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Viking : the new kid (mm/f)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 11:08 pm
by Soraka
by viking » Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:10 am
if you read my first story you already know about my tie up games with the girl next door.
like i mentioned last time we kept up playing these games but they were pretty much the same over again. the summer i turned 6 a new kid at the same age as me moved in to the neighborhood. i got to know him when i still was 5 though.

anyway one day when i was out playing some kind of role play with Bård (you know with toy weapons and so on) Hanne (the girl from the last story) showed up and wanted to play along. we where fooling around like typical 6 and 5 year old kids and it did'nt take long before i found a piece of rope that my dad had used for our boat.
"guess what we are going to play now" i said.
they just looked at me and seemed like a couple of question marks. "we are going to play tie up!"
that was the not so creative name i came up with for our games. Hanne realised pretty soon what this meant and started to run with me and bård right behind. after a while we managed to catch her and led her to a tree to tie her up.

i don't remember what anyone was wearing that day but hanne and i looked pretty mutch the same as the first story i posted.
bård was a blonde kid with hair that got curly if it grew to long, so he usually had it short. blue eyes.

now it's kind of obvious that some kids at that age didn't know much about tying a rope, so we still just wrapped it simply around her and the tree. after a short while we untied her so we could try to catch her again. after a couple of times pretending we were the bad guys bård started to wonder why we only tied her up all the time.
"well who else should we tie?" i asked. "me" he answered.
okey then i thought, and they switched positions so i and hanne could try catching him instead.
when we finnaly caught him, for some reason he always putted his hands in front before we started to wrap the rope around him. hanne by the other hand always had her hands at her sides and since that's what i was used to from the cartoons, i started to question my self why.
after he got realesed they kept switching position of the bad guy and the victim.

it's not really that more to say about the story because we repeated a lot of the same over again.

Re: the new kid

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 6:51 am
by Druidofthewilds
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