Gina (Part One of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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Gina (Part One of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Post by Canuck100 »

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Gina (part one of a series)
Story index at the bottom

By Andy

My first long term girlfriend (I'll call her Gina) was quite an adventurous gal. She said she was attracted to me initially because I looked scary! Not only was Gina quite the frisky type, she was a knockout, and liked to dress fine too. Clothes are another big turn on for me, and there have been times when I thought a woman looked so good in what she was wearing that I didn't want her to get undressed even for sex! All together, I often couldn't fathom why a girl as hot as her would be wasting her time with a weirdo like me (and eventually neither could she, but that's not what we're concerned with today).

Gina was fairly inexperienced sexually, and that made me reluctant to bring up bondage even though she had responded very positively to everything that was new to her up to that point. As we grew closer and more familiar, it was harder and harder to contain myself in intimate situations, but I just couldn't figure out how to ask Gina about bondage without the possibility of scaring her off or offending her.

Finally, Gina was preparing to visit her mother in the Los Angeles area for about a week and a half, so we had been getting in all the sex we could to sort of prepare for the coming drought. I was to drive her to the airport in a few hours, and she was getting herself ready. Like I said, Gina was a sharp and somewhat flashy dresser, and felt like she should dress extra nice to fly. I don't really know why this was, but that's the way she felt. Oh, well, I wasn't complaining!

Gina had put on a tight pair of black jeans, a silk leopard print blouse with a black leather vest buttoned up over it, and black cowgirl boots. She looked like a million bucks, and I couldn't restrain myself. I've mentioned that a well dressed woman is a big turn on, and a woman wearing a vest is a BIG favorite with me. Something about the way it shows off her breasts, and the way its tightness makes her body very sleek looking. Plus the buckled strap in the small of her back, it always reminds me of bondage wear, somehow! I've always been a leather fan as well.

It was too much. I was all over her like a smell, and she was just as raring to go. We quickly ended up in bed with her wearing only the blouse and the vest, and I was making love to her doggy style. Many times previously I would pin her hands down or hand gag her during sex, and she had enjoyed it enough to say so. This time I had my hand over her mouth from behind and she was sucking one of my fingers as we fucked. The way everything was coming together, I just felt how perfect it would be if I could play bondage with her. Needless to say, this thought was incredibly stimulating, even more so under the current circumstances. I was so turned on I was almost hallucinating, yet frustrated at the same time. I actually began to shake and tremble enough for her to pause and ask me what was wrong!

Well, here it was, the moment of truth. I had passed up opportunities in the past, but never before had everything seemed to build up so unbelievably well. I guess it was fate, and who was I to stand in the way of it? I tried to control my voice: "Uh... may I gag you?"

The following pregnant pause was murder. "You mean, like with a sock, or something?" God bless her.

"Um, if you want, but I meant like with one of your scarves."

Another murderous pause.

"YEAH! OK, go ahead!"

Holy shit! Steady, now, Chief. Pull out, go over to the clothes pegs in the corner that her beautiful collection of scarves hung on, and pick out your favorite, and try not to black out in joyful astonishment. I selected a silk leopard print number (you've probably figured out she liked leopard print) and started back to the bed. She was still lying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, looking over her shoulder at me with a big grin. She was so beautiful, and her naked butt with the shiny chrome buckle on her vest gleaming above it was an incredible sight. God, I'll remember it forever. I got on my knees straddling her and brought the scarf over her head. She opened her mouth like a pro, and I drew the gag in between her teeth.

"Lean your head forward." She did so, and I held the ends of the scarf in one hand as I moved her, long, gorgeous chestnut brown hair out of the way. I tied a half square knot at the nape of her neck, then brought both ends around front again, one after the other, this time covering her mouth, and tied them together again at the back in a square knot.

I've since found this to be a remarkably effective gag, especially with a knot tied in the cleave portion, and I think it looks just great as well. At this point I thought either my head was going to explode or I would drop dead as I entered her pussy from behind. My heart was pounding so hard she actually felt it on her back, and tried to say, "Wow, you're really excited!", but of course she said "Wff, ymmmeemm effiffeh!" Under the circumstances, I couldn't have agreed more, and that had topped it. I came like a bullet train, and she gave a little yelp of pleasant surprise into her gag. The gag was actually working! This just kept getting better, and I didn't even pause but kept going, coming again in less than five minutes, a personal record in maniacal nut busting.

One of Gina's few drawbacks was that she had never come during intercourse, and firmly believed she never would, but she was always very stimulated, and I would always bring her to orgasm orally or digitally immediately before or after coupling. I pulled out, turned her over and began to tickle her clit, and within seconds she was writhing with pleasure. She arched her back, grabbed my hand and and moaned into her gag for several moments, then relaxed, twitching slightly, with a satisfied (and satisfying) "Mmmmmmmm..."

I kissed her gagged mouth, and, after a few moments, reached for the knot behind her head. She turned up on her side while I untied the gag, and before I had even removed it, gag spoke, "That was COOL!"

"I'm really glad you liked it", I said as I took off her gag, and truer words were never spoken. "I've wanted to do this with you for a long time, but I was afraid to ask."

"It was fun! Tie me up next time!" Bravo! You lucky bastard.

Well, we got cleaned up and she put her pants and boots back on, although I told her she looked even better without them I agreed it was probably a good idea, considering. I brought Gina to the airport, and after she checked in we sat down at a bar for a farewell toast. She just looked hotter than ever at that moment, and I told her so. Several times, she mused, "Yeah, that was fun..."

Gina seemed to be enjoying a new world of possibilities in her mind, and as we kissed goodbye she mentioned that she had made a point of bringing the scarf that had been used to gag her along on the trip. I couldn't believe how lucky I was; beautiful, smart, fun, sharp dresser, in love with me of all people, and now, into bondage!

Well, that brings this chapter to a close, but as you can imagine it was the beginning of a series of great adventures. Like I said, all of this is one hundred percent true as I recall it. I'd be happy to hear back from anyone with similar ALL TRUE experiences, but I don't feel comfortable posting my email address just yet. I definitely will follow up with more tales from my checkered past (unless everyone thinks this one stunk so bad they don't want to hear any more).

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Stories retrieved from Restrained Tastes, on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine