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Jennifer : 02 - Trying New Things: Breakfast with Mom (Fm/f)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:27 am
by Soraka
Jennifer's stories
02 - Trying New Things: Breakfast with Mom
Story index at the bottom

By Jennifer

Hello again everyone. My last story went over pretty well with everyone from the feedback that I got for it. There was a request on Canucks site if I would share some of the other milestones of my first times getting tied up. So, after some consideration, I decided that I would go ahead and share one of the other early experiences that I had. This story is about the first time that my hands got tied behind my back. I hope that everyone enjoys it.

It was a quiet morning during one of the early months of spring when I was six. I still stayed at home with my mother during the day at this point in time. I didn't start school until I was seven and then I began right at first grade, I was never in kindergarten. I guess that my parents decided not to send me just like they didn't send my other siblings. Anyway, back to the story at hand. I sat up in bed as the sun was coming through the window brightly. I wasn't sure what time it was as I looked around the room. I heard the door give a gentle creak as Scott opened it slowly and crept quietly into the room. He was already dressed for school and was coming in for something that he had forgotten.

"Good morning Jennifer, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." I yawned and told him that I had already been awake for a few minutes. Then I asked my brother what time it was. I was still having trouble reading the clock in our room. Our mother didn't get us a digital one until we were older. Scott looked up at the old Big Ben clock on the dresser and studied it for a moment. He was just learning how to read the face clocks himself. "It's a little before 8 Jennifer. I was just getting my back pack for school, after all I am leaving soon." He replied. I thanked my brother and decided to swing out of bed and put my feet on the floor. This was usually later than I slept in, but everyone sleeps in a once in a while and I was no exception. I usually got up earlier to watch cartoons with Scott and later watched him get on the school bus around 8:30 or so.

Scott flipped the light on in the room to assist him in finding his backpack now that waking me up was no longer a threat. I stood up and stretched all the way out before letting out a second loud yawn. Then I looked over as Scott as he we bending over and picking up his book bag. I guess I should mention how I was dressed. I was wearing a pink blanket sleeper with a zipper down the front and the little white toe cap pajama feet. It was a Tuesday, which meant mom and I were staying home all day and it provided me with an excellent opportunity. I peered over at my brother trying to think of the best way to break the ice on the idea that I wanted to ask him. Finally, after a minute I worked up the nerve and asked him shyly; "Scott, do you think you could tie me up this morning before you leave for school?" My brother looked over at me and then he looked over at the clock again. "I guess we have time if you want to play, but mom will have to let you out. I replied that was fine with me as Scott headed over to the dresser to collect a coil of rope.

This wasn't all that uncommon for my household. Ever since Mary and Sean had inducted me into their games I had been tied up a couple of times on and off. Always with just my hands tied together in front of me. Sometimes Scott or Sean were willing to play a tug with me before they went to school. Usually, Scott would let me out before he left, but one morning he forgot that I was tied up. I ended up having to ask my mother to let me go after I failed to escape on my own. She really didn't have a problem with it. So, later on I asked her if it was okay for her to let me go if I wanted to stay tied until after Scott left for school and she said it was fine. My mother would never tie me up directly, but she was willing to let me go if one of my sibs did later.

Scott began to uncoil a longer piece of rope. It was probably between 10 and 12 feet in length. He undid the knot holding the coil and let the slack fall to the floor. I walked over to where he was standing with the piece of rope. My brother took hold of my right and knotted one end of the rope off on my wrist. "Scott," I asked timidly "could you tie my hands behind me like Mary ties yours and Sean's sometimes?" I had seen both of them tied up with their hands behind them on several occasions and I had wanted to try it ever since the first time that I played the game. Still, Mary never let me go through with it though. She kept telling me that she would do it when I got a little older and would only do my hands in front. Sean pretty much followed her lead, and my parents wouldn't get directly involved with the games at all. So, by the process of elimination, I had come to the conclusion that Scott was my best chance to ask.

It took him more than a minute to think about it, or so it seemed. His response made it seem like his thoughts were directed elsewhere though. He was probably daydreaming. "Okay Jen, sure whatever. Could you turn around then for me?" I complied with his request and turned my back towards him. Scott took hold of each of my hands by the wrists on each of my sides. Then he brought my hands together behind my back and placed my wrists into a criss cross X pattern in the small of my back. Next, he began to make horizontal loops around my crossed wrists. As my brother drew the ropes tight I was going through a whole range of emotions. It was a combination of excitement because this was a new experience and it was my first time being tied up this way, and it also turned out to be a very nerve racking experience too. This was the real thing and I had learned from watching Scott and Sean that when your hands are tied like this it is really hard to move around. Overall, I didn't know how it was going to turn out. But I just stood there and let Scott bind my hands behind me.

He used up the bulk of the rope making horizontal turns around my crossed arms. Then he used the last 3 feet or so to make a few vertical loops in between my tied wrist. This helped to reinforce the horizontal loops and tighten the tie down quite a bit. I let out a little wince before he tightened the rope one last time. He asked if it was too tight and I told him that I was fine. So, Scott tightened it down one last time and knotted the ends of the rope off on the top of the tie. "There Jen, how is that?" I gave the ropes a gentle tug and then I leaned forward to see how far I could extend my arms behind my back. It turned out not to be too far. Then I took a moment and looked back over my shoulder to see what the tie looked like. Then I turned my attention back over to my younger brother whose face suggested that he wanted a response.

"It's pretty tight." I commented. "I don't think that I am going to be able to get out of this on my own." Scott nodded and gave me a huge grin. He seemed pretty pleased with himself and the good job he had done restraining his sister. "Well sis, I have a bus to catch pretty soon. Have fun. Let mom know when you want her to untie you." He blurted out as he collected his book bag and dashed out of the room, leaving me alone to test my new situation. Well, that is just what I did. I started out by struggling against the ropes pretty hard and squirming around trying to test the limits of how well I couldn't move my arms. After a few minutes of struggling against the tie, the realism of the situation began to sink in. I really couldn't get out of this on my own and my hands were in a position of complete helplessness. Still, I was having a great time.

I tried walking around the room a little bit next. It was a little trickier walking with my hands tied behind me because of trying to keep my balance. Even with the little gripper pattern the vinal bottoms on my pajama feet skidded pretty easily across the carpeted floor of the room. Still, after a few minutes I got the hang of it and recovered my balance pretty well. After a while, I got bored with walking around the room and decided to go and sit down. I headed over to the edge of the bunk beds and turned around. Then I tried to sit down on the edge of my bed. Unfortunately, I was just a little too short and the edge of the bed was just above my waist. I had to take a little hop backwards and landed sitting on the edge of the bed with a soft thud. Overall, I was having a pretty fun time.

I spent the next few minutes sitting there with my hands tied snuggly behind me and my legs dangling off the edge of the bed. My feet were just a few inches short of the floor, and then my first real problem occurred. My little nose started to itch and there was nothing that I could do about it. I tried twisting my arms back and fourth and up and down trying to get my nose to rub against my shoulder to no avail. I certainly couldn't reach my face with my hands bound like they were. So, I sat there for a minute or two suffering with no answer to my predicament in site. Then, I finally came up with a solution to my problem.

I leaned back a little and drew my legs up to my chest. Then I pushed myself backwards a little until I came in rest in the middle of my bed with my legs extended to the edge of the bed. Next, I folded my legs so that I was almost sitting cross-legged and leaned slightly forwards. Finally, I brought my right leg up and leaned forward to the point where I could rub my nose against my right pajama foot. It was such a relief to finally get rid of that itch. After I finished with my nose, I leaned back and regained my balance sitting up. Then, I turned so that I was sitting facing the foot of my bed. After I got facing forward I decided to lay down and see what it felt like to lie down with my hands behind me. I lowered myself gently and allowed my head to come to rest on the pillow. Then I stretched my legs all the way out in front of me.

I laid there for a few minutes, with the weight of my upper body pinning my arms down behind me. But after that few minutes ended, I began to realize that it was not very comfortable to lay on top of my tied arms for an extended period. So, I rolled myself over and laid on my stomach with my bound arms up in the air behind me. Then I just laid there for a while. I struggled back and forth against the ropes and kicked my feet up and down from time to time while my head gently rested on my pillow. I was having a wonderful time with this. It was awesome just how much more this position kept me from being able to move around over the way that Mary usually tied me up. Part of me wished that I could spend the whole day likes this, but I knew that it would have to come to an end soon or later. And then it happened. "Jennifer time for breakfast, come on my little ladybug (my mothers pet name for me when I was young) let's eat before it gets cold."

My heart sank. I was having a great time and my mom had to ruin it for me. Oh well, I thought, besides I was getting pretty hungry. It took me a little bit of effort to figure out how to get myself out of bed and back onto the floor. But it really wasn't that hard. After all, my legs weren't tied. Luckily Scott had left the door wide open, which offered me easy access to the hallway. There was no way I could open it with my hands tied the way they were on their own. I exited the room and padded down the hallway into the kitchen where my mom was waiting. "Good morning Jennifer, did you just wake up?"

I shook my head and explained that I had been up for a while and was just playing in my room. She was filling a bowl at the stove with hot oatmeal that she had just prepared. My mother opened the drawer to her left and pulled out a clean spoon and put it in the bowl. Then she brought it over to the table for me. It was then that she realized that my hands were tied behind me when she first looked down at me. She deposited the cereal on the table and gave me a quick smile. "It looks like Scott did a good job. Did you have a fun with it?" I looked up at her as if she had esp. or something. My mother explained that Scott had told her about tying me before he got on the bus. Just to make sure that nothing happened.

"Well, Jennifer I had better untie you. After all, it would be pretty hard to eat breakfast with your hands tied like that wouldn't it." I let out a quiet sigh and nodded in agreement. I knew my mom was right, but I still didn't want to be untied yet. Once she let me out I knew that it would be it for the day. My mother looked down at me for a moment or two and tried to figure out what was bothering me. Then she straightened her vision and gave me a quick smile. Without either of us exchanging a word, she exited the kitchen and headed down the hallway. I heard the closet door opening and began to hear my mother rummaging through it for something. I padded over to the doorway into the hallway amd risked a look around the corner to see what my mother was collecting from the closet. It was big whatever it was. I finally worked up the nerve and asked what she was looking for.

My mom replied, "It appears to me that you don't want me to untie you quite yet Jen. But, I cannot let your breakfast get cold forever. So, I think I have a solution to solve both problems." With a final jerk, my mom wrenched the big object loose from its position in the closet and dragged it into the hallway. "I guess I am just going to have to help you eat breakfast." she offered. The thing that my mother retrieved from the closet was an old high chair that she used when my siblings and I were babies. She grabbed a hold of it with one hand and carried it down the hallway to the kitchen. Then she deposited it next to the end of the table.

After my mother finished placing the relic in the kitchen she headed over to the sink and got a damp towel. She used it to wipe the tray and the seat of the high chair off before she dried them with a paper towel. Once she was done with that, she reached under the edge of the tray and pulled out the two pins that kept the tray attached to the high chair. I looked over at her in disbelief and asked why she couldn't just use my normal place at the table. My mother explained that it would be easier for her this way. Primarily because the high chair would offer me a higher sitting position so that she wouldn't have to bend over to attempt this.

I tried to protest the idea a little more, but my mother just walked over a scooped me up. Given the way my hands were tied there wasn't anything I could do unless I decided to run. And, I didn't trust my balance enough to do that. My mother braced my back with one arm and used the other one to pick me up under my knees. I didn't offer any resistance at this point, mostly because I didn't want to be untied yet. Sometimes in life you just have to swallow your pride. My mother lifted me up and guided my legs into the high chair and deposited me in the intended positions. I will take a moment and describe my situation.

The high chair was made of a heavy duty plastic and had a padded back and seat. I was a little big, but I could still fit into it comfortably, which surprised me a little. It had a high back, which rose just above my shoulders. In addition to the back and the seat, the chair also had two sides next to bars that sat just above my waist. Each side had a series of holes in them that the tray could be affixed to by popping two retractable pins into on each side of it. It also had a heavy plastic bar in front that connected the two side bars to each other. Additionally, there was a plastic bar that ran from the front bar down to the seat to separate the occupant’s legs and prevent them from sliding forward out of the chair.

My mother carefully guided each of my legs into their respective holes under the front bar and seated me gently in the chair. It was a snug fit especially with my hands tied, but it wasn't all that uncomfortable really, it was really just more embarrassing than anything else. My mom adjusted the footrest and pulled it into the lowest position. Surprisingly, I was able to bring my feet to rest on top of it. Luckily I was small for my age. The high chair was designed to be one of the safest on the market, which is why my parents probably bought this one. I squirmed around in my seat for a moment trying to find a comfortable position. The chair wobbled a little back and forth from my movements. I ended up leaning forward and I almost thought that I would fall out on the floor. However, I managed to regain my balance and find a more comfortable position to sit in. Then I had another idea. "Can you strap me in too? I don't want to fall out." I explained.

My mother gave me a quiet laugh and smiled. "I think you’re a little big for the seatbelts Jennifer, but we can try if you want to. I don't want you to fall out either." She said. My mother went to work loosening the straps to their farthest setting to see if they would still fit me. Surprisingly, they did with more slack than either of us expected. My mother tightened them back down until they had a reasonably snug fit and buckled the fatex buckle on the lap belt that secured me. The seatbelts were like the straps you would typically find in a stroller on a fanny pack. They were a little under an inch across and made of the webbing that fatex buckles are usually on. There was a normal lap seat belt and a strap that ended in a loop that came up between my legs. The lap belt got threaded through the loop to make a crotch strap. There were also two shoulder belts that worked in a similar fashion. They could be tightened or loosened with a plastic slide higher up on the strap. They also ended in loops that the lap belt was threaded through to attach them. My mom buckled the seat belt and drew everything secure.

My parents were a little over protective of me. Especially at a young age, every stroller, car seat, high chair and even the first swing that I rode in had a five point harness on them. Still, I didn't mind. I was used to it by now and it seemed normal to me. Besides being all strapped in like that always reminded me of being tied up and I really came to like it. I squirmed around a little bit here and there, but with the seatbelts in place my movement had been reduced quite a bit farther. Finally, my mother picked up the tray and slid it into position and clicked it so that it was just an inch short of my stomach. "There Jen, I don't think you are going to fall out of that." My mom said with a little smile. I wiggled around and pushed back on the footrest with my pajama feet. I was strapped in pretty tight and I wasn't going anywhere soon. "No, I think you're right about that mom. I am not going to fall out, in fact I don't think I can even get out it I wanted to." I said with a quiet giggle.

My mother nodded and smiled back, then she walked over to a drawer on the island counter top in the kitchen and opened it up. She dug through the drawer for a moment and found what she was looking for. My mother removed an old bib from the drawer and walked over to where I was seated. It was one that I had used when I was younger and it had a big butterfly embroidered on it. "I really don't think that I need that, I am old enough not to spill anything." My mother ignored my statement and walked around behind me. She looped it around in front of me and tied it behind my neck loosely. "Sorry Jennifer, but I don't want you to end up wearing any of this. Are you ready?" I nodded and she came over and placed the bowl of oatmeal on the tray in front of me. She also poured me a glass of juice and put a straw in it for me. Finally, my mother went over to the drawer and got a spoon out and came back over to where I was sitting.

She scooped up a spoon of oatmeal and began to shove it towards my mouth. I ate it and swallowed it easily. Then my mother gof another spoon of oatmeal and we repeated the process. I continued to eat drinking a sip of juice here and there until it was finished. I had to admit that it felt a little backward to be in this situation, but I was still having a fun time being all tied up. It took a little coordination between the two of us, but we got it down without a spill or mess at all. Once we were finished, my mother took the bib back off of me and placed it back in the drawer that she got it from. "I guess you were right Jen, we don't have a mess at all." She commented with a quite laugh. "So, do you want to be untied yet or do you want to me to leave you be a little longer." I told her that I wanted to stay put for a little while longer. "Fine, then I am going to leave you where you are while I make breakfast for myself." With that she headed off to the stove and pulled out a frying pan.

I sat back in my seat and tried to struggle a little more against the ropes on my hands. I had pretty much ignored them while I was eating because it took all my concentration to eat with my mother. I wiggled and squirmed against the ropes back and forth a little. They still held as securely as ever. Unfortunately, the high chair straps I was wearing made it much more difficult to move around. In my room earlier, at least I could walk around. Here I was pretty much stuck where I was. Also, since the buckle to the seatbelt was in front and my hands were tied behind, there was no way that I could release myself from my current situation. I struggled against the ropes a bit more and then finally I gave up and accepted my fate. I wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

I turned my attention over to my mother who was busy breaking a couple of eggs into the frying pan and adding some ingredients to them. "So mom what are you making for breakfast?" I asked. She looked over at me and told me she was making an omelet, it had some ham and a couple of different vegetables in it from what I could see. She finished putting the ingredients into the frying pan and turned the heat on. I watched as she began to cook it and flip it back and forth. My mother concentrated mostly on her cooking, giving me a glance backwards now and again. I watched as the eggs hardened around the vegetables and the omelet began to take shape in the frying pan.

My mother looked backwards again to where I was sitting. "It is almost done Jennifer, would you like to try some?" She offered. I shook my head, "No, I really don't like all those vegetables." My mother pulled a plate out of the cupboard and pulled the finished product onto it. Then she picked it up and came over to where I was seated. "You really should try new things Jennifer, one bite isn't going to kill you." She said with her typical mother response. My mother reached down and took a fork cutting off one of the corners of the omelet. Then she picked it up and started to thrust it towards my head. Suddenly, I wasn't all that happy with my situation. I tried to evade her and struggled against the ropes on my wrists. But it was useless, I wasn't going anywhere at the moment. So, I did the only thing that I could. I yelled, "No, I don't want any no,... " I shouldn't have opened my mouth as my mom gave me a bite of the omelet.

My gut relation was to want to spit it out, but I decided not to put up a fight. It was probably better just to get it over with. So, I chewed the bit of omelet and swallowed it. Then I looked over at my mother. "That really wasn't all that bad was it? So, what do you think?" To tell the truth of the matter, it really wasn't all that bad. "It was okay I guess." I responded. "Would you like another bite?" I nodded and said it was fine. My mother gave me another mouth full and followed it with a few more. I probably ate half of her breakfast, but she didn't seem concerned with the matter. "See, you don't know what you will like until you try it." I told my mother that she was right (for once) and told here that the egg tasted pretty good, but I still didn't care for everything that she put in it. She nodded and told me next time she would make it a little more plain for me.

She proceeded to finish eating herself and she had another cup of coffee. She also poured me another glass of juice and watched as I squirmed around helplessly. "So, Jennifer do you like being tied up?" My mother asked out of the blue. I paused for a moment and thought the question over. "Yeah, I guess I do. It's kink of neat to not be able to move around so well. It's just kind of fun to play with. It was really neat to eat breakfast this way with you." My mom smiled as she finished the last of her cup of coffee. "We'll have to do this again sometime if Scott ties you up again. I think it is time that I let you go though. You have been tied up for more than an hour. Aren't you getting sore from the ropes yet?" I had to agree with her on that I was more than ready to get out of this situation.

My mother walked over and pulled the tray off of the high chair and placed it on the counter. Then she undid the lap belt and pulled the rest of the straps off of me. I was then lifted down to the floor and left standing while my mother knelt down behind me. Finally, she untied my hands at the wrists. I brought them out from behind my back and began to rub some circulation back into them. "Thanks mom, it was fun but it feels good to get out of that." My mother nodded as she picked up the high chair and began to walk it back to the closet for storage. I went into the living room and switched on the television.

Well, that about wraps up this story for the moment. At least the interesting parts of it. There were a couple of other occasions where I went through a similar experience with my mother in the morning again. She used the high chair a second time, but then she gave up on it. I was jest getting too big for it and it was a pain to lug it down the hallway and out of the closet. So, this concludes another of the milestone stories about my first experiences being tied up. I hope you all enjoyed it. I have two more stories that fit into this category that I could type out if there is an interest in the subject. However, I am unsure if I should continue with this little series much farther. I didn't remember everything here, but my mother had a pretty good memory of it and she refreshed the experience in my head and gave me some of the other details. So, it turned out pretty well. I would really appreciate some feedback this time. I want to know what you guys (and gals) think and if I should continue with my earlier stories. Because I need to talk with some of my other family members if I am going to. Thanks, until next time.


Jennifer's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section