Kidnapped Biker Part II by JHardcastle - Fictional PG17 2013 (MM/MM)

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Kidnapped Biker Part II by JHardcastle - Fictional PG17 2013 (MM/MM)

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Read part one here:

2-1 Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 14 01:58

A couple of months had passed since my ordeal with Brennan and things had gotten back to normal. My girlfriend broke up with me after I missed our plans that weekend. I couldn't exactly be honest with her and tell her what happened. It was too embarrassing. I was cool with just putting it behind me and moving on. So here I was, still working at the bike shop out on County Road 18 fixing motorcycles. It wasn't a ton of money, but it paid the rent.

Today my boss needed me to pick up some parts at a supplier a couple of hours away. He gave me the keys to the company truck and told me to make sure to be back before closing. As I was walking out to the car a fat bearded biker pulled up on his Harley with his skinny blonde chick hanging on behind him. As they were walking in I caught his girlfriend eyeing me and up and down. I had on my typical work clothes, a pair of tight faded Levi's 501s tucked into motorcycle boots and an even snugger plain white t-shirt that wrapped around my well muscled chest and biceps like a second skin. I knew I was looking good. I winked back at her and hopped in the pick up truck and took off.

About a half an hour into the trip I was on a country highway pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I didn't even think to check the gas before I left and my idiot boss never thought to fill it. I had my music blasting and didn't even notice the gas light on until it was too late. The truck started sputtering and I came to a rolling stop on the side of the road.

"Awe shit!" I yelled and slammed my hands on the steering wheel.

I picked up my cell phone and just as I was afraid of. No service. Great, now what am I going to do. Nobody was coming in either direction, but I did see a farm house just up the road. I guess I can use their phone and call AAA or something. I walked down the road and got to the house. Nobody in the meantime had driven down the road or I would have just flagged them down for help. I knocked on the door a few times, but there was no answer. I remember seeing a barn and a shed behind the house as I was walking down the road. Maybe somebody was back there.

I walked around the farm house and started heading to the barn.

"Hello?" I yelled, "Anybody here?"

As I walked by the shed I heard some light scuffling and moaning inside. I stopped and went up to the door and knocked on it.


The scuffling got louder and I heard some kind of muffled grunting. Somebody was definitely in there. I wrestled with the handle and the door opened. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. On the floor was a young cowboy, about my age, 19 or 20, "hogcuffed" and really struggling. He was shirtless and had a very athletic build, a thick, muscular chest, sizable biceps, and a washboard stomach. He had on extremely tight Wrangler jeans. They were dark blue, but very faded over his butt, especially his back right pocket which had significant wallet fade and his left pocket where there was fade from a chew container. His crotch showed a very pronounced bulge which was also faded and indicated he had quite the package stuffed in there and there was heavy fade over the thighs of his jeans. They were tucked into some black leather cowboy boots and he was wearing a black leather belt with a large rodeo buckle. He had short, light brown hair with some stubble on face. His hands were cuffed behind his back and he had leg irons around his booted ankles. The handcuffs and the chain of the leg irons were connected together hogtying him. He had a large leather plug gag over his mouth. The front was black padded leather that provided a seal over his mouth and it was secured by leather straps pulled tightly around his head. It worked because this kid couldn't speak a word.

His eyes lit up as soon as he saw me and he really started struggling.

"MMMMMMPPHHH!!!" he grunted.

I could see the pleading look in his eyes for help and I had a feeling he'd been there restrained like that for a while. Given the ordeal I just went through myself a few months ago, I knew how he felt and I had to help him.

"Alright, dude. Calm down," I said. "I'll get you out of here"

I kneeled down to unbuckle the gag so he could talk, but I discovered that who ever had gagged him put a padlock on the buckle so it couldn't be taken off without the key. When I told him this he groaned.

"Okay, stupid question, but you don't have the key to these cuffs somewhere do you?"

He shook his head no.

"Alright, maybe there is something in the barn I can use to cut through them or a knife to cut the leather straps so we can at least get that gag off. I'll be right back, okay?"

He nodded and gave one more MMMMMPPHHH which I could tell was his way of telling me to hurry.
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2-2 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 16 04:24

I started running to the barn. I couldn't waste any time. Whoever put that dude there could be back any minute. To be honest, I was a little ashamed of myself because for about a second there I considered just saying "screw it" and booking the fuck out of there. The last thing I wanted was to be all tied up again and on the ground helpless along with that cowboy dude, but if I had left him there I'd have never been able to live with myself.

I opened the barn door and walked in, but aside from some old hay on the ground, the whole place was bare. Nothing, not a tool or knife or anything in site. I guess I could break into the house. I started to walk out of the barn, but immediately jumped back in as I saw three big hulking men walking up from the road towards the shed. Fuck! I was too late. They must the ones who kidnapped the cowboy kid. I watched as they opened the shed. Two of the men went inside while the third stood guard outside the door. The two guys emerged walking the cowboy out with them. They had taken him out of the hogtie, but his hands were still cuffed behind his back and legs shackled and of course, he was still gagged. He was being defiant. As the two goons stood on each side of him, each holding one of his arms, the cowboy was struggling, puffing out his muscled chest, and angrily grunting through his gagged mouth. The three guys started laughing.

"Get a load of this kid!" the third guy laughed. "He thinks he can kick our asses while he's all cuffed up."

"Who do you think you are, kid, Jason Statham?" One of the goons teased.

"Yeah, you got some muscles there, kid," the third guy said, "but they ain't stronger than those handcuffs."

He then punched the cowboy in his washboard abs and he doubled over.

"Get this redneck punk into the van, we're behind schedule," he ordered.

The cowboy struggled against them as they forced him down the side of the house towards the road. What the hell was I going to do? There was no cell phone service. I had no car. I guess I could break into the house and use the phone to call the sheriff, but by the time they get here these guys will be long gone and who knows what they'll do to that dude. And I definitely couldn't take on three guys by myself, especially these guys. They were built like mercenaries.

A solution was soon present itself, but not one I would have opted for, courtesy of the fourth goon I never saw. By the time I heard the crackling of old hay behind me it was too late for me to react. A blunt object hit me in the back of the head and the lights went out.
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2-3 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 17 23:18

Someone slapped me in the face.

"Wake up!" he shouted.

I slowly came to and realized I was tied to a chair in what looked like some dank prison cell. The walls were concrete and moldy with no windows. The front was just steel bars with a door. There were two well built men in front of me in their late 20s, early 30s, almost looked like ex-military types, both holding guns.

"Master wants to have a word with you," the one said sternly. "Apparently you're a known trouble maker."

I instinctively tested the ropes binding me, but they were holding me good and tight. My wrists were bound behind the chair and tied down to one of the support legs underneath the seat. My biceps were roped directly to the chair back and more rope encircled me just above and below my pecs and around my waist, fastening me to the chair with no slack. Each of my ankles were also secured to their corresponding leg of the chair. I was caught.

I heard footsteps coming down the corridor towards the cell I was in and a few men talking, getting louder as they approached. I recognized one of the voices; it was one I'd never forget and when they walked in I got a queasy feeling in my stomach and my heart rate began racing.

It was Brennan's partner.

He stood there smiling with a smokey cigar in his mouth.

"You know something boy," he grinned, "I've never been much of a religious man, but when I saw my pups here haul you in, well, praise Jesus, I knew there was a God and he is a vengeful one."

I sat there with my mouth open, unable to say a word. I knew he could see the fear in my eyes.

"Who is this kid, Sir" One of the men asked.

"This," he responded, "is the little bastard who turned my faithful Luke against me."

He turned to his men and said, "a crime like that must certainly be punished, right boys?"

"Yes Sir!" They shouted.

I finally got some of my usual cocky courage back and yelled,"maybe he left because you're a fucking psychopath, huh??!!"

My remark got met with a punch to the right side of my face by one of his men.

"You will show your Master some respect!" the man yelled.

"He ain't my master!" I yelled back defiantly, "he's a fucking homo queer ass screwball perv!"

The young man cocked his fist back ready to strike me again, but Brennan's partner (Sir) waved him off.

"It's okay, Hunter," he said reassuringly. "Jason here, yes I still remember your name," as he glanced back over towards me, "is our guest of honor for tonight."

He turned back towards me again with an evil smile.

"That fire in you, boy, that's what I like about you. I may not be your master now, but that will soon change. When I found Luke some 15 years ago he was just like you. Hell, he may have been a bigger pain in the ass than you are, believe it or not, but with the proper reeducation and training he became a very obedient servant to me and so will you in good time. In fact, you'll be joining Luke soon enough. It didn't take me long to catch up to him and for the past month now he's been getting properly retrained and reeducated to serve his master."

"Is that what you've done with that cowboy kid?" I asked, "is he being 'educated'"?

"The cowboy serves me a different purpose," Sir responded. "One you will observe this evening. Don't worry. He's being well taken care of. I need him in peak physical condition for tonight's festivities. He plays a starring role."

I glared at him. "I will never submit to anything you do to me."

Sir and his men all started laughing. He leaned into me and softly, yet menacingly spoke into my ear.

"Boy, I will break you. I always do."

The malice in his voice sent shivers up my spine.

He turned and began walking out of the cell.

"See ya in a few hours, kid," he said.

He turned to one his guards.

"Gag him. He's got a big mouth, trust me."

The young, muscular guard already had a leather plug gag in his hand, just like the one the cowboy had in his mouth when I found him earlier. He forced it into my mouth and then secured it tightly behind my head, silencing me. The men all walked out of the cell and shut the door behind them locking me in, bound and gagged. All I could do now is work the ropes and try to free myself, but it looked bleak.
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2-4 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 20 17:51

I don't exactly know how much time had passed; it was awhile. I had struggled futility against the ropes binding me to the chair in my cell, but it didn't take long to figure out that who ever tied me up was an expert at it. I finally gave up from exhaustion. Eventually I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and three of Sir's men came in.

"Time for the show," one said.

He walked behind me and began cutting the ropes loose. He left my wrists roped behind my back, though, and the gag in my mouth. The other two guys stood on each side of me and grabbed one of my arms.

"Move," one of them said and they started marching me forward out of the cell and down the hall.

We walked passed several other cells down the hallway, but they were much more secure than the one I was in. Most of them had solid doors and walls with just a small window to see inside. I couldn't tell if there were anyone else in those rooms, but I thought I heard somebody at one time, but wasn't sure. I wondered if it was the cowboy or maybe there were other kidnapped guys here being held. I kept wondering what Sir meant about the cowboy playing a "starring role."

We came to another door at the end of one of the halls and the young guards walked me in. The room almost looked like a control room. There were televisions inside and other audio and electronic devices and three large windows in the front of the room that looked into an adjacent room with a sort of stage set up. Cameras were pointed towards the center of the stage and were being transmitted to the televisions in the control room from different angles. Some of Sir's men were sitting at some of the control panels operating the cameras and other devices.

It was a little dark in the stage room, but around the perimeter of the stage I could see other rooms also with windows facing the stage. It was too dark to see what was in the other rooms, but I could tell there were other people in there because I could see the flickering and burning ashes of cigarettes and cigars through the windows. It was like there was an audience behind the windows around the stage waiting for something to begin.

Sir turned to me and spoke.

"Tonight, boy, you're going to see where the real money is made. That whole counterfeiting business that put you on Luke's trail a few month's back was just a little something on the side, more of a distraction from the big operation. The money these days is in trafficking, my boy, and people will pay big money as you're about to see."

On the other side of the stage, a door opened and a light shined through into the room. I could see two of Sir's men carrying something in, but the stage was still too dark to see. Whatever they had it was large and they placed it in the center of the stage and walked back through the door and closed it behind them. Then some bright lights turned on in the stage room and all was revealed. It was the cowboy and he was tied up tight to a chair, Mmmmphing through his gagged mouth, and struggling!
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2-5 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 21 22:37

I instinctively lunged forward wanting to help him. Of course, there was nothing I could actually do with my hands tied behind my back, plus I was outnumbered man wise. The young guards on each side of me pulled me back and held on to my arms tighter this time.

The cowboy was roped much like I had just been. He was still shirtless and ropes circled just above and below his well muscled pectorals. I could see rope burns on his chest from being tied up so much. His biceps were also bound to the chair back and his wrists roped tight behind the chair. His booted ankles were tied to their corresponding leg of the chair and more rope encircled each of his knees and thighs pulling them apart, forcing him to sit with his legs wide open. Because those faded Wranglers he had on were practically skintight they didn't conceal much and I noticed his bulge had gotten quite a bit larger than when I last saw him. It was obvious he had a boner now and I could tell it was causing him a lot of discomfort with those jeans being so tight. He was shifting his hips side to side as much as the rope slack would allow, like he was trying to shift his package into a more comfortable position but couldn't because the denim was too restrictive, trapping everything in place. I couldn't figure out why he was hard because the way he was behaving he clearly was not enjoying his predicament and therefore was obviously not aroused by it.

Sir got on a microphone and started talking which transmitted into the other dark rooms surrounding the stage.

"Gentleman, thank you all for coming tonight. I promise you won't be disappointed over the next couple of days. You'll get to see all the young men on display and have a little fun before we do the auction two nights from now. Let's jump right in, shall we? Out on the stage tonight, bound and gagged for your pleasure, is our newest acquisition, Matthew. Matthew is a cowboy who we scooped up off a ranch. As you can see he is quite a strapping young man, firm and well muscled for that farm work, full of testosterone, and at a tender age of 19, very horny."

One of Sir's men walked out again through the back stage door carrying what looked a small electric sander and a roll of duct tape. He walked in front of Matthew and knelt down between his spread legs. He placed the sander right on the cowboy's bulging jeans crotch and used the duct tape to secure it tightly in place. He then plugged the power cord into an outlet on the floor. Matthew was really struggling and grunting through his gagged mouth as he was being molested.

"By now," Sir continued,"you should have made your wagers. When Hunter turns the sander on the clock will begin. The one who comes closest to the time it will take the sander to make Matthew blow his load in those strangling Wrangler jeans without going over wins the large pot, and of course, you all have the odds sheet for the other over and under bets you can place."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. How much of a sick fuck does someone have to be to be so sadistic?? And who watches and bets on it?? I couldn't figure out who was worse, Sir or the audience watching Matthew's torture.

"Let's begin!" Sir announced.

The clock began and his goon turned on the sander.
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2-6 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 23 23:28

The cowboy's eyes opened wide as the sander began grinding against his jeans bulge. He moaned and grunted through his gagged mouth as the machine went to work. His biceps and chest muscles were bulging as he strained against all the rope binding him. The chair was rattling like a freight train as he fought the restraints.

A minute went by and he had already worked up quite a sweat. His forehead was damp and sweat was beading down his chest. I looked around the control room and Sir and his men were watching intensely themselves, taking a lot of satisfaction out of Matthew's torture.

Another minute went by and the sander continued to pound against Matthew's crotch, really working over his cock and balls through his jeans. He was still fighting hard, but I could see it in his eyes he couldn't take this much longer. If he could only get just one of his hands free he could stop this, but they remained bound tightly behind the chair. He strained to put his knees together to try and stop the assault on his manhood, but the ropes kept him sitting with his legs spread wide open.

Finally, the machine had done it's job. His muscular chest started heaving and he screamed through his gagged mouth, thrusting his pelvis forward as little as he could. He felt his warm semen spilling out of his tortured cock, dampening his underwear and the crotch of his jeans. One of Sir's men turned off the sander and the clock stopped. The cowboy slumped his head down, exhausted, defeated, and humiliated.

"Four minutes and 27 seconds!" Sir announced over the microphone.

I could hear a quiet golf like clap emanating from the other rooms accompanying the flickers of burning cigars and cigarettes through the tinted windows.

"This young cowboy has got stamina. I'm almost tempted to keep him for myself," he laughed.

Two of Sir's men lifted up the chair and carried Matthew back through the door.

"Hunter will be around to deliver your payouts. Take a few minutes, gentlemen to grab a drink or two. We'll be bringing Chad out shortly for our next exhibit. He's a fine young specimen as well and I know you won't be disappointed."

Sir turned around and walked up to me. He nodded at one of the guards restraining me. The guard took the gag out of my mouth.

I swallowed a few times to lubricate my dry throat.

"You're sick," I said to Sir, "what you put that dude through was cruel and humiliating."

Sir smiled, "now you get me, kid." He went on, "do you know how much money that cowboy is going to net me at the auction?"

"You're selling him??" I exclaimed. "For what?"

"Trafficking boy! I told you. It's an underground industry much larger than you realize. Typically it's women who are bought and sold, usually into prostitution, and usually illegal immigrants or impoverished foreign nationals trying to escape their countries, but I found a niche market. There are a lot of men out there who would rather have a handsome, strapping young man for their enjoyment."

"He'll never let some sick perv have his way with him! You're crazy."

"Oh he will," Sir said, "if he wants to stay alive and not spend every waking moment tied up tighter than a drum, which is how I'm guessing he'll spend several of his first weeks under his new master in order to break him."

He stepped up closer to me and started rubbing my rock hard chest through my t-shirt.

"I imagine it's going to take me even longer with you. Your will is strong and you've got a lot of aggression in you."

"Take your hands off of me!" I yelled, " and pushed my chest out to push him back.

He just laughed and nodded to his guard again who reinserted the gag into my mouth.

"It's time for our next show."
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2-7 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 24 18:30

The back door of the stage opened again and a couple of Sir's men were wheeling in another young guy strapped down to an upright bondage board. The straps were all leather and they were buckled tight restraining his wrists down to his sides, his ankles, thighs, abdomen, biceps, chest, and neck. All this kid could really do was move his head around and the fat red ballgag in his mouth kept him from talking. He was shaking his head back and forth and whimpering through the gag. He wasn't as hulking as the cowboy, but he still had a sizable muscular build in his upper body and was very cut and lean, like an athlete, which as it turns out is exactly what he was. He was practically naked, wearing only a pair of very tight blue briefs, and like Matthew had been, his cock was rock hard. You could plainly see his throbbing boner being painfully restrained by his tight briefs.

The men wheeled him into the middle of the stage so everyone could see.

"Gentlemen," Sir announced to the hidden audience, "I want you to meet Chad. Chad is a blossoming 20 years old and a baseball player for his university's team. You can see the boy has a very athletic build and keeps himself in excellent shape. Chad is going to face the milker this evening."

I could see the smiles on the faces of Sir's goons as they looked around each other nodding with approval. I'm guessing this was there favorite torture.

The two men who had rolled Chad out on to the stage returned, one of them rolling out another machine, which I had seen before. That was the same machine Sir had used on me a few months ago when I was his and Brennan's prisoner. I was really hoping they weren't going to do to this Chad kid what they did to me because that was something I'd never want to go through again or wish on anybody.

One goon rolled the machine in front of Chad and started calibrating the settings. The other guy walked up to Chad and pulled his cock and balls through the right leg of his briefs. His cock immediately sprung straight up having been freed from the constricting underwear and I could see a slight look of relief on Chad's face, but that was short lived. The man grabbed a hold of Chad's sack and started pulling his balls down. Chad grimaced in pain and grunted and whined through his ballgag. The man snapped a leather ball stretcher in place and then attached a small one pound weight to the D ring on it, pulling Chad's balls down away from his body towards the floor. Chad was fighting the straps hard, but to no avail. He then took out a condom and unrolled it over the athlete's stiff cock.

"You'll notice," Sir said, "that Owen has placed a ball stretcher and condom on the young man. The milker can be very powerful and we don't want the show to end too soon for you so this will lengthen the time it takes for him to cum. Factor that into your wagers, gentlemen."

Well, at least they were letting him cum, I thought to myself. They teased my cock for hours without letting me blow my wad and I'd never experienced anything so frustrating in my life.

The machine was ready. They rubbed some lubricant over Chad's latex enveloped cock and slowly slid it into the close-fitting nozzle which was placed at the end of a hose running out of the machine. It almost kind of looked like a space age style vacuum cleaner with a cow milker attached to it.

"Here we go!" Sir announced.

Chad was shaking his head back and forth in a pleading motion not to do this

Sir's goon turned the switch on and the machine began pumping away on the athlete's raging hard on.
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2-8 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 25 22:29

Chad's whole body tensed up as he felt the suction of the machine take hold of his aching boner. He grunted and moaned through the ballgag and fought hard against the leather straps as the machine did what it was designed to do, sucking and pulling on his stiff member. The ball stretcher and weights were really tormenting him too. He could feel the discomfort in his lower abdomen as they pulled mercilessly on his balls.

Why was this happening to him, he wondered? This morning he was in the locker room at college getting dressed after practice. He had stayed late to talk to the coach for a bit and so he was the last one to hit the shower and all alone in the locker room when he finished, or so he thought. He was going to head over to his girlfriend's so he put on his tight, blue designer briefs she bought him for Christmas. She thought they were sexy as hell on him and he was in the mood for some alone time with her in the bedroom. Just as he had put his underwear on someone, or several someones grabbed him from behind. Someone had restrained both his arms and someone else had forced a rag over his nose and mouth that had been doused in some sweet smelling chemical. It must have been chloroform like in the movies. He struggled and fought against his assailants. Being a college baseball player he had a lot of upper body strength, but breathing in the chloroform quickly made him weak and woozy. Next thing he knew he woke up in a padded cell with just a bed, a toilet, a little bit of food and a glass of water on a tray, and a steel door with just a small window in it. He yelled for help and beat on the door for what seemed like forever, but nobody responded. He finally gave up and crashed on the bed.

He didn't know how long he was laying there when the door suddenly opened and these big hulking guys came in, dragged him out, and strapped him down to this bondage board and forced a little blue pill down his throat. He was there for about 20 minutes or so and then one of them came back and started rubbing his cock through his briefs. He was incredibly embarrassed by the fact he almost instantly got hard and he realized that pill they gave him must have been Viagra so he'd get aroused easily. Now he was out here on display having his manhood tortured. Why were they doing this to him?? Were they going to kill him at some point??? He just wanted to go back to school and see his girlfriend again. She must be worried sick that he never showed up and is not answer his cell. Surely, she'll call the police, right?

Several minutes went by and he could feel the urge to shoot his load building up inside him, but the condom was deadening some of the sensitivity he would have normally felt and his balls being pulled on were preventing him from finishing. The sexual frustration was building in him. He was already a little horny when they grabbed him anyway, expecting to head over to his chick's house and get some nookie, but now he had Viagra in his system and was getting blown by this machine, but he couldn't finish and get any relief.

"AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" he screamed through his gagged mouth and really started struggling hard. Sweat was pouring down his face and chest. He couldn't take this anymore. He had to cum!!! PLEASE LET ME CUM!!! He screamed inside his head. His poor cock and balls had apparently had enough too, finally. His muscles tensed up again and he arched his back forward as he blew a heavy load into the condom.

The clock stopped, but nobody shut off the machine. I knew immediately what Sir was doing. He was going to inflict post orgasm torture on the poor guy.

"Now the real fun part begins," Sir laughed to his men.

It only took a few seconds after Chad blew his wad for the head of his cock to become super sensitive. Even through the condom the continued stimulation from the pumping and sucking of the machine was too much. The captured baseball player turned into a wild cat. His eyes were wide open and he was shaking his head back and forth.

"MMMMMPPPHHHH!!! MMMMMPPPPHHHH!!" he hollered as the machine continued sucking and pulling on his super sensitive cock head. He had never felt anything so torturous before. His heart was racing and adrenaline was pumping through his veins. They tortured him like this for a little over a minute and then one of Sir's men went up to the machine, I assumed to turn it off and end this poor kid's suffering, but he turned up the speed and made it faster! The poor athlete really went crazy. The bondage board was shaking hard. You could see all his muscles straining and his muscled chest heaving. His face was flush and tears were now streaming from his eyes.

After 30 seconds of this the man switched off the machine. It was finally over. I think the poor guy passed out. His head was just slumped down, hanging there. They pulled his cock out of the machine, took the condom off, and tucked his junk back into his underwear. They wheeled the unconscious boy back out of the room. Sir turned to me and his men and told them to take me back to the lock up. He'd deal with me in the morning.
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2-9 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 27 04:22

Sir's two men marched me out of the room and down the hall with all the private cells in them. They brought me to one at the end on the right and opened the door. They forced me in, untied my hands, and took the gag out of my mouth.

"Hey, cowboy," one of them said, "looks like you'll have some company."

I realized Matthew, the cowboy, was laying on the cot. The men walked out and slammed the door behind us.

Matthew raised his head and with a surprised look on his face interjected, "You!"

"Yeah," I woefully admitted, "me."

"They got you too?" he asked. He spoke with a slight southern drawl.

"When I went into the barn to try and find something to free you there one came up behind me and knocked me out," I explained. "It's Matthew, right?"

"Matty," he replied, "everyone calls me Matty, have since I could walk. How did you know my name?"

I explained to him that they were holding me in the control room behind the stage and witnessed his "show." His face became flush with embarrassment and he became even more self-conscious once he remembered the still wet stain on the crotch of his jeans from him being forced to blow his load in them.

"Hey, look dude, "he said all panicky, "I'm not gay and I'm not into this kind of shit. They forced me to take a Viagra pill before they brought me down there. Pointed a gun in my face and made me put a cock ring on and that got me all hard and stuff. It wasn't enjoyable. You see how tight these jeans are. You know how painful it is getting a raging hard in jeans this tight? It sucks, dude. I don't normally even wear them tight like this unless I'm riding horses, so I don't get saddle sores and stuff, and I usually take them off as soon as I'm done riding because after a couple of hours they really start to squeeze the package, you know what I mean?"

And with that he reached down and shifted his bulge slightly to adjust his junk.

"But they grabbed me right as I was about to start riding so I've been stuck in these damn nut-huggers all day,"he continued.

"Hey, you don't have to explain to me, man, I understand more than you realize," I said, remembering the similar hell Sir and Brennan had put me through a few months back.

"I'm Jason, by the way," I said.

We shook hands.

"I'm sorry they got you, man," Matty said, "but I'm kinda glad not to be stuck in here alone."

"Well, I don't know how long that's going to last," I said.

I started explaining to him everything Sir had told me and what plans he had for Matty and Chad and probably other guys being held here too. Matty's face grew peaked upon hearing his face.

"What exactly happened this morning?" I asked him.

"I was at my granddaddy's farm," he explained, "He said he had to run out of town for the day, something about some problem with cattle he sold to a guy a few hours away, and he wanted me to take the sheep out to graze. When I got over there I was walking over to the horse to jump on. I had just pulled my shirt off because it was hot and right as I was about to mount her I got ambushed from behind. Now, I can fight. I'm a championship boxer in my county, but they snuck up on me from behind, three of 'em, and started beating on me until they got me on the ground. Before I knew it they had my hands cuffed behind my back, locked me in leg irons, and a big leather gag shoved in my mouth. One of them, a real big dude, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to a van. I was kicking and screaming as loud as I could, but that gag muffled everything and the other farms are so far away I don't think it would have mattered much anyhow. They threw me in the back of the van and one of those bastards sat on my back the whole time we were moving. They took me to that old abandoned farm where you found me, took me into that shed and hogtied me real good. Said they had to keep me there for a bit and they'd be back. I think I was in there for a couple of hours and then you showed up."

"My truck broke down," I told him. "It was just dumb luck."

I paused for a moment.

"Look, we gotta get outta here and I think I've got an idea."
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2-10 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 28 20:36

I watched through the window of the cell and started banging on the door calling for help when the guard walked by.

"What do you want?" He snarled.

"Something is wrong with him!" I pointed to Matty who was laying on the floor, seemingly unconscious.

"What the fuck do I care?" The young guard shouted back.

"Pretty sure your boss will," I explained, "He told me the cowboy's worth a lot of money to him."

The guard hesitated skeptically, but then opened the door.

"Up against the wall," he ordered me.

I walked over and put my hands on the wall. The guard came up behind me, kicked my feet apart, and frisked me. He then took a pair of handcuffs out his bag, cuffed my hands behind my back, then took out a leather plug gag and shoved it in my mouth securing it tight.

"Stay!" he barked at me.

He knelt down next to Matty and leaned into him.

"He looks okay to me," he said.

"Mmmmmpphh. Mmmmmpphh" I mumbled.

Suddenly Matty opened his eyes. "Well, my daddy always said I was a bit hard headed," and with that he head butted the guard who then collapsed onto the ground next to him. Matty stood up and rubbed his forehead.

"Nobody really wins with a head butt," he groaned, "Let's give this jerk a taste of his own medicine."

He unlocked the handcuffs off of me and cuffed the guard's hands behind his back. I tossed him over a roll of duct tape that was in the bag and Matty wrapped it around the guards mouth several times, gagging him. I also threw him some rope from the bag and Matty, being a cowboy, was an expert at roping. Matty first cinched his elbows tight behind his back and then wrapped several coils around his arms and chest as I held the man up. He then roped his feet together and pushed them up towards the guard's cuffed wrists, securing the other end of the rope to the knots between his elbows. We then blindfolded him just in time as he regained consciousness, angrily grunting and struggling in a very thorough hogtie.

"Yeah, how do YOU like it, dickhead?" Matty taunted and then kicked him in his side.

I grabbed the hand gun he had on him and tucked it behind my back in the waistband of my jeans

We cautiously stepped out of the cell and closed the door behind us, leaving Sir's young thug inside helpless and struggling.
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2-11 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Aug 30 02:02

We slowly and quietly walked down the hall. We peered in through the windows of the cells and as I suspected there were other guys being held captive too, eight more in all. They were all a similar profile to Matty and Chad, young college aged guys with athletic builds. Most of the guys were laying on the cots in their cells or pacing back and forth wondering what was going on, awaiting their fates.

One guy, though, was in a bit of a bind, or actually, a rather large bind, literally. He was a biker, like me, and they had him tied up real good on the floor of his cell. He was ballgagged and blindfolded. Rope encircled his arms and chest and you could hear the leather of his biker jacket creaking as he struggled in his hogtie. Rope was also wound up and down each of his legs over top his incredibly tight, faded 501s. I think his jeans were even a little tighter than mine. His Levis were tucked into black leather biker boots which were also wrapped together in rope and tied to his wrists. He must have really put up a fight to be left so uncomfortably bound and gagged while locked in his cell or he was being punished for something.

As we walked further down the hall one cell door was open and we could hear some commotion inside. Matty and I snuck up to the door and peered inside. It was three of Sir's thugs and they were torturing that Chad guy. They had him tied down to the metal frame of his bed with zip ties around his arms and legs. One guy was standing at his head while the second one was standing in front of him with what sounded like, based on Chad's screams through the cloth cleave gag in his mouth, a painful grip on his package. He had some bruising on his chest and abdomen too so it looks like they gave him a bit of a beating as well.

"Spit on me now, mother fucker!" The third guy yelled in his face as the second thug tightened his grip around the bulge of Chad's briefs. Chad howled even louder as the pain in his squeezed balls became unbearable.

"And this is just the mild punishment, kid," the first guy laughed.

I looked over at Matty, "On three?"

He nodded back. One.... two.....

We barged into the room and rushed two of them. I ended up on the floor wrestling with the guy who was squeezing Chad's package while Matty was trading fists with the guy who was yelling. The first guy, still guarding Chad, saw that Matty was getting the upper hand of the fight so he ran up behind him and wrapped his arms around Matty's arms and chest to hold and restrain him. Matty started struggling to get the guy off of him, but the other guy was pretty strong too and he couldn't break free from his hold. The guy he was fighting smiled and walked up ready to start dealing some serious blows, but Matty suddenly put on some serious fight moves that I had only seen in the movies. He shifted all of his weight back onto the guy holding him and used him as leverage to lift his feet up in the air and kick the guy in front of him all the way across the room. The guy slammed into the wall, hitting his head, and dropping to the ground, out cold. Matty then let his own legs go weak, shifting all of his weight down, and flipped the guy holding him right over his shoulders. The guy landed hard on the ground in front of Matty who finished him off with a blow to the throat.

Meanwhile, I wasn't fairing quite as well. The guy I was wrestling with was on his back, but unfortunately he also had me on my back and on top of him with his arm around my neck, trying to choke me out. He also had wrapped his legs around each of my legs and spread them apart and was digging one of his booted feet into my crotch, squeezing my balls through my snug Levis. He was also restraining my left arm with his free arm that wasn't choking me. I was in a no win situation because I only had one hand free so it was either try to pull his arm off my neck so I don't get choked or push his foot off of my balls. Either way, there was no good outcome and I wasn't having any luck with either one. I had scrapped a lot too in my time so I still had one trick left in my arsenal. As I started to see stars from being choked I let go of his arm and elbowed him hard in the ribs twice. I think the second time cracked one or two because he yelped in pain and immediately released me. I rolled off of him and gave him a good one, two, leaving him dazed on the floor.

I stayed on my knees for a bit to get my breath back, one hand on my throat and the other between my legs due to my aching balls.

"You okay?" Matty asked.

"Yeah, I'll be alright," I said, "How did you learn to fight like that? I thought you said you were a boxer."

"Well," Matty replied, "it's kinda sorta boxing, just in a cage, with no gloves, and in a dark warehouse way, way off the road, and not a bad payday either."

"Yeah, I get it," I smiled, "first rule of fight club, right?"

Matty winked.

"I'm just glad you're on my side," I said.

Chad started mmmphing on the bed, wanting to get free. Matty grabbed some box cutters out of the bag the guys had on them and cut Chad's zip ties, freeing him. He sat up and pulled the gag out of his mouth.

"Who are you two?" he asked, still somewhat stunned by everything that had just happened.

"We're just like you," I said, "trying to get the fuck out of here."

I turned to Matty, "we need to get these guys tied up too. I'm sure glad they all carry around bags full of ropes and restraints."

"Yeah, well, this whole place seems like one big gay house of bondage," Matty retorted.

"Wait" Chad said, " I can't exactly go running around this place and outside in nothing by my bare feet and these skimpy briefs, you know?"

I pointed to the guy laying on the floor Matty was fighting with, "He looks about your size. Let's strip him first."

We removed the goon's clothes and then tied him up good and tight in nothing but his snug blue briefs he had on underneath. He started coming to and struggling.

"You fuckers will pay for this!" he mumbled through the bandana gagging his mouth.

We got the other two goons tied up and gagged as well and Chad got dressed. We once again headed back out into the hall.
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2-12 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 01 19:16

All was still quiet in the hallway. I had grabbed the guns off of the three guards we had just bound and gagged and handed one to Matty and Chad.

"Can you guys shoot?" I asked.

"Can you make a shoe smell?" Matty joked, "I'm a rancher, of course I can shoot."

"Not really," Chad said uneasily.

"Just aim and pull the trigger," I said, "and don't close your eyes. It won't bite you."

We started hearing voices and footsteps coming down one of the connecting hallways. I noticed a vented door that looked like it might be a maintenance room or something so I gestured to the guys to run in there. The last thing I wanted was a stand off against Sir's men with an inexperienced shooter with us and all the noise of the firefight bringing our attention to him and the rest of his thugs.

We ducked into the room and shut the door. It was two of Sir's men and they stopped in the hallway right in front of the room we were hiding. Matty and I stood in front of the door with Chad behind, our guns cocked and ready to fire if we had to. The handle started turning. We were holding our breath and our hearts were about pounding through our chests.

"Not in there, you idiot," the one guy said to his partner about to open the door, "it's in the supply room around the corner."

We heard them walk away and all three of us exhaled in relief.

"Maybe we can call for help," I spoke quietly, pulling a cell phone out of my back jeans pocket.

"Where did you get that?" Matty asked, surprised.

"I took it off that guard we stripped. It was in his pocket..... but no signal in here so it doesn't matter."

"We got another problem," Matty said, "how are we going to get passed the guys with the AK-47s?"

Chad and I looked at each other and simultaneously replied, "what guys with AK-47s?"

"The ones at the front entrance."

"Wait a minute, "I said, "you mean to tell me when we were back in our cell planning our way out of here you didn't feel it necessary to mention guys with AK-47s at the front door??"

"I figured you saw them when they brought you in," Matty explained, "I did."

"I was unconscious," I said.

"Me too," Chad nodded.

"I guess walking out the front door is out of the question."

"What about down there?" Chad pointed to a metal trap door in the floor in the corner.

We went over and I opened it up. I jumped down and looked around.

"It's a storm sewer, " I yelled up to the guys, "Come on!"

They jumped down and we walked through the dark and dank tunnel. You could hear water dripping and see the occasional rat scurry by. Our voices echoed as we spoke. After about ten minutes we came to a grate that lead outside behind the facility we were in. About 30 or so feet ahead were the woods.

"Let's the get out of here," Matty said raising his foot ready to kick the fencing out.

"Wait!" I said

"For what??!!"

"We're ALL leaving," I said. "We need to save those other dudes in the cells."

"Are you crazy?" Chad asked, "these guys are either going to figure out we're missing or find those other guards we tied up any minute now. We need to get the fuck out of here now! We can call the police and they can get those guys out."

"This is a major black market operation. Once they figure out we've escaped they're going shut this whole place down and what do you think they'll do to those other guys they captured?" I shot back, "You think they're going to leave any witnesses?"

Chad and Matty looked at each other.

"Point taken," Matty admitted, "but we have no way to free them. We're out manned and out gunned big time. A-Rod here has never even shot a gun before."

"We can do this without firing a shot," I said.

I told them that when the guards were marching me to and from the control booth where I watched Matty and Chad get tortured Sir's men walked me down that cell block and there was a room at the end with just one young guard stationed there. We can easily overpower him and open the doors. There has to be either a button or lever in there that releases them all or he'll definitely have keys. If everything goes smooth, we'd be gone before they realized it.

"And if we get seen?" Matty asked.

"Then we've got four guns to hold them back and we book our asses right out here through this tunnel and then find a cell signal outside to call the cops, but at least we tried."

They both paused for a few seconds, turning this over in their minds.

"Alright, Chad nodded, "let's do this."
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2-13 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 02 18:51

We headed back through the tunnel and climbed up out of the storm sewer, back into the maintenance room. I slowly opened the door and peered out into the hallway. Still clear. We walked down towards the guard station. We could see him in there watching tv with his back to the door. This guy couldn't have been any older than us, maybe 21 tops. I didn't understand how all these guys in the prime of their lives could be brainwashed into serving Brennan's partner like this. It just made no sense.

I kicked the door open and the guard whizzed around in his chair, ready to draw his gun, but Matty was faster.

"Don't even think about it, dude," he said with his gun right in the guard's face. "Where are the keys to the cells?"

The guard pointed to the wall where two rings loaded with several keys were hanging.

"There are a ton of them here," Chad said, "as he snatched them off the wall."

"Which keys open the doors?"

"Fuck you," the guard smarted back.

Matty shoved his gun right into the kid's mouth, "I asked you a question," he said sternly.

The guard's eyes widened in fear and he mumbled out, "the round one."

I grabbed one of the key rings and went into the hallway.

Matty took the gun out of the guard's mouth, "My buddy is going to make sure you're telling the truth first."

"Do you have any idea who you're fucking with?" the guard warned, "Sir will skin you boys alive when he catches you."

I walked up to the first cell, inserted the key into the lock and it turned, opening the door. A frightened young man blindfolded and tied to a chair in his underwear yelled out.

"Stay away from me, man!"

"It's okay, I'm not one of them. I'm getting you out of here," I assured him, "Hurry, there's no time."

I started cutting his restraints and then gave Matty an okay signal out the door, but the guard took advantage of Matty paying attention to me and not him. He started wrestling Matty for the gun. They struggled on their feet until Matty pushed him down onto the control panel, but in doing so, the guard's body hit a button that set off a loud alarm. The noise was piercing and red strobe lights began swirling around in the hallway.

"Damn it!" Matty yelled and cocked the guard on the side of the head with the butt of the pistol, knocking him out cold.

"Go! Go!" Matty yelled to me and Chad, "I'll hold off their fire!"

Chad and I frantically began unlocking the doors and the panicky young men ran from their cells. We directed them to the maintenance room and the storm sewer. We got five of them free when I heard the first bullets start to fly. Matty was shielding himself with the guard station door he had propped open into the hallway. He fired back giving us cover fire.

I got to the last cell with the biker dude all tied up. He was struggling frantically and mmmmppphhhing loud through his gagged mouth with no idea what was happening. Shit, I forgot about this guy being tied up, I thought. I grabbed a knife out of the bag I stole from the guards we tied up in Chad's cell and started cutting him free.

"Jason!" Matty yelled, "Hurry the fuck up!!" Matty ran out of ammo in the gun we stole from Chad's guard and was now using the gun from the guard in the guard station.

I got the biker dude free and got his blindfold off. He looked eerily like me, which just creeped me out. He had on the same kind of Brando style biker jacket I owned, a white t-shirt, tight faded Levi's 501s, black leather boots, even the same hair cut. Fucking Sir and his fetish.

We ran out into the hallway. "Let's go!" I yelled to Matty.

"Right behind you!" he yelled back.

He provided enough cover fire to get us into the room. He was just about to make a run for it himself when one of the guards with an AK-47 came around the corner and started firing a barrage of bullets. The glass window of the guard station door shattered with bits of glass falling on Matty who had knelt down behind it. He didn't know how many bullets were left in his magazine so decided his only choice was to make a run for it. He jumped out into the hallway firing shot after shot backing up quickly towards the maintenance room. It was working until he fired his last remaining shot. He dropped the gun, turned around, and began running straight for it.

He was just about there when he felt the sharp pain of a bullet pierce his right calf. He screamed in pain and fell to the floor. Sir's men ran down the hall and lifted him up off the ground. Two men were holding his arms restraining him. Another guy forced a plastic bag over his head and pulled it tight over his mouth and nose and started smothering him. Matty tried to fight them, but he couldn't breathe. Two more thugs grabbed his legs and held them apart while another thug jumped in front of him and started punching him in the balls repeatedly. Matty was seeing stars and soon his body went limp in the guards' arms.

With all the confusion and chaos Chad and I had no clue Matty had been caught. We made it with all eight of the other prisoners to the grate leading outside, kicked it open, and ran out towards the woods. Chad and I were bringing up the rear of the group and as I looked back that's when I realized Matty was missing.

"Where's Matty??!" I yelled to Chad.

"He said he was right behind us!"

I started running back towards the compound, but before I could reach it more bullets started flying. Sir's men were coming around the corner of the building. Chad grabbed my arm and started pulling me back towards the woods.

"We can't leave him behind!" I yelled.

"Jason, you're gonna get killed! Come on!" he said.

I knew he was right, but it felt so wrong leaving Matty there not knowing what they were going to do him. I felt a responsibility to him ever since I found him tied up in that shed that morning, the pleading look in his eyes for help. Chad and I started firing back and ran into the woods.

We ran as fast as we could with only the moonlight to guide us. We could hear Sir's men not far behind firing warning shots and the sounds of Jeeps out on the road.

"Where are we going, man?" I heard one of the boys in front of us yell.

"Who cares, just keep running!" Another yelled.

We made it to a clearing that lead out to the main road and there was a truck stop about 50 feet ahead. We all booked it as fast as we could, made it to the parking lot, and made quite a calamitous entrance through the front door of the diner. It was your typical redneck truck stop with truckers in their flannel shirts tucked into tight jeans and big belt buckles, old men in overalls, and "Flo" like waitresses. There was some old country music playing softly in the jukebox. The whole place came to a stand still as we barged in, eyeing our motley looking crew, beaten up, exhausted, a few guys with no shirts or in their underwear. One old man picked his glasses up off the counter he was eating at and put them on, looking us up and down.

"Pretty sure the Phi Delta Kappa party is up the road a bit more, boys."
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2-14 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 05 03:25

It had been a couple of hours since we arrived at the truck stop. Chad called his girlfriend and she was frantic. The sheriff arrived with some of his deputies. At first they didn't believe us, insisting we were playing a fraternity prank. The sheriff refused to believe that the elaborate operation we described could be happening right under his nose here in Gatlinburg, but after several minutes of us persisting and a few guys even tearing up they started taking us seriously. They took statements from all of us and I gave a description of Sir to one of the deputies who was also a sketch artist. When he completed the drawing both he and the sheriff were somewhat alarmed.

"That's Peter Gallagher," the sheriff told me. "Are you sure that's the man you saw?"

There was no mistaken it.

"He's no stranger to law enforcement, counterfeiting, larceny, and a lengthy list of other random crimes, but I've never known him to be involved in human trafficking. He's moving up in the criminal underworld."

Throughout all of this Chad and I anxiously waited as some deputies were sent to the building we were all held in. It turns out it was a sanitarium that had been put out of commission almost 30 years ago. Nobody ever really checked up on the place so it was easy to see how they could have held their operations there undetected. We told them how Matty didn't make it out with the rest of us and we were terrified of what Gallagher (Sir) might do to him now. Was he even still alive?

Our wait was finally over, but it didn't settle our fears. The deputies returned and Matty wasn't with them.

"There's nobody there, boys" the sheriff stated.

Chad and I swore once again we weren't making any of this up.

"Relax," he said, "We believe you. There was definitely evidence present to support what you boys have all told us, but whoever was there, if it was Gallagher, or whoever, have all cleared up and hauled out and they must have taken your buddy with them."

They not finding Matty's body at least gave us some hope he was still alive.

"You've got to find our friend, Sheriff," I insisted, "There's no time."

"We've got his description and an APB out on him, Gallagher, and anything else suspicious looking and I had it sent to the neighboring counties to keep their eyes out," he assured me. "Now, Deputy Brooks here is going to take you both to the hospital to be checked out. You let us handle this now. I promise I'll call you as soon as we hear anything."

His answer didn't sit well with me and I really wanted to get out there and start looking for Matty myself, but having no transportation of my own pretty much put that plan to rest. The deputy escorted Chad and I out to his car and put us in the back seat. We drove off down the county highway. We were mostly solemn, not saying much. We were exhausted, but also didn't want to speak of the worst. Something wasn't right about this, though. We drove past the road heading up to the hospital. In fact, I realized we were going in the complete opposite direction. Chad caught on too.

"Hey, the hospital is back that way," Chad said.

The deputy ignored him and kept driving.

"Hey man, did you hear me?" he asked irritated.

We looked at each other and were now certain something was up.

The deputy glanced at us in his rear view mirror and then pulled off the side of the highway. He turned the headlights off and got out of the car. He opened the back door and drew his gun on me.

"Out, both of you," he ordered.

What the fuck??

Chad and I cautiously got out of the car and he instructed us to put our hands up on the side.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Shut your mouth, son," he replied.

I heard the clasping of metal as he pulled Chad's hands behind his back and cuffed them. He then handcuffed me too.

"Are you working with Gallagher??" I pressed him.

"You just can't shut your mouth, can you, boy!" He got right in my face.

He opened the trunk and came back with a knotted up bandana which he shoved into my mouth and tied tightly behind my head, gagging me.

"Do I need one for you too?" He asked Chad.

Chad shook his head no.

"Good, now get back in the damn car."

"Mother fucker!" I angrily mumbled through the gag as he began to force me back inside.
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2-15 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 05 17:32

I was not about to be kidnapped AGAIN! Fuck this shit! I kicked the door shut before he could force me into the car.

"Hey!" He yelled, "Knock that shit off, boy!"

He opened the door again and then grabbed me from behind lifting me up off the ground. I then spread my legs out in front me planting my booted feet on the car, my right foot to the right of the car door and my left on the interior of the open door. As he tried to push me in I used my leg muscles to push back.

"Get in there, damn it!"

"Fuck you!" I muttered through my gagged mouth.

"That's it!" he yelled.

He put me down, walked back to the trunk, and returned with several coils of rope.

"Guess I'm just gonna have to tie you up, boy!"

He grabbed me and started cinching my elbows closer together behind my back. He then began coiling the rope around my chest and upper arms. He was wrapping it so tight the veins on my muscled biceps were bulging out. I grunted through my gag and struggled, but he just kept wrapping me up tighter and tighter. After he had my upper body secured he pulled the rope down between and through my legs and then yanked it tight back up my butt along the butt crack of my jeans. He tied a knot in my belt loop and then ran the rope around my waist to the front of my body again. He pulled it down to my crotch and started tying off my faded jeans bulge. I groaned as my package got squeezed in my jeans as the rope tightened around my bulge, making it even more pronounced. He then tied my legs together with rope around my booted ankles and just above my knees. I was wrapped in rope from top to bottom, handcuffed, and gagged. He lifted me up over his shoulder and started carrying me to the trunk. I was squirming and yelling through the gag "No!!"

"Please," Chad begged, "you don't have to do that. Don't put him in there!"

"Hey, " Brooks swung around, "you want to join him? I got enough rope for you too. Pipe down!"

I could see by the expression on Chad's face he wanted to do something to help me, but what? He was handcuffed too and Brooks was armed.

He placed me in the truck and slammed the door shut, leaving me bound and gagged in total darkness.

"You did this to yourself, kid" I heard him say as he smacked his hand on the trunk lid, making sure it was shut all the way. "Young men who don't behave need to be kept restrained so they don't hurt anyone, including themselves."

He then walked up to Chad, put his hand on his throat and pushed him up against the car. He began eyeing him up and down, examining his strapping, athletic body.

"You're a good looking, kid" Brooks said, "you know that? You're that baseball jock we grabbed from the university, right?"

Chad's heart was beating rapidly, terrified by thoughts of what might happen next.

"I asked you a question, boy" Brooks said sternly, tightening his grip on Chad's throat.

"Yes, Chad choked out.

"Ya know," Brooks continued, "Sir only told me to grab your friend there in the too-tight Levis. He didn't say anything about you."

He started running the finger of his free hand down Chad's rock hard chest. He continued down to his rippled stomach and then started rubbing Chad's crotch.

"Please.... don't..." Chad pleaded.

"Maybe I'll keep you for myself and make you my bitch," Brooks whispered in his ear.

Chad shut his eyes, but couldn't hold back the tears as one began streaming down his left cheek.

"I can smell your fear, boy" Brooks cruelly taunted him.

Fortunately, Chad got saved by Brook's ringing cell phone in the car.

Brooks smiled, "Don't go anywhere." He took his hand of Chad's throat and reached in the car to answer his cell phone.

"Yeah, I got him," he said to the person on the other line. "You were right too; he's a rambunctious little bastard. I had to tie him up real good and throw him in the trunk. I can still hear him back there kicking at the inside of the lid."

There was a pause and then he continued, "We'll be there shortly."

He hung up and grinned at Chad.

"Time to go."
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2-16 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 08 17:58

"MMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHH!!!" I kept yelling inside the trunk and kicking my feet against the lid, hoping somebody would maybe see us on the side of the road, pull off thinking we might be having car troubles, and hear my screams, but the only reply I got was Brooks banging on the trunk again threatening to beat me unconscious if I didn't stop making so much noise. The car started up and began driving down the highway again. I got incredibly concerned that I was about to be delivered right into the hands of Gallagher, knowing how angry he must be at me for the "jail break" I had just orchestrated. I must have put him out a few hundred grand at least. What kind of torture was he going to be put me through as punishment?

I began feeling around to see if there was anything I could use to try and free myself. There was other stuff lying in the trunk with me, some more rope, a roll of duct tape, but I couldn't feel anything sharp to try and work on the ropes with. Suddenly, I felt the car start to swerve back and forth on the road. I heard some commotion and yelling, but couldn't make it out. I was getting rocked back and forth, slamming in to the sides of the trunk. I then got banged around pretty good as I felt the car come to a stop with a hard thud. We must have crashed, but I couldn't figure out exactly what happened. I could hear the horn blaring. I began to panic. What if I was trapped in here!!

A few minutes earlier.......

"Time to go," Brooks grinned at Chad, "get back in the car, boy."

Chad was terrified and did what he said, not wanting to give him anymore trouble. Brooks, getting annoyed with the commotion I was making, walked around to the trunk and slammed his hand on the lid a few times.

"If I have to open this trunk before we get there I'm going to beat you black and blue, kid! Now shut the fuck up!"

Brooks got in the car and continued driving down the highway. Chad was gripped with fear. He couldn't believe this was happening again. He had just been rescued. He thought he was going back to school and this whole thing was behind him. His girlfriend was waiting for him, thinking he was okay now. He started thinking about what Brooks had just said to him, the whole ordeal of him being kidnapped out of the locker room, how Gallagher had humiliated him, forcibly milking his semen from him in front of an audience hidden behind tinted windows, how Gallagher's thugs tortured and beat him in his cell. Chad's fear quickly changed into anger. He was not going to go through that again. Something sparked inside of him, turning the anger into rage.

"AARRRRRGGGGGGHHH!!!!" He began yelling. He lifted his feet and started slamming them against the metal protective mesh that divided the back seat from the front.

"Hey!" Brooks yelled, "knock it off!"

He turned his head around, smacking his hand against the mesh, taking his eyes off the road. The car began swerving back and forth. Chad channeled all the rage he was feeling into his muscles and was kicking the mesh harder and harder.

"I said stop it, damn it!"

Finally, one hard kick knocked the mesh loose and it slammed into the back of Brooks. He lost control of the car, swerved off the road onto the shoulder and crashed into the side of the guard rail. Brooks was knocked unconscious and slumped over the steering wheel, setting the horn off. Chad laid across the back seat for a few seconds, a bit stunned, but quickly came to his senses. He started kicking the window of the side door. It took about the five good kicks, but he managed to shatter the glass. Being an athlete, he was also pretty flexible, so he kicked his shoes off and was able to slip his cuffed wrists underneath his feet and bring his arms back in front him. He climbed out of the broken window. He could hear me kicking inside the trunk and mmmppphing for help.

"Hang on, Jason!" he yelled, "I'm gonna get you out of there, buddy!"

Chad opened the driver's side door. As luck would have it, it was unlocked. He pushed Brooks off the wheel and grabbed his keys. He unlocked the handcuffs on his wrists and then ran to the back of the car, unlocking the trunk. I was so relieved to see him there. I was panic-stricken thinking Brooks and Chad could be dead and I'd be stuck in that trunk for hours, maybe all night. Chad lifted me out of the trunk and stood me on my feet. He pulled the gag out of my mouth.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I assured him, "Get me out of these ropes."

He uncuffed me and we started untying the ropes binding me.

"What do we do now"? Chad wondered.

"We gotta call the Sheriff." I said.

I reached into the car and grabbed Brooks' cell phone. Just as I was about to dial 911 the phone rang. The caller ID read the name "Gallagher."
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2-17 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 14 21:44

The directions Gallagher sent me were to an old coal plant on the edge of the county. We saw a few cars parked in front of one of the smaller buildings and pulled up.

"If you don't see me or Matty come out in five minutes you call the Sheriff, alright?" I instructed Chad.

"You can't go in there by yourself!" Chad replied, "let's just call him now and wait for the cavalry."

"You heard what Gallagher said. He'll kill him if we pull anything. Plus, Matty's in there being tortured right now; I'm not waiting any longer. Gallagher doesn't know you're with me, so that gives us an advantage.

"What are you going to do once you get inside?"

I opened the car door and stepped out.

"I'm working on it," I said as I closed it behind me.

I walked through the front door and was greeted by one of Gallagher's thugs in a rather unwelcoming manner. He pointed his gun at me and ordered me up against the wall. He started frisking me and of course immediately saw the gun I had tucked into the waist band of my jeans.

"You didn't really think you were going to get in there with this, did you?" he asked.

"It was worth a shot; you guys weren't exactly picked for your genius," I mouthed off to him.

"Ha-Ha, get moving."

He walked me into the main room at gun point. Gallagher was standing in front of Matty, holding his head up by his chin. Four of his thugs were also in the room and they drew their guns on me as soon as I walked in.

"Look," he said, "your boyfriend's here."

He let go and Matty's head slumped back down. He was breathing slowly and looked just about spent.

"You wanted me, you've got me," I told him, "now let him go."

"Due time, boy, in due time," he said.

"He needs a hospital," I pushed.

"He's a cage fighter, kid, he can take it. Why do you think I chose him in the first place?" Gallagher shot back, "do you have any idea what you cost me tonight, kid? I'm just a simple businessman. I provide a product and my clients expect me to deliver. Tonight, you fucked that all up. Our last encounter, that was more of a mere annoyance, the whole affair with Luke and all, but this time you have soiled my reputation and cost me more money in one night than your meddlesome biker behind in those ass tight jeans will probably make in a lifetime and I expect reimbursement."

"Get to the point already, asshole," I said impatiently.

"Don't you talk to him like that!" the guard who brought me in warned, raising his fist, ready to hit me.

"Carson," Gallagher responded, shaking his head, waving him off. The guard backed down.

"I told you, kid, "he continued, "I want you. I want you on my crew as my number two. You've got all the way qualities I look for: leadership, you're fearless, you can fight, and you're pretty damn cute too. You'll be reeducated, just like the others, and when your program is finished, you'll be ready and willing to serve your master with your life."

"If I refuse?" I asked.

"Then I have no further use for you, or him." He cocked his gun. "What'll it be?"
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2-18 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 17 16:31

What was I going to do? There was no way I wanted to spend the rest of my life under this sick pervert's thumb, but I also couldn't let him kill Matty. Chad should be calling the Sheriff now anyway. Maybe I should just pretend to go along with it and hope the Sheriff shows up in time to rescue us. Well, I didn't have to wonder anymore as there was an interruption at the door.

"What's going on in here, boys?"

It was the Sheriff! But wait, something wasn't right. Deputy Brooks came walking in behind him, marching in Chad with his hands cuffed behind his back and a strip of duct tape over his mouth. Chad was struggling and mmmpphing, but the Deputy had a good grip on his biceps, holding him.

"Look what we found outside," the Sheriff said to Gallagher.

The Sheriff was in cahoots in Gallagher. I should have known better. How else could all of this have gone on right under his nose?

Gallagher turned to me with a big smile. "You brought the jock strap back. Thank you, kid. I can recoup some of my losses after all."

"You said you'd let them go if I turned myself into you!" I yelled angrily.

"I said I'd let the cowboy go," Gallagher replied, "the jock wasn't part of the deal. You were foolish to bring him here with you, son."

"This kid is mine," Deputy Brooks slyly grinned at Chad, squeezing his arms tighter.

"MMMMPPPPHH!!!" Chad moaned, shaking his head.

Gallagher continued

"I believe you have a decision to make, Jason. The clock is ticking."

I looked at Chad and then at Matty. How could we have come all this way only to end up right back where we started? There was no way I was going to be Gallagher's slave and I wasn't going to let Chad be that pig cop's bitch. Plus, I was pretty sure Gallagher was lying anyway about letting Matty go. All that money he lost, he wasn't going to let Matty walk away. He was going to sell him to one his sick buyers. He wasn't going to kill him. He was bluffing and I decided to call him on it.

"Go fuck yourself," I said.

Gallagher immediately wiped his cocky grin off of his face.

"I don't believe I heard you correctly, boy," he replied, "What did you say?"

"You heard me just fine, asshat. I said go fuck yourself. I'm never joining you."

"I will kill your friend, boy."

"Go ahead," I dared him, "kill him."

Matty's eyes widened.

"Kill us all. We'd rather be dead than be boy toys to you and your sick faggot clients."

Gallagher looked around the room to his thugs and started chuckling.

"I believe this boy thinks I'm bluffing, men."

They all snickered.

"That's your final answer, kid?" he asked me.

I just stared at him, not saying a word.

"Suit yourself."

He put the gun up to Matty's head.

"He did this to you," Gallagher said to him.

A deafening gunshot echoed through the room.
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2-19 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Sep 27 01:02

It was like time had slowed to almost a halt. Everything was happening in slow motion. The deafening sound of the gun shot, my heart stopping. I overplayed my hand; I underestimated Gallagher. Did I just get Matty killed? I was like in a fog trying to get reoriented. Matty wasn't dead. He wasn't shot at all, but Gallagher was on the ground clutching his arm and bleeding. Someone had shot Gallagher!

I looked over towards the door and that biker dude that I had untied and rescued back at the sanitarium was standing in the doorway with a pistol drawn. He was the one who shot Gallagher. Now someone was yelling at me. I looked over to my right and the one thug Gallagher called Hunter back at the sanitarium was tossing a knife in my direction and yelling at me.

"Get out of here! Get your friends and get out of here, NOW!"

Wait, whose side was he on??

This all happened in a matter of seconds. Bullets started flying. I ran over to Matty and started cutting the ropes binding him. Chad took advantage of the chaos, swung around, and kicked Deputy Brooks in the balls. The sheriff responding by punching Chad in the face and knocking him to the ground. He drew his gun ready to shoot Chad. Gallagher's gun was on the floor next to Matty's chair. I grabbed it, pointed it at the Sheriff, and shot him square in the chest before he could pull his trigger. I had cut enough of the ropes that Matty was able to start freeing himself, just as I felt a painful sting on right my ear. My hand swung up to my ear in pain and I had blood on my fingers. I think I just got shot!

"Jason!" Matty was standing in front of me now, "you just got grazed! Let's get the fuck out of here!"

Matty put his arm over my shoulder as he couldn't walk on his own from being shot in the calf earlier and we moved as fast as we could towards the door. I fired a few shots back at Gallagher's men and at Brooks who was back on his feet. I'm pretty sure I killed the sheriff. Chad was back up following behind us, still cuffed and gagged. The room was filled with gunfire back and forth between the biker dude and Hunter and the rest of Gallagher's men.

We made it out the front door just as a several black SUVs came screeching to a halt in front of us. Men in suits jumped out with guns drawn ordering us to the ground. We all immediately dropped. They swarmed in on us, cuffing Matty and I behind our backs and zip tying our ankles as well as Chad's. They then started forcing a neoprene muzzle over our faces.

"Wait! We're the good...MMMMPPPPHHHHH!!!" I couldn't finish my sentence as the muzzle was strapped on and tightened around my face, sealing my mouth shut, gagging me good and tight. Matty had also been muzzled. They even put one on Chad despite him still being gagged with duct tape.

"You stay on the ground and don't move!" one of the men shouted at me as he finished tightening my muzzle.

The three of us shuffled around on the ground, struggling against our bondage, yet again, and mmmpppphhhing while the remaining men in suits stormed the building.
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2-20 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Oct 01 17:29

We struggled against the restraints and tried to tell them we were the good guys, but the muzzles muffled all of our words to unintelligible grunts. The suited man who told me not to move then came up to me, put his boot on my neck, and pointed his gun right at my head.

"I thought I told you not to move!" he yelled.

"Hey! What are you doing?" another voice yelled behind him. It was Hunter. He was walking out of the building. "Those boys are with us. Get them out of those restraints!"

They freed all three of us and helped Matty on to a stretcher from an ambulance that had also pulled up.

"Give us a minute, guys" Hunter told the paramedics before they wheeled him away.

"Make it quick," the paramedic said, "we need to get this kid to a hospital before that gunshot wound gets infected."

"Who the hell are you and what's going on??" I asked Hunter.

He pulled out a badge.

"I'm Agent Hunter with INTERPOL."

"And I'm Special Agent Briggs with FBI," replied the biker dude as he walked up to us.

"Since when did it become policy to gag someone with a rubber muzzle over their face when you arrest them, huh?" Chad asked irritated.

"The Patriot Act gives us a lot of leeway these days," Hunter answered.

"Sorry about that guys," Briggs said, "the other agents didn't know who was running out of that building. They assumed you were Gallagher's men and they've been known to be physically dangerous."

"Gallagher's men are highly dedicated to him, like a cult," Hunter continued, "they'll get violent if not properly restrained, including spitting, biting, you name it, so those restraints may have seem overkill to you, but they were for our safety."

Hunter continued.

"I've been under deep cover in Gallagher's organization for the past six months. He has a number of operations going on, but the human trafficking, that's the big one. Finally, two weeks ago he trusted me enough to allow me close to that part of the operation. The plan was to work the auction, deliver the product, and then bust the buyers at the delivery point. It was all going to plan until you screwed things up."

He pointed at me.

At this point you could practically see steam rising from all three of our heads.

"What do you mean ruined??" I yelled. "I was kidnapped!"

"You were going to let us get sold?" Chad screamed.

"Deliver the product?? We aren't a product, we're men, asshole!" Matty hollered.

"Alright, alright, calm down, boys," Hunter said.

"Don't tell me to calm down, "Chad shot back, "I was kidnapped, beaten, hooked up to his jack off machine and the whole time you could have stopped it?"

"You let us get tortured!" Matty shouted.

"It's not that simple guys," Briggs lamented.

"Bullshit!" Matty exclaimed, "If I wasn't laid up in this stretcher I'd kick your asses!"

"Guys, please," Briggs tried to calm us, "you're right, you have every reason to be pissed. I would probably be pissed, but these decisions were made by men way above our pay grade. We were just doing our jobs."

"That's what the Nazis said at Nuremberg," Chad responded.

"You guys want an explanation or not?" Hunter asked.

We reluctantly quieted down and let him continue.

"We had to let the sales and deliveries take place. If we busted Gallagher's men here before they delivered you guys to the buyers Gallagher would have easily found out and relocated shop."

"I don't understand," I interrupted. "You were part of his crew. You were at the auction. That auction plus the kidnapping of what, eight, nine, ten guys should have been enough for you guys to bust Gallagher and put him away for life. What difference does it make whether or not the auction happened?"

"This is bigger than Gallagher," Briggs answered. "He's just a low level lieutenant. This is a world wide criminal organization. We still haven't figured out who Gallagher reports to."

"And he's unlikely to tell us now," Hunter said, "that's what I was hoping to find out while under cover."

"So did you get made?" I asked Briggs, "How did you get all tied up in that cell?"

"Oh that," Briggs began to explain, "since Agent Hunter here was under such deep cover, he hadn't reported in in several months so we wanted to follow up on him. I just needed to get inside to confirm a visual of him. I wandered up to the sanitarium pretending that my bike broke down on the highway and was looking for help. Unfortunately, they didn't buy it. I wouldn't reveal to them who I was working for, so Gallagher had me tied up good and tight in that incredibly uncomfortable hogtie and said he was leaving me that way until I decided to talk. It was a good thing you found me when you did because I'm guessing I'd been bound up and gagged like that for a good seven or eight hours and I was getting ready to spill the beans. I couldn't take the torture anymore."

"Not the brightest of plans," Hunter added, shooting Briggs a chastising glance.

"Hey, rookie mistake," Briggs apologized. "Anyway, I knew Gallagher had some of the men in the Sheriff's department on his payroll, but I didn't know who. That's why I didn't reveal myself at the diner. When I saw that deputy take you guys out of there I figured he was one of Gallagher's inside guys so I followed you all here and then called in the other agents. I figured this was going to turn into a shit storm. Looks like I busted in just in time too."

"Yeah, that was a really stupid bluff you made, kid" Hunter said to me.

"Oh yeah," Matty looked at me, "what was the deal with that dude? Were you going to let him shoot me??"

"Uh.... well...., " I stumbled over my words, "a little miscalculation on my part?"

"Uh huh..."

Just then, Gallagher's men were being walked out of the building by the other agents.
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2-21 Re: Kidnapped Biker Part II
Postby JHardcastle » 2013 Oct 06 07:24

We turned and watched as they were marched out one by one, cuffed and leg ironed and also gagged with a muzzle just like we had been. The young muscle bound men had all been stripped down to their underwear, apparently to make sure they weren't concealing any weapons or tools that could be used to free themselves and were all mmmpphing through their sealed mouths, struggling and fighting their restraints as they were forcibly loaded into the black SUVs.

"What's going to happen to them?" I asked.

"They'll be taken to a compound where they'll be deprogrammed over the next few months," Hunter said. "Hopefully they'll eventually be able to return to their families."

Then Gallagher himself was brought out on a stretcher. He was securely restrained to the stretcher with a strap holding him down just about every two or three inches. He turned his head towards us and his eyes connected with mine. If we had been in a cartoon you would have seen icicles shoot from his eyes to mine. He was loaded into the back of an ambulance with an agent to guard him. The ambulance drove off with another SUV of two more agents following behind.

"Alright boys, time's up."

One of the paramedics came over to us.

"We need to get you to a hospital," he said to Matty.

"One more minute," Matty said to him. "I promise."

"Okay, ONE." He walked away.

"We got things we need to wrap up here too," Briggs said, "you guys can get a ride home with one of the agents."

He and Hunter walked back into the building.

"Why did you guys come back for me?" Matty asked me and Chad. "I mean we've known each other for like a day, but you risked your lives to save mine."

"Well," I explained, "my father was a Marine and a veteran of the Gulf War back in the early 90s. He was a real asshole too, but looking back, I don't think it was his fault, I think he had PTSD or something, but basically, we had a pretty shitty relationship. He used to smack me around a lot, said he'd make a man out of me. One thing I actually did learn from him though, he said you never leave a man behind. When we got out of that place and you weren't behind us, I knew we had to find out. I couldn't have lived with myself if I didn't at least try."

"Ditto," Chad said.

"I owe you guy one, big time," Matty choked up a bit.

"Haha, hell yeah you do!" Chad laughed.

The paramedic walked back over.

"Minute's up," he declared.

He started wheeling Matty towards the ambulance.

"See you around, boys!" he waved as he was loaded into the back. We watched them drive off back down the path towards the main road.

"I guess I need to find my way back home," Chad said, "Rachel was freaking out before when I called her in the diner. She's probably full blown psychotic now."

"Yeah, I hear that," I laughed, "thanks for standing by me, man."

We shook hands and gave each a slap-on-the-back man hug.

"You take care of yourself, Jason," Chad said as he walked towards the agents to get a ride.

I stuck around a bit longer and Briggs ended up taking me home. Being a biker dude himself we had some common interests to talk about along the ride. It was so good to finally get back to my apartment. I walked in and immediately got undressed and took a long hot shower. I needed it badly. I was dirty and sweaty and just plain beat down. As I got out my doorbell rang. I pulled on a pair of jeans and opened the front door. It was Agent Hunter.

"Agent Hunter!" I exclaimed, "what are you doing here?"

"Got a minute?" he asked.

"Yeah, come on in."

He stepped inside.

"I wanted to come and tell you this in person. Gallagher escaped."

My heartbeat jumped to about a hundred miles per hour and my throat tightened up.

"His organization is a lot more powerful than we anticipated. The ambulance was ambushed on its way to the hospital. Two of my agents are dead and the third is in critical condition. Thankfully, they didn't harm the paramedics. How compassionate of them.."

I just stood there. I didn't say anything, but the ghostly white expression on my face apparently said it all.

"Jason, look," Hunter continued, "I don't think he's going to come after you; that's not why I'm here. Gallagher is not a stupid man. He knows that every cop in the State of Tennessee is going to be looking for him. He's probably halfway to Mexico by now. I just felt I owed it to you to tell you this in person, just as a precaution."

"Yeah," I replied, reassuring myself, "yeah, you're probably right."

Two months later

"Ow!" Matty yelped, "take it easy man, you got to make it so tight?"

"Hey, it's got to be the real deal," I said. "I've been kidnapped twice this year. You guys both said just in case it ever happened to you again you wanted to be able to get yourself free if you were tied up. Well, you can only learn by practice."

I tightened Matty's hogtie a bit more rendering him practically immobile as he now rocked back and forth on the floor, his muscles straining against the ropes ensnaring him.

"It's 10 o'clock right on the nose," I said, "we'll be back at 8:00 tomorrow morning to untie you if you can't get yourself loose. That gives you all night."

"And to make sure nobody helps you...., "Chad smiled devilishly as he knelt down and secured a knotted bandanna around Matty's mouth, gagging him.

Matty mumbled a few muffled grunts as he was gagged and began working on the ropes.

"Nighty night, buddy" Chad laughed.

"See ya in the morning!" I waved as we walked out the door of Matty's apartment and closed it behind us.


The End
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Post by puffalover »

Thank you so much [mention]hb54[/mention] for adding this great story to the new tugs site. I can't tell you how happy I am to read this again. I really miss JHardcastle's terrific writing and hope he'll be back one day.
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Post by bondagefreak »

puffalover wrote: 6 years ago Thank you so much [mention]hb54[/mention] for adding this great story to the new tugs site. I can't tell you how happy I am to read this again. I really miss JHardcastle's terrific writing and hope he'll be back one day.
Same here. Really miss JHardcastle.
His stories were really top notch.

Thanks for keeping his legacy alive [mention]hb54[/mention]

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Jee, good work! Is one of my favorite
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