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Viking : The scouts international friendship camp (Both Genders)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:57 am
by Soraka
the story takes place in August 2013 when i was attending an international scout camp and it somehow turned out to involve a lot more TUGs than i ever had expected. it will be split up in several parts and the first will only have girls tied up, but the next parts will also involve boys being tied up as well.
i hope you all will enjoy it, because this is probably the most interesting TUG experience i ever had in my life (especially the first part).

the scouts international friendship camp:

the water had gotten a lot colder now than earlier that day, but i didn’t care as i took a dive straight into it. «holy diver, that was refreshing» i said as i got back on the surface and shook my head.
the story takes place at a scout camp i attended in August last year, it was a local arrangement and we had invited scouts from several other countries to join us. we had just finished the camp fire for the day and everyone had gone to the lake for a bath.
and man did i need to cool down, it had been one hell of a day so far and the fact that i was responsible for several of the arrangements did not make it easier for me.
«hey Viking? you mentioned that you are going to get another tattoo soon» Caitlin B. said «where are you planning on getting it?»
i got out of the water and stood up «right here» i said as i pointed out the spot on my right arm.
«but you already got one there» she referred to my snake tattoo.
«yeah, but i am going to make a bigger picture around it» i said while i grabbed my towel.
«aha, cool»

we stayed for about 20 minutes before we decided to get back to the camp.
the girls changed clothes in a shed nearby, but us guys just pulled on a sweater but still had the same shorts we had been swimming in.
the distance between the campsite and the bathing site was not that long, but the camp was on the top of a hill and i was lazy so i had decided to travel by car. with me Eire, Tanja and Caitlin B. was coming along in the car. Rodney and O-B was also at the camp but they did not join us to the lake though.
now would also be the time to introduce Sean and Tess who also hitched a ride with me.
Shaun was 14 years old, would turn 15 later this year. he had dark curly short hair, his eyes were light blue, he had lots of freckles and was very skinny.
Tess was a girl at the same age as Shaun, she had long blond hair, blue eyes and was about 1,70 meters tall.
now, i had already met Shaun before. he had given me a rather bad first impression but during this camp so far he seemed to have improved a lot. he would start in the rovers that year which meant i would become his leader soon. to begin with i was trying to figure out how to handle him if he caused any trouble, but now i was pretty sure that he would become one of my most loyal scouts.
Tess by the other hand i had met for the first time at the beginning of this camp. she was a very troubled girl and very sensitive. for some reason i seemed to be the only person around who understood her and the results was that i had become a very good support for her during this camp.

just in case there are some new readers or some of you have forgotten about the other characters i will make a short introduction for them as well.

me myself first. i refer to myself as Viking, i used to refer to myself by my name previously but i decided to go by my nickname in the stories to avoid confusions. during this story i am in my early 20’s, i had a middle length hair, goatee, blue eyes and i was 1.87 meters tall.

Tanja was 16 years old and had long brown hair. her eyes had a combination of blue and green and she was rather short as she was about 1,59 meters.

Eire was turning 16 in a couple of months and she had long black hair. her mom was Asian but her father was Norwegian so she had a little darker skin color than the rest of us and brown eyes. she was about the same height as Tanja.

Caitlin B. had recently turned 14 and was quite tall for her age, only 10 centimeters shorter than me, very long brown hair and hazel eyes.

O-B was just like me in his early 20s’ and would typically be referred to as a ginger, about 1,80 meters tall.

Rodney who also was in his early 20’s but a lot shorter than me and O-B as he was only 1,74 meters, Blue eyes, stylish brown hair and sideburns.

Tony, 16 years old. short guy with short black hair and a mustache.

back to the story…
i don’t remember how it came up, but as we walked toward my car Eire suggested that she could be put in the trunk while we drove back to the camp site. it might have been i who joked about kidnapping her or she who suggested it because we were more people now who would sit in my car than when we went down to the lake, i honestly don’t remember exactly but Eire asked me if she could be in the trunk of the car.
«almost like if you are kidnapped… i got some duct tape in there as well, should we go all the way and kidnap you properly?» i said for a joke.
whoa, really? that went easy…
«i was just joking, but if you want to i guess we could».
it was not a public road that went to the camp and there was no traffic so i figured that if i took it slow then it shouldn’t be any problem.
i pulled on my black sweater and opened my car. one issue i had at the moment was that a part of the locking mechanism on my trunk had fallen out so in order to open it i had to go trough the back seat and push a string on the inside to open it. as i did i grabbed a roll of duct tape and told Eire to hold her arms out so i could tape her wrists.
«what are you doing?» Caitlin asked.
«kidnapping Eire».
«oh, that looks like fun can you do that to me as well?» Tess said eager.
«yeah, me too!» Caitlin responded as well.
«i don’t think all 3 of you can fit in the trunk» i said «you can decide by rock, paper, scissors».
«best of 3» Caitlin said and turned toward Tess.

i started taping Eire’s wrist in front of her and continued taping 2 times around her body, there was no need to immobilize her for now so i kept it simple.
as i made Eire sit down in the trunk of my car so i could tape her feet Caitlin shouted «hah! rock beats scissors, i won».
Tanja was meanwhile on her phone speaking to her mom. she would leave the camp the day after for a family trip but she rather wanted to stay with us the remaining half of the scout camp.
«no mom, isn’t there any way to have that trip later? i really don’t want to leave the others».
i found it amazing how much she wanted to stay with us, Tanja was really having the time of her life out here.
anyway, i had used enough duct tape on Eire and was now starting with with Caitlin. Shaun stood by and studied my work as Caitlin went trough the same process as Eire had.
Caitlin giggled as i made her sit down in my trunk and let me wrap duct tape around her feet. her arms was taped the same way as Eire with her wrist in front and tape around her body a few times.
you noticed that Caitlin was a head taller than Eire when i made them lay down in the trunk.
«there is just one more thing that we need to make this a perfect abduction scene» i said as i tore of a piece of tape.
«what?» Eire and Caitlin said in choir before i placed the piece of tape over Eire’s mouth.
«oh, yeah that makes sense» Caitlin said as i tore of another strip and placed it over her mouth.
i looked at Shaun and said «it won’t be an effective gag, but hey it’s just for fun» then i gave the girls a flashlight and closed the trunk, got into the car and turned the ignition on.
Tanja sat in the front seat next to me while Tess and Shaun was in the back.
before i sat the car in reverse i turned the stereo on and found some Alice In Chains on my iPod that i had connected to an aux port.
as «man in the box» was playing the car went backwards, i took a turn, set it in first gear and accelerated forward. we took it rather slow as i didn’t want to risk any accidents while i had two people tied up in the trunk.
as we got to the top of the hill where the campsite was i parked the car and went out «alright we are here, now open the trunk» i said.
«uh… we don’t remember how…» i heard from the inside.
«…the black string i showed you, just push it up».
«we can’t find it, we don’t remember where it was».
«f***… okay, i’ll fix it» i said as i went for the passenger seat in the back and pulled it up.
«hello» i said as i stretched my arm in and pushed the string, then i walked around and opened the trunk.

they both was taped up just the same way that i had left them, but like predicted the gag was halfway off. a piece of duct tape was still hanging over their mouth but they were able to talk freely.
«HELP! iv’e been kidnapped!» Caitlin shouted out as loud as she could as i helped her and Eire up.
at least she has learned how to act when she’s kidnapped unlike the last time i tied her up (see my story «ski trip» from december 26, 2013).
«so now what…» i said, wondering if i should just release them and end the game while it still was fun.
«i think we should keep them like this for a little longer» Tanja said with a smile.
«i think we should secure them better» Shaun said out of nowhere.
«how about if we hang Eire up by the flagpole» i suggested. the first time we had played a TUG with Eire we had hanged her up on support pole in a basement during a scout meeting, so i knew that would work.
«sure, it was fun the last time» Eire said.
we walked toward the flagpoles with Eire jumping along with us. i noticed that Caitlin had disappeared, i assumed she had jumped toward her campsite to find the rest of her patrol either to show them what had happened or to make them free her.

as we reached the flagpoles i had Shaun and Tess help me with holding Eire in the air and her back against one of the flagpoles and then i started wrapping the tape around her body and the flagpole securing her tightly.
after several rounds with duct tape i told them to let her go and voila, she was taped to the pole in midair.
«sweet, it actually worked» Tess said surprised.
«well with enough amount of duct tape you can actually stop a car» Shaun said «i saw it on myth-busters, they taped a car to a pole and it didn’t move a single millimeter».
«hey guys! don’t forget about me» we suddenly heard Caitlin shout as she came jumping toward us still taped up «can you tape me to a flagpole as well?»
i still had a lot of tape remaining on the roll so why not.
we made Caitlin stand with her back up against the flagpole next to Eire's and i started wrapping tape around her body several times and then continued with her feet. of course we couldn’t hang her up the same way as we did to Eire.
as soon as i was done with Caitlin Tess poked my shoulder and said «can you do me now?»
«what the hell? i’m gonna run out of duct tape if i’ll have to keep up with this» i said «stand against that pole over there».
Tess placed her back up against the flagpole next to Caitlin's, the smile on her face as i started to tape her arms behind the pole was huge. i continued wrapping tape around her legs and the flagpole before i taped her upper body, using all the remaining of the tape roll to pin her arms down and attach her securely to the pole.
«there you go» i said. when i looked around me i noticed that we had gained quite an audience as people from all over the camp gathered around to study.
5 boys was gathering around Eire and pointed out that she was hanging in mid air and laughed.
some others had gathered around Caitlin and one dude from Denmark that we knew came to Tess and asked her a question in his Danish language.
«what?» Tess didn’t hear what he just asked her… i did by the other hand, he asked her if she was ticklish. i guess most people know what is coming next…

he started tickling her ribs and it turned out that Tess was indeed very ticklish as she bursted into laughter.
Caitlin’s father also came by and asked her what she had gotten herself into now.
«it’s alright dad, i’m just being kidnapped. don’t worry about it, we are having fun».
suddenly someone poked my shoulder again, as i turned around Shaun was standing there with a big smile and said «can you do me at the fourth pole?»
«wait, what?» i said, he wanted to be taped up as well now?
«hey Viking?!» i suddenly heard O-B shout, when did get here? «tape me together with Ernie» he continued speaking as he and Ernie stood back to back. Ernie was another guy from Denmark that O-B had become friends with during the camp.
what happened next is the most shocking thing that have ever happened to me in my entire life, and i swear i found it hard to believe myself.
as i turned around all the people who had gathered around us, no matter what country they were from, both male and females, they all stood in a circle around me shouting
«tape me up next!»
«no me!»
«no, i wanna go next!»
«can you tape me up after you are done with him?»
i had somehow managed to get in the middle of every bondage fanatics biggest dream. i have no idea how many they were, perhaps 20 plus plus.
i looked down on my empty tape roll and said «uh… i’ll get some more duct tape…»
this was just confusing. as i walked toward my tent to get another roll i saw Rodney standing by who had observed everything.
«some trend you just started man» he said as he started following me to my tent.
«dude… what the bloody hell did just happen?» i said.
«didn’t you say that nothing surprised you anymore?»
«yeah until now. SERIOUSLY! people where actually getting in line for me to tie em up! what the F***!? this is not normal».
Rodney just laughed «yep, it’s pretty amazing what you have started here».
i opened the zipper to my tent and grabbed another roll of duct tape «you know what the worst part is? i only got 3 rolls left, that is never going to be enough for all those people».
Rodney’s eyes widened «say what? you? didn’t bring enough duct tape? but that’s impossible!»
«yeah, well i guess we’ll just have to see how far we can get then» i said as we started going back.

now, this does seem a little to good to be true right? and if there is anything i have learned from life it is that whenever something is to good to be true it usually isn’t true. when i got back one leader had decided to freak out about this whole thing and said in his Indian accent English «there is nothing funny about this, why are people laughing? stop this immediately!» he had even got the first aid responsible for the camp to cut Eire and the others free.
«are you alright Caitlin?» she asked as she got to her.
«of course, why wouldn’t i be?» she answered.
«it’s not that i mind your duct tape projects Viking» the first aid said «but i don’t think you should be messing with the flagpoles. so i think it’s enough for today».
she did bring out a very good point though. the flagpoles was homemade, they were nothing but lumber logs buried in to the ground and there was no guarantee how much they could resist. so it may not have been such a good idea to tape anyone up toward it.

as i walked back to the rovers camp site with Rodney, Tanja and Eire i started teasing Tanja about if she wanted to be taped up as well.
«no way» she said.
«are you sure? i know you like it».
«no thanks» she said as her face turned a little red.
the day after was a big day as we would all be attending a hike. and without knowing it i would still get a few more TUGs during that trip.

Re: The scouts international friendship camp

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:58 am
by Soraka
PART 2: the hike. MM/M

the day after we went out on the hike. the only guy from the rover team that joined me was Tony. Tanja and Eire had managed to get leader responsibility for the younger girls so that would be their patrol during the hike.
O-B claimed that he struggled with his back and was in no condition to walk the distance we had to.
Rodney by the other hand has epilepsy and didn’t want to take the risk of being out on a island somewhere in the fjords.
Shaun was going with his own patrol even tough half the patrol would start as rovers in just a couple of weeks.

anyway, after a 3 kilometer long walk and a canoe trip through the fjords Tony and i had reached the island where we would be camping. we had a plastic sheet with us that we hung up between a few trees to gain shelter on top of a hill we found.
most people spread around the island and set camp at different sites, our closest neighbors was one of the younger boys patrol. 2 of the boys would join my rover-patrol after the camp, that was the twins Olaf and Larry.
to make it easier to explain i made a map to point out everyones location. it probably is not as important but it will make it better for the readers to imagine everything as i tell the story.

island map.jpg
map of the island we camped at during the hike

Tony and i had already unpacked our dinner and started to eat. funny thing was that even tough we went alone we still got all the food that was meant for the entire rover patrol, so we had an entire package of buffalo wings each. as i pulled out my knife and opened my package i said «cheers mate» and grabbed a wing. Tony followed my lead and opened his own package when i saw Tess come toward us.
«so, are you done making a cover for tonight?» i asked.
«nah, we are taking our time».
another couple of familiar faces showed up by the side of the hill as i saw Meg and Ashley come toward us.
those who have read my adventures with the Rainbow Butterflies already know Meg, she was 13 years old at the moment and had shoulder length red-brownish hair and some tiny freckles.
Ashley by the other hand is new in my stories. she was 12 during this story and like the typical Scandinavian girl she had long blond hair, blue eyes and freckles.
they sat by and studied our campsite, including all my gear that i brought along.
«what’s up with all this stuff?» Ashley asked «are you planning on cooking something?»
«right now i’m making a mosquito trap, but i’ll be making candy pancakes later» i said.
Meg was excited «oh, you mean just like those chocolate pancakes you made the other day?»
«almost, except this time i’ll be using a lot of different kinds of candy»
Tony walked away about now, he went to the second boys patrol camp that was next to ours.
at the same time i saw Shaun popping up, he had apparently had enough of the guys in the first patrol.

«so what are you up to here?» he asked.
«Viking is making candy pancakes» Ashley said as she looked at him.
«well not yet, right now i’m making a mosquito trap» i said while i connected my portable primus gas burner to the gas container i had brought along.
«when are you serving then?» Meg asked me.
«i promised Tanja that she would have a taste as well, and she is leaving at nine for her family trip. so it will be before that i guess».
«could i have a taste as well?» Shaun asked.
i lighted up the primus and got a flame «perfect, everything seems to work» i then placed a casserole with water on top to boil before i added some sugar to it. i looked at the girls and asked them «anyone wants some sugar?»
Ashley smiled as she said «yes please» and stretched her arm out.
i poured some sugar in her arm and she quickly put it in her mouth.
«not so sure if your mom would like it if she knew about this» i said as i gave her another round of sugar.
«yeah, she’s a dentist you know»
«i know that, she used to be my dentist once»
«really? cool!» she kept eating the sugar.
as i poured the boiling sugar-water into a bottle i noticed that Ashley was starting act a little weird.
«Ashley? are you alright?» Tess asked her.
she just made a very creepy smile and stood up while making a weird laughter «mhehehe…»
«Ashley?» Meg seemed to be a little freaked out.
suddenly Ashley started jumping around as she laughed like a maniac.
«what… the… flying… F***?» i said.
«Viking, are you sure that’s just regular sugar you gave her?» Tess said while she looked at me with a strange look.
«i've never seen Ashley acting like this before» Meg said.
i said «note to self, Ashley freaks out when she eats sugar… Let’s give her some more and see what happens!»

we managed to stop Ashley from jumping around and had her open her mouth as i poured sugar down.
«are you insane? she’s gonna explode!» Tess shouted at me… too late, Ashley was now running around like a wild horse, jumping up and down, waving her arms like a bird and laughing in the most ridiculous way.
«what have we done?» i said as all 4 of us just stared at Ashley the maniac.
«we turned her into a goose…» Meg said.
«i’ll say more like a frog» Tess responded.
«a goose-frog!» i said as i was a little shocked but at the same time impressed how she started acting like this just because of some sugar «you know, i have some duct tape and some ropes. should we tie her up before she hurts herself?»
«not yet, i wanna see what else she does first» Meg said.
we followed Ashley to the second boys patrol camp where Tony was at the moment.
one of the twins Larry was sitting with a flashlight and fooled around with it, he seemed kinda tired until all of a sudden Ashley jumped right in front of him and screamed.
«HELP!» he shouted as he and everyone else on the campsite seemed to be pretty scared by the sudden noise from Ashley, and before he knew it Ashley took his flashlight and jumped away.
me, Shaun, Tess and Meg was laughing hysterically as the boys seemed to be in shock.
«what the hell?» Tony said confused.
«we gave her some sugar»
«are you kidding me?»
we turned around and looked at Ashley who was holding the flashlight up against her face.
«you know if it actually had been dark now, that would have been a very frightening sight» Shaun said.
i looked at Ashley and said «that smile she has right now… it’s the exactly same smile as Gollum had when he gazed upon the ring in the lord of the rings movies»
«a combination of a frog, a goose and Gollum» Meg said «goose-frog-Gollum!»
«well, it seems like we have created a monster» i said as Ashley jumped down from the hill and toward the boys first patrol, in other words Shaun’s patrol.
«she’s heading toward Michael and the rest of my patrol, this could be interesting» Shaun said.
Tess's eyes widened «wait a minute, isn't Stanley there as well? he ate a frog the other day! Ashley can't go down there if she has turned into a goose-frog-Gollum!»

Michael was the patrol leader, he was 15 years old and is the typical guy that the ladies really find attractive. he has brown stylish hair, brown eyes and is rather strong for his age as he constantly has to help out at his parents farm. he is also a very charming boy and the girls loves him at first sight. but then again he can also say the dumbest things that really pisses you off. Tess hated Michael by all her guts and had asked me several times if i could do her a favor and kick his butt.

the other boys was Joe and Stanley. joe was a tall and slim 15 year old boy with short brown hair.
you know how every circle of friends has this goofy guy that need everything to be fed with a teaspoon in order to understand the message? that was Stanley, another 15 year old boy who also was quite tall for his age but not as tall as Joe.

«you still haven’t managed to hang up the plastic Sheet?» Shaun said as soon as we got to them, they had decided to camp below a smaller hill not far away from the hill Tony and i was camping on. meanwhile Tess stood in the background as she didn’t really want to be near Michael.
«if you are so obsessed about hanging it up why don’t you just do it?» Michael responded.
«well we were supposed to do it together… as a team! but you didn’t want to co-operate with me earlier»
Ashley was jumping around on top of the small hill next to their camp and making a lot of strange noises.
«what’s wrong with Ashley?» Michael asked.
«she ate some sugar, nothing to bother with» Shaun responded «now unlike you i don’t feel like getting soaking wet when i’m sleeping as it is predicted to rain tonight». he grabbed the plastic sheet and started to unfold it «where are the ropes?»
«i don’t know» Michael said «Joe? Stanley? have you guys seen it?»
neither of them responded.
Shaun seemed pretty annoyed as he started biting his lips.
«hey viking?»
«you did bring a rope with yah, right?»
as Shaun and i talked Stanley had enough of Ashley «shoo! go away!» he said like if she was some animal.
she made another scream and jumped off as Meg followed her.
Shaun continued «could you do me a favor?»
«sure» i said as i pulled out the rope.
«would you please tie up Michael?»
that was unexpected, but i just smiled at Shaun and looked toward Michael who was just staring at the plastic sheet.
he deserved a little lesson.

before anyone knew what was coming i jumped straight at Michael and wrestled him to the ground.
«WOAH!» he shouted.
i have to admit, out of every person that i had played TUGs with ever, this was the one person that made the biggest resistance so far. Michael was by no doubt a strong opponent, but still not strong enough to handle me.
Tess was standing by and enjoyed the sight of me wrestling Michael.
«Stanley, a little help please?» he said.
«but i’m eating a chocolate bar!» Stanley responded from where he was sitting.
«seriously! i can’t handle him alone!»
«alright» Stanley finished his chocolate and came toward me. as he grabbed his arms around my shoulders and tried to get me off Michael, but he was not even close to the strength Michael had so i managed to lift my arm up, grab Stanley and pull him to the ground next to me and hold him down with my right foot as i kept wrestling Michael.
Joe was standing by and analyzed the situation.
«Don’t just stand there Joe, do something!»
Joe tried to grab me and clearly he was the weakest in the group. i had no problem restraining Stanley with one foot while Joe was trying to pull me of them. the biggest challenge was to hold Michael down and at the same time tie him up.
if i had both my legs free i could have used them to hold him down and then use my arms to tie him up, also even tough i’m strong i have the worst stamina ever, so how long i could keep up with this would not be too long.
i swear if Shaun had been on their team i would’ve never had a chance to hold them all. if he had suddenly changed team and decided to go against me instead i would've be screwed.

i had to do something about Joe, he was not the worst challenge but if i could get him under control it would be easier to gain control over the other two. i took both arms and grabbed Joe then i pulled him in front of me instead and forced him down on his knees so i could put him in a lock with my right arm.
great now i only got one arm and one foot to fight Michael «hey Shaun!» i said as i threw him the rope «go for his feet!»
Shaun had a smile that went all the way to his ears as he took the only rope i had, jumped Michael’s feet and started to tie it around his ankles.
i usually don’t trust people to help me out on things like this, but this was a two mans job.
Joe managed to get out of my lock of course when i had thrown the rope to Shaun, i was sure that now he would come up with some kind of counterattack, but he decided to retreat instead «sorry guys, you're on your own».
great, now i had both arms free so i could hold Michael down properly while Shaun tied his legs.
«you are taking your time over there» i said to Shaun without seeing what he was doing.
«i’m almost done» Shaun said «and there you go».
«okay, you won… would you please let me go now?» Michael said.
i lifted my foot off Stanley and rolled aside to finally catch my breath «that…» i said before i took a deep breath and continued speaking «…was fun. who’s up for round 2?»
«maybe another day… next year or something» Michael said «holy shit...»
«i’ll admit, if i hadn’t had Shaun on my side and he had helped you out as well i would never been able to hold you down» i told them, i couldn’t remember the last time i had been this exhausted.
i almost forgot to check out Michael’s feet, i wondered how Shaun had tied them up.
as i looked at them i had to say that i was pretty impressed.
Michael’s feet was indeed tied up really well as Shaun had tied the rope i gave him around his legs several times and cinched them as well with some knots i knew was very effective. but not just that, Shaun had also untied Michael’s shoelaces and tied them together to tie his army boots together properly as well.
«seriously Shaun, was it really necessarily to do that to my boots?» Michael said.
«hey, we didn’t want you to run away» Shaun said with a big grin.
«how could i possible run away with Viking wrestling me? try for yourself» Michael said.
«i’ll pass, i got a feeling that it would result in my death».

Michael started to untie the rope around his legs.
«so how are you planning on making a campsite down here?»
«we thought making the plastic sheet in the shape of a tent down here» Stanley said as he once again ate a chocolate bar.
«i like this place, it's really peaceful out here» Michael said as he finally managed to untie the rope Shaun had borrowed from me. he started to untie the shoelaces while i got my rope back and put it in my pocket «once again Shaun, did you really have to tie my shoes like this?»
«i got a knife if you need to cut yourself free» Shaun responded, i noticed that Stanley and Joe laughed by that comment.
«sure, why didn’t i think about that before? cut off my shoelaces, that seems like a good idea» Michael said with a sarcastic tone as he laughed.

Tess and i went back to the hill where i had my camp while the boys would continue setting their own campsite. back at my campsite we talked about some rather private things just between the two of us. while we talked Meg and Ashley came back and sat down with us. Ashley seemed to have calmed down now and looked like she was really tired.
i told them about the fight i had with the boys and how Shaun and i had managed to tie up Michael's feet, then we kept talking about regular things and after 5 minutes Ashley suddenly said «Viking? could you tie me up?»

Re: The scouts international friendship camp

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:00 am
by Soraka
Part 3: Candy pancakes!mf/f

«you want me to tie you up?» i said.
«well, just my hands»
i took the rope out of my pocket again and said «well, if you want me to». it was a thin sisal rope but i think it was about 6 meters long so it had a lot of potential.
«front or back?» i asked her. she responded by holding her hands out in front of her, so i started tying the rope around her wrists. i didn’t count how many times it went around, but i will guess it was about 10 times around both her hands before i tied the rope around it self a few times so it went horizontal and vertical around and between her wrists.
i tied a knot and still had a couple of meters to spare that i tied around her body once and finished with yet another reef knot.
«there you go».
«thank you» Ashley said, but she still seemed a bit tired.
«i got some duct tape as well if you want to be tied up more» i said.
«no thanks»
«well alright then, i should probably start making the pancakes».
the girls studied as i prepared the ingredients and made the pancake mix. what happened next gave me a big surprise as Meg suddenly said.
«Viking, will you please adopt me?»

«seriously, you got all those cool very old video-games and you make great food. can you please be my new dad? because my dad sucks».
how do i respond to this? some people might say she was just joking, but the serious look in her eyes was not a joke.
«i think i’m a little young to be considered your dad» i said as i prepared the gas burner once more.
«nah, i don’t think you are» Meg kept saying, but this time she didn’t seem to be so serious about it.
«if i had been your dad that would have meant that i was on your mom when i was 9 years old» i said «the ground here is a little unstable, i think i should move the equipments over there».
i moved everything to a spot where the ground was a little more stable and lighted up the gas from my primus. about now Shaun came back as well asking «so have you started making pancakes soon?»
«i’m working on it».
Shaun stared at Ashley and said «did she go that far that you decided to tie her up?»
«nah, she asked me if i could do it».

as i started cooking it didn’t take long before the other girls learned about my pancakes and arrived as well.
suddenly Tanja, Eire, Caitlin and Ellie joined us as i made pancakes.
«why is Ashley tied up?» Ellie asked when they arrived.
«because she asked» i said.
«might as well, because she freaked out when she had some sugar previously» Meg added.
«they say i turned into a goose-frog-Gollum» Ashley said.
«what?» Tanja said as she seemed confused.
i added the first pancake on the frying pan and had some candy in it.
«hey Viking? about that duct tape thing…» Ashley suddenly said «can we do that now?»
«tie you up in duct tape? you mean right now?» i said while holding the frying pan.
«well, i’m a little busy» i said and took the roll of duct tape out of my pocket. «Tanja!» i said «catch» then threw it to her.
«have them do it, i can’t do it as long as i’m cooking».
Tanja looked at Ashley and said «are you sure you want this?»
«okay… Viking, how do i do this?»
«are you kidding me? you wrap the duct tape around her, what’s to know? you got two options, either you pin her arms down to her stomach or you pin them up against her chest. your call».
Tanja held up the tape roll and said «okay, how do you want it Ashley?»
«i think i’ll go for my arms pinned up to my chest» she answered and held up her tied wrists against her chest.
Tanja started wrapping the tape around her «Ellie, can you hold her hair up?»
«sure» Ellie answered and did like requested.

while they wrapped duct tape around Ashley i finally had the first pancake ready.
«who’s first?» i said while Tanja gave me back the tape roll.
i kept making pancakes for a while, one mistake was that i forgot what would happen when the gelatin in all the candy melted in the frying pan. the result was that after 3 pancakes they would get all sticky and i was unable to flip them without the pancakes falling apart from each other. and with only sea water around and barely any water left in the bottles i had brought along it would be hard to wash out.
i just had to make the best of it so i kept making pancakes even if they kept felling apart they still seemed to be tasty with all the pieces of melted candy in them.
«did you manage to hang up your plastic sheet Shaun?» i asked as i gave him a pancake.
«yup, we are done alright»
«how about you girls?»
«nah» Eire said «we are just going to sleep under the clouds tonight».
«you do know that there is huge chance of it raining tonight?» i said while i prepared a new Pancake.
«that’s okay» Caitlin said «we are vikings, we can handle some rain».
«yeah… good luck» i said knowing that they most likely would have terrible and wet result.
«no need to wish us good luck» Eire said.
«yeah, we can handle it» Caitlin added.
«you’ll get wet, then cold and you will be complaining in the morning» i said to them.
«no we won’t» Caitlin kept saying, she was pretty confident.

after a while Ashley wanted to be untied, so i let Tanja borrow a knife to cut off the duct tape while Ellie untied the rope around Ashley’s arms.
i packed everything into my backpack once again and took the rope we had used in my pocket «i highly recommend that you girls make a shelter with your plastic sheet before you do anything else».
«nah… we don’t need it»
«i give up… i’m not the one who is getting wet tonight anyway…»
all the girls except for Tess took off and did their own thing, so it was back to me Shaun and Tess once more.
«hey Tess, would you like to get tied up once more?» i said as i took the rope out of my pocket once more, she seemed to have fun the day before so i figured it wouldn’t harm to ask.
she didn’t say anything, instead she just held out her arms and smiled.

Re: The scouts international friendship camp

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:00 am
by Soraka
Part 4: it almost went too far.m/f, f/m.

i started to wrap the rope around her wrist a few of times and tied a knot, holding a lace out that was about 3-4 meters long «we should take the dog out for a walk Shaun» i said.
«dog? how rude» Tess said as she followed us with her hands bound in front of her.
Shaun and i walked in front with Tess following us, down the hill and over to the girls camp as they were folding out the plastic sheet.
«you are making a shelter after all?» i said.
Eire was sitting on her knees and unpacking the plastic sheet «yeah, we thought about what you said»
«smart move»
as they had unfolded the sheet all they had to do now was tie it up between the trees, but then Eire suddenly stopped and looked at the others «you know what? those guys over there invited us for some tea, how about if we go there first and fix this later?»
the other girls agreed and went along with Eire to get some tea instead and just left the plastic sheet on the ground.
«they are never going to fix it» i said as i facepalmed «i almost want to fix it for them, but then they are never going to learn».
Tess with her bound arms didn’t say anything, neither did Shaun.
we kept moving, i decided to let Shaun have some fun as well and gave him the rope lash that was attached to Tess’ bound wrists «here you go, you can walk the doggie now».
he responded with a «yey» and grabbed the rope «now come here».
«no, i don’t wanna follow you» Tess said jokingly as she pulled her arms up to her body to resist.
«well you have to» Shaun said and started pulling the rope as tight as he could.

they both kept pulling and suddenly i noticed something with Tess. she was not joking any longer as she said «ouch! stop it!».
«Shaun, i think you should stop» i said but he kept pulling the rope. Tess seemed to be in pain now and she kept shouting «seriously, stop! it hurts!»
«Shaun STOP!» i shouted as i went straight to Tess and started to untie her wrist «are you alright?»
she was almost about to cry as i untied the rope and saw the marks.
«sorry, i didn’t mean to hurt you» Shaun said humbly as he noticed the same as i had.
Tess grabbed the rope i had used to tie her up with and seemed to be really angry now «let’s see how you like having your arms torn off by a F***ing rope!» then she started tying the rope around Shaun’s wrists and pulled them as tight as she possible could.
«auch, auch, AUCH!» Shaun started feeling the pain from Tess’ wrath.
«TESS! calm down!» i said «he said he was sorry, he didn’t mean to hurt you» i grabbed her arms quickly as i feared she would cause some serious damage to the him «look, he didn’t mean to harm anyone, now relax and take a deep breath».
Tess closed her eyes and did like i instructed.
«alright, better?» i asked.
she nodded her head.
«good, let me see your arms» i studied them closely and she didn’t appear to have gained any serious damage.
but still, this almost went too far.
«okay, i think we have had enough of these games for today» i said.
we walked back to my campsite on the top of the hill and sat down on my sleeping pad for now.

not long after Tanja came by to say good bye as she would be leaving us now.
«so how are you getting off this island?» i asked.
«one of the leaders will be taking me to shore with his boat, so there won’t be any lack of canoes tomorrow».
i could tell Tanja really wanted to stay, you could see it in her eyes how she struggled to avoid crying.
«maybe i should kidnap you? i could tie you up somewhere and then we’ll just pretend we don’t know where you are» i suggested.
«yes, please Viking! please kidnap me so i don’t have to leave! wrap me up in duct tape and hide me somewhere!»
as tempting as it was i knew that it would never work, i still had a lot of duct tape and the rope that i had used so many times already during the day.
«you know i can’t do that» i said.
she was disappointed but couldn’t argue with me on this one «i know». then she gave Tess a hug and said good bye.
next she walked over to me and opened her arms «good bye viking» then she wrapped them around me as well.
«Shaun, you are also going to get one» she said and went or him next.
before we knew it she was gone and a few minutes later we could see a boat passing by the side of the island with Tanja onboard.
«that was kind of sad» i said.
«yeah» Tess agreed.
«anyway, Stone Sour! awesome live band, they were also at Download when…» i said as i tried to change the subject.
Tess went back to her camp after a while but suddenly Meg and Ashley came back.
«hey Viking?» Meg said «Eire and the others don’t want to hang up the plastic sheet after all, and Ashely and i don’t want to get wet tonight. is it possible that we can sleep up here with you?»
«well, you both are quite small so it’s not like you need a lot of space. so if you can deal with my snoring i think we can arrange something» i said.
«thanks, we’ll get our backpacks» Meg said with a smile.
«hey» Shaun said «you think i can sleep up here as well?»
i understood Shaun’s situation as he had not been getting that well along with his patrol earlier that day.
«i’m not sure, my plastic sheet is not that big and we are already 4 people sleeping under it. but i’ll see with Tony how he feels about it, maybe we can fit you in as well».

Re: The scouts international friendship camp

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:00 am
by Soraka
part 5: a wet and wooly morning.m/m

i’m not sure how early in the morning it was when i woke up the first time, but it was raining a lot. first thing i did was checking the plastic sheet hanging above us for leaks and then looked around the sides to see if the rain got in through any of the open sides. didn’t seem to find any problems.
Tony had decided to sleep with the second boys patrol instead, so i was sleeping closest to one exit, Ashley was next to me, then Meg and Shaun on the other side closest to the other exit in each our sleeping bags.
«well at least we are dry, so i’ll just try get some more sleep then» i thought for my self.
it didn’t take long before i noticed that Shaun woke up and climbed out of his sleeping bag. he took his raincoat and pulled on his boots before he took his sleeping bag and hung it up in a tree not far away from our shelter.
i think i managed to sleep for another hour or so and woke up again by the sounds of bells.
«that’s a sheep bell» i thought as i lifted my head to look around, and to my surprise there was a sheep just a few meters away from our shelter «hmm, i wonder»…
i carefully crawled out of my sleeping bag and tied my shoes, next i carefully tried to walk up behind the sheep.
as i got closer i noticed that there were 2 others right next to it.
wondering how close i could get to them before they noticed me i tried to sneak up behind them and suddenly i was standing in the middle between 2 of them.
suddenly one sheep turned its head around and spotted me standing next to them.
«good morning» i said as all 3 of them jumped up and started running down the hill.
i turned back to the shelter and noticed that Ashley had woke up as well.
«did you see how close i got to them?»
«yeah, you practically could have touched them»
«yeah, to bad i scared them away» i said as i got back in my sleeping bag.
«what time is it?» Ashley asked me. i looked at my phone and figured it was 6:30.
«way to early to get up… i doubt i’ll be able to sleep any longer but still it’s a lot more comfortable in the sleeping bag than out in the cold rain».
«where is Shaun?»
«he woke up some time ago, i don’t know where he went».

for the next couple of hours we just laid in our sleeping bags and relaxed, we had plenty with time so why rush.
Meg woke up after a while as well, also wondering where Shaun had gone. i said the same thing to her as i had told Ashley before.
«Viking almost caught a sheep earlier» Ashely said to Meg.
«cool, were you going to cook it?»
«nah, slaughtering them, shaving off the wool, and then all the preparing of the meat afterwards, it’s just too much work».
«too bad».
it was about 9:00 when Shaun finally came back.
«are any of you guys wet?»
«nope, we are dry, warm and comfy» i answered.
«well, i woke up and noticed that my sleeping bag had gotten wet on one side, so i decided that i might as well get up before i became wet myself and then i hung it up in that tree over there so it would get a chance to dry. hopefully the rain haven’t gotten more of it from that spot».
«aha, talking about bad luck» i said.
«well it could have been worse, i went down to check out the rest of my patrol. and the tent they made of the plastic sheet is now in the middle of a swimming pool».
«auch» i said feeling a little sympathy for Michael and the other boys. the girls just laughed at them.
«oh, and Viking almost captured a sheep» Meg said.
«almost? too bad, that would been an excellent breakfast».
another 15 minutes passed by before another set of familiar faces showed up. Eire, Ellie, Tess and Caitlin came up to us, and they were SOAKING WET! apparently freezing as well as they all held their arms crossed in front of their chest and shaking.

«so how was your night?» Meg asked them.
«cold… it started raining…» Eire said «we tried to pull the plastic sheet over us, but it didn’t work».
i couldn’t resist i got out of my sleeping bag and walked toward Caitlin «so…» i said «how did that viking project of yours go?»
Caitlin didn’t say a word, she just stared at me and she seemed to be really pissed. i swear, i have known that girl since she was 8 years old and never before have she given me such a mean look as she did right there and then. i’m not sure what was going on in her head at the moment, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it involved killing me somehow.
«so… have you learned your lesson?» i said as i walked over to Eire.
she just looked back at me and said «we got tea last night».
«holy diver… next time perhaps i should tie you all up to a tree and cover you up with the plastic sheet myself so you will stay dry» i said as i walked back to my spot «well, at least we stayed warm and dry tonight».
Shaun looked at me and said «you know, instead of tying them up you could also use a strip».
«i don’t have any»
«well i do» he said and pulled one out if his pocket.
wait… what? for how long has he been carrying that around, and what for? also, why did he not use that on Michael when we wrestled him the other day?
«you have a strip in your pocket?» i asked him.
«is that even effective?» Meg asked.
«well it can be very effective, but i know my ways of getting out» he answered «here, try to tie my arms behind that tree with it».

Shaun walked over to a birch that he placed his arms behind.
«okay, if you insist» i said and took the strip out of his left arm and wrapped it around his wrists, attached the ends and tightened.
«there you go» i said and took a step back.
Shaun started wiggling his arms up and down, he struggled so hard that his face turned red.
«just wait, i will break free» he said as he kept struggling.
«maybe we should tickle him, are you ticklish Shaun?» Meg said.
«no, don’t do it!» Tess suddenly said «i was tickled when i was duct taped the other day, and it’s really terrible when you can’t even fight against it».
«well, that is sort of the point» i said and looked at Shaun who still struggled, it had been a couple of minutes now.
«Shaun, do you want me to cut you free?» i said as i pulled out my knife.
«NO! i can do this» he said. his face was more red than ever before. not only was his face changing colors, his arms started turning blue as well, as he kept pulling to get free the strip become tighter.

«Shaun, your arm is turning blue, i’m cutting you free now before you stop your blood circulation» i said and started walking toward him with my knife ready to cut him free.
then suddenly… SCHWOP!
before i even got close to the strip with my knife he managed to pull his arms out of it, so he managed get free by himself afterwards. Shaun was breathing heavily as his skin turned back to his normal color.
«oh my god, he actually broke free!» Caitlin said shocked. all the other girls just stood there with their mouths open while i withdrew my knife back.
«are you alright?» i asked.
«well yes, of course i am. why wouldn’t i be?»

at the exact same time when he got free it also stopped raining and within the next hour when we prepared the canoes to leave the island and go back to the main camp the sun started shining. Shaun and i took a canoe together for the trip back, and this gave the two of us some time to know each other even better.
i knew one thing for sure, after the camp was over and the next semester started Shaun would be coming over to the rover team instead. that also included all the other boys that i have introduced during this story and Riley from my stories about the rainbow butterflies.
that autumn would be very interesting, and i had a feeling it would involve more TUGs than ever before.

Re: The scouts international friendship camp

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:37 pm
by Druidofthewilds
Please remember to tag stories. M/M, M/F, F/M, or F/F