new_tie : 04 - Bondage Party (F/MMMFF)

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new_tie : 04 - Bondage Party (F/MMMFF)

Post by Canuck100 »

new_tie's stories
04 - Bondage Party
Story index at the bottom

By new_tie

Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:45 am

Bondage party

Hello once again!

I can honestly say that the story I'm about to tell you is one of the craziest things that has ever happened to me. This happened only a few days ago, and my head is still swimming from it all. Here goes.

Recently it was Em's birthday. We did the usual fair- I got her some flowers and took her to dinner with her friends, did a little dancing, yada yada. The extraordinary part came the following day, when Em's best friend Vivian asked for my help in giving her a little surprise. Viv has long known about Emily and myself tying each other up and all the games we play. It was never really a big issue for us to keep it a secret or anything. I mean, we didn't advertise our private life, but neither Em or I cared if people found out, and seeing as her and Em talk about just about everything, Viv eventually did. Anyway, Viv had asked me a little while later to help her plan a nice little bondage party for Em on the day following her birthday, making it a belated surprise.

The way Viv explained it to me was quite simple- I would go over to her place, she would tie me up, Em would come over, Viv would surprise her and tie her up, and bobs-your-uncle, we would have a good time. However, I didn't realize that that wasn't exactly what she had in mind...

I went over to Viv's place at around 8:00 in the evening. Em was supposed to come over at around 9:30, so it gave us a bit of time to get ready. When she answered the door, I have to admit I was a little astonished! Viv is quite attractive, with shoulder length dark brown hair and a curvy figure, and she was standing there in little more than a thong, corset top and killer high heels!

"wow!" I said, a little taken a back, "what's this all for?"

"Well I told you to dress up, didn't I?" It was pretty obvious from my jeans and sneakers ensemble that I had somehow missed that memo... "Oh well, no worries. Come on inside anyway- we'll work something out!" She explained to me that she had planned this to be a lot more "bondage" themed than I had thought, and she had wanted me to dress the part. I never asked quite what that entailed, but I can imagine she meant some kind of typical BDSM leather gimmick. I never really went for that kind of style anyway.

She led me inside and took me into the garage. "Ok, we need to get you tied up mister!" she said with a grin.

"What for?" I asked, "Em isn't even going to be here for another hour or so. Isn't there other stuff we should be getting ready?"

"Don't worry about that stuff! I've got it all under control," she said. "Now, take your shirt off." I looked at her, a little astonished, but figured what the heck and took of my t-shirt. "Thats better!" she said, "can you hold out your hands?" Again, I did, and she quickly produced a long piece of rope which she used to bind them in front of me. She then took the excess up to a hook in the ceiling of the garage and pulled until my hands were stretched above my head and I was standing on my tiptoes.

"Ok, so now what?" I asked, wondering what the hell I was going to do for another hour until Em showed up.

"Well, now off come your pants!"


"Well its your own fault for not dressing up as I wanted" she said as she took off my belt and unzipped my fly, letting my pants fall to my ankles.

"Now hold on a minute Viv!" I exclaimed. I'm not ashamed of my body or anything, but I found it a little weird to be stripped to my skivvies by my girlfriend's best friend. "Can't I keep my pants on? this is just kinda awkward! At least till Em gets here!" She didn't pay attention to me, but stood back and admired her work.

"Hmm," she said, "nope. It just won't do. Your cute in your underwear, y'know, but it just doesn't fit with my theme. They gotta come off too."

"HUH?!" I was shocked as she reached over and deftly pulled on the elastic of my briefs, making them fall to the floor as well. I was standing there completely naked in front of her with absolutely no way to cover myself. Now this was embarrassing! "Hey!" I yelled "That's not cool! put my clothes back on!"

"Nope," she said again. "Can't and I won't. Tough it up! It looks like you already are a little!" It was true- I was getting a little excited by it all- she was really good at this!

"Hey! C'mon! this isn't fair! I'm naked and ti-"

"Hold up a sec" she said, putting a hand over my mouth. "There's something I forgot!" She turned on her heel and walked out of the room, only to come back a minute later looking flustered. "Damn, I forgot, I already used my ballgag on James... guess this will have to do" She walked over and picked something out oh her laundry hamper that was in the room.

"Wait" I thought to myself, "ballgag? used? on James? James was viv's boyfriend (I had met him a couple of times, he was a nice guy)? WTF is going on!?!" She came back over with something in her hand and a role of duct tape.

"Sorry dude, these arn't exactly clean," she said, holding up a pair of pale blue panties "but y'know, from what Em tells me, you like 'em better that way anyway!' Before I could protest she reached up and grabbed my jaw with one hand and forced them into my mouth with the other. She then tore off three long strips of duct tape and covered my lips to seal them in.

"MMPPHHHHHH!" I yelled out at her. They most certainly were not clean! They tasted like sweat, woman and dirty socks (probably from the time they spent in the hamper) and were at the same time horrible and arousing. Again, this was a strange mix of being incredibly creeped out on one hand and unbelievably turned on on the other.

"I'll be back in a sec with some company for you, and there will be more when the guests arrive."

"GUESTS?" i thought? I had no clue what was going on. She left the room and came back a minute or to later with her boyfriend James, who was completely bound, hobbled, and (of course, it made sense now) gagged with one of those "trainer" style ballgags. He looked up at me and "mpphhed" a little grunt, almost as if to say "hey, what's up dude" or something like that. He was also wearing nipple clamps and a pair of leather briefs.

"Poor Jamsie has been waiting, tied up in my room for about an hour before you even got here, but now he can come in here and your two can keep each other company." Viv said in a mock condescending voice as she lowered James to the cold concrete floor. As he was, James was tied with his hands behind his back and he was hobbled at the knees, but Viv quickly tied up his feel and secured him in a back-bending hog tie on the floor. He made some pitiful sounds through his gag and looked positively unimpressed and uncomfortable. "Now you two stay there- everyone else will be arriving in just a minute!"

I was slightly mortified at the thought of being strung up and naked in front of a large group of people. However, I looked down at James and decided that he had it worse than me, even if I was naked. He was noticeably twitching around, trying not to lie on his nipples (because of the clamps), was in a very (very!) tight hogtie on the cold ground and, on top of it all, had started to drool from his gag. He kept squirming around and moaning- at least I could stand still and wasn't in pain, even if my toes were starting to ache and my arms were having the blood drained from them.

Soon enough the doorbell rang and I heard people come inside. In a few minutes they brought another captive in, a girl this time (I guess it took them a little time to get her trussed up). I didn't recognize her, but she was in a thong-backed pvc one piece and what must have been at least 4" heels that were locked on to her feet. She seemed really surprised to see me and James tied up there, but didn't put up a fight as her boyfriend (I guess) proceeded to bend her over and tie her strapedo to another hook in the roof. before he left he produced some kind of gag and a blindfold which he put on her and then went back into the other room with Viv. And then there were three...

Two more came to join us in short order, on more guy and another girl. The guy was also stripped naked, except for a pair of boots and socks on his feet. I was glad I wasn't the only one who was totally exposed. He was gagged with a large pink ballgag and tied on the ground spread-eagle, between a shelving unit and Viv's deepfreeze freezer. The girl was wearing some kind of spandex short shorts and a matching bra, and she was tied in a hogtie by her pony tail, though they gave her the courtesy of putting a blanket down for her first, unlike James. By this time it was a bit of a freak show in the garage, with all five of us securely tied up and mmphing about.

Viv came out and explained to us that we all had a her as a mutual friend and a mutual love of bondage, so she thought this would be a fun way to introduce everyone to eachother as well as give a nice little surprise to Em as well (I assumed that all of these people knew Em, even if I didn't know them). Now the only person missing before the fun could begin was Em, and she was soon to arrive

To be continued...

Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:47 am

Hey, sorry this has taken me months to get back to! I've been really busy and, well, enough of that. Here's the rest of the story.

So there was now eight or nine people in the garage, give or take. It was beginning to get a little cozy with everyone all together! Of course, your definition of cozy changes a little when your tied naked with somebody's dirty panties shoved in your mouth... The weirdest thing was, I was actually kinda enjoying myself!

As I mentioned before, all that was left was for Em to get there. She didn't keep us waiting too long though! Within 5 or so minutes of everyone being brought into the garage, Em showed up and gave a knock on the door. Well, I'm assuming she knocked... I was certainly in no position to go check how she got in, but sure enough, she was led straight away into the garage by Vivian.

What followed was probably the most messed up "surprise" part of a surprise that you could imagine. First off, almost half of the punchline as she walked in the door came out as "MMMMPPHHH!" Secondly, I am damn sure she wasn't expecting her boyfriend to be tied up stark naked in the middle of the room, let alone four other people besides me. Her eyes made an expression somewhere in between horror, shock, and sinful delight. Yeah, that gleam in her eyes definitely had some sinful delight in there somewhere.

It only took Em a few seconds to gather herself, after which she got right into the mood. "Oh, Viv! You shouldn't have!" she mocked, walking straight over to me and giving me a swift smack on the rear. "I hope he wasn't too much trouble!" she giggled and looked around the room. Apparently she did know everyone here, as she greeted most of them by name. This shocked me a little, as I had no idea she had so many bondage loving friends! I didn't even think she had been that into it to make so many friends who were this kinky. Not that I minded, of course- I was beginning to like this party.

I don't know if I can describe how casual everything felt. Besides the fact that I was naked and still had Viv's dirty undies taped into my mouth, everything felt cool. People were laughing and drinking like at a normal party, and sure, there was the odd bit of spanking and nipple twisting of the ones who were trussed up, but it was all in good fun. Well, maybe not for everyone. James seemed to be having it pretty tough. I guess Viv could be really cruel at times, and she didn't cut him any slack. She seemed to love to find new things to attach to his nipples to make them as sore as possible, and she would never let him forget about the mess his drool was making on the garage floor.

After a little while they started to untie everyone. This came as a welcome relief, as it looked like everyone (myself included) was getting pretty sore. However, Just when Viv was about to untie my wrists from the ceiling, Em stopped her. "Wait," she said "bring his arms down, but I want to play with him for a bit first. It is MY birthday party after all" I groaned loudly into my gag. "Oh Viv, looks like you did a pretty good job of keeping him quiet!" she mocked at my muffled protests

"Yeah, he's got a pair of my knickers shoved in there. I think he likes it" Viv chuckled

"I hope they were dirty! I don't want you spoiling my boy here!" Em replied.

"Of course!"

"Awww, that's my darling! You like having her dirty panties in there don't you sweetie?" Em said with a giggle. I grunted back, but it was pretty clear (in more than one way- remember, *naked*) that I was actually having a good time.

"Why don't you take him into the guest room so you two can have some time alone?" suggested Viv. "Its the third door on the right, at the end of the hall. James, will you bring Emily the "goody bag" so she can have a little fun with him?"

James and Em helped me hobble down the hallway and into the empty guest room. They practically launched me down onto the bed, after which James ran out of the room and quickly returned with a sizable duffel bag. "Here you go Em. Have fun you two!" he grinned as he closed the door behind him.

"Oooo," said Em, eyes lighting up, "lets see what we've got in here to play with. I looked on in anticipation. Em pulled out yards of rope, some handcuffs, a kinda scary looking vibrator, and a bunch of clothes pins. "Oh look!" She said with excitement, "she even has an extra large butt plug in here!!" I made the most pitiful protest into my gag, now squirming around on the bed. "I'm just kidding sweetie!... We'll save that for when I get you home!" she laughed. She probably meant it too. Oh man.

"For now though," she chided, "I just want to have some good old fashioned fun. I'm going to tickle you!" And, well, she did. It was insane the places she found to tickle. Whatever happened to just a feather duster to the feet or tickling up the flanks? Jeesh.

Anyway, after she tickled the life out of me she untied me and suggested we go home. I wasn't allowed to put my clothes on though and had to ride in the back seat naked. The whole time I just thought of brilliant excuses to tell to the cops if we got pulled over, which I thankfully never had to use. That wasn't the end of the night by any means, but that's where the bondage adventure ends, so I'll leave it at that.

The End

new_tie's stories
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Post by Foryourpleasure113 »

There aren't that many stories of guys and girls being tied together for an event, but this one is by far one of my favorites!! I hope more of these types of stories show up here!
30 Male Seattle I wonder what you are thinking of doing?..
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