CaptivePenny - Watching Jodi (f/f)

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CaptivePenny - Watching Jodi (f/f)

Post by Zek_ »

Watching Jodi (f/f)
By CaptivePenny

It was about 8 o'clock on a Saturday evening when Lisa called me. She sounded nervous, out-of-breath sort of, but I thought nothing of it.

"Hey Penny, you think I could talk you into watching Jodi tonight?"

I was kind of surprised by this. Since Lisa was the older sister she was more less permanently assigned the job of live-in babysitter by her parents. It wasn't exactly fair to her, but then again her parents rarely went out on weekends, which gave Lisa a lot of free time away from her little sister.

"Why? What's up?" I heard the phone muffled by a palm and pulled away then Lisa spoke up again.

"Well, I was supposed to watch her but then Sal called and he wants to see a movie tonight. So could you please come and watch her, I'll pay you..."

"How much?"

"Ten bucks?" she ventured.

"Try again. I want to get the new Green Day CD."

"Twenty Bucks." Lisa offered.

"Sold. I'll be there shortly."

"Want me to pick you up?" Lisa offered readily.

"Nah, I’ll get a ride from mom. I'll be there in a bit. Should I pack for overnight or...?”

"Nah, it's only a movie. We'll be right back after." The phone was covered once more, then was a murmur the Lisa spoke again," On second thought, you might want to bring over a bag. I want to hang out after."

"Cool. I'll do that." the phone was pulled away from her again," What's going on over there? " I asked," Is Sal with you already?"

"Yep." Lisa answered, "See you shortly." she hung up before I could reply.

I packed up some clothes, toothbrush and paste, my little cd player and some cds. On impulse, I also packed one of my nerf guns and a few extra rounds in clear plastic tube. Mom was more than happy to drive me over to Lisa's house, as she was going shopping late anyway.

The house was lit-up brightly inside and I could hear Lisa's music playing even before I reached the front door. I rang the bell rather than just walking in. As Sal was there, I didn't exactly want to walk in on the pair of them grappling passionately on the couch. It's not that I'm prude; it's just kind of embarrassing.

After the second ring, the music lowered in volume and there was the sound of pounding feet. Jodi answered the door, looking flushed in the face, her hair in scrunchi on top of her head. She had on a red mid-riff t-shirt under a pair of low riding coveralls.

"Hi Pen!" she said brightly and hugged me fiercely," We're upstairs. " She dashed up without waiting for me.

"She's here!" Jodi called loudly, as she climbed the stairs. Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" was blazing merrily at top volume once more. I followed her to Lisa's room.

Jodi opened the door and dashed in ahead of me, nudging the door closed slightly. I pushed the door open and was immediately tackled by no less than three girls.

"Lisa dammit!" I yelled as I struggled to pull loose- only to realize it wasn't Lisa, neither Asha, nor even Charlette herself who were attacking me. Jodi and two of her friends from school were on top of me, grappling, pulling, and giggling as they tried to overpower me.

Bear in mind I'm all of five foot nothing and maybe 100 or so pounds soaking wet, which put Jodi and her friends on a roughly equal size with me. Having some practical experience with this sort of thing gave me a temporary advantage as I managed to pry one girl loose here or there and wriggle from their collective grip. The girls however had tenacity on their side as I pried one off another would rush in to take her place.

Being slammed repeatedly by so many bodies took its toll and my resolve began to fade. Soon I was under a pile of gripping hands and binding limbs, gasping for air.

"There, we got’er! " Jodi said triumphantly,” Get the ropes!" One of the girls detached herself from the pile and drug out Lisa's box of tying stuff. She pulled out some coils of rope and passed them to Jodi. After some careful manipulation and additional struggling, the three managed to pull my hands behind my back.

Whether Jodi was taking lessons from her sister or she was just naturally good, I soon found my hands securely tied behind me. They crossed them at the wrists, the palms out and tied them tight with the knot just out of reach.

"Here," she said passing a rope to one of her friends," Tie up her feet, like I showed you."

Ankle to ankle, the girls coiled a double loop of rope around them drew it snug then wrapped for a bit. She made a little knot the passed the remainder between my ankles to cinch it before tying it once and for all.

Now that I was neatly captured, the girls disengaged completely. I tested the ropes and found them pretty firm. If this was Jodi's first attempt, it was impressive.

I recognized her companions right off. The first was Stacia, a cute little Hispanic girl the Jodi hung out with pretty frequently. She was only maybe 4 months younger than Jodi and if the rumors were true had a wild streak that rivaled her friend's. The other one was Simone, a lovely blonde who could almost have been Asha's little sister aside from her mild tan, green eyes and dimples.

"Let me guess, Lise and Sal took off and neglected to tell me you were having friends over."

The girls giggled conspiratorially," Well you're half-right." Jodi said and she and Stacia walked over to Lisa's bedroom closet. I knew what to expect, but it didn't keep me from being shocked. They opened the door and rolled Lisa out in her desk chair. Her captors had somehow managed to catch Lisa while she was getting dressed because wshe was wearing just her biker shorts and sports bra.

She was gagged and tied heavily but neatly with ropes, her wrists and elbows attached to the armrests. A crisscross harness of rope held her body firmly upright in the seat. Her ankles were crossed underneath and tied together at the swivel underneath the chair. Her face was deep red above the broad band of folded linen tied over her mouth. Lisa muttered hatefully behind her gag as she looked at the girls, tugging at the ropes.

"Mom and dad left her here to baby-sit us all. I'm sorry, but what kind of fun can you have with her big sister watching, y’know? So we captured her like we did you and tied her up. That got pretty boring after a while so I decided to try and capture you."

"So you had Lisa call me." I put in.

"Not exactly, I thought I could talk you into coming over with some sort of emergency or something, but then Lisa said you'd come over if she talked to you and offered money for you to watch me."

I glared at Lisa," YOU! You got me into this?" Lisa looked at me and muttered something.

"She says the more, the merrier." Jodi translated,” Now are you going to cooperate, or are we going to have to mess you up?"

"Believe me Jodi, if I escape, leaving this house will be the last thing on my mind!"

"Ooooo scary." Jodi said with a laugh. I thought the better of it and submitted to Jodi's demands. I sat in the chair as the girls gathered the needed ropes and gags for my unknown period of captivity.

Jodi got behind the chair and drew my hands around it and behind me. She tied them side by side, the palms out, the knots situated between my two hands, against the wrist bones. Stacia for her part was tying my feet as she had before, ankle to ankle with the cinching in between.

Simone meantime was weaving the clumsy sort of crisscross harness of rope, to pin me back into the chair. Over my left shoulder went the double loop, then down to my waist, around and the up over the opposite shoulder. She did this three times, pulling the ropes fairly tight. By the time she was finished, there was a belt of rope and a cluster of knots around my waist.

"That'll hold you." Jodi said looking over the ropework.

"You've been practicising." I said, examining the knots and coils.

"Yeah, Stacia likes to play around with this stuff too. " Jodi said off-handedly, earning a punch in the arm from her friend," And Carol offered to teach me a few tricks too, like that rope harness."

"So that's the project she was helping you with. " I surmised. About the last three weeks or so, Jodi and Carol had become pretty chummy. Both had insisted that Jodi needed help with a science project. Jodi's grades were no secret, so the story was easy enough to accept.

Jodi nodded," Yep. Well, enough talk. I say we gag her nice and tight then go watch TV. What say?"

The girls gave their approval so Jodi readied the linen for my gag. She stuffed a small wad into my mouth then tied a thin strap between my teeth behind my head. The last bit was a thick folded strap that she tied over my mouth. The knot slipped loose and that part of the gag fell off, so she tied it again. She had to tie it a third time to get it right, but by that time she had made the thing so darn tight I thought my cheeks were going to cave in.

Jodi went over to Lisa's CD player and dropped in a disk. She closed it with a giggle. In no time, Bobby Vinton was screeching "Blue Velvet" at top volume into our captive ears. Lisa wrenched at her bonds as if a bolt of electricity had passed through her. She hated HATED anything that sounded remotely country and for her this was pure torture.

"That'll keep you two entertained while we're away. " Jodi called loudly over the music," Have fun!!" With that, she shut off the lights and the little pack left giggling wickedly. Although I couldn't see her, I could hear Lisa wrenching at the ropes tying her in the chair, struggling for all her worth.

Despite the heavy gag, I could hear every sound she made. Every grunt, every sigh, every frustrated moan as she tugged at the cords pinning her securely. After a while she fell back exhausted, mumbling angrily into her gag.

Behind and to the left of us, Bobby Vinton crooned on mercilessly...

Even in the dark, Lisa and I had ample ability to examine our situation. Our hands were tied in completely opposite ways. Mine behind my back, Lisa's attached to the armrests. Freedom depended upon either Lisa or I moving our chair into position to reach the other's knots. Lisa was in a wheeled chair, but her feet were tied up off the floor so she couldn't even put a toe down.

My feet touched the floor, but the chair I was fixed in was heavy and solidly built. I imagined Lisa was as gagged effectively as I was (that point being reinforced by the extra loud torture music we were being made to endure), so both verbal and non-verbal communication were out. Even though we both might know what to do, we had no way to communicate, let alone coordinate the effort.

From what I knew and from what I could feel, the knots weren't too complicated, but they were set pretty well. It would take time to pick them apart, but there was no way of telling when Jodi and her crew would return.

Carol was a good tutor to have taught Jodi such an effective way to tie us up in so short a time. At least she hadn’t taught her the dreaded Demon knots.

Carol was strangely philosophical on that point, muttering something to the effect that "With great power comes great responsibility."

After some time of throwing my weight around uselessly, I felt Lisa’s delicate fingers pulling and tugging at the ropes around my wrists. In the dark she had managed to push her chair over to mine on her tiptoes and was in a position to try and untie me. Seeing as her hands were tied separately to the armrests, it was going to take time, and we had no idea how long it would be before Jodi and her crew came back.

Lisa pulled down hard and ropes began to loosen. I twisted my hands one against the other and finally the coils fell off strand by strand. Hands free, I untied the gag and worked on the ropes holding me in the chair. After about ten minutes or so, I was loose and had my feet untied. I switched on the light.

Lisa winced at the sudden light but was happy to see I was totally free. I untied her and removed her gag.

“I am SO going to pound those little witches! “Lisa growled.

“Wait a sec, let’s set a trap for them. Get the ropes and some more gagging stuff. We’ll turn the lights out and sit in the chairs like we’re still tied in them. When the lights go on, they’ll be blinded for a few seconds, we can get them then.”

Lisa grinned wickedly,” I like that idea.”

We got the ropes ready and Lisa produced some duct tape for gagging, so with those materials in hand we turned off the lights and waited. About a half hour later, Jodi and the other girls came strolling back, giggling among themselves.

“I’ll bet their brains have turned to goo by now.” Jodi said as she opened the door. The light came on and to their horror; we were no longer tied up and were across the floor and on top of them in a flash.

A grand melee broke out; Lisa vs. Jodi and Stacia, leaving me to deal with Simone. I slammed the door shut with my elbow and corralled the girl further into the room. She dodged left, she dodged right and almost skittered past me but then I grabbed her waist and pulled her to the floor. We rolled, wrestled, slapped, grabbed, tickled and eventually it ended with me victorious on top of her back with both her hands pinned under my knee.

I looked up and saw Lisa had fared far better, far earlier than I for she had Jodi by the wrists (which were behind her back) and was sitting on top of Stacia. One by one we tied the girls hands and feet then arranged them in a neat little row against the wall.

“Any last words, shrimps?” Lisa said as she peeled a strip of tape off the roll.

“Yes, Hell-mmph!!” Jodi cried, Lisa taped her mouth closed with two strips of duct tape then moved down the row and taped the other girls’ mouths closed as well.

“Now do you enjoy country music or it is opera?” I teased.

After she got dressed, Lisa and I went downstairs, secure in our victory and had a Coke. She flipped on the TV and we watched an old episode of Buffy on UPN. After the second commercial run I turned to Lisa and asked," So how much slack did you put in the ropes ?"

"Excuse me ?" she said, wide eyed as if I had asked her for grilled weasel on toast.

"How much slack did you put in the ropes ? You know they'll want to pay us back and we have to give them the illusion of hope they can escape."

"Illusion nothing." Lisa replied sarcastically," I never let Jodi have an inch when I tie her up. She has to earn her freedom."

"I see. Well the other two are both newbies to this, so I left the ropes a little loose on Simone."

"Then I'd expect their payback directly." Lisa said grimly, taking a long drink from her soda. We went back to the TV show. On the third commercial break I had to answer a call of nature but there was a problem. We had gone down to the Rec-room on the bottom floor and bathroom was on the first floor. By going up there I was setting myself up as the first victim. After aa while though, the need became undeniable and I had to go up.

"Good luck." Lisa said over her shoulder as I climbed the stairs," Beware of angry flying munchkins."

I crept up the stairs quietly and made my way slowly down the hall, ears wide open for any anxious giggles or the padding of little socked feet. The TV yammer was leaking upstairs offering some valuable audio camouflage for my three potential attackers. I paused and listened once more. Satisfied there was nothing I got to the bathroom without incident.

When I opened the door and stepped out , the herd of angry munchkins lay in wait. All three pounced and wrestled me to the floor in\to a huge confusing heap of giggles, flailing limbs and arcing cords. During the assault, someone got their fingers bitten trying to wedge a folded pillowcase across my mouth as a gag.

They didn't tie so much as tangle my arms up in the rapidly coiling ropes they passed back and forth among themselves. Once my arms were incapacitated, Stacia, looking very mad, once more gagged me with the folded pillowcase and my three captors escorted me back to Lisa's bedroom. Once there, they untangled the mess of ropes and properly tied my hands behind my back, my arms at my sides and my ankles as well. Jodi made me lean against the wall while she checked the ropes and knots while Simone went and pulled out Lisa's tying stuff.

Several plans were proposed and rejected. They wanted to be sure that I didn't escape while they re-captured Lisa, but were unsure as to how to do it.

"Let's tie the to the chair again." Simone said.

"Boring." Jodi said with a proper eye roll.

"Duct tape." Stacia suggested holding up a fat roll of it from the collection.

I shook my head vigorously.

"Do you want to get tied up in tape on their turn ?" Jodi asked. Stacia shuddered and dropped the roll.

"Wait a second," Jodi said smiling,"Didn't Charlette wrap all of you up in plastic wrap one time ?" Jodi asked.

Being gagged has it's advantages in that it denies you the ability to reply to direct questions. I didn't even nod. But Jodi saw something in my expression and smiled brightly," She did, didn't she ?" I refused to acknowledge the statement.

"Stacia, go to the kitchen and get a roll of plastic wrap. We'll wrap her up in it and then use the duct tape to hold it together."

When Stacia opened the door, I made a mad hopping dash for the door, but Jodi and Simone grabbed my arms and pushed me back up against the wall.

"Mummy Penny." Jodi said with a giggle.

Yeah shrimpo, I thought, think how funny it will be when it's your turns to be mummied little hostages.

Stacia returned with the plastic wrap in one hand and a terrible look on her face. The reason for the look was forthcoming as Lisa filed in right behind her.

"Wait a sec !" Jodi cried," You're supposed to wait until we come and capture you. That was the deal."

"Deal's off shrimpo !" Lisa declared with a little shrug," I found Stacia making off with the plastic wrap from the kitchen. I said it was alright to use my tying stuff, but never said anything about using stuff out of the kitchen. So by the terms of the agreement, you broke the deal first."

It was a technicality but a good one. Jodi was stumped for an answer," So now what ?" she asked.

"I suggest you untie Penny pretty quick 'cause Mom and Dad will be home shortly." Lisa said looking at her watch.

"Well can we tie you up just once more, like we agreed ?" Jodi asked.

Lisa thought it over," Sure, but no kitchen stuff Mom and Dad would freak if they saw half the Saran wrap was gone."

"Sure Sure." Jodi said brightly and sent Stacia flying back to the kitchen to return the plastic wrap. When she returned the flock of munchkins descended on Lisa and tied her hands, feet, arms, legs and then gagged her with some duct tape. Lisa and I looked at each other over out gags, then played the dutifully struggling hostages until the girls' parents came home.
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Post by Dpsiic »

What a fun story, thanks for re-posting it,
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