Gatekryss : 04 - Handcuffed Together (F/FM)

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Gatekryss : 04 - Handcuffed Together (F/FM)

Post by Canuck100 »

Gatekryss' stories
04 - The Straighjacket Gift
Story index at the bottom

By Gatekryss

Friday, November 26th 2004 - 05:23:51 PM

Same in Green, Part 6.
Handcuffed Together

For washing up, the next day would be an even better day than today, Ines suggested when she, Yi and I had picked up most of the used glasses and dishes after the guests had left. The motion was decided on with one yes and two yawns. "And, " Ines continued while walking into her room, "thanks again for... this and this and this." She pointed at the straightjacket which Yi had freed her from while I was downstairs at the door.

"You're most welcome," said Yi while Ines tried to squeeze the jacket into the box which contained her Special Toys. "no no no, packing is not a question of force. Let me give you a hand". She knelt down and started eagerly to rearrange the contents of the box. With a shrug, Ines let her go at it and asked me if Julia, the friend from the social year, had said anything. "Have fun, she said. As if we were secretly together." Yi closed the box and interrupted me, "Aren't you?" -- "No... no." Ines and I answered in unison. "Well, then good night." And with two swift movements which Ines and I, tired and having had one in the tea, were too slow to react to, she handcuffed us together. "..." I said, temporarily out of witty remarks. She winked at us, tinkled with the keys between her fingers and ran into her room which she locked from inside.

Ines looked at the handcuffs and dug in the toy box for keys. "Well, there are two keys and if we subtract the two keys in Yi (that little devil)'s room, there are... zero left. Nice metal finish, don't you think? And massive. Not a sheet metal toy. My special birthday present for myself last year. From the weapons and security shop downtown." I complimented her on her taste in quality goods and sighed. "Do you see the remote possibility that I could sleep at your place tonight?" I asked, and she grinned at me.

One nice thing about cheaply-built student dorms is that the bathrooms are small enough that you can sit down even with your hand chained to someone standing outside. That done and teeth brushed, we lay down in T-shirt and underwear and turned off the light.

First try: lying on our backs side by side. Good night. Ten minutes later, I remembered that I always slept on my side or belly, and turned around. My right wrist was cuffed to her left one, so I rolled around counter-clockwise, pulling the blanket with me. Ah, sleep. Or rather almost sleep, until Ines turned to her right side and pulled the blanket towards herself. I pulled back. Both awake. I suggested a position facing each other. Tried. Too many arms. Putting our cuffed arms above our heads was better, but not comfortable.

They never show that in the films, Ines said, quite a bit unnerved about being tired and unable to sleep. I agreed and offered to read her a bed-time story. "Oh, yes please, a bed-time story. I haven't had one since I was six," she answered, jumped up (dragging me up, too, in the process), and pulled a something from her overfull bookshelf. Turning on the light, I noticed what it was...

"You want me to read a Mickey Mouse book to you? Just the pictures or also the bubbles?", I asked a bit sarcastically, not expecting an answer. I sat down on her bed and she followed me, leaning against me like the driver of a wooden sledge in order to have maximum blanket (smart move in a cold late-autumn night). With my chained hand, I held up the book and started with the first story.

When private investigators Mickey and Goofy had been overwhelmed in a warehouse (SNEAK SNEAK) by the evil gang (SMACK!), Ines interrupted me. "I always wanted to be tied up like that," she said and pointed to the picture where Mickey and Goofy were tied to a radiator. "Had you nobody to help you?", I asked. She shook her head, "well, I played tie-up games with my friends when I was a child, but so rarely it hardly counts. Tying up just meant nothing to them. Then I got into the age when teenagers just don't tie each other up any more. (No, actually, a friend of mine, the short girl, wasn't there today, know who I mean? Probably not, she's never been here anyway, well she tied me up once when we were 15, but when I tried to repeat the procedure, she just gave me a stare). And when I finally came into the age when my parents didn't mind me keeping a boyfriend overnight, it turned out that these boyfriends weren't that helpful either." She sighed, but continued in a more optimistic tone, "and now, finally, there's Yi and You."

My story was practically the same, I told her, except for the unknown girl to which corresponded some tie-up sessions with two friends at 13. We said nothing for a while. Then I sneezed, pulling my hands towards my face in a reflex, which in turn helped Ines hit herself in the face with her chained hand. It looked really funny. "What's so funny about a young woman hitting herself in the face on the night of her birthday?", she asked over-seriously. "Everything," I said and squeezed her for a few seconds. She brushed my arm with her free hand for a few seconds.

Again, we said nothing for a while. "Yi probably expects us to be girlfriend-boyfriend by tomorrow morning," I speculated. "She thinks we are already," Ines concluded, "but we aren't, are we?" "Nope," I answered, and added, "er... why was that again?" -- "There were some very good reasons. I must have written them down somewhere." -- "Not behind your ears, as far as I can tell. And not on your neck either... no."

She quickly suggested that she was tired. We found a half-hugged position and wished each other a good night. I decided not to force it and held back the goodnight kiss she could have got.

The sun was shining when I woke up. I was lying on my side, with Ines rolled up against me and holding on to my right arm. I decided to conserve that situation and closed my eyes again. "Stop pretending you're asleep. I had that idea first," Ines said triumphantly and tugged on the chain. "And I've thought about your question as well."

Her answer involved hand movements, lip contact and the feeling of body weight, and we discussed it for a while (details are left as an exercise to the reader). We were even noticed on the way to the shower by a rather shy neighbour who never quite got over seeing how much more fun other people were having.

And then, we went to Yi to have ourselves unlocked.

It took a few days before we realized that Yi just didn't fit into our now more pair-based games any more, and after an odd number of pronounced "I love you"s the magic was gone between all of us.

But that is a different story.



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