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Viking : Rainbow Butterflies: culinary lessons and orientation (Mffff/ff)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:55 pm
by Soraka
by viking » Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:36 pm
it was a warm sunday in may about 5 pm and i was sitting on the churches stone-fence next to the scouts meeting house. Riley was right on time wearing a brown sports-jacket and adidas pants, Meg was also on time wearing sports clothes.
"who else do know that are coming?" i asked. i was wearing sunglasses, nike pants, a t-shirt with Kenny from south park laying dead and Stan pointing at him with the text "oh my god, they killed Kenny!" underneath. the biggest change on me now by the other hand was that it had been exactly 6 months since the last time i shaved or cut my hair so i started to look like some kind of animal.
"Tanja is on her way and Kate is coming too" Riley answered me.
"i think Ellie is coming as well" Meg said "but i haven't heard from Tara though".
"Sabella said she would be here, but i got a feeling that she won't show up anyway" Riley pointed out.

it didn't take long before Ellie showed up as well, also she was wearing sports-clothes.
another minute later a red Volkswagen Golf showed up, Tanja got out and her mom left right after.
"uh, Tanja..." i said.
"didn't you get my message that it was very important for all of you to wear pants today?"
Tanja was wearing the scout groups official hoodie jacket and a pair of shorts that reveled a lot of bare skin.
"i brought some adidas pants with, i'll put them on before we leave" she said as she showed me a plastic bag.
"okey, good".

we would have two different things to do today.
first i would give them some culinary lessons so they would be prepared for the cooking task at the championship, we had already had one meeting about cooking basics, but now i wanted to teach them some more advanced stuff.
after that we would head up into the forest for some map orientation, we already had 2 meetings about that as well, one going trough the basics of map reading and one that was combined with first aid, but that was some time ago now and still during the remaining of the winter.
this time it was spring and the Norwegian woods are filled with ticks.
the tick is a tiny bug that sucks blood from other animals and are not dangerous itself, but lately there has been a outbreak of ticks carrying parasites that can make you ill for a long time. if you are getting infected by them you are lucky if you can get out of the hospital after 2 years of treatment.
ticks are found in tall grass which is why i needed them to wear pants to cover up the legs as much as possible.

finally Kate showed up too and she had also got the message about wearing the right clothes today... and she had dyed her hair pink.
"look Kate, i'm wearing adidas pants. i can't remember the last time i did" Riley said as soon as she got there.
"have you ever been wearing that? i can't remember seeing you wear sports related clothes at all" Kate responded.
we walked indoor and went upstairs to the kitchen where i had prepared everything for a few cooking lessons.
as we came in i've heard Kate saying to Riley "now you're doing it again".
"doing what?"
"that thing you always do with your hair, you lift it with your arm in that stupid way"
Riley gave her a silly look and said "i don't always do that".
"yes you do, i bet you can't go the rest of the day without doing it again"
"alright, challenge accepted"
"if you do it again i'll get to wrap you up in duct tape, Viking do you still have a roll in your car?"
i pulled on my chef jacket and answered "yeah, i always have".
Kate pointed her finger at Riley an said "alright, do we have a deal?"
"sure" Riley said as they shook hands.

"alright girls, i have studied the information for the cooking task at the championship. apparently the judges are not going to taste the food, so they will only judge by hygiene and if the food is healthy"
i placed a cutting board and a few knifes on the table that stood in the middle of the room.
the girls sat on one side while i stood on the other so they all could see what i was doing.
"are we going to eat any of the food you are making? because i'm not really hungry" Kate said.
"that's up to you" i responded, then i continued the lessons "if you want a good score you have to remember that the first thing you eat with are the eyes, if the food looks like vomit then obviously you won't eat it"
i opened the refrigerator and took out a plate with fruits that i had prepared before they arrived.
as i took off the plastic the girls eyes widened when they saw the way i had prepared the fruit, first of all there was a lot of fruit they had never seen before, second i had placed them all in such a colorful way that it looked more like art than food. some of the fruit was cut up in different patterns.
"oh my god"
"that's pretty"
"how did you do that?"
that was pretty much the response i got as i grabbed a tomato and a knife.
"you see this? you probably just see a tomato" i said as i grabbed a knife and started slicing the sides of it "but i see the potential of great decoration, and with just a little creativity... you can make this" i held up the tomato in front of them. the girls mouths opened wide by shock as they saw what i had done to it.
"you made a rose out of the tomato" Ellie responded.
Meg looked at me and said "Viking? how would you like to be my personal chef?"
"depends how much it pays" i said.
"you can come to my house and make me dinner every day and as a reward you'll get to eat as well" she said with a huge grin on her face.
"uh, Viking?" Kate suddenly said.
"can i have some of that fruit?"
"i thought you weren't hungry"
"i wasn't... until i saw all the good looking fruit"
"like i said, the first thing you'll eat with is the eyes"
Riley suddenly shouted "wait a minute, we are allowed to eat it? didn't you spend a lot of time preparing this?"
"go ahead, eat" i said as i took a piece of pineapple my self.

i kept showing them a lot of tricks like how to make a béarnaise sauce from scratch, a honey and mustard marinade that i used to spice up a chicken-breast, cutting techniques and how to avoid cutting off your own fingers, decorating a dish to make it look delicious and a lot more.
as i served them the chicken and everyone had a taste the girls seemed very impressed. i had used ingredients that most of them didn't even like, put it together and made a meal that they never had imagined possible. not only did it taste good, but it looked delicious too.
we cleaned up the kitchen and was about to walk back outside for the map orientation.
Tanja went to the bathroom to change into the pants she had brought along, meanwhile Meg and Ellie walked downstairs and then i heard Kate shouting to Riley "you did it again, you just lost the bet".
"what? no! dammit..." Riley responded
"Viking, the duct tape?"
"it's in my car, but don't use all of it you will need it during the orientation" i said.

we got outside and i took two plastic folders out of my car with a map inside, compass, some papers with different questions and red markers.
"we are going to split you up in two teams, then you will have one map each and place the questions around in the woods and mark it on the map where you have placed them. then you will switch map and look for the tasks that the other team put up. now who should be on what team?"
Riley raised her arm and said "i suggest that we team up the same way that we plan for the championship".
we had been planning a few things during the previous meeting we had, and during the championship they would have a split task where two from each group would go on a orientation race while the rest of the team would be doing a different task. we had decided that since Riley was the patrol leader and Meg was the assisting patrol leader the best would be to split them up so we had someone to take the main responsibility at each task.
Meg would be doing the orientation race with Kate since the two of them was faster runners than the others.
"alright, then Meg and Kate will be on one team while the rest of you are on the other one".
i took out a roll of duct tape and roll of masking tape.
"you will need the tape rolls to stick the post with the questions on, but there is one more thing i will show you"
i took the duct tape and started taping it around my left ankle and my jogging shoe.
"this is a neat trick that you two should prepare yourself for" i said and pointed at Meg and Kate "you will be using jogging shoes during the race since that is a lot faster, but the Norwegian woods has a lot of mud pits and if you step into one of them your shoes will probably fall off, that is why you should tape them to your foot first"
i threw the roll to Meg and told her to try it out.

after both of them had secured their shoes i said "now, wasn't it Riley who just had lost a bet?"
Riley sighed and said "i was hoping you had forgotten".
Kate walked up toward her and said "Riley, hold out your arms please".
she did like she was told and Kate started wrapping the duct tape around Riley's wrist.
"how much can i use of the roll?" she asked me after she had wrapped it around Riley's arms a dozen times.
"just make sure there is enough left of it to tape 4 pieces of paper around in the woods afterwards".
"alright, so you don't mind if i use like half the roll?"
"nah, no problem"
Riley seemed a little angry at me for this, but then again she had agreed to this herself so she was not really in much of a position to complain.
Kate started wrapping the duct tape around Riley's body several times so her arms got tightly pinned down in front of her.
"that should do... for now" she said with pride as the other girls studied Riley's sticky situation.
"are you planning on running around in the woods like that?" Tanja asked.
Riley looked at her sides and tried to pull her arms up with no success "hey, i'm always up for a challenge".
"alright then, everyone get in the car and we shall head to the woods" i said.

after a 7 minute long drive and listening to some of the music i had in my car we finally arrived the woods where the girls would practice their map reading skills. Riley needed a little help with getting out of the car but beside of that no problems yet.
"alright, here are the equipments you need now spread out" i said.
"what are you gonna do then?" Riley asked me.
"who me? i'll be staying right here playing Super Mario while i'm waiting for you to finish" i said as i pulled my 3DS out of my pocket "have fun".
Meg and Tanja stood with their mouths wide open and seemed mad at me.
"that's not fair, i wanna play Mario too" Meg said.
"i got a better idea, how about if you go and do the orientation while i'll sit here and play Mario instead?" Tanja said smugly.
i turned on the 3DS and said "i'm not the one who is going to attend the championship".
"come on Kate, let's go" Meg said with a huge disappointment in her voice.
Tanja walked up to me while i was leaning against my car, i looked at her and she looked straight into my eyes with a mean face.
"you're evil" she said and flipped down the screen of my console before she left with Ellie and a wrapped up Riley.
"i know, aren't i just the most badass scout leader you ever had" i responded as i flipped the screen back up.
i could tell by the look on her face when she left that she wanted to kill me at the moment, but i assume she knew what the result would have been if she tried.

for the next 30 minutes i just sat in my car and relaxed. once every now and then i would see one of the teams as they were running by while studying the map.
i was expecting them to remove the duct tape from Riley but every time i saw them run by she was still wrapped up.
at some point both of the teams had returned and i had them switch maps.
"Riley, are you sure you don't want that duct tape removed?" i asked just to make sure. even though this probably was a dream come true for most of the people who is on this forum i was still the leader for them and had a certain responsibility.
"i'm okay, i'm not a quitter" she said.
the teams switched maps and once again they ran off in different directions as i just stood by at my car.
it was getting late, the temperature was lower now than earlier that day. still the sun was shining brightly though as it was that time of the year when the sun was shining 24/7, and it would be like this for the next couple of months.
after a while Riley, Tanja and Ellie came back with all the questions that Kate and Meg had placed around. the other team came back about 5 minutes later.

i went trough the questions i had made together with them to see how many of them that knew the answers. it was mostly questions about scouting history like when Lord Baden Powell started the scout movement and where the first scout camp ever took place.
"this is the kind of things you might get questions about during the theoretical task on the championship, so you should study some more scout history before we head to Oslo in June" i said.
"also pay some attention to the media, they will focus on things that has been going on around the world lately. for an instance all that stuff that is going on in North-Korea at the moment, there is bound to be some questions about that".

the girls seemed to be a little nervous about the championship now, i could tell by the look in their eyes that they were excited about participating but at the same time i could also see a tiny amount of fear for making themselves look like fools.
"look you girls have done a great job by now, i still have a knot oriented meeting with you now on thursday and after that i have prepared you as much as i can. anything could happen during the championship and since we don't even know what the secret tasks are there is just as much chance for winning as it is for losing for every team that participates".
i felt like a pep talk was needed right now.
"i can't show up on thursday" Riley responded "i'll be out of town".
"i have theater practice" Kate said.
"i don't know yet" Ellie said.
"how about you two?" i asked while i looked at Meg and Tanja.
"i don't have any plans that day" Tanja responded.
"i'll be there" Meg said with a smile.
"maybe we should practice our knots on Viking?" Riley said teasingly.
"how about we use the remaining of the duct tape to immobilize you completely?" i said sarcastic.
"oh! can we do that?" Kate said excited as she held up the remaining roll of duct tape.
"sure" i said.

what happened next was all the other girls tackling Riley to the ground as she screamed.
"ah, f*** it... i'll help you" i said as jumped Riley as well and held her feet up.
i told Kate to wrap the duct tape around her legs.
"NO! i'm not a f***ing animal" Riley said.
"did i ever mention that there is one way you can torture her that is not agains the law?" i said next.
"really, what's that?" Kate said while she looked at me.
the evil look on her face when she turned back to Riley who desperately tried to roll away "NO! NO! NO! i'm not a animal!"
"Riley, come back here you little f***tard" Kate shouted at her as she and Tanja chased her.
"hey Kate!" i shouted and pulled out a white rope from my car "have fun" i threw the rope to her and she chased Riley once again.

"some scout leader you are" Ellie said to me while we stood by the car and watched Kate and Tanja attacking Riley.
"i'm not a animal" she kept shouting.
"well... technically speaking you are as the humans are related to the monkeys" i said "at least that's what the theory says".
"B****!" Riley shouted to me. eventually Kate and Tanja dragged Riley back to my car with the rope around her upper body along with the huge amount of duct tape they had used.
"i hate you guys right now" she said.
"oh but Riley, that is such a strong word. you don't really mean it do you?" Kate said with a childish voice.
Riley smiled trying to hold her laughter back.
"can i see your 3DS for a little Viking?" Meg said suddenly.
i held it up in front of her "there, do you see it?"
she tried to take it from me but i was to fast for her and pulled it back.
"dammit, i almost got it" she said.
"so you're trying to steal my stuff, huh? how about if we tie up you as well?"
Meg looked a little scared "you wouldn't dare"
"Ellie, grab her while i'll get some more rope from my car".

Ellie smiled and did exactly like i told her.
"NO!" Meg shouted as i took another rope out of my car. Tanja and Kate was busy taking pictures of Riley with their iPhones while she was sitting up against my car.
"what's going on?" Tanja said.
i gave the rope to Kate and said "will you tie up Meg as well when you first are at it?"
"sure" she said with a smile.
Meg broke free from Ellie and started running away with Tanja, Kate and Ellie chasing her.
"wait, are we tying up Meg too?" Riley said "Viking, help me up please".
i lifted Riley up and helped her stand up as she started jumping after them "hey wait for me! i wanna tie up Meg too!"
i couldn't hold back my laughter any longer, the sight of Riley jumping toward the others who had tackled Meg to the ground and now was struggling with tying her up was quite a sight.
but i noticed soon that Meg was not comfortable about being tied up, the way she screamed as the others tried to tie her up against her will made it very clear to me that she was not going to handle being tied up even if it was just for fun.
she was frightened in a way that i have never seen before, so i told the others to stop before it went to far.

"she has learned her lesson, so back of and leave her alone" i said with s strict voice "it's obvious that she don't wanna do this". we also started to untie Riley, i took my knife out and started cutting off the duct tape that was surrounding her entire body. i took the tape that had been used and put it in the back of my car so could throw it in the garbage later.
everyone got into my car and we drove back to town.

next meeting with the rainbow butterflies would be in 4 days and i guess it seems obvious where that is going since i already mentioned it would be a knot meeting.

Re: Rainbow Butterflies: culinary lessons and orientation

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:37 pm
by Druidofthewilds
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