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Alex967 - It Had to Rain (mmm/f, mm/mf)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:59 am
by Zek_
Alex967 - It Had to Rain (mmm/f, mm/mf)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:45 pm

One hot summer day, when I was 10, Ian (also 10) and I made plans to go swimming at Ollie’s house. Oliver (whom we affectively called Ollie) was a friend of us from school who happened to live two houses across the street from Uncle Roger’s house. Since he was the only one form our friends who had a pool, it was mandatory for us to pay him a visit every summer.

Peter (8 years old) of course demanded to come with us but we outright refused, although we both enjoyed hanging out with Peter, he was still Ian’s little brother and having him around the pool will only ruin things for us "grown up" kids.

Peter tried appealing to Aunt Kate but surprisingly she agreed with us and instead offered to take Peter out for ice creams which he gladly accepted. After a quick breakfast, Ian and I changed into our swimming trunks and along with Ian’s twin sister Megan, we headed to Ollie’s house.

Once at Ollie’s house, we took of our shirts (and in Megan’s case she stripped to her one-piece bathing suit) and joined Ollie at his pool. We spent the first couple of hours swimming, splashing around and indulging in the common horseplay under Ollie’s mother watchful eye. Unfortunately for us Mother Nature had other plans. Soon the sky started getting darker and one moment we were playing in the pool and the next one we were running back to the house under a heavy rain

"Well, I’ll have to put these on the dryer" said Ollie’s mom picking up our wet clothes that we had carelessly left under the rain "you can go upstairs and play something"

"I’ll help you Mrs. H!" said Megan cheerfully, not wasting any time to look good with an adult. While the women went to the laundry, the boys went to Ollie’s room upstairs but Ollie and I haven’t set one foot on the staircase when Ian placed his arms around our shoulder grinning deviously

"Want to help me play a prank on my sister?" he asked, naturally we were interested; Ian asked Ollie if he had something to tie someone up much to my bafflement but I was even more baffled when Ollie grinned back and told us he had some duct tape and a pair karate belts. I was certainly surprised since, up to this point, our games had been limited exclusively to the boys in our family, never before Megan had been involved and much less an outsider like Ollie yet here he was now, eagerly taking out his karate belts while asking Ian how he was planning to do it.

Soon enough Megan walked happily into the room unaware of the danger she was in but upon seeing our devious grins she knew something was up and tried to leave but Ian was faster and blocked the door "What’s going on?" she asked

"Well sis, we are going to kidnap you!" Ian explained, Megan turned around looking at each of us before giving an annoyed sigh and raising her hands as a sing of surrender. Ian wasted no time in tying her hands behind her back with one of Ollie’s belts. Next he instructed her to sit on the bed, Ollie to keep an eye out in case his mother came by and me to tie Megan’s ankles with the other belt

"You know you’ll be dead when I get out of this right?" she threatened us

"Who said you were getting out of this?" Ian muttered as he tape gagged her. It was a fun sigh seeing Megan all trussed up, making funny faces as she attempted to get rid of the tape from her mouth. Ollie pinched her cheek teasing her about how she made such a cute damsel in distress, as a reply he got a kick on his shin courtesy of Megan’s bound legs.

I was too busy laughing at Ollie’s misfortune to notice Ian creeping behind me, it wasn’t until he had pulled my arms behind my back and told Ollie to fetch the tape that I even realized what was going on

"Hey! I thought we were on the same team!" I complained as Ian and Ollie forced me to lay face down on the floor

"What can I say? You make a good victim" said Ian wrapping the duct tape around my wrists, both Ollie and a gagged Megan laughed at this statement causing me to turn red

"Oh shut up Megan!" I angrily retorted as Ollie taped my ankles together, as a last touch they placed several pieces of tape over my mouth muffling my protests

"So what are we going to do with them?" asked Ollie playfully poking at Megan’s cheek while she gave him a murderous glare

"I don’t know about Megan" said Ian lazily resting his hands behind his head "But Alex is really ticklish"

"Mmpphh!" I protested shocked by Ian’s betrayal, one thing was to attack me while I wasn’t looking, but to reveal my weakness to other like that? What happened to family loyalty?

Unfortunately for me, Ollie thought it was an excellent idea and both jumped at me tickling my soles and my ribs at the same time, needless to say that by the time they were done with me I had been reduced to a shivering mess

"Is your sister ticklish too?" Ollie asked staring at Megan

"Geff avay fohm meh yeh fheak!" she yelled under her gag, if she was ticklish or not we never found out since soon after Ollie’s mom called us to have some snacks, upon hearing the word "food" Ian and Ollie forgot about their prisoners and ran downstairs leaving us alone.

It was the first time I’ve been tied up with tape and I must say I was surprised by how tight it was, my ankles felt as if they had been glued together and, as I found out while struggling, when I tried to writhe my wrists or ankles, the tape would painfully pull my hairs and skin. Megan on the other side was diligently struggling against her bonds. I watched over my shoulder as her squirming brought her closer to the edge of the bed until she gently slid down ending sitting on the floor next to me. Without giving up, she dragged herself closer to me until her body was almost touching mine, she then twisted her torso showing me her bound hands and made a grabbing gesture with them

I quickly got her plan, if we positioned ourselves back to back we could untie each other’s knots! Yet since my hands were bound by duct tape it would be harder to get them undone so I had to work on hers first.

It didn’t took me too long, although belts could be tied as tight as ropes, their knots were easier to undo. Once the knot was loose, Megan writhed her wrists until the loop was loose enough for her to slip them free. I waited for her to untie me but instead she opted to work on her legs, once they were untied she stood up pulling the tape from her mouth

I stared at her shaking my bound hands, wondering why she was taking so long to untie me, but she merely walked pass me to the door "Sorry Alex…" she said standing at the doorway "but you helped my brother get me so…think of this at your punishment!"

I let out an annoyed groan but could only helplessly watch as she left the room closing the door.

Defeated, I just laid on the ground waiting for the other boy’s return and soon enough they came running into the room. Ollie was the first one to reach me and helped me to sit up

"She really left you here?" he asked surprised

"That was mean…even for me" said Ian impressed

I nodded sullenly since I was still gagged, Ollie went to his drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors explaining that his mother was asking about my whereabouts. Taking off the tape from my wrists and ankles was really painful as I’m sure it pulled good chunks of skin and hair in the process but eventually I was free.

We went downstairs were we were greeted by Megan and Ollie’s mother with our dry clothes; soon it stopped raining long enough for us to wave goodbye at Ollie and return to my cousin’s house. I thought that our games had ended for the day, little did I know the surprise that was waiting us at home.