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infmed88 : 03 - Apparently girls rule (ff/mm)

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 6:22 pm
by Soraka
infmed88's stories
03 - Apparently girls rule
Story index at the bottom

By infmed88

by infmed88 » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:56 pm

Hey everyone, i'm matt. this particular story happened back when i was about 16/15, my stepsister would've been about 14. So my friend "chris" and I were just lounging around on the couch playing video games when my sister "katie" and her friend "lauren" come down the stairs. my sister was wearing some tight jeans and a red tank top while her friend lauren was wearing a pair of those skimpy looking gym shorts with a green t shirt. They both plopped down on the couch in between us asking if they could play. I told them no, saying "we're already in a game, besides, girls suck at video games anyways."

Both girls were taken slightly aback by my generalization of an entire sex, but it was my sister who was the first to respond with, "that is such a load of crap! we'd completely own you two at Halo!"

Chris snorted and dismissed the girls the same as i had. I wasnt paying attention to them, but i assume they were both just glaring us while we continued to play. After a few moments Lauren stood up, "come on katie, lets leave them to their little boys only game."

For the next half hour we didnt hear from them again, it wasnt until chris and i both took a quick bathroom break that they made their return. While chris had stayed downstairs, i'd gone to use the upstairs bathroom. As i made my way downstairs i heard grunting noises, i turned the corner and found chris with his hands ziptied behind his back with lauren straddling him keeping her hand over his mouth and katie tightening a second set of zipcuffs around his ankles. It took them several moments before either of them noticed me. I was just beginning to become unfrozen when they both bolted from their positions on top of chris and tackled me to the ground. Chris was powerless to help as lauren pinned me to the ground with her body while katie pulled my hands behind my back. They took their time with me, knowing the only other person who could help me was zipcuffed on the floor.
"Mmmmmpphhh! Hmmpphhh Gmmpphh!"
Lauren kept her hand firmly clamped over my mouth as katie got to work tying my hands and arms up with the lengths of jump rope usually kept out in the garage. Once the girls had my upper body coiled up in jump rope, they moved down to my legs, secureing them at the ankles/knees/thighs with the last of the jump rope. Katie then turned her attention back towards Chris who had been shouting at the girls to let us go while they'd been busy with me. He managed to get out, "you're both so de-mmpphhhh," before my sister pulled off one of her socks and stuffed it into this mouth. I could hear his indignant grunting as katie began replacing the zip cuffs with duct tape. Lauren rolled me over onto my back and sat down on my face, my eyes sticking out enough to be able to look up at her. I shot my hips up into the air in an attempt to buck her off, but it was useless with her ontop of my face. I could only moan and grunt into her crotch as my hands and feet helplessly flailed around in the air.
Though i had lost sight of Chris, i could still hear the distinct sound of duct tape being peeled off of it's roll. Lauren remained seated atop of me, smiling down in victory as she wiggled her hips back and forth toying with me head. As frustrated as i was that we both had let two girls get the better of us, i could also feel my shorts getting tighter as Lauren continued to wiggle her hips back and forth across my face.
"What's wrong Matt, nothing to say?"
"Mmmmphhh hmmmmmmm!"
Lauren continued to mock me from her position of victory for another five minutes until Katie had finished wrapping Chris in what must have been half the roll of duct tape. Katie then stood over me with her second sock in her hand, grinning as she looked down from me, and over to Chris.
"Alright Lauren, lets put the finishing touches on my big brother shall we?"
Without hesitation Lauren scooted back onto my chest, plugging my nose with her fingers so i couldnt refuse the sock being stuffed into my mouth. My sister kneeled over me from the opposite side of Lauren, keeping her hand over my stuffed mouth, "I thought boys were supposed to be tough? Anything to say for youself?"
Chris and I both let a volley of mmmmphs and grunts out at the girls, which of course only made them laugh harder at us. They both stood up and dragged us onto opposite sides of the couch, each girl tucking a controller into the our waistbands. Standing in front of us with their hands placed on their canted hips, they eyed us up and down with grins on their faces before Lauren announced, "we're going to play halo, boys vs girls. we'll finally see which of us are the better players. unless you boys object?"
We both looked over at eachother, then down at our bodies, then back at the girls. This was going to be a long day.

infmed88's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section

Re: Apparently girls rule (ff/mm)

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 6:22 pm
by Soraka
So there the girls stood, staring down at us in triumph as we writhed around the couch with x box controllers stuck down our shorts. I was already humiliated, as was Chris i'm pretty sure, and they hadn't even gotten started. The girls picked up their own controllers and sat back down between us as they had earlier, with my sister next to Chris, and Lauren next to me. Before starting lauren hooked her finger into my waistband and pulled on it, looking down my shorts.
"Hey! Matt's cheating, he's got three joysticks instead of two!"
She let the waistband snap back to my body as her and Katie bursted into laughter, "Oh god Lauren i dont need to know that!"
I could feel my face burning and turning what must have been a strawberry red as i tried to sink into the couch as much as possible. Lauren jostled the controller around in my shorts before giving me a wink and a pat on the head. Once they started the game the taunting and mockery didnt stop, it just kept getting worse. Chris and I could only squirm around as the girls shot holes through us, causing the controllers down our pants vibrate at an almost constant rate. I could hear Chris on the other side of the couch groaning even louder than I was, and could see him straining against the duct tape with his hips shot forward and his feet wildly twitching around,"NNNMMPPHHHH! NMMMPPPHH!"
"Oh great Lauren, now Chris is using a third joystick too. Boys are such cheaters!"
I felt bad for my friend, but was relieved that I wasnt the only one who was quite visibly "excited". The most one sided Halo match i've ever been apart of continued for the next half hour until the girls got bored of playing the game. They both jumped up from the couch, their arms raised in victory, shouting, "Girls win! Girls win!"
Myself and Chris wiggled around on the couch, twisting back and forth while shouting through our gags at the girls to let us go, "HHHMMMPPPPH!!!!! GMMRPPHHH!!"
Katie crossed her arms and stared down at me, "So boys, are you ready to admit defeat at the hands of girls?"
Lauren ignored our nodding heads and muffled protests as she went about fishing the controllers out of our shorts, laughing out loud when there were still bulges in our shorts even without the controllers, "Looks they enjoy video games alot more than we thought."
I avoided making eye contact with Chris, but i'm positive he was just as red as I was. After their giggle fit had subsided, the girls decided it was time to go outside to the pool. Lauren and Katie stood us up and forced us to hop outside, making idle chit chat with us as if they expected us to respond. Once outside, they led us under a tree for shade and taped us front to front. We were both still in our excited states, which made the front to front positioning far more awkward than it would've been otherwise. I'm 100% positive this is the reason the girls bound us together like that in the first place. After the girls had finished securing us as tightly together as they could manage, the shimmied out their clothing and stripped down to their biknis. This did nothing to help me or Chris's situation as we awkwardly squirmed against one another, running out of room in our shorts as we watched the girls undress.
Lauren began laying down beach blankets for the both of them as Katie circled around us, inspecting their handiwork with an evil grin on her face. I could feel Chris getting more excited as Katie leaned against him, asking if he'd learned his lesson. I tried grunting out, "would you calm down already," but was completely silened when Katie plugged my nose with her thumb and finger, preventing me from breathing at all. She released my nose after a few seconds and walked back over to lay down by Lauren, "You boys need some time to calm down, try not to enjoy the view too much."
With the girls now sunbathing, cheshire grins and all, i didnt think there was any way things could be more humiliating than what they already were. That is until about 45 minutes later my mom came out of the back door, asking my sister why she had her brother and his friend bound and gagged.

Re: Apparently girls rule (ff/mm)

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 6:22 pm
by Soraka
My step mother stood in the door way with her hands on her hips, looking on in confusion as her son and the neighbor boy grunted loudly in her diretion as they angrily rubbed up against one another. Lauren propped herself up on her hands in a relaxed position as Katie shot up to meet my mother just as she was walking up to us, "Mom i can explain! The boys were being jerks and kept teasing us how they were better than girls! They wouldnt leave us alone!"

Chris and I both tried drowning out Katie's half truths with our gagged protests, shaking our heads back in forth in denial as she continued to defend her case. Without slowing down she reached over with both of her hands and plugged our noses mid sentence, preventing us from mmmmpphing as we both began struggling furiously for air. After a few seconds of wide eyed panic on our part, she finally released our noses as she awaited judgement from our mother. This wasnt anywhere near the first time she'd found me tied and gagged by my sister, and to this day she's always sides with Katie in what i can only guess is some kind of girls-stick-together mentality. Her hands still on her hips, she turned from Katie to us boys, still loudly protesting through our gags as she looked us up and down. Her eyes stopped scanning and focused on the bulges in our shorts that were still rubbing against eachother anytime either of us squirmed. With a heavy sigh Mom shook her head, grabbed both of our manhood, and shifted them around in our shorts so they were no longer pressing against the other.


"Oh settle down Matthew, i'm doing you a favor. You boys really need to control your hormones better though. Cant the girls sunbathe in piece without you two pitching tents?"

I never thought my face could've gotten any more red than what it had been before, but this was a new level of humiliating, and not just for me. I glanced momentarily at Chris to see he was turning just as red as i felt. After briefly giving eachother an "is she being serious right now" look, we turned back to my mom and sister who had now been joined by Lauren. The three of them stood in a semi circle off to our side, taking turns lecturing us on how we needed to be nicer to them. Both of us boys had given up on shouting through our gags, deciding to silently wiggle and squirm in defeat as the girls pressed on with their lectures. The enitre lecture fest went on for about 30 minutes, in that time neither one of us boys managed to get our "excitement" in check, as there were two girls with well filled out bikinis in front of us. Not to mention Mom, who i know Chris thought was hot.

My mother ended her portion of our little group talk with, "Well i hope you boys learned a lesson about being nice, now if you could only learn how to control thoes hormones of yours. I'm going back into the house girls, i had a long day at work, but i want to let the boys go.........once they've gotten their hormones in check. Make sure they stay in the shade, have fun now."

We all watched as Mom retired to the house. Once she was out of sight the girls turned back to us with those oh so familiar evil smiles on their face. They stood on either side of us in their favorite victory pose, hands placed on their canted hips. They stood their for a few minutes, watching us struggle and listening to our stifled grunts before Lauren grabbed us as repositioned our "excitement" so that they were pressing against eachother again, "I like you boy better this way."

Katie came in from the otherside and leaned against the both us saying, "You boys hear Mom, once you two cool down a little we'll untie you," she paused and looked down at our buleges pressing against eachother before continuing, "but it doesnt look like you're quite there yet."

To ensure neither of us "cooled down" the girls pressed up against our sides and whispered into our ears. I have no idea what Katie said to Chris, but i could feel that it worked on him. I imagine it was similar to what Lauren had whispered to me, "You're so stiff, you need to loosen up a little."

Now that Katie and Lauren had their two prisoners wound up as only two teenage boys could be, they went back to their spots by the pool, posing themselves in ways that made it impossible for us to look away. As Chris and I silently strained against our bonds, pretending that we werent pressing our bulges against eachother, Kaite and Lauren shared a fist bump without looking away from us. I heard Katie mumble "girls rule" to Lauren, and on that day, they did.

Re: Apparently girls rule (ff/mm)

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:02 pm
by Socklover2.0
I’ve always read this story mostly because this one and others written by this user were always very detailed and well thought out even on the old site