new_tie : 01 - Tied by Em: The Shower Game (F/M)

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new_tie : 01 - Tied by Em: The Shower Game (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

new_tie's stories
01 - Tied by Em: The Shower Game
Story index at the bottom

By new_tie

Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:15 pm


This is my first post here, though I (and my girlfriend) have been reading Canuck's boards for quite a while!

Anyway, I guess I should start by giving a bit of background information to the story I'm about to tell. I'm a 20 year old university student in Canada, male, about 6' tall with an athletic build, and short(ish) brown hair. I'm quite an active person, playing soccer, tennis, ultimate, etc., and that does come in to play in some of the TUGs that I've played over the years.

I've always loved playing tie up games, since I was about 5 or 6 and would play with my older siblings. The best games though were played with my long time (and current) girlfriend Emily. Em (which is what I call her) and I met back when I was in high school, though we didn't actually go to the same school, so I don't know whether that makes us high school sweethearts or not... anyway, it doesn't matter. The important things are the TUGs we played together.

Em and I both go to the same University. In fact, we even live fairly close together- I can see her apartment from the window in the bedroom of mine! I had gotten her to play some games involving ties back when we first started dating- very light stuff, of course, so she wouldn't feel uneasy- and in turn I created a monster! She loved it and started to get more into it than I had ever hoped for. Of course what started off as me tying her backfired a little, and she learned that she liked to tie me up a lot too, but I don't mind being tied up, and that just make the games we play all the more competitive and interesting! I hate to admit it, but she has actually become much more skilled at tying people up than I have!

As I have several TUGs stories to tell, and this being my first post, I found it a little bit difficult to decide where to start. I've decided to tell one of the more simple ones we have played, just to get one post under my belt and "test the waters," so to speak. One of our favorite games was "the shower game." This actually has less to do with a shower than you might think- one of us would get tied up and the other would go take a shower. If the person who is tied up can get free in the time it takes the other one to finish their shower, they could go free and tie the other one up. If the person didn't get free however, they were subject to the other's mercy. This made it somewhat interesting, as there was no set amount of time that you had in order to free yourself, and you would never know how much time you had left, though we always made sure to have a bit of a lengthy shower to give the other person a sporting chance.

This particular time was my turn to be tied up, as I had lost the last tie up game (in our games the looser keeps getting tied until they win). It was in the evening, and Em told me (being cocky) that I might as well get ready for bed before she tied me up as I wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon. Knowing this might be the unfortunate reality, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and headed to the bedroom. Em was standing there with all the things that she might want to use. We had quite a collection of toys- nothing too fancy, but a good amount of rope and several every day items which we had converted into bondage equipment. It is kind of a hobby of mine to create new toys out of ordinary items and use them on Em when she doesn't expect it!

Em told me to strip down to my skivvies, because (to quote her) "people always look better tied up in their underwear!" I actually prefer it that way- it seems to add something to the whole experience, plus I have a bit of a fetish when it comes to Em in fancy lingerie (which she usually indulges me in when its my turn to do the tying). I took off my pant, socks and shirt and stood before her in nothing but a pair of blue American Apparel briefs. I'm actually more of a boxers guy to be honest, but Em thinks they're cute, and as I said before, she indulges me, so...

She gets me to lay face down on the bed and immediately tied my hands criss-crossed behind my back. She then tied a rope around each thigh, just a little ways above my knees. I knew what was coming, and as she brought each of my ankles up to secure them in a tight frog tie I could only think of the first time she had put me into this awkward and extremely vulnerable position. As I said before she was very good at tying people up and was able to truss me up very thoroughly but quickly. The position didn't really immobilize me, as I could still squirm around, but her knots were good and tight and I knew it would be tricky to get out.

The best thing about being tied by Em is that she is a terrible tease. The whole time she was tying me she was gently poking fun at my predicament and hinting at all the things she would want to do to me, as she was quite confident that I wasn't going to get out. Before leaving for the bathroom, she said
"I'd better test this position before I go off, just to make sure, don't you think?"

"Oh no," I replied, "this feels pretty tight- it'll work fine." I was trying to talk my way out of what I knew was inevitable, but it didn't work.

"Nah," she smirked back at me, "you can never be quite sure until you've given it a good test. Now I'm going to need you to struggle for me just to make sure, ok?" And with that she began to rake her finger nails up and down the soles of my exposed and helpless feet. I immediately started writhing around, trying to escape her deadly fingers, but she had definitely done a good job at tying me up, and I wasn't going anywhere. I was forced to just lash back and forth , writhing uncontrollably as she tickled me.

"Good!" she said excitedly, "looks like I've done a good job!" She stuck her tongue out at me just to add playful insult to injury. The tickling didn't last too long (thank god!), and after about a minute or two she got up off the bed and stood beside me. "Well, I guess I'll get to it then." she said, grabbed a towel from the nearby cupboard and began to get undressed. This was obviously very exciting, and I had been waiting for this with great anticipation. With her back to me she slowly took off her sweater and her shirt, doing it in such a way as to make a small show of it without acknowledging that I was still there. She then undid the top button of her jeans and slid them down extremely slowly to the floor. She stepped out of them and stood there for a second. I just lay there (as if I could do anything else) and took in the view.

She was (is) very attractive, 5'6", with shoulder length black hair. Em is half Chinese and half Portuguese and has a very beautiful face with very unique features. Both of her parents were born in North America, so she doesn't have much of a cultural tie to either side of her heritage, but the combination of the two sure made for a knock out face and a killer figure! She stood there in just her bra, panties and knee high black socks. I was in heaven. She then came over and sat beside me.

"I can't have you seeing any more than this yet, babe. That would just be immodest!" she said with a giggle. She stripped off one of her knee socks, laid my head in her lap and tied it securely around my eyes. I was left to imagine the rest as she stripped down and got ready for her shower.

Just as she was leaving she gave me a few more tickles on my sides. "Whoops! Sorry, couldn't resist!" she said, and with the final stroke grabbed hold of the waistband of my underwear and gave it a playful snap. I let out some grunt of disapproval, which she laughed at, and then went into the on-suite bathroom to start up her shower. I was left on the bed, in naught but my undies and a blindfold, trying desperately to get my hands free of her very good rope work before she returned.

To be continued... ( I have to go now, but i'll try to finish it up tonight or tomorrow)


Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:44 am

So to continue...

Em had me tied up on the bed in a frog tie (that's where my feet were bound to my thighs, but not to each other, like a two pronged hogtie) and blindfolded with her knee sock. She had gone into the bathroom to have a shower and I had to try to get out of her ties by the time she came back. I knew I had around 15 minutes, give or take, depending on how much of a chance she wanted to give me.

I was having a tough time trying to reach any of the knots, with my hands tied criss-crossed behind my back. However, I'm pretty flexible (at least for a guy) and, with a little bit of effort (alright, a lot of effort) I was just able to reach the knots connecting my legs to my thighs. The problem was, Em can do some pretty impressive knot tying, and the intricate ropework meant that even if I could reach the knots, I still had a hard time trying to get them undone!

I worked furiously at trying to get the knots undone. You see, one of the rules of the game is that if the person who is tied is able to escape before the other gets out of the shower, they get to go free AND tie up the other person. The one who looses is at the other person's mercy AND has to be tied up first the next time we play this game. This was my third consecutive time being tied up by Em and I really wanted to get free and do some tying on her! I enjoy tying her up a lot, but with her being better at ropework and considering the rules we agreed on, she get to do a lot more of the tying!

I worked hard enough to actually get one leg completely free and one leg mostly loosened when I heard the shower stop. "Crap!" I thought to myself, "Just another minute! Then I'd be able to free the last leg and have time to find the knife!" We always have a knife handy, just in case we need to get the ropes undone fast for any reason. It had occurred to me that I hadn't seen where Em had put the knife on this particular occasion, but it is usually on top of a low bookshelf on the other side of the room or on the desk beside it. Either way, I didn't have enough time to hunt for it, and Em came back into the room just as I got my last leg free.

"Hey!" she said, seeing how both my legs were untied. "I thought my knots were better than that! Oh well, your still not free... so I guess that means your mine for the night!"

"Now hold on a sec, Em!" Again, I tried to talk myself out of the inevitable. "This is the third time in a row you've won and I haven't gotten to tie you up in forever! Can't you cut me a break?"

"What, are you trying to say that it's your turn?" She mocked back. "C'mon, I won this one. Do you honestly think I'd let you go? Besides, you tied me up enough when we first started playing and I didn't complain! Don't be such a baby!" That was partly true- I had once tied her up five times in a row when we first invented this game, but as I remember she complained about it a lot!

I wasn't about to go out without a fight though, even if I had lost fair and square. I got up and tried to make a run for where I thought the door was. I didn't really think I would get away, as I was still blindfolded and had my hands tied behind my back, but I like making it hard for her sometimes. I suppose I should have thought about it a bit more before I acted though, as the door leading to the living room, which I thought was open, was actually shut! I ran right into it head first and fell over. Em just stood by and laughed, after making sure I wasn't really hurt.

"That was probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen you do!" she managed to squeeze out between fits of laughter. It was probably very funny to see, especially as I wasn't running fast enough to really hurt myself, and if I were in her position I would have been doubled over laughing as well. She helped me back up onto the bed and rolled me over onto my stomach.

"Don't think that stunt got you off the hook!" She said, still laughing a little. "If anything you just made it worse for yourself!"

"Oh really? What do you mean by that?"

"You'll find out, sweetie pie." I really had no idea, as some times she can be in a really light mood and other times she can get really creative and crazy. I like both though, so I wasn't really too worried, just anxious with anticipation. "You know, hun, you were pretty loud when I was in the shower. I could even hear you over the water when you were grunting, trying to get those ropes undone. I think I should help you quiet down a bit! Open up!" And with that she gently shoved gag into my mouth.

The gag was a home made ball gag I had fashioned out of a wiffle ball and a shoelace. It was pretty basic, but effective. It didn't stop you from making any amount of noise, just words, and I knew Em was just playing around when she said she wanted me quiet. She liked that gag because it allowed her to breath better when I used it on her, I liked it because it makes the wearer drool a lot!

Em then moved down to my feet and proceeded to tie my toes, ankles, knees, and then brought my feet up to my hands to secure me in a very tight hogtie. I groaned through my gag at the restrictive position. Secretly this was actually my favorite way to be tied, and Em knew this, but its more fun to pretend not to like it....

The rest of the night was eventful, but fairly unoriginal. Having me tied up in only a pair of briefs left my whole body very vulnerable to her fingers and she spent a good time tickling me until I was a writhing, drooling mess. I enjoyed it all though, and Emily is the queen of teasing. She would mock at everything just to get me excited- the fact that she was naked but I couldn't see, how I was tied up by her in "cute" underwear and couldn't escape, how I was making quite a mess on the bed from not being able to control my saliva- she knew just how to keep me on edge. She also teased something else quite well, and that's what the evening eventually unfolded into, but I'll leave those bits out this time. Maybe in one of my later stories I'll go into more detail, but for now lets just say that even if I didn't get loose (this time), I had a good night.


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