tapegaglover! : 01 - What are Friends For? (F/F)

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tapegaglover! : 01 - What are Friends For? (F/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

tapegaglover!'s stories
01 - What are Friends For?
Story index at the bottom

By tapegaglover!

Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:18 am

Jill and Delaney were best friends. They had been together since kindergarten, and were now Juniors in high school. They were completely inseparable. They had no secrets between them. Everything one knew, the other knew. Except, Delaney had one secret Jill did NOT know. But she was about to find out...

Jill was at her locker getting ready for her fourth block class, when Delaney walked up to the locker next to her.
"Hey Jill," Delaney said cheerfully, "come over to my house after school let's out. I have a surprise for youuuuu!"
"What kind of surprise?" The blue eyed blonde asked curiously.
"A SPECIAL surprise!" Replied the blonde with brown streaks, winking a green eye before walking off.
"I wonder what is so special about it," Jill thought as she closed her locker.

When school let out, Jill immediately headed for Delaney's house, excited about the surprise. Once she was there, she knocked on the door and was surprised when Delaney opened it before she was even done knocking. Jill noticed that she was holding a black blindfold.
"Here put this on," Delaney said, even though she was already tying it around Jill's blue eyes herself.
"What's this for?" Jill asked, disliking the idea of not being able to see.
"It's part of the surprise!" Delaney replied.
"Alright," Jill reluctantly agreed as Delaney guided her to her room. She then sat Jill on the floor.
"Okay, hold your hands behind your back. And no peeking!" Delaney said, as she thought how wonderfully easy this was going to be.
"It isn't like I could peek if I tried," Jill said as she put her hands behind her back, excitedly awaiting her surprise.
Jill suddenly felt cold steel snap around her wrists.
"What the hell is this!?" Jill yelled as she struggled against the handcuffs, but it was futile.
"It's your surprise, silly!"
"What kind of surprise is this!?" Jill screamed, now getting really worried.
"Why my dear Jill," said Delaney seductively, as she stroked Jill's hair. "I'm going to show you the wonderful world of bondage."
"What the hell is bondage?" Jill asked, though it sounded familiar.
"You are about to find out, honey." Delaney said as she pushed Jill onto her stomach and began wrapping silver duct tape around her ankles ten times. She continued to her legs, wrapping them above and below the knees ten times as well. There was no way her legs were getting free. But she was not done just yet.
"Wait I remember what bondage is!" Jill said, now extremely worried. "You get turned on by tying people up!"
"Well, just when I tie girls up anyway." Delaney said, rubbing her hands up and down Jill's legs and butt, before turning Jill around to face her.
"I'm not comfortable with this," said a very frightened Jill.
Delaney grabbed Jill's chin with one hand and pulled her until their faces were just inches apart.
"You don't have a say so in the matter, now do you?" Delaney said before leaning in and kissing Jill on the lips.
"What the hell was tha-mmmmmmmmph!!!!" Jill said, as her voice was muffled by Delaney's socks being shoved into her mouth.
Delaney then put a strip of duct tape over her lips before she could spit the socks out, smoothing it over before adding two more strips.
"Mmmmmmph..." Jill whined.
"Ssshhh..." Delaney whispered, placing a finger over Jill's gagged lips while stroking her hair. "Everything is going to be just fine."
"Somehow, I doubt that," thought Jill.

Delaney began to admire her beautiful captive. The beautiful blonde was wearing a tight short sleeved hoodie with blue and white stripes, and tight blue jeans. Her flip flops had fallen off due to all her struggling. Her shiny, natural blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail. Delaney was wearing a very tight black and white striped shirt, and even tighter black jeans. She was barefoot now, due to having used her socks as a gag. She gazed at her new prize, stroking Jill's blonde hair as she did so.
"I'm sorry about tricking you, but it was the only way." Delaney said, as she massaged Jill's shoulders. "Besides, you'll thank me later."
"Mmmmmm..." Jill moaned. She was still worried, but the massage felt soooo good.
Delaney then tickled Jill's ribs furiously, causing her to toss and turn and scream into her gag.
"MMMMMPH!" Jill screamed with laughter.
Delaney then started attacking Jill's feet, her most ticklish spot.
"MMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAHAHA!" Jill laughed so hard, causing the tape to fall off and the socks to fall out. "AHAHA! Delaney! Please AHAHAHA! Stop!"
"Oh my, your gag has come undone. That will never do. I suppose we'll just have to fix that." Delaney smirked.
"Please Delaney, just let me go-mmmmmph!" Jill yelled, as her cries were muffled by Delaney's socks once again.
Delaney then pulled about a foot of tape off the roll, without ripping it off. She then placed it over Jill's pink lips and wrapped it around her head seven times, before smoothing it over.
"Mmmmmm...." Jill groaned, her cries barely audible.
"Now I have some things to get prepared, so you be a good girl and don't go anywhere," Delaney laughed, still stroking her gagged lips. She then kissed Jill's lips over the tape, much to her dismay.
"You know, the best thing about this, is that I can do anything to you, and you can't do anything about it." Delaney said before kissing Jill's forehead. "Think about that." She whispered before leaving the room.

"Is she really gone?" Jill wondered, not able to tell because of the blindfold. She began to rub her head against the ground until it finally came off. She looked around the room, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light. She looked at herself in Delaney's giant mirror (vain, isn't she?) and saw her bonds. The lower half of her head was mummified in silver duct tape. There was an imprint of lips left from Delaney's pink lip gloss, where her own lips should have been. She could barely move her jaw and legs because of all the tape. She could move her arms, but the stupid handcuffs would not give. Her struggles were completely futile. Her struggles worthless, she went on to her last resort: screaming for help. She breathed in as much as her lungs would allow, before screaming as loud as she could.
"MMMMMMMMPH!" She tried to scream, but all that came out was a barely audible "mmmmmph..."
"Go ahead. Scream. It's not like anyone can hear you."
Jill looked up to see Delaney. She had with her a black bag filled to the brim with things Jill could not see.
"Hmmmm?" Jill questioned, not liking the sound of that.
"Well you didn't think I trusted a little tape and some handcuffs to hold you, now did you?" Delaney asked, smiling. "Oh no. That was just temporary. I have something much better in store for you, baby. And remember, you'll thank me later."

Jill let out a muffled cry at that statement, as Delaney pulled out some white cotton rope. She then unwrapped the tape from Jill's ankles, replacing it with the rope, tying it very tightly. She did the same above and below her knees. She then tied rope around Jill's elbows, almost making them touch, before unlocking the handcuffs. She crossed Jill's wrists together, palms facing up, and wrapped the rope across horizontally, as well as vertically, tying them off tightly. She then tied a rope around her arms, going above and below her breasts, pinning her arms to her back. Jill groaned in pain as the ropes dug into her skin.

"Now for a hogtie," Delaney said excitedly.
"Mhmm mmmm?" Jill moaned, questioningly.
"You'll see." Delaney whispered as she began tying one end of a rope to Jill's ankle rope, before pulling her feet until they were about a foot away from her wrists. She then knotted the other end of the rope to Jill's wrists, putting her in a very strict hogtie. This caused Jill to barely be able to move.
"MMMMMMMPH!" Jill screamed in pain as well as fear.
"I'm tired of that old tape gag. I think it's time for a change. I have a very SPECIAL gag in store for you!" Delaney said, now getting very excited.
"Mmmm..." Jill groaned softly, all hope of escape lost.
"I'm gonna give you the ULTIMATE gag. But first, this tape gag has got to go." Said Delaney as she began quickly unwrapping the tape from around Jill's head.
"MMMMMM!" Jill screamed, her hair feeling as if it was on fire. Once the tape was off, she spit out the socks. "Please...Untie me." Jill said, now crying.
"And ruin all the fun? I don't think so. Now open up!" Delaney commanded, holding her own balled up used panties in front of Jill's mouth. They were a little wet.
"No." Jill refused.
"Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way." Delaney groaned. She then covered Jill's mouth and nose with one hand, but Jill kept moving her head out of the way. "You wanna be tough, huh? I know a perfect way to deal with that!" Delaney said as she yanked Jill's ponytail back, preventing her from moving her head as she covered her mouth and nose, preventing any air from getting to Jill's lungs. Jill started screaming under Delaney's soft, manicured hand, but Delaney continued to hold on until Jill's eyes started to roll back, when she finally let go. Right as Jill gasped for air, Delaney shoved the panties into her mouth, filling it completely. Delaney held them in as she pulled a tube out from the bag. As Jill regained her breath, she read the tube in horror as she realized what it was: CrazyGlue.

"MMMMMMMPH!" Jill cried in fear into Delaney's hand.
"Now put your lovely pink lips together babe." Delaney said as she released her hand and readied the super glue.
Jill resisted, keeping her lips apart as much as possible.
"When will you learn?" Delaney sighed as she clutched Jill's chin and dug her nails into the blonde's skin. Jill couldn't take the pain any longer, and put her lips together. "That's much better. And like I said before, you'll thank me in the end." She then brought the bottle up to Jill's quivering lips, and squeezed out the sticky substance across Jill's lips, instantly sealing them. She blew on her conjoined lips, to dry the glue faster, before gently kissing them.
"Mmmm... Still a bit sticky, but delicious." Delaney said, her eyes closed as she rubbed her lips together.
Jill was in tears, stretching her lips as far as they would go. But they would not budge.
"Aww don't cry." Delaney cooed, wiping away her tears. I know just the thing to cheer you up. A crotch rope!"
"MMMM HMMM?" Jill mumbled, her eyes wide in fear.
"Don't worry. It's a lot of fun, trust me."
Trust her? After all this? Jill thought in anger.

"Get ready sweetie," Delaney said as she grabbed another rope. She tied it around Jill's waist, and brought it between Jill's legs, before tying it to her hogtie. The rope had knots that would dig into Jill's vagina every time she moved, causing pain and pleasure at the same time. It was pure ecstasy.
"MMMMMMMM!" Jill moaned in extreme pleasure.
"See?" Said Delaney, stroking Jill's hair. "Bondage isn't so bad."
"Mmmm...mmm..." Jill agreed, moaning as her eyes rolled back.
Delaney then took Jill's hair down saying, "you always looked prettier this way." She then kissed Jill's lips deeply. Jill kissed her back as best she could, both moaning in pleasure. Delaney tugged on Jill's crotch rope, causing even more pleasure. She continued to make out with Jill.
"I'll be right back," Delaney said, out of breath. "I'm going to slip into something more comfortable. This will keep you company while I'm gone." Delaney picked up a vibrator, and unzipped Jill's jeans. She pulled down her panties and slipped in the vibrator, before turning it on. "Enjoy yourself," Delaney said, before kissing Jill's forehead. Delaney then left.

It was even better than the crotch rope. The vibrations sent shockwaves through her body, causing her to shake and moan in pleasure. Jill was in pure ecstacy. This was turning out to be a great day after all. After a few minutes, Jill started to climax.
"MM! MM! MM! MMMMMM!" Jill screamed. She was just about to have an orgasm, when...
The vibrator stopped.
"MMMMMM!?" Jill screamed, frustrated.
"Not just yet, said Delaney. Jill looked over and saw her standing in the doorway, completely naked. Jill never thought about it before, but she now noticed just how beautiful and sexy Delaney was.
"There's more fun to have before you orgasm," Delaney said, kissing Jill's cheeks, alternating back and forth. She then untied Jill's hogtie and crotch rope. She laid Jill on her back, and removed the vibrator. "I'm gonna put the blindfold back on, because it's a lot better when you can't see what's coming."

Jill was once again in darkness. Delaney laid on top of Jill, wrapping her arms around her neck. She started to kiss Jill's neck, kissing here, kissing there. She lifted Jill's hoodie, and began kissing Jill's stomach, starting from below her bellybutton and working her way up. She then removed Jill's breast harness, and lifted her hoodie even more, exposing Jill's bra. Delaney bit down on the bra, removing it with her teeth. She then sucked on Jill's nipples, causing Jill to moan in pleasure. Delaney started to grind on Jill as she did this.

"Now for the big finish," Delaney said. She started making out with Jill's super glued lips again, as well as licking them. She took one hand and stuck it down Jill's panties, and inserted two fingers into Jill's tight vagina. She moved the fingers in and out, which combined with her excellent kisses, sent shivers down Jill's body. Jill was building up another climax again.

"MMMMMMMMM! MMMMMM! MMMMM!" Jill moaned. She was about to orgasm again, when...
"What the-MMMMMPH!" Delaney screamed.
Jill heard the door slam shut and then there was silence. Jill was getting really worried now. "Someone has taken Delaney," she thought, "and I can't do anything about it!"
Jill struggled as best she could, but the ropes were too much. She tried calling for help, but none came. She just waited in silence until the door opened again.
"Mmmmmph!" Delaney was screaming, apparently gagged.
Jill heard movement on the bed, so she assumed Delaney was being tied to it. She then heard foot steps coming towards her. She assumed the person was female, because she heard high heels.
"Oh my. Delaney did quite a job on you, didn't she?" The woman said.

Jill recognized that voice. Her suspicions were confirmed when her blindfold was removed. It was Delaney's mom, Jane. She was a gorgeous woman, with natural blonde hair. The boys at school called her the MILF of all MILF's.
"MMMMPH!" Jill screamed, relieved but at the same time embarrassed.
"Did she make you orgasm?" Jane asked.
"MM-MM." Jill shook her head no.
"Oh well, dear me. I apologize for interrupting. I thought you would have been done with that. Here, I'll help you finish." She then stuck the vibrator back into Jill, turning it on the highest setting. "Delaney sure does know how to tie a great knot. After all, I taught her everything I know. I tie her up all the time."
Jill was only half listening, now getting close to a climax again.
"I see she used the ultimate gag. That is one of my favorites that I love to use on her. It's great for kissing." Jill nodded, her eyes rolling back once more.

"MMMMMM! MMM! MMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!" Jill screamed as she finally had an orgasm. She never felt such pleasure before.
As she was regaining her breath, Jane pulled out a pocket knife.
"MMMMPH!" Jill screamed in fear.
"I'm just going to cut through the glue, silly." Jill was relieved to hear this. When Jane was done Jill spit out the panties, and stretched her achy jaw muscles. Once Jane freed her from all her ropes, Jill went to the bathroom to get dressed and wash off all the glue's residue. When she came back, she saw Delaney. She was tied spread eagle to her bed, with her clothes still off. She was struggling and groaning, when Jill noticed that her lips were sealed together with glue.
"How does it feel? Haha!" Jill laughed as she crawled on top of Delaney. "I'm so glad you did this," she said as she traced her fingers around Delaney's nipples.

She then wrapped her arms around Delaney's neck and kissed her on the lips slowly and deeply. They both moaned in pleasure.
"Thank you," Jill whispered into Delaney's ear.
"I told you you would thank me," Delaney thought happily.
Jill then left Delaney's room, and was about to head home until she was stopped by Delaney's mom.
"Jill, I need you to promise me you won't let any word of this leave this house." Jane said.
"Don't worry Miss Jane. Delaney's secret is safe with me," Jill said, smiling.
"Good. This, however, will be our own little secret." Jane then cupped Jill's face in her hands, and kissed her deeply, inserting her tongue as well. Once it was over, Jill just stood there, stunned.
"Think about it," Jane said as she kissed her forehead and opened the door for her to leave.

Once Jill was gone, Jane went back to Delaney's room.
"Mmmmph!" Delaney grunted, signaling for her mother to untie her.
"I don't think so honey. What you did was reckless and stupid. What if you hadn't converted her? You could have gone to jail! I taught you to only tie up people with consent! Now since you broke the rules, you have to be punished. You will stay like this for the night."
"Ssshhhh honey. Don't argue." She placed a finger over Delaney's glued lips. "Luckily, she will keep your secret. And fortunately for us, she doesn't know about our little secret." She then straddled Delaney, and kissed her over the lips passionately, while grinding her. Delaney moaned in pleasure as her own mother shoved a few fingers into her vagina. But just as she was really enjoying it, her mother stopped.
"We'll have some more fun in the morning," Jane said, blindfolding Delaney. "But for now, get some rest. You'll need it." She then kissed Delaney on the forehead, before turning out the light and leaving the room.

As she drifted off to sleep, Delaney thought about how wonderful this day was. She was so glad she forced Jill into bondage. She didn't know what she was missing, but Delaney showed her. After all, what are friends for?

tapegaglover!'s stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section