Serendipity (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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Serendipity (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Post by Canuck100 »

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Story index at the bottom

By Mark
Originally published in 2002

About four years ago, I had a unique experience with a lifelong friend, an attractive brunette that was once my ex-wife's best friend. After we split up, I got my own apartment and soon had most of my friends coming over for parties and such. Close to town, my place became a convenient hangout for just about everyone I knew. Lynne, my ex-wife's friend, started stopping by to hang out as friends; sometimes for advice, other times to get away from her nearby job, and sometimes just to say hi. Lynne has dark brunnette hair, long legs, and generally resembles Sarah Michelle Gellar with larger breasts. She knew of my bondage enthusiasm because of her closeness to my ex-wife (many more stories there), but always talked about it like it was the "other" thing you weren't supposed to do.

One day, Lynne came over to hang out before a very important new date she had with a guy she was super-attracted to. Dressed in a short black skirt with a shiny gold top and just-this-side-of-kinky spiked heels, she looked hot, and I told her so. She sat on my bed while I worked at the computer, trying hard to meet a deadline for one of my clients. I said, "Why don't you do me a favor?"

When she asked what it was, I told her to put her hands behind her back and pretend she was my 'captive'. Remembering my bondage-thing, as she put it, she smiled and complied. Actually she went all out, lying on the bed, rolling around, making MMMRRRUUMMPPHHHING sounds and pretending she was tied hand and foot, even hogtied. I told her to stop, because I couldn't concentrate on my work, and she smiled and just kept going.

Just then her cell phone rang. It was her date, calling to cancel.

No words could describe just how disappointed she looked. As she got up from the bed, I offered to take her to dinner. She said "no", because of my deadline, but I insisted. So off to dinner we went.

After a couple drinks and a great dinner we were getting ready to leave. I offered to drop her off, but she had another idea. "Why not go back to your place to finsh what we started earlier?" she asked.

I said, "Ropes this time?"

She nodded a resounding yes, then said, "Capture me."

So I did. I made her ride in the back seat after tying her hands behind her back with my leather belt. Once we got back to my apartment, I paraded her in, hands still bound. Luckily for me, none of my other friends decided to show up. The whole way there, I kept talking to her about how she was my hostage and she better do as she was told, or else. I never realized until that moment that Lynne was submissive, because from the looks of it, she was having as much or more fun than I was.

I walked her in the door and into my bedroom, grabbing one of my caneback kitchen chairs on the way. I had her sit down on the chair, then retied her hands, crossed behind the back of the chair with some thick, white rope I purchased for just such an occasion. I asked her how she was doing, and she said, "Great." I grabbed some more rope and tied her ankles together, running a line to a wooded crossmember on the chair. She tested the bonds on her wrists and ankles, struggling for me. Man, did she look hot in those heels! "Ready for more?" I asked and she nodded yes again.

This time I grabbed a relatively long rope and wrapped it around her waist, tying it in front, then running it down between her legs and under her ass, hiking her already short skirt even higher. With a lot more rope left in the piece, I tied it off to the chair, then brought it up to the rung just below the top (behind her back) and anchored it. I then wrapped it around her breasts, about three wraps above and two below, and tied it off. She struggled again for me, as I went into my bag and pulled out a white bandanna. I held it up and pointed to it, she nodded again. As I stepped behind her to gag her, she said, "Am I your captive now?"

And I just said, "Almost -- but you're definitely the hottest thing I've ever seen."

She smiled for just a moment, but the cloth I stuffed in her mouth and tied down with a bandanna made short work of it.

Admiring my work was easy with Lynne -- she made a very active, even vocal captive, struggling and mmmrrruuummphhinng for me. I decided to leave the room and grab a couple beers, came back, ungagged her and gave her a swill. Once she was finished, I gagged her again.

After about twenty minutes of watching this elegant beauty struggle, practically knocking the chair over in the process, I untied her very slowly, taking my time, building the anticipation, especially when I pulled the crotch-rope free. I'm too much of a gentleman to describe the rest of the evening.

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Stories retrieved from Restrained Tastes, on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine
Last edited by Canuck100 5 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Guilt Trip (sequel from Serendipity)
by Mark

I expected a phone call early the next morning from Lynne - but it never came. The night before was so hot, with Lynne the perfect captive, I thought for sure she'd call to set up another encounter, or even just to talk as friends.

After two days, I decided to stop by her apartment to see what happened.

Just as I expected - she was overwhelmed by the whole experience. Except for playing childhood games with her older brothers, no one had ever tied her up before - and she was having a crisis, mainly because she liked it so much. I was pretty freaked out myself - one of the hottest times I ever had with someone I really cared about was about to be ruined forever by nothing more than good old-fashioned Catholic guilt.

I decided to take the high road and thank her for the time we did spend with me, and offered never to bring it up again, just so long as we went back to the way it was before she struggled for me.

To my surprise, she said, "I didn't want that - I thought you were going to talk me out of the way I feel right now." Never let it be said that women do not surprise you 100% of the time. After an hour of conversation, Lynne made a date with me for later that evening. This time, she said, she wanted to be kidnapped "for real".

After exchanging about 30 seconds of pleasantries, I informed her she was the "lady" of the house and that I was off to war - and warned her to be wary of visiting "strangers". With a nudge that's good as a wink, I slipped out the door, returning exactly 17 minutes later. To add tension, I decided to sneak in the back and completely catch her off guard.

Living on the first floor made this pretty easy, especially since I left the bedroom window unlocked. Once inside, I snuck into the living room, where Lynne sat watching T.V. I tossed a penny into the kitchen, which scared her more than I thought -- she yelled out my name, even said, "You almost had me," and when I didn't respond, she reluctantly headed into the kitchen to check out the noise. Once inside, I grabbed her from behind, hand-gagging her with my right hand while simultaneously using my left hand to grab her left wrist and force it behind her. She instinctively fell to her knees to escape, so I pressed her down further, until she was face-first on the kitchen floor. I grabbed a bandanna from my pocket and stuffed it in her mouth, then grabbed a 5-foot section of rope and tied her hands behind her. Once finished, I tied the bandanna in place and escorted her out to the living room, sitting her down on the couch.

I looked at her and said jokingly, "No funny stuff - you got it?" She nodded, testing her bonds. I continued, "I need a place to hide out - maybe even for a couple days - do as you're told and I can make it real nice for you - cross me and I'll..."

I raised my hand as if to smack her, but reached into another pocket and pulled out another piece of rope. I quickly tied her ankles and ran a loose line up to her wrists, leaving her in a very mild hogtie. She struggled a bunch for me as I pretended to check out the apartment. After about 20 minutes, I untied her feet and walked her into the kitchen, sitting her down in the same chair I tied her to during out last encounter. After tying her ankles to the chair, I offered her some food. I exchanged the gag for a blindfold and made and fed her some French Toast (my specialty). She joked about this being the mildest kidnapping ever, which just made me get more serious.

After feeding her, I pretended to hear a noise out front. So I quickly gagged her, untied her feet and walked her quickly into the bedroom, where I retied her ankles, tied her knees, added a crotch rope, and tied her breasts bikini-style. I told her not to make a sound, that someone's at the door, and damn if she didn't comply nicely.

The addition of a blindfold had her constantly guessing as to what was real and what was fiction, so I played it to the hilt. I pretended to get caught and fight some other men, then walked heavily into the bedroom, talking in a much deeper voice, telling Lynne, "Look what so-and-so left for us!" She squirmed and struggled as the "bad guy" unbuttoned her blouse and grabbed her ass. I tossed her onto the bed and she struggled more, playing it for all it was worth.

She murmphed through her gag three times quickly (our signal) so I took it off, expecting it to be too much for her. Instead she said, still in character, "You'll never get away with this!"

So I said, still in character, "I'll do what I want, I'm calling the shots here."

What happened next is between two consenting adults. Afterwards, I retied her and carried her out to the living room sofa, this time leaving her in a stricter hogtie. I put a knife on the coffee table and left the room. When I returned, Lynne discovered the knife was rubber and frustrated, she struggled on the living room floor. I picked her back up, put her on the sofa and said, "The coast is clear."

I left, returning a couple minutes later to rescue the fair damsel from her "ordeal". We talked some, played some more, and she spent the night with an ankle loosely tied to the bed.

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Stories retrieved from Restrained Tastes, on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine
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