Jennifer : 01 - My First Time (f/mf)

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Jennifer : 01 - My First Time (f/mf)

Post by Soraka »

Jennifer's stories
01 - My First Time
Story index at the bottom

By Jennifer

It has been a few weeks since I last posted a story here or on Canucks site. I have been debating for a while what to post, but I finally came to a decision. I still have quite a few experiences that stand out in my mind from my childhood. However, I have been reading through the archives on Canucks Site and the new message board area, and have seen quite a few stories about people's first tie up experiences. I realized that I never shared my first time being tied up with this board. So, I thought I would take a few pages and post this story. I apologize in advance. I don't remember the story as well as some of the other ones that I posted on this board, this is combination of my own memories and some of the events that my brother told me about. So, here we go.

I was five or six at the time of the story in question. I am not quite sure of my age at the time or the exact day. My memory from that time is still a little foggy on the details. I talked to Sean on-line about it a few days ago, and he is unsure of when it happened. It was a cold and rainy weekend in November that year. I don't remember if it was before or after my sixth birthday though.

It was a cold and rainy Saturday in November that year and it was midmorning. I was sitting in my room bored out of my mind. I had already been up for a few hours and eaten breakfast for the day. I had also changed out of my jammies and I was wearing a pink T-shirt and a green pair of sweat pants with white socks if I remember correctly. I stood at the window in my room looking out into the rain wishing that it would stop. I preferred to play outside when I could at that age, but my mother refused to allow me to play outside in the rain on such a cold day. So, I had spent the majority of my morning playing in my room. I glanced over at the dollhouse that I had been playing with for most of the morning, but some how I had already lost interest in it for the morning. I turned my gaze back to the raindrops falling outside wishing that they would stop. Strangely, all of my siblings were home for the day, which was the usual for the Saturday. But I hadn't seen any of them that morning.

I decided in my young impatience that I had waited long enough and that it was time to look for something to do. So, I got up and left my room in search of my brothers and Mary in hopes that one of them would be willing to play with me. I headed down the hallway through the kitchen to the living room where I assumed they would be. However, once I arrived the only one that I found was Scott who was sitting in the living room eating a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons on the TV. He usually got up later than I did on the weekends. He was still in his pj's sitting on the couch. "Hi, Scott well it's raining outside will you play with me?" Scott turned his gaze towards me and acknowledged my precession. He told me that he was too busy to play with me at the moment and that he wanted to enjoy his day off watching cartoons. He explained that I was not in school yet and that I had everyday at home to play. However, he only got the weekends off and he didn't want to play with me this morning. I pouted and called him mean, but in the end he was not getting off the couch and said maybe we would play later if I wanted to.

Disappointed, I headed back through kitchen back towards my room. I was really getting bored and I wanted something to do. My mother was out for the early part of the morning. She was out shopping or running errands, I don't remember exactly, but she wasn't home to play with me that morning. Mary had been left in charge, as she usually was when my parents were out. She was more than experienced and old enough to keep an eye on us. She was in the later years of high school and had been baby-sitting us for a couple of years. So I knew that she was home, but I hadn't seen her since breakfast this morning. Sean was also home, but was also mysteriously absent this morning. I usually preferred to play with Scott when I could because he was closer to my own age. But I was desperate and sometimes Sean would play checkers or another board game and anything was better than sitting next to window waiting for the rain to stop.

I decided to look for Sean at the most likely place other than the living room. I moved down the hallway and to where his room was located. It was a short hike and down the hall from the room Scott and I shared. I arrived at the door to find it closed. Sean was usually up by this time even for a Saturday. I thought it was strange for him not to be out and about at this hour. I decided that I would look in on him and see if he was asleep because I wanted to ask him if he would play with me. I reached up to the door knob and turned it quietly and gently pushed the door open. If Sean was asleep I didn't want to wake him up. He was always cross when he was awakened from his slumber. Then I looked over at the bed, but my brother wasn't sleeping. My eyes arrived on a very strange sight. (Not that it would seem that uncommon later in my life, but I had not played any yet, so what I found looked a little out of place.) Sean turned his glance over at the door with a look of surprise on his face at my entering.

My brother was sitting on the bed dressed in a pair of flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt. However, his outfit wasn't what caught my attention. I entered the room and took a closer look at him mostly out of curiosity. He was sitting up on his bed with his legs stretched out in front of him. There were two coils of rope wrapped and cinched around his legs at the ankles and knees. He leaned back against the headboard of the bed trying to hide his arms from my view. However, I hiked around to the edge of the back of the bed and looked at what he was trying to hide. Sean's wrists were tied crisscross behind his back tightly with white clothesline. There were also a few coils of rope around his upper arms that pinned them to his body. They were cinched off under the arms to prevent him from pulling out of the upper arm tie. Overall, he was pretty helpless and his efforts to hide his predicament were pretty useless against my intrusive stare. I took a moment to take in the situation and let it run through my mind. Then I decided to petition my brother for an explanation.

"Sean, why are you tied up, are you being punished or something?" I asked pretty directly. I had seen the idea in several cartoons and a couple of movies over the years. I knew that the purpose was to make it harder for someone to move around. However, this was the first time that I had seen anyone tied up in real life and it spiked my curiosity as to why my brother was tied up. Sean weighed the question carefully before he gave me an answer. After a few moments he responded, "I am not tied up because I am being punished, I am because it is kind fun." I looked at him with another look of curiosity in my eyes. His answer was even more confusing than the situation that I had arrived in. "Who tied you up?" My brother looked over at me. "Mary did, it is kind of a game that we play sometimes. We have been doing it for a couple of years now. It is just something that we do for fun, kind of like playing checkers or tag." He explained. I could tell that he was having a difficult time finding a good way to explain this to me at my young age. The fact that he was all tied up at the moment was making it much more difficult. I watched as he shifted and squirmed around in his ropes.

It was clear that Sean was uncomfortable with the idea of taking to me about this, but tied like he was there wasn't anything that he could do about it. It was kind of neat about to be in control of the situation. Then I heard footsteps coming down the hallway to the room where Sean and I were. A few moments later Mary came into the room. "Sean how are you holding up?" She asked as she entered the room. Sean wiggled around uncomfortably in his ropes and fixed his gaze on me. "I am okay Mary, but we have an uninvited visitor." Mary followed my brother’s eyes and looked down out me where I was standing near the end of the bed. "Hello, Jennifer how are you doing this morning?" I told her that I was fine and requested the same questions that I had asked Sean earlier. Mary nodded and told me that we should go and talk about this in the hallway. Then she gestured for me to exit the room. I left the room reluctantly and waited in the hallway for my explanation. Mary checked with Sean one more time before she followed me and closed the door behind her.

I had been waiting for more than a minute and I came right out and asked her the same set of questions that I asked Sean. I wanted to know why Sean was tied up and why she was the one that tied him up. Mary's explanation was more forth coming and better than the curt answer that Sean had given me. She explained that Sean and her had been tying each other up on and off for a couple of years now. It was just a game that they played sometimes because they liked to be tied up. I asked her why they wanted to be tied and she told me that it was just a fun activity to try. It was fun to try and see if they could escape, but it was also a challenge to see if they could keep the other one from escaping. I nodded, the explanation seemed clear enough and I was somewhat interested in the subject. I asked my sister if she would play with me because I was bored. She told me that she would in a little bit, but she needed to keep an eye on Sean. Mary explained that it was dangerous to leave someone tied up by themselves without checking in on them on and off in case something happened.

I was disappointed with her response. Then an idea began to form in my head and I looked up at my sister who had walked back over to Sean's door. She was about to go inside when I looked up at her and asked the fateful question. "Can I play that game with you and Sean? I want to try being tied up." Mary looked over at me not quite sure how to respond to my request. She let it sink in for a moment and considered it. Then she gave me a response. "I think you are a little young for it Jennifer, maybe you can try it when you are older." Her response was a little less than what I wanted to hear. So, I started to complain that I was plenty old to be tied up and started to yelling at her. We argued about it for quite a while back and fourth as siblings often do, I was just short of throwing a tantrum. Finally, Mary gave into my protest and told me that I could try if I really wanted to. Then she opened the door to Sean's room and beckoned me to come inside.

Sean was still struggling against his ropes on the bed. He seemed surprised to see me enter the room and looked over at Mary with a questioning look. "We knew that it was just a matter of time before Jennifer found out about our games. She wants to give it a try and I don't see a problem with it." Sean told her it was fine with him and nodded. Mary went over to the chest of drawers and opened the top drawer then she pulled out a coiled up length of white clothesline that was about 7 or 8 feet in length then she asked me to come over to where she was. I ran over to her. I was excited about trying this out. It was like finally being accepted at something that seemed reserved for older kids and I was going to have a turn at a right of passage.

Mary gently took hold of my right hand and looped one end of the rope around it and knotted it gently off. Then she took hold of my left arm and pulled them together in front of me and began to circle them with the rope. She made several turns with the rope and tied my hands together in front of me. Then she cinched the middle of the tie off a couple of times with the rest of the rope. Finally, she knotted the end of the rope with the short tale that she left from the first knot to complete the tie. The she stood up and stepped back "There, now you’re tied up, so what do you think?" I looked down at the ropes on my hands and then I looked over at my brother who was all trussed up on the bed. Somehow I felt like I was getting the short end of the stick here. "Aren't you going to tie me up like Sean is?" I asked. Mary shook her head, "It is your first time and I don't want it to be scary for you. Sean has been tied up quite a few times and he is pretty good at escaping. So, I have to tie him up better than you so that he cannot escape. That is all I am going to do to you for today. Try it out and if you like doing it we can try using more rope next time. Besides, I doubt that you can get out of that, give it a try."

I accepted my sister's explanation and looked down at the ropes on my wrists. I gave them a few solid tugs and found that my sister was correct in her assumption. I could not get the ropes off of my hands and they did make it difficult to move around. I spent the next few minutes struggling and testing the limits of my movement. The concept was new to me and it was pretty neat to be tied up. It was becoming clear why Sean and her liked to do this from time to time. I struggled around for few minutes, frustrated with my lack of progress. I intermittently looked up at Sean, who's situation was much more difficult than mine. But, mostly I concentrated on my own ropes. I must have stood there for about 15 to 20 minutes before I just gave up on struggling. I certainly wasn't the escape artist that I made myself out to be. But it was a neat experience nonetheless. Mary and Sean both watched as I struggled against the tie in vain. Finally Mary spoke up at asked me if I was having fun or if I wanted to be untied.

I told her that I was having fun, but I wanted to stay tied up a little longer. She nodded and told me that I could for a little while, but that if my wrists started to hurt I should ask to be let go. I asked if it was okay if I went back to the living room to watch TV like this. She thought it over for a minute and told me that it was okay, but that she would be in to check on me in a little while. With that I exited the room and head back down the hallway and through the kitchen. I don't know what fascinated me about the situation so much. I suppose that part of if was the challenge of trying to escape from the ropes. But, more of it seemed to come from the idea that I couldn't freely move my hands and there was also the issue that I had been accepted into a new game by my older brother and sister. I entered the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Scott. I spent the next 20 minutes or so switching my attention between the ropes on my hands and the TV, for the most part Scott ignored me. It seemed that my predicament was not out of place to him. (I would ask him later and find out that he had already played a couple of games like this one with Mary and Sean. He didn't mind playing, but it wasn't as exciting for him as it was for me. In fact, he preferred to do the tying rather than be tied.)

Suddenly, the front door opened and my mother entered the room with two bags in her hands. Apparently she was back from her errands. She walked over to the couch to greet us and looked down at me. I had to admit that she seemed quite surprised to find me with my hands tied together. "Mary!!" She shouted as she walked into the kitchen depositing the bags on the table. Mary came down the hallway into the kitchen to acknowledge my mother's calling. Then they began having a rather long conversation about the matter. I could tell by the voice pattern that my mother was upset and that Mary was taking it a lot calmer than she was. She explained how I found Sean and expressed my curiosity at it. Then she went into the details about what happened. After everything was in the open and a long pause the two of them came back into the room where Scott and I were seated on the couch. My mother walked over to where I was seated and looked down at me again.

She asked me if I was okay and if I wanted to be untied. I explained to her that I was having a fun time and it was fun to have a chance to have a common game with Sean and Mary. My understanding of the situation was pretty simple to say the least. Then I asked my mother if I had done something wrong. She rolled her eyes back in her head for a moment then she let her face draw into a smile. My mother said, "No you didn't do anything wrong, I just think that you are a little young for this at your age. But if you are having fun with it and want to try it I will let you." She finished with a heavy sigh, “I want you and Mary to come with me to my room for a few minutes, I need to talk to you about this first though.” Then she reached down and undid the ropes on my hands and beckoned me to come. Mary said that she would be along and asked Scott if he could go and untie Sean, which he replied to with a "sure".

Mary and I followed my mother down to here room at the end of the hallway. She invited us in and told me to have a seat on the end of the bed. For the sake of space and my lake of memory of what was said I am going to summarize this. She talked to us about the issue for a good half hour. She passed on several points to me and went over them again with Mary. She gave me the history about how Mary and Sean began playing these games and Mary added her two cents here and there. Originally, my parents had tried to discourage the idea altogether, but it continued behind their backs. Finally, my mother decided that if the games were going to happen between my brother and sister, it was better to try and direct their flow rather than fight a secret battle. My mother accepted that the games were going to happen, so she set down some guideline of what we could and couldn't do, mostly for safety. She also explained that she knew my finding out about them wasn’t impossible, but she had wished I waited until I was older. My dad had played similar games as a kid and he thought they were harmless enough, while my mother still thought the idea was strange. After our talk she asked me to leave the room and had a long talk with Mary about the situation. Later Mary told me that it was mostly that she wanted her to take it easier on me and not tie me up too tight early on. It was a while before I got another chance to play, but it was an interesting first experience that I will never forget.

Well, that about wraps up my first story. Sorry that I couldn't get as many details as I normally do, but I don't remember being that young too well. Some of my later experiences are better ingrained in my forehead. The role that my parents played in our games was just one of acceptance. They decided a long time ago that it was better to monitor our games rather than outlaw them. At least that way they could control what went on better. They never took an active roll in tying any of us up directly, but they kept watch from the side lines. I started playing tugs at a young age and grew to like them more and more as I got older. Mary and Sean were great about it too. They never forced me to be tied up and Mary made sure to ease me into the games little by little. It was quite a while before she tied my hands behind my back and even then it was at my own request. Scott didn't mind being tied from time to time, but he didn't care for it as much as I did. It also brought me and Sean a whole lot closer together. We both like being tied up as kids and it was something that we shared. The situation wasn't as elaborate as some of the stories that I post from later in my life. Still, it is a fond memory for me. Well, I hope that you enjoyed the story.

Until next time, Jennifer

Jennifer's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section
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Post by hb54 »

Pleas could you not put storykodes and original autor in the title.

Many of the storries you put up is interesting, but it would be easyer to sort out whitch of them I like most to read that way.
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Post by Soraka »

hb54 wrote: 6 years ago Pleas could you not put storykodes and original autor in the title.

Many of the storries you put up is interesting, but it would be easyer to sort out whitch of them I like most to read that way.
Sorry, don't have time to re-read all the stories right now.
Most of them are M|F/F
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Post by Wyrade »

I compiled Jennifer's stories into a single docx and spent around two months proofreading the entire thing.
I tried to send it to Jennifer, back in January, through the e-mail address that was on her old website,, but got no reply, so I decided to share it here so you can enjoy it.
Original images included, along with extra images that were on her old site (no nudity).

(You can navigate the chapters in Word after you download it by pressing Ctrl+F to open the Navigation panel, then clicking the "Headings" tab inside that.)

Link to view: ... Zw_JA/view
Direct download link: ... ILwC5Zw_JA
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