Mason : 14 - The Mummy (M self, F/M) - Mason's Adult Experiences

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Mason : 14 - The Mummy (M self, F/M) - Mason's Adult Experiences

Post by Canuck100 »

Mason's Adult Experiences
14 - The Mummy
Story index at the bottom


I began experimenting with mummification bondage after surfing around the Internet and seeing several pictures that I really liked. I could not help thinking that it looked awfully inescapable, which of course adds to the whole appeal of such bondage and so I decided to give it a go.

For those of you wondering exactly what mummification bondage is, just go to any museum and look at the ancient mummies contained within the Egyptian section. The Egyptians used to preserve the dead by mummifying them in cloth and bandages to ensure that the departed person's body would remain intact for life in the afterworld. It was also why the tombs of the rich and particularly royalty were packed with all kinds of fabulous treasures for use in that world. In fact, preparing the incumbent Pharaoh for his new life after death was an entire industry. But I digress - this is not a history lesson…

Therefore, to mummify someone is to wrap them up from head to toe in various materials such as wet cloth, bandages or cling wrap so that they cannot move.

Because I enjoy the feeling that plastic imparts on my skin very much, I decided to combine my favourite fetish with a little self-bondage. For my first attempt with self-mummification, I bought a roll of cling wrap and some grey super-sticky duct tape from the supermarket. I would use these to restrain myself. Unfortunately, because my girlfriend lived overseas, I knew that I would only be able to wrap my legs and torso up - doing the arms would be impossible so I got out the handcuffs which I like to use for self bondage as well as my favourite strap-on harness 2" ball-gag. It straps around the head, over, and under the chin as well. Once on, it is not coming off! It is a very secure gag and that is why I like it so much. The other reason I love being ball-gagged is because it makes me feel particularly helpless once my mouth has been filled up and I cannot utter any intelligible sound.

I also ensured that the keys which I would need to unlock my handcuffs was within easy reach as well as a sharp knife and a pair of scissors which I would use to cut myself free. Because I was not sure how easy it would be getting free, I had added those at the last moment.

The last thing I wanted was to spend an entire night bound and gagged with no hope of release until the next morning - never mind the humiliation sure to follow… The fear of discovery is possibly the greatest single motivation in ensuring that you can get free from any kind of self-imposed bondage!

I began by gagging myself before tackling the roll of cling wrap which I had lying on the bed next to me. It was a hot night (it was early summer) so I had stripped down to my birthday suit mainly because I wanted to experience that feel of the plastic wrap clinging against my body and also because I knew it would be easier to apply as well.

The first step was to wrap the plastic several times around my shins just above my left foot so that it would not slip. Then I brought my legs together as if I was going to bind them together with rope and began the job of wrapping myself up.

It was not long before I found how hard it is to wrap yourself up when you have no one to help. Bending down and keeping my balance while attempting to achieve a smooth consistency of cling wrap around my legs was far from easy. Nevertheless, I persisted because I really wanted to find out what being mummified (even if only partially) felt like.

Eventually, I succeeded in completely encasing my legs in numerous layers of plastic. The roll was around one foot wide and I tried as much as possible to achieve a 2 or3-inch overlay so that each wrap progressed further up my legs by that amount as well as ensuring that I would be properly cocooned. One layer of cling wrap is particularly delicate; it is not strong and tears easily. But place a layer of that same wrap on top of each other so that it is overlapping numerous times and its strength is surprising. I could hardly move my legs.

However, I still wasn't satisfied. In order to achieve that feeling of being really bound, I tore off a strip of duct tape before wrapping it very tightly around my ankles. This ensured that I would be able to wriggle around far less easily than before as well as heightening the delicious feel of captivity. More tape went around my legs just above and below the knees. Very nice. I liked the way it looked and felt. Because it was quite warm, the plastic wrap was really beginning to cling against my skin. It was almost like a second skin.

I don't have to describe how my body was reacting to all that stimuli except to say that those who have ever experienced being bound will know how I was feeling then!

I continued working my way up my torso and the further up I progressed, the easier it was to apply the tape so that it sat smoothly all around me. The feeling of encasement began to intensify as I began to work my way back downwards. Unfortunately, I had only been able to progress as far as my shoulders (just under the armpits) but it was a very nice feeling. The sticky plastic was clinging beautifully against my bare skin. I could not help wondering how it would feel if only I had someone to wrap my arms alongside so that I really would be mummified and unable to escape.

It was not until I began working my way back down my legs before I noticed how unyielding and inflexible all those layers of wrap were. I was surprised how hard it was to bend down and I could barely touch my ankles. I remember being very glad that I had taken the time to secure my ankles further before progressing because it would have been impossible to do the same thing now.

After patting the last strip of cling wrap down just below my thighs, I secured it in place with more duct tape as tightly as I could. The duct tape was not as tight as rope but it was still pleasantly firm. I really was beginning to feel pretty excited now. The combination of all that plastic, my bondage and the gag was doing terrible things to my body!


Once again, I was surprised to see how hard it was moving around while I was encased within multiple layers of stiff unyielding plastic. That combination of cling wrap and duct tape was strong! Even lying down on the bed turned out to be a mildly tricky operation because my legs had been totally immobilised in a way not possible with rope. After lying there for a few minutes and catching my breath, I took the plunge and locked my hands behind my back with the handcuffs.

Although I could see the key within easy reach, I had to fight back a deep feeling of apprehension, as I lay helplessly bound and gagged. I knew that the only way I would be able to get that gag and the cling wrap off was to unlock those cuffs. I would have to be careful. What if the key slipped under the bed? I would be up Shit Creek without a paddle. I was so thoroughly gagged that no one would be able to hear my cries for help. That gag was tight and my jaws were already beginning to ache a little.

Eventually, I began to relax and really enjoy my bondage although I could not help musing for the umpteenth time how much better it would be if I was completely wrapped up.

I was so excited that after a couple of hours, sleep still eluded me and I was beginning to feel exhausted so I set about freeing myself. By now, I was a sweaty lather beneath the plastic - it was a heavenly feeling and I could not help feeling regretful that I would have to cut it away.

Unlocking the cuffs was easy but shedding my plastic cocoon turned out to be harder than I had expected even with the help of the knife and scissors. I had wound it so tightly around myself that I had to take great care not to cut myself when removing it. The last thing I wanted was a gruesome accident around where my most private parts are located….

After freeing myself, the next order of business was obtaining some kind of release… (nope, I won't go into details except to say I felt much better!) And I did sleep very well afterwards as well.

All in all, it was a thoroughly pleasurable introduction to the joys of mummification although I knew rope would always remain my first love, in a manner of speaking. I knew that I wanted to try it again. Additionally, I had never realised that cling wrap could be every bit as effective (not to mention wonderfully tactile) as rope with restraining someone.


Eventually, I met up with my girlfriend, whom I shall call "G", again and although G is not really into bondage herself, (she will not allow me to tie her up under any circumstances whatsoever) she has always been generally quite happy to accommodate my requests after an initial nervous beginning when she found it so hard to understand why I would want to be tied up like that. I still remember her plaintive, "Why do you want to hurt yourself?" and I had to explain how it was about receiving pleasure not pain.

G and myself had travelled down from her country home to the big city and so it was that we both had a little more time than usual on our hands. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to pack my rope and gag (would you believe it?) and therefore I would have to go without any bondage until we returned although the subject of mummification was still uppermost in my mind. It was as good a time as any to give it another go… G was surprised but interested when I explained what I wanted to do and much to my delight, she was actually quite enthusiastic about the whole thing, I suppose because it was so different. Maybe that was also because G found cling wrap less threatening than rope because she was still relatively new to this bondage business.

Fortunately, our hotel was located next to a major shopping mall so obtaining the required supplies was easy. In Australia, the largest rolls of cling wrap contain only 90 metres (about 300 feet) but I was able to buy a roll containing an incredible 1000 feet (around 300 metres) which meant that I would certainly have more than enough wrap to play with! After buying some duct tape from the hardware store in the same mall, we returned to the hotel before relaxing in front of the TV for a while.

Eventually, it was time to retire for the night and I suggested that G could tie me up then, just for a few hours, mind.

Her reply shocked and delighted me. "Ok, but you stay tied all night!"

"No, no, I don't want that," I said hoping that G would rise to the bait.

"No, you stay tied up for the night," she smirked. "I'm not going to free you until tomorrow morning." I remember being thrilled because she was really beginning to get into this bondage bit. I had been secretly hoping that she would 'dominate' me like this and it looked like she was getting the hang of this. Sometimes, half the fun is being made to 'submit' like this because then it makes your bondage that much more absolute, that giving up of your freedom. On one hand, while I was not terribly enthusiastic about being kept bound all night, I could not help hoping that G would carry out her threat.

Because G had never done anything like this before, I had to show her what to do - though I will say that she picked it up pretty quickly! I could not believe how much easier it was having someone to help with the wrapping. All I had to do was stand still with my legs pressed together while she wound the cling wrap around me as if she was a spider wrapping up her prey. It was not long before my legs were completely immobilised. G gigglingly gave my very erect cock a quick squeeze before continuing upwards. This time, it was much better because my arms were similarly immovable and it was a heavenly feeling being so thoroughly wrapped up like that.

It was also strangely comforting being cocooned like that. I felt very safe and warm while I was being secured inside my plastic "prison". A head shrink would probably sagely opine that "this has to do with being transported back to Mother's womb". Whatever. I have not got much time for theorising like that. I just knew that I liked being mummified like this and I was enjoying the experience very much.

I had to stand at attention as if I was on the parade ground while G continued wrapping me. I had my arms hanging down by my sides with each hand resting on my thighs. It was amazing how strong and firm that stuff was. Although I had experimented with mummification several times before, it was the first time that I had been properly wrapped up like that. It was not long before I found that it was practically impossible to pull my arms upwards. That plastic wrap really clung to my body as though it had been moulded in place.

Because I had my arms secured to my sides, it was much easier for G to cover me with wrap right up to, and over, my shoulders so that only my neck and head was clear. The feeling was unbelievable. It really was like having a second skin applied except that this skin was also to be my prison. I could hardly move because it was just amazingly strong particularly after G had worked her way back down to my ankles. Nope, we did not use the entire roll but I estimated that she had to have used a good 80 to 100 metres of wrap on me. No wonder I could hardly bend over.

After G finished wrapping me up as if I was a parcel being prepared for transshipment, she took the sticky duct tape and further secured me as tightly as possible at ankles, my legs just above and below my knees, thighs, just above my hands and directly above my wrists so that I would not be able to slip them out so easily. As if. I knew that escape was already far distant. I would be staying put until G decided to let me go.

More tape went around my arms just above my elbows and just below my shoulders. That was it. I knew that I would not be going anywhere because I had been so securely and tightly wrapped up. I could not believe how long this entire operation had taken. I reckon it took G a good 45 minutes to complete the job of tying me up. I remember her mild complaint; "This is taking a long time." I have to admit that she looked pretty pleased with herself although I could see surprise on her lovely face as well.

G helped me hop the few short feet to the queen size bed, located by the far wall in front of the TV. This time I was genuinely surprised how hard it was to move. I flopped back onto the bed before trying to squirm around to a more comfortable position away from the edge but I was shocked to see how hard it was to obtain any leverage because my arms had been trussed to my sides. All I could do was lie there on my back like a helpless newborn. I could not move at all save for wiggling my toes and feet. Even rolling to one side was impossible without help. G was all smiles while she helped me move away from the edge until I was safely lying on my back with my head propped up by a couple of pillows. Very nice. I felt extremely safe and secure although the ache down below told me just how much I was enjoying my 'predicament'. Even though our room was air-conditioned I was already beginning to sweat a little. One of the properties of plastic is that it just does not breathe.

After I had settled down, I decided to test the waters by asking, "Are you really going to leave me like this all night?"

I was painfully aware that I would not be able to escape by myself - it would be up to G to decide how long I spent in my plastic cocoon.

G laughed and replied, "Yes, you're going to stay like this until tomorrow!" before adding, "You wanted me to tie you up, now I'm not going to untie you until the morning."

Bliss. It was exactly what I wanted to hear. It was real bondage unlike my self-bondage attempts when I knew I could free myself anytime I wanted (I'm not big on timed-release devices because they are risky) but this was different. Judging from the look on G's face, I had a feeling that she really did intend to carry out her threat and I thrilled to the prospect of being left bound like this all night. Morning was never so far away!

The only downside was a lack of suitable gagging materials - I had left my ball gag behind and we had travelled light. I really would have liked to have been thoroughly gagged as well but nevertheless, I was feeling more than content. One could not have everything, I thought.

After completing her evening ablutions, G returned to bed and gave me a quick cuddle before settling down with a magazine while I relaxed. Well, I could not do much else! I was happily content to lie there and savour one of the best bondages that I had ever experienced. It was amazing how mummification allowed me to combine my plastic fetish with bondage. To say that I was in heaven would be understating the issue because not only had I been properly bound like that but G also appeared to be enjoying it as well - and that was the most important thing. She did seem to be obtaining genuine pleasure from both making me happy as well as my obvious helplessness.

Eventually G finished her magazine and commented that she wanted to go to sleep now. Her concerned, "Are you all right?" belied her previously cavalier attitude. It was nice knowing that if I was genuinely feeling uncomfortable that I would be released, although a part of me was hoping that would not be the case.

I nodded and said, "Yes, I'm fine, thanks."

G smiled and kissed me before repeating her earlier comment, "Don't forget, you're going to stay like this until tomorrow morning. I'm not untying you until then."

"Please, no," I said. "I don't want that." I could not help wondering if G understood that was exactly what I wanted.

"No, no, you stay tied up until tomorrow," she repeated.

I pretended to give in and said, "Do I really have to?"

G's smile was brilliant. "Yes."

I grinned and said, "Ok, I guess it looks like I have to stay like this until tomorrow morning," before adding, "When will you untie me?"

"When we get up," she said.

"I see!" I said. G grinned and snuggled up against me after dousing the bedside light. I have to say it was a very nice feeling being so firmly and securely bound like that with my girlfriend lying next to me. G had thrown one arm over my plastic covered chest while she slept. She is one of those lucky people who drops off quickly. I'd always envied her that ability to sleep anywhere, anytime. Meanwhile I was still feeling far too excited to manage much sleep. I tried to wriggle around to see what leverage I had if any to escape but there was none. My plastic prison was still as firm as ever. I looked like a mummy, I felt like a mummy.

I suppose that eventually I managed to drift off to an uneasy sleep - I remember waking a few times only to find much to my initial surprise and pleasure that I was still wrapped up as tightly as ever. Amazingly, G was still fast asleep and I could not help wondering just how long it would be before I got released. I knew that she would probably let me go if I asked but I wanted to make the most of my captivity while it lasted so I did not try to wake her.

Eventually, much to my chagrin, my left arm began to ache just above the elbow because G had pulled the duct tape very tightly around me at that point and after nearly 5 hours, it was beginning to hurt so I reluctantly had to wake G and ask her to release me.

Initially, she teased me and suggested that maybe I should stay like that until the next morning. However, when I explained how uncomfortable my arm was feeling, G relented and freed me.

On one hand, it was very nice to be free and to be able to move around again and stretch my arms. On the other, I could not help feeling disappointed because I would have liked to have been left trussed up for much longer. If my arm had not begun aching like that, I think I would have remained bound until the next morning.

Still, it was not all bad news… After cleaning up a little (I was very sweaty after such a long time in my plastic cocoon) we cuddled each other for a while before making love. Yep, I had no trouble dropping off after…

I could not help thinking that it had been a very nice experience and that I definitely wanted to do it again so the day before we had to return home, I stocked up on another couple of 1000-foot rolls of cling wrap… In other words, I now had enough cling film to stretch from one end of a typical US super-carrier like the USS Carl Vinson and back.

All wrapped up for the night…

I think it was around a month or so later that I experienced my first real endurance bondage. It began innocently enough when G wrapped me up after I suggested that I would like to give it another go.

As usual, G warned me that I would be spending all night like that. Of course, I had to agree that I would remain bound.

This time, I wanted to go that much further so after G had finished wrapping me up like before, I asked if she could actually tie me down onto the bed itself just to make it that much more inescapable. She was surprised but agreed. As if being wrapped up was not enough….

It was a very warm night as was usual for that time of year so I was beginning to really sweat partly because that plastic just did not breathe and also because of my increasing excitement while G got the rope ready. Because the nights were almost as hot as the days, we generally only slept on the bed itself without even bothering with sheets unless it was particularly cool or during the rainy season when the temperatures would be a little lower. Therefore, tying me down on the bed did not present any problems.

G began with my ankles, which she had already further immobilised with duct tape. It was overkill and we both knew it but then, that is not the point of bondage is it? The thrill comes from being really helplessly bound with not the slightest possibility of escape. Even assuming that I would somehow have been able to lever myself off the bed on my own before hopping off, the ropes ensured that I would be staying put for the duration.

She doubled the rope so that it hung in 2 equal lengths before passing the ends around my ankles in a lark's head knot and pulling it tight. A couple of wraps later and another knot to hold everything in place, she passed the twin strands under and over the bed before looping them around the anchor point which she had created and snugging everything up before creating another very tight knot so that nothing would slip. My body thrilled while G fastened me to the bed ever more securely with another length of rope, just above my knees. I was now completely and utterly helpless. I hope this does not sound cliched but I literally could not move at all. I could wiggle my feet a little, move my head around and that was about the extent of the movement I had. Another length of rope went around my waist before being tied off so that I was firmly pinned down on the bed like some bizarre entomological exhibit. Escape was a million miles away and I knew that I would not have it any other way.

G was all smiles while she held up my ball-gag. "Do you want me to gag you now?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yes, please."

"You stay gagged all night," she commented. "You stay like this until tomorrow morning, ha?" Another beaming smile. "You like, ha?"

I nodded again. As if I had much choice… Sometimes it is the psychological that does the trick far more efficiently than simply the physical and relinquishing all control to G ensured that I would be able to experience the special joy of real, absolute bondage. It was a very nice feeling, heightened by my utter helplessness. I could not move at all! My plastic cocoon was all and I knew how much I wanted to remain like this for as long as possible.

"I gag you now," G said. "It stays on until tomorrow," she continued while pushing the fat red ball in my mouth and effectively muffling any speech I was capable of before strapping everything up as tightly as she could.

Bound. Gagged. Helpless. I thought that I had died and gone to heaven. I wriggled and struggled around in my plastic cocoon but of course my exertions had not the slightest effect. The cling wrap clung to almost every inch of my body as though it had been poured in place around me. I just could not move at all! Additionally, the extra pressure coming from the ropes holding me down was also enormously thrilling. I remember wondering how long I would be able to last this time. So far, my best was five hours. But it seemed everything had really come together this time. Not too tight, not too loose. Just right.

I settled down to relax while G showered before returning to bed. Because she was also feeling unusually relaxed as well, G decided to take the time to continue with the book that she was reading before lights out. I remember just lying there and watching G while she read. Every now and again she would look up to see how I was going. Although I could not say anything because of my rather tight gag, G could easily tell that I was enjoying myself and that knowledge reassured her.

Eventually after checking that I was still fine, G turned off the light after warning me that she did not want to be woken unless absolutely necessary. As usual, it was not long before she was fast asleep and I could not help wondering how I was going to wake her because of the gag strapped in my mouth as well as being so securely wrapped up and tied down on the bed itself. I could wiggle my feet but that was about all.

Amazingly, despite my bondage and that gag, I somehow found myself drifting off to sleep as well before waking when G began to move around. Apparently she wanted to go to the toilet so after she returned, I took the opportunity to get her to un-gag me because my jaw was beginning to feel extremely achy. I would have liked to have worn it for longer but I wanted to be able to get some sleep as well and I wasn't sure if I would be able to rouse G if need be.

However, I was still feeling comfortable if a little sweaty. My ankles and knees also ached a little from being pressed together so firmly for so long but it was quite bearable and I really was not in much discomfort. Even so. I knew that I wanted to remain bound for as long as I possibly could. It was a heavenly feeling being tied up like that. It was real restraint of a kind which I had rarely experienced before and I wanted to make it last.

Time passed as if in a dream. I drifted in and out of sleep and always I found myself unable to move when I woke. I could not even stretch like I normally would do before turning over or snuggling up closer to G. Nevertheless, the time passed much faster than I thought it would and suddenly it was dawn - I could see the first rays of sunshine lighting up the world outside.

Eventually G finally woke and I think she was amazed to see me still bound like that. I don't think she had really expected me to last the distance, despite her teasing. By now I had been bound like this for almost ten hours but I was feeling fine if a little tired because I had not slept quite as well as I normally would have because of my excitement and the relative discomfort of my bondage. However, it was not like I was actually in any pain or anything like that because I wasn't.

"Do you want me to unwrap you now?" G asked after returning from the toilet. I thought about it for a moment. On one hand, while I wanted to be free, I also wanted to see how much longer I could make it last. "I'm going to the market now so I won't be able to untie you until I get back. Do you want me to leave you like this until I get back?"

"How long do you think you will be?" If G was going to be any length of time, then I would get her to untie me now but if she was not going to be too long, I would get her to leave me like this until she returned. I also knew that if she did not go now, it would be too hot later to really think about shopping for the meat and veggies we needed.

"About an hour or so," she replied.

"I see," I mused. "In that case, I think I'd like to stay like this for a little longer."

G was doubtful. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. I wanted to do it. See if I could last the distance. Make it an even 12 hours in bondage.

G shrugged. "Ok. Do you want me to gag you again?"

"Yes please." I did enjoy wearing that gag although it meant I would be doubly helpless until she returned because I would not be able to call out for help. No one would be able to hear my extremely muffled cries. Although I knew it was dangerous being tied up and left alone especially with a gag in my mouth, I was too far gone to care.

"Are you sure you will be all right?" G asked after re-gagging me. I happily nodded although I was feeling a bit nervous. This was real bondage! There would be no help or possibility of release until she returned. That ball-gag was really filling my mouth and I could hardly utter a single intelligible sound.

A quick kiss - on the ball wedged in my mouth. "Bye…"

The house seemed eerily silent after I heard the front door click shut. I was all alone. Home alone. Helplessly bound and gagged. I wriggled around experimentally to see how much movement I had because I had noticed that my plastic cocoon was not quite as tight as before. My exertions as well as the sweat which my body had generated overnight had caused the plastic to loosen and I could move my arms sideways, up and down a little. Even though G had added another rope around by body, just above the elbows only a few minutes ago, I still had a reasonable amount of movement because she had not tied it around me as tight as she should have…

Emboldened, I struggled harder. I wanted to see if I could escape. Although I did want to remain bound, I also wanted to see if I could get free. I grinned inwardly. Wouldn't G get a shock if I were up to greet her when she returned?

Much to my surprise, the plastic loosened further and I struggled harder. I pulled my right arm up as much as I could because I knew if I could get that free then I would be able to untie the ropes holding me down on the bed before getting the knife and cutting my way out. Suddenly, much to my shock, it popped free.

Freedom beckoned.

Untying myself was easy, if slow after that and cutting myself free was simplicity itself.

On one hand while I was happy to be able to stretch out and relieve the pressure on my knees and ankles, I could not help feeling slightly chagrined. I had really enjoyed my captivity and it would have been nice to have remained bound for a bit longer.

Even so. I was looking forwards to giving G a shock when she got back…

After showering and a quick breakfast, I settled down with a book and waited for G to return.

Click… I watched the door open.

G walked in.

"Oh hi," I casually said. "How did the shopping go?"

"Yeee-eek!" G was so startled that I swear she jumped almost a foot in the air. Astonished, she looked at me and asked, "How did you get free?"

"Aaah," I cheekily replied. "That is for me to know and for you to find out."

I don't think G was terribly impressed with my flippant reply because she asked, "Want a slap?"

"It's OK," I laughed. "I don't want a slap." While I helped G get the shopping inside, I explained how I had escaped.



I really enjoyed that mummification bondage.

I think that I would like to try it again but for a full 24 hours.

I actually talked to G about giving it a shot but for one reason or another, we never got around to trying.

However, in hindsight, I would do a number of things differently to give me a good chance of cracking the 24-hour barrier.
My ankles and knees got very uncomfortable after around 6 hours or so from being pressed together so tightly for so long. One Internet website which I later visited after returning home, suggested that it would be a good idea to place some padding between both so I will try that next time.
Although I had remained bound for 11 hours, I was surprised with the ease that I was able to escape my plastic prison. Next time, I will get G to bind my wrists to each thigh first before wrapping me up. Because duct tape can really hurt upon removal, I will cover my wrists and thighs first with a small amount of plastic wrap before lashing each together. I think that will ensure that I will not be going anywhere in a hurry…
Lastly, I would probably try to pick a slightly cooler time of year so that I do not sweat quite so much and loosen the plastic that way.
Well, I hope that you enjoyed my tale - if you have ever experimented with mummification like I have, I'd like to hear from you.

Mason's Childhood Bound Stories
Mason's Adult Experiences Mason's stories were retrieved from the Internet Wayback Machine

More about Mason - how he got into TUGs, also on the Internet Wayback Machine