Carla : 01 - College Fun (MM/FF)

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Carla : 01 - College Fun (MM/FF)

Post by Canuck100 »

Carla's stories
01 - College Fun
Story index at the bottom

By Carla

Sunday, May 16th 2004 - 10:49:30 PM

College Fun

My first bondage experience occurred while I was a freshman in college. I came from a small northern town and was introduced to a group of what I referred to as "City Folks", they were more aggressive than I was.

I had also come from a strict catholic background and Irish parents. Well you get the picture.

On the other hand, I was ripe and ready for some new activity and and adventure.

One weekend, we had a party and as the party was breaking up my best girlfriend Donna, her guy and my guy decided to have some fun on our own.

Our guys Ron and Ted had also planned something special for us, not to our knowledge.

While I was a strict catholic, I had broken my cherry. Virgity was long gone.

Ted was my guy. He and Ron had gone out ostensibly to pick up a few things, we thought some beer, mixed drinks some chips and the like. When they came back, they had several bags of things. The beer and other alcoholic drinks were placed in the refrigerator while the guys brought the other bag into one of the other rooms.

We played some games and even some cards. Finally, Ron decided to play a game of chess. The rules were, losers would have to take off a piece of clothing after each game.

I played with Ted and was beating his a_ _. Surprisingly, he got in a lucky move and trapped me into checkmate. Ted looked at me and told me to start taking it off. We were all half looped anyway so I figure, why not. Off came my sweater.

Donna and Ron went next. This would be tougher because Ron was sharp and very good at chess. My expectations were correct and Ron easily defeated Donna.

I went next got up to the board and yelled for Ted to join me. Ted gave me some unexpected news, that winners choice allowed to change partners. So he had Ron play me. Now I knew I was in trouble. Ron was great. I held up longer than expected but still lost as I expected I would. Ted yelled out to take off another garment.

Off came my shoes! Ahhhhhhhh. Was the response. Shoes. That sucks. I just smiled and told them to shove it.

Ted stepped in for Ron and played Donna. Surely Donna could take Ted in chess. He wasn't that good. Or so I thought. Ted won.

We were 0-4 total. Guys were whipping our butts. Donna followed me by taking off her shoes.

Ted yelled, c'mon Carla. You're up.

I moved up and started to play Ted. I'm getting you th is time turkey. Once again I was whipping him and once again Ted got lucky and won. I was 0-3. Panty hose came off but I was getting worried. I had no desire to strip in front of my best girlfriend and her man.

Donna was next. Ron had to use the bathroom and the guys were feeling pretty cocky. So Donna played Ted. I tried to distract Ted but he wasn't falling for that. By this time Ron came back in. Whispered something into Ted's ear, Ted made a move and checkmated Donna....again.

Panty hose time for Donna but we both were getting more than just a little nervous. We knew what would be coming off next if we lost.

I stepped up and played Ron. This time I was more determined and held my own against Ron, but still lost. I tried to pass of taking my rings or necklace off, but the guys insisted that clothing only must come off, not jewelery. Painfully I took off my top and was sitting there with my jeans and bra on only.

Donna's turn. I won't bore you with the details other than Ted beat Donna again and now we both had only jeans and bra's on.

Ron looked at me laughingly and said, C'mon Carla, you next again and continued laughing in a sinister tone.

Lost again. Jeans came off. Ditto for Donna.

What next I thought.

Game is not over girls. Carla, you're up. I played Ted. Feeling very frustrated and determined I decided to whip Ted this time and almost did. Lost again.

At this point Donna and I were getting pretty vocal. We were tired and humiliated and had no desire to take anything else off. Ron came off with an idea and said that rules were changing now. He assured us that we would not have to take anything off....just yet and instead of taking something off they would be adding something.

What I said.

Well first of all you gals are getting a little loud. Ron then asked Ted to go to the bedroom and bring out the other bag.

Ron pulled out two bandanas and walked behind Donna and I and said that in lieu of taking more clothes off, we were to be gagged. We were getting too loud anyway and to finish the game their could be no communication between the losing team Donna and I.

Neither Donna or I were too excited but it sounded better than taking anything else off so we agreed.

Ted gagged me and Ron gagged Donna. We were beaten, down to our bare bones underwear and now couldn't even communicate a strategy, not that our strategy was working very well anyway.

We played each other and lost again. Now what I thought. I started to reach up to pull the gag off so I could speak, but Ted grabbed my hands quickly blocking it. Ron did the same to Donna and then explained the next part of the game was to have our hands tied!

Hands tied? How are we going to play with our hands tied?

Ron and Ted guessed our question and responded; How are you going to play with your hands tied you wonder? Then snickered and said, damn if I know. That is your problem. Your choice, you can have you hands tied or take another article of clothing off.

Donna and I looked at each other and placed our hands out front.

Okay, Ron said. We'll tied your hands in front so you can still move the chess pieces.

Now this was really humiliating. The guys pulled some rope from the bag and tied our hands in front of us. We had some mobility, but we're tied securely.

Ron then informed us that if we lost this one, we would be untied and then have our hands tied behind our backs. Yeah, that is exactly what we needed.

I played Ted, but the humiliation and length of the evening had taken it's toll. I played a good game, normally should have won but still lost. Ted looked at me and said your choice, hands behind the back or strip down more. My hands now untied, I placed them behind my back. Ted promptly tied them securely.

Donna was next. Same scenario. I had hoped that she would have played Ted, at least she would have had a chance and we might have been able to come back. I would be useless for here on.

Donna played a hard game. At one point she knocked over one of her own chess pieces which was unfortunate because she was closing in on Ron who had obviously become overconfident. Ron and Ted said any pieces that get knocked over get eliminated. We both mmmmpppphhhed in disgust. Ron wrapped it up and easily defeated Donna.

After tying Donna's hands behind her back, the boys grabbed more rope and started to really tie us up tight.

The guys then carried us to separate bedrooms and the rest of the night made losing more than worth it.

That was my first bondage experience. Hope you enjoyed it.


Carla's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section