FH : 13 - Germany 1982 - The last one (m/F)

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FH : 13 - Germany 1982 - The last one (m/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

FH's stories
13 - Germany 1982 - The last one
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Monday April 10th 2000 01:01:09

Saturday was a sad day as all my friends with whom I played bondage games left. Helga, Sabine, Marcus left early in the morning and I waited eagerly to see if anybody interesting returned later that day. As it turned out all the families arriving had smaller children, none of my age (14), and none to continue the bondage games with, so I spend most of the last holiday week in the swimming pool.

We would leave for the Netherlands on the next Saturday. Kim (21) was leaving for the Netherlands on Friday with her parents, she told me when we were in the pool together on Wednesday. Since last Friday (the rainy day from the previous post) the weather had been very nice, the temperatures hadn't been sky rocketing into the high 20's anymore, but stayed around 24 degrees Celsius, which was perfect weather.

It was lunch time when I was in the pool with Kim and there was nobody else around, except for some people in the garden chairs getting a sun tan some 10 meters away from us. We had a race across the pool, but she won it easily, being older and much more sportive then I was (and am).

"At least I'm better at tying you up", I joked, secretly hoping that she would follow my lead. The other people were far enough away not to be able to hear our conversation, so I wasn't afraid to say it and besides we were speaking Dutch and all the other guests were German.

She was wearing the same red two-piece swimsuit I had seen her wear the day I first tied her. She finished her lap, went underwater and surfaced again so her long black hair was out of her face.

"I'll bet you wouldn't mind doing it again, would you? Or would you rather I tied you up?" I turned red in the face, I hadn't expected such a direct approach.

"My parents are gone again visiting relatives in the area, as they are every Wednesday when we are here and because we are going home on Friday, they are staying over until tomorrow", she continued. "What if I tie you up first and then later you can take your revenge? Just see it as my goodbye present. I heard what happened on Friday. Not bad."

I didn't know what to say. After a few moments I told her it was fine with me, but had to tell my parents.

"Why don't we tell them you and I are going out for a walk. We can go to the woods and have some fun there." There was a large wooded area close to Wittelsberg but hardly anyone used it.

"Okay, I'll go and ask permission", I said, getting out of the pool.

"Don't forget to take some of the ropes with you. We'll meet in front of the house. Okay?" I just nodded and ran towards our cottage.

Luckily my mother didn't have any problem with me going to the woods with Kim. I picked up what was left over from the ropes and rags we had used on Friday, some of it was taken home by Helga, and ran to the front of the house. Kim was not there yet, so I sat down on the doorstep and waited for her. She came down the stairs 5 minutes later dressed in the by now familiar blue shorts and white blouse, wearing a small backpack. I could see the red bikini top underneath the blouse. She had put on brown leather walking shoes as if we were going for a very long walk.

"Let's go then", she said.

It took us fifteen minutes to get to the edge of the woods. We followed some of the smaller tracks and when we had entered the wood far enough so we couldn't be seen from the road, Kim stopped.

"Time to get you wrapped up", she smiled.

I was a bit nervous. Kim selected a long piece of rope from the bag I was carrying and told me to turn around. She took my arms and guided them behind my back and started tying the rope around my crossed wrists. I felt the rope being cinched and knotted. Then she used the rest of the rope to wind it around my middle, pinning my wrists to the middle of my back. With a smaller piece of rope from the bag she pulled my elbows together. I couldn't touch them, they didn't even come close, but she pulled all the slack out, making it a snug. Next she continued with another long rope and circled it around my upper body and arms, cinching it between my arms and body, until I couldn't even move my arms at all. She added a short piece of rope to this last rope as a leash and picked up the bag.

"Okay, let's walk"

This was something I hadn't expected. I thought she would just tie me up and then after a while we would reverse roles. She pulled on the ropes and all I could do was start walking. It felt really funny walking with my arms bound and being led by a beautiful young woman. We walked for half an hour deeper into the woods, when she stopped. During our walk we had been talking about nothing particular and I was starting to enjoy this walk.

"Time for some additions", she said, selecting a rag from the bag. It was the same piece of cloth that had gagged me on Friday, which she used to gag me with now.

After she was satisfied I was not going to make anymore sounds, she continued her walk, pulling me along again. We walked again for a while, this time with a single sided conversation from her side and the occasional grunt from my side, until we reached the other side of the woods. I could see a farmer busy on his land and pulled back on the leash, but Kim didn't gave me an option and pulled forward. We passed close to the field he was working on and he must have seen us, although I'm not sure if we were close enough for him to see that I was gagged and bound. At least we didn't get a reaction from him.

The path led back into the woods and soon we were completely surrounded by trees again, when Kim stopped for the second time. She helped me sit on the floor, pulled a rope from the bag and proceeded to tie my ankles together. She sat down alongside me and undid her backpack, in which she kept a bottle with water and some sandwiches. I had forgotten I didn't have lunch and suddenly felt hungry, but Kim kept me bound and gagged, while she ate. All she did was smile at me. In the end she did ungag me and fed me a sandwich, before regagging me again.

After a rest the rope around my ankles was undone and our walk continued. She kept up a nice pace and I had trouble keeping up with her. Every time I slowed down a tug on the rope told me to hurry. At last I could see the edge of the wood again, we had been walking for almost three hours. Kim stopped and placed the bag with the ropes on the floor.

"Turn around", she ordered me. After I turned around she undid the gag. The ropes followed and soon I was free again.

I collected all the ropes and we started on our way back to Wittelsberg. It didn't feel weird at the time to be walking around tied up by an older woman, there was no sexual stimulant yet, nor from my side as from hers.

By the time we got to the cottages it was almost dinner time. My mother was sitting on the porch of the cottage and when she saw us coming down from the road she asked if we had enjoyed our walk. I told her I had. Kim was asked to stay for dinner, but she told my mother that I was invited to have dinner at her place and if she would mind if I didn't eat with them. My mother just smiled and told me to be home on time for bed.

"Thanks, mum". And I kissed her on the cheek.

After saying goodbye to my mum, we went up to Kim's apartment in the holiday house. She prepared some snacks and we enjoyed the food while talking about our walk. Then she went into her bedroom and came out after ten minutes, dressed in a yellow one piece swimsuit, barefoot and with her hair in a ponytail.

"Are you ready to do your worse?" she asked me. I tried to produce an evil grin, but it turned into a funny grimace and we both had to laugh.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom before we start? I have no intention of letting you go any time soon." I told her.

Kim laughed and told me she had just been, so I could start anytime I wanted. I already had decided how I wanted her tied and pulled a chair away from the table. It had a high, but rather small, wooden backrest with a number of holes in it in a leave pattern, quite useful for what I intended to do.

"Sit down, please", I asked her.

The top of the backrest reached to just above her shoulders. Kim sat down and waited for things to come, while I selected a piece of rope. I guided her hands behind the chair back. It took me little time to tie her wrists palm to palm, cinching the ropes and using at least 3 or 4 knots in the process.

"You learned quickly how to tie somebody", Kim commented, while she tested the ropes around her wrists. I grinned, while picking up another rope and stepping behind her. Careful I wrapped the rope around her elbows and started pulling on them. Kim was flexible enough to have her elbows tied together, but the back of the chair wasn't that small, so I had to stop when her elbows were 10 centimeters apart. After wrapping several loops around her elbows and knotting it a couple of times, I used the rest of that rope to secure her elbows to the back of the chair. Unable to move her elbows anymore, Kim became quieter and waited for me to continue.

I had thought about gagging her before proceeding, but since I wasn't sure how far I could go, I decided to wait with the gag. Instead I selected one of the longer ropes and used it to tie Kim's upper body to the backrest. Some of the wraps were above her breast, but most underneath, all the way down to her middle. At one point she commented that the ropes were a bit tight.

"Prisoners don't have anything to say about that", I answered, but still did the rest of the rope a little less tight.

Her legs were next. I hadn't really planned on what to do with her legs, but when I noticed Kim lifting the chair with her feet while she was waiting for me to continue, I decided that they had to be of the ground. She smiled when I asked her to lift her legs and cross her ankles in from of her on the chair seat.

"You're getting good at this, maybe it's a good thing this holiday ends on Friday".

I grinned.

"Just wait till I'm done!" Her smile broadened.

Wrapping a long rope several time around her crossed ankles in all directions made it virtual impossible to move her legs, but I wasn't done yet. There was still plenty of rope left, so I took another piece and tied this to the rope around her ankles. Pulling on the rope I circled her waist and the chair, pulling her ankles closer to her body. As with all the knots I tied them of somewhere where her prying fingers couldn't reach them. An idea formed in my head and I picked up another rope and also tied this one to her bound ankles. I ran it under the chair to her bound wrists and looped it around the ropes on her wrists. Then it was back to her ankles. The rope was actually long enough to do it another time. Then I pulled on it until Kim grunted. The rope connected her ankles to her wrists, making movement almost impossible.

Satisfied I stood back and admired my handiwork. Kim was slowly testing her bonds. I noticed how her fingers searched for knots, which made me remember the way Helga had been bound by Marcus and Thomas (see previous posts). I selected a small piece of rope and tied Kim's thumbs together. There was some rope left, so I also did her little fingers. This even prevented her from searching for knots.

"Try getting out of that one", I said with a big grin on my face. Kim just looked at me.

"And what are you going to do to me now?", she said. I just picked up two rags and presented them to her.

"Open up"

With a smile on her face she held her mouth tightly pressed shut, so I couldn't gag her. Carefully I tickled her (I still didn't know how far I could go and I didn't want to blow it). It turned out she was not ticklish at all, and she opened her mouth to tell me so, which was what I was waiting for. Quickly the stuffing went into her mouth and the second cloth I used to hold the first one in. Kim could still make sounds, but speech was impossible.

I sat down at the table, feeling like the luckiest person in the world, and looked at my prisoner. She just sat there looking at me.

"You better escape", I told her.

"I'm not letting you out until I have to leave"

She said something in her gag I couldn't understand. Looking at the clock I could see I spend almost an hour tying her up, since it was close to seven.

"Can I get a drink?" I asked her and she just nodded.

In the kitchen I found some lemonade and poured myself a glass. Then I went back into the main room and sat down on the couch. For about an hour I just watched her while she moved a little, but most of the time she just stared ahead of herself as if she was in another world. After the hour I undid her gag and we talked for a while. At one point she asked me for a glass of water which I gave her, but most of the conversation is not worth mentioning here. Time went by much to quickly in my opinion and soon it was time for me to untie her. I would have loved to keep her there longer, but I knew my mother would be calling for me at 10. So after the last rope was undone, Kim helped me clean up the ropes and rags and then send me home. I threw the bag with the ropes in the open garage, so somebody else could use them when they were on holiday here. That was the last bondage experience of the holiday in Wittelsberg. I did see Kim on Friday before she left, but that was the last I saw of her.

Unfortunately this is also the last experience I can write on these pages, since my next experiences start at 19 (not counting the selfbondages I did, but those are not really interesting.) I will write some more about my "adult" stuff on another page some other time, but for now it is back to just reading here.

Thanks for reading my stories. It hope is was as much fun reading them as it was remembering and writing them.

NL (EK 2000 home)

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