stare, disappearing into the depths of my mind for a solution. I finally found one. I got back into the car, and drove around to find a nearly vacant section of parking lot. I got out, and walked around to his side. Opening the door, I quickly sat down on his lap, facing the windshield so as to render his legs immobile. He bucked up and down, managing to give me a few bumps to the head from the roof of the car, but a nice slap to his side put an end to that. I easily pulled off his shoes, and began to slide the dress up his legs. He tried to stretch and spread his legs, making it harder for the dress to move up, but everytime he did so, I'd press back against him with my back to his face, severely cutting off his supply of oxygen until he calmed down and obeyed. With the dress up to his knees, it was time for the pants. The dress was relatively tight, so leaving them on was not an option.

I maneuvered my body into the same position I had been in earlier, only this time facing the front: my calves rested on either side of his legs, squeezing them together and I pressed back into his face/torso to gain some support. I lifted up and slid his pants out from underneath me. I heard Erick scream and moan beneath me, but did nothing to stop what I'd started. I wedged his pants down under the dress as I slid it up around his upper thighs, and then ripped them off his feet and threw them behind me. Halfway there. But his torso, with his hands still tied and shirt on, would be an even harder job.

I turned around so that I was now facing him, and burst out laughing in the process. His face had gained the deep red tint again, and his long bangs were plastered to his forehead from the sweat he exerted trying to put up a fight. Generally, he looked kind of miserable. I slid the dress up under his shirt, and was finally ready for the last step. I was going to have to untie his hands. Erick knew this as well as I did, and his body became very tense, ready to release as soon as the ties were gone. It was my turn to glare at him, but I quickly stopped as a burst of insight flashed into my mind, and I threw him a blazing smile. Maybe he wouldn't have to be untied after all. He gave me a suspicious look, as I got off of him. I emptied the car of our belongings, setting them by his door. I then grabbed him under his armpits, and heaved his body up, so that his arms came above the head of the chair. He was then pushed down on to the asphault parking lot. I swished his shirt up and over his head, then pulled it down to cover up his tied hands. I pulled the dress up the rest of the way, and then fastened it in place so that it looked just right. I placed one of my scarves over his tied hands so that it may just look like he was holding it behind his back. Nothing suspicious. Maybe a bit odd, but he could pass.

Preparing myself for a verbal onslaught, I removed the bandana from his mouth, and I'm sure people at all levels of the hotel could hear him chew me out as he ranted on and on about "how could you possibly do this to me??". I stood there calmly until he had worked himself down enough, then simply grabbed some bags, and looped my arm through his in order to guide him, and make sure he didn't run away. Walking towards the lobby, all I could think about was how this was only the beginning...

"So here's your song, it's twisting me; I'd give anything to make you scream" -Mayday Parade


Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:06 pm

As Erick and I entered the lobby, we nonchalantly strolled up to the check-in counter. It took us a few minutes seeing as how the concierge wasn't in the best mood, and was moving rather slowly. He glanced at us a few times, once with furrowed eyebrows when Erick shifted uncomfortably, but didn't say anything. Finally, as we got our hotel keys and started to leave the lobby, I started to sing Aerosmith's "(Dude) Looks Like a Lady" just loud enough so that Erick and the concierge could hear me. The concierge's eyebrows crumpled once again, but lifted in an incredulous look as he eyed Erick. He then burst out laughing with his head bent backwards, and he slapped the check-in counter out of amusement, which of course attracted the attention of the others in the lobby. Erick landed me a quick kick to the back of my leg as I started to laugh as well, and we proceeded to our room with him grinding his teeth and mumbling under his breath along the way.

Our room was on the second floor, so I had plenty of time to scope out our surroundings as we walked around. Just inside the staircase was a vending machine, and a few paces beyond that, an ice machine. I kept a poker face as we went past it, but I was already thinking about how that would come in handy later on that night. We entered our room, which was at the very end of the hallway, and I set the bags down before bolting the door behind us. Keeping a firm grip on Erick's arm, I viewed our space for the night. It was pretty simple. A king bed in the very center of the room (with a headboard, I may add), a desk next to the window, a TV across from the bed, a closet with a few hangers dispersed along the metal bar, and a bathroom with a nice Jacuzzi tub. I turned Erick to face me, threw him a wicked smile, and pushed him down on to the bed. He was straddled once again as his arms were tied to each post of the headboard, and he bucked underneath me, trying to throw me off of him.

"Now that's not very lady-like," I said as I finished my ties and laid down on top of him. He rolled his eyes, and I proceeded to pinch his cheeks and tell him just how pretty of a girl he was in my best baby talk voice. He moaned and cussed a few times, but that only gave me a wider smile. I rolled off of him, and reached into my purse for a camera. Knowing how badly he hated having his picture taken in general, I knew that he would pitch a fit in his current state. That was an understatement. He shouted "NO!" quite a few times along with some other profanity, but I put a finger to his mouth. I held up the camera in a menacing way and stated that if he didn't behave, a very pretty girl was going to get her debut on Facebook the next day, along with some casual side photos of Erick dressed normally, just for comparison's sake. The friends could do their own thinking from there. He glared at me as I set the camera on the nightstand next to his head as a constant reminder of what I had against him. He closed his eyes, and rolled his head away from me. I grabbed his hair in both of my hands and roughly turned his face back around. I glanced into his eyes for a moment or two, then gave him a passionate kiss on the lips before I let him go, winking at him as I got off the bed. He let that sink in for a moment afterward, but I could see the fire deep down in his eyes. Tonight was going to better than I had hoped.

I remembered seeing an adult superstore sign for a business about a mile down the road, but couldn't go out and leave Erick at his own mercy. I knew those simple bandana ties wouldn't hold forever. I needed a small form of incapacitation, just for a few minutes so that I could make the trip down there. My mind went back to the ice machine, and I remembered the thermos idea I had used earlier that day in the car. I grinned at Erick, and quickly grabbed a towel from the bathroom. I leaped for the door, but then stopped and turned back around. Erick was staring at me quizzically, but before he could say anything I lunged back towards, twirling the towel together into a tight line in my arms, and snapped his bare leg with it. He let out a cry of pain. I told him that I was going to get something to take the sting away and left. I hurried down the hallway, and shoveled some ice into the towel. I wrapped it up in the center, and carried it back to our room. As I entered, Erick saw the bulging package in my arm, and made a quick guess as to what it contained. He tried twisting his body so that his whipped leg was against the bed, but that only gave me another idea. I set the ice towel down and grabbed another. I twirled it up again, and whipped out at any bare part of his body that I could find. I managed to hit his upper and lower right arm, his ribcage below his left arm, a few times on his legs, and finally his rear end. He yelped every time that the towel made contact with his body, and after I stopped my barrage, he laid there and moaned into the pillow.

I grabbed the ice and placed it all over the red parts of his body. Sure, the sheets would get wet as it melted, but that was the least the housekeepers had to worry about the next day. Erick cussed and moaned as the cold quickly overtook the heat, and I took an ice cube to slowly drag it from the fingers of his left arm, down his ribcage, over his hip bone, and down the inside of his leg. He yanked against the ties, but was still sore from the onslaught of my whips, so not much effort was made. Satisfied that it would hold, I left him covered in ice, gave him another quick kiss, and began my shopping spree...

"So here's your song, it's twisting me; I'd give anything to make you scream" -Mayday Parade

Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:20 pm

Hi everyone!

Sorry that I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been really busy these past few months, but honestly, I also couldn't think of a great ending to this story without turning it rather sexual. I'm sorry to say that, but I feel like it wouldn't be right to post a half-hearted ending when I believe there could be much more to it. But I thank everyone so much for following along this far, and if anyone wants to verge into more explicit territory, I'd be happy to send my ending over a personal message or email. I'll begin writing another story that will soon be posted (and finished!) as well.

-Saphira :)

"So here's your song, it's twisting me; I'd give anything to make you scream" -Mayday Parade

Saphira's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section