Cacofonix : 05 - Birthday Party (mmm/m)

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Cacofonix : 05 - Birthday Party (mmm/m)

Post by TightsBound »

Cacofonix 's stories
05 - Birthday Party
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By Cacofonix

--Written by Cacofonix on the old site.--

Of course I was invited to P’s birthday party. It would have been rude not to go.

P told me to get there early. I turned up like a good boy with a birthday present. There was no sign of his mum. Two of P’s cousins were there early too. They were boys of about our age. They had been looking forward to meeting me. I soon found out why. The three of them suddenly grabbed my arms and dragged me off to the shed. Tie up games must run in their family.

“Dragged” is an exaggeration. I didn’t resist. I knew what they were going to do to me.

In the shed there was a wooden chair and miles of rope waiting for me. The boys pulled my arms behind me, crossed my wrists and tightly tied them together. Then P tied my elbows close together. I loved it when he did that. It meant he wasn’t messing about. He was making sure I couldn’t get loose. I was quite flexible. My elbows nearly met. There was just room for P to cinch and knot the rope between them.

Meanwhile the cousins were tying my legs together. They started with my ankles, then tied my legs above and below the knee, then tied my thighs together. Like P they used a lot of rope and tied it tight. They all double-knotted everything just in case. Anyone would think I was Houdini.

It was fun being worked on by three boys at once. I was helpless and immobilised really quickly.

They sat me down in the chair with my arms behind the chair back. P tied my body and arms to the chair back with tight ropes around my waist, chest and shoulders. One cousin tied my thighs down to the seat of the chair and the other one tied my calves and ankles to the front left chair leg.

The cousins wanted me gagged too. They needn’t have worried. P always gagged me. I’d have been disappointed if he hadn’t.

P stuffed his handkerchief all the way into my mouth and cheeks. He borrowed another handkerchief from one of his cousins and crammed that into my mouth too until my cheeks bulged. Then he taped me up with really sticky duct tape. It was his usual wraparound gag. Tape stuck over my mouth then wound behind my head and back over my mouth again round and round about ten times nice and tight.

P’s cousins were very excited by the gag. They had played tie up games before but it was the first time they had gagged a boy so that they could keep him tied up for as long as they liked.

For the next few minutes they tickled and pinched me to make me squirm. Then it was time to go. The party was starting soon. “We’ll save you some cake”, said P. The door closed after them. The key turned in the lock.

Being left alone helplessly bound and gagged was scary at first but in a nice way. I liked being alone. It was more realistic. No one could help me.

It was a good tie up. The ropes were so tight they hurt when I struggled. There was no way I could escape by myself. I’d need my hands free, but my wrists and elbows were tightly tied behind my back. It was great. I could see the knots on the ropes tying my body and legs to the chair but I couldn’t get at them with my arms pinned behind my back.

The party started. The little shed was at the bottom of the garden behind some apple trees but there were kids all over the garden making loads of noise. It was particularly exciting to hear girls’ voices outside my shed. I imagined them finding me bound and gagged and rescuing me. Then I thought it would be even better if they just laughed at me. It couldn’t happen though. The shed was locked.

The shed wasn’t locked to keep me in. I was too tightly tied to escape. It was to keep people out, particularly P’s mum. We didn’t want her finding me all tied up and gagged. P didn’t want the other kids finding me and untying me either.

He always gagged me really tightly. He was afraid I would get bored and start making a lot of noise, because then he’d have to untie me before his mum heard. He wanted to keep me tied up.

It worked too. Being bound and gagged for real is fun at first, but after a while it did get a little bit boring being locked in a shed on my own with nothing to do, especially when everyone else was having fun outside.

I hadn’t even expected to be tied up today. I couldn’t get loose though. Those ropes were tight. It was really frustrating. If my mouth hadn’t been stuffed full of hankies and taped up tight I think I would have shouted for help.

I liked it. Wanting to be untied but being too tightly gagged to shout for help was really exciting. It meant I was bound and gagged against my will.

I wondered when P would get the chance to untie me with all these people about. Perhaps he would have to wait until everyone else had gone home. I quite liked that idea but I didn’t really think he would leave me tied up quite that long.

I was wrong, but it wasn’t P’s fault. When I had been in the shed for what felt like at least an hour I started to worry that P was having so much fun he had forgotten me. It seemed quiet outside. Then I heard a rumble of thunder. Heavy rain drops began falling on the shed roof. Soon it was raining cats and dogs. I realised that all the other kids had been called inside and I was alone in the garden.

The rain went on for ages. I was trapped in the shed until it stopped, tightly bound and gagged and tied to a chair with miles of rope. Everyone else was sheltering from the rain inside. P’s mum wouldn’t let him go outside, so he couldn’t come to untie me. If I hadn’t been tied so tightly I’d have been kicking myself.

P wasn’t very apologetic. In fact he thought it was funny.
This little mishap didn’t put me off tie up games though. I let P tie and gag me again the very next day.

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Very good stories
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