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Unknown author : Finals Fantasy FF/FM

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:26 pm
by Tapedup13
I do not remember the author of this story - if you do please remind me so I can give credit.

Finals Fantasy

I could hardly sleep the night before. I just kept thinking about what Ms. Adams said during class that day. I still couldn't quite believe it:
"Alright, tomorrow after you guys finish taking your finals, we will all be playing a little game if you would like. The game is called "˜Prisoner Exchange.'" Nobody said anything; we all just sat there and waited to hear more about this mysterious game. "Here's how it works: you will be placed into groups of two, one guy and one girl. As each girl gets finished with her test I will have her sit next to her partner and then she will be tied to the chair with duct tape. The boys' objective will be to tie me up with the duct tape, retrieve the scissors on my desk, and free their partner before the bell rings." We all just looked at each other, wondering if she was serious about this. 
"Now there are some rules. Only one of you can try it at a time. Also, if I see your face before you are able to free your partner, or if I say "˜help' three times, then you lose. If your group loses then you will both stay in here after school until I leave. If you win, then you both get automatic A's on your tests and can leave after you have succeeded." Everyone agreed to the game, still uncertain if this was really happening.
So the next day I took my normal seat in the back of the room and started the test when the bell rang. I had a lot of trouble concentrating; all I could think of was this game Ms. Adams mentioned the day before and if it had really happened. It wasn't long before the first girl handed in her test and then Ms. Adams led her to a chair and proceeded to tape her to it. The same thing happened every minute or so, and finally I was seated next to my partner.
I looked up as Ms. Adams pulled out the chair next to me and instructed Abby to have a seat. She pulled Abby's hands behind the chair and proceeded to wrap duct tape around her crossed wrists. She wrapped more tape around her waist, her arms, and the chair. Next came her ankles, legs just below the knees, and her thighs were taped to the bottom of the chair. Ms. Adams finished by stuffing a piece of cloth in Abby's mouth and sealed it in with a strip of tape. She struggled and pulled at the tape for a few minutes, but the just sat there and waited for the game to begin.
"Having fun?" I asked Abby sarcastically. She just looked at me as if to say "˜haha very funny' and mmmphed at me a couple times.
"Alright," Ms. Adams announced. "All the tests are in, so you have until the end of class to try and get me. I just want to warn you, no one has ever won this game before." Everyone that still could started talking, discussing how the final went and exchanging strategy for the game. After a couple minutes the first guy made an attempt at capturing our teacher"¦and failed miserably. Ms. Adams was sitting at her computer doing some work, which meant that we were looking at her side. So he walked up to the front of the room, grabbed the role of tape off of the table and, very loudly, started to rip off some strips of tape. Ms. Adams simply turned around, looked at him, and said "you lose."
The attempts after that were far better, but still unsuccessful. Many of them started to actually tape her wrists behind her back, but she would always be able to get a look at their faces. The one who was the closest had brought a ski mask to class in order to conceal his face. He actually was able to get her taped to the chair and gagged her with a piece of tape. He grabbed the scissors and started walking to his partner when we all heard "Mmhelph, helph, help." He was stunned; Ms. Adams had worked the piece of tape over her mouth loose and said the release words. Defeated, he cut her loose and sat back down.
Now I was the only one left, and class was almost over. Abby turned to me with an anxious look on her face, probably thinking come on! What are you wating for?
"Don't worry," I whispered, standing up from my chair. "I know what I'm doin'." It was time to put my plan into action. I walked to the front of the room, making sure she heard me come up behind her. She turned around with one of those "˜seriously, that's the best you got?' looks on her face. Just as she was about to tell me I lost, I held up the hall pass and said "Bathroom?" Dumbfounded, she let me go and turned back to her computer.
Instead of going to the bathroom, I went to my locker and picked up some supplies I brought from home: a roll of duct tape, a pillowcase, and a white ankle sock. On my way back to the room, I ripped of a strip of tape so I wouldn't make any noise, and put everything else in my pockets. Outside the door I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I made sure everything was hidden before I casually opened the door and walked in the room.
I could feel everyone watching me as I walked to the front and put the pass back on Ms. Adams' desk. She didn't turn around, probably expecting me to just sit back down, so I knew this was my chance. I snuck up behind her and quickly brought the strip around her head and pulled it over her mouth. She let out a surprised "˜mmmph!' as I brought out the pillowcase and pulled it over her head. I knew I only had a few seconds before she worked through the piece of tape with her mouth, so I quickly grabbed her arms, pulled them behind the chair and taped them together. I spun her chair around so she faced me just as she let out the first muffled "˜help'. I quickly pulled the pillowcase up just far enough so I could see her mouth and I peeled the piece of tape off just as she finished the second "˜help' and I clamped my hand tightly over mouth. She struggled to get free of my hand gag as I took the sock out of my pocket. 
I removed my hand from her mouth just long enough so I could stuff the sock in her mouth, then I replaced my hand on her mouth so she wouldn't spit it out. Using my free hand and my teeth, I ripped off another strip of tape and placed it over her mouth, followed by another strip. I pulled the pillowcase back down and continued to bind Ms. Adams to her chair, wrapping tape around her waist and above and below her breasts. I then taped up her ankles and her lap to the chair seat, then taped her ankles to the chair seat. She struggled and mmmphed as I grabbed the scissors and set about freeing Abby.
"See," I told her. "I told you I knew what I was doin."
"Well you sure took your sweet time doing it," she replied after she spat the cloth out of her mouth. 
"I wanted to see if anyone else could do it." After Abby was free, we walked over to Ms. Adams and took the pillowcase off her head. She stared up at me as I smiled and said "looks like I win." She slumped in her chair and nodded, defeated. Just then the bell rang, and I set the scissors down on the table in front of her and turned to leave. Seeing this, she started to yell at me behind her gag.
"Wait," Abby called. "You're just going to leave?"
"Sure," I said. "She never said anything about letting her go."
The end


So let's recap for a second. In my first post (Finals Fantasy) I told you guys about how my teacher, Ms. Adams, challenged my class to a game where we had to tie her up. Well, I won. However, I didn't let her go when the bell rang; instead me and my friend Abby, who was my partner in the game, just kind of left. This is about what happened afterward.

Later that night I was totally excited because summer vacation had officially started, plus the fact that I got to tie up my teacher-with her permission no less. I was down in my basement playing some videogames when my mom called me to come upstairs.

"Yeah mom?"

"I just got a call from your teacher, Ms. Adams."

Oh crap! I knew I was busted, but I played it cool like nothing happened that day. Besides, how could I have been in trouble when the whole game was her idea?

"So what's going on?"

"She told me about some game your class played today with her. Is it true that you tied her to her chair?"

"Yep. I was the only one that was able to do it, too."

"Yes that's what she said. Ms. Adams told me that you also left without untying her, or any of your classmates who lost. Is that true?"

"Uh"¦yeah, but here's the thing. The rules of the game were that if you lost you were to stay and your partner wasn't to be untied until Ms. Adams left. So technically I was just following the rules."

"All right, we'll talk about this tomorrow."

I was shocked. I thought for sure that I was going to be in trouble, but miraculously mom seemed ok with that whole thing. This was turning into my lucky day. So I went back downstairs, played videogames, and watched some TV until very late that night (or early the next morning, whichever way you want to think about it).

The next morning I, naturally, slept in quite late. Let's just say it was no longer morning when I woke up. I stumbled out of bed, took care of any bodily needs I had worked up during my sleep, and went to get myself a bowl of cereal. My mom was in the kitchen reading the paper when I walked in.

"Morning, sleepy head."


"I see you've already acquired your summer habits; up all night, sleep until afternoon, and no speaking skills."

I just kept on going on auto pilot. It was way too soon after waking up for me to form somewhat intelligent words, or thoughts for that matter. After I had some cereal I went over to the living room and sat down on the couch. I was about to turn on the TV when my mom came in too; it wasn't until after the fact that I noticed she was holding something behind her back.

"We need to talk about this game you played in class yesterday."

"What about it?"

"Well, I know it seemed like I was ok with it last night, but that's just because I wanted you to enjoy your first night of summer vacation."

"Am I grounded or something?"

"We'll talk about your punishment when we get to Ms. Adams' house."

"What?! Why do we have to go to Ms. Adams' house?! Why can't you just mmmph!"

My mom put her hand over my mouth to stop my complaints, while keeping her other hand behind her back.

"No more complaints or your punishment will get worse. Now stand up and turn around."

She took her hand off my mouth and I, sleepily, stood up and turned around. That's when I heard the familiar sound of duct tape being peeled off the roll. Before I could react my mom crossed my wrists behind my back and taped them up securely.

"Mom what are you doing?!"

"This is all part of your punishment, now hold still."

My mom proceeded to wrap tape around my chest and waist, pinning my arms to my body. She finished up by putting a strip of tape over my mouth.

"Now I know that doesn't actually work for very long, but if you stay quite then I won't stuff anything in your mouth to gag you for real. Deal?"

I nodded, hoping that I would get some punishment time taken off for good behavior. She led me to the garage and helped me into her car. After she made sure I was buckled in we backed out of the driveway and drove to Ms. Adams' house.

The car ride was extremely embarrassing; the whole time I just sat there trying not to draw attention to myself, hoping the other drivers didn't notice me. My mom just drove casually, as if having someone bound and gagged in the passenger seat was completely normal.

When we got to Ms. Adams' house, my mom helped me out of the car and led me up to the front door, where she rang the door bell. A few moments later the door opened, revealing Ms. Adams with a big smirk on her face.

"Well it's about time. We've been waiting for you guys."

"Sorry, he likes to sleep really late."

What did she mean by we? Why did mom tie me up? What's going on?! Ms. Adams let us in and escorted us to her living room, where I got an answer to one of my questions. Sitting on Ms. Adams couch was Abby, similarly bound and gagged as me. She too was accompanied by her mother. Abby looked up at me, not at all surprised that we were in the same predicament.

I was seated on the couch beside her. Our moms and Ms. Adams stood over us, looking down at us almost menacingly for a few moments. I got to tell you guys, it was kind of scary. Finally it was Ms. Adams who broke the silence.

"You know, you two are pretty lucky. Yesterday when you left me duct taped to my chair, I barely was able to get free in time before the principal walked in. Thankfully, one of your classmates decided to help me out, otherwise you guys would be in much worse trouble than you are now."

Abby turned her head and glared at me for getting her into this mess. Looking back on the whole thing, I do have to admit that it is pretty much my fault for getting her in trouble, but at the time I just looked at her as if to say "˜what did I do?'

"And last night I called your parents to talk about your punishment, which is why you two are here like this. Now you guys have two options. Your first option is to come here every day to do some work around the house for the entire summer. Your second option is, for the next ten days, you will remain here as "˜kidnap victims.' This means that you will always be tied up in some form or another, and when you're not eating you will be gagged."

Neither of these options sounded good to me. I would either come here to do work, for no pay, for hours every day the entire summer, or I would be here ten straight days, 24 hours a day, tied up and gagged. This didn't look like it was going to be an easy decision, until Ms. Adams added a catch.

"There is also a bit of competition with the second option. If you manage to escape and turn the tables on me before the ten days are up, then your punishment is over, and your moms even agreed to allow you to tie them up as a reward. But, if you are not able to escape, then whenever your parents go out you will be babysat"¦by me."

Now things were starting to get interesting. Sure there was the risk that I might lose and end up being babysat by Ms. Adams, and probably bound and gagged during that time, but the possibility of winning, and revenge, made it seem worth it.

"So what will it be? Grunt once for the first option, twice for the second option."

Abby and I looked at each other, using our eyes to tell the other "˜well I'll do it if you do it.' So we turned back to the three grown up women standing over us and responded in unison.

"Mmph mmph."

All three of them smiled, our moms said they'd see us in ten days, and Ms. Adams walked them out. When she returned she pulled the tape off our mouths and gave us something to drink.

"There you go, that should keep you from getting too thirsty while you're gagged for the next few hours. And now that your moms are gone you will be gagged for real."

"Ms. Adams, is that really necessary?"

"Of course it is Abby. What kind of kidnapper would I be if I let you yell for help?"

She had a good point, so we didn't say anything else as she stuffed a piece of cloth in our mouths and sealed it in with a few strips of tape. Then she wrapped tape around our ankles and knees.

"There, now that you two are nice and quiet and not going anywhere, I bet you guys are wondering how I got into all this tie up stuff aren't you?"

The thought had crossed my mind, so she proceeded to tell us about the events of that fateful weekend when her daughter, Jamie, kidnapped her from her work. I already posted these details in the story called "Class is in Session."

"So now that you know how this all got started, I'll leave you to trying to get out. Have fun, and don't let me catch you or I'll make it worse."

"Mom! Are they here yet?"

We looked up as Ms. Adams daughter walked into the room, looking excited to see us for some reason.

"Yep they're right here. Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you kids that Jamie will be my accomplice when she's here for the next ten days. So that means that, if she's home, you two have to escape and capture both of us."

Abby and I looked from our two captors to each other, feeling like we'd been set up. We weren't feeling too good about our choice anymore.

Re: Finals Fantasy

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 9:15 pm
by Druidofthewilds
Please tag what kind of story this is. M/M, M/F, F/M, F/F.

Re: Finals Fantasy FF/FM

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:41 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
I’m so glad u posted this from the old site! I was so upset that this was never continuined!